Allan a00d31caf3
All checks were successful
Build / Build-and-ng-test (pull_request) Successful in 1m23s
fix: closes #39 upcase issue in MPE_SECURITY
adding frontend validation rule, backend upcase enforcement rule, and modification to service code to ensure values are upcased before comparison
2023-10-07 00:11:38 +01:00

96 lines
2.7 KiB
Executable File

@brief Checks group access level for a table or library
@details In order for a user to be able to EDIT or APPROVE a table they must
be in a group that has been granted access to that table in the
MPE_SECURITY table. Alternatively, they may be in the &mpeadmins
group (which has full access to everything).
<h4> SAS Macros </h4>
@li mp_abort.sas
@li mf_getuser.sas
@li mf_verifymacvars.sas
@li mp_dropmembers.sas
@li mpe_getgroups.sas
@param [in] base_table The base table to check for
@param [in] access_level= (APPROVE) access_level (per MPE_SECURITY) reqd
@param [out] outds= (MED_ACCESSCHECK) Output table containing all the groups
the user is a member of, which are granted the access_level requested.
@version 9.2
@author 4GL Apps Ltd
@copyright 4GL Apps Ltd. This code may only be used within Data Controller
and may not be re-distributed or re-sold without the express permission of
4GL Apps Ltd.
%macro mpe_accesscheck(
,outds=med_accesscheck /* WORK table to contain access details */
,user= /* metadata user to check for */
%if &user= %then %let user=%mf_getuser();
%if %index(&outds,.) %then %do;
%local lib ds;
%let lib=%scan(&outds,1,.);
%let ds=%scan(&outds,2,.);
%if %upcase(&lib) ne WORK %then %do;
%mp_abort(msg=outds should be a WORK table
%else %let ds=&outds;
iftrue=(%mf_verifymacvars(base_table user access_level)=0)
,msg=%str(Missing base_table/user access_level)
/* ensure any existing table is dropped */
/* get list of user groups */
%local tempds1;
%let tempds1=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=usergroups);
/* get list of groups with access for that table */
%local tempds2;
%let tempds2=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=tablegroups);
proc sql;
create table &tempds2 as
select distinct sas_group
from &mpelib..mpe_security
where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to
and access_level="&access_level"
and (
(libref="%scan(&base_table,1,.)" and upcase(dsn)="%scan(&base_table,2,.)")
or (libref="%scan(&base_table,1,.)" and dsn="*ALL*")
or (libref="*ALL*")
%if &_debug ge 131 %then %do;
data _null_;
set &tempds1;
putlog (_all_)(=);
data _null_;
set &tempds2;
putlog (_all_)(=);
proc sql;
create table &outds as
select * from &tempds1
where groupname="&mpeadmins"
or groupname in (select * from &tempds2);
%put &sysmacroname: base_table=&base_table;
%put &sysmacroname: access_level=&access_level;
%mend mpe_accesscheck;