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complex excel uploads
2024-01-23 17:34:36 +00:00

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article MPE_XLMAP_RULES The MPE_XLMAP_RULES table contains the rules for mapping excel cells and ranges to XLMAP_IDs for upload into SAS MPE_XLMAP_RULES Table Documentation ../img/mpe_xlmap_rules.png


The MPE_XLMAP_RULES table contains the rules for mapping excel cells and ranges to XLMAP_IDs for upload into SAS



  • TX_FROM num: SCD2 open datetime
  • 🔑 TX_TO num: SCD2 close datetime
  • 🔑 XLMAP_ID char(32): A unique, UPPERCASE reference for the excel map.
  • 🔑 XLMAP_RANGE_ID char(32): A unique reference for the specific range being loaded
  • XLMAP_SHEET char(32): The sheet name in which to capture the data. Examples:
    • Sheet2 - an absolute reference
    • /1 - the first tab in the workbook
  • XLMAP_START char(1000): The rule used to find the top left of the range. Use "R1C1" notation to move the target. Examples:
    • ABSOLUTE F4 - an absolute reference
    • RELATIVE R[2]C[2] - In the XMLMAP_START case, this is the same as ABSOLUTE B2
    • MATCH P R[0]C[2]: My Test - search column P for the string "My Test" then move 2 columns right
    • MATCH 7 R[-2]C[-1]: Top Banana - search row 7 for the string "Top Banana" then move 2 rows up and 1 column left
  • XLMAP_FINISH char(1000): The rule used to find the end of the range. Leave blank for individual cells. Example values include those listed under XLMAP_START, plus:
    • BLANKROW - search down (from XLMAP_START) until an entirely blank row is found, then choose the row above it
    • LASTDOWN - The last non blank cell below the XLMAP_START cell. In the RELATIVE R[x]C[x] case, this is offset from from XLMAP_START rather than A1