# Data Controller for SASĀ® - Dates & Datetimes ## Overview Dates & datetimes are stored as plain numerics in regular SAS tables. In order for the Data Controller to recognise these values as dates / datetimes a format must be applied. ![displayed](img/dcc-dates1.png) ![source](img/dcc-dates2.png) Supported date formats: * DATE. * DDMMYY. * MMDDYY. * YYMMDD. * E8601DA. * B8601DA. * NLDATE. Supported datetime formats: * DATETIME. * NLDATM. Supported time formats: * TIME. * HHMM. In SAS 9, this format must also be present / updated in the metadata view of the (physical) table to be displayed properly. This can be done using DI Studio, or by running the following (template) code: ```sas proc metalib; omr (library="Your Library"); folder="/Shared Data/table storage location"; update_rule=(delete); run; ``` !!! note Data Controller does not support decimals when EDITING. For datetimes, this means that values must be rounded to 1 second (milliseconds are not supported). If you have other dates / datetimes / times you would like us to support, do [get in touch](https://datacontroller.io/contact)!