2020-03-26 19:19:33 +01:00

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Data Controller for SAS® - DQ Validations


Quality in, Quality out! Data Controller lets you enforce quality checks at the point of data entry, both directly via the web interface and also via Excel uploads.

Default Checks

By default, the following frontend rules are always applied:

  • Length checking per target table variable lengths
  • Type checking per target table datatypes
  • Not Null check per target table constraints
  • Primary Key checking per business key defined in MPE_TABLES

It is possible to configure a number of other rules by updating the MPE_VALIDATIONS table. Simply set the BASE_LIB, BASE_DS and BASE_COL values, and ensure RULE_ACTIVE=1 for it to be applied.

Configurable Checks

Check back frequently as we plan to keep growing this list of checks.

CASE UPCASE Will enforce uppercase of cell values. Valid values: UPCASE, LOWCASE
NOTNULL Will prevent submission if null values are present
MINVAL 1 Defines a minimum value for a numeric cell
HARDSELECT A distinct list of values (max 1000) are taken from this library.member.column reference, and the value must be in this list
SOFTSELECT LIB.DS.COL A distinct list of values (max 1000) are taken from this library.member.column reference, and the value may be in this list