--- layout: article title: Data Validation description: Quality in, Quality out! Enforce data quality checks at the point of SAS data entry, both directly via the web interface and also via Excel uploads. og_image: https://i.imgur.com/P64ijBB.png --- # Data Controller for SASĀ® - DQ Validations ## Overview Quality in, Quality out! Data Controller lets you enforce quality checks at the point of data entry, both directly via the web interface and also via Excel uploads. ## Default Checks By default, the following frontend rules are always applied: * Length checking per target table variable lengths * Type checking per target table datatypes (Character, Numeric, Date, Time, Datetime) * Not Null check per target table constraints * Primary Key checking per business key defined in MPE_TABLES It is possible to configure a number of other rules by updating the MPE_VALIDATIONS table. Simply set the `BASE_LIB`, `BASE_DS` and `BASE_COL` values, and ensure `RULE_ACTIVE=1` for it to be applied. ## Configurable Checks Check back frequently as we plan to keep growing this list of checks. |Rule Type|Example Value |Description| |---|---|---| |CASE|UPCASE|Will enforce the case of cell values. Valid values: UPCASE, LOWCASE, PROPCASE| |NOTNULL|(defaultval)|Will prevent submission if null values are present. Optional - provide a default value.| |MINVAL|1|Defines a minimum value for a numeric cell| |MAXVAL|1000000|Defines a maximum value for a numeric cell| |HARDSELECT|sashelp.class.name|A distinct list of values (max 1000) are taken from this library.member.column reference, and the value **must** be in this list. This list may be supplemented by entries in the MPE_SELECTBOX table.| |SOFTSELECT|dcdemo.mpe_tables.libref|A distinct list of values (max 1000) are taken from this library.member.column reference, and the user-provided value may (or may not) be in this list. This list may be supplemented by entries in the MPE_SELECTBOX table.| |[HARDSELECT_HOOK](/dynamic-cell-dropdown)|/logical/folder/stpname|A SAS service (STP or Viya Job) or a path to a SAS program on the filesystem. User provided values **must** be in this list. Cannot be used alongside a SOFTSELECT_HOOK.| |[SOFTSELECT_HOOK](/dynamic-cell-dropdown)|/physical/path/program.sas|A SAS service (STP or Viya Job) or a path to a SAS program on the filesystem. User-provided values may (or may not) be in this list. Cannot be used alongside a HARDSELECT_HOOK.| ## Dropdowns There are now actually FIVE places where you can configure dropdowns! 1. The MPE_SELECTBOX table 2. The HARDSELECT validation (library.member.column reference) 3. The SOFTSELECT validation (library.member.column reference) 4. The HARDSELECT_HOOK validation (SAS Program) 5. The SOFTSELECT_HOOK validation (SAS Program) How do these inter-operate? Well - if you have values in MPE_SELECTBOX and/or HARDSELECT / SOFTSELECT tables, they will be merged together, and served in ADDITION to the values provided by any HOOK program. Dropdowns are SOFT by default, unless a HARD rule is present. Data Controller will not let you submit both a HARDSELECT_HOOK and a SOFTSELECT_HOOK on the same variable.