Data Controller for SAS Viya consists of a frontend, a set of Job Execution Services, a staging area, a Compute Context, and a database library. The library can be a SAS Base engine if desired, however this can cause contention (eg table locks) if end users are able to connect to the datasets directly, eg via Enterprise Guide or Base SAS.
A database that supports concurrent access is highly recommended.
Data Controller makes use of a system account for performing backend data updates and writing to the staging area. This needs to be provisioned in advance using the Viya admin-cli. The process is well described here: [](
Whilst we do recommend that Data Controller configuration tables are stored in a database for concurrency reasons, it is also possible to use a BASE engine library, which is adequate if you only have a few users.
To migrate the control library to a database, first perform a regular deployment, and afterwards you can generate the DDL and update the settings file..
All deployments of Data Controller make use of a physical staging directory. This is used to store logs, as well as CSV and Excel files uploaded by end users. This directory should NOT be accessible by end users - only the SAS system account requires access to this directory.
A typical small deployment will grow by a 5-10 mb each month. A very large enterprise customer, with 100 or more editors, might generate up to 0.5 GB or so per month, depending on the size and frequency of the Excel EUCs and CSVs being uploaded. Web modifications are restricted only to modified rows, so are typically just a few kb in size.
The Viya Compute context is used to spawn the Job Execution Services - such that those services may run under the specified system account, with a particular autoexec.
Unzip the frontend into your chosen directory (eg `/var/www/html/DataController`) on the SAS Web Server. Open `index.html` and update the following inside `dcAdapterSettings`:
-`appLoc` - this should point to the root folder on SAS Drive where you would like the Job Execution services to be created. This folder should initially, NOT exist (if it is found, the backend will not be deployed)
-`contextName` - here you should put the name of the compute context you created in the previous step.
-`dcPath` - the physical location on the filesystem to be used for staged data. This is only used at deployment time, it can be configured later in `$(appLoc)/services/` or in the autoexec if used.
-`adminGroup` - the name of an existing group, which should have unrestricted access to Data Controller. This is only used at deployment time, it can be configured later in `$(appLoc)/services/` or in the autoexec if used.
-`servertype` - should be SASVIYA
-`debug` - can stay as `false` for performance, but could be switched to `true` for debugging startup issues
-`useComputeApi` - use `true` for best performance.
Now, open https://YOURSERVER/DataController (using whichever subfolder you deployed to above) using an account that has the SAS privileges to write to the `appLoc` location.
You will be presented with a deployment screen like the one below. Be sure to check the "Recreate Database" option and then click the "Deploy" button.

Your services are deployed! And the app is operational, albeit still a little sluggish, as every single request is using the APIs to fetch the content of the `$(appLoc)/services/` file.
To improve responsiveness by another 700ms we recommend you follow the steps in [Update Compute Context Autoexec](/dci-deploysasviya/#update-compute-context-autoexec) below.
### Deploy Database
If you have a lot of users, such that concurrency (locked datasets) becomes an issue, you might consider migrating the control library to a database.
The first part to this is generating the DDL (and inserts). For this, use the DDL exporter as described [here](/admin-services/#export-database). If you need a flavour of DDL that is not yet supported, [contact us](
Step 2 is simply to run this DDL in your preferred database.
Step 3 is to update the library definition in the `$(appLoc)/services/` file using SAS Studio.
The automated deploy makes use of the SASjs CLI to create the dependent context and job execution services. In addition to the standard prerequisites (a registered viya system account and a prepared database) you will also need:
* a local copy of the [SASjs CLI](
* a Client / Secret - with an administrator group in SCOPE, and an authorization_code GRANT_TYPE. The SASjs [Viya Token Generator]( may help with this.
To configure this part (one time, manual step), we need to run a single command:
sasjs add
A sequence of command line prompts will follow for defining the target. These prompts are described [here]( Note that `appLoc` is the SAS Drive location in which the Data Controller jobs will be deployed.
### Prepare the Context JSON
This file describes the context that the CI/CD process will generate. Save this file, eg as `myContext.json`.
"name": "DataControllerContext",
"attributes": {
"reuseServerProcesses": true,
"runServerAs": "mycasaccount"
"environment": {
"autoExecLines": [