description: The Data Controller roadmap is aligned with the needs of our customers - we continue to build and prioritise on Features requested by new and existing customers.
On this page you can find details of the Features that have currently been requested, that we agree would add value to the product, and are therefore in our development roadmap.
Previously, if a user filtered on, say, "region", and then filtered on "store", they would see stores for ALL regions (not just the region/regions already selected in the filter).
We added a checkbox to the top left of the filter dialog (default ON) for "Dynamic Where Clause". Whilst enabled, whenever a list of values is requested, it is filtered using every filter clause EXCEPT the one currently being modified.
When editing a value in a grid, the values presented to the user should be filtered according to additional rules, based on the values of other cells in the same row.
The HOOK_SCRIPT can be either a SAS program on a filesystem (identified by a ".sas" extension) or the path to a registered SAS Service (STP or JES). The latter is identified by the absence of an extension.
A new table (MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY) was added to the data controller library to allow complex rules to be applied based on the SAS group and the target table. Documentation is [here](/row-level-security/)
Data Controller uses an OEM licence with the excellent [sheetJS]( library. This enables us to read pretty much any version of Excel at breakneck speeds.
By default, Data Controller will use the data model of the target table when extracting data, eg to determine whether a column should be character, numeric, date, datetime or time.
A new table (MPE_EXCEL_CONFIG) was be added to the data controller library to allow the column with the formula to be specified. See [documentation](/excel/)
When importing spreadsheets with ambiguous dates (eg 01/02 or 02/01) the ANYDTDTM. informat was using the locale of the browser (en_us) instead of that of the client's actual country, resulting in incorrect dates being loaded. This is due to the [default behaviour]( of the SAS Stored Process server.
Data Controller relies on metadata permissions (in SAS 9) or authorization rules (in Viya) to determine who can see which table.
We had a customer who was using Data Controller to provide data access to a company wide audience, most of whom did not have access to SAS client tools (such as Enterprise Guide) and so had not been set up in metadata before.
It was necessary to find a way to restrict the tables which certain groups could see, without having to tweak permissions in SAS Management Console.
Our customer was ingesting Basel III reports into SAS and needed an easy to use mechanism for extracting very specific cells and ranges from a constantly changing workbook format.
We built an approach that allowed end users to define a series of rules for importing cells and ranges from anywhere within a workbook - based on absolute / relative positioning, or using search strings.
The changes we made to deliver this feature are described [here]( and the final documentation is [here](/excel).