A full deployment involves copying a directory with static web content onto the web server. The demo deployment allows that content to be served from Stored Processes, in which case no web server access is needed. This approach is not recommended for enterprise use however, as it places unnecessary load on the STP server (the web server is much faster for serving static content).
### Stored Processes
In SAS 9, all backend logic is performed with SAS code in Stored Processes. The code is embedded within the Stored Processes (no need to deploy programs to the file system). There is no use of X commands, and no requirement for internet access.
### Staging Area
This is a backend directory, on the Application Server, in which the staged data, logs, and copies of any uploaded Excel files, are securely stored.
### Database
The library can be a SAS Base engine if desired (using datasets), however this can cause contention (eg table locks) if end users are able to connect to the datasets directly, eg via Enterprise Guide or Base SAS.
Import `/sas/import.spk` using SAS Management Console or DI Studio. Make a note of the root metadata folder location in which this was imported - as this will be added to the `appLoc` value in the `index.html` file in the [frontend](#3-deploy-the-frontend) deployment later.
When importing the library, provide the physical path in which the Staging Area should be created. The next step will use this path to create the directory. Make sure that the SAS Spawned Server account (eg `sassrv`) has WRITE access to this location
The Data Controller frontend comes pre-built, and ready to deploy to the root of the SAS Web Server (mid-tier), typically `!SASCONFIG/LevX/Web/WebServer/htdocs` in SAS 9.
If you have a database available, then we recommend you use it for storing the data controller configuration tables. This part involves migrating the data from the BASE library to your database schema, and updating the library definition in metadata.
Contact us for support with DDL and migration steps for your chosen vendor.
Nothing needs to be deployed or modified on the client device. We support a wide range of browsers (the same as SAS). Browsers make requests to the SAS Web Server, and will cache assets such as JS, CSS and images. Some items (such as dropdowns) are kept in local storage to improve responsiveness.
The front end is deployed to the SAS Web Server as described [above](/dci-deploysas9/#3-deploy-the-frontend). This requires making a dedicated public folder in the htdocs directory.
All deployments of Data Controller also make use of a staging directory. This is used to store CSV and Excel files as uploaded by end users. This directory should NOT be accessible by end users - only the SAS system account (eg `sassrv`) requires access to this directory.
A typical small deployment will grow by a 10-20 mb each month. A very large enterprise customer, with 100 or more editors, might generate up to 1 GB or so per month, depending on the size and frequency of the Excel EUCs and CSVs being uploaded. Web modifications are restricted only to modified rows, so are typically just a few kb in size.
After the installation process (which updates `public/settings` and removes the `admin/makedata` STP), there are no write actions performed against metadata.
We strongly recommend that the Data Controller configuration tables are stored in a database for concurrency reasons, however it is also possible to use a BASE engine library.
We provide the DDL for creating the tables, we have customers in production using Oracle, Postgres, Netezza, SQL Server to name a few.
Data Controller does NOT modify schemas! It will not create or drop tables, or add/modify columns or attributes. Only rows can be modified using the tool.