
99 lines
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@brief migration script to move from v3.13 to v4.0 of data controller
BREAKING CHANGE - deprecate filter_text
<h4> SAS Macros </h4>
@li mm_assigndirectlib.sas
filename mc url "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sasjs/core/main/all.sas";
%inc mc;
%let dclib=YOURDCLIB;
* Change 1
* New audit table
proc sql;
create table &dclib..mpe_audit(
load_ref char(36) label='unique load reference',
processed_dttm num format=E8601DT26.6 label='Processed at timestamp',
libref char(8) label='Library Reference (8 chars)',
dsn char(32) label='Dataset Name (32 chars)',
key_hash char(32) label=
'MD5 Hash of primary key values (pipe seperated)',
move_type char(1) label='Either (A)ppended, (D)eleted or (M)odified',
is_pk num label='Is Primary Key Field? (1/0)',
is_diff num label=
'Did value change? (1/0/-1). Always -1 for appends and deletes.',
tgtvar_type char(1) label='Either (C)haracter or (N)umeric',
tgtvar_nm char(32) label='Target variable name (32 chars)',
oldval_num num label='Old (numeric) value',
newval_num num label='New (numeric) value',
oldval_char char(32765) label='Old (character) value',
newval_char char(32765) label='New (character) value',
constraint pk_mpe_audit
primary key(load_ref,libref,dsn,key_hash,tgtvar_nm)
* Change 2
* Filter_text is from the old filtering mechanism where the filter string
* would be stored in a single variable
/* backup old filters */
proc sql;
create table &dclib..bkp_filters as
select * from &dclib..mpe_filteranytable
where filter_text ne 'N/A';
/* create new table without the new column */
create table work.mpe_filteranytable(
filter_rk num not null,
filter_hash char(32) not null,
filter_table char(41) not null,
processed_dttm num not null format=datetime19.,
constraint pk_mpe_filteranytable
primary key(filter_rk));
/* copy the old data across */
insert into work.mpe_filteranytable
select filter_rk, filter_hash, filter_table, processed_dttm
from &dclib..mpe_filteranytable
where filter_text ='N/A';
/* drop the old table */
proc delete data=&dclib..mpe_filteranytable;
/* copy across the new one */
proc append base=&dclib..mpe_filteranytable
/* add new loadtype */
proc sql noprint;
select max(selectbox_rk) into: maxrk
from &dclib..mpe_selectbox;
insert into &dclib..mpe_selectbox set
/* now update the metadata to match with the removed column */