--- layout: article title: Filter description: Data Controller for SAS® enable complex filters to be created on any variable. The "dynamic" where claue setting enables new values to be filtered by remaining filter clauses. Filtered views are shareable! og_image: img/filter_dynamic_on.png --- # Filtering Data Controller for SAS® enables you to create complex table filters. The "dynamic" setting enables the dropdown values to be pre-filtered by previous filter clauses. Filtered views are shareable! ## Shared Filters When filters are submitted, the query is stored, and a unique URL is generated. This means you can share the link to a filtered view of a table! This can be used for VIEW, for EDIT and also for downloading data. ![](img/filter_url.png) ## Dynamic Where Clause When filtering *without* a dynamic where clause, all values are always returned in the selection box. ![](img/filter_dynamic_off.png) By contrast, when the dynamic where clause box is checked (default), the values in the *second and subsequent* filter clauses are filtered by the previous filter clause settings, eg: ![](img/filter_dynamic_on.png)