• v6.9.0 e54ecc8a35

    v6.9.0 Stable

    dcbot released this 2024-05-31 09:38:30 +00:00 | 51 commits to main since this release

    6.9.0 (2024-05-31)

    This feature enables DARK MODE - simply toggle the sun / moon icons to implement.

    Bug Fixes

    • added colors.scss file, start of a refactor (110ad9a)
    • added stealFocus directive (9a79f37)


    • added app settings service to handle theme persistance, fix: optimised dark mode contrast (35844e0)
    • dark mode: clarity optimizations (afa7e38)
    • dark mode: lineage and metadata (27907ed)
    • dark mode: refactoring clarity to enable dark mode, added toggle button (5564aea)
    • dark mode: removing custom css rules so clarity can handle dark/light modes. Handsontable css for dark mode (2c0afd0)

    For installation instructions, please visit https://docs.datacontroller.io/
