{ "members": [ { "name": "services", "type": "folder", "members": [ { "name": "admin", "type": "folder", "members": [ { "name": "exportconfig", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getattrn(\n libds\n ,attr\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid rc;\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds,is));\n %if &dsid = 0 %then %do;\n %put %str(WARN)ING: Cannot open %trim(&libds), system message below;\n %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n -1\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,&attr))\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n%mend mf_getattrn;\n\n\n%macro mf_nobs(libds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %mf_getattrn(&libds,NLOBS)\n%mend mf_nobs;\n\n\n%macro mp_ds2cards(base_ds, tgt_ds=\n ,cards_file=\"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/cardgen.sas\"\n ,maxobs=max\n ,random_sample=NO\n ,showlog=YES\n ,outencoding=\n ,append=NO\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local i setds nvars;\n\n%if not %sysfunc(exist(&base_ds)) %then %do;\n %put %str(WARN)ING: &base_ds does not exist;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n%if %index(&base_ds,.)=0 %then %let base_ds=WORK.&base_ds;\n%if (&tgt_ds = ) %then %let tgt_ds=&base_ds;\n%if %index(&tgt_ds,.)=0 %then %let tgt_ds=WORK.%scan(&base_ds,2,.);\n%if (\"&outencoding\" ne \"\") %then %let outencoding=encoding=\"&outencoding\";\n%if (\"&append\" = \"\" or \"&append\" = \"NO\") %then %let append=;\n%else %let append=mod;\n\n/* get varcount */\n%let nvars=0;\nproc sql noprint;\nselect count(*) into: nvars from dictionary.columns\n where upcase(libname)=\"%scan(%upcase(&base_ds),1)\"\n and upcase(memname)=\"%scan(%upcase(&base_ds),2)\";\n%if &nvars=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(WARN)ING: Dataset &base_ds has no variables, will not be converted.;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* get indexes */\nproc sort\n data=sashelp.vindex(\n where=(upcase(libname)=\"%scan(%upcase(&base_ds),1)\"\n and upcase(memname)=\"%scan(%upcase(&base_ds),2)\")\n )\n out=_data_;\n by indxname indxpos;\nrun;\n\n%local indexes;\ndata _null_;\n set &syslast end=last;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('indexes','(index=(','l');\n by indxname indxpos;\n length vars $32767 nom uni $8;\n retain vars;\n if first.indxname then do;\n idxcnt+1;\n nom='';\n uni='';\n vars=name;\n end;\n else vars=catx(' ',vars,name);\n if last.indxname then do;\n if nomiss='yes' then nom='/nomiss';\n if unique='yes' then uni='/unique';\n call symputx('indexes'\n ,catx(' ',symget('indexes'),indxname,'=(',vars,')',nom,uni)\n ,'l');\n end;\n if last then call symputx('indexes',cats(symget('indexes'),'))'),'l');\nrun;\n\n\ndata;run;\n%let setds=&syslast;\nproc sql\n%if %datatyp(&maxobs)=NUMERIC %then %do;\n outobs=&maxobs;\n%end;\n ;\n create table &setds as select * from &base_ds\n%if &random_sample=YES %then %do;\n order by ranuni(42)\n%end;\n ;\nreset outobs=max;\ncreate table datalines1 as\n select name,type,length,varnum,format,label from dictionary.columns\n where upcase(libname)=\"%upcase(%scan(&base_ds,1))\"\n and upcase(memname)=\"%upcase(%scan(&base_ds,2))\";\n\n/**\n Due to long decimals cannot use best. format\n So - use bestd. format and then use character functions to strip trailing\n zeros, if NOT an integer or missing!! Cannot use int() as it upsets\n note2err when there are missings.\n resolved code = ifc( mod(coalesce(VARIABLE,0),1)=0\n ,put(VARIABLE,best32.)\n ,substrn(put(VARIABLE,bestd32.),1\n ,findc(put(VARIABLE,bestd32.),'0','TBK')));\n**/\n\ndata datalines_2;\n format dataline $32000.;\n set datalines1 (where=(upcase(name) not in\n ('PROCESSED_DTTM','VALID_FROM_DTTM','VALID_TO_DTTM')));\n if type='num' then dataline=\n cats('ifc(mod(coalesce(',name,',0),1)=0\n ,put(',name,',best32.-l)\n ,substrn(put(',name,',bestd32.-l),1\n ,findc(put(',name,',bestd32.-l),\"0\",\"TBK\")))');\n /**\n * binary data must be converted, to store in text format. It is identified\n * by the presence of the $HEX keyword in the format.\n */\n else if upcase(format)=:'$HEX' then\n dataline=cats('put(trim(',name,'),',format,')');\n /**\n * There is no easy way to store line breaks in a cards file.\n * To discuss this, use: https://github.com/sasjs/core/issues/80\n * Removing all nonprintables with kw (keep writeable)\n */\n else dataline=cats('compress(',name,', ,\"kw\")');\nrun;\n\nproc sql noprint;\nselect dataline into: datalines separated by ',' from datalines_2;\n\n%local\n process_dttm_flg\n valid_from_dttm_flg\n valid_to_dttm_flg\n;\n%let process_dttm_flg = N;\n%let valid_from_dttm_flg = N;\n%let valid_to_dttm_flg = N;\ndata _null_;\n set datalines1 ;\n/* build attrib statement */\n if type='char' then type2='$';\n if strip(format) ne '' then format2=cats('format=',format);\n if strip(label) ne '' then label2=cats('label=',quote(trim(label)));\n str1=catx(' ',(put(name,$33.)||'length=')\n ,put(cats(type2,length),$7.)||format2,label2);\n\n\n/* Build input statement */\n if upcase(format)=:'$HEX' then type3=':'!!format;\n else if type='char' then type3=':$char.';\n str2=put(name,$33.)||type3;\n\n\n if(upcase(name) = \"PROCESSED_DTTM\") then\n call symputx(\"process_dttm_flg\", \"Y\", \"L\");\n if(upcase(name) = \"VALID_FROM_DTTM\") then\n call symputx(\"valid_from_dttm_flg\", \"Y\", \"L\");\n if(upcase(name) = \"VALID_TO_DTTM\") then\n call symputx(\"valid_to_dttm_flg\", \"Y\", \"L\");\n\n\n call symputx(cats(\"attrib_stmt_\", put(_N_, 8.)), str1, \"L\");\n call symputx(cats(\"input_stmt_\", put(_N_, 8.))\n , ifc(upcase(name) not in\n ('PROCESSED_DTTM','VALID_FROM_DTTM','VALID_TO_DTTM'), str2, \"\"), \"L\");\nrun;\n\ndata _null_;\n file &cards_file. &outencoding lrecl=32767 termstr=nl &append;\n length __attrib $32767;\n if _n_=1 then do;\n put '/**';\n put ' @file';\n put \" @brief Datalines for %upcase(%scan(&base_ds,2)) dataset\";\n put \" @details Generated by %nrstr(%%)mp_ds2cards()\";\n put \" Source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\";\n put ' @cond ';\n put '**/';\n put \"data &tgt_ds &indexes;\";\n put \"attrib \";\n %do i = 1 %to &nvars;\n __attrib=symget(\"attrib_stmt_&i\");\n put __attrib;\n %end;\n put \";\";\n\n %if &process_dttm_flg. eq Y %then %do;\n put 'retain PROCESSED_DTTM %sysfunc(datetime());';\n %end;\n %if &valid_from_dttm_flg. eq Y %then %do;\n put 'retain VALID_FROM_DTTM &low_date;';\n %end;\n %if &valid_to_dttm_flg. eq Y %then %do;\n put 'retain VALID_TO_DTTM &high_date;';\n %end;\n if __nobs=0 then do;\n put 'call missing(of _all_);/* avoid uninitialised notes */';\n put 'stop;';\n put 'run;';\n end;\n else do;\n put \"infile cards dsd;\";\n put \"input \";\n %do i = 1 %to &nvars.;\n %if(%length(&&input_stmt_&i..)) %then\n put \" &&input_stmt_&i..\";\n ;\n %end;\n put \";\";\n put 'missing a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z _;';\n put \"datalines4;\";\n end;\n end;\n set &setds end=__lastobs nobs=__nobs;\n/* remove all formats for write purposes - some have long underlying decimals */\n format _numeric_ best30.29;\n length __dataline $32767;\n __dataline=catq('cqtmb',&datalines);\n put __dataline;\n if __lastobs then do;\n put ';;;;';\n put 'run;';\n put '/** @endcond **/';\n stop;\n end;\nrun;\nproc sql;\n drop table &setds;\nquit;\n\n%if &showlog=YES %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &cards_file lrecl=32767;\n input;\n put _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%put NOTE: CARDS FILE SAVED IN:;\n%put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;\n%put NOTE- %sysfunc(dequote(&cards_file.));\n%put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;\n%mend mp_ds2cards;\n/** @endcond **/\n\n\n\n%macro mp_binarycopy(\n inloc= /* full path and filename of the object to be copied */\n ,outloc= /* full path and filename of object to be created */\n ,inref=____in /* override default to use own filerefs */\n ,outref=____out /* override default to use own filerefs */\n ,mode=CREATE\n ,iftrue=%str(1=1)\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local mod;\n\n %if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n %if &mode=APPEND %then %let mod=mod;\n\n /* these IN and OUT filerefs can point to anything */\n %if &inref = ____in %then %do;\n filename &inref &inloc lrecl=1048576 ;\n %end;\n %if &outref=____out %then %do;\n filename &outref &outloc lrecl=1048576 &mod;\n %end;\n\n /* copy the file byte-for-byte */\n data _null_;\n infile &inref lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &outref &mod recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n\n %if &inref = ____in %then %do;\n filename &inref clear;\n %end;\n %if &outref=____out %then %do;\n filename &outref clear;\n %end;\n%mend mp_binarycopy;\n\n\n\n%macro mfs_httpheader(header_name\n ,header_value\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%global sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc)) ne 0 %then %do;\n %put &=fref &=sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n%end;\n\n%let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n\n%if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n%end;\n\n%let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(&header_name): %str(&header_value)));\n%let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n\n%let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n%let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n\n%mend mfs_httpheader;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_streamfile(\n contenttype=TEXT\n ,inloc=\n ,inref=0\n ,iftrue=%str(1=1)\n ,outname=\n ,outref=_webout\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%let contentype=%upcase(&contenttype);\n%let outref=%upcase(&outref);\n%local platform; %let platform=%mf_getplatform();\n\n/**\n * check engine type to avoid the below err message:\n * > Function is only valid for filerefs using the CACHE access method.\n */\n%local streamweb;\n%let streamweb=0;\ndata _null_;\n set sashelp.vextfl(where=(upcase(fileref)=\"&outref\"));\n if xengine='STREAM' then call symputx('streamweb',1,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if &contentype=CSV %then %do;\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type','application/csv');\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-disposition',\"attachment; filename=&outname\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" name='_webout.txt'\n contenttype='application/csv'\n contentdisp=\"attachment; filename=&outname\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type,application/csv)\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-disposition,%str(attachment; filename=&outname))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &contentype=EXCEL %then %do;\n /* suitable for XLS format */\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type','application/vnd.ms-excel');\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-disposition',\"attachment; filename=&outname\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" name='_webout.xls'\n contenttype='application/vnd.ms-excel'\n contentdisp=\"attachment; filename=&outname\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type,application/vnd.ms-excel)\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-disposition,%str(attachment; filename=&outname))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &contentype=GIF or &contentype=JPEG or &contentype=PNG %then %do;\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type',\"image/%lowcase(&contenttype)\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n contenttype=\"image/%lowcase(&contenttype)\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type,image/%lowcase(&contenttype))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &contentype=HTML or &contenttype=MARKDOWN %then %do;\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type',\"text/%lowcase(&contenttype)\");\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-disposition',\"attachment; filename=&outname\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" name=\"_webout.json\"\n contenttype=\"text/%lowcase(&contenttype)\"\n contentdisp=\"attachment; filename=&outname\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type,text/%lowcase(&contenttype))\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-disposition,%str(attachment; filename=&outname))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &contentype=TEXT %then %do;\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type','application/text');\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-disposition',\"attachment; filename=&outname\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" name='_webout.txt'\n contenttype='application/text'\n contentdisp=\"attachment; filename=&outname\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type,application/text)\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-disposition,%str(attachment; filename=&outname))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &contentype=WOFF or &contentype=WOFF2 or &contentype=TTF %then %do;\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type',\"font/%lowcase(&contenttype)\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n contenttype=\"font/%lowcase(&contenttype)\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type,font/%lowcase(&contenttype))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &contentype=XLSX %then %do;\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type',\n 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet');\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-disposition',\"attachment; filename=&outname\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" name='_webout.xls'\n contenttype=\n 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet'\n contentdisp=\"attachment; filename=&outname\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type\n ,application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet\n )\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-disposition,%str(attachment; filename=&outname))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &contentype=ZIP %then %do;\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type','application/zip');\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-disposition',\"attachment; filename=&outname\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" name='_webout.zip'\n contenttype='application/zip'\n contentdisp=\"attachment; filename=&outname\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type,application/zip)\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-disposition,%str(attachment; filename=&outname))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: Content Type &contenttype NOT SUPPORTED by &sysmacroname!;\n%end;\n\n%if &inref ne 0 %then %do;\n %mp_binarycopy(inref=&inref,outref=&outref)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %mp_binarycopy(inloc=\"&inloc\",outref=&outref)\n%end;\n\n%mend mp_streamfile;\n\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Downloads zip file of DC customer configurations\n @details Zip contains several excel files, containing the customer specific\n (non-DC) configurations. Useful when migrating to a new instance of\n Data Controller.\n\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n @li mf_nobs.sas\n @li mp_ds2cards.sas\n @li mp_abort.sas\n @li mp_binarycopy.sas\n @li mp_streamfile.sas\n\n @author 4GL Apps Ltd\n @copyright 4GL Apps Ltd. This code may only be used within Data Controller\n and may not be re-distributed or re-sold without the express permission of\n 4GL Apps Ltd.\n\n**/\n\n%mpeinit()\n%let work=%sysfunc(pathname(work));\n\n/* excel does not work in all envs */\n%let mime=application/vnd.ms-excel;\n%let dbms=EXCEL;\n\n%let mime=application/csv;\n%let dbms=CSV;\n%let ext=csv;\n\n%macro conditional_export(ds);\n%if %mf_nobs(&ds)>0 %then %do;\n PROC EXPORT DATA= &ds OUTFILE= \"&work/&ds..&ext\"\n DBMS=&dbms REPLACE;\n RUN;\n ods package(ProdOutput) add file=\"&work/&ds..&ext\" mimetype=\"&mime\";\n%end;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%nrstr(syscc=&syscc after &ds prep)\n)\n%mend conditional_export;\n\n\nods package(ProdOutput) open nopf;\n\ndata MPE_ALERTS;\n set &mpelib..MPE_ALERTS;\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. le tx_to;\n drop tx_: ;\nrun;\n%conditional_export(MPE_ALERTS)\n\n\ndata MPE_COLUMN_LEVEL_SECURITY;\n set &mpelib..MPE_COLUMN_LEVEL_SECURITY;\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. le tx_to;\n where also CLS_LIBREF ne \"&mpelib\";\n drop tx_: ;\nrun;\n%conditional_export(MPE_COLUMN_LEVEL_SECURITY)\n\ndata MPE_CONFIG;\n set &mpelib..MPE_CONFIG;\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. le tx_to;\n drop tx_: ;\nrun;\n%conditional_export(MPE_CONFIG)\n\ndata MPE_DATADICTIONARY;\n set &mpelib..MPE_DATADICTIONARY;\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. le tx_to;\n drop tx_: ;\n if DD_SOURCE=:\"&mpelib\" then do;\n /* nothing */\n end;\n else output;\nrun;\n%conditional_export(MPE_DATADICTIONARY)\n\ndata MPE_EMAILS;\n set &mpelib..MPE_EMAILS;\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. le tx_to;\n drop tx_: ;\nrun;\n%conditional_export(MPE_EMAILS)\n\ndata MPE_EXCEL_CONFIG;\n set &mpelib..MPE_EXCEL_CONFIG;\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. le tx_to;\n drop tx_: ;\nrun;\n%conditional_export(MPE_EXCEL_CONFIG)\n\ndata MPE_GROUPS;\n set &mpelib..MPE_GROUPS;\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. le tx_to;\n drop tx_: ;\nrun;\n%conditional_export(MPE_GROUPS)\n\ndata MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY;\n set &mpelib..MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY;\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. le tx_to;\n drop tx_: ;\nrun;\n%conditional_export(MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY)\n\n\ndata MPE_SECURITY;\n set &mpelib..MPE_SECURITY;\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. le TX_TO;\n drop tx_: ;\nrun;\n%conditional_export(MPE_SECURITY)\n\ndata MPE_SELECTBOX;\n set &mpelib..MPE_SELECTBOX;\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. le ver_to_dttm;\n where also select_lib ne \"&mpelib\";\n drop ver_: selectbox_rk;\nrun;\n%conditional_export(MPE_SELECTBOX)\n\ndata MPE_TABLES;\n set &mpelib..MPE_TABLES;\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. le TX_TO;\n where also LIBREF ne \"&mpelib\";\n drop tx_: ;\nrun;\n%conditional_export(MPE_TABLES)\n\ndata MPE_VALIDATIONS;\n set &mpelib..MPE_VALIDATIONS;\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. le TX_TO;\n where also BASE_LIB ne \"&mpelib\";\n drop tx_: ;\nrun;\n%conditional_export(MPE_VALIDATIONS)\n\n/* finish up zip file */\nods package(ProdOutput) publish archive properties\n (archive_name=\"DCBACKUP.zip\" archive_path=\"&work\");\nods package(ProdOutput) close;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%nrstr(syscc=&syscc after zip prep)\n)\n\n/* now serve zip file to client */\n%mp_streamfile(contenttype=ZIP\n ,inloc=%str(&work/DCBACKUP.zip)\n ,outname=DCBACKUP.zip\n)\n\n* Service end;" }, { "name": "exportdb", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquefileref(prefix=_,maxtries=1000,lrecl=32767);\n %local rc fname;\n %if &prefix=0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %local x len;\n %let len=%eval(8-%length(&prefix));\n %let x=0;\n %do x=0 %to &maxtries;\n %let fname=&prefix%substr(%sysfunc(ranuni(0)),3,&len);\n %if %sysfunc(fileref(&fname)) > 0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %put unable to find available fileref after &maxtries attempts;\n %end;\n%mend mf_getuniquefileref;\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquelibref(prefix=mclib,maxtries=1000);\n %local x;\n\n %if ( %length(&prefix) gt 7 ) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: The prefix parameter cannot exceed 7 characters.;\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %if (%sysfunc(NVALID(&prefix,v7))=0) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: Invalid prefix (&prefix);\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* Set maxtries equal to '10 to the power of [# unused characters] - 1' */\n %let maxtries=%eval(10**(8-%length(&prefix))-1);\n\n %do x = 0 %to &maxtries;\n %if %sysfunc(libref(&prefix&x)) ne 0 %then %do;\n &prefix&x\n %return;\n %end;\n %let x = %eval(&x + 1);\n %end;\n\n %put %str(ERR)OR: No usable libref in range &prefix.0-&maxtries;\n %put %str(ERR)OR- Try reducing the prefix or deleting some libraries!;\n 0\n%mend mf_getuniquelibref;\n\n\n%macro mv_getusergroups(user\n ,outds=work.mv_getusergroups\n ,access_token_var=ACCESS_TOKEN\n ,grant_type=sas_services\n );\n%local oauth_bearer;\n%if &grant_type=detect %then %do;\n %if %symexist(&access_token_var) %then %let grant_type=authorization_code;\n %else %let grant_type=sas_services;\n%end;\n%if &grant_type=sas_services %then %do;\n %let oauth_bearer=oauth_bearer=sas_services;\n %let &access_token_var=;\n%end;\n%put &sysmacroname: grant_type=&grant_type;\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&grant_type ne authorization_code and &grant_type ne password\n and &grant_type ne sas_services\n )\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid value for grant_type: &grant_type)\n)\noptions noquotelenmax;\n\n%local base_uri; /* location of rest apis */\n%let base_uri=%mf_getplatform(VIYARESTAPI);\n\n/* fetching folder details for provided path */\n%local fname1;\n%let fname1=%mf_getuniquefileref();\n%let libref1=%mf_getuniquelibref();\n\nproc http method='GET' out=&fname1 &oauth_bearer\n url=\"&base_uri/identities/users/&user/memberships?limit=10000\";\n headers\n%if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\"\n%end;\n \"Accept\"=\"application/json\";\nrun;\n/*data _null_;infile &fname1;input;putlog _infile_;run;*/\n%if &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE=404 %then %do;\n %put NOTE: User &user not found!!;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %mp_abort(iftrue=(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE ne 200)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_PHRASE)\n )\n%end;\nlibname &libref1 JSON fileref=&fname1;\n\ndata &outds;\n set &libref1..items;\nrun;\n\n/* clear refs */\nfilename &fname1 clear;\nlibname &libref1 clear;\n\n%mend mv_getusergroups;\n\n\n%macro dc_getusergroups(user=,outds=mm_getgroups);\n %mv_getusergroups(&user,outds=&outds)\n data &outds;\n length groupname groupdesc $256;\n set &outds(rename=(id=groupname name=groupdesc));\n run;\n%mend dc_getusergroups;\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_getgroups(user=,outds=);\n\n %if not %symexist(dc_repo_users) %then %let dc_repo_users=foundation;\n\n %dc_getusergroups(user=&user,outds=&outds)\n\n data;\n length groupname groupdesc $256;\n set &dc_libref..mpe_groups;\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to;\n where also upcase(user_name)=\"%upcase(&user)\";\n groupname=group_name;\n groupdesc=group_desc;\n keep groupname groupdesc;\n run;\n\n data &outds;\n set &syslast &outds(keep=groupname groupdesc);\n run;\n\n%mend mpe_getgroups;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_existfileref(fref\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %local rc;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fileref(&fref));\n %if &rc=0 %then %do;\n 1\n %end;\n %else %if &rc<0 %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Fileref &fref exists but the underlying file does not;\n 1\n %end;\n %else %do;\n 0\n %end;\n\n%mend mf_existfileref;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getvarcount(libds,typefilter=A\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid nvars rc outcnt x;\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds));\n %let nvars=.;\n %let outcnt=0;\n %let typefilter=%upcase(&typefilter);\n %if &dsid %then %do;\n %let nvars=%sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,NVARS));\n %if &typefilter=A %then %let outcnt=&nvars;\n %else %if &nvars>0 %then %do x=1 %to &nvars;\n /* increment based on variable type */\n %if %sysfunc(vartype(&dsid,&x))=&typefilter %then %do;\n %let outcnt=%eval(&outcnt+1);\n %end;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put unable to open &libds (rc=&dsid);\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n &outcnt\n%mend mf_getvarcount;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquename(prefix=MC);\n&prefix.%substr(%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32-%length(&prefix))\n%mend mf_getuniquename;\n\n\n%macro mf_isblank(param\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %sysevalf(%superq(param)=,boolean)\n\n%mend mf_isblank;\n\n\n%macro mp_dropmembers(\n list /* space separated list of datasets / views */\n ,libref=WORK /* can only drop from a single library at a time */\n ,iftrue=%str(1=1)\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n %if %mf_isblank(&list) %then %do;\n %put NOTE: nothing to drop!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n proc datasets lib=&libref nolist;\n delete &list;\n delete &list /mtype=view;\n run;\n%mend mp_dropmembers;\n\n\n%macro mp_getconstraints(lib=WORK\n ,ds=\n ,outds=mp_getconstraints\n ,mdebug=0\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%let lib=%upcase(&lib);\n%let ds=%upcase(&ds);\n\n/**\n * Cater for environments where sashelp.vcncolu is not available\n */\n%if %sysfunc(exist(sashelp.vcncolu,view))=0 %then %do;\n proc sql;\n create table &outds(\n libref char(8)\n ,TABLE_NAME char(32)\n ,constraint_type char(8) label='Constraint Type'\n ,constraint_name char(32) label='Constraint Name'\n ,column_name char(32) label='Column'\n ,constraint_order num\n );\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Neither dictionary tables nor sashelp provides a constraint order column,\n * however they DO arrive in the correct order. So, create the col.\n **/\n%local vw;\n%let vw=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mp_getconstraints_vw_);\ndata &vw /view=&vw;\n set sashelp.vcncolu;\n where table_catalog=\"&lib\";\n\n /* use retain approach to reset the constraint order with each constraint */\n length tmp $1000;\n retain tmp;\n drop tmp;\n if tmp ne catx('|',table_catalog,table_name,constraint_name) then do;\n constraint_order=1;\n end;\n else constraint_order+1;\n tmp=catx('|',table_catalog, table_name,constraint_name);\nrun;\n\n/* must use SQL as proc datasets does not support length changes */\nproc sql noprint;\ncreate table &outds as\n select upcase(a.TABLE_CATALOG) as libref\n ,upcase(a.TABLE_NAME) as TABLE_NAME\n ,a.constraint_type\n ,a.constraint_name\n ,b.column_name\n ,b.constraint_order\n from dictionary.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS a\n left join &vw b\n on upcase(a.TABLE_CATALOG)=upcase(b.TABLE_CATALOG)\n and upcase(a.TABLE_NAME)=upcase(b.TABLE_NAME)\n and a.constraint_name=b.constraint_name\n/**\n * We cannot apply this clause to the underlying dictionary table. See:\n * https://communities.sas.com/t5/SAS-Programming/Unexpected-Where-Clause-behaviour-in-dictionary-TABLE/m-p/771554#M244867\n * cannot use`where calculated libref=\"&lib\"` either as it will STILL execute\n * all the underlying constraint queries, causing exception errors in some\n * cases: https://github.com/sasjs/core/issues/283\n */\n where a.TABLE_CATALOG=\"&lib\"\n %if \"&ds\" ne \"\" %then %do;\n and upcase(a.TABLE_NAME)=\"&ds\"\n and upcase(b.TABLE_NAME)=\"&ds\"\n %end;\n order by libref, table_name, constraint_name, constraint_order\n ;\n\n/* tidy up */\n%mp_dropmembers(\n &vw,\n iftrue=(&mdebug=0)\n)\n\n%mend mp_getconstraints;\n\n\n%macro mp_getddl(libref,ds,fref=getddl,flavour=SAS,showlog=NO,schema=\n ,applydttm=NO\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n/* check fileref is assigned */\n%if %mf_existfileref(&fref)=0 %then %do;\n filename &fref temp ;\n%end;\n\n%if %length(&libref)=0 %then %let libref=WORK;\n%let flavour=%upcase(&flavour);\n\nproc sql noprint;\ncreate table _data_ as\n select * from dictionary.tables\n where upcase(libname)=\"%upcase(&libref)\"\n and memtype='DATA' /* views not currently supported */\n %if %length(&ds)>0 %then %do;\n and upcase(memname)=\"%upcase(&ds)\"\n %end;\n ;\n%local tabinfo; %let tabinfo=&syslast;\n\ncreate table _data_ as\n select * from dictionary.columns\n where upcase(libname)=\"%upcase(&libref)\"\n %if %length(&ds)>0 %then %do;\n and upcase(memname)=\"%upcase(&ds)\"\n %end;\n ;\n%local colinfo; %let colinfo=&syslast;\n\n%local dsnlist;\n select distinct upcase(memname) into: dsnlist\n separated by ' '\n from &syslast\n;\n\ncreate table _data_ as\n select * from dictionary.indexes\n where upcase(libname)=\"%upcase(&libref)\"\n %if %length(&ds)>0 %then %do;\n and upcase(memname)=\"%upcase(&ds)\"\n %end;\n order by idxusage, indxname, indxpos\n ;\n%local idxinfo; %let idxinfo=&syslast;\n\n/* Extract all Primary Key and Unique data constraints */\n%mp_getconstraints(lib=%upcase(&libref),ds=%upcase(&ds),outds=_data_)\n%local colconst; %let colconst=&syslast;\n\n%macro addConst();\n %global constraints_used;\n data _null_;\n length ctype $11 constraint_name_orig $256 constraints_used $5000;\n set &colconst(\n where=(table_name=\"&curds\" and constraint_type in ('PRIMARY','UNIQUE'))\n ) end=last;\n file &fref mod;\n by constraint_type constraint_name;\n retain constraints_used;\n constraint_name_orig=constraint_name;\n if upcase(strip(constraint_type)) = 'PRIMARY' then ctype='PRIMARY KEY';\n else ctype=strip(constraint_type);\n %if &flavour=TSQL %then %do;\n column_name=catt('[',column_name,']');\n constraint_name=catt('[',constraint_name,']');\n %end;\n %else %if &flavour=PGSQL %then %do;\n column_name=catt('\"',column_name,'\"');\n constraint_name=catt('\"',constraint_name,'\"');\n %end;\n if first.constraint_name then do;\n constraints_used = catx(' ', constraints_used, constraint_name_orig);\n put \" ,CONSTRAINT \" constraint_name ctype \"(\" ;\n put ' ' column_name;\n end;\n else put ' ,' column_name;\n if last.constraint_name then do;\n put \" )\";\n call symput('constraints_used',strip(constraints_used));\n end;\n run;\n %put &=constraints_used;\n%mend addConst;\n\ndata _null_;\n file &fref mod;\n put \"/* DDL generated by &sysuserid on %sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.) */\";\nrun;\n\n%local x curds;\n%if &flavour=SAS %then %do;\n %do x=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&dsnlist));\n %let curds=%scan(&dsnlist,&x);\n data _null_;\n file &fref mod;\n put \"/* SAS Flavour DDL for %upcase(&libref).&curds */\";\n put \"proc sql;\";\n run;\n data _null_;\n file &fref mod;\n length lab $1024 typ $20;\n set &colinfo (where=(upcase(memname)=\"&curds\")) end=last;\n\n if _n_=1 then do;\n if memtype='DATA' then do;\n put \"create table &libref..&curds(\";\n end;\n else do;\n /* just a placeholder - we filter out views at the top */\n put \"create view &libref..&curds(\";\n end;\n put \" \"@@;\n end;\n else put \" ,\"@@;\n if length(format)>1 then fmt=\" format=\"!!cats(format);\n if length(label)>1 then\n lab=\" label=\"!!cats(\"'\",tranwrd(label,\"'\",\"''\"),\"'\");\n if notnull='yes' then notnul=' not null';\n if type='char' then typ=cats('char(',length,')');\n else if length ne 8 then typ='num length='!!cats(length);\n else typ='num';\n put name typ fmt notnul lab;\n run;\n\n /* Extra step for data constraints */\n %addConst()\n\n data _null_;\n file &fref mod;\n put ');';\n run;\n\n /* Create Unique Indexes, but only if they were not already defined within\n the Constraints section. */\n data _null_;\n *length ds $128;\n set &idxinfo(\n where=(\n memname=\"&curds\"\n and unique='yes'\n and indxname not in (\n %sysfunc(tranwrd(\"&constraints_used\",%str( ),%str(\",\")))\n )\n )\n );\n file &fref mod;\n by idxusage indxname;\n/* ds=cats(libname,'.',memname); */\n if first.indxname then do;\n put 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ' indxname \"ON &libref..&curds (\" ;\n put ' ' name ;\n end;\n else put ' ,' name ;\n *else put ' ,' name ;\n if last.indxname then do;\n put ');';\n end;\n run;\n\n/*\n ods output IntegrityConstraints=ic;\n proc contents data=testali out2=info;\n run;\n */\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &flavour=TSQL %then %do;\n /* if schema does not exist, set to be same as libref */\n %local schemaactual;\n proc sql noprint;\n select sysvalue into: schemaactual\n from dictionary.libnames\n where upcase(libname)=\"&libref\" and engine='SQLSVR';\n %let schema=%sysfunc(coalescec(&schemaactual,&schema,&libref));\n\n %do x=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&dsnlist));\n %let curds=%scan(&dsnlist,&x);\n data _null_;\n file &fref mod;\n put \"/* TSQL Flavour DDL for &schema..&curds */\";\n data _null_;\n file &fref mod;\n set &colinfo (where=(upcase(memname)=\"&curds\")) end=last;\n if _n_=1 then do;\n if memtype='DATA' then do;\n put \"create table [&schema].[&curds](\";\n end;\n else do;\n /* just a placeholder - we filter out views at the top */\n put \"create view [&schema].[&curds](\";\n end;\n put \" \"@@;\n end;\n else put \" ,\"@@;\n format=upcase(format);\n if 1=0 then; /* dummy if */\n %if &applydttm=YES %then %do;\n else if format=:'DATETIME' then fmt='[datetime2](7) ';\n %end;\n else if type='num' then fmt='[decimal](18,2)';\n else if length le 8000 then fmt='[varchar]('!!cats(length)!!')';\n else fmt=cats('[varchar](max)');\n if notnull='yes' then notnul=' NOT NULL';\n put \"[\" name +(-1) \"]\" fmt notnul;\n run;\n\n /* Extra step for data constraints */\n %addConst()\n\n /* Create Unique Indexes, but only if they were not already defined within\n the Constraints section. */\n data _null_;\n *length ds $128;\n set &idxinfo(\n where=(\n memname=\"&curds\"\n and unique='yes'\n and indxname not in (\n %sysfunc(tranwrd(\"&constraints_used\",%str( ),%str(\",\")))\n )\n )\n );\n file &fref mod;\n by idxusage indxname;\n *ds=cats(libname,'.',memname);\n if first.indxname then do;\n /* add nonclustered in case of multiple unique indexes */\n put ' ,index [' indxname +(-1) '] UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED (';\n put ' [' name +(-1) ']';\n end;\n else put ' ,[' name +(-1) ']';\n if last.indxname then do;\n put ' )';\n end;\n run;\n\n data _null_;\n file &fref mod;\n put ')';\n put 'GO';\n run;\n\n /* add extended properties for labels */\n data _null_;\n file &fref mod;\n length nm $64 lab $1024;\n set &colinfo (where=(upcase(memname)=\"&curds\" and label ne '')) end=last;\n nm=cats(\"N'\",tranwrd(name,\"'\",\"''\"),\"'\");\n lab=cats(\"N'\",tranwrd(label,\"'\",\"''\"),\"'\");\n put ' ';\n put \"EXEC sys.sp_addextendedproperty \";\n put \" @name=N'MS_Description',@value=\" lab ;\n put \" ,@level0type=N'SCHEMA',@level0name=N'&schema' \";\n put \" ,@level1type=N'TABLE',@level1name=N'&curds'\";\n put \" ,@level2type=N'COLUMN',@level2name=\" nm ;\n if last then put 'GO';\n run;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &flavour=PGSQL %then %do;\n /* if schema does not exist, set to be same as libref */\n %local schemaactual;\n proc sql noprint;\n select sysvalue into: schemaactual\n from dictionary.libnames\n where upcase(libname)=\"&libref\" and engine='POSTGRES';\n %let schema=%sysfunc(coalescec(&schemaactual,&schema,&libref));\n data _null_;\n file &fref mod;\n put \"CREATE SCHEMA &schema;\";\n %do x=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&dsnlist));\n %let curds=%scan(&dsnlist,&x);\n %local curdsvarcount;\n %let curdsvarcount=%mf_getvarcount(&libref..&curds);\n %if &curdsvarcount>1600 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n file &fref mod;\n put \"/* &libref..&curds contains &curdsvarcount vars */\";\n put \"/* Postgres cannot create tables with over 1600 vars */\";\n put \"/* No DDL will be generated for this table\";\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n data _null_;\n file &fref mod;\n put \"/* Postgres Flavour DDL for &schema..&curds */\";\n data _null_;\n file &fref mod;\n set &colinfo (where=(upcase(memname)=\"&curds\")) end=last;\n length fmt $32;\n if _n_=1 then do;\n if memtype='DATA' then do;\n put \"CREATE TABLE &schema..&curds (\";\n end;\n else do;\n /* just a placeholder - we filter out views at the top */\n put \"CREATE VIEW &schema..&curds (\";\n end;\n put \" \"@@;\n end;\n else put \" ,\"@@;\n format=upcase(format);\n if 1=0 then; /* dummy if */\n %if &applydttm=YES %then %do;\n else if format=:'DATETIME' then fmt=' TIMESTAMP ';\n %end;\n else if type='num' then fmt=' DOUBLE PRECISION';\n else fmt='VARCHAR('!!cats(length)!!')';\n if notnull='yes' then notnul=' NOT NULL';\n /* quote column names in case they represent reserved words */\n name2=quote(trim(name));\n put name2 fmt notnul;\n run;\n\n /* Extra step for data constraints */\n %addConst()\n\n data _null_;\n file &fref mod;\n put ');';\n run;\n\n /* Create Unique Indexes, but only if they were not already defined within\n the Constraints section. */\n data _null_;\n *length ds $128;\n set &idxinfo(\n where=(\n memname=\"&curds\"\n and unique='yes'\n and indxname not in (\n %sysfunc(tranwrd(\"&constraints_used\",%str( ),%str(\",\")))\n )\n )\n );\n file &fref mod;\n by idxusage indxname;\n if first.indxname then do;\n put 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX \"' indxname +(-1) '\" ' \"ON &schema..&curds(\";\n put ' \"' name +(-1) '\"' ;\n end;\n else put ' ,\"' name +(-1) '\"';\n if last.indxname then do;\n put ');';\n end;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n%end;\n%if %upcase(&showlog)=YES %then %do;\n options ps=max;\n data _null_;\n infile &fref;\n input;\n putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mp_getddl;\n\n\n%macro mf_getVarFormat(libds /* two level ds name */\n , var /* variable name from which to return the format */\n , force=0\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid vnum vformat rc vlen vtype;\n /* Open dataset */\n %let dsid = %sysfunc(open(&libds));\n %if &dsid > 0 %then %do;\n /* Get variable number */\n %let vnum = %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid, &var));\n /* Get variable format */\n %if(&vnum > 0) %then %let vformat=%sysfunc(varfmt(&dsid, &vnum));\n %else %do;\n %put NOTE: Variable &var does not exist in &libds;\n %let rc = %sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: dataset &libds not opened! (rc=&dsid);\n %put &sysmacroname: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* supply a default if no format available */\n %if %length(&vformat)<2 & &force=1 %then %do;\n %let vlen = %sysfunc(varlen(&dsid, &vnum));\n %let vtype = %sysfunc(vartype(&dsid, &vnum.));\n %if &vtype=C %then %let vformat=$&vlen..;\n %else %let vformat=best.;\n %end;\n\n\n /* Close dataset */\n %let rc = %sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n /* Return variable format */\n &vformat\n%mend mf_getVarFormat;\n\n\n%macro mf_getvarlist(libds\n ,dlm=%str( )\n ,quote=no\n ,typefilter=A\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n /* declare local vars */\n %local outvar dsid nvars x rc dlm q var vtype;\n\n /* credit Rowland Hale - byte34 is double quote, 39 is single quote */\n %if %upcase("e)=DOUBLE %then %let q=%qsysfunc(byte(34));\n %else %if %upcase("e)=SINGLE %then %let q=%qsysfunc(byte(39));\n /* open dataset in macro */\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds));\n\n %if &dsid %then %do;\n %let nvars=%sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,NVARS));\n %if &nvars>0 %then %do;\n /* add variables with supplied delimeter */\n %do x=1 %to &nvars;\n /* get variable type */\n %let vtype=%sysfunc(vartype(&dsid,&x));\n %if &vtype=&typefilter or &typefilter=A %then %do;\n %let var=&q.%sysfunc(varname(&dsid,&x))&q.;\n %if &var=&q&q %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Empty column found in &libds!;\n %let var=&q. &q.;\n %end;\n %if %quote(&outvar)=%quote() %then %let outvar=&var;\n %else %let outvar=&outvar.&dlm.&var.;\n %end;\n %end;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Unable to open &libds (rc=&dsid);\n %put &sysmacroname: SYSMSG= %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n %do;%unquote(&outvar)%end;\n%mend mf_getvarlist;\n\n\n%macro mf_getvartype(libds /* two level name */\n , var /* variable name from which to return the type */\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid vnum vtype rc;\n /* Open dataset */\n %let dsid = %sysfunc(open(&libds));\n %if &dsid. > 0 %then %do;\n /* Get variable number */\n %let vnum = %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid, &var));\n /* Get variable type (C/N) */\n %if(&vnum. > 0) %then %let vtype = %sysfunc(vartype(&dsid, &vnum.));\n %else %do;\n %put NOTE: Variable &var does not exist in &libds;\n %let vtype = %str( );\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: dataset &libds not opened! (rc=&dsid);\n %put &sysmacroname: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* Close dataset */\n %let rc = %sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n /* Return variable type */\n &vtype\n%mend mf_getvartype;\n\n\n%macro mp_ds2inserts(ds, outref=0,schema=0,outds=0,flavour=SAS,maxobs=max\n ,applydttm=YES\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if not %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) %then %do;\n %put %str(WAR)NING: &ds does not exist;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n%if not %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) %then %do;\n %put %str(WAR)NING: &ds does not exist;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n%if %index(&ds,.)=0 %then %let ds=WORK.&ds;\n\n%let flavour=%upcase(&flavour);\n%if &flavour ne SAS and &flavour ne PGSQL %then %do;\n %put %str(WAR)NING: &flavour is not supported;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n%if &outref=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(WAR)NING: Please provide a fileref;\n %return;\n%end;\n%if %mf_existfileref(&outref)=0 %then %do;\n filename &outref temp lrecl=66000;\n%end;\n\n%if &schema=0 %then %let schema=;\n%else %let schema=&schema..;\n\n%if &outds=0 %then %let outds=%scan(&ds,2,.);\n\n%local nobs;\nproc sql noprint;\nselect count(*) into: nobs TRIMMED from &ds;\n%if &nobs=0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n file &outref mod;\n put \"/* No rows found in &ds */\";\n run;\n%end;\n\n%local vars;\n%let vars=%mf_getvarcount(&ds);\n%if &vars=0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n file &outref mod;\n put \"/* No columns found in &schema.&ds */\";\n run;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if &vars>1600 and &flavour=PGSQL %then %do;\n data _null_;\n file &fref mod;\n put \"/* &schema.&ds contains &vars vars */\";\n put \"/* Postgres cannot handle tables with over 1600 vars */\";\n put \"/* No inserts will be generated for this table */\";\n run;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n%local varlist varlistcomma;\n%let varlist=%mf_getvarlist(&ds);\n%let varlistcomma=%mf_getvarlist(&ds,dlm=%str(,),quote=double);\n\n/* next, export data */\ndata _null_;\n file &outref mod ;\n if _n_=1 then put \"/* &schema.&outds (&nobs rows, &vars columns) */\";\n set &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne max %then %do;\n if _n_>&maxobs then stop;\n %end;\n length _____str $32767;\n call missing(_____str);\n format _numeric_ best.;\n format _character_ ;\n %local i comma var vtype vfmt;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&varlist));\n %let var=%scan(&varlist,&i);\n %let vtype=%mf_getvartype(&ds,&var);\n %let vfmt=%upcase(%mf_getvarformat(&ds,&var,force=1));\n %if &i=1 %then %do;\n %if &flavour=SAS %then %do;\n put \"insert into &schema.&outds set \";\n put \" &var=\"@;\n %end;\n %else %if &flavour=PGSQL %then %do;\n _____str=cats(\n \"INSERT INTO &schema.&outds (\"\n ,symget('varlistcomma')\n ,\") VALUES (\"\n );\n put _____str;\n put \" \"@;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %if &flavour=SAS %then %do;\n put \" ,&var=\"@;\n %end;\n %else %if &flavour=PGSQL %then %do;\n put \" ,\"@;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &vtype=N %then %do;\n %if &flavour=SAS %then %do;\n put &var;\n %end;\n %else %if &flavour=PGSQL %then %do;\n if missing(&var) then put 'NULL';\n %if &applydttm=YES and \"%substr(&vfmt.xxxxxxxx,1,8)\"=\"DATETIME\"\n %then %do;\n else put \"TIMESTAMP '\" &var E8601DT25.6 \"'\";\n %end;\n %else %do;\n else put &var;\n %end;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n _____str=\"'\"!!trim(tranwrd(&var,\"'\",\"''\"))!!\"'\";\n put _____str;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &flavour=SAS %then %do;\n put ';';\n %end;\n %else %if &flavour=PGSQL %then %do;\n put ');';\n %end;\n\n if _n_=&nobs then put /;\nrun;\n\n%mend mp_ds2inserts;\n\n\n%macro mp_lib2inserts(lib\n ,flavour=SAS\n ,outref=0\n ,schema=0\n ,maxobs=max\n ,applydttm=YES\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n/* Find the tables */\n%local x ds memlist;\nproc sql noprint;\nselect distinct lowcase(memname)\n into: memlist\n separated by ' '\n from dictionary.tables\n where upcase(libname)=\"%upcase(&lib)\"\n and memtype='DATA'; /* exclude views */\n\n\n%let flavour=%upcase(&flavour);\n%if &flavour ne SAS and &flavour ne PGSQL %then %do;\n %put %str(WAR)NING: &flavour is not supported;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n\n/* create the inserts */\n%do x=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&memlist));\n %let ds=%scan(&memlist,&x);\n %mp_ds2inserts(&lib..&ds\n ,outref=&outref\n ,schema=&schema\n ,outds=&ds\n ,flavour=&flavour\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ,applydttm=&applydttm\n )\n%end;\n\n%mend mp_lib2inserts;\n\n\n%macro mfs_httpheader(header_name\n ,header_value\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%global sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc)) ne 0 %then %do;\n %put &=fref &=sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n%end;\n\n%let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n\n%if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n%end;\n\n%let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(&header_name): %str(&header_value)));\n%let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n\n%let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n%let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n\n%mend mfs_httpheader;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_binarycopy(\n inloc= /* full path and filename of the object to be copied */\n ,outloc= /* full path and filename of object to be created */\n ,inref=____in /* override default to use own filerefs */\n ,outref=____out /* override default to use own filerefs */\n ,mode=CREATE\n ,iftrue=%str(1=1)\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local mod;\n\n %if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n %if &mode=APPEND %then %let mod=mod;\n\n /* these IN and OUT filerefs can point to anything */\n %if &inref = ____in %then %do;\n filename &inref &inloc lrecl=1048576 ;\n %end;\n %if &outref=____out %then %do;\n filename &outref &outloc lrecl=1048576 &mod;\n %end;\n\n /* copy the file byte-for-byte */\n data _null_;\n infile &inref lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &outref &mod recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n\n %if &inref = ____in %then %do;\n filename &inref clear;\n %end;\n %if &outref=____out %then %do;\n filename &outref clear;\n %end;\n%mend mp_binarycopy;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_streamfile(\n contenttype=TEXT\n ,inloc=\n ,inref=0\n ,iftrue=%str(1=1)\n ,outname=\n ,outref=_webout\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%let contentype=%upcase(&contenttype);\n%let outref=%upcase(&outref);\n%local platform; %let platform=%mf_getplatform();\n\n/**\n * check engine type to avoid the below err message:\n * > Function is only valid for filerefs using the CACHE access method.\n */\n%local streamweb;\n%let streamweb=0;\ndata _null_;\n set sashelp.vextfl(where=(upcase(fileref)=\"&outref\"));\n if xengine='STREAM' then call symputx('streamweb',1,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if &contentype=CSV %then %do;\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type','application/csv');\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-disposition',\"attachment; filename=&outname\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" name='_webout.txt'\n contenttype='application/csv'\n contentdisp=\"attachment; filename=&outname\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type,application/csv)\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-disposition,%str(attachment; filename=&outname))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &contentype=EXCEL %then %do;\n /* suitable for XLS format */\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type','application/vnd.ms-excel');\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-disposition',\"attachment; filename=&outname\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" name='_webout.xls'\n contenttype='application/vnd.ms-excel'\n contentdisp=\"attachment; filename=&outname\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type,application/vnd.ms-excel)\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-disposition,%str(attachment; filename=&outname))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &contentype=GIF or &contentype=JPEG or &contentype=PNG %then %do;\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type',\"image/%lowcase(&contenttype)\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n contenttype=\"image/%lowcase(&contenttype)\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type,image/%lowcase(&contenttype))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &contentype=HTML or &contenttype=MARKDOWN %then %do;\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type',\"text/%lowcase(&contenttype)\");\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-disposition',\"attachment; filename=&outname\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" name=\"_webout.json\"\n contenttype=\"text/%lowcase(&contenttype)\"\n contentdisp=\"attachment; filename=&outname\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type,text/%lowcase(&contenttype))\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-disposition,%str(attachment; filename=&outname))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &contentype=TEXT %then %do;\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type','application/text');\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-disposition',\"attachment; filename=&outname\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" name='_webout.txt'\n contenttype='application/text'\n contentdisp=\"attachment; filename=&outname\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type,application/text)\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-disposition,%str(attachment; filename=&outname))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &contentype=WOFF or &contentype=WOFF2 or &contentype=TTF %then %do;\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type',\"font/%lowcase(&contenttype)\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n contenttype=\"font/%lowcase(&contenttype)\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type,font/%lowcase(&contenttype))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &contentype=XLSX %then %do;\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type',\n 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet');\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-disposition',\"attachment; filename=&outname\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" name='_webout.xls'\n contenttype=\n 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet'\n contentdisp=\"attachment; filename=&outname\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type\n ,application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet\n )\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-disposition,%str(attachment; filename=&outname))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &contentype=ZIP %then %do;\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type','application/zip');\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-disposition',\"attachment; filename=&outname\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" name='_webout.zip'\n contenttype='application/zip'\n contentdisp=\"attachment; filename=&outname\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type,application/zip)\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-disposition,%str(attachment; filename=&outname))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: Content Type &contenttype NOT SUPPORTED by &sysmacroname!;\n%end;\n\n%if &inref ne 0 %then %do;\n %mp_binarycopy(inref=&inref,outref=&outref)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %mp_binarycopy(inloc=\"&inloc\",outref=&outref)\n%end;\n\n%mend mp_streamfile;\n\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Exports the data controller library in DB specific DDL\n @details If user is in the administrator group, they can call this\n service directly adding the following URL params:\n\n @li &flavour= (only PGSQL supported at this time)\n @li &schema= (optional, if target schema is needed)\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n @li mp_abort.sas\n @li mp_getddl.sas\n @li mp_lib2inserts.sas\n @li mp_streamfile.sas\n @li mpe_getgroups.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author 4GL Apps Ltd\n @copyright 4GL Apps Ltd. This code may only be used within Data Controller\n and may not be re-distributed or re-sold without the express permission of\n 4GL Apps Ltd.\n\n**/\n\n%mpeinit()\n\n%global flavour schema;\n/* if no flavour is specified, default to SAS */\n%let flavour=%sysfunc(coalescec(&flavour,SAS));\n\n/* if no schema var provided, DC Libref is used */\n%let schema=%sysfunc(coalescec(&schema,&dc_libref));\n\n/* check user is in admin group */\n%mpe_getgroups(user=%mf_getuser(),outds=work.usergroups)\n\ndata work.admins;\n set work.usergroups;\n put (_all_)(=);\nrun;\n\n%let cnt=0;\nproc sql noprint;\nselect count(*) into:cnt\n from usergroups\n where groupname=\"&mpeadmins\";\n%put &=cnt;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&cnt=0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(The &DC_LIBREF library can only be exported by &mpeadmins members)\n)\n\n%mp_getddl(&DC_LIBREF\n ,flavour=&flavour\n ,schema=&schema\n ,applydttm=YES\n ,fref=tmpref\n)\n\n%mp_lib2inserts(&DC_LIBREF,flavour=&flavour,schema=&schema, outref=tmpref)\n\n%mp_streamfile(contenttype=TEXT\n ,inref=tmpref\n ,outname=&dc_libref..ddl\n)\n\n* Service end;" }, { "name": "makedata", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_getvars(injs,outds);\n /* load parameters */\n data _null_;\n __dummychar='';__dummynum=0;\n set &outds;\n array __charvals _character_;\n do over __charvals;\n call symputx(vname(__charvals),__charvals,'g');\n end;\n array __numvals _numeric_;\n do over __numvals;\n call symputx(vname(__numvals),__numvals,'g');\n end;\n run;\n%mend mpe_getvars;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_increment(macro_name,incr=1);\n\n /* iterate the value */\n %let ¯o_name=%eval(&&¯o_name+&incr);\n /* return the value */\n &&¯o_name\n\n%mend mf_increment;\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_makedata(lib=,mpeadmins=,path=);\n%if &syscc ne 0 %then %do;\n %put syscc=&syscc exiting &sysmacroname;\n %return;\n%end;\n\nproc sql;\ninsert into &lib..mpe_column_level_security set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC9999:23:59:59'dt\n ,CLS_SCOPE='EDIT'\n ,CLS_GROUP='AllUsers'\n ,CLS_LIBREF=\"&lib\"\n ,CLS_TABLE='MPE_LOCKANYTABLE'\n ,CLS_VARIABLE_NM='LOCK_STATUS_CD'\n ,CLS_ACTIVE=1\n ,CLS_HIDE=0;\n\ninsert into &lib..mpe_config set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC9999:23:59:59'dt\n ,var_scope=\"DC\"\n ,var_name=\"DC_EMAIL_ALERTS\"\n ,var_value='NO'\n ,var_active=1\n ,var_desc='YES or NO to enable email alerts. Note - this requires email '\n !!'options to be preconfigured! They can be configured in the '\n !!'settings stp if needed.';\ninsert into &lib..mpe_config set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC9999:23:59:59'dt\n ,var_scope=\"DC\"\n ,var_name=\"DC_VIEWLIB_CHECK\"\n ,var_value='NO'\n ,var_active=1\n ,var_desc=\n 'Set to YES to enable library validity checking in viewLibs service.'\n !!' Note: this can make the service very slow if there are lots of '\n !!'external libraries. If enabled, this removes empty libraries from '\n !!'the viewer library dropdown. To switch off, set to NO.';\ninsert into &lib..mpe_config set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC9999:23:59:59'dt\n ,var_scope=\"DC\"\n ,var_name=\"DC_MACROS\"\n ,var_value=cats(symget('path'),\"/dc_macros\")\n ,var_active=1\n ,var_desc='Location of underlying macros - EUC feature.';\ninsert into &lib..mpe_config set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC9999:23:59:59'dt\n ,var_scope=\"DC\"\n ,var_name=\"DC_MAXOBS_WEBEDIT\"\n ,var_value=\"100\"\n ,var_active=1\n ,var_desc='This sets the maximum number of observations that can be loaded'\n !!' into the browser for editing in the EDIT screen. A higher number'\n !!' will require a decent browser (ie, not IE) and more memory on the'\n !!' client side.';\ninsert into &lib..mpe_config set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC9999:23:59:59'dt\n ,var_scope=\"DC\"\n ,var_name=\"DC_REQUEST_LOGS\"\n ,var_value=\"YES\"\n ,var_active=1\n ,var_desc='Setting to NO will prevent each request being logged to the'\n !!' MPE_REQUESTS table Default=YES.';\ninsert into &lib..mpe_config set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC9999:23:59:59'dt\n ,var_scope=\"DC\"\n ,var_name=\"DC_RESTRICT_VIEWER\"\n ,var_value=\"NO\"\n ,var_active=1\n ,var_desc='YES will restrict the list of libraries and tables in VIEWER to'\n !!' those explicitly set to VIEW in the MPE_SECURITY table. Default=NO.';\ninsert into &lib..mpe_config set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC9999:23:59:59'dt\n ,var_scope=\"DC\"\n ,var_name=\"DC_RESTRICT_EDITRECORD\"\n ,var_value=\"NO\"\n ,var_active=1\n ,var_desc='Setting YES will prevent the EDIT RECORD dialog appearing in the'\n !!' EDIT screen by removing the \"Edit Row\" option in the right click menu'\n !!', and the \"ADD RECORD\" button in the bottom left. Default=NO.';\ninsert into &lib..mpe_config set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC9999:23:59:59'dt\n ,var_scope=\"DC_CATALOG\"\n ,var_name=\"DC_IGNORELIBS\"\n ,var_value=\"|MAPSSAS|MAPS|\"\n ,var_active=1\n ,var_desc='Pipe seperated list of librefs (uppercase) to be ignored when'\n !!' running the Data Catalog refresh process. This can enable a clean'\n !!' run when invalid librefs are returned by the mpe_refreshlibs macro.';\ninsert into &lib..mpe_config set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC9999:23:59:59'dt\n ,var_scope=\"DC\"\n ,var_name=\"DC_LOCALE\"\n ,var_value=\"SYSTEM\"\n ,var_active=1\n ,var_desc='Set to a locale (such as en_gb or en_be) to override the system'\n !!' value (which can be driven from the browser settings). This is '\n !!'useful when importing ambiguous dates from CSV or Excel (eg 1/2/20 vs '\n !!'2/1/20) as DC uses the anydtdtm informats for import. Default=SYSTEM.';\ninsert into &lib..mpe_config set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC9999:23:59:59'dt\n ,var_scope=\"DCBL_REDSH\"\n ,var_name=\"BULKLOAD\"\n ,var_value=\"YES\"\n ,var_active=0\n ,var_desc='Set to YES to enable BULKLOAD=YES in redshift';\ninsert into &lib..mpe_config set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC9999:23:59:59'dt\n ,var_scope=\"DCBL_REDSH\"\n ,var_name=\"BL_BUCKET\"\n ,var_value=\"'your-aws-bucket/Exchange'\"\n ,var_active=0\n ,var_desc='Set to the (quoted) value of the AWS bucket to'\n !!' use for s3 uploads in redshift';\ninsert into &lib..mpe_config set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC9999:23:59:59'dt\n ,var_scope=\"DCBL_REDSH\"\n ,var_name=\"BL_AWS_CREDENTIALS_FILE\"\n ,var_value=\"'/path/to/your/aws/s3/.credentials'\"\n ,var_active=0\n ,var_desc='Set to the (quoted) value of the AWS creds file';\ninsert into &lib..mpe_config set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC9999:23:59:59'dt\n ,var_scope=\"DCBL_REDSH\"\n ,var_name=\"BL_REGION\"\n ,var_value=\"'eu-west-1'\"\n ,var_active=0\n ,var_desc='Set to the (quoted) AWS region in use';\ninsert into &lib..mpe_config set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC9999:23:59:59'dt\n ,var_scope=\"DCBL_REDSH\"\n ,var_name=\"BL_COMPRESS\"\n ,var_value=\"YES\"\n ,var_active=0\n ,var_desc='Set to YES to perform compression ahead of the COPY command';\ninsert into &lib..mpe_config set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC9999:23:59:59'dt\n ,var_scope=\"DCBL_REDSH\"\n ,var_name=\"BL_USE_SSL\"\n ,var_value=\"YES\"\n ,var_active=0\n ,var_desc='Set to YES to use SSL encryption';\ninsert into &lib..mpe_config set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC9999:23:59:59'dt\n ,var_scope=\"DC_REVIEW\"\n ,var_name=\"HISTORY_ROWS\"\n ,var_value='100'\n ,var_active=1\n ,var_desc='Number of rows (or additional rows) to return in the HISTORY '\n !!'page';\ninsert into &lib..mpe_config set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC9999:23:59:59'dt\n ,var_scope=\"DC\"\n ,var_name=\"DC_LICENCE_KEY\"\n ,var_value=' '\n ,var_active=1\n ,var_desc='Licence Key';\ninsert into &lib..mpe_config set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC9999:23:59:59'dt\n ,var_scope=\"DC\"\n ,var_name=\"DC_ACTIVATION_KEY\"\n ,var_value=' '\n ,var_active=1\n ,var_desc='Activation Key';\n\n\ninsert into &lib..mpe_datadictionary set\n tx_from=0\n ,DD_TYPE='LIBRARY'\n ,DD_SOURCE=\"&lib\"\n ,DD_SHORTDESC=\"Data Controller Control Tables\"\n ,DD_LONGDESC=\"# The Data Controller Library\"\n ,DD_OWNER=\"&sysuserid\"\n ,DD_RESPONSIBLE=\"&sysuserid\"\n ,DD_SENSITIVITY=\"Low\"\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n\ninsert into &lib..mpe_datadictionary set\n tx_from=0\n ,DD_TYPE='TABLE'\n ,DD_SOURCE=\"&lib..MPE_TABLES\"\n ,DD_SHORTDESC=\"Configuration of new tables for Data Controller\"\n ,DD_LONGDESC=\"# MPE_TABLES - adding new tabels to Data Controller\"\n ,DD_OWNER=\"&sysuserid\"\n ,DD_RESPONSIBLE=\"&sysuserid\"\n ,DD_SENSITIVITY=\"Low\"\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n\ninsert into &lib..mpe_datadictionary set\n tx_from=0\n ,DD_TYPE='COLUMN'\n ,DD_SOURCE=\"&lib..MPE_TABLES.DSN\"\n ,DD_SHORTDESC=\"Dataset Name to be edited\"\n ,DD_LONGDESC=\"_DSN_ - must be UPCASE\"\n ,DD_OWNER=\"&sysuserid\"\n ,DD_RESPONSIBLE=\"&sysuserid\"\n ,DD_SENSITIVITY=\"Low\"\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n\ninsert into &lib..mpe_datadictionary set\n tx_from=0\n ,DD_TYPE='DIRECTORY'\n ,DD_SOURCE=\"/some/directory\"\n ,DD_SHORTDESC=\"Directory for some purpose\"\n ,DD_LONGDESC=\"This directory is great. It's great directory.\n It trumps all other directories.\"\n ,DD_OWNER=\"&sysuserid\"\n ,DD_RESPONSIBLE=\"&sysuserid\"\n ,DD_SENSITIVITY=\"Low\"\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..mpe_datadictionary set\n tx_from=0\n ,DD_TYPE='TABLE'\n ,DD_SOURCE=\"&lib\"\n ,DD_SHORTDESC=\"Transaction table for capturing Data Controller users\"\n ,DD_LONGDESC=\"After a user accepts the Data Controller EULA they are \"\n !!\"registered as a user in this table.\"\n ,DD_OWNER=\"&sysuserid\"\n ,DD_RESPONSIBLE=\"&sysuserid\"\n ,DD_SENSITIVITY=\"Low\"\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..mpe_datadictionary set\n tx_from=0\n ,DD_TYPE='COLUMN'\n ,DD_SOURCE=\"&lib..MPE_CONFIG.VAR_ACTIVE\"\n ,DD_SHORTDESC=\"Set to 1 to make an option active\"\n ,DD_LONGDESC=\"This value is used as a filter by data controller whenever \"\n !!\"querying for option settings.\"\n ,DD_OWNER=\"&sysuserid\"\n ,DD_RESPONSIBLE=\"&sysuserid\"\n ,DD_SENSITIVITY=\"Low\"\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n\n/**\n * mpe_xlmap_info\n */\ninsert into &lib..mpe_xlmap_info set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,xlmap_id='BASEL-KM1'\n ,xlmap_description='Basel 3 Key Metrics report'\n ,XLMAP_TARGETLIBDS=\"&lib..MPE_XLMAP_DATA\";\n\n/**\n * mpe_xlmap_rules\n */\ninsert into &lib..mpe_xlmap_rules set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,xlmap_id='BASEL-KM1'\n ,xlmap_range_id='KM1:a'\n ,xlmap_sheet='KM1'\n ,xlmap_start='MATCH 4 R[2]C[0]:a';\ninsert into &lib..mpe_xlmap_rules set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,xlmap_id='BASEL-KM1'\n ,xlmap_range_id='KM1:b'\n ,xlmap_sheet='KM1'\n ,xlmap_start='MATCH 4 R[2]C[0]:b';\ninsert into &lib..mpe_xlmap_rules set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,xlmap_id='BASEL-KM1'\n ,xlmap_range_id='KM1:c'\n ,xlmap_sheet='KM1'\n ,xlmap_start='MATCH 4 R[2]C[0]:c';\ninsert into &lib..mpe_xlmap_rules set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,xlmap_id='BASEL-KM1'\n ,xlmap_range_id='KM1:d'\n ,xlmap_sheet='KM1'\n ,xlmap_start='MATCH 4 R[2]C[0]:d';\ninsert into &lib..mpe_xlmap_rules set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,xlmap_id='BASEL-KM1'\n ,xlmap_range_id='KM1:e'\n ,xlmap_sheet='KM1'\n ,xlmap_start='MATCH 4 R[2]C[0]:e';\ninsert into &lib..mpe_xlmap_rules set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,xlmap_id='BASEL-KM1'\n ,xlmap_range_id='KM1:f'\n ,xlmap_sheet='KM1'\n ,xlmap_start='MATCH 4 R[2]C[0]:f';\ninsert into &lib..mpe_xlmap_rules set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,xlmap_id='BASEL-KM1'\n ,xlmap_range_id='KM1:1/a'\n ,xlmap_sheet='KM1'\n ,xlmap_start='MATCH C R[0]C[1]:Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1)';\ninsert into &lib..mpe_xlmap_rules set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,xlmap_id='BASEL-KM1'\n ,xlmap_range_id='KM1:1/b'\n ,xlmap_sheet='KM1'\n ,xlmap_start='MATCH C R[0]C[2]:Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1)';\n insert into &lib..mpe_xlmap_rules set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,xlmap_id='BASEL-KM1'\n ,xlmap_range_id='KM1:1/c'\n ,xlmap_sheet='KM1'\n ,xlmap_start='MATCH C R[0]C[3]:Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1)';\n insert into &lib..mpe_xlmap_rules set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,xlmap_id='BASEL-KM1'\n ,xlmap_range_id='KM1:1/d'\n ,xlmap_sheet='KM1'\n ,xlmap_start='MATCH C R[0]C[4]:Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1)';\n insert into &lib..mpe_xlmap_rules set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,xlmap_id='BASEL-KM1'\n ,xlmap_range_id='KM1:1/e'\n ,xlmap_sheet='KM1'\n ,xlmap_start='MATCH C R[0]C[5]:Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1)';\ninsert into &lib..mpe_xlmap_rules set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,xlmap_id='BASEL-KM1'\n ,xlmap_range_id='KM1:1/f'\n ,xlmap_sheet='KM1'\n ,xlmap_start='MATCH C R[0]C[6]:Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1)';\ninsert into &lib..mpe_xlmap_rules set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,xlmap_id='BASEL-KM1'\n ,xlmap_range_id='KM1:1a/e'\n ,xlmap_sheet='KM1'\n ,xlmap_start='MATCH C R[1]C[5]:Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1)';\ninsert into &lib..mpe_xlmap_rules set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,xlmap_id='BASEL-KM1'\n ,xlmap_range_id='KM1:1a/f'\n ,xlmap_sheet='KM1'\n ,xlmap_start='MATCH C R[1]C[6]:Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1)';\ninsert into &lib..mpe_xlmap_rules set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,xlmap_id='BASEL-KM1'\n ,xlmap_range_id='KM1:2/a'\n ,xlmap_sheet='KM1'\n ,xlmap_start='ABSOLUTE D10';\ninsert into &lib..mpe_xlmap_rules set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,xlmap_id='BASEL-KM1'\n ,xlmap_range_id='KM1:2/b'\n ,xlmap_sheet='/3'\n ,xlmap_start='ABSOLUTE E10';\ninsert into &lib..mpe_xlmap_rules set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,xlmap_id='BASEL-KM1'\n ,xlmap_range_id='KM1:2/c'\n ,xlmap_sheet='/3'\n ,xlmap_start='RELATIVE R[10]C[6]';\ninsert into &lib..mpe_xlmap_rules set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,xlmap_id='BASEL-KM1'\n ,xlmap_range_id='KM1:2/d'\n ,xlmap_sheet='/3'\n ,xlmap_start='RELATIVE R[10]C[8]';\ninsert into &lib..mpe_xlmap_rules set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,xlmap_id='BASEL-KM1'\n ,xlmap_range_id='KM1:2/e'\n ,xlmap_sheet='/3'\n ,xlmap_start='RELATIVE R[10]C[9]';\ninsert into &lib..mpe_xlmap_rules set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,xlmap_id='BASEL-KM1'\n ,xlmap_range_id='KM1:2/f'\n ,xlmap_sheet='/3'\n ,xlmap_start='RELATIVE R[10]C[10]';\ninsert into &lib..mpe_xlmap_rules set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,xlmap_id='BASEL-KM1'\n ,xlmap_range_id='KM1:2a'\n ,xlmap_sheet='KM1'\n ,xlmap_start='ABSOLUTE H11'\n ,xlmap_finish='RELATIVE R[0]C[1]';\ninsert into &lib..mpe_xlmap_rules set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,xlmap_id='BASEL-KM1'\n ,xlmap_range_id='KM1:3'\n ,xlmap_sheet='KM1'\n ,xlmap_start='RELATIVE R[12]C[4]'\n ,xlmap_finish='ABSOLUTE I13';\ninsert into &lib..mpe_xlmap_rules set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,xlmap_id='BASEL-CR2'\n ,xlmap_range_id='CR2-sec1'\n ,xlmap_sheet='CR2'\n ,xlmap_start='ABSOLUTE D8'\n ,xlmap_finish='BLANKROW';\ninsert into &lib..mpe_xlmap_rules set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,xlmap_id='BASEL-CR2'\n ,xlmap_range_id='CR2-sec2'\n ,xlmap_sheet='CR2'\n ,xlmap_start='ABSOLUTE D18'\n ,xlmap_finish='LASTDOWN';\ninsert into &lib..mpe_xlmap_rules set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,xlmap_id='SAMPLE'\n ,xlmap_range_id='header'\n ,xlmap_sheet='/1'\n ,xlmap_start='ABSOLUTE B3'\n ,xlmap_finish='ABSOLUTE B8';\ninsert into &lib..mpe_xlmap_rules set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,xlmap_id='SAMPLE'\n ,xlmap_range_id='data'\n ,xlmap_sheet='/1'\n ,xlmap_start='ABSOLUTE B13'\n ,xlmap_finish='ABSOLUTE E16';\n\n\n\n/**\n * MPE_GROUPS\n */\ninsert into &lib..mpe_groups set\n tx_from=0\n ,group_name=\"dc-admin\"\n ,group_desc=\"Custom Group for Data Controller Purposes\"\n ,user_name=\"allbow\"\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..mpe_groups set\n tx_from=0\n ,group_name=\"dc-admin\"\n ,group_desc=\"Custom Group for Data Controller Purposes\"\n ,user_name=\"dctestuser1\"\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..mpe_groups set\n tx_from=0\n ,group_name=\"dc-admin\"\n ,group_desc=\"Custom Group for Data Controller Purposes\"\n ,user_name=\"mihmed\"\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..mpe_groups set\n tx_from=0\n ,group_name=\"sec-sas9-prd-ext-sasplatform-300115datacontroller\"\n ,group_desc=\"Custom Group for Data Controller Purposes\"\n ,user_name=\"DCTest\"\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n\n/**\n * MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY\n */\ninsert into &lib..mpe_row_level_security set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,RLS_RK=1\n ,RLS_SCOPE='ALL'\n ,RLS_GROUP='sec-sas9-prd-int-sasplatform-300114sasjs'\n ,RLS_LIBREF=\"&lib.\"\n ,RLS_TABLE=\"MPE_GROUPS\"\n ,RLS_GROUP_LOGIC='AND'\n ,RLS_SUBGROUP_LOGIC='OR'\n ,RLS_SUBGROUP_ID=0\n ,RLS_VARIABLE_NM='GROUP_NAME'\n ,RLS_OPERATOR_NM='NE'\n ,RLS_RAW_VALUE=\"'-1'\"\n ,RLS_ACTIVE=1;\ninsert into &lib..mpe_row_level_security set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,RLS_RK=2\n ,RLS_SCOPE='ALL'\n ,RLS_GROUP='sec-sas9-prd-int-sasplatform-300114sasjs'\n ,RLS_LIBREF=\"&lib\"\n ,RLS_TABLE=\"MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,RLS_GROUP_LOGIC='AND'\n ,RLS_SUBGROUP_LOGIC='OR'\n ,RLS_SUBGROUP_ID=0\n ,RLS_VARIABLE_NM='RLS_RK'\n ,RLS_OPERATOR_NM='>'\n ,RLS_RAW_VALUE='0'\n ,RLS_ACTIVE=1;\ninsert into &lib..mpe_row_level_security set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,RLS_RK=3\n ,RLS_SCOPE='ALL'\n ,RLS_GROUP='DC Demo Group'\n ,RLS_LIBREF=\"&lib\"\n ,RLS_TABLE=\"MPE_SECURITY\"\n ,RLS_GROUP_LOGIC='AND'\n ,RLS_SUBGROUP_LOGIC='OR'\n ,RLS_SUBGROUP_ID=0\n ,RLS_VARIABLE_NM='ACCESS_LEVEL'\n ,RLS_OPERATOR_NM='NE'\n ,RLS_RAW_VALUE=\"'N/A'\"\n ,RLS_ACTIVE=1;\n\n\n/**\n * MPE_SECURITY\n */\ninsert into &lib..mpe_security set\n tx_from=0\n ,libref=\"*ALL*\"\n ,dsn=\"*ALL*\"\n ,access_level=\"APPROVE\"\n ,sas_group=\"sec-sas9-prd-int-sasplatform-300114sasjs\"\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..mpe_security set\n tx_from=0\n ,libref=\"*ALL*\"\n ,dsn=\"*ALL*\"\n ,access_level=\"EDIT\"\n ,sas_group=\"sec-sas9-prd-int-sasplatform-300114sasjs\"\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..mpe_security set\n tx_from=0\n ,libref=\"*ALL*\"\n ,dsn=\"*ALL*\"\n ,access_level=\"APPROVE\"\n ,sas_group=\"sec-sas9-prd-ext-sasplatform-300114sasjs\"\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..mpe_security set\n tx_from=0\n ,libref=\"*ALL*\"\n ,dsn=\"*ALL*\"\n ,access_level=\"EDIT\"\n ,sas_group=\"sec-sas9-prd-ext-sasplatform-300114sasjs\"\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..mpe_security set\n tx_from=0\n ,libref=\"*ALL*\"\n ,dsn=\"*ALL*\"\n ,access_level=\"EDIT\"\n ,sas_group=\"dc-admin\"\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..mpe_security set\n tx_from=0\n ,libref=\"*ALL*\"\n ,dsn=\"*ALL*\"\n ,access_level=\"APPROVE\"\n ,sas_group=\"dc-admin\"\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n\n\n /* mpe_selectbox */\n %let rk=1;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=&rk\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_LOCKANYTABLE\"\n ,base_column=\"LOCK_STATUS_CD\"\n ,selectbox_value='LOCKED'\n ,selectbox_order=1\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_LOCKANYTABLE\"\n ,base_column=\"LOCK_STATUS_CD\"\n ,selectbox_value='UNLOCKED'\n ,selectbox_order=2\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_SECURITY\"\n ,base_column=\"ACCESS_LEVEL\"\n ,selectbox_value='EDIT'\n ,selectbox_order=0\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_SECURITY\"\n ,base_column=\"ACCESS_LEVEL\"\n ,selectbox_value='APPROVE'\n ,selectbox_order=1\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_SECURITY\"\n ,base_column=\"ACCESS_LEVEL\"\n ,selectbox_value='VIEW'\n ,selectbox_order=2\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_SECURITY\"\n ,base_column=\"ACCESS_LEVEL\"\n ,selectbox_value='SIGNOFF'\n ,selectbox_order=3\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_TABLES\"\n ,base_column=\"LOADTYPE\"\n ,selectbox_value='UPDATE'\n ,selectbox_order=1\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_TABLES\"\n ,base_column=\"LOADTYPE\"\n ,selectbox_value='REPLACE'\n ,selectbox_order=2\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_TABLES\"\n ,base_column=\"LOADTYPE\"\n ,selectbox_value='TXTEMPORAL'\n ,selectbox_order=3\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_TABLES\"\n ,base_column=\"LOADTYPE\"\n ,selectbox_value='BITEMPORAL'\n ,selectbox_order=4\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_TABLES\"\n ,base_column=\"LOADTYPE\"\n ,selectbox_value='FORMAT_CAT'\n ,selectbox_order=5\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_ALERTS\"\n ,base_column=\"ALERT_EVENT\"\n ,selectbox_value='*ALL*'\n ,selectbox_order=1\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_ALERTS\"\n ,base_column=\"ALERT_EVENT\"\n ,selectbox_value='SUBMITTED'\n ,selectbox_order=2\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_ALERTS\"\n ,base_column=\"ALERT_EVENT\"\n ,selectbox_value='APPROVED'\n ,selectbox_order=3\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_ALERTS\"\n ,base_column=\"ALERT_EVENT\"\n ,selectbox_value='REJECTED'\n ,selectbox_order=4\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_X_TEST\"\n ,base_column=\"SOME_DROPDOWN\"\n ,selectbox_value='Option 1'\n ,selectbox_order=1\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_X_TEST\"\n ,base_column=\"SOME_DROPDOWN\"\n ,selectbox_value='Option 2'\n ,selectbox_order=2\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_X_TEST\"\n ,base_column=\"SOME_DROPDOWN\"\n ,selectbox_value='Option 3'\n ,selectbox_order=2\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_X_TEST\"\n ,base_column=\"SOME_DROPDOWN\"\n ,selectbox_value=\"This is a long option. This option is very long. \"\n !!\"It is optional, though.\"\n ,selectbox_order=3\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_VALIDATIONS\"\n ,base_column=\"RULE_TYPE\"\n ,selectbox_value=\"CASE\"\n ,selectbox_order=1\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_VALIDATIONS\"\n ,base_column=\"RULE_TYPE\"\n ,selectbox_value=\"MINVAL\"\n ,selectbox_order=2\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_VALIDATIONS\"\n ,base_column=\"RULE_TYPE\"\n ,selectbox_value=\"MAXVAL\"\n ,selectbox_order=3\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_VALIDATIONS\"\n ,base_column=\"RULE_TYPE\"\n ,selectbox_value=\"HARDSELECT\"\n ,selectbox_order=4\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_VALIDATIONS\"\n ,base_column=\"RULE_TYPE\"\n ,selectbox_value=\"SOFTSELECT\"\n ,selectbox_order=5\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_VALIDATIONS\"\n ,base_column=\"RULE_TYPE\"\n ,selectbox_value=\"NOTNULL\"\n ,selectbox_order=6\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_SECURITY\"\n ,base_column=\"DSN\"\n ,selectbox_value=\"SOME_DATASET\"\n ,selectbox_order=1\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_SECURITY\"\n ,base_column=\"DSN\"\n ,selectbox_value=\"EXAMPLE\"\n ,selectbox_order=2\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_DATADICTIONARY\"\n ,base_column=\"DD_TYPE\"\n ,selectbox_value=\"COLUMN\"\n ,selectbox_order=1\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_DATADICTIONARY\"\n ,base_column=\"DD_TYPE\"\n ,selectbox_value=\"TABLE\"\n ,selectbox_order=2\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_DATADICTIONARY\"\n ,base_column=\"DD_TYPE\"\n ,selectbox_value=\"LIBRARY\"\n ,selectbox_order=3\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_DATADICTIONARY\"\n ,base_column=\"DD_TYPE\"\n ,selectbox_value=\"CATALOG\"\n ,selectbox_order=3\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_DATADICTIONARY\"\n ,base_column=\"DD_TYPE\"\n ,selectbox_value=\"FORMAT\"\n ,selectbox_order=3\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_SECURITY\"\n ,base_column=\"LIBREF\"\n ,selectbox_value='*ALL*'\n ,selectbox_order=1\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_SECURITY\"\n ,base_column=\"ACCESS_LEVEL\"\n ,selectbox_value='AUDIT'\n ,selectbox_order=4\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_VALIDATIONS\"\n ,base_column=\"RULE_TYPE\"\n ,selectbox_value=\"HARDSELECT_HOOK\"\n ,selectbox_order=7\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_VALIDATIONS\"\n ,base_column=\"RULE_TYPE\"\n ,selectbox_value=\"SOFTSELECT_HOOK\"\n ,selectbox_order=7\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,base_column=\"RLS_SCOPE\"\n ,selectbox_value=\"ALL\"\n ,selectbox_order=1\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,base_column=\"RLS_SCOPE\"\n ,selectbox_value=\"EDIT\"\n ,selectbox_order=1\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,base_column=\"RLS_SCOPE\"\n ,selectbox_value=\"VIEW\"\n ,selectbox_order=1\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,base_column=\"RLS_GROUP_LOGIC\"\n ,selectbox_value=\"AND\"\n ,selectbox_order=1\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,base_column=\"RLS_GROUP_LOGIC\"\n ,selectbox_value=\"OR\"\n ,selectbox_order=2\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,base_column=\"RLS_SUBGROUP_LOGIC\"\n ,selectbox_value=\"AND\"\n ,selectbox_order=1\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,base_column=\"RLS_SUBGROUP_LOGIC\"\n ,selectbox_value=\"OR\"\n ,selectbox_order=2\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,base_column=\"RLS_OPERATOR_NM\"\n ,selectbox_value=\"=\"\n ,selectbox_order=0\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,base_column=\"RLS_OPERATOR_NM\"\n ,selectbox_value=\">\"\n ,selectbox_order=1\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,base_column=\"RLS_OPERATOR_NM\"\n ,selectbox_value=\"<\"\n ,selectbox_order=1\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,base_column=\"RLS_OPERATOR_NM\"\n ,selectbox_value=\"<=\"\n ,selectbox_order=1\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,base_column=\"RLS_OPERATOR_NM\"\n ,selectbox_value=\">=\"\n ,selectbox_order=1\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,base_column=\"RLS_OPERATOR_NM\"\n ,selectbox_value=\"BETWEEN\"\n ,selectbox_order=1\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,base_column=\"RLS_OPERATOR_NM\"\n ,selectbox_value=\"IN\"\n ,selectbox_order=1\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,base_column=\"RLS_OPERATOR_NM\"\n ,selectbox_value=\"NOT IN\"\n ,selectbox_order=1\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,base_column=\"RLS_OPERATOR_NM\"\n ,selectbox_value=\"NE\"\n ,selectbox_order=1\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,base_column=\"RLS_OPERATOR_NM\"\n ,selectbox_value=\"CONTAINS\"\n ,selectbox_order=1\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_EXCEL_CONFIG\"\n ,base_column=\"XL_RULE\"\n ,selectbox_value=\"FORMULA\"\n ,selectbox_order=1\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,base_column=\"RLS_ACTIVE\"\n ,selectbox_value=\"1\"\n ,selectbox_order=1\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,base_column=\"RLS_ACTIVE\"\n ,selectbox_value=\"0\"\n ,selectbox_order=2\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_COLUMN_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,base_column=\"CLS_ACTIVE\"\n ,selectbox_value=\"1\"\n ,selectbox_order=1\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_COLUMN_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,base_column=\"CLS_ACTIVE\"\n ,selectbox_value=\"0\"\n ,selectbox_order=2\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_COLUMN_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,base_column=\"CLS_SCOPE\"\n ,selectbox_value=\"EDIT\"\n ,selectbox_order=1\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_COLUMN_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,base_column=\"CLS_SCOPE\"\n ,selectbox_value=\"VIEW\"\n ,selectbox_order=2\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_COLUMN_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,base_column=\"CLS_SCOPE\"\n ,selectbox_value=\"ALL\"\n ,selectbox_order=3\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_COLUMN_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,base_column=\"CLS_HIDE\"\n ,selectbox_value=\"0\"\n ,selectbox_order=1\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n insert into &lib..mpe_selectbox set\n selectbox_rk=%mf_increment(rk)\n ,ver_from_dttm=0\n ,select_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,select_ds=\"MPE_COLUMN_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,base_column=\"CLS_HIDE\"\n ,selectbox_value=\"1\"\n ,selectbox_order=2\n ,ver_to_dttm='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n\n/**\n * MPE_TABLES\n */\n insert into &lib..mpe_tables\n set tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,libref=\"&lib\"\n ,dsn='MPE_COLUMN_LEVEL_SECURITY'\n ,num_of_approvals_required=1\n ,loadtype='TXTEMPORAL'\n ,var_txfrom='TX_FROM'\n ,var_txto='TX_TO'\n ,buskey='CLS_SCOPE CLS_GROUP CLS_LIBREF CLS_TABLE CLS_VARIABLE_NM'\n ,notes='Docs: https://docs.datacontroller.io/column-level-security'\n ,post_edit_hook='services/hooks/mpe_column_level_security_postedit'\n ;\n insert into &lib..mpe_tables\n set tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,libref=\"&lib\"\n ,dsn='MPE_XLMAP_INFO'\n ,num_of_approvals_required=1\n ,loadtype='TXTEMPORAL'\n ,var_txfrom='TX_FROM'\n ,var_txto='TX_TO'\n ,buskey='XLMAP_ID'\n ,notes='Docs: https://docs.datacontroller.io/complex-excel-uploads'\n ,post_edit_hook='services/hooks/mpe_xlmap_info_postedit'\n ;\n insert into &lib..mpe_tables\n set tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,libref=\"&lib\"\n ,dsn='MPE_XLMAP_RULES'\n ,num_of_approvals_required=1\n ,loadtype='TXTEMPORAL'\n ,var_txfrom='TX_FROM'\n ,var_txto='TX_TO'\n ,buskey='XLMAP_ID XLMAP_RANGE_ID'\n ,notes='Docs: https://docs.datacontroller.io/complex-excel-uploads'\n ,post_edit_hook='services/hooks/mpe_xlmap_rules_postedit'\n ;\n insert into &lib..mpe_tables\n set tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,libref=\"&lib\"\n ,dsn='MPE_XLMAP_DATA'\n ,num_of_approvals_required=1\n ,loadtype='UPDATE'\n ,buskey='LOAD_REF XLMAP_ID XLMAP_RANGE_ID ROW_NO COL_NO'\n ,notes='Docs: https://docs.datacontroller.io/complex-excel-uploads'\n ;\n insert into &lib..mpe_tables\n set tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,libref=\"&lib\"\n ,dsn='MPE_LOCKANYTABLE'\n ,num_of_approvals_required=1\n ,loadtype='UPDATE'\n ,buskey='LOCK_LIB LOCK_DS'\n ,notes='This table may be edited when a process failed and left a lock'\n ;\n insert into &lib..mpe_tables\n set tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,libref=\"&lib\"\n ,dsn='MPE_TABLES'\n ,num_of_approvals_required=1\n ,loadtype='TXTEMPORAL'\n ,buskey='LIBREF DSN'\n ,var_txfrom='TX_FROM'\n ,var_txto='TX_TO'\n ,notes='This entry allows the MP Editor to edit itself!'\n ,post_edit_hook='services/hooks/mpe_tables_postedit'\n ;\n insert into &lib..mpe_tables\n set tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,libref=\"&lib\"\n ,dsn='MPE_SECURITY'\n ,num_of_approvals_required=1\n ,loadtype='TXTEMPORAL'\n ,buskey='LIBREF DSN ACCESS_LEVEL SAS_GROUP'\n ,var_txfrom='TX_FROM'\n ,var_txto='TX_TO'\n ,notes='Determines which groups can view/edit/approve which tables'\n ,post_edit_hook='services/hooks/mpe_security_postedit'\n ;\n insert into &lib..mpe_tables\n set tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,libref=\"&lib\"\n ,dsn='MPE_SELECTBOX'\n ,num_of_approvals_required=1\n ,loadtype='TXTEMPORAL'\n ,buskey='SELECTBOX_RK'\n ,var_txfrom='VER_FROM_DTTM'\n ,var_txto='VER_TO_DTTM'\n ,notes='Can configure dropdowns for the front end'\n ,rk_underlying='SELECT_LIB SELECT_DS BASE_COLUMN SELECTBOX_VALUE'\n ;\n insert into &lib..mpe_tables\n set tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,libref=\"&lib\"\n ,dsn='MPE_X_TEST'\n ,num_of_approvals_required=1\n ,loadtype='UPDATE'\n ,buskey='PRIMARY_KEY_FIELD'\n ,notes='Test table for controller'\n ;\n insert into &lib..mpe_tables\n set tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,libref=\"&lib\"\n ,dsn='MPE_EMAILS'\n ,num_of_approvals_required=1\n ,loadtype='TXTEMPORAL'\n ,buskey='USER_NAME'\n ,notes='Primary Emails Table (backup is metadata)'\n ,var_txfrom='TX_FROM'\n ,var_txto='TX_TO'\n ;\n insert into &lib..mpe_tables\n set tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,libref=\"&lib\"\n ,dsn='MPE_CONFIG'\n ,num_of_approvals_required=1\n ,loadtype='TXTEMPORAL'\n ,buskey='VAR_SCOPE VAR_NAME'\n ,notes='Configuration variables for Data Controller'\n ,var_txfrom='TX_FROM'\n ,var_txto='TX_TO'\n ;\n insert into &lib..mpe_tables\n set tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,libref=\"&lib\"\n ,dsn='MPE_ALERTS'\n ,num_of_approvals_required=1\n ,loadtype='TXTEMPORAL'\n ,buskey='ALERT_EVENT ALERT_LIB ALERT_DS ALERT_USER'\n ,notes='Configuration for alert email events'\n ,var_txfrom='TX_FROM'\n ,var_txto='TX_TO'\n ;\n insert into &lib..mpe_tables\n set tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,libref=\"&lib\"\n ,dsn='MPE_GROUPS'\n ,num_of_approvals_required=1\n ,loadtype='TXTEMPORAL'\n ,buskey='GROUP_NAME USER_NAME'\n ,notes='Configuration for additional groups within Data Controller'\n ,var_txfrom='TX_FROM'\n ,var_txto='TX_TO'\n ;\n insert into &lib..mpe_tables\n set tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,libref=\"&lib\"\n ,dsn='MPE_VALIDATIONS'\n ,num_of_approvals_required=1\n ,loadtype='TXTEMPORAL'\n ,buskey='BASE_LIB BASE_DS BASE_COL RULE_TYPE'\n ,notes='Configuration of data quality rules in Editor component'\n ,var_txfrom='TX_FROM'\n ,var_txto='TX_TO'\n ,post_edit_hook='services/hooks/mpe_validations_postedit'\n ;\n insert into &lib..mpe_tables\n set tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,libref=\"&lib\"\n ,dsn='MPE_DATADICTIONARY'\n ,num_of_approvals_required=1\n ,loadtype='TXTEMPORAL'\n ,buskey='DD_TYPE DD_SOURCE'\n ,notes='Configuration of data dictionary'\n ,var_txfrom='TX_FROM'\n ,var_txto='TX_TO'\n ;\n insert into &lib..mpe_tables\n set tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,libref=\"&lib\"\n ,dsn='MPE_EXCEL_CONFIG'\n ,num_of_approvals_required=1\n ,loadtype='TXTEMPORAL'\n ,buskey='XL_LIBREF XL_TABLE XL_COLUMN'\n ,notes='Configuration of the excel import rules'\n ,var_txfrom='TX_FROM'\n ,var_txto='TX_TO'\n ;\n insert into &lib..mpe_tables\n set tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,libref=\"&lib\"\n ,dsn='MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY'\n ,num_of_approvals_required=1\n ,loadtype='TXTEMPORAL'\n ,buskey='RLS_RK'\n ,notes='Configuration of Row Level Security'\n ,var_txfrom='TX_FROM'\n ,var_txto='TX_TO'\n ,rk_underlying='RLS_SCOPE RLS_GROUP RLS_LIBREF RLS_TABLE RLS_GROUP_LOGIC '\n !!'RLS_SUBGROUP_LOGIC RLS_SUBGROUP_ID RLS_VARIABLE_NM RLS_OPERATOR_NM '\n !!'RLS_RAW_VALUE '\n ,post_edit_hook='services/hooks/mpe_row_level_security_postedit'\n ;\n insert into &lib..mpe_tables\n set tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,libref=\"&lib\"\n ,dsn='MPE_X_CATALOG-FC'\n ,num_of_approvals_required=1\n ,loadtype='FORMAT_CAT'\n ,buskey='TYPE FMTNAME FMTROW'\n ,notes='Sample Format Catalog'\n ;\n\n/* mpe_validations */\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_COLUMN_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,base_col=\"CLS_SCOPE\"\n ,rule_type='CASE'\n ,rule_value='UPCASE'\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_COLUMN_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,base_col=\"CLS_LIBREF\"\n ,rule_type='CASE'\n ,rule_value='UPCASE'\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_COLUMN_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,base_col=\"CLS_LIBREF\"\n ,rule_type='SOFTSELECT_HOOK'\n ,rule_value=\"services/validations/libraries_all\"\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_COLUMN_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,base_col=\"CLS_TABLE\"\n ,rule_type='CASE'\n ,rule_value='UPCASE'\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_COLUMN_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,base_col=\"CLS_TABLE\"\n ,rule_type='SOFTSELECT_HOOK'\n ,rule_value=\"services/validations/tables_all\"\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_COLUMN_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,base_col=\"CLS_VARIABLE_NM\"\n ,rule_type='CASE'\n ,rule_value='UPCASE'\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_COLUMN_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,base_col=\"CLS_VARIABLE_NM\"\n ,rule_type='SOFTSELECT_HOOK'\n ,rule_value=\"services/validations/columns_in_libds\"\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_COLUMN_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,base_col=\"CLS_ACTIVE\"\n ,rule_type='MAXVAL'\n ,rule_value='1'\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_COLUMN_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,base_col=\"CLS_HIDE\"\n ,rule_type='MAXVAL'\n ,rule_value='1'\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_COLUMN_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,base_col=\"CLS_GROUP\"\n ,rule_type='SOFTSELECT_HOOK'\n ,rule_value=\"services/validations/sas_groups\"\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_ALERTS\"\n ,base_col=\"ALERT_LIB\"\n ,rule_type='HARDSELECT_HOOK'\n ,rule_value=\"services/validations/mpe_alerts.alert_lib\"\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_XLMAP_INFO\"\n ,base_col=\"XLMAP_ID\"\n ,rule_type='CASE'\n ,rule_value='UPCASE'\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_XLMAP_RULES\"\n ,base_col=\"XLMAP_ID\"\n ,rule_type='CASE'\n ,rule_value='UPCASE'\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_TABLES\"\n ,base_col=\"LIBREF\"\n ,rule_type='CASE'\n ,rule_value='UPCASE'\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_TABLES\"\n ,base_col=\"DSN\"\n ,rule_type='CASE'\n ,rule_value='UPCASE'\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_TABLES\"\n ,base_col=\"LIBREF\"\n ,rule_type='NOTNULL'\n ,rule_value=' '\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_TABLES\"\n ,base_col=\"DSN\"\n ,rule_type='NOTNULL'\n ,rule_value=' '\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_TABLES\"\n ,base_col=\"NUM_OF_APPROVALS_REQUIRED\"\n ,rule_type='MINVAL'\n ,rule_value='1'\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_TABLES\"\n ,base_col=\"BUSKEY\"\n ,rule_type='CASE'\n ,rule_value='UPCASE'\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_TABLES\"\n ,base_col=\"BUSKEY\"\n ,rule_type='NOTNULL'\n ,rule_value=\" \"\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_TABLES\"\n ,base_col=\"VAR_TXFROM\"\n ,rule_type='CASE'\n ,rule_value='UPCASE'\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_TABLES\"\n ,base_col=\"VAR_TXTO\"\n ,rule_type='CASE'\n ,rule_value='UPCASE'\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_TABLES\"\n ,base_col=\"VAR_BUSFROM\"\n ,rule_type='CASE'\n ,rule_value='UPCASE'\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_TABLES\"\n ,base_col=\"VAR_BUSTO\"\n ,rule_type='CASE'\n ,rule_value='UPCASE'\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_SECURITY\"\n ,base_col=\"LIBREF\"\n ,rule_type='CASE'\n ,rule_value=\"UPCASE\"\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_TABLES\"\n ,base_col=\"VAR_PROCESSED\"\n ,rule_type='CASE'\n ,rule_value='UPCASE'\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_SECURITY\"\n ,base_col=\"LIBREF\"\n ,rule_type='HARDSELECT'\n ,rule_value=\"&lib..MPE_TABLES.LIBREF\"\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_SECURITY\"\n ,base_col=\"DSN\"\n ,rule_type='CASE'\n ,rule_value=\"UPCASE\"\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_SECURITY\"\n ,base_col=\"DSN\"\n ,rule_type='SOFTSELECT'\n ,rule_value=\"&lib..MPE_TABLES.DSN\"\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_SECURITY\"\n ,base_col=\"SAS_GROUP\"\n ,rule_type='SOFTSELECT_HOOK'\n ,rule_value=\"services/validations/sas_groups\"\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_VALIDATIONS\"\n ,base_col=\"BASE_LIB\"\n ,rule_type='SOFTSELECT_HOOK'\n ,rule_value=\"services/validations/libraries_editable\"\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_VALIDATIONS\"\n ,base_col=\"BASE_DS\"\n ,rule_type='SOFTSELECT_HOOK'\n ,rule_value=\"services/validations/tables_editable\"\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_VALIDATIONS\"\n ,base_col=\"BASE_COL\"\n ,rule_type='SOFTSELECT_HOOK'\n ,rule_value=\"services/validations/columns_in_libds\"\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_VALIDATIONS\"\n ,base_col=\"RULE_ACTIVE\"\n ,rule_type='MINVAL'\n ,rule_value=\"0\"\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_VALIDATIONS\"\n ,base_col=\"RULE_ACTIVE\"\n ,rule_type='MAXVAL'\n ,rule_value=\"1\"\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_EXCEL_CONFIG\"\n ,base_col=\"XL_LIBREF\"\n ,rule_type='SOFTSELECT_HOOK'\n ,rule_value=\"services/validations/libraries_editable\"\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_EXCEL_CONFIG\"\n ,base_col=\"XL_TABLE\"\n ,rule_type='SOFTSELECT_HOOK'\n ,rule_value=\"services/validations/tables_editable\"\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_EXCEL_CONFIG\"\n ,base_col=\"XL_COLUMN\"\n ,rule_type='SOFTSELECT_HOOK'\n ,rule_value=\"services/validations/columns_in_libds\"\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_TABLES\"\n ,base_col=\"LIBREF\"\n ,rule_type='SOFTSELECT_HOOK'\n ,rule_value=\"services/validations/libraries_all\"\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_TABLES\"\n ,base_col=\"DSN\"\n ,rule_type='SOFTSELECT_HOOK'\n ,rule_value=\"services/validations/mpe_tables.dsn\"\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_TABLES\"\n ,base_col=\"VAR_TXFROM\"\n ,rule_type='SOFTSELECT_HOOK'\n ,rule_value=\"services/validations/columns_in_libds\"\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_TABLES\"\n ,base_col=\"VAR_TXTO\"\n ,rule_type='SOFTSELECT_HOOK'\n ,rule_value=\"services/validations/columns_in_libds\"\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_TABLES\"\n ,base_col=\"VAR_BUSFROM\"\n ,rule_type='SOFTSELECT_HOOK'\n ,rule_value=\"services/validations/columns_in_libds\"\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_TABLES\"\n ,base_col=\"VAR_BUSTO\"\n ,rule_type='SOFTSELECT_HOOK'\n ,rule_value=\"services/validations/columns_in_libds\"\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_TABLES\"\n ,base_col=\"VAR_PROCESSED\"\n ,rule_type='SOFTSELECT_HOOK'\n ,rule_value=\"services/validations/columns_in_libds\"\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_SELECTBOX\"\n ,base_col=\"SELECT_LIB\"\n ,rule_type='SOFTSELECT_HOOK'\n ,rule_value=\"services/validations/libraries_editable\"\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_SELECTBOX\"\n ,base_col=\"SELECT_DS\"\n ,rule_type='SOFTSELECT_HOOK'\n ,rule_value=\"services/validations/tables_editable\"\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_SELECTBOX\"\n ,base_col=\"BASE_COLUMN\"\n ,rule_type='SOFTSELECT_HOOK'\n ,rule_value=\"services/validations/columns_in_libds\"\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,base_col=\"RLS_GROUP\"\n ,rule_type='SOFTSELECT_HOOK'\n ,rule_value=\"services/validations/sas_groups\"\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,base_col=\"RLS_LIBREF\"\n ,rule_type='SOFTSELECT_HOOK'\n ,rule_value=\"services/validations/libraries_all\"\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,base_col=\"RLS_TABLE\"\n ,rule_type='SOFTSELECT_HOOK'\n ,rule_value=\"services/validations/tables_all\"\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,base_col=\"RLS_SUBGROUP_ID\"\n ,rule_type='MINVAL'\n ,rule_value='0'\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,base_col=\"RLS_VARIABLE_NM\"\n ,rule_type='SOFTSELECT_HOOK'\n ,rule_value=\"services/validations/columns_in_libds\"\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n/* test softselect on numeric var (should be ordered numerically) */\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_X_TEST\"\n ,base_col=\"SOME_BESTNUM\"\n ,rule_type='SOFTSELECT'\n ,rule_value=\"&lib..MPE_X_TEST.SOME_BESTNUM\"\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_X_TEST\"\n ,base_col=\"SOME_NUM\"\n ,rule_type='HARDSELECT_HOOK'\n ,rule_value=\"services/validations/mpe_x_test.some_num\"\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_EXCEL_CONFIG\"\n ,base_col=\"XL_ACTIVE\"\n ,rule_type='MINVAL'\n ,rule_value='0'\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_EXCEL_CONFIG\"\n ,base_col=\"XL_ACTIVE\"\n ,rule_type='MAXVAL'\n ,rule_value='1'\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS set\n tx_from=0\n ,base_lib=\"&lib\"\n ,base_ds=\"MPE_XLMAP_INFO\"\n ,base_col=\"XLMAP_ID\"\n ,rule_type='SOFTSELECT'\n ,rule_value=\"&lib..MPE_XLMAP_RULES.XLMAP_ID\"\n ,rule_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n\n\n/**\n * MPE_X_TEST\n */\n insert into &lib..mpe_x_test\n set primary_key_field=0\n ,some_char='this is dummy data'\n ,some_dropdown='Option 1'\n ,some_num=42\n ,some_date=42\n ,some_datetime=42\n ,some_time=42\n ,some_shortnum=3\n ,some_bestnum=44;\n insert into &lib..mpe_x_test\n set primary_key_field=1\n ,some_char='more dummy data'\n ,some_dropdown='Option 2'\n ,some_num=42\n ,some_date=42\n ,some_datetime=42\n ,some_time=422\n ,some_shortnum=3\n ,some_bestnum=44;\n insert into &lib..mpe_x_test\n set primary_key_field=2\n ,some_char='even more dummy data'\n ,some_dropdown='Option 3'\n ,some_num=42\n ,some_date=42\n ,some_datetime=42\n ,some_time=142\n ,some_shortnum=3\n ,some_bestnum=44;\n insert into &lib..mpe_x_test\n set primary_key_field=3\n ,some_char=repeat('It was a dark and stormy night. The wind was blowing'\n !!' a gale! The captain said to his mate - mate, tell us a tale. And'\n !!' this, is the tale he told: ',3)\n ,some_dropdown='Option 2'\n ,some_num=1613.001\n ,some_date=423\n ,some_datetime=423\n ,some_time=44\n ,some_shortnum=3\n ,some_bestnum=44;\n insert into &lib..mpe_x_test\n set primary_key_field=4\n ,some_char='if you can fill the unforgiving minute'\n ,some_dropdown='Option 1'\n ,some_num=1613.001123456\n ,some_date=4231\n ,some_datetime=423123123\n ,some_time=412\n ,some_shortnum=3\n ,some_bestnum=44;\n%do x=10 %to 500;\n insert into &lib..mpe_x_test\n set primary_key_field=10&x\n ,some_char=\"&x bottles of beer on the wall\"\n ,some_dropdown='Option 1'\n ,some_num=ranuni(0)\n ,some_date=round(ranuni(0)*1000,1)\n ,some_datetime=round(ranuni(0)*50000,1)\n ,some_time=round(ranuni(0)*100,1)\n ,some_shortnum=round(ranuni(0)*100,1)\n ,some_bestnum=round(ranuni(0)*100,1);\n%end;\n\n\n/* https://support.sas.com/resources/papers/proceedings/proceedings/sugi27/p056-27.pdf */\nproc format library=&lib..mpe_x_catalog;\n value otdate\n .Z = 'Some Zs'\n .N = 'Some 9s'\n other = [date9.]\n ;\n invalue disc\n 'ABC' = 0.20\n 'DEF' = 0.25\n 'XYZ' = 0.00\n other = 0.00\n ;\n invalue indate\n '00000000' = .Z\n '99999999' = .N\n other = [yymmdd8.]\n ;\n value age(multilabel)\n 20 - 29 = '20 - 29'\n 30 - 39 = '30 - 39'\n 40 - 49 = '40 - 49'\n 50 - 59 = '50 - 59'\n 60 - high = '60 +++'\n 20 - 35 = '20 - 35'\n 36 - 55 = '36 - 55'\n 55 - high = '55 +++'\n ;\n/* https://libguides.library.kent.edu/SAS/UserDefinedFormats */\n VALUE $GENDERLABEL\n \"M\" = \"Male\"\n \"F\" = \"Female\"\n ;\n VALUE LIKERT_SEVEN\n 1 = \"Strongly Disagree\"\n 2 = \"Disagree\"\n 3 = \"Slightly Disagree\"\n 4 = \"Neither Agree nor Disagree\"\n 5 = \"Slightly Agree\"\n 6 = \"Agree\"\n 7 = \"Strongly Agree\"\n ;\n VALUE LIKERT7_ELEVEN\n 1,2,3 = \"Disagree\"\n 4 = \"Neither Agree nor Disagree\"\n 5,6,7 = \"Agree\"\n ;\n VALUE LIKERT7_SISTERS\n 1-3 = \"Disagree\"\n 4 = \"Neither Agree nor Disagree\"\n 5-7 = \"Agree\"\n ;\n VALUE INCOME\n LOW -< 20000 = \"Low\"\n 20000 -< 60000 = \"Middle\"\n 60000 - HIGH = \"High\"\n ;\n VALUE RACE\n 1 = \"White\"\n 2 = \"Black\"\n OTHER = \"Other\"\n ;\n VALUE GENDERCODE\n 0 = 'Male'\n 1 = 'Female';\n VALUE ATHLETECODE\n 0 = 'Non-athlete'\n 1 = 'Athlete';\n VALUE SMOKINGCODE\n 0 = 'Nonsmoker'\n 1 = 'Past smoker'\n 2 = 'Current smoker';\n/* https://documentation.sas.com/doc/en/pgmsascdc/v_017/proc/p1upn25lbfo6mkn1wncu4dyh9q91.htm */\n value $state\n 'Delaware'='DE'\n 'Florida'='FL'\n 'Ohio'='OH';\n value MYfmt\n /* Format dates prior to 31DEC2011 using only a year. */\n low-'31DEC2011'd=[year4.]\n\n /* Format 2012 dates using the month and year. */\n '01jan2012'd-'31DEC12'd=[monyy7.]\n\n /* Format dates 01JAN2013 and beyond using the day, month, and year. */\n '01JAN2013'd-high=[date9.]\n\n /* Catch missing values. */\n other='n/a';\n value newfmt .='N/A' other=[12.1];\n/* https://www.lexjansen.com/nesug/nesug08/cc/cc14.pdf */\n value $genderml (multilabel)\n '1'='Male'\n '2'='Female'\n '1','2',' '='Total people';\n value agemla (multilabel)\n 1-4='Preschool'\n 1-18='Children'\n 19-120='Adults';\n value agemlb (multilabel)\n 19-120='Adults'\n 1-18='Children'\n 1-4='Preschool';\n value agemlc (multilabel notsorted)\n 19-120='Adults'\n 1-18='Children'\n 1-4='Preschool';\n%mend mpe_makedata;\n\n\n/** @cond */\n%macro mf_existfeature(feature\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %let feature=%upcase(&feature);\n %local platform;\n %let platform=%mf_getplatform();\n\n %if &feature= %then %do;\n %put No feature was requested for detection;\n %end;\n %else %if &feature=COLCONSTRAINTS %then %do;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\" or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\" %then 0;\n %else 1;\n %end;\n %else %if &feature=PROCLUA %then %do;\n /* https://blogs.sas.com/content/sasdummy/2015/08/03/using-lua-within-your-sas-programs */\n %if &platform=SASVIYA %then 1;\n %else %if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\" %then 0;\n %else %if \"&SYSVLONG\" < \"9.04.01M3\" %then 0;\n %else 1;\n %end;\n %else %if &feature=DBMS_MEMTYPE %then %do;\n /* does dbms_memtype exist in dictionary.tables? */\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\" or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\" %then 0;\n %else 1;\n %end;\n %else %if &feature=EXPORTXLS %then %do;\n /* is it possible to PROC EXPORT an excel file? */\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\" or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\" %then 1;\n %else %if %sysfunc(sysprod(SAS/ACCESS Interface to PC Files)) = 1 %then 1;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n -1\n %put &sysmacroname: &feature not found;\n %end;\n%mend mf_existfeature;\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_makedatamodel(lib=);\n%if &syscc ne 0 %then %do;\n %put syscc=&syscc exiting &sysmacroname;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n%local notnull;\n%if %mf_existfeature(COLCONSTRAINTS)=1 %then %let notnull=not null;\n%put &=notnull;\n\nproc sql;\ncreate table &lib..mpe_alerts(\n tx_from num format=datetime19.3,\n alert_event char(20),\n alert_lib char(8),\n alert_ds char(32),\n alert_user char(100) ,\n tx_to num ¬null format=datetime19.3\n);quit;\nproc datasets lib=&lib noprint;\n modify mpe_alerts;\n index create\n pk_mpealerts=(tx_from alert_event alert_lib alert_ds alert_user)\n /nomiss unique;\nquit;\n\nproc sql;\ncreate table &lib..mpe_audit(\n load_ref char(36) label='unique load reference',\n libref char(8) label='Library Reference (8 chars)',\n dsn char(32) label='Dataset Name (32 chars)',\n key_hash char(32) label=\n 'MD5 Hash of primary key values (pipe seperated)',\n tgtvar_nm char(32) label='Target variable name (32 chars)',\n move_type char(1) label='Either (A)ppended, (D)eleted or (M)odified',\n processed_dttm num format=E8601DT26.6 label='Processed at timestamp',\n is_pk num label='Is Primary Key Field? (1/0)',\n is_diff num label=\n 'Did value change? (1/0/-1). Always -1 for appends and deletes.',\n tgtvar_type char(1) label='Either (C)haracter or (N)umeric',\n oldval_num num format=best32. label='Old (numeric) value',\n newval_num num format=best32. label='New (numeric) value',\n oldval_char char(32765) label='Old (character) value',\n newval_char char(32765) label='New (character) value'\n);quit;\nproc datasets lib=&lib noprint;\n modify mpe_audit;\n index create\n pk_mpe_audit=(load_ref libref dsn key_hash tgtvar_nm)\n /nomiss unique;\nquit;\n\nproc sql;\ncreate table &lib..mpe_column_level_security(\n tx_from num ¬null format=datetime19.3,\n tx_to num ¬null format=datetime19.3,\n CLS_SCOPE char(4) ¬null,\n CLS_GROUP char(64) ¬null,\n CLS_LIBREF char(8) ¬null,\n CLS_TABLE char(32) ¬null,\n CLS_VARIABLE_NM char(32) ¬null,\n CLS_ACTIVE num ¬null,\n CLS_HIDE num\n);quit;\nproc datasets lib=&lib noprint;\n modify mpe_column_level_security;\n index create\n pk_mpe_column_level_security=\n (tx_to CLS_SCOPE CLS_GROUP CLS_LIBREF CLS_TABLE CLS_VARIABLE_NM)\n /nomiss unique;\nquit;\n\nproc sql;\ncreate table &lib..mpe_config(\n tx_from num ¬null format=datetime19.3\n ,tx_to num ¬null format=datetime19.3\n ,var_scope varchar(10) ¬null\n ,var_name varchar(32) ¬null\n ,var_value varchar(5000)\n ,var_active num\n ,var_desc varchar(300)\n);quit;\nproc datasets lib=&lib noprint;\n modify mpe_config;\n index create\n pk_mpe_config=(tx_to var_scope var_name)\n /nomiss unique;\nquit;\nproc sql;\ncreate table &lib..mpe_datacatalog_libs(\n TX_FROM num ¬null format=datetime19.3,\n TX_TO num ¬null format=datetime19.3,\n libref char(8) label='Library Ref',\n engine char(32) label='Library Engine',\n libname char(256) format=$256. label='Library Name',\n paths char(8192) label='Library Paths',\n perms char(500) label='Library Permissions (if BASE)',\n owners char(500) label='Library Owners (if BASE)',\n schemas char(500) label='Library Schemas (if DB)',\n libid char(17) label='LibraryId'\n);quit;\nproc datasets lib=&lib noprint;\n modify mpe_datacatalog_libs;\n index create\n pk_mpe_datacatalog_libs=(libref tx_to)\n /nomiss unique;\nquit;\nproc sql;\ncreate table &lib..mpe_datacatalog_TABS(\n TX_FROM num ¬null format=datetime19.3,\n TX_TO num ¬null format=datetime19.3,\n libref char(8) label='Library Name',\n dsn char(64) label='Member Name',\n memtype char(8) label='Member Type',\n dbms_memtype char(32) label='DBMS Member Type',\n memlabel char(512) label='Data Set Label',\n typemem char(8) label='Data Set Type',\n nvar num label='Number of Variables',\n compress char(8) label='Compression Routine',\n pk_fields char(512)\n label='Primary Key Fields (identified by being in a constraint that is both Unique and Not Null)'\n);quit;\nproc datasets lib=&lib noprint;\n modify mpe_datacatalog_TABS;\n index create\n pk_mpe_datacatalog_TABS=(libref dsn tx_to)\n /nomiss unique;\nquit;\nproc sql;\ncreate table &lib..mpe_datacatalog_vars(\n TX_FROM num ¬null format=datetime19.3,\n TX_TO num ¬null format=datetime19.3,\n libref char(8) label='Library Name',\n dsn char(64) label='Table Name',\n name char(64) label='Column Name',\n memtype char(8) label='Member Type',\n type char(16) label='Column Type',\n length num label='Column Length',\n varnum num label='Column Number in Table',\n label char(512) label='Column Label',\n format char(49) label='Column Format',\n idxusage char(9) label='Column Index Type',\n notnull char(3) label='Not NULL?',\n pk_ind num label='Primary Key Indicator (1=Primary Key field)'\n);quit;\nproc datasets lib=&lib noprint;\n modify mpe_datacatalog_vars;\n index create\n pk_mpe_datacatalog_vars=(libref dsn name tx_to)\n /nomiss unique;\nquit;\nproc sql;\ncreate table &lib..mpe_datastatus_libs(\n TX_FROM num ¬null format=datetime19.3,\n TX_TO num ¬null format=datetime19.3,\n libref char(8) label='Library Name',\n libsize num format=SIZEKMG. label='Size of library',\n table_cnt num label='Number of Tables'\n);quit;\nproc datasets lib=&lib noprint;\n modify mpe_datastatus_libs;\n index create\n pk_mpe_datastatus_libs=(libref tx_to)\n /nomiss unique;\nquit;\nproc sql;\ncreate table &lib..mpe_datastatus_tabs(\n TX_FROM num ¬null format=datetime19.3,\n TX_TO num ¬null format=datetime19.3,\n libref char(8) label='Library Name',\n dsn char(64) label='Member Name',\n filesize num format=SIZEKMG. label='Size of file',\n crdate num format=DATETIME. informat=DATETIME. label='Date Created',\n modate num format=DATETIME. informat=DATETIME. label='Date Modified',\n nobs num label='Number of Physical (Actual, inc. deleted) Observations'\n);quit;\nproc datasets lib=&lib noprint;\n modify mpe_datastatus_tabs;\n index create\n pk_mpe_datastatus_tabs=(libref dsn tx_to)\n /nomiss unique;\nquit;\nproc sql;\ncreate table &lib..mpe_datadictionary\n (\n TX_FROM num ¬null format=datetime19.3,\n TX_TO num ¬null format=datetime19.3,\n DD_TYPE char(16),\n DD_SOURCE char(1024),\n DD_SHORTDESC char(256),\n DD_LONGDESC char(32767),\n DD_OWNER char(128),\n DD_RESPONSIBLE char(128),\n DD_SENSITIVITY char(64)\n);quit;\nproc datasets lib=&lib noprint;\n modify mpe_datadictionary;\n index create\n pk_mpe_datadictionary=(tx_to dd_type dd_source)\n /nomiss unique;\nquit;\nproc sql;\ncreate table &lib..mpe_dataloads(\n libref varchar(8) ¬null,\n dsn varchar(32) ¬null,\n etlsource varchar(100) ¬null,\n loadtype varchar(20) ¬null,\n changed_records int,\n new_records int,\n deleted_records int,\n duration num,\n user_nm varchar(50) ¬null,\n processed_dttm num format=datetime19.3,\n mac_ver varchar(5)\n);quit;\nproc datasets lib=&lib noprint;\n modify mpe_dataloads;\n index create\n pk_mpe_dataloads=(processed_dttm libref dsn etlsource)\n /nomiss unique;\nquit;\nproc sql;\ncreate table &lib..mpe_emails(\n tx_from num ¬null format=datetime19.3,\n tx_to num ¬null format=datetime19.3,\n user_name char(50) ¬null,\n user_displayname char(100),\n user_email char(100) ¬null\n);quit;\nproc datasets lib=&lib noprint;\n modify mpe_emails;\n index create\n pk_mpe_emails=(tx_to user_name)\n /nomiss unique;\nquit;\nproc sql;\ncreate table &lib..mpe_excel_config(\n tx_from num ¬null format=datetime19.3,\n tx_to num ¬null format=datetime19.3,\n xl_libref char(8),\n xl_table char(32),\n xl_column char(32),\n xl_rule char(32),\n xl_active num\n);quit;\nproc datasets lib=&lib noprint;\n modify mpe_excel_config;\n index create\n pk_mpe_excel_config=(tx_to xl_libref xl_table xl_column)\n /nomiss unique;\nquit;\n\nproc sql;\ncreate table &lib..MPE_XLMAP_DATA(\n LOAD_REF char(32) ¬null,\n XLMAP_ID char(32) ¬null,\n XLMAP_RANGE_ID char(32) ¬null,\n ROW_NO num ¬null,\n COL_NO num ¬null,\n VALUE_TXT char(4000)\n);quit;\nproc datasets lib=&lib noprint;\n modify MPE_XLMAP_DATA;\n index create\n pk_MPE_XLMAP_DATA=(load_ref xlmap_id xlmap_range_id row_no col_no)\n /nomiss unique;\nquit;\n\nproc sql;\ncreate table &lib..mpe_xlmap_info(\n tx_from num ¬null,\n tx_to num ¬null,\n XLMAP_ID char(32) ¬null,\n XLMAP_DESCRIPTION char(1000) ¬null,\n XLMAP_TARGETLIBDS char(41) ¬null\n);quit;\nproc datasets lib=&lib noprint;\n modify mpe_xlmap_info;\n index create\n pk_mpe_xlmap_info=(tx_to xlmap_id)\n /nomiss unique;\nquit;\n\nproc sql;\ncreate table &lib..mpe_xlmap_rules(\n tx_from num ¬null,\n tx_to num ¬null,\n XLMAP_ID char(32) ¬null,\n XLMAP_RANGE_ID char(32) ¬null,\n XLMAP_SHEET char(32) ¬null,\n XLMAP_START char(1000) ¬null,\n XLMAP_FINISH char(1000)\n);quit;\nproc datasets lib=&lib noprint;\n modify mpe_xlmap_rules;\n index create\n pk_mpe_xlmap_rules=(tx_to xlmap_id xlmap_range_id)\n /nomiss unique;\nquit;\n\nproc sql;\ncreate table &lib..mpe_filteranytable(\n filter_rk num ¬null,\n filter_hash char(32) ¬null,\n filter_table char(41) ¬null,\n processed_dttm num ¬null format=datetime19.\n);quit;\nproc datasets lib=&lib noprint;\n modify mpe_filteranytable;\n index create filter_rk /nomiss unique;\nquit;\nproc sql;\ncreate table &lib..mpe_filtersource(\n filter_hash char(32) ¬null,\n filter_line num ¬null,\n group_logic char(3) ¬null,\n subgroup_logic char(3) ¬null,\n subgroup_id num ¬null,\n variable_nm varchar(32) ¬null,\n operator_nm varchar(12) ¬null,\n raw_value varchar(4000) ¬null,\n processed_dttm num ¬null format=datetime19.\n);quit;\nproc datasets lib=&lib noprint;\n modify mpe_filtersource;\n index create\n pk_mpe_filtersource=(filter_hash filter_line)\n /nomiss unique;\nquit;\nproc sql;\ncreate table &lib..mpe_groups(\n tx_from num ¬null format=datetime19.3,\n tx_to num ¬null format=datetime19.3,\n group_name char(100) ¬null,\n user_name char(50) ¬null,\n group_desc char(256)\n);quit;\nproc datasets lib=&lib noprint;\n modify mpe_groups;\n index create\n pk_mpe_groups=(tx_to group_name user_name)\n /nomiss unique;\nquit;\nproc sql;\ncreate table &lib..mpe_lineage_cols\n (\n col_id char(32),\n direction char(1),\n sourcecoluri char(256),\n map_type char(256),\n map_transform char(256),\n jobname char(256),\n sourcetablename char(256),\n sourcecolname char(256),\n targettablename char(256),\n targetcolname char(256),\n targetcoluri char(256),\n Derived_Rule char(500),\n level int,\n modified_dttm num format=datetime19.3,\n modified_by char(64)\n);quit;\nproc datasets lib=&lib noprint;\n modify mpe_lineage_cols;\n index create\n pk_mpe_lineage_cols=(col_id direction sourcecoluri targetcoluri map_type map_transform)\n /nomiss unique;\nquit;\nproc sql;\ncreate table &lib..MPE_LINEAGE_TABS\n (\n tx_from num ¬null format=datetime19.3,\n jobid char(17),\n srctableid char(17),\n tgttableid char(17),\n jobname char(128),\n srctabletype char(16),\n srctablename char(64),\n srclibref char(8),\n tgttabletype char(16),\n tgttablename char(64),\n tgtlibref char(8),\n tx_to num ¬null format=datetime19.3\n);quit;\nproc datasets lib=&lib noprint;\n modify mpe_lineage_tabs;\n index create\n pk_mpe_lineage_tabs=(tx_to jobid srctableid tgttableid)\n /nomiss unique;\nquit;\nproc sql;\ncreate table &lib..mpe_loads(\n csv_dir char(255),\n user_nm char(50) ,\n status char(15) ,\n duration num ,\n processed_dttm num format=datetime19.3,\n reason_txt char(2048) ,\n approvals char(64)\n);quit;\nproc datasets lib=&lib noprint;\n modify mpe_loads;\n index create csv_dir /nomiss unique;\nquit;\nproc sql;\ncreate table &lib..mpe_lockanytable(\n lock_lib varchar(8) ¬null ,\n lock_ds varchar(32) ¬null,\n lock_status_cd varchar(10) ¬null,\n lock_user_nm varchar(100) ¬null ,\n lock_ref varchar(200),\n lock_pid varchar(10),\n lock_start_dttm num format=E8601DT26.6,\n lock_end_dttm num format=E8601DT26.6\n);quit;\nproc datasets lib=&lib noprint;\n modify mpe_lockanytable;\n index create\n pk_mpe_lockanytable=(lock_lib lock_ds)\n /nomiss unique;\nquit;\nproc sql;\ncreate table &lib..mpe_maxkeyvalues(\n keytable varchar(41) label='Base table in libref.dataset format',\n keycolumn char(32) format=$32.\n label='The Surrogate / Retained key field containing the key values.',\n max_key num label=\n 'Integer value representing current max RK or SK value in the KEYTABLE',\n processed_dttm num format=E8601DT26.6\n label='Datetime this value was last updated'\n);quit;\nproc datasets lib=&lib noprint;\n modify mpe_maxkeyvalues;\n index create keytable /nomiss unique;\nquit;\n/* no PK defined as it is a transaction table */\nproc sql;\ncreate table &lib..mpe_requests(\n request_dttm num ¬null format=datetime19.,\n request_user char(64) ¬null,\n request_service char(64) ¬null,\n request_params char(128)\n );\nproc sql;\ncreate table &lib..mpe_review(\n table_id varchar(32) ¬null,\n reviewed_by_nm varchar(100) ¬null,\n base_table varchar(41) ¬null,\n review_status_id varchar(10) ¬null,\n reviewed_on_dttm num ¬null format=datetime19.3,\n review_reason_txt varchar(400)\n);quit;\nproc datasets lib=&lib noprint;\n modify mpe_review;\n index create\n pk_mpe_review=(table_id reviewed_by_nm)\n /nomiss unique;\nquit;\nproc sql;\ncreate table &lib..mpe_row_level_security(\n tx_from num ¬null format=datetime19.3,\n tx_to num ¬null format=datetime19.3,\n RLS_RK num ¬null,\n RLS_SCOPE char(8) ¬null,\n RLS_GROUP char(128) ¬null,\n RLS_LIBREF char(8) ¬null,\n RLS_TABLE char(32) ¬null,\n RLS_GROUP_LOGIC char(3) ¬null,\n RLS_SUBGROUP_LOGIC char(3) ¬null,\n RLS_SUBGROUP_ID num ¬null,\n RLS_VARIABLE_NM varchar(32) ¬null,\n RLS_OPERATOR_NM varchar(12) ¬null,\n RLS_RAW_VALUE varchar(4000) ¬null,\n RLS_ACTIVE num ¬null\n);quit;\nproc datasets lib=&lib noprint;\n modify mpe_row_level_security;\n index create\n pk_mpe_row_level_security=(tx_to RLS_RK)\n /nomiss unique;\nquit;\nproc sql;\ncreate table &lib..mpe_security(\n tx_from num ¬null format=datetime19.3,\n tx_to num ¬null format=datetime19.3,\n libref char(8) ¬null,\n dsn char(32) ¬null,\n access_level char(10) ¬null,\n sas_group char(100) ¬null\n);quit;\nproc datasets lib=&lib noprint;\n modify mpe_security;\n index create\n pk_mpe_security=(tx_to libref dsn access_level sas_group)\n /nomiss unique;\nquit;\nproc sql;\ncreate table &lib..mpe_selectbox(\n ver_from_dttm num ¬null format=datetime19.3,/* timestamp for versioning*/\n ver_to_dttm num ¬null format=datetime19.3, /* timestamp for versioning */\n selectbox_rk num ¬null, /* surrogate key */\n select_lib varchar(17) ¬null, /* libref (big enough for uri)*/\n select_ds varchar(32) ¬null,\n base_column varchar(36) ¬null, /* variable name against which to apply selectbox */\n selectbox_value varchar(500) ¬null, /* selectbox value */\n selectbox_order num , /* optional ordering (1 comes before 2) */\n selectbox_type varchar(32) /* column type (blank for default, else\n sas or js to indicate relevant system functions)*/\n);quit;\nproc datasets lib=&lib noprint;\n modify mpe_selectbox;\n index create\n pk_mpe_selectbox=(ver_to_dttm selectbox_rk)\n /nomiss unique;\nquit;\nproc sql;\ncreate table &lib..mpe_signoffs(\n tech_from_dttm num ¬null format=datetime19.3,\n tech_to_dttm num ¬null format=datetime19.3,\n signoff_table varchar(50) ¬null,\n signoff_section_rk num ¬null,\n signoff_version_rk num ¬null,\n signoff_name varchar(100) ¬null\n);quit;\nproc datasets lib=&lib noprint;\n modify mpe_signoffs;\n index create\n pk_mpe_signoffs=(tech_to_dttm signoff_table signoff_section_rk)\n /nomiss unique;\nquit;\n/* mpe_submit */\nproc sql;\ncreate table &lib..mpe_submit(\n table_id varchar(32) ¬null,\n submit_status_cd varchar(10) ¬null,\n base_lib char(8) ¬null,\n base_ds char(32) ¬null,\n submitted_by_nm varchar(100) ¬null,\n submitted_on_dttm num ¬null format=datetime19.3,\n submitted_reason_txt varchar(400),\n input_obs num,\n input_vars num,\n num_of_approvals_required num ¬null ,\n num_of_approvals_remaining num ¬null ,\n reviewed_by_nm char(100),\n reviewed_on_dttm num\n);quit;\nproc datasets lib=&lib noprint;\n modify mpe_submit;\n index create table_id /nomiss unique;\nquit;\nproc sql;\ncreate table &lib..mpe_tables(\n tx_from num ¬null format=datetime19.3,\n tx_to num ¬null format=datetime19.3,\n libref char(8) ¬null,\n dsn char(32) ¬null,\n num_of_approvals_required int,\n loadtype char(12) ,\n buskey char(1000) ,\n var_txfrom char(32) ,\n var_txto char(32) ,\n var_busfrom char(32) ,\n var_busto char(32) ,\n var_processed char(32) ,\n close_vars varchar(500),\n pre_edit_hook char(200),\n post_edit_hook char(200),\n pre_approve_hook char(200) ,\n post_approve_hook char(200) ,\n signoff_cols varchar(500),\n signoff_hook varchar(200),\n notes char(1000) ,\n rk_underlying char(1000) ,\n audit_libds char(41)\n);quit;\nproc datasets lib=&lib noprint;\n modify mpe_tables;\n index create\n pk_mpe_tables=(tx_to libref dsn)\n /nomiss unique;\nquit;\nproc sql;\ncreate table &lib..mpe_users(\n user_id char(50) ¬null,\n last_seen_dt num ¬null format=date9.,\n registered_dt num ¬null format=date9.\n);quit;\nproc datasets lib=&lib noprint;\n modify mpe_users;\n index create user_id /nomiss unique;\nquit;\nproc sql;\ncreate table &lib..MPE_VALIDATIONS\n (\n TX_FROM num ¬null format=datetime19.3,\n BASE_LIB varchar(8),\n BASE_DS varchar(32),\n BASE_COL varchar(32),\n RULE_TYPE varchar(32),\n RULE_VALUE varchar(128),\n RULE_ACTIVE num ,\n TX_TO num ¬null format=datetime19.3\n);quit;\nproc datasets lib=&lib noprint;\n modify mpe_validations;\n index create\n pk_mpe_validations=(tx_from base_lib base_ds base_col rule_type)\n /nomiss unique;\nquit;\nproc sql;\ncreate table &lib..mpe_x_test(\n primary_key_field num ¬null,\n some_char char(32767) ,\n some_dropdown char(128),\n some_num num ,\n some_date num format=date9.,\n some_datetime num format=datetime19. informat=ANYDTDTM19.,\n some_time num format=time8.,\n some_shortnum num length=4,\n some_bestnum num format=best.\n);quit;\nproc datasets lib=&lib noprint;\n modify mpe_x_test;\n index create primary_key_field /nomiss unique;\nquit;\n\n%mend mpe_makedatamodel;\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_makesampledata(outlib=);\n%if &syscc ne 0 %then %do;\n %put syscc=&syscc exiting &sysmacroname;\n %return;\n%end;\n%if &syssite ne 70221618 and &syssite ne 70253615 %then %do;\n %put syssite=&syssite, exiting &sysmacroname;\n %return;\n%end;\n\ndata &outlib..class(index=(name /unique));\n set sashelp.class;\nrun;\n\ndata &outlib..cars(index=(carspk=(make model drivetrain) /unique));\n set sashelp.cars;\nrun;\n\ndata &outlib..springs(index=(springspk=(name area latitude) /unique));\n set sashelp.springs;\nrun;\n\ndata &outlib..fmt_checks;;\n pk=1; E8601DA=date();\n format E8601DA E8601DA10.;\nrun;\n\ndata append;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_tables;\n TX_FROM=0;\n TX_TO='31DEC9999:23:59:59'dt;\n LIBREF=%upcase(\"&outlib\");\n LOADTYPE='UPDATE';\n NUM_OF_APPROVALS_REQUIRED=1;\n DSN='SPRINGS'; BUSKEY='NAME AREA LATITUDE'; output;\n DSN='CARS'; BUSKEY='MAKE MODEL DRIVETRAIN'; output;\n DSN='CLASS'; BUSKEY='NAME'; output;\n DSN='FMT_CHECKS'; BUSKEY='PK'; output;\nrun;\nproc append base=&dc_libref..MPE_TABLES data=&syslast;\nrun;\n\n/**\n * DC data extra\n */\n%local lib;\n%let lib=&dc_libref;\nproc sql;\ninsert into &lib..mpe_row_level_security set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,RLS_RK=4\n ,RLS_SCOPE='ALL'\n ,RLS_GROUP='sec-sas9-prd-int-sasplatform-300114sasjs'\n ,RLS_LIBREF=\"&lib.\"\n ,RLS_TABLE=\"MPE_TABLES\"\n ,RLS_GROUP_LOGIC='AND'\n ,RLS_SUBGROUP_LOGIC='OR'\n ,RLS_SUBGROUP_ID=0\n ,RLS_VARIABLE_NM='NUM_OF_APPROVALS_REQUIRED'\n ,RLS_OPERATOR_NM='>'\n ,RLS_RAW_VALUE='0'\n ,RLS_ACTIVE=1;\ninsert into &lib..mpe_row_level_security set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,RLS_RK=5\n ,RLS_SCOPE='ALL'\n ,RLS_GROUP='sec-sas9-prd-int-sasplatform-300114sasjs'\n ,RLS_LIBREF=\"&lib.\"\n ,RLS_TABLE=\"MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,RLS_GROUP_LOGIC='AND'\n ,RLS_SUBGROUP_LOGIC='OR'\n ,RLS_SUBGROUP_ID=1\n ,RLS_VARIABLE_NM='RLS_GROUP_LOGIC'\n ,RLS_OPERATOR_NM='NOT IN'\n ,RLS_RAW_VALUE=\"('N/A1','N/A2')\"\n ,RLS_ACTIVE=1;\ninsert into &lib..mpe_row_level_security set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,RLS_RK=6\n ,RLS_SCOPE='ALL'\n ,RLS_GROUP='sec-sas9-prd-int-sasplatform-300114sasjs'\n ,RLS_LIBREF=\"&lib.\"\n ,RLS_TABLE=\"MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,RLS_GROUP_LOGIC='AND'\n ,RLS_SUBGROUP_LOGIC='OR'\n ,RLS_SUBGROUP_ID=1\n ,RLS_VARIABLE_NM='RLS_GROUP_LOGIC'\n ,RLS_OPERATOR_NM='NOT IN'\n ,RLS_RAW_VALUE=\"('N/A1','N/A2','N/A3')\"\n ,RLS_ACTIVE=1;\ninsert into &lib..mpe_row_level_security set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,RLS_RK=7\n ,RLS_SCOPE='ALL'\n ,RLS_GROUP='sec-sas9-prd-int-sasplatform-300114sasjs'\n ,RLS_LIBREF=\"&lib.\"\n ,RLS_TABLE=\"MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,RLS_GROUP_LOGIC='AND'\n ,RLS_SUBGROUP_LOGIC='OR'\n ,RLS_SUBGROUP_ID=2\n ,RLS_VARIABLE_NM='RLS_GROUP_LOGIC'\n ,RLS_OPERATOR_NM='NOT IN'\n ,RLS_RAW_VALUE=\"('N/A1','N/A2')\"\n ,RLS_ACTIVE=1;\ninsert into &lib..mpe_row_level_security set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,RLS_RK=8\n ,RLS_SCOPE='ALL'\n ,RLS_GROUP='sec-sas9-prd-int-sasplatform-300114sasjs'\n ,RLS_LIBREF=\"&lib.\"\n ,RLS_TABLE=\"MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,RLS_GROUP_LOGIC='AND'\n ,RLS_SUBGROUP_LOGIC='OR'\n ,RLS_SUBGROUP_ID=3\n ,RLS_VARIABLE_NM='RLS_GROUP_LOGIC'\n ,RLS_OPERATOR_NM='NOT IN'\n ,RLS_RAW_VALUE=\"('N/A1','N/A2')\"\n ,RLS_ACTIVE=1;\ninsert into &lib..mpe_row_level_security set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,RLS_RK=9\n ,RLS_SCOPE='ALL'\n ,RLS_GROUP='sec-sas9-prd-int-sasplatform-300114sasjs'\n ,RLS_LIBREF=\"&lib.\"\n ,RLS_TABLE=\"MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,RLS_GROUP_LOGIC='AND'\n ,RLS_SUBGROUP_LOGIC='OR'\n ,RLS_SUBGROUP_ID=4\n ,RLS_VARIABLE_NM='RLS_GROUP_LOGIC'\n ,RLS_OPERATOR_NM='NOT IN'\n ,RLS_RAW_VALUE=\"('N/A1','N/A2')\"\n ,RLS_ACTIVE=1;\ninsert into &lib..mpe_row_level_security set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,RLS_RK=10\n ,RLS_SCOPE='ALL'\n ,RLS_GROUP='sec-sas9-prd-int-sasplatform-300114sasjs'\n ,RLS_LIBREF=\"&lib.\"\n ,RLS_TABLE=\"MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,RLS_GROUP_LOGIC='AND'\n ,RLS_SUBGROUP_LOGIC='OR'\n ,RLS_SUBGROUP_ID=5\n ,RLS_VARIABLE_NM='RLS_GROUP_LOGIC'\n ,RLS_OPERATOR_NM='NOT IN'\n ,RLS_RAW_VALUE=\"('N/A1','N/A2','N/A3','N/A4','N/A5','N/A6','N/A7')\"\n ,RLS_ACTIVE=1;\ninsert into &lib..mpe_row_level_security set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,RLS_RK=11\n ,RLS_SCOPE='ALL'\n ,RLS_GROUP='sec-sas9-prd-int-sasplatform-300114sasjs'\n ,RLS_LIBREF=\"&lib.\"\n ,RLS_TABLE=\"MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,RLS_GROUP_LOGIC='AND'\n ,RLS_SUBGROUP_LOGIC='OR'\n ,RLS_SUBGROUP_ID=6\n ,RLS_VARIABLE_NM='RLS_GROUP_LOGIC'\n ,RLS_OPERATOR_NM='NOT IN'\n ,RLS_RAW_VALUE=\"('N/A1','N/A2','N/A3','N/A4','N/A5','N/A6','N/A7')\"\n ,RLS_ACTIVE=1;\ninsert into &lib..mpe_row_level_security set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,RLS_RK=12\n ,RLS_SCOPE='ALL'\n ,RLS_GROUP='sec-sas9-prd-int-sasplatform-300114sasjs'\n ,RLS_LIBREF=\"&lib.\"\n ,RLS_TABLE=\"MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,RLS_GROUP_LOGIC='AND'\n ,RLS_SUBGROUP_LOGIC='OR'\n ,RLS_SUBGROUP_ID=7\n ,RLS_VARIABLE_NM='RLS_GROUP_LOGIC'\n ,RLS_OPERATOR_NM='NOT IN'\n ,RLS_RAW_VALUE=\"('N/A1','N/A2','N/A3','N/A4','N/A5','N/A6','N/A7')\"\n ,RLS_ACTIVE=1;\ninsert into &lib..mpe_row_level_security set\n tx_from=13\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,RLS_RK=5\n ,RLS_SCOPE='ALL'\n ,RLS_GROUP='sec-sas9-prd-ext-sasplatform-300114sasjs'\n ,RLS_LIBREF=\"&lib.\"\n ,RLS_TABLE=\"MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,RLS_GROUP_LOGIC='AND'\n ,RLS_SUBGROUP_LOGIC='OR'\n ,RLS_SUBGROUP_ID=1\n ,RLS_VARIABLE_NM='RLS_GROUP_LOGIC'\n ,RLS_OPERATOR_NM='NOT IN'\n ,RLS_RAW_VALUE=\"('N/A1','N/A2')\"\n ,RLS_ACTIVE=1;\ninsert into &lib..mpe_row_level_security set\n tx_from=14\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,RLS_RK=6\n ,RLS_SCOPE='ALL'\n ,RLS_GROUP='sec-sas9-prd-ext-sasplatform-300114sasjs'\n ,RLS_LIBREF=\"&lib.\"\n ,RLS_TABLE=\"MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,RLS_GROUP_LOGIC='AND'\n ,RLS_SUBGROUP_LOGIC='OR'\n ,RLS_SUBGROUP_ID=1\n ,RLS_VARIABLE_NM='RLS_GROUP_LOGIC'\n ,RLS_OPERATOR_NM='NOT IN'\n ,RLS_RAW_VALUE=\"('N/A1','N/A2','N/A3')\"\n ,RLS_ACTIVE=1;\ninsert into &lib..mpe_row_level_security set\n tx_from=15\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,RLS_RK=7\n ,RLS_SCOPE='ALL'\n ,RLS_GROUP='sec-sas9-prd-ext-sasplatform-300114sasjs'\n ,RLS_LIBREF=\"&lib.\"\n ,RLS_TABLE=\"MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,RLS_GROUP_LOGIC='AND'\n ,RLS_SUBGROUP_LOGIC='OR'\n ,RLS_SUBGROUP_ID=2\n ,RLS_VARIABLE_NM='RLS_GROUP_LOGIC'\n ,RLS_OPERATOR_NM='NOT IN'\n ,RLS_RAW_VALUE=\"('N/A1','N/A2')\"\n ,RLS_ACTIVE=1;\ninsert into &lib..mpe_row_level_security set\n tx_from=16\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,RLS_RK=8\n ,RLS_SCOPE='ALL'\n ,RLS_GROUP='sec-sas9-prd-ext-sasplatform-300114sasjs'\n ,RLS_LIBREF=\"&lib.\"\n ,RLS_TABLE=\"MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,RLS_GROUP_LOGIC='AND'\n ,RLS_SUBGROUP_LOGIC='OR'\n ,RLS_SUBGROUP_ID=3\n ,RLS_VARIABLE_NM='RLS_GROUP_LOGIC'\n ,RLS_OPERATOR_NM='NOT IN'\n ,RLS_RAW_VALUE=\"('N/A1','N/A2')\"\n ,RLS_ACTIVE=1;\ninsert into &lib..mpe_row_level_security set\n tx_from=17\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,RLS_RK=9\n ,RLS_SCOPE='ALL'\n ,RLS_GROUP='sec-sas9-prd-ext-sasplatform-300114sasjs'\n ,RLS_LIBREF=\"&lib.\"\n ,RLS_TABLE=\"MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,RLS_GROUP_LOGIC='AND'\n ,RLS_SUBGROUP_LOGIC='OR'\n ,RLS_SUBGROUP_ID=4\n ,RLS_VARIABLE_NM='RLS_GROUP_LOGIC'\n ,RLS_OPERATOR_NM='NOT IN'\n ,RLS_RAW_VALUE=\"('N/A1','N/A2')\"\n ,RLS_ACTIVE=1;\ninsert into &lib..mpe_row_level_security set\n tx_from=18\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,RLS_RK=10\n ,RLS_SCOPE='ALL'\n ,RLS_GROUP='sec-sas9-prd-ext-sasplatform-300114sasjs'\n ,RLS_LIBREF=\"&lib.\"\n ,RLS_TABLE=\"MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,RLS_GROUP_LOGIC='AND'\n ,RLS_SUBGROUP_LOGIC='OR'\n ,RLS_SUBGROUP_ID=5\n ,RLS_VARIABLE_NM='RLS_GROUP_LOGIC'\n ,RLS_OPERATOR_NM='NOT IN'\n ,RLS_RAW_VALUE=\"('N/A1','N/A2','N/A3','N/A4','N/A5','N/A6','N/A7')\"\n ,RLS_ACTIVE=1;\ninsert into &lib..mpe_row_level_security set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,RLS_RK=19\n ,RLS_SCOPE='ALL'\n ,RLS_GROUP='sec-sas9-prd-ext-sasplatform-300114sasjs'\n ,RLS_LIBREF=\"&lib.\"\n ,RLS_TABLE=\"MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,RLS_GROUP_LOGIC='AND'\n ,RLS_SUBGROUP_LOGIC='OR'\n ,RLS_SUBGROUP_ID=6\n ,RLS_VARIABLE_NM='RLS_GROUP_LOGIC'\n ,RLS_OPERATOR_NM='NOT IN'\n ,RLS_RAW_VALUE=\"('N/A1','N/A2','N/A3','N/A4','N/A5','N/A6','N/A7')\"\n ,RLS_ACTIVE=1;\ninsert into &lib..mpe_row_level_security set\n tx_from=0\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt\n ,RLS_RK=20\n ,RLS_SCOPE='ALL'\n ,RLS_GROUP='sec-sas9-prd-ext-sasplatform-300114sasjs'\n ,RLS_LIBREF=\"&lib.\"\n ,RLS_TABLE=\"MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n ,RLS_GROUP_LOGIC='AND'\n ,RLS_SUBGROUP_LOGIC='OR'\n ,RLS_SUBGROUP_ID=7\n ,RLS_VARIABLE_NM='RLS_GROUP_LOGIC'\n ,RLS_OPERATOR_NM='NOT IN'\n ,RLS_RAW_VALUE=\"('N/A1','N/A2','N/A3','N/A4','N/A5','N/A6','N/A7')\"\n ,RLS_ACTIVE=1;\n\n\n/** create excel config */\ninsert into &lib..MPE_EXCEL_CONFIG set\n tx_from=0\n ,xl_libref=\"&lib\"\n ,xl_table=\"MPE_DATADICTIONARY\"\n ,xl_column=\"DD_LONGDESC\"\n ,xl_rule=\"FORMULA\"\n ,xl_active=1\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n\n/** mpe_security table */\ninsert into &lib..mpe_security set\n tx_from=0\n ,libref=\"*ALL*\"\n ,dsn=\"*ALL*\"\n ,access_level=\"APPROVE\"\n ,sas_group=\"303001.DataController\"\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\ninsert into &lib..mpe_security set\n tx_from=0\n ,libref=\"*ALL*\"\n ,dsn=\"*ALL*\"\n ,access_level=\"EDIT\"\n ,sas_group=\"303001.DataController\"\n ,tx_to='31DEC5999:23:59:59'dt;\n\ndata append;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_tables;\n TX_FROM=0;\n TX_TO='31DEC9999:23:59:59'dt;\n LIBREF=%upcase(\"&dc_libref\");\n LOADTYPE='UPDATE';\n NUM_OF_APPROVALS_REQUIRED=1;\n DSN='MPE_USERS'; BUSKEY='USER_ID'; output;\nrun;\nproc append base=&dc_libref..MPE_TABLES data=&syslast;\nrun;\n\n%mend mpe_makesampledata;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mkdir(dir\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %local lastchar child parent;\n\n %let lastchar = %substr(&dir, %length(&dir));\n %if (%bquote(&lastchar) eq %str(:)) %then %do;\n /* Cannot create drive mappings */\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if (%bquote(&lastchar)=%str(/)) or (%bquote(&lastchar)=%str(\\)) %then %do;\n /* last char is a slash */\n %if (%length(&dir) eq 1) %then %do;\n /* one single slash - root location is assumed to exist */\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /* strip last slash */\n %let dir = %substr(&dir, 1, %length(&dir)-1);\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if (%sysfunc(fileexist(%bquote(&dir))) = 0) %then %do;\n /* directory does not exist so prepare to create */\n /* first get the childmost directory */\n %let child = %scan(&dir, -1, %str(/\\:));\n\n /*\n If child name = path name then there are no parents to create. Else\n they must be recursively scanned.\n */\n\n %if (%length(&dir) gt %length(&child)) %then %do;\n %let parent = %substr(&dir, 1, %length(&dir)-%length(&child));\n %mf_mkdir(&parent)\n %end;\n\n /*\n Now create the directory. Complain loudly of any errs.\n */\n\n %let dname = %sysfunc(dcreate(&child, &parent));\n %if (%bquote(&dname) eq ) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: could not create &parent + &child;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put Directory created: &dir;\n %end;\n %end;\n /* exit quietly if directory did exist.*/\n%mend mf_mkdir;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquefileref(prefix=_,maxtries=1000,lrecl=32767);\n %local rc fname;\n %if &prefix=0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %local x len;\n %let len=%eval(8-%length(&prefix));\n %let x=0;\n %do x=0 %to &maxtries;\n %let fname=&prefix%substr(%sysfunc(ranuni(0)),3,&len);\n %if %sysfunc(fileref(&fname)) > 0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %put unable to find available fileref after &maxtries attempts;\n %end;\n%mend mf_getuniquefileref;\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquelibref(prefix=mclib,maxtries=1000);\n %local x;\n\n %if ( %length(&prefix) gt 7 ) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: The prefix parameter cannot exceed 7 characters.;\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %if (%sysfunc(NVALID(&prefix,v7))=0) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: Invalid prefix (&prefix);\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* Set maxtries equal to '10 to the power of [# unused characters] - 1' */\n %let maxtries=%eval(10**(8-%length(&prefix))-1);\n\n %do x = 0 %to &maxtries;\n %if %sysfunc(libref(&prefix&x)) ne 0 %then %do;\n &prefix&x\n %return;\n %end;\n %let x = %eval(&x + 1);\n %end;\n\n %put %str(ERR)OR: No usable libref in range &prefix.0-&maxtries;\n %put %str(ERR)OR- Try reducing the prefix or deleting some libraries!;\n 0\n%mend mf_getuniquelibref;\n\n\n%macro mf_isblank(param\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %sysevalf(%superq(param)=,boolean)\n\n%mend mf_isblank;\n\n\n%macro mv_deletejes(path=\n ,name=\n ,access_token_var=ACCESS_TOKEN\n ,grant_type=sas_services\n );\n%local oauth_bearer;\n%if &grant_type=detect %then %do;\n %if %symexist(&access_token_var) %then %let grant_type=authorization_code;\n %else %let grant_type=sas_services;\n%end;\n%if &grant_type=sas_services %then %do;\n %let oauth_bearer=oauth_bearer=sas_services;\n %let &access_token_var=;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&grant_type ne authorization_code and &grant_type ne password\n and &grant_type ne sas_services\n )\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid value for grant_type: &grant_type)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(%mf_isblank(&path)=1)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(path value must be provided)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(%mf_isblank(&name)=1)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(name value must be provided)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(%length(&path)=1)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(path value must be provided)\n)\n\noptions noquotelenmax;\n%local base_uri; /* location of rest apis */\n%let base_uri=%mf_getplatform(VIYARESTAPI);\n\n%put &sysmacroname: fetching details for &path ;\n%local fname1;\n%let fname1=%mf_getuniquefileref();\nproc http method='GET' out=&fname1 &oauth_bearer\n url=\"&base_uri/folders/folders/@item?path=&path\";\n%if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n headers \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\";\n%end;\nrun;\n%if &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE=404 %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Folder &path NOT FOUND - nothing to delete!;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE ne 200 %then %do;\n /*data _null_;infile &fname1;input;putlog _infile_;run;*/\n %mp_abort(mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_PHRASE)\n )\n%end;\n\n%put &sysmacroname: grab the follow on link ;\n%local libref1;\n%let libref1=%mf_getuniquelibref();\nlibname &libref1 JSON fileref=&fname1;\ndata _null_;\n set &libref1..links;\n if rel='members' then call symputx('mref',quote(\"&base_uri\"!!trim(href)),'l');\nrun;\n\n/* get the children */\n%local fname1a;\n%let fname1a=%mf_getuniquefileref();\nproc http method='GET' out=&fname1a &oauth_bearer\n url=%unquote(%superq(mref));\n%if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n headers \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\";\n%end;\nrun;\n%put &=SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE;\n%local libref1a;\n%let libref1a=%mf_getuniquelibref();\nlibname &libref1a JSON fileref=&fname1a;\n%local uri found;\n%let found=0;\n%put Getting object uri from &libref1a..items;\ndata _null_;\n length contenttype name $1000;\n set &libref1a..items;\n if contenttype='jobDefinition' and upcase(name)=\"%upcase(&name)\" then do;\n call symputx('uri',cats(\"&base_uri\",uri),'l');\n call symputx('found',1,'l');\n end;\nrun;\n%if &found=0 %then %do;\n %put NOTE:;%put NOTE- &sysmacroname: &path/&name NOT FOUND;%put NOTE- ;\n %return;\n%end;\nproc http method=\"DELETE\" url=\"&uri\" &oauth_bearer;\n headers\n%if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\"\n%end;\n \"Accept\"=\"*/*\";/**/\nrun;\n%if &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE ne 204 %then %do;\n data _null_; infile &fname2; input; putlog _infile_;run;\n %mp_abort(mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_PHRASE)\n )\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: &path/&name successfully deleted;\n\n/* clear refs */\nfilename &fname1 clear;\nlibname &libref1 clear;\nfilename &fname1a clear;\nlibname &libref1a clear;\n\n%mend mv_deletejes;\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file\n @brief self destructing setup service\n @details Will create the database and perform config activities\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mf_getapploc.sas\n @li mf_mkdir.sas\n @li mf_trimstr.sas\n @li mpe_getvars.sas\n @li mpe_makedata.sas\n @li mpe_makedatamodel.sas\n @li mpe_makesampledata.sas\n @li mv_deletejes.sas\n\n @version 3.5\n @author 4GL Apps Ltd\n @copyright 4GL Apps Ltd. This code may only be used within Data Controller\n and may not be re-distributed or re-sold without the express permission of\n 4GL Apps Ltd.\n\n**/\n\n\n%global dcpath ADMIN ;\n\n%webout(FETCH)\n\n/* enable vars to be passed as url params */\n%let exist=%sysfunc(exist(work.fromjs));\n%let inds=%sysfunc(ifc(&exist=1,fromjs,_null_));\ndata _null_;\n set &inds;\n call symputx('dcpath',dcpath);\n call symputx('ADMIN',ADMIN);\nrun;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax;\n\n%let dclib=%upcase(VIYA%substr(%sysevalf(%sysfunc(datetime())/60),3,4));\n%let dclibname=Data Controller (&dclib);\n%let DC_LIBREF=&dclib;\n%let work=%sysfunc(pathname(work));\n\n\n%let dcpath=%mf_trimstr(&dcpath,/)/&dclib;\n%put &=sysuserid;\n%put &=dcpath;\n%put &=admin;\n\n%mf_mkdir(&dcpath)\n%mf_mkdir(&dcpath/secret)\n%mf_mkdir(&dcpath/dc_staging)\n\n\nlibname &dclib \"&dcpath\";\n%global admin;\n%let admin=%sysfunc(coalescec(&admin,All Users));\n%mpe_makedatamodel(lib=&dclib)\n%mpe_makedata(lib=&dclib,mpeadmins=&admin,path=%str(&dcpath))\n\n/* sample data library */\n%mf_mkdir(&dcpath/dc_demo)\nlibname dcdemo \"&dcpath/dc_demo\";\n%mpe_makesampledata(outlib=DCDEMO)\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the root of the project */\n%let root=%mf_getapploc(&_program)/services;\n%put &=root;\n\nfilename jobout filesrvc folderpath=\"&root\";\ndata _null_;\n file jobout('settings.sas');\n put '/* these values are ignored if DC_LIBREF was declared in autoexec */';\n put ' ';\n put '%global DC_LIBREF dc_admin_group dc_staging_area ;';\n put '/* This library (libref) contains the control datasets for DC */';\n put '/* If a different libref must be used, configure it below */';\n put '%let DC_LIBREF=' \"&dclib;\";\n put ' ';\n put \"libname &dclib '&dcpath' ;\";\n put ' ';\n put '/* This group has unrestricted access to Data Controller */';\n put '%let dc_admin_group=' \"&admin;\";\n put ' ';\n put '/* This physical location is used for staging data and audit history */';\n put '%let dc_staging_area=' \"&dcpath/dc_staging;\";\n put ' ';\n if &syssite in (70221618,70253615) then do;\n put \"libname dcdemo '&dcpath/dc_demo';\";\n end;\nrun;\n\n\n/* create demo data\n\ncas dcsession;\ncaslib _all_ assign;\ncaslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic GLOBAL;\n\nproc casutil;\n LOAD DATA=dcdemo.cars\n CASOUT=\"cars\"\n OUTCASLIB=\"casmusic\" PROMOTE ;\nrun;\n*/\n\n/*\ncas mysess;\ncaslib _all_ assign;\ndata casmusic.artists(promote=yes);\n length name varchar(30);\n do tracks=1 to 100;\n name='Phil Collins'!!cats(tracks);\n output;\n end;\nrun;\n*/\n/*\n%let url=http://millionsongdataset.com/sites/default/files/AdditionalFiles%trim(\n )/unique_tracks.txt;\nfilename test url \"&url\" lrecl=3000 ;\n\nproc sql;\ndrop table casmusic.tunes;\n\ndata tracks;\n infile test dlmstr='' dsd end=lastobs;\n input track_id:$32. song_id:$32. artist_nm:$128. title:$256.;\n output;\n if lastobs then do;\n track_id='dummyrecords';\n title='none';\n artist_nm='none';\n do x=1 to 4000000;\n drop x;\n song_id=cats(x);\n output;\n end;\n stop;\n end;\nrun;\n\nproc casutil;\n LOAD DATA=tracks\n CASOUT=\"tunes\"\n OUTCASLIB=\"casmusic\" PROMOTE ;\nrun;\n/*\ndata append;\n if 0 then set &dclib..MPE_TABLES;\n libref=\"CASMUSIC\";\n dsn='TUNES';\n num_of_approvals_required=1;\n loadtype='UPDATE';\n buskey='TRACK_ID SONG_ID';\n tx_from=0;\n tx_to='31DEC9999:23:59:59'dt;\n output;\n dsn='ARTISTS';\n buskey='NAME';\n output;\nrun;\nproc append base=&dclib..MPE_tABLES data=append;\nrun;\n*/\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Err during DB build)\n)\n\n\n%webout(OPEN)\ndata result;\n dclib=\"&dclib\";\n admingroup=\"&admin\";\n dcpath=\"&dcpath\";\nrun;\n%webout(OBJ,result)\n%webout(CLOSE)\n\n%mv_deletejes(path=&root/admin, name=makedata)\n\n* Service end;" }, { "name": "refreshcatalog", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n\n\n%macro dc_assignlib(type,libref,passthru=);\n %if %length(&passthru)>0 %then %do;\n proc sql;\n connect using &libref as &passthru;\n %end;\n%mend dc_assignlib;\n\n\n/** @cond */\n\n%macro mf_existvar(libds /* 2 part dataset name */\n , var /* variable name */\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %local dsid rc;\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds,is));\n\n %if &dsid=0 %then %do;\n %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n 0\n %end;\n %else %if %length(&var)=0 %then %do;\n 0\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,&var))\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n\n%mend mf_existvar;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n%macro mf_getattrn(\n libds\n ,attr\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid rc;\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds,is));\n %if &dsid = 0 %then %do;\n %put %str(WARN)ING: Cannot open %trim(&libds), system message below;\n %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n -1\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,&attr))\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n%mend mf_getattrn;\n\n\n%macro mf_getvartype(libds /* two level name */\n , var /* variable name from which to return the type */\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid vnum vtype rc;\n /* Open dataset */\n %let dsid = %sysfunc(open(&libds));\n %if &dsid. > 0 %then %do;\n /* Get variable number */\n %let vnum = %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid, &var));\n /* Get variable type (C/N) */\n %if(&vnum. > 0) %then %let vtype = %sysfunc(vartype(&dsid, &vnum.));\n %else %do;\n %put NOTE: Variable &var does not exist in &libds;\n %let vtype = %str( );\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: dataset &libds not opened! (rc=&dsid);\n %put &sysmacroname: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* Close dataset */\n %let rc = %sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n /* Return variable type */\n &vtype\n%mend mf_getvartype;\n\n\n%macro mf_getattrc(\n libds\n ,attr\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid rc;\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds,is));\n %if &dsid = 0 %then %do;\n %put %str(WARN)ING: Cannot open %trim(&libds), system message below;\n %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n -1\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %sysfunc(attrc(&dsid,&attr))\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n%mend mf_getattrc;\n\n\n%macro mp_lockfilecheck(\n libds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\ndata _null_;\n if _n_=1 then putlog \"&sysmacroname entry vars:\";\n set sashelp.vmacro;\n where scope=\"&sysmacroname\";\n put name '=' value;\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc>0)\n ,mac=checklock.sas\n ,msg=Aborting with syscc=&syscc on entry.\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (\"&libds\"=\"0\")\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(libds not provided)\n)\n\n%local msg lib ds;\n%let lib=%upcase(%scan(&libds,1,.));\n%let ds=%upcase(%scan(&libds,2,.));\n\n/* in DC, format catalogs are passed with a -FC suffix. No saslock here! */\n%if %scan(&libds,2,-)=FC %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Format Catalog detected, no lockfile applied to &libds;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* do not proceed if no observations can be processed */\n%let msg=options obs = 0. syserrortext=%superq(syserrortext);\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (%sysfunc(getoption(OBS))=0)\n ,mac=checklock.sas\n ,msg=%superq(msg)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n putlog \"Checking engine & member type\";\nrun;\n%local engine memtype;\n%let memtype=%mf_getattrc(&libds,MTYPE);\n%let engine=%mf_getattrc(&libds,ENGINE);\n\n%if &engine ne V9 and &engine ne BASE %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog \"Lib &lib is not assigned using BASE engine - uses &engine instead\";\n putlog \"SAS lock check will not be performed\";\n run;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if &memtype ne DATA %then %do;\n %put NOTE: Cannot lock a VIEW!! Memtype=&memtype;\n %return;\n%end;\n\ndata _null_;\n putlog \"Engine = &engine, memtype=&memtype\";\n putlog \"Attempting lock statement\";\nrun;\n\nlock &libds;\n\n%local abortme;\n%let abortme=0;\n%if &syscc>0 or &SYSLCKRC ne 0 %then %do;\n %let msg=Unable to apply lock on &libds (SYSLCKRC=&SYSLCKRC syscc=&syscc);\n %put %str(ERR)OR: &sysmacroname: &msg;\n %let abortme=1;\n%end;\n\nlock &libds clear;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&abortme=1)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%superq(msg)\n)\n\n%mend mp_lockfilecheck;\n\n\n%macro mp_lockanytable(\n action\n ,lib= WORK\n ,ds=0\n ,ref=\n ,ctl_ds=0\n ,loops=25\n ,loop_secs=1\n );\ndata _null_;\n if _n_=1 then putlog \"&sysmacroname entry vars:\";\n set sashelp.vmacro;\n where scope=\"&sysmacroname\";\n put name '=' value;\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (\"&ds\"=\"0\" and &action ne MAKETABLE)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(dataset was not provided)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&ctl_ds=0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Control dataset was not provided)\n)\n\n/* set up lib & mac vars */\n%let lib=%upcase(&lib);\n%let ds=%upcase(&ds);\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n%local user x trans msg abortme;\n%let user=%mf_getuser();\n%let abortme=0;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&action ne LOCK & &action ne UNLOCK & &action ne MAKETABLE)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid action (&action) provided)\n)\n\n/* if an err condition exists, exit before we even begin */\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc>0 and &action=LOCK)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(aborting due to syscc=&syscc on LOCK entry)\n)\n\n/* do not bother locking work tables (else may affect all WORK libraries) */\n%if (%upcase(&lib)=WORK or %str(&lib)=%str()) & &action ne MAKETABLE %then %do;\n %put NOTE: WORK libraries will not be registered in the locking system.;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* do not proceed if no observations can be processed */\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (%sysfunc(getoption(OBS))=0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(cannot continue when options obs = 0)\n)\n\n%if &ACTION=LOCK %then %do;\n\n /* abort if a SAS lock is already in place, or cannot be applied */\n %mp_lockfilecheck(&lib..&ds)\n\n /* next, check there is a record for this table */\n %local record_exists_check;\n proc sql noprint;\n select count(*) into: record_exists_check from &ctl_ds\n where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" and LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n quit;\n %if &syscc>0 %then %put syscc=&syscc sqlrc=&sqlrc;\n %if &record_exists_check=0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog \"&sysmacroname: adding record to lock table..\";\n run;\n\n data ;\n if 0 then set &ctl_ds;\n LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\";\n LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n LOCK_STATUS_CD='LOCKED';\n LOCK_START_DTTM=\"%sysfunc(datetime(),%mf_fmtdttm())\"dt;\n LOCK_USER_NM=\"&user\";\n LOCK_PID=\"&sysjobid\";\n LOCK_REF=\"&ref\";\n output;stop;\n run;\n %let trans=&syslast;\n proc append base=&ctl_ds data=&trans;\n run;\n %end;\n /* if record does exist, perform lock attempts */\n %else %do x=1 %to &loops;\n data _null_;\n putlog \"&sysmacroname: attempting lock (iteration &x) \"@;\n putlog \"at %sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.) ..\";\n run;\n\n proc sql;\n update &ctl_ds\n set LOCK_STATUS_CD='LOCKED'\n , LOCK_START_DTTM=\"%sysfunc(datetime(),%mf_fmtdttm())\"dt\n , LOCK_USER_NM=\"&user\"\n , LOCK_PID=\"&sysjobid\"\n , LOCK_REF=\"&ref\"\n where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" and LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n quit;\n /**\n * NOTE - occasionally SQL server will return an err code (deadlocked\n * transaction). If so, ignore it, keep calm, and carry on..\n */\n %if &syscc>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n putlog \"NOTE- &sysmacroname: Update failed. \"@;\n putlog \"Resetting err conditions and re-attempting.\";\n putlog \"NOTE- syscc=&syscc syserr=&syserr sqlrc=&sqlrc\";\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n run;\n %let syscc=0;\n %let sqlrc=0;\n %end;\n\n /* now check if the record was successfully updated */\n %local success_check;\n proc sql noprint;\n select count(*) into: success_check from &ctl_ds\n where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" and LOCK_DS=\"&ds\"\n and LOCK_PID=\"&sysjobid\" and LOCK_STATUS_CD='LOCKED';\n quit;\n %if &success_check=0 %then %do;\n %if &x < &loops %then %do;\n /* pause before next check */\n data _null_;\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n putlog \"NOTE- &sysmacroname: table locked, waiting \"@;\n putlog \"%sysfunc(sleep(&loop_secs)) seconds.. \";\n putlog \"NOTE- (iteration &x of &loops)\";\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %let msg=Unable to lock &lib..&ds via &ctl_ds after &loops attempts.\\n\n Please ask your administrator to investigate!;\n %let abortme=1;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n putlog \"NOTE- &sysmacroname: Table &lib..&ds locked at \"@;\n putlog \" %sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.) (iteration &x)\"@;\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n run;\n %if &syscc>0 %then %do;\n %put setting syscc(&syscc) back to 0;\n %let syscc=0;\n %end;\n %let x=&loops; /* no more iterations needed */\n %end;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &ACTION=UNLOCK %then %do;\n %local status cnt;\n %let cnt=0;\n proc sql noprint;\n select count(*) into: cnt from &ctl_ds where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" & LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n %if &cnt=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(WAR)NING: &lib..&ds was not previously locked in &ctl_ds!;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n select LOCK_STATUS_CD into: status from &ctl_ds\n where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" and LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n quit;\n %if &syscc>0 %then %put syscc=&syscc sqlrc=&sqlrc;\n %if &status=LOCKED %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog \"&sysmacroname: unlocking &lib..&ds:\";\n run;\n proc sql;\n update &ctl_ds\n set LOCK_STATUS_CD='UNLOCKED'\n , LOCK_END_DTTM=\"%sysfunc(datetime(),%mf_fmtdttm())\"dt\n , LOCK_USER_NM=\"&user\"\n , LOCK_PID=\"&sysjobid\"\n , LOCK_REF=\"&ref\"\n where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" and LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n quit;\n %end;\n %else %if &status=UNLOCKED %then %do;\n %put %str(WAR)NING: &lib..&ds is already unlocked!;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put NOTE: Unrecognised STATUS_CD (&status) in &ctl_ds;\n %let abortme=1;\n %end;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %let msg=lock_anytable given unsupported action (&action);\n %let abortme=1;\n%end;\n\n/* catch errs - mp_abort must be called outside of a logic block */\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&abortme=1),\n msg=%superq(msg),\n mac=&sysmacroname\n)\n\n%exit_macro:\ndata _null_;\n put \"&sysmacroname: Exit vars: action=&action lib=&lib ds=&ds\";\n put \" syscc=&syscc sqlrc=&sqlrc syserr=&syserr\";\nrun;\n%mend mp_lockanytable;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro bitemporal_closeouts(\n tech_from=tx_from_dttm\n ,tech_to = tx_to_dttm /* Technical TO datetime variable.\n Req'd on BASE table only. */\n ,base_lib=WORK /* Libref of the BASE table. */\n ,base_dsn=BASETABLE /* Name of BASE table. */\n ,append_lib=WORK /* Libref of the STAGING table. */\n ,append_dsn=APPENDTABLE /* Name of STAGING table. */\n ,PK= name sex /* Business key, space separated. */\n /* Should INCLUDE BUS_FROM field if relevant. */\n ,NOW=DEFINE\n ,FILTER= /* supply a filter to limit the update */\n ,outdest= /* supply an unquoted filepath/filename.ext to get\n a text file containing the update statements */\n ,loadtype=\n ,loadtarget=YES /* if <> YES will return without changing anything */\n);\n%put ENTERING &sysmacroname;\n%local x var start;\n%let start=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%dc_assignlib(WRITE,&base_lib)\n%dc_assignlib(WRITE,&append_lib)\n\n%if &now=DEFINE %then %let now=&dc_dttmtfmt.;\n%put &=now;\n/**\n * perform basic checks\n */\n/* do tables exist? */\n%if not %sysfunc(exist(&base_lib..&base_dsn)) %then %do;\n %mp_abort(msg=&base_lib..&base_dsn does not exist)\n%end;\n%else %if %sysfunc(exist(&append_lib..&append_dsn))=0\n and %sysfunc(exist(&append_lib..&append_dsn,VIEW))=0 %then %do;\n %mp_abort(msg=&append_lib..&append_dsn does not exist)\n%end;\n/* do TX columns exist? */\n%if &loadtype ne UPDATE %then %do;\n %if not %mf_existvar(&base_lib..&base_dsn,&tech_from) %then %do;\n %mp_abort(msg=&tech_from does not exist on &base_lib..&base_dsn)\n %end;\n %else %if not %mf_existvar(&base_lib..&base_dsn,&tech_to) %then %do;\n %mp_abort(msg=&tech_to does not exist on &base_lib..&base_dsn)\n %end;\n%end;\n/* do PK columns exist? */\n%do x=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&PK));\n %let var=%scan(&pk,&x,%str( ));\n %if not %mf_existvar(&base_lib..&base_dsn,&var) %then %do;\n %mp_abort(msg=&var does not exist on &base_lib..&base_dsn)\n %end;\n %else %if not %mf_existvar(&append_lib..&append_dsn,&var) %then %do;\n %mp_abort(msg=&var does not exist on &append_lib..&append_dsn)\n %end;\n%end;\n/* check uniqueness */\nproc sort data=&append_lib..&append_dsn\n out=___closeout1 noduprecs dupout=___closeout1a;\n by &pk;\nrun;\n%if %mf_getattrn(___closeout1a,NLOBS)>0 %then\n %put NOTE: dups on (&PK) in (&append_lib..&append_dsn);\n/* is &NOW value within a tolerance? Should not allow renegade closeouts.. */\n%local gap;\n%let gap=0;\ndata _null_;\n now=&now;\n gap=intck('HOURS',now,datetime());\n call symputx('gap',gap,'l');\nrun;\n%mf_abort(\n iftrue=(&gap > 24),\n msg=NOW variable (&now) is not within a 24hr tolerance\n)\n\n/* have any warnings / errs occurred thus far? If so, abort */\n%mf_abort(\n iftrue=(&syscc>0),\n msg=Aborted due to SYSCC=&SYSCC status\n)\n\n/**\n * Create closeout statements. These are sent as individual SQL statements\n * to ensure pass-through utilisation. The update_cnt variable monitors\n * how many records were actually updated on the target table.\n */\n%local update_cnt;\n%let update_cnt=0;\nfilename tmp temp;\ndata _null_;\n set ___closeout1;\n file tmp;\n if _n_=1 then put 'proc sql noprint;' ;\n length string $32767.;\n %if &loadtype=UPDATE %then %do;\n put \"delete from &base_lib..&base_dsn where 1\";\n %end;\n %else %do;\n now=symget('now');\n put \"update &base_lib..&base_dsn set &tech_to= \" now @;\n %if %mf_existvar(&base_lib..&base_dsn,PROCESSED_DTTM) %then %do;\n put \" ,PROCESSED_DTTM=\" now @;\n %end;\n put \" where \" now \" lt &tech_to \";\n %end;\n %do x=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&PK));\n %let var=%scan(&pk,&x,%str( ));\n %if %mf_getvartype(&base_lib..&base_dsn,&var)=C %then %do;\n /* use single quotes to avoid ampersand resolution in data */\n string=\" & &var='\"!!trim(prxchange(\"s/'/''/\",-1,&var))!!\"'\";\n %end;\n %else %do;\n string=cats(\" & &var=\",&var);\n %end;\n put string;\n %end;\n put \"&filter ;\";\n put '%let update_cnt=%eval(&update_cnt+&sqlobs);%put update_cnt=&update_cnt;';\nrun;\n\ndata _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;\n putlog _infile_;\nrun;\n\n%if &loadtarget ne YES %then %return;\n\n/* ensure we have a lock */\n%mp_lockanytable(LOCK,\n lib=&base_lib,ds=&base_dsn\n ,ref=bitemporal_closeouts\n ,ctl_ds=&mpelib..mpe_lockanytable\n)\n\noptions source2;\n%inc tmp;\n\nfilename tmp clear;\n\n/**\n * Update audit tracker\n */\n\n%local newobs; %let newobs=%mf_getattrn(work.___closeout1,NLOBS);\n%local user; %let user=%mf_getuser();\nproc sql;\ninsert into &mpelib..mpe_dataloads\n set libref=%upcase(\"&base_lib\")\n ,DSN=%upcase(\"&base_dsn\")\n ,ETLSOURCE=\"&append_lib..&append_dsn contained &newobs records\"\n ,LOADTYPE=\"CLOSEOUT\"\n ,DELETED_RECORDS=&update_cnt\n ,NEW_RECORDS=0\n ,DURATION=%sysfunc(datetime())-&start\n ,USER_NM=\"&user\"\n ,PROCESSED_DTTM=&now;\nquit;\n\n\n%mend bitemporal_closeouts;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_existds(libds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&libds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&libds,VIEW)) ne 1 %then 0;\n %else 1;\n\n%mend mf_existds;\n\n\n/** @cond */\n\n%macro mf_getengine(libref\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid engnum rc engine;\n\n /* in case the parameter is a libref.tablename, pull off just the libref */\n %let libref = %upcase(%scan(&libref, 1, %str(.)));\n\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(\n open(sashelp.vlibnam(where=(libname=\"%upcase(&libref)\")),i)\n );\n %if (&dsid ^= 0) %then %do;\n %let engnum=%sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,ENGINE));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fetch(&dsid));\n %let engine=%sysfunc(getvarc(&dsid,&engnum));\n %put &libref. ENGINE is &engine.;\n %let rc= %sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n\n %upcase(&engine)\n\n%mend mf_getengine;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n%macro mf_getschema(libref\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid vnum rc schema;\n /* in case the parameter is a libref.tablename, pull off just the libref */\n %let libref = %upcase(%scan(&libref, 1, %str(.)));\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(sashelp.vlibnam(where=(\n libname=\"%upcase(&libref)\" and sysname='Schema/Owner'\n )),i));\n %if (&dsid ^= 0) %then %do;\n %let vnum=%sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,SYSVALUE));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fetch(&dsid));\n %let schema=%sysfunc(getvarc(&dsid,&vnum));\n %put &libref. schema is &schema.;\n %let rc= %sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n\n &schema\n\n%mend mf_getschema;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquefileref(prefix=_,maxtries=1000,lrecl=32767);\n %local rc fname;\n %if &prefix=0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %local x len;\n %let len=%eval(8-%length(&prefix));\n %let x=0;\n %do x=0 %to &maxtries;\n %let fname=&prefix%substr(%sysfunc(ranuni(0)),3,&len);\n %if %sysfunc(fileref(&fname)) > 0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %put unable to find available fileref after &maxtries attempts;\n %end;\n%mend mf_getuniquefileref;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquename(prefix=MC);\n&prefix.%substr(%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32-%length(&prefix))\n%mend mf_getuniquename;\n\n\n%macro mf_getvarlist(libds\n ,dlm=%str( )\n ,quote=no\n ,typefilter=A\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n /* declare local vars */\n %local outvar dsid nvars x rc dlm q var vtype;\n\n /* credit Rowland Hale - byte34 is double quote, 39 is single quote */\n %if %upcase("e)=DOUBLE %then %let q=%qsysfunc(byte(34));\n %else %if %upcase("e)=SINGLE %then %let q=%qsysfunc(byte(39));\n /* open dataset in macro */\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds));\n\n %if &dsid %then %do;\n %let nvars=%sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,NVARS));\n %if &nvars>0 %then %do;\n /* add variables with supplied delimeter */\n %do x=1 %to &nvars;\n /* get variable type */\n %let vtype=%sysfunc(vartype(&dsid,&x));\n %if &vtype=&typefilter or &typefilter=A %then %do;\n %let var=&q.%sysfunc(varname(&dsid,&x))&q.;\n %if &var=&q&q %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Empty column found in &libds!;\n %let var=&q. &q.;\n %end;\n %if %quote(&outvar)=%quote() %then %let outvar=&var;\n %else %let outvar=&outvar.&dlm.&var.;\n %end;\n %end;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Unable to open &libds (rc=&dsid);\n %put &sysmacroname: SYSMSG= %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n %do;%unquote(&outvar)%end;\n%mend mf_getvarlist;\n\n\n%macro mf_abort(mac=mf_abort.sas, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n)/des='ungraceful abort' /*STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n %put NOTE: /// mf_abort macro executing //;\n %if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n %put NOTE - &msg;\n\n %abort;\n\n%mend mf_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_verifymacvars(\n verifyVars /* list of macro variable NAMES */\n ,makeUpcase=NO /* set to YES to make all the variable VALUES uppercase */\n ,mAbort=SOFT\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %local verifyIterator verifyVar abortmsg;\n %do verifyIterator=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&verifyVars,%str( )));\n %let verifyVar=%qscan(&verifyVars,&verifyIterator,%str( ));\n %if not %symexist(&verifyvar) %then %do;\n %let abortmsg= Variable &verifyVar is MISSING;\n %goto exit_err;\n %end;\n %if %length(%trim(&&&verifyVar))=0 %then %do;\n %let abortmsg= Variable &verifyVar is EMPTY;\n %goto exit_err;\n %end;\n %if &makeupcase=YES %then %do;\n %let &verifyVar=%upcase(&&&verifyvar);\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %goto exit_success;\n %exit_err:\n %put &abortmsg;\n %mf_abort(iftrue=(&mabort ne SOFT),\n mac=mf_verifymacvars,\n msg=%str(&abortmsg)\n )\n 0\n %return;\n %exit_success:\n 1\n\n%mend mf_verifymacvars;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_wordsInStr1ButNotStr2(\n Str1= /* string containing words to extract */\n ,Str2= /* used to compare with the extract string */\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%local count_base count_extr i i2 extr_word base_word match outvar;\n%if %length(&str1)=0 or %length(&str2)=0 %then %do;\n %put base string (str1)= &str1;\n %put compare string (str2) = &str2;\n %return;\n%end;\n%let count_base=%sysfunc(countw(&Str2));\n%let count_extr=%sysfunc(countw(&Str1));\n\n%do i=1 %to &count_extr;\n %let extr_word=%scan(&Str1,&i,%str( ));\n %let match=0;\n %do i2=1 %to &count_base;\n %let base_word=%scan(&Str2,&i2,%str( ));\n %if &extr_word=&base_word %then %let match=1;\n %end;\n %if &match=0 %then %let outvar=&outvar &extr_word;\n%end;\n\n &outvar\n\n%mend mf_wordsInStr1ButNotStr2;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_isblank(param\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %sysevalf(%superq(param)=,boolean)\n\n%mend mf_isblank;\n\n\n%macro mp_dropmembers(\n list /* space separated list of datasets / views */\n ,libref=WORK /* can only drop from a single library at a time */\n ,iftrue=%str(1=1)\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n %if %mf_isblank(&list) %then %do;\n %put NOTE: nothing to drop!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n proc datasets lib=&libref nolist;\n delete &list;\n delete &list /mtype=view;\n run;\n%mend mp_dropmembers;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getquotedstr(IN_STR\n ,DLM=%str(,)\n ,QUOTE=S\n ,indlm=%str( )\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n /* credit Rowland Hale - byte34 is double quote, 39 is single quote */\n %if "e=S %then %let quote=%qsysfunc(byte(39));\n %else %if "e=D %then %let quote=%qsysfunc(byte(34));\n %else %if "e=N %then %let quote=;\n %local i item buffer;\n %let i=1;\n %do %while (%qscan(&IN_STR,&i,%str(&indlm)) ne %str() ) ;\n %let item=%qscan(&IN_STR,&i,%str(&indlm));\n %if %bquote("E) ne %then %let item="E%qtrim(&item)"E;\n %else %let item=%qtrim(&item);\n\n %if (&i = 1) %then %let buffer =%qtrim(&item);\n %else %let buffer =&buffer&DLM%qtrim(&item);\n\n %let i = %eval(&i+1);\n %end;\n\n %let buffer=%sysfunc(coalescec(%qtrim(&buffer),"E"E));\n\n &buffer\n\n%mend mf_getquotedstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_nobs(libds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %mf_getattrn(&libds,NLOBS)\n%mend mf_nobs;\n\n\n%macro mp_retainedkey(\n base_lib=WORK\n ,base_dsn=BASETABLE\n ,append_lib=WORK\n ,append_dsn=APPENDTABLE\n ,retained_key=DEFAULT_RK\n ,business_key= PK1 PK2\n ,check_uniqueness=NO\n ,maxkeytable=0\n ,locktable=0\n ,outds=WORK.APPEND\n ,filter_str=\n);\n%put &sysmacroname entry vars:;\n%put _local_;\n\n%local base_libds app_libds key_field check maxkey idx_pk newkey_cnt iserr\n msg x tempds1 tempds2 comma_pk appnobs checknobs dropvar tempvar idx_val;\n%let base_libds=%upcase(&base_lib..&base_dsn);\n%let app_libds=%upcase(&append_lib..&append_dsn);\n%let tempds1=%mf_getuniquename();\n%let tempds2=%mf_getuniquename();\n%let comma_pk=%mf_getquotedstr(in_str=%str(&business_key),dlm=%str(,),quote=);\n%let outds=%sysfunc(ifc(%index(&outds,.)=0,work.&outds,&outds));\n/* validation checks */\n%let iserr=0;\n%if &syscc>0 %then %do;\n %let iserr=1;\n %let msg=%str(SYSCC=&syscc on macro entry);\n%end;\n%else %if %sysfunc(exist(&base_libds))=0 %then %do;\n %let iserr=1;\n %let msg=%str(Base LIBDS (&base_libds) expected but NOT FOUND);\n%end;\n%else %if %sysfunc(exist(&app_libds))=0 %then %do;\n %let iserr=1;\n %let msg=%str(Append LIBDS (&app_libds) expected but NOT FOUND);\n%end;\n%else %if &maxkeytable ne 0 and %sysfunc(exist(&maxkeytable))=0 %then %do;\n %let iserr=1;\n %let msg=%str(Maxkeytable (&maxkeytable) expected but NOT FOUND);\n%end;\n%else %if &maxkeytable ne 0 and %sysfunc(exist(&locktable))=0 %then %do;\n %let iserr=1;\n %let msg=%str(Locktable (&locktable) expected but NOT FOUND);\n%end;\n%else %if %length(&business_key)=0 %then %do;\n %let iserr=1;\n %let msg=%str(Business key (&business_key) expected but NOT FOUND);\n%end;\n\n%do x=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&business_key));\n /* check business key values exist */\n %let key_field=%scan(&business_key,&x,%str( ));\n %if not %mf_existvar(&app_libds,&key_field) %then %do;\n %let iserr=1;\n %let msg=Business key (&key_field) not found on &app_libds!;\n %goto err;\n %end;\n %else %if not %mf_existvar(&base_libds,&key_field) %then %do;\n %let iserr=1;\n %let msg=Business key (&key_field) not found on &base_libds!;\n %goto err;\n %end;\n%end;\n%err:\n%if &iserr=1 %then %do;\n /* err case so first perform an unlock of the base table before exiting */\n %mp_lockanytable(\n UNLOCK,lib=&base_lib,ds=&base_dsn,ref=%superq(msg),ctl_ds=&locktable\n )\n%end;\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&iserr=1),mac=mp_retainedkey,msg=%superq(msg))\n\nproc sql noprint;\nselect sum(max(&retained_key),0) into: maxkey from &base_libds;\n\n/**\n * get base table RK and bus field values for lookup\n */\nproc sql noprint;\ncreate table &tempds1 as\n select distinct &comma_pk,&retained_key\n from &base_libds &filter_str\n order by &comma_pk,&retained_key;\n\n%if &check_uniqueness=YES %then %do;\n select count(*) into:checknobs\n from (select distinct &comma_pk from &app_libds);\n select count(*) into: appnobs from &app_libds; /* might be view */\n %if &checknobs ne &appnobs %then %do;\n %let msg=Source table &app_libds is not unique on (&business_key);\n %let iserr=1;\n %end;\n%end;\n%if &iserr=1 %then %do;\n /* err case so first perform an unlock of the base table before exiting */\n %mp_lockanytable(\n UNLOCK,lib=&base_lib,ds=&base_dsn,ref=%superq(msg),ctl_ds=&locktable\n )\n%end;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&iserr=1),mac=mp_retainedkey,msg=%superq(msg))\n\n%if %mf_existvar(&app_libds,&retained_key)\n%then %let dropvar=(drop=&retained_key);\n\n/* prepare interim table with retained key populated for matching keys */\nproc sql noprint;\ncreate table &tempds2 as\n select b.&retained_key, a.*\n from &app_libds &dropvar a\n left join &tempds1 b\n on 1\n %do idx_pk=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&business_key));\n %let idx_val=%scan(&business_key,&idx_pk);\n and a.&idx_val=b.&idx_val\n %end;\n order by &retained_key;\n\n/* identify the number of entries without retained keys (new records) */\nselect count(*) into: newkey_cnt\n from &tempds2\n where missing(&retained_key);\nquit;\n\n/**\n * Update maxkey table if link provided\n */\n%if &maxkeytable ne 0 %then %do;\n proc sql noprint;\n select count(*) into: check from &maxkeytable\n where upcase(keytable)=\"&base_libds\";\n\n %mp_lockanytable(LOCK\n ,lib=%scan(&maxkeytable,1,.)\n ,ds=%scan(&maxkeytable,2,.)\n ,ref=Updating maxkeyvalues with mp_retainedkey\n ,ctl_ds=&locktable\n )\n proc sql;\n %if &check=0 %then %do;\n insert into &maxkeytable\n set keytable=\"&base_libds\"\n ,keycolumn=\"&retained_key\"\n ,max_key=%eval(&maxkey+&newkey_cnt)\n ,processed_dttm=\"%sysfunc(datetime(),%mf_fmtdttm())\"dt;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n update &maxkeytable\n set max_key=%eval(&maxkey+&newkey_cnt)\n ,processed_dttm=\"%sysfunc(datetime(),%mf_fmtdttm())\"dt\n where keytable=\"&base_libds\";\n %end;\n %mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK\n ,lib=%scan(&maxkeytable,1,.)\n ,ds=%scan(&maxkeytable,2,.)\n ,ref=Updating maxkeyvalues with maxkey=%eval(&maxkey+&newkey_cnt)\n ,ctl_ds=&locktable\n )\n%end;\n\n/* fill in the missing retained key values */\n%let tempvar=%mf_getuniquename();\ndata &outds(drop=&tempvar);\n retain &tempvar %eval(&maxkey+1);\n set &tempds2;\n if &retained_key =. then &retained_key=&tempvar;\n &tempvar=&tempvar+1;\nrun;\n\n%mend mp_retainedkey;\n\n\n\n/** @cond */\n\n%macro mp_storediffs(libds\n ,origds\n ,key\n ,delds=0\n ,appds=0\n ,modds=0\n ,outds=work.mp_storediffs\n ,loadref=0\n ,processed_dttm=0\n ,mdebug=0\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local dbg;\n%if &mdebug=1 %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname entry vars:;\n %put _local_;\n%end;\n%else %let dbg=*;\n\n/* set up unique and temporary vars */\n%local ds1 ds2 ds3 ds4 hashkey inds_auto inds_keep dslist vlist;\n%let ds1=%upcase(work.%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mpsd_ds1));\n%let ds2=%upcase(work.%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mpsd_ds2));\n%let ds3=%upcase(work.%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mpsd_ds3));\n%let ds4=%upcase(work.%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mpsd_ds4));\n%let hashkey=%upcase(%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mpsd_hashkey));\n%let inds_auto=%upcase(%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mpsd_inds_auto));\n%let inds_keep=%upcase(%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mpsd_inds_keep));\n\n%let dslist=&origds;\n%if &delds ne 0 %then %do;\n %let delds=%upcase(&delds);\n %if %scan(&delds,-1,.)=&delds %then %let delds=WORK.&delds;\n %let dslist=&dslist &delds;\n%end;\n%if &appds ne 0 %then %do;\n %let appds=%upcase(&appds);\n %if %scan(&appds,-1,.)=&appds %then %let appds=WORK.&appds;\n %let dslist=&dslist &appds;\n%end;\n%if &modds ne 0 %then %do;\n %let modds=%upcase(&modds);\n %if %scan(&modds,-1,.)=&modds %then %let modds=WORK.&modds;\n %let dslist=&dslist &modds;\n%end;\n\n%let origds=%upcase(&origds);\n%if %scan(&origds,-1,.)=&origds %then %let origds=WORK.&origds;\n\n%let key=%upcase(&key);\n\n/* hash the key and append all the tables (marking the source) */\ndata &ds1;\n set &dslist indsname=&inds_auto;\n &hashkey=put(md5(catx('|',%mf_getquotedstr(&key,quote=N))),$hex32.);\n &inds_keep=upcase(&inds_auto);\nproc sort;\n by &inds_keep &hashkey;\nrun;\n\n/* transpose numeric & char vars */\nproc transpose data=&ds1\n out=&ds2(rename=(&hashkey=key_hash _name_=tgtvar_nm col1=newval_num));\n by &inds_keep &hashkey;\n var _numeric_;\nrun;\nproc transpose data=&ds1\n out=&ds3(\n rename=(&hashkey=key_hash _name_=tgtvar_nm col1=newval_char)\n where=(tgtvar_nm not in (\"&hashkey\",\"&inds_keep\"))\n );\n by &inds_keep &hashkey;\n var _character_;\nrun;\n\n%if %index(&libds,-)>0 and %scan(&libds,2,-)=FC %then %do;\n /* this is a format catalog - cannot query cols directly */\n %let vlist=\"TYPE\",\"FMTNAME\",\"FMTROW\",\"START\",\"END\",\"LABEL\",\"MIN\",\"MAX\"\n ,\"DEFAULT\",\"LENGTH\",\"FUZZ\",\"PREFIX\",\"MULT\",\"FILL\",\"NOEDIT\",\"SEXCL\"\n ,\"EEXCL\",\"HLO\",\"DECSEP\",\"DIG3SEP\",\"DATATYPE\",\"LANGUAGE\";\n%end;\n%else %let vlist=%mf_getvarlist(&libds,dlm=%str(,),quote=DOUBLE);\n\ndata &ds4;\n length &inds_keep $41 tgtvar_nm $32 _label_ $256;\n if _n_=1 then call missing(_label_);\n drop _label_;\n set &ds2 &ds3 indsname=&inds_auto;\n\n tgtvar_nm=upcase(tgtvar_nm);\n if tgtvar_nm in (%upcase(&vlist));\n\n if upcase(&inds_auto)=\"&ds2\" then tgtvar_type='N';\n else if upcase(&inds_auto)=\"&ds3\" then tgtvar_type='C';\n else do;\n putlog 'ERR' +(-1) \"OR: unidentified vartype input!\" &inds_auto;\n call symputx('syscc',98);\n end;\n\n if &inds_keep=\"&appds\" then move_type='A';\n else if &inds_keep=\"&delds\" then move_type='D';\n else if &inds_keep=\"&modds\" then move_type='M';\n else if &inds_keep=\"&origds\" then move_type='O';\n else do;\n putlog 'ERR' +(-1) \"OR: unidentified movetype input!\" &inds_keep;\n call symputx('syscc',99);\n end;\n tgtvar_nm=upcase(tgtvar_nm);\n if tgtvar_nm in (%mf_getquotedstr(&key)) then is_pk=1;\n else is_pk=0;\n drop &inds_keep;\nrun;\n\n%if \"&loadref\"=\"0\" %then %let loadref=%sysfunc(uuidgen());\n%if &processed_dttm=0 %then %let processed_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime(),8.6);\n%let libds=%upcase(&libds);\n\n/* join orig vals for modified & deleted */\nproc sql;\ncreate table &outds as\n select \"&loadref\" as load_ref length=36\n ,&processed_dttm as processed_dttm format=E8601DT26.6\n ,\"%scan(&libds,1,.)\" as libref length=8\n ,\"%scan(&libds,2,.)\" as dsn length=32\n ,b.key_hash length=32\n ,b.move_type length=1\n ,b.tgtvar_nm length=32\n ,b.is_pk\n ,case when b.move_type ne 'M' then -1\n when a.newval_num=b.newval_num and a.newval_char=b.newval_char then 0\n else 1\n end as is_diff\n ,b.tgtvar_type length=1\n ,case when b.move_type='D' then b.newval_num\n else a.newval_num\n end as oldval_num format=best32.\n ,case when b.move_type='D' then .\n else b.newval_num\n end as newval_num format=best32.\n ,case when b.move_type='D' then b.newval_char\n else a.newval_char\n end as oldval_char length=32765\n ,case when b.move_type='D' then ''\n else b.newval_char\n end as newval_char length=32765\n from &ds4(where=(move_type='O')) as a\n right join &ds4(where=(move_type ne 'O')) as b\n on a.tgtvar_nm=b.tgtvar_nm\n and a.key_hash=b.key_hash\n order by move_type, key_hash,is_pk desc, tgtvar_nm;\n\n%if &mdebug=0 %then %do;\n proc sql;\n drop table &ds1, &ds2, &ds3, &ds4;\n%end;\n\n%mend mp_storediffs;\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n%macro bitemporal_dataloader(\n bus_from= /* Business FROM datetime variable. Req'd on\n STAGING & BASE tables.*/\n ,bus_to = /* Business TO datetime variable. Req'd on\n STAGING & BASE tables. */\n ,bus_from_override= /* Provide a hard coded BUS_FROM datetime value.*/\n ,bus_to_override= /* provide a hard coded BUS_TO datetime value */\n ,tech_from= /* Technical FROM datetime variable. Req'd on\n BASE table only. */\n ,tech_to = /* Technical TO datetime variable. Req'd on BASE\n table only. */\n ,processed= 0\n ,base_lib=WORK /* Libref of the BASE table. */\n ,base_dsn=BASETABLE /* Name of BASE table. */\n ,append_lib=WORK /* Libref of the STAGING table. */\n ,append_dsn=APPENDTABLE\n ,high_date='01JAN5999:00:00:00'dt /* High date to close out records */\n ,PK= name sex\n ,RK_UNDERLYING=\n ,KEEPVARS= /* Provides option for removing unwanted vars from append table */\n ,RK_UPDATE_MAXKEYTABLE=NO /* If switching (or mix matching) with regular\n SCD2 loader then set this switch to YES to\n ensure the MAXKEYTABLE is updated with the\n current maximum RK value for the target table\n */\n ,CHECK_UNIQUENESS=YES /* Perform a check of the APPEND table to ensure it is\n unique on its business key */\n ,ETLSOURCE=demo /* supply a value ($50.) to show as ETLSOURCE in\n &dclib..DATALOADS */\n ,LOADTYPE=BITEMPORAL\n ,RK_MAXKEYTABLE= mpe_maxkeyvalues\n ,LOG=1 /* Switch to 0 to prevent records being added to\n &mpelib..mpe_DATALOADS (ie when testing)*/\n ,DELETE_COL= _____DELETE__THIS__RECORD_____\n /* If this variable is found in the append dataset\n then records are closed out (or deleted) in the\n append table where that variable= \"Yes\" */\n ,LOADTARGET=YES /* set to anything but uppercase YES to switch off\n target table load and generate temp tables only */\n ,CLOSE_VARS=\n/*a problem with regular SCD2 or TXTEMPORAL loads is that there is\n no facility to close out removed records (all records are\n assumed new or changed). But how does one determine which\n records are removed? Short of loading the entire table\n each time? This parameter allows a set of variables\n (this should be a subset of the PK) to be declared, and\n the macro will determine which records in the base table\n need to be closed out ahead of the load.\n\n For instance, given the following:\n\n Base Table Staging Table\n DATE ENTITY AMOUNT DATE ENTITY AMOUNT\n JAN ACME4 66 JAN ACME4 66\n FEB ACME4 99 FEB ACME4 99\n FEB ACME1 22\n\n By supplying DATE in CLOSE_VARS and DATE ENTITY as the PK,\n the \"FEB PAG 22\" record would get closed out.\n */\n ,config_table=&dclib..MPE_CONFIG\n ,dclib=&dc_libref\n ,outds_del=work.outds_del\n ,outds_add=work.outds_add\n ,outds_mod=work.outds_mod\n ,outds_audit=0\n );\n\n/* when changing this macro, update the version num here */\n%local ver;\n%let ver=32;\n%put &sysmacroname entry vars:;\n%put _local_;\n\n%dc_assignlib(WRITE,&base_lib) /* may not already be assigned */\n\n/* return straight away if nothing to load */\n%let nobs= %mf_getattrn(&append_lib..&append_dsn,NLOBS);\n%if &nobs=-1 %then %do;\n proc sql noprint; select count(*) into: nobs from &append_lib..&append_dsn;\n%end;\n%if &nobs=0 %then %do;\n %put NOTE:; %put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;\n %put NOTE- Base dataset &append_lib..&append_dsn is empty. Nothing to upload!;\n %put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* hard exit if err condition exists */\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc > 0)\n ,mac=bitemporal_dataloader\n ,msg=%str(Bitemporal transform / job aborted due to SYSCC=&SYSCC status;)\n)\n\n%local engine_type;\n%let engine_type=%mf_getengine(&base_lib);\n%if (&engine_type=REDSHIFT or &engine_type=POSTGRES) and %length(&CLOSE_VARS)>0\n%then %do;\n %put NOTE:; %put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;\n %put NOTE- CLOSE_VARS functionality not yet supported in &engine_type;\n %put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * The metadata functions (eg mf_existvar) will fail if the base table has a\n * SAS lock. So, make a snapshot of the base table for further use.\n * Also, make output tables (regardless).\n */\n%local basecopy;\n%let basecopy=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=basecopy);\n\ndata &basecopy &outds_mod &outds_add &outds_del;\n set &base_lib..&base_dsn;\n stop;\nrun;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc > 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after base table copy - aborting due to table lock)\n)\n\n\n%local cols idx_pk md5_col ;\n%let md5_col=___TMP___md5;\n%let check_uniqueness=%upcase(&check_uniqueness);\n%let RK_UPDATE_MAXKEYTABLE=%upcase(&RK_UPDATE_MAXKEYTABLE);\n%let high_date=%unquote(&high_date);\n%let loadtype=%upcase(&loadtype);\n\n/* ensure irrelevant variables are cleared */\n%if &loadtype=BUSTEMPORAL %then %do;\n %let tech_from=;\n %let tech_to=;\n%end;\n%else %if &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL or &loadtype=UPDATE %then %do;\n %let bus_from=;\n %let bus_to=;\n%end;\n\n/* ensure relevant variables are supplied */\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&loadtype=BITEMPORAL & %mf_verifymacvars(bus_from bus_to)=0)\n ,mac=bitemporal_dataloader\n ,msg=%str(Missing BUS_FROM / BUS_TO)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&loadtype=TXTEMPORAL & %mf_verifymacvars(tech_from tech_to)=0)\n ,mac=bitemporal_dataloader\n ,msg=%str(Missing TECH_FROM / TECH_TO)\n)\n\n/**\n * drop any tables (may be defined as views or vice versa preventing overwrite)\n */\n%mp_dropmembers(append bitemp0_append bitemp_cols)\n\n/* SQL Server requires its own time values */\n/* 9.2 will only give picture format down to seconds. 9.3 allows\n milliseconds by using lower S and defining the decimal in the format name..*/\nPROC FORMAT;\n picture MyMSdt other='%0Y-%0m-%0dT%0H:%0M:%0S' (datatype=datetime);\nRUN;\n%local dbnow;\n%let dbnow=\"%sysfunc(datetime(),%mf_fmtdttm())\"dt;\n\ndata _null_;\n /* convert space separated macvar to comma separated for SQL processing */\n call symputx('PK_COMMA',tranwrd(compbl(\"&pk\"),' ',','),'L');\n call symputx('PK_CNT',countw(\"&pk\",' '),'L');\n now=&dbnow;\n call symputx('NOW',now,'L');\n call symputx('SQLNOW',cats(\"'\",put(now,MyMSdt.),\"'\"),'L');\n length etlsource $100;\n etlsource=subpad(symget('etlsource'),1,100);\n call symputx('etlsource',etlsource,'l');\nrun;\n\n/**\n * Even if no PROCESSED var provided, assume that any variable named\n * PROCESSED_DTTM should be updated\n */\n%if &processed=0 %then %do;\n %if %mf_existvar(&basecopy,PROCESSED_DTTM)\n %then %let processed=PROCESSED_DTTM;\n %else %let processed=;\n%end;\n\n\n/* extract colnames for md5 creation / change tracking */\nproc contents noprint data=&base_lib..&base_dsn\n out=work.bitemp_cols (keep=name type length varnum format:);\nrun;\nproc sql noprint;\nselect name into: cols separated by ','\n from work.bitemp_cols\n where upcase(name) not in\n (%upcase(\"&bus_from\",\"&bus_to\"\n ,\"&tech_from\",\"&tech_to\"\n ,\"&processed\",\"&delete_col\")) ;\nselect case when type in (2,6) then cats('put(md5(trim(',name,')),$hex32.)')\n /* multiply by 1 to strip precision errors (eg 0 != 0) */\n /* but ONLY if not missing, else will lose any special missing values */\n else cats('put(md5(trim(put(ifn(missing('\n ,name,'),',name,',',name,'*1),binary64.))),$hex32.)') end\n into: stripcols separated by '||'\n from work.bitemp_cols\n where upcase(name) not in\n (%upcase(\"&bus_from\",\"&bus_to\"\n ,\"&tech_from\",\"&tech_to\"\n ,\"&processed\",\"&delete_col\")) ;\n\n/* set default formats*/\n%let bus_from_fmt = datetime19.;\n%let bus_to_fmt = datetime19.;\n%let processed_fmt = datetime19.;\n\n%let tech_from_fmt = format=datetime19.;\n%let tech_to_fmt = format=datetime19.;\n\n\n%put &=stripcols;\n%put &=pk;\n\ndata _null_;\n set work.bitemp_cols;\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n if format='' then fmt=cats(length,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n if upcase(name)=\"%upcase(&bus_from)\" then\n call symputx('bus_from_fmt',fmt,'L');\n else if upcase(name)=\"%upcase(&bus_to)\" then\n call symputx('bus_to_fmt',fmt,'L');\n else if upcase(name)=\"%upcase(&tech_from)\" then\n call symputx('tech_from_fmt',\"format=\"!!fmt,'L');\n else if upcase(name)=\"%upcase(&tech_to)\" then\n call symputx('tech_to_fmt',\"format=\"!!fmt,'L');\n else if upcase(name)=\"%upcase(&processed)\" then\n call symputx('processed_fmt',fmt,'L');\nrun;\n\n%if %index(%quote(&cols),___TMP___) %then %do;\n %let msg=%str(Table contains a variable name containing \"___TMP___\".%trim(\n ) This may conflict with temp variable generation!!);\n %mp_abort(msg=&msg,mac=bitemporal_dataloader);\n %let syscc=5;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* if transaction dates appear on the APPEND table, need to remove them */\n%local drop_tx_dates /* used in append table */\n drop_tx_dates_noobs /* used to take the base table structure */;\n%if %mf_existvar(&append_lib..&append_dsn, &tech_from)\n %then %let drop_tx_dates=&tech_from;\n%if %mf_existvar(&append_lib..&append_dsn, &tech_to)\n %then %let drop_tx_dates=&drop_tx_dates &tech_to;\n%if %length(%trim(&drop_tx_dates))>0\n %then %let drop_tx_dates=(drop=&drop_tx_dates);\n\n%if %mf_existvar(&basecopy, &tech_from)\n %then %let drop_tx_dates_noobs=&tech_from;\n%if %mf_existvar(&basecopy, &tech_to)\n %then %let drop_tx_dates_noobs=&drop_tx_dates_noobs &tech_to;\n%if %length(%trim(&drop_tx_dates_noobs))>0\n %then %let drop_tx_dates_noobs=(drop=&drop_tx_dates_noobs obs=0);\n%else %let drop_tx_dates_noobs=(obs=0);\n\n\n/**\n * Lock the table. This is necessary as we are doing a two part update (first\n * closing records then appending new records). It is theoretically possible\n * that an upload may occur whilst preparing the staging tables. And the\n * staging tables are about to be prepared..\n */\n%if &LOADTARGET = YES %then %do;\n %put locking &base_lib..&base_dsn;\n %mp_lockanytable(LOCK,\n lib=&base_lib,ds=&base_dsn,ref=&ETLSOURCE,ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n %if \"&outds_audit\" ne \"0\" %then %do;\n %put locking &outds_audit;\n %mp_lockanytable(LOCK\n ,lib=%scan(&outds_audit,1,.)\n ,ds=%scan(&outds_audit,2,.)\n ,ref=&ETLSOURCE\n ,ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n /* not an actual load, so avoid updating the max key table in next step. */\n %let rk_update_maxkeytable=NO;\n%end;\n\n%if %length(&RK_UNDERLYING)>0 %then %do;\n %mp_retainedkey(\n base_lib=&base_lib\n ,base_dsn=&base_dsn\n ,append_lib=&append_lib\n ,append_dsn=&append_dsn\n ,retained_key=&pk\n ,business_key=&rk_underlying\n ,check_uniqueness=&CHECK_UNIQUENESS\n ,outds=work.append\n %if &rk_update_maxkeytable=NO %then %do;\n ,maxkeytable=0\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ,maxkeytable=&dclib..&RK_MAXKEYTABLE\n %end;\n ,locktable=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n %if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL %then %do;\n ,filter_str=%str( (where=( &now < &tech_to)) )\n %end;\n )\n%end;\n%else %do;\n proc sql;\n create view work.append as select * from &append_lib..&append_dsn;\n%end;\n/**\n* generate md5 for append table\n*/\n/* it is possible the source dataset has additional (unwanted) columns.\n Drop if specified; */\n%if %length(&keepvars)>0 %then %do;\n /* remove tech dates from keepvars as they are generated later */\n %let keepvars=%sysfunc(tranwrd(%str( &keepvars ),%str( &tech_from ),%str( )));\n %let keepvars=%sysfunc(tranwrd(%str( &keepvars ),%str( &tech_to ),%str( )));\n %let keepvars=(keep=&keepvars &bus_from &bus_to &processed &md5_col);\n%end;\n\n/* CAS varchar types cause append issues here, so perform autoconvert\n by creating empty local table first */\ndata;\n set &base_lib..&base_dsn &drop_tx_dates_noobs;\nrun;\n%local emptybasetable; %let emptybasetable=&syslast;\n\ndata work.bitemp0_append &keepvars &outds_del(drop=&md5_col )\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n /nonote2err\n %end;\n ;\n /* apply formats for bitemporal vars but not tx dates which are added later */\n %if %length(&keepvars)>0 and &loadtype=BITEMPORAL %then %do;\n format &bus_from &bus_from_fmt;\n format &bus_to &bus_to_fmt;\n %end;\n set &emptybasetable /* base table reqd in case append has fewer cols */\n work.append &drop_tx_dates;\n %if %length(%str(&bus_from_override))>0 %then %do;\n &bus_from= %unquote(&bus_from_override) ;\n %end;\n %if %length(%str(&bus_to_override))>0 %then %do;\n &bus_to= %unquote(&bus_to_override) ;\n %end;\n length &md5_col $32;\n &md5_col=put(md5(&stripcols),hex32.);\n %if %length(&processed)>0 %then %do;\n format &processed &processed_fmt;\n &processed=&now;\n %end;\n\n/**\n * If a delete column exists then create the delete dataset\n */\n%if %mf_existvar(&append_lib..&append_dsn, &delete_col) %then %do;\n drop &delete_col;\n if upcase(&delete_col) = \"YES\" then output &outds_del ;\n else output work.bitemp0_append ;\n run;\n\n %if %mf_getattrn(&outds_del,NLOBS)>0 %then %do;\n %bitemporal_closeouts(\n tech_from=&tech_from\n ,tech_to = &tech_to\n ,base_lib=&base_lib\n ,base_dsn=&base_dsn\n ,append_lib=work\n ,append_dsn=%scan(&outds_del,-1,.)\n ,PK=&bus_from &pk\n ,NOW=&dbnow\n ,loadtarget=&loadtarget\n ,loadtype=&loadtype\n )\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n output work.bitemp0_append;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc gt 0 at line 494)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc)\n)\n\n%if %length(&close_vars)>0 %then %do;\n /**\n * need to close out records that are not provided\n */\n proc sql;\n create table bitemp1_closevars1 as\n select distinct a.%mf_getquotedstr(in_str=&pk,dlm=%str(,a.),quote=)\n from &base_lib..&base_dsn a\n inner join work.bitemp0_append b\n on 1=1\n /* join on closevars key */\n %do idx_pk=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&close_vars));\n %let idx_val=%scan(&close_vars,&idx_pk);\n and a.&idx_val=b.&idx_val\n %end;\n /* filter base on tech dates if necessary */\n %if &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL %then %do;\n where a.&tech_from <=&now and &now < a.&tech_to\n %end;\n ;\n create table bitemp1_closevars2 as\n select distinct a.*\n from bitemp1_closevars1 a\n left join work.bitemp0_append b\n on 1=1\n /* join on primary key */\n %do idx_pk=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&pk));\n %let idx_val=%scan(&pk,&idx_pk);\n and a.&idx_val=b.&idx_val\n %end;\n /* identify removed records by null value in a field in PK but not close_vars\n */\n where b.%scan(\n %mf_wordsInStr1ButNotStr2(Str1=&pk,Str2=&close_vars),1,%str( )\n ) IS NULL\n ;\n\n %if %mf_getattrn(bitemp1_closevars2,NLOBS)>0 %then %do;\n %bitemporal_closeouts(\n tech_from=&tech_from\n ,tech_to = &tech_to\n ,base_lib=&base_lib\n ,base_dsn=&base_dsn\n ,append_lib=work\n ,append_dsn=bitemp1_closevars2\n ,PK=&bus_from &pk\n ,NOW=&dbnow\n ,loadtarget=&loadtarget\n ,loadtype=&loadtype\n )\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* return if nothing to load (was just deletes) */\n%if %mf_getattrn(work.bitemp0_append,NLOBS)=0 %then %do;\n %put NOTE:; %put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;\n %put NOTE- No updates - just deletes!;\n %put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;\n%end;\n\n\n/**\n * If applying manual overrides to business dates, then the input table MUST\n * be unique on the PK. Check, and if not - abort.\n */\n%local msg;\n%if %length(&bus_from_override.&bus_to_override)>0 or &CHECK_UNIQUENESS=YES\n%then %do;\n proc sort data=work.bitemp0_append out=work.bitemp0_check nodupkey;\n by &pk;\n run;\n %if %mf_getattrn(work.bitemp0_check,NLOBS)\n ne %mf_getattrn(work.bitemp0_append,NLOBS)\n %then %do;\n %let msg=INPUT table &append_lib..&append_dsn is not unique on PK (&pk);\n %mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK,lib=&base_lib,ds=&base_dsn,ref=&ETLSOURCE (&msg),\n ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n %mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK\n ,lib=%scan(&outds_audit,1,.)\n ,ds=%scan(&outds_audit,2,.)\n ,ref=&ETLSOURCE\n ,ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n %mp_abort(msg=&msg,mac=bitemporal_dataloader.sas);\n %end;\n%end;\n\n\n/**\n* extract from BASE table. Only want matching records, as could be very BIG.\n* New records are subsequently identified via left join and test for nulls.\n*/\n%local temp_table temp_table2 base_table baselib_schema;\n%put DCNOTE: Extracting matching observations from &base_lib..&base_dsn;\n\n%if &engine_type=OLEDB %then %do;\n %let temp_table=##%mf_getuniquefileref(prefix=BTMP);\n %if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL %then\n %let base_table=(select * from [dbo].&base_dsn\n where convert(datetime,&SQLNOW) < &tech_to );\n %else %let base_table=[dbo].&base_dsn;\n proc sql;\n create table &base_lib..\"&temp_table\"n as\n select * from work.bitemp0_append;\n /* open up a connection for pass through SQL */\n %dc_assignlib(WRITE,&base_lib,passthru=myAlias)\n create table work.bitemp0_base as select * from connection to myAlias(\n%end;\n%else %if &engine_type=REDSHIFT or &engine_type=POSTGRES %then %do;\n /* grab schema */\n %let baselib_schema=%mf_getschema(&base_lib);\n %if &baselib_schema.X ne X %then %let baselib_schema=&baselib_schema..;\n\n /* grab redshift config */\n %local redcnt; %let redcnt=0;\n %if &engine_type=REDSHIFT %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &config_table(where=(var_scope='DCBL_REDSH' and var_active=1));\n x+1;\n call symputx(cats('rednm',x),var_value,'l');\n call symputx(cats('redval',x),var_value,'l');\n call symputx('redcnt',x,'l');\n run;\n %end;\n /* cannot persist temp tables so must create a temporary permanent table */\n %let temp_table=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=XDCTEMP);\n %if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL %then\n %let base_table=(select * from &baselib_schema.&base_dsn\n where timestamp &sqlnow < &tech_to );\n %else %let base_table=&baselib_schema.&base_dsn;\n /* make empty table first - must clone & drop extra cols as autoload is bad */\n %dc_assignlib(WRITE,&base_lib,passthru=myAlias)\n\n exec (create table &temp_table (like &baselib_schema.&base_dsn)) by myAlias;\n %if &engine_type=REDSHIFT %then %do;\n exec (alter table &temp_table alter sortkey none) by myAlias;\n %end;\n %local dropcols;\n %let dropcols=%mf_wordsinstr1butnotstr2(\n str1=%upcase(%mf_getvarlist(&basecopy))\n ,str2=%upcase(&pk)\n );\n %if %length(&dropcols>0) %then %do idx_pk=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&dropcols));\n %put &=dropcols;\n %let idx_val=%scan(&dropcols,&idx_pk);\n exec(alter table &temp_table drop column &idx_val;) by myAlias;\n %end;\n exec (alter table &temp_table add column &md5_col varchar(32);) by myAlias;\n /* create view to strip formats and avoid warns in log */\n data work.vw_bitemp0/view=work.vw_bitemp0;\n set work.bitemp0_append(keep=&pk &md5_col);\n format _all_;\n run;\n proc append base=&base_lib..&temp_table\n %if &engine_type=REDSHIFT %then %do;\n (\n %do idx_pk=1 %to &redcnt;\n &&rednm&idx_pk = &&redval&idxpk\n %end;\n )\n %end;\n data=work.vw_bitemp0 force nowarn;\n run;\n /* open up a connection for pass through SQL */\n %dc_assignlib(WRITE,&base_lib,passthru=myAlias)\n create table work.bitemp0_base as select * from connection to myAlias(\n%end;\n%else %if &engine_type=CAS %then %do;\n %if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL %then\n %let base_table=&base_lib..&base_dsn\n (where=(&tech_from <=&now and &now < &tech_to));\n %else %let base_table=&base_lib..&base_dsn;\n %let temp_table=CASUSER.%mf_getuniquename(prefix=DC);\n data &temp_table;\n set work.bitemp0_append;\n run;\n %let bitemp0base=CASUSER.%mf_getuniquename(prefix=DC);\n proc fedsql sessref=dcsession;\n create table &bitemp0base{options replace=true} as\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %let temp_table=work.bitemp0_append;\n %if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL %then\n %let base_table=&base_lib..&base_dsn\n (where=(&tech_from <=&now and &now < &tech_to));\n %else %let base_table=&base_lib..&base_dsn;\n proc sql;\n create table work.bitemp0_base as\n%end;\n\n select a.&md5_col /* this identifies NEW records */\n , b.*\n /* assume first PK field cannot be null (if defined in a PK constraint then\n it definitely cannot be null) */\n , case when b.%scan(&pk,1) IS NULL then 1 else 0 end as ___TMP___NEW_FLG\n from &baselib_schema.&temp_table a\n left join &base_table b\n on 1=1\n%do idx_pk=1 %to &pk_cnt;\n %let idx_val=%scan(&pk,&idx_pk);\n and a.&idx_val=b.&idx_val\n%end;\n\n\n%if &engine_type=OLEDB or &engine_type=REDSHIFT or &engine_type=POSTGRES\n%then %do;\n ); proc sql; drop table &base_lib..\"&temp_table\"n;\n%end;\n%else %if &engine_type=CAS %then %do;\n ;\n quit;\n data work.bitemp0_base;\n set &bitemp0base;\n run;\n proc sql;\n drop table &temp_table;\n drop table &bitemp0base;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n ;\n%end;\n\n/**\n* matching & changed records are those without NULL key values\n* &idx_val resolves to rightmost PK value (loop above)\n*/\n%put syscc (line525)=&syscc, sqlrc=&sqlrc;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc gt 0 or &sqlrc>0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc sqlrc=&sqlrc)\n)\n\n%put hashcols2=&stripcols;\nproc sql;\ncreate table work.bitemp1_current(drop=___TMP___NEW_FLG) as\n select *\n , put(md5(&stripcols),$hex32.) as &md5_col\n from work.bitemp0_base (drop=&md5_col)\n where ___TMP___NEW_FLG=0;\n\n/**\n* NEW records were identified in ___TMP___NEW_FLG in bitemp0_base\n*/\nproc sql;\ncreate table &outds_add\n (drop=&md5_col\n %if %mf_existvar(work.bitemp0_base, &delete_col) %then %do;\n &delete_col\n %end;\n )\n as select a.*\n %if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL %then %do;\n ,&now as &tech_from &tech_from_fmt\n ,&high_date as &tech_to &tech_to_fmt\n %end;\n from work.bitemp0_append a /* STAGING records (mix of existing & new) */\n , work.bitemp0_base b /* BASE records (contains null values for new) */\n where a.&md5_col=b.&md5_col /* took staging md5 across in left join */\n and b.___TMP___NEW_FLG=1; /* NEW records also identified in bitemp0_base */\n\n\n/**\n* identify INSERTS. These are records with the same business key but\n* the bus_from and bus_to value are higher / lower (respectively)\n* such that the existing record needs to be SPLIT to surround the new\n* record.\n* eg: OLD RECORD from=1 to=10\n* NEW RECORD from=5 to=7\n*\n* APPENDED RECORDS:\n* - from=1 to=5\n* - from=5 to=7\n* - from=7 to=10\n*/\n\n/* inserts cannot happen with TXTEMPORAL */\n%if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=BUSTEMPORAL %then %do;\n /* IDENTIFY */\n create table work.bitemp3_inserts as\n select b.*\n ,a.&bus_from as ___TMP___from\n ,a.&bus_to as ___TMP___to\n from work.bitemp0_append a\n ,work.bitemp1_current b\n where a.&bus_from > b.&bus_from\n and a.&bus_to < b.&bus_to\n %do idx_pk=1 %to &pk_cnt;\n %let idx_val=%scan(&pk,&idx_pk);\n and a.&idx_val=b.&idx_val\n %end;\n order by\n /* compress blanks and then insert commas (as the datetime fields may\n not be in use) */\n %sysfunc(tranwrd(%sysfunc(compbl(\n &pk &bus_from &bus_to &processed\n )),%str( ), %str(,)))\n ;\n\n /* SPLIT */\n data work.bitemp3a_inserts (drop=___TMP___from ___TMP___retain ___TMP___to) ;\n set work.bitemp3_inserts;\n by &pk &bus_from &bus_to &processed;\n if first.&idx_val then do;\n ___TMP___retain=&bus_to;\n &bus_to=___TMP___from;\n output;\n &bus_to=___TMP___retain;\n end;\n if last.&idx_val then do;\n &bus_from=___TMP___to;\n output;\n end;\n run;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n /* TX temporal load */\n data work.bitemp3a_inserts;\n set work.bitemp1_current;\n stop;\n run;\n%end;\n/* APPEND */\nproc sql;\ncreate view work.bitemp3a_view as\n select * from work.bitemp1_current\n where &md5_col not in (select &md5_col from work.bitemp3a_inserts);\n\ndata bitemp3b_newbase;\n set work.bitemp3a_inserts work.bitemp3a_view;\nrun;\n\n/** do not use! this converts short numerics into 8 bytes\nproc sql;\ncreate table work.bitemp3b_newbase as\n select * from work.bitemp3a_inserts\nunion corr\n select * from work.bitemp1_current\n where &md5_col not in (select &md5_col from work.bitemp3a_inserts);\n*/\n\n/**\n* identify CHANGED records from staging.\n* Same business key with different temporal dates or md5 value\n* This table must be overlayed onto / into existing business history\n*/\nproc sql;\ncreate table work.bitemp4_updated as select distinct a.*\n from work.bitemp0_append a\n ,work.bitemp3b_newbase b\n where 1=1\n %do idx_pk=1 %to &pk_cnt;\n %let idx_val=%scan(&pk,&idx_pk);\n and a.&idx_val=b.&idx_val\n %end;\n and ( a.&md5_col ne b.&md5_col\n %if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=BUSTEMPORAL %then %do;\n OR (a.&bus_from ne b.&bus_from or a.&bus_to ne b.&bus_to)\n %end;\n )\n;\n\n/**\n * This section would have been one simple step with union all\n * but that converts short numerics into 8 bytes!\n * so, convoluted alternative to retain the same functionality.\n */\n\n/* base records */\ncreate view work.bitemp4_prep1 as\n select 'BASE' as ___TMP___\n ,b.*\n from work.bitemp4_updated a\n ,work.bitemp3b_newbase b\n where 1\n %do idx_pk=1 %to &pk_cnt;\n %let idx_val=%scan(&pk,&idx_pk);\n and a.&idx_val=b.&idx_val\n %end;\n ;\n/* updated records */\ncreate view work.bitemp4_prep2 as\n select 'STAG' as ___TMP___ ,*\n from work.bitemp4_updated;\n/* ensure we only keep columns that appear in both */\n%local bp1 bp2 bp3 bp4;\n%let bp1=%mf_getvarlist(bitemp4_prep1);\n%let bp2=%mf_getvarlist(bitemp4_prep2);\n%let bp3=%mf_wordsInStr1ButNotStr2(Str1=&bp1,Str2=&bp2);\n%let bp4=%mf_wordsInStr1ButNotStr2(Str1=&bp2,Str2=&bp1);\ndata work.bitemp4_prep3/view=bitemp4_prep3;\n set bitemp4_prep1 bitemp4_prep2;\n%if %length(XX&bp3&bp4)>2 %then %do;\n drop &bp3 &bp4 ;\n%end;\nrun;\n/* remove duplicates */\nproc sql;\ncreate table work.bitemp4a_allrecs as\n select distinct *\n from work.bitemp4_prep3\n order by\n /* compress blanks and then insert commas (as the datetime fields\n may not be in use) */\n %sysfunc(tranwrd(%sysfunc(compbl(\n &pk &bus_from &bus_to &processed\n )),%str( ), %str(,)))\n ;\n\n%if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=BUSTEMPORAL %then %do;\n /* this section aligns the business dates\n (eg for inserts or overlaps in the range) */\n data work.bitemp4b_firstpass (drop=___TMP___cond ___TMP___from ___TMP___to );\n set work.bitemp4a_allrecs;\n by &pk &bus_from &bus_to &processed;\n retain ___TMP___cond 'Name of Condition';\n retain ___TMP___from ___TMP___to 0;\n ___TMP___md5lag=lag(&md5_col);\n /* reset retained variables */\n if first.&idx_val then do;\n call missing (___TMP___cond, ___TMP___from, ___TMP___to,___TMP___md5lag);\n end;\n else do;\n /* if record is identical, carry forward bus_from (and bus_to if higher)*/\n if &md5_col=___TMP___md5lag then do;\n &bus_from=___TMP___from;\n if &bus_to<___TMP___to then &bus_to=___TMP___to;\n end;\n end;\n\n if ___TMP___='STAG' then do;\n /* need to carry forward the closing record */\n ___TMP___cond='Condition 1';\n end;\n else if ___TMP___cond='Condition 1' then do;\n /* else ensure bus_from starts from prior record bus_to */\n if &md5_col ne ___TMP___md5lag and &bus_from <= ___TMP___to\n then &bus_from= ___TMP___to;\n /* new record may replace old record entirely */\n if &bus_to <= &bus_from then delete;\n else call missing (___TMP___cond, ___TMP___from, ___TMP___to);\n end;\n ___TMP___from=&bus_from;\n ___TMP___to=&bus_to;\n run;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n /* keep staged records only */\n data work.bitemp4b_firstpass;\n set work.bitemp4a_allrecs;\n if ___TMP___='STAG';\n run;\n%end;\n\n/* next phase is to pass through in reverse - so set up the sort statement */\n%local byvar;\n%do idx_pk=1 %to &pk_cnt;\n %let byvar=&byvar descending %scan(&pk,&idx_pk);\n%end;\n%if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=BUSTEMPORAL\n%then %let byvar=&byvar descending &bus_from descending &bus_to;\n/* if matching bus dates supplied, need to ensure we also have a sort\n between BASE and STAGING tables */\n%let byvar=&byvar descending ___TMP___;\n\nproc sort data=work.bitemp4b_firstpass out=work.bitemp4c_sort ;\n by &byvar;\nrun;\n\n/**\n* Now (in reverse) pass back business start dates\n*/\ndata work.bitemp4d_secondpass;\n%if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL %then %do;\n &tech_from=&now;\n &tech_to=&high_date;\n%end;\n set work.bitemp4c_sort ;\n by &byvar;\n retain ___TMP___cond 'Name of Condition';\n retain ___TMP___from ___TMP___to 0;\n%if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=BUSTEMPORAL %then %do;\n/* put / _all_ /;*/\n ___TMP___md5lag=lag(&md5_col);\n if first.&idx_val then do;\n /* reset retained variables */\n call missing (___TMP___cond,___TMP___from,___TMP___to,___TMP___md5lag);\n end;\n else do;\n /* if record is identical, carry back bus_to */\n if &md5_col=___TMP___md5lag then &bus_to=___TMP___to;\n end;\n\n if ___TMP___='STAG' then do;\n /* need to carry forward the closing record */\n ___TMP___cond='Condition 2';\n end;\n else if ___TMP___cond='Condition 2' then do;\n /* else ensure bus_to stops at subsequent record bus_from */\n if &md5_col ne ___TMP___md5lag and &bus_to >= ___TMP___from\n then &bus_to= ___TMP___from;\n /* new record may replace old record entirely */\n if &bus_from >= &bus_to then delete;\n if &bus_from=___TMP___from and &bus_to=___TMP___to then delete;\n else call missing (___TMP___cond, ___TMP___from, ___TMP___to);\n end;\n ___TMP___from=&bus_from;\n ___TMP___to=&bus_to;\n\n%end;\nrun;\n%put syscc (line600)=&syscc;\n/**\n There may still be some records (eg old business history) which have not\n changed.\n Need to identify these and remove from the append so they are not updated\n unnecessarily. This is done by generating a new md5 (which INCLUDES the\n business key) and any matching / identical records are split out (from those\n that need to be updated).\n*/\n\n%if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL %then %do;\n %let cat_string=catx('|' ,&bus_from,&bus_to);\n\n data work.bitemp5a_lkp (keep=&md5_col)\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" & \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n /nonote2err\n %end;\n ;\n set work.bitemp0_base;\n /* for BITEMPORAL we need to compare business dates also */\n &md5_col=put(md5(&cat_string!!'|'!!&stripcols),$hex32.);\n run;\n\n data bitemp5b_updates;\n set bitemp4d_secondpass;\n if _n_=1 then do;\n dcl hash md5_lkp(dataset:'bitemp5a_lkp');\n md5_lkp.definekey(\"&md5_col\");\n md5_lkp.definedone();\n end;\n /* drop old md5 col as will rebuild with new business dates */\n &md5_col=put(md5(&cat_string!!'|'!!&stripcols),$hex32.) ;\n if md5_lkp.check()=0 then delete;\n run;\n\n proc sql;\n /* get min bus from as will update (close out) all records from this point\n (for that PK)*/\n create table work.bitemp5d_subquery as\n select &pk_comma, min(&bus_from)as &bus_from, max(&bus_to) as &bus_to\n from work.bitemp5b_updates\n group by &pk_comma;\n /* index has a huge efficiency impact on upcoming nested subquery */\n create index index1 on work.bitemp5d_subquery(&pk_comma,&bus_from, &bus_to);\n\n %let lastds=work.bitemp5b_updates;\n%end;\n%else %if &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL or &loadtype=UPDATE %then %do;\n proc sql;\n create table work.bitemp5d_subquery as\n select distinct &pk_comma\n from bitemp4d_secondpass;\n %let lastds=work.bitemp4d_secondpass;\n%end;\n%else %let lastds=work.bitemp4d_secondpass;\n\n/* create single append table (an overlapped pre-sert may be classed as\n both an update AND a new record). Also create temp views that may be\n used for pre-load analysis. */\ndata &outds_mod;\n set &lastds(drop=___TMP___: &md5_col);\nrun;\n\ndata bitemp6_allrecs / view=bitemp6_allrecs;\n set &outds_mod /* UPDATED records */\n &outds_add /* NEW records */;\nrun;\n\nproc sort data=work.bitemp6_allrecs\n out=work.bitemp6_unique\n noduprec\n dupout=work.xx_BADBADBAD;\nby _all_;\nrun;\n\n/* we have all our temp tables now so exit if this is all that is needed */\n%if &LOADTARGET ne YES %then %return;\n\n/* also exit if an err condition exists */\n\n%if &syscc>0 %then %do;\n %put syscc=&syscc;\n %mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK,lib=&base_lib,ds=&base_dsn,ref=&ETLSOURCE,\n ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n %if \"&outds_audit\" ne \"0\" %then %do;\n %mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK\n ,lib=%scan(&outds_audit,1,.)\n ,ds=%scan(&outds_audit,2,.)\n ,ref=&ETLSOURCE\n ,ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n %end;\n%end;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc>0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname in &_program\n ,msg=%str(Bitemporal transform / job aborted due to SYSCC=&SYSCC status)\n)\n\n/* final check - abort if a lock has appeared on the target or audit table */\n%mp_lockfilecheck(libds=&base_lib..&base_dsn)\n%if %mf_existds(&outds_audit) %then %do;\n %mp_lockfilecheck(libds=&outds_audit)\n%end;\n\n/**\n* STAGING TABLES PREPARED, ERR CONDITION TESTED FOR.. NOW TO LOAD!!\n*/\n\n/**\n* First, CLOSE OUT changed records (if not a REPLACE)\n* Note that SAS does not support ANSI standard for UPDATE with a join condition.\n* However - this can be worked around using a nested subquery..\n*/\ndata _null_;\n putlog \"&sysmacroname: CLOSEOUTS commencing\";\nrun;\n\n%if %mf_getattrn(&lastds,NLOBS)=0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog \"&sysmacroname: No closeouts needed\";\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &engine_type=CAS %then %do;\n %mp_abort(iftrue= (&loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname in &_program\n ,msg=%str(&loadtype not yet supported in CAS engine)\n )\n /* create temp table for deletions */\n %local delds;%let delds=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=DC);\n data casuser.&delds;\n set work.bitemp5d_subquery;\n run;\n /* delete the records */\n proc cas ;\n table.deleteRows / table={\n caslib=\"&base_lib\",\n name=\"&base_dsn\",\n where=\"1=1\",\n whereTable={caslib='CASUSER',name=\"&delds\"}\n };\n quit;\n /* drop temp table */\n proc sql;\n drop table CASUSER.&delds;\n%end;\n%else %if (&loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL or &loadtype=UPDATE)\n%then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog \"&sysmacroname: &loadtype operation using &engine_type engine\";\n run;\n %local flexinow;\n proc sql;\n /* if OLEDB then create a temp table for efficiency */\n %local innertable;\n %if &engine_type=OLEDB %then %do;\n %let innertable=[&temp_table];\n %let top_table=[dbo].&base_dsn;\n %let flexinow=&SQLNOW;\n create table &base_lib..\"&temp_table\"n as\n select * from work.bitemp5d_subquery;\n /* open up a connection for pass through SQL */\n %dc_assignlib(WRITE,&base_lib,passthru=myAlias)\n execute(\n %end;\n %else %if &engine_type=REDSHIFT or &engine_type=POSTGRES %then %do;\n %let innertable=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=XDCTEMP);\n %let top_table=&baselib_schema.&base_dsn;\n %let flexinow=timestamp &SQLNOW;\n /* make empty table first - must clone & drop extra cols\n as autoload is bad */\n %dc_assignlib(WRITE,&base_lib,passthru=myAlias)\n exec (create table &innertable (like &baselib_schema.&base_dsn)) by myAlias;\n %if &engine_type=REDSHIFT %then %do;\n exec (alter table &innertable alter sortkey none) by myAlias;\n %end;\n %let dropcols=%mf_wordsinstr1butnotstr2(\n str1=%upcase(%mf_getvarlist(&basecopy))\n ,str2=%upcase(%mf_getvarlist(work.bitemp5d_subquery))\n );\n %if %length(&dropcols>0) %then %do idx_pk=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&dropcols));\n %put &=dropcols;\n %let idx_val=%scan(&dropcols,&idx_pk);\n exec(alter table &innertable drop column &idx_val;) by myAlias;;\n %end;\n /* create view to strip formats and avoid warns in log */\n data work.vw_bitemp5d/view=work.vw_bitemp5d;\n set work.bitemp5d_subquery;\n format _all_;\n run;\n proc append base=&base_lib..&innertable (\n %do idx_pk=1 %to &redcnt;\n &&rednm&idx_pk = &&redval&idxpk\n %end;\n )\n data=work.vw_bitemp5d force nowarn;\n run;\n /* open up a connection for pass through SQL */\n %dc_assignlib(WRITE,&base_lib,passthru=myAlias)\n execute(\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %let innertable=bitemp5d_subquery;\n %let top_table=&base_lib..&base_dsn;\n %let flexinow=&now;\n %end;\n\n\n %if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL %then %do;\n update &top_table set &tech_to=&flexinow\n %if %length(&processed)>0 %then %do;\n ,&processed=&flexinow\n %end;\n where &tech_from <= &flexinow and &flexinow < &tech_to and\n %end;\n %else %if &loadtype=UPDATE %then %do;\n /* changed records are deleted then re-appended when doing UPDATEs */\n delete from &top_table where\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: BUSTEMPORAL NOT YET SUPPORTED;\n %let syscc=5;\n %mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK,lib=&base_lib,ds=&base_dsn,ref=&ETLSOURCE,\n ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n %mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK\n ,lib=%scan(&outds_audit,1,.)\n ,ds=%scan(&outds_audit,2,.)\n ,ref=&ETLSOURCE\n ,ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n %goto end_of_macro;\n %end;\n\n /* perform join inside query as per\n http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24629793/update-with-a-proc-sql */\n\n exists( select 1 from &baselib_schema.&innertable where\n\n /* loop PK join */\n %do idx_pk=1 %to &pk_cnt;\n %let idx_val=%scan(&pk,&idx_pk);\n &base_dsn..&idx_val=&innertable..&idx_val and\n %end;\n %if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL %then %do;\n &base_dsn..&bus_from >= &innertable..&bus_from\n and &base_dsn..&bus_to <= &innertable..&bus_to and\n %end;\n\n /* close the statement */\n\n 1=1);\n\n %if &engine_type=OLEDB or &engine_type=REDSHIFT or &engine_type=POSTGRES\n %then %do;\n ) by myAlias;\n execute (drop table &baselib_schema.&innertable) by myAlias;\n %end;\n%end;\nquit;\ndata _null_;\n putlog \"&sysmacroname: Closeout complete\";\nrun;\n/**\n * Append the new / updated records\n */\n%if &engine_type=CAS %then %do;\n\n /* get varchar variables ready for casting */\n %local vcfmt vcrename vcassign vcdrop;\n data _null_;\n set work.bitemp_cols(where=(type=6)) end=last;\n length vcrename vcassign vcdrop vcfmt $32767 rancol $32;\n retain vcrename vcassign vcdrop vcfmt;\n if _n_=1 then vcrename='(rename=(';\n rancol=resolve('%mf_getuniquename()');\n vcfmt=trim(vcfmt)!!'length '!!cats(name)!!' varchar(*);';\n vcrename=trim(vcrename)!!' '!!cats(name,'=',rancol);\n vcassign=cats(vcassign,name,'=',rancol,';');\n vcdrop=cats(vcdrop,'drop '!!rancol,';');\n if last then do;\n vcrename=cats(vcrename,'))');\n call symputx('vcfmt',vcfmt);\n call symputx('vcrename',vcrename);\n call symputx('vcassign',vcassign);\n call symputx('vcdrop',vcdrop);\n end;\n run;\n\n /* prepare a temp cas table with varchars casted */\n %let tmp=%mf_getuniquename();\n data casuser.&tmp ;\n &vcfmt\n set work.bitemp6_unique &vcrename;\n &vcassign\n &vcdrop\n run;\n\n /* load the table with varchars applied*/\n data &base_lib..&base_dsn (append=yes )/sessref=dcsession ;\n set casuser.&tmp;\n run;\n\n /* drop temp table */\n proc sql;\n drop table CASUSER.&tmp;\n\n /* this code will not work as regular tables do not have varchars */\n /*\n proc casutil;\n load data=work.bitemp6_unique\n outcaslib=\"&base_lib\" casout=\"&base_dsn\" append ;\n quit;\n */\n%end;\n%else %if &engine_type=REDSHIFT or &engine_type=POSTGRES %then %do;\n proc append base=&base_lib..&base_dsn\n %if &engine_type=REDSHIFT %then %do;\n (\n %do idx_pk=1 %to &redcnt;\n &&rednm&idx_pk = &&redval&idxpk\n %end;\n )\n %end;\n data=bitemp6_unique force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n proc append base=&base_lib..&base_dsn data=bitemp6_unique force nowarn; run;\n%end;\n\n%mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK,lib=&base_lib,ds=&base_dsn,ref=&ETLSOURCE,\n ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n)\n\n/* final check on syscc */\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc >4)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(!!Upload NOT successful!! Failed on actual update / append stage..)\n)\n\n%if &outds_audit ne 0 and &LOADTARGET=YES %then %do;\n data work.vw_outds_orig /view=work.vw_outds_orig;\n set work.bitemp0_base (drop=&md5_col);\n where ___TMP___NEW_FLG=0;\n drop ___TMP___NEW_FLG;\n run;\n /* update the AUDIT table */\n %if %mf_existds(&outds_audit) %then %do;\n options mprint;\n %mp_storediffs(&base_lib..&base_dsn\n ,work.vw_outds_orig\n ,&pk &bus_from\n ,delds=&outds_del\n ,modds=&outds_mod\n ,appds=&outds_add\n ,outds=work.mp_storediffs\n ,processed_dttm=&now\n ,loadref=%superq(etlsource)\n )\n /* exclude unchanged values in modified rows */\n data work.mp_storediffs;\n set work.mp_storediffs;\n if MOVE_TYPE=\"M\" and IS_PK=0 and IS_DIFF=0 then delete;\n * putlog load_ref= libref= dsn= key_hash= tgtvar_nm=;\n run;\n proc append base=&outds_audit data=work.mp_storediffs;\n run;\n %mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK\n ,lib=%scan(&outds_audit,1,.)\n ,ds=%scan(&outds_audit,2,.)\n ,ref=&ETLSOURCE\n ,ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n %end;\n%end;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc >4)\n ,mac=bitemporal_dataloader\n ,msg=%str(Problem in audit stage (&outds_audit))\n)\n\n%let user=%mf_getUser();\n/**\n Notify as appropriate EMAILS DISABLED\n\n%sumo_alerts(ALERT_EVENT=UPDATE\n , ALERT_TARGET=&base_lib..&base_dsn\n , from_user= &user);\n*/\n/* monitor BiTemporal usage */\n%if &log=1 %then %do;\n %put syscc=&syscc;\n /* do not perform duration calc in pass through */\n %local dur;\n data _null_;\n now=symget('now');\n dur=%sysfunc(datetime())-&now;\n call symputx('dur',dur,'l');\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &dclib..mpe_dataloads\n set libref=%upcase(\"&base_lib\")\n ,DSN=%upcase(\"&base_dsn\")\n ,ETLSOURCE=\"&ETLSOURCE\"\n ,LOADTYPE=\"&loadtype\"\n ,CHANGED_RECORDS=%mf_getattrn(&lastds,NLOBS)\n ,NEW_RECORDS=%mf_getattrn(&outds_add,NLOBS)\n ,DELETED_RECORDS=%mf_getattrn(&outds_del,NLOBS)\n ,DURATION=&dur\n ,MAC_VER=\"v&ver\"\n ,user_nm=\"&user\"\n ,PROCESSED_DTTM=&now;\n quit;\n %put syscc=&syscc;\n%end;\n%end_of_macro:\n%mend bitemporal_dataloader;\n\n\n\n%macro dc_getlibs(outds=mm_getlibs);\nproc sql;\ncreate table &outds as\n select distinct libname as LibraryRef\n ,libname as LibraryName length=256\n ,engine\n ,'' as libraryid length=17\n from dictionary.libnames\n where libname not in ('WORK','SASUSER');\ninsert into &syslast values (\"&DC_LIBREF\", \"&DC_LIBNAME\",'','V9');\n\n%mend dc_getlibs;\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_refreshlibs(lib=0);\n\n%dc_getlibs(outds=work.mm_getLibs)\nproc sort data=mm_getlibs;\n by libraryref libraryname;\nrun;\n\ndata libs0;\n set mm_getlibs;\n by libraryref;\n%if &lib ne 0 %then %do;\n where upcase(libraryref)=\"%upcase(&lib)\";\n%end;\n if \"%mf_getplatform()\"=\"SASMETA\" then do;\n /* note - invalid libraries can result in exception errors. If this happens,\n configure the dc_viewlib_check variable to NO in Data Controller Settings */\n rc=libname(libraryref,,'meta',cats('library=\"',libraryname,'\";'));\n drop rc;\n if rc ne 0 then do;\n putlog \"NOTE: Library \" libraryname \" does not exist!!\";\n putlog (_all_) (=);\n delete;\n end;\n end;\n if not first.libraryref then delete;\nrun;\n\nproc sql;\ncreate table libs1 as\n select distinct libname\n ,engine\n ,path\n ,level\n ,sysname\n ,sysvalue\n from dictionary.libnames\n order by libname, level,engine,path;\n\ndata libs2;\n set libs1;\n length tran $1024;\n if missing(sysname) then sysname='Missing';\n select(sysname);\n when('Access Permission') tran='Permissions';\n when('Owner Name') tran='Owner';\n when('Schema/Owner') tran='schema';\n otherwise tran=sysname;\n end;\nrun;\n\nproc transpose data=libs2 out=libs3;\nby libname level engine path;\nvar sysvalue;\nid tran;\nrun;\n\ndata libs4(rename=(libname=libref));\n length paths $8192 perms owners schemas $500 permissions owner schema $1024;\n if _n_=1 then call missing (of _all_);\n set libs3;\n by libname;\n if engine='V9' then engine='BASE';\n if first.libname then do;\n retain paths perms owners schemas;\n paths='('!!quote(trim(path));\n perms=permissions;\n owners=owner;\n schemas=schema;\n end;\n else do;\n paths=trim(paths)!!' '!!quote(trim(path));\n perms=trim(perms)!!','!!trim(permissions);\n owners=trim(owners)!!','!!trim(owner);\n schemas=trim(schemas)!!' '!!trim(schema);\n end;\n if last.libname then do;\n paths=trim(paths)!!')';\n schemas=cats(schemas);\n output;\n end;\n keep libname engine paths perms owners schemas;\nrun;\n\nproc sql;\ncreate table libs5 as\n select a.libref\n ,coalescec(b.engine,a.engine) as engine length=32\n ,b.libraryname as libname\n ,a.paths\n ,a.perms\n ,a.owners\n ,a.schemas\n ,b.libraryid as libid\n from libs4 a\n left join libs0 b\n on upcase(a.libref)=upcase(b.libraryref)\n where libref not in ('SASWORK','WORK','SASUSER','CASUSER','TEMP','STPSAMP'\n ,'MAPSGFK');\n\n%bitemporal_dataloader(base_lib=&dc_libref\n ,base_dsn=MPE_DATACATALOG_LIBS\n ,append_dsn=libs5\n ,PK=LIBREF\n ,etlsource=&_program\n ,loadtype=TXTEMPORAL\n ,tech_from=TX_FROM\n ,tech_to=TX_TO\n ,dclib=&dc_libref\n)\n\n%mend mpe_refreshlibs;\n\n\n/** @cond */\n%macro mf_existfeature(feature\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %let feature=%upcase(&feature);\n %local platform;\n %let platform=%mf_getplatform();\n\n %if &feature= %then %do;\n %put No feature was requested for detection;\n %end;\n %else %if &feature=COLCONSTRAINTS %then %do;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\" or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\" %then 0;\n %else 1;\n %end;\n %else %if &feature=PROCLUA %then %do;\n /* https://blogs.sas.com/content/sasdummy/2015/08/03/using-lua-within-your-sas-programs */\n %if &platform=SASVIYA %then 1;\n %else %if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\" %then 0;\n %else %if \"&SYSVLONG\" < \"9.04.01M3\" %then 0;\n %else 1;\n %end;\n %else %if &feature=DBMS_MEMTYPE %then %do;\n /* does dbms_memtype exist in dictionary.tables? */\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\" or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\" %then 0;\n %else 1;\n %end;\n %else %if &feature=EXPORTXLS %then %do;\n /* is it possible to PROC EXPORT an excel file? */\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\" or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\" %then 1;\n %else %if %sysfunc(sysprod(SAS/ACCESS Interface to PC Files)) = 1 %then 1;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n -1\n %put &sysmacroname: &feature not found;\n %end;\n%mend mf_existfeature;\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mp_getconstraints(lib=WORK\n ,ds=\n ,outds=mp_getconstraints\n ,mdebug=0\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%let lib=%upcase(&lib);\n%let ds=%upcase(&ds);\n\n/**\n * Cater for environments where sashelp.vcncolu is not available\n */\n%if %sysfunc(exist(sashelp.vcncolu,view))=0 %then %do;\n proc sql;\n create table &outds(\n libref char(8)\n ,TABLE_NAME char(32)\n ,constraint_type char(8) label='Constraint Type'\n ,constraint_name char(32) label='Constraint Name'\n ,column_name char(32) label='Column'\n ,constraint_order num\n );\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Neither dictionary tables nor sashelp provides a constraint order column,\n * however they DO arrive in the correct order. So, create the col.\n **/\n%local vw;\n%let vw=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mp_getconstraints_vw_);\ndata &vw /view=&vw;\n set sashelp.vcncolu;\n where table_catalog=\"&lib\";\n\n /* use retain approach to reset the constraint order with each constraint */\n length tmp $1000;\n retain tmp;\n drop tmp;\n if tmp ne catx('|',table_catalog,table_name,constraint_name) then do;\n constraint_order=1;\n end;\n else constraint_order+1;\n tmp=catx('|',table_catalog, table_name,constraint_name);\nrun;\n\n/* must use SQL as proc datasets does not support length changes */\nproc sql noprint;\ncreate table &outds as\n select upcase(a.TABLE_CATALOG) as libref\n ,upcase(a.TABLE_NAME) as TABLE_NAME\n ,a.constraint_type\n ,a.constraint_name\n ,b.column_name\n ,b.constraint_order\n from dictionary.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS a\n left join &vw b\n on upcase(a.TABLE_CATALOG)=upcase(b.TABLE_CATALOG)\n and upcase(a.TABLE_NAME)=upcase(b.TABLE_NAME)\n and a.constraint_name=b.constraint_name\n/**\n * We cannot apply this clause to the underlying dictionary table. See:\n * https://communities.sas.com/t5/SAS-Programming/Unexpected-Where-Clause-behaviour-in-dictionary-TABLE/m-p/771554#M244867\n * cannot use`where calculated libref=\"&lib\"` either as it will STILL execute\n * all the underlying constraint queries, causing exception errors in some\n * cases: https://github.com/sasjs/core/issues/283\n */\n where a.TABLE_CATALOG=\"&lib\"\n %if \"&ds\" ne \"\" %then %do;\n and upcase(a.TABLE_NAME)=\"&ds\"\n and upcase(b.TABLE_NAME)=\"&ds\"\n %end;\n order by libref, table_name, constraint_name, constraint_order\n ;\n\n/* tidy up */\n%mp_dropmembers(\n &vw,\n iftrue=(&mdebug=0)\n)\n\n%mend mp_getconstraints;\n\n\n%macro mpe_refreshtables(lib,ds=#all);\n%let lib=%upcase(&lib);\n%let ds=%upcase(&ds);\n%local engine; %let engine=%mf_getengine(&lib);\n%local schema; %let schema=%mf_getschema(&lib);\n%put running &sysmacroname &lib(&engine &schema) for &ds;\nproc sql;\ncreate table cols as\n select libname as libref\n ,upcase(memname) as dsn\n ,memtype\n ,upcase(name) as name\n ,type\n ,length\n ,varnum\n ,label\n ,format\n ,idxusage\n ,notnull\n from dictionary.columns\n where upcase(libname)=\"&lib\"\n%if &ds ne #ALL %then %do;\n and upcase(memname)=\"&ds\"\n%end;\n ;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc afer &lib cols extraction)\n)\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc afer &lib indexes extraction)\n)\n\n%if &engine=SQLSVR %then %do;\n proc sql;\n connect using &lib;\n create table work.indexes as\n select * from connection to &lib(\n select\n s.name as SchemaName,\n t.name as memname,\n tc.name as name,\n ic.key_ordinal as KeyOrderNr\n from\n sys.schemas s\n inner join sys.tables t on s.schema_id=t.schema_id\n inner join sys.indexes i on t.object_id=i.object_id\n inner join sys.index_columns ic on i.object_id=ic.object_id\n and i.index_id=ic.index_id\n inner join sys.columns tc on ic.object_id=tc.object_id\n and ic.column_id=tc.column_id\n where i.is_primary_key=1\n and s.name=%str(%')&schema%str(%')\n order by t.name, ic.key_ordinal ;\n );disconnect from &lib;\n create table finalcols as\n select a.*\n ,case when b.name is not null then 1 else 0 end as pk_ind\n from work.cols a\n left join work.indexes b\n on a.dsn=b.memname\n and upcase(a.name)=upcase(b.name)\n order by libref,dsn;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %local dsn;\n %if &ds = #ALL %then %let dsn=;\n\n %mp_getconstraints(lib=&lib.,ds=&dsn,outds=work.constraints)\n\n\n /* extract cols that are clearly primary keys */\n proc sql;\n create table work.pk4sure as\n select libref\n ,table_name\n ,constraint_name\n ,constraint_order\n ,column_name as name\n from work.constraints\n where constraint_type='PRIMARY'\n order by 1,2,3,4;\n\n /* extract unique constraints where every col is also NOT NULL */\n proc sql;\n create table work.sum as\n select a.libref\n ,a.table_name\n ,a.constraint_name\n ,count(a.column_name) as unq_cnt\n ,count(b.column_name) as nul_cnt\n from work.constraints(where=(constraint_type ='UNIQUE')) a\n left join work.constraints(where=(constraint_type ='NOT NULL')) b\n on a.libref=b.libref\n and a.table_name=b.table_name\n and a.column_name=b.column_name\n group by 1,2,3\n having unq_cnt=nul_cnt;\n\n\n /* extract cols from the relevant unique constraints */\n create table work.pkdefault as\n select a.libref\n ,a.table_name\n ,a.constraint_name\n ,b.constraint_order\n ,b.column_name as name\n from work.sum a\n left join work.constraints(where=(constraint_type ='UNIQUE')) b\n on a.libref=b.libref\n and a.table_name=b.table_name\n and a.constraint_name=b.constraint_name\n order by 1,2,3,4;\n\n /* extract cols from the relevant unique INDEXES */\n create table work.pkfromindex as\n select libname as libref\n ,memname as table_name\n ,indxname as constraint_name\n ,indxpos as constraint_order\n ,name\n from dictionary.indexes\n where nomiss='yes' and unique='yes' and upcase(libname)=\"&lib\"\n %if &ds ne #ALL %then %do;\n and upcase(memname)=\"&ds\"\n %end;\n order by 1,2,3,4;\n\n /* create one table */\n data work.finalpks;\n set pkdefault pk4sure pkfromindex;\n pk_ind=1;\n /* if there are multiple unique constraints, take the first */\n by libref table_name constraint_name;\n retain keepme;\n if first.table_name then keepme=1;\n if first.constraint_name and not first.table_name then keepme=0;\n if keepme=1;\n run;\n\n /* join back to starting table */\n proc sql;\n create table finalcols as\n select a.*\n ,b.constraint_order\n ,case when b.pk_ind=1 then 1 else 0 end as pk_ind\n from work.cols a\n left join work.finalpks b\n on a.libref=b.libref\n and a.dsn=b.table_name\n and upcase(a.name)=upcase(b.name)\n order by libref,dsn,constraint_order;\n\n%end;\n\n/* load columns */\n%bitemporal_dataloader(base_lib=&mpelib\n ,base_dsn=mpe_datacatalog_vars\n ,append_dsn=finalcols\n ,PK=LIBREF DSN NAME\n ,etlsource=&sysmacroname\n ,loadtype=TXTEMPORAL\n ,tech_from=TX_FROM\n ,tech_to=TX_TO\n%if &ds ne #ALL %then %do;\n ,close_vars=LIBREF DSN\n%end;\n ,dclib=&mpelib\n)\n\n/* prepare tables */\nproc sql;\ncreate table work.tabs as select\n libname as libref\n ,upcase(memname) as dsn\n ,memtype\n%if %mf_existfeature(DBMS_MEMTYPE)=1 %then %do;\n ,dbms_memtype\n%end;\n%else %do;\n ,'n/a' as dbms_memtype format=$32.\n%end;\n ,typemem\n ,memlabel\n ,nvar\n ,compress\nfrom dictionary.tables\n where upcase(libname)=\"&lib\"\n%if &ds ne #ALL %then %do;\n and upcase(memname)=\"&ds\"\n%end;\n ;\ndata tabs2;\n set finalcols;\n length pk_fields $512;\n retain pk_fields;\n by libref dsn;\n if first.dsn then pk_fields='';\n if pk_ind=1 then pk_fields=catx(' ',pk_fields,name);\n if last.dsn then output;\nrun;\n\nproc sql;\ncreate table work.finaltabs as\n select a.libref\n ,a.dsn\n ,a.memtype\n ,a.dbms_memtype\n ,a.typemem\n ,a.memlabel\n ,a.nvar\n ,a.compress\n ,b.pk_fields\n from work.tabs a\n left join work.tabs2 b\n on a.libref=b.libref\n and a.dsn=b.dsn;\n\n%bitemporal_dataloader(base_lib=&mpelib\n ,base_dsn=mpe_datacatalog_tabs\n ,append_dsn=finaltabs\n ,PK=LIBREF DSN\n ,etlsource=&sysmacroname\n ,loadtype=TXTEMPORAL\n ,tech_from=TX_FROM\n ,tech_to=TX_TO\n ,dclib=&mpelib\n%if &ds ne #ALL %then %do;\n ,close_vars=LIBREF\n%end;\n)\n\n/* prepare table frequently changing attributes */\nproc sql;\n%if &engine=SQLSVR %then %do;\n connect using &lib;\n create table work.attrs as select * from connection to &lib(\n SELECT SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) as 'schema', name, create_date, modify_date\n FROM sys.tables ;\n );\n create table work.nobs as select * from connection to &lib(\n SELECT SCHEMA_NAME(A.schema_id) AS 'schema'\n ,A.Name, AVG(B.rows) AS 'RowCount'\n FROM sys.objects A\n INNER JOIN sys.partitions B ON A.object_id = B.object_id\n WHERE A.type = 'U'\n GROUP BY A.schema_id, A.Name\n );\n disconnect from &lib;\n create table statustabs as select\n a.libref\n ,a.dsn\n ,b.create_date as crdate\n ,b.modify_date as modate\n ,. as filesize\n ,c.RowCount as nobs\n from work.tabs a\n left join work.attrs(where=(schema=\"&schema\")) b\n on upcase(a.dsn)=upcase(b.name)\n left join work.nobs(where=(schema=\"&schema\")) c\n on upcase(a.dsn)=upcase(c.name);\n%end;\n%else %do;\n create table statustabs as select\n libname as libref\n ,upcase(memname) as dsn\n ,crdate\n ,modate\n ,filesize\n ,nobs\n from dictionary.tables\n where upcase(libname)=\"&lib\"\n %if &ds ne #ALL %then %do;\n and upcase(memname)=\"&ds\"\n %end;\n ;\n%end;\n\n%bitemporal_dataloader(base_lib=&mpelib\n ,base_dsn=mpe_datastatus_tabs\n ,append_dsn=statustabs\n ,PK=LIBREF DSN\n ,etlsource=&sysmacroname\n ,loadtype=TXTEMPORAL\n ,tech_from=TX_FROM\n ,tech_to=TX_TO\n ,dclib=&mpelib\n%if &ds ne #ALL %then %do;\n ,close_vars=LIBREF\n%end;\n)\n\n%if &ds = #ALL %then %do;\n proc sql;\n create table statuslibs as select\n libref\n ,sum(filesize) as libsize\n ,count(*) as table_cnt\n from statustabs\n group by 1;\n\n %bitemporal_dataloader(base_lib=&mpelib\n ,base_dsn=mpe_datastatus_libs\n ,append_dsn=statuslibs\n ,PK=LIBREF\n ,etlsource=&sysmacroname\n ,loadtype=TXTEMPORAL\n ,tech_from=TX_FROM\n ,tech_to=TX_TO\n ,dclib=&mpelib\n )\n%end;\n\n%mend mpe_refreshtables;\n\n\n\n%macro dc_refreshcatalog();\n\n%mpe_refreshlibs()\n\nfilename executor catalog 'work.code.code.source';\ndata libraries;\n set &mpelib..mpe_datacatalog_libs;\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. le TX_TO;\n file executor;\n str=cats('%mpe_refreshtables(',libref,')');\n put str;\n putlog str;\nrun;\n%inc executor;\n\n%mend dc_refreshcatalog;\n\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file refreshcatalog.sas\n @brief Refreshes the library data catalog\n @details A library may be passed in a LIBREF url param.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mpeinit.sas\n @li dc_refreshcatalog.sas\n\n @version 9.3\n @author 4GL Apps Ltd\n @copyright 4GL Apps Ltd. This code may only be used within Data Controller\n and may not be re-distributed or re-sold without the express permission of\n 4GL Apps Ltd.\n\n**/\n%global libref;\n%mpeinit()\n\n%dc_refreshcatalog(&libref)\n\n\ndata _null_;\n file _webout;\n put '

Catalog Refresh Complete

';\nrun;\n\n* Service end;" }, { "name": "refreshlibs", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n\n\n%macro dc_assignlib(type,libref,passthru=);\n %if %length(&passthru)>0 %then %do;\n proc sql;\n connect using &libref as &passthru;\n %end;\n%mend dc_assignlib;\n\n\n/** @cond */\n\n%macro mf_existvar(libds /* 2 part dataset name */\n , var /* variable name */\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %local dsid rc;\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds,is));\n\n %if &dsid=0 %then %do;\n %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n 0\n %end;\n %else %if %length(&var)=0 %then %do;\n 0\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,&var))\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n\n%mend mf_existvar;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n%macro mf_getattrn(\n libds\n ,attr\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid rc;\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds,is));\n %if &dsid = 0 %then %do;\n %put %str(WARN)ING: Cannot open %trim(&libds), system message below;\n %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n -1\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,&attr))\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n%mend mf_getattrn;\n\n\n%macro mf_getvartype(libds /* two level name */\n , var /* variable name from which to return the type */\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid vnum vtype rc;\n /* Open dataset */\n %let dsid = %sysfunc(open(&libds));\n %if &dsid. > 0 %then %do;\n /* Get variable number */\n %let vnum = %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid, &var));\n /* Get variable type (C/N) */\n %if(&vnum. > 0) %then %let vtype = %sysfunc(vartype(&dsid, &vnum.));\n %else %do;\n %put NOTE: Variable &var does not exist in &libds;\n %let vtype = %str( );\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: dataset &libds not opened! (rc=&dsid);\n %put &sysmacroname: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* Close dataset */\n %let rc = %sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n /* Return variable type */\n &vtype\n%mend mf_getvartype;\n\n\n%macro mf_getattrc(\n libds\n ,attr\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid rc;\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds,is));\n %if &dsid = 0 %then %do;\n %put %str(WARN)ING: Cannot open %trim(&libds), system message below;\n %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n -1\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %sysfunc(attrc(&dsid,&attr))\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n%mend mf_getattrc;\n\n\n%macro mp_lockfilecheck(\n libds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\ndata _null_;\n if _n_=1 then putlog \"&sysmacroname entry vars:\";\n set sashelp.vmacro;\n where scope=\"&sysmacroname\";\n put name '=' value;\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc>0)\n ,mac=checklock.sas\n ,msg=Aborting with syscc=&syscc on entry.\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (\"&libds\"=\"0\")\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(libds not provided)\n)\n\n%local msg lib ds;\n%let lib=%upcase(%scan(&libds,1,.));\n%let ds=%upcase(%scan(&libds,2,.));\n\n/* in DC, format catalogs are passed with a -FC suffix. No saslock here! */\n%if %scan(&libds,2,-)=FC %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Format Catalog detected, no lockfile applied to &libds;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* do not proceed if no observations can be processed */\n%let msg=options obs = 0. syserrortext=%superq(syserrortext);\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (%sysfunc(getoption(OBS))=0)\n ,mac=checklock.sas\n ,msg=%superq(msg)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n putlog \"Checking engine & member type\";\nrun;\n%local engine memtype;\n%let memtype=%mf_getattrc(&libds,MTYPE);\n%let engine=%mf_getattrc(&libds,ENGINE);\n\n%if &engine ne V9 and &engine ne BASE %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog \"Lib &lib is not assigned using BASE engine - uses &engine instead\";\n putlog \"SAS lock check will not be performed\";\n run;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if &memtype ne DATA %then %do;\n %put NOTE: Cannot lock a VIEW!! Memtype=&memtype;\n %return;\n%end;\n\ndata _null_;\n putlog \"Engine = &engine, memtype=&memtype\";\n putlog \"Attempting lock statement\";\nrun;\n\nlock &libds;\n\n%local abortme;\n%let abortme=0;\n%if &syscc>0 or &SYSLCKRC ne 0 %then %do;\n %let msg=Unable to apply lock on &libds (SYSLCKRC=&SYSLCKRC syscc=&syscc);\n %put %str(ERR)OR: &sysmacroname: &msg;\n %let abortme=1;\n%end;\n\nlock &libds clear;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&abortme=1)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%superq(msg)\n)\n\n%mend mp_lockfilecheck;\n\n\n%macro mp_lockanytable(\n action\n ,lib= WORK\n ,ds=0\n ,ref=\n ,ctl_ds=0\n ,loops=25\n ,loop_secs=1\n );\ndata _null_;\n if _n_=1 then putlog \"&sysmacroname entry vars:\";\n set sashelp.vmacro;\n where scope=\"&sysmacroname\";\n put name '=' value;\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (\"&ds\"=\"0\" and &action ne MAKETABLE)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(dataset was not provided)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&ctl_ds=0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Control dataset was not provided)\n)\n\n/* set up lib & mac vars */\n%let lib=%upcase(&lib);\n%let ds=%upcase(&ds);\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n%local user x trans msg abortme;\n%let user=%mf_getuser();\n%let abortme=0;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&action ne LOCK & &action ne UNLOCK & &action ne MAKETABLE)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid action (&action) provided)\n)\n\n/* if an err condition exists, exit before we even begin */\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc>0 and &action=LOCK)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(aborting due to syscc=&syscc on LOCK entry)\n)\n\n/* do not bother locking work tables (else may affect all WORK libraries) */\n%if (%upcase(&lib)=WORK or %str(&lib)=%str()) & &action ne MAKETABLE %then %do;\n %put NOTE: WORK libraries will not be registered in the locking system.;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* do not proceed if no observations can be processed */\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (%sysfunc(getoption(OBS))=0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(cannot continue when options obs = 0)\n)\n\n%if &ACTION=LOCK %then %do;\n\n /* abort if a SAS lock is already in place, or cannot be applied */\n %mp_lockfilecheck(&lib..&ds)\n\n /* next, check there is a record for this table */\n %local record_exists_check;\n proc sql noprint;\n select count(*) into: record_exists_check from &ctl_ds\n where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" and LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n quit;\n %if &syscc>0 %then %put syscc=&syscc sqlrc=&sqlrc;\n %if &record_exists_check=0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog \"&sysmacroname: adding record to lock table..\";\n run;\n\n data ;\n if 0 then set &ctl_ds;\n LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\";\n LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n LOCK_STATUS_CD='LOCKED';\n LOCK_START_DTTM=\"%sysfunc(datetime(),%mf_fmtdttm())\"dt;\n LOCK_USER_NM=\"&user\";\n LOCK_PID=\"&sysjobid\";\n LOCK_REF=\"&ref\";\n output;stop;\n run;\n %let trans=&syslast;\n proc append base=&ctl_ds data=&trans;\n run;\n %end;\n /* if record does exist, perform lock attempts */\n %else %do x=1 %to &loops;\n data _null_;\n putlog \"&sysmacroname: attempting lock (iteration &x) \"@;\n putlog \"at %sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.) ..\";\n run;\n\n proc sql;\n update &ctl_ds\n set LOCK_STATUS_CD='LOCKED'\n , LOCK_START_DTTM=\"%sysfunc(datetime(),%mf_fmtdttm())\"dt\n , LOCK_USER_NM=\"&user\"\n , LOCK_PID=\"&sysjobid\"\n , LOCK_REF=\"&ref\"\n where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" and LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n quit;\n /**\n * NOTE - occasionally SQL server will return an err code (deadlocked\n * transaction). If so, ignore it, keep calm, and carry on..\n */\n %if &syscc>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n putlog \"NOTE- &sysmacroname: Update failed. \"@;\n putlog \"Resetting err conditions and re-attempting.\";\n putlog \"NOTE- syscc=&syscc syserr=&syserr sqlrc=&sqlrc\";\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n run;\n %let syscc=0;\n %let sqlrc=0;\n %end;\n\n /* now check if the record was successfully updated */\n %local success_check;\n proc sql noprint;\n select count(*) into: success_check from &ctl_ds\n where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" and LOCK_DS=\"&ds\"\n and LOCK_PID=\"&sysjobid\" and LOCK_STATUS_CD='LOCKED';\n quit;\n %if &success_check=0 %then %do;\n %if &x < &loops %then %do;\n /* pause before next check */\n data _null_;\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n putlog \"NOTE- &sysmacroname: table locked, waiting \"@;\n putlog \"%sysfunc(sleep(&loop_secs)) seconds.. \";\n putlog \"NOTE- (iteration &x of &loops)\";\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %let msg=Unable to lock &lib..&ds via &ctl_ds after &loops attempts.\\n\n Please ask your administrator to investigate!;\n %let abortme=1;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n putlog \"NOTE- &sysmacroname: Table &lib..&ds locked at \"@;\n putlog \" %sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.) (iteration &x)\"@;\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n run;\n %if &syscc>0 %then %do;\n %put setting syscc(&syscc) back to 0;\n %let syscc=0;\n %end;\n %let x=&loops; /* no more iterations needed */\n %end;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &ACTION=UNLOCK %then %do;\n %local status cnt;\n %let cnt=0;\n proc sql noprint;\n select count(*) into: cnt from &ctl_ds where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" & LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n %if &cnt=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(WAR)NING: &lib..&ds was not previously locked in &ctl_ds!;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n select LOCK_STATUS_CD into: status from &ctl_ds\n where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" and LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n quit;\n %if &syscc>0 %then %put syscc=&syscc sqlrc=&sqlrc;\n %if &status=LOCKED %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog \"&sysmacroname: unlocking &lib..&ds:\";\n run;\n proc sql;\n update &ctl_ds\n set LOCK_STATUS_CD='UNLOCKED'\n , LOCK_END_DTTM=\"%sysfunc(datetime(),%mf_fmtdttm())\"dt\n , LOCK_USER_NM=\"&user\"\n , LOCK_PID=\"&sysjobid\"\n , LOCK_REF=\"&ref\"\n where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" and LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n quit;\n %end;\n %else %if &status=UNLOCKED %then %do;\n %put %str(WAR)NING: &lib..&ds is already unlocked!;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put NOTE: Unrecognised STATUS_CD (&status) in &ctl_ds;\n %let abortme=1;\n %end;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %let msg=lock_anytable given unsupported action (&action);\n %let abortme=1;\n%end;\n\n/* catch errs - mp_abort must be called outside of a logic block */\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&abortme=1),\n msg=%superq(msg),\n mac=&sysmacroname\n)\n\n%exit_macro:\ndata _null_;\n put \"&sysmacroname: Exit vars: action=&action lib=&lib ds=&ds\";\n put \" syscc=&syscc sqlrc=&sqlrc syserr=&syserr\";\nrun;\n%mend mp_lockanytable;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro bitemporal_closeouts(\n tech_from=tx_from_dttm\n ,tech_to = tx_to_dttm /* Technical TO datetime variable.\n Req'd on BASE table only. */\n ,base_lib=WORK /* Libref of the BASE table. */\n ,base_dsn=BASETABLE /* Name of BASE table. */\n ,append_lib=WORK /* Libref of the STAGING table. */\n ,append_dsn=APPENDTABLE /* Name of STAGING table. */\n ,PK= name sex /* Business key, space separated. */\n /* Should INCLUDE BUS_FROM field if relevant. */\n ,NOW=DEFINE\n ,FILTER= /* supply a filter to limit the update */\n ,outdest= /* supply an unquoted filepath/filename.ext to get\n a text file containing the update statements */\n ,loadtype=\n ,loadtarget=YES /* if <> YES will return without changing anything */\n);\n%put ENTERING &sysmacroname;\n%local x var start;\n%let start=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%dc_assignlib(WRITE,&base_lib)\n%dc_assignlib(WRITE,&append_lib)\n\n%if &now=DEFINE %then %let now=&dc_dttmtfmt.;\n%put &=now;\n/**\n * perform basic checks\n */\n/* do tables exist? */\n%if not %sysfunc(exist(&base_lib..&base_dsn)) %then %do;\n %mp_abort(msg=&base_lib..&base_dsn does not exist)\n%end;\n%else %if %sysfunc(exist(&append_lib..&append_dsn))=0\n and %sysfunc(exist(&append_lib..&append_dsn,VIEW))=0 %then %do;\n %mp_abort(msg=&append_lib..&append_dsn does not exist)\n%end;\n/* do TX columns exist? */\n%if &loadtype ne UPDATE %then %do;\n %if not %mf_existvar(&base_lib..&base_dsn,&tech_from) %then %do;\n %mp_abort(msg=&tech_from does not exist on &base_lib..&base_dsn)\n %end;\n %else %if not %mf_existvar(&base_lib..&base_dsn,&tech_to) %then %do;\n %mp_abort(msg=&tech_to does not exist on &base_lib..&base_dsn)\n %end;\n%end;\n/* do PK columns exist? */\n%do x=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&PK));\n %let var=%scan(&pk,&x,%str( ));\n %if not %mf_existvar(&base_lib..&base_dsn,&var) %then %do;\n %mp_abort(msg=&var does not exist on &base_lib..&base_dsn)\n %end;\n %else %if not %mf_existvar(&append_lib..&append_dsn,&var) %then %do;\n %mp_abort(msg=&var does not exist on &append_lib..&append_dsn)\n %end;\n%end;\n/* check uniqueness */\nproc sort data=&append_lib..&append_dsn\n out=___closeout1 noduprecs dupout=___closeout1a;\n by &pk;\nrun;\n%if %mf_getattrn(___closeout1a,NLOBS)>0 %then\n %put NOTE: dups on (&PK) in (&append_lib..&append_dsn);\n/* is &NOW value within a tolerance? Should not allow renegade closeouts.. */\n%local gap;\n%let gap=0;\ndata _null_;\n now=&now;\n gap=intck('HOURS',now,datetime());\n call symputx('gap',gap,'l');\nrun;\n%mf_abort(\n iftrue=(&gap > 24),\n msg=NOW variable (&now) is not within a 24hr tolerance\n)\n\n/* have any warnings / errs occurred thus far? If so, abort */\n%mf_abort(\n iftrue=(&syscc>0),\n msg=Aborted due to SYSCC=&SYSCC status\n)\n\n/**\n * Create closeout statements. These are sent as individual SQL statements\n * to ensure pass-through utilisation. The update_cnt variable monitors\n * how many records were actually updated on the target table.\n */\n%local update_cnt;\n%let update_cnt=0;\nfilename tmp temp;\ndata _null_;\n set ___closeout1;\n file tmp;\n if _n_=1 then put 'proc sql noprint;' ;\n length string $32767.;\n %if &loadtype=UPDATE %then %do;\n put \"delete from &base_lib..&base_dsn where 1\";\n %end;\n %else %do;\n now=symget('now');\n put \"update &base_lib..&base_dsn set &tech_to= \" now @;\n %if %mf_existvar(&base_lib..&base_dsn,PROCESSED_DTTM) %then %do;\n put \" ,PROCESSED_DTTM=\" now @;\n %end;\n put \" where \" now \" lt &tech_to \";\n %end;\n %do x=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&PK));\n %let var=%scan(&pk,&x,%str( ));\n %if %mf_getvartype(&base_lib..&base_dsn,&var)=C %then %do;\n /* use single quotes to avoid ampersand resolution in data */\n string=\" & &var='\"!!trim(prxchange(\"s/'/''/\",-1,&var))!!\"'\";\n %end;\n %else %do;\n string=cats(\" & &var=\",&var);\n %end;\n put string;\n %end;\n put \"&filter ;\";\n put '%let update_cnt=%eval(&update_cnt+&sqlobs);%put update_cnt=&update_cnt;';\nrun;\n\ndata _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;\n putlog _infile_;\nrun;\n\n%if &loadtarget ne YES %then %return;\n\n/* ensure we have a lock */\n%mp_lockanytable(LOCK,\n lib=&base_lib,ds=&base_dsn\n ,ref=bitemporal_closeouts\n ,ctl_ds=&mpelib..mpe_lockanytable\n)\n\noptions source2;\n%inc tmp;\n\nfilename tmp clear;\n\n/**\n * Update audit tracker\n */\n\n%local newobs; %let newobs=%mf_getattrn(work.___closeout1,NLOBS);\n%local user; %let user=%mf_getuser();\nproc sql;\ninsert into &mpelib..mpe_dataloads\n set libref=%upcase(\"&base_lib\")\n ,DSN=%upcase(\"&base_dsn\")\n ,ETLSOURCE=\"&append_lib..&append_dsn contained &newobs records\"\n ,LOADTYPE=\"CLOSEOUT\"\n ,DELETED_RECORDS=&update_cnt\n ,NEW_RECORDS=0\n ,DURATION=%sysfunc(datetime())-&start\n ,USER_NM=\"&user\"\n ,PROCESSED_DTTM=&now;\nquit;\n\n\n%mend bitemporal_closeouts;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_existds(libds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&libds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&libds,VIEW)) ne 1 %then 0;\n %else 1;\n\n%mend mf_existds;\n\n\n/** @cond */\n\n%macro mf_getengine(libref\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid engnum rc engine;\n\n /* in case the parameter is a libref.tablename, pull off just the libref */\n %let libref = %upcase(%scan(&libref, 1, %str(.)));\n\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(\n open(sashelp.vlibnam(where=(libname=\"%upcase(&libref)\")),i)\n );\n %if (&dsid ^= 0) %then %do;\n %let engnum=%sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,ENGINE));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fetch(&dsid));\n %let engine=%sysfunc(getvarc(&dsid,&engnum));\n %put &libref. ENGINE is &engine.;\n %let rc= %sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n\n %upcase(&engine)\n\n%mend mf_getengine;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n%macro mf_getschema(libref\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid vnum rc schema;\n /* in case the parameter is a libref.tablename, pull off just the libref */\n %let libref = %upcase(%scan(&libref, 1, %str(.)));\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(sashelp.vlibnam(where=(\n libname=\"%upcase(&libref)\" and sysname='Schema/Owner'\n )),i));\n %if (&dsid ^= 0) %then %do;\n %let vnum=%sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,SYSVALUE));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fetch(&dsid));\n %let schema=%sysfunc(getvarc(&dsid,&vnum));\n %put &libref. schema is &schema.;\n %let rc= %sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n\n &schema\n\n%mend mf_getschema;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquefileref(prefix=_,maxtries=1000,lrecl=32767);\n %local rc fname;\n %if &prefix=0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %local x len;\n %let len=%eval(8-%length(&prefix));\n %let x=0;\n %do x=0 %to &maxtries;\n %let fname=&prefix%substr(%sysfunc(ranuni(0)),3,&len);\n %if %sysfunc(fileref(&fname)) > 0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %put unable to find available fileref after &maxtries attempts;\n %end;\n%mend mf_getuniquefileref;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquename(prefix=MC);\n&prefix.%substr(%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32-%length(&prefix))\n%mend mf_getuniquename;\n\n\n%macro mf_getvarlist(libds\n ,dlm=%str( )\n ,quote=no\n ,typefilter=A\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n /* declare local vars */\n %local outvar dsid nvars x rc dlm q var vtype;\n\n /* credit Rowland Hale - byte34 is double quote, 39 is single quote */\n %if %upcase("e)=DOUBLE %then %let q=%qsysfunc(byte(34));\n %else %if %upcase("e)=SINGLE %then %let q=%qsysfunc(byte(39));\n /* open dataset in macro */\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds));\n\n %if &dsid %then %do;\n %let nvars=%sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,NVARS));\n %if &nvars>0 %then %do;\n /* add variables with supplied delimeter */\n %do x=1 %to &nvars;\n /* get variable type */\n %let vtype=%sysfunc(vartype(&dsid,&x));\n %if &vtype=&typefilter or &typefilter=A %then %do;\n %let var=&q.%sysfunc(varname(&dsid,&x))&q.;\n %if &var=&q&q %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Empty column found in &libds!;\n %let var=&q. &q.;\n %end;\n %if %quote(&outvar)=%quote() %then %let outvar=&var;\n %else %let outvar=&outvar.&dlm.&var.;\n %end;\n %end;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Unable to open &libds (rc=&dsid);\n %put &sysmacroname: SYSMSG= %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n %do;%unquote(&outvar)%end;\n%mend mf_getvarlist;\n\n\n%macro mf_abort(mac=mf_abort.sas, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n)/des='ungraceful abort' /*STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n %put NOTE: /// mf_abort macro executing //;\n %if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n %put NOTE - &msg;\n\n %abort;\n\n%mend mf_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_verifymacvars(\n verifyVars /* list of macro variable NAMES */\n ,makeUpcase=NO /* set to YES to make all the variable VALUES uppercase */\n ,mAbort=SOFT\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %local verifyIterator verifyVar abortmsg;\n %do verifyIterator=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&verifyVars,%str( )));\n %let verifyVar=%qscan(&verifyVars,&verifyIterator,%str( ));\n %if not %symexist(&verifyvar) %then %do;\n %let abortmsg= Variable &verifyVar is MISSING;\n %goto exit_err;\n %end;\n %if %length(%trim(&&&verifyVar))=0 %then %do;\n %let abortmsg= Variable &verifyVar is EMPTY;\n %goto exit_err;\n %end;\n %if &makeupcase=YES %then %do;\n %let &verifyVar=%upcase(&&&verifyvar);\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %goto exit_success;\n %exit_err:\n %put &abortmsg;\n %mf_abort(iftrue=(&mabort ne SOFT),\n mac=mf_verifymacvars,\n msg=%str(&abortmsg)\n )\n 0\n %return;\n %exit_success:\n 1\n\n%mend mf_verifymacvars;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_wordsInStr1ButNotStr2(\n Str1= /* string containing words to extract */\n ,Str2= /* used to compare with the extract string */\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%local count_base count_extr i i2 extr_word base_word match outvar;\n%if %length(&str1)=0 or %length(&str2)=0 %then %do;\n %put base string (str1)= &str1;\n %put compare string (str2) = &str2;\n %return;\n%end;\n%let count_base=%sysfunc(countw(&Str2));\n%let count_extr=%sysfunc(countw(&Str1));\n\n%do i=1 %to &count_extr;\n %let extr_word=%scan(&Str1,&i,%str( ));\n %let match=0;\n %do i2=1 %to &count_base;\n %let base_word=%scan(&Str2,&i2,%str( ));\n %if &extr_word=&base_word %then %let match=1;\n %end;\n %if &match=0 %then %let outvar=&outvar &extr_word;\n%end;\n\n &outvar\n\n%mend mf_wordsInStr1ButNotStr2;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_isblank(param\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %sysevalf(%superq(param)=,boolean)\n\n%mend mf_isblank;\n\n\n%macro mp_dropmembers(\n list /* space separated list of datasets / views */\n ,libref=WORK /* can only drop from a single library at a time */\n ,iftrue=%str(1=1)\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n %if %mf_isblank(&list) %then %do;\n %put NOTE: nothing to drop!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n proc datasets lib=&libref nolist;\n delete &list;\n delete &list /mtype=view;\n run;\n%mend mp_dropmembers;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getquotedstr(IN_STR\n ,DLM=%str(,)\n ,QUOTE=S\n ,indlm=%str( )\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n /* credit Rowland Hale - byte34 is double quote, 39 is single quote */\n %if "e=S %then %let quote=%qsysfunc(byte(39));\n %else %if "e=D %then %let quote=%qsysfunc(byte(34));\n %else %if "e=N %then %let quote=;\n %local i item buffer;\n %let i=1;\n %do %while (%qscan(&IN_STR,&i,%str(&indlm)) ne %str() ) ;\n %let item=%qscan(&IN_STR,&i,%str(&indlm));\n %if %bquote("E) ne %then %let item="E%qtrim(&item)"E;\n %else %let item=%qtrim(&item);\n\n %if (&i = 1) %then %let buffer =%qtrim(&item);\n %else %let buffer =&buffer&DLM%qtrim(&item);\n\n %let i = %eval(&i+1);\n %end;\n\n %let buffer=%sysfunc(coalescec(%qtrim(&buffer),"E"E));\n\n &buffer\n\n%mend mf_getquotedstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_nobs(libds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %mf_getattrn(&libds,NLOBS)\n%mend mf_nobs;\n\n\n%macro mp_retainedkey(\n base_lib=WORK\n ,base_dsn=BASETABLE\n ,append_lib=WORK\n ,append_dsn=APPENDTABLE\n ,retained_key=DEFAULT_RK\n ,business_key= PK1 PK2\n ,check_uniqueness=NO\n ,maxkeytable=0\n ,locktable=0\n ,outds=WORK.APPEND\n ,filter_str=\n);\n%put &sysmacroname entry vars:;\n%put _local_;\n\n%local base_libds app_libds key_field check maxkey idx_pk newkey_cnt iserr\n msg x tempds1 tempds2 comma_pk appnobs checknobs dropvar tempvar idx_val;\n%let base_libds=%upcase(&base_lib..&base_dsn);\n%let app_libds=%upcase(&append_lib..&append_dsn);\n%let tempds1=%mf_getuniquename();\n%let tempds2=%mf_getuniquename();\n%let comma_pk=%mf_getquotedstr(in_str=%str(&business_key),dlm=%str(,),quote=);\n%let outds=%sysfunc(ifc(%index(&outds,.)=0,work.&outds,&outds));\n/* validation checks */\n%let iserr=0;\n%if &syscc>0 %then %do;\n %let iserr=1;\n %let msg=%str(SYSCC=&syscc on macro entry);\n%end;\n%else %if %sysfunc(exist(&base_libds))=0 %then %do;\n %let iserr=1;\n %let msg=%str(Base LIBDS (&base_libds) expected but NOT FOUND);\n%end;\n%else %if %sysfunc(exist(&app_libds))=0 %then %do;\n %let iserr=1;\n %let msg=%str(Append LIBDS (&app_libds) expected but NOT FOUND);\n%end;\n%else %if &maxkeytable ne 0 and %sysfunc(exist(&maxkeytable))=0 %then %do;\n %let iserr=1;\n %let msg=%str(Maxkeytable (&maxkeytable) expected but NOT FOUND);\n%end;\n%else %if &maxkeytable ne 0 and %sysfunc(exist(&locktable))=0 %then %do;\n %let iserr=1;\n %let msg=%str(Locktable (&locktable) expected but NOT FOUND);\n%end;\n%else %if %length(&business_key)=0 %then %do;\n %let iserr=1;\n %let msg=%str(Business key (&business_key) expected but NOT FOUND);\n%end;\n\n%do x=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&business_key));\n /* check business key values exist */\n %let key_field=%scan(&business_key,&x,%str( ));\n %if not %mf_existvar(&app_libds,&key_field) %then %do;\n %let iserr=1;\n %let msg=Business key (&key_field) not found on &app_libds!;\n %goto err;\n %end;\n %else %if not %mf_existvar(&base_libds,&key_field) %then %do;\n %let iserr=1;\n %let msg=Business key (&key_field) not found on &base_libds!;\n %goto err;\n %end;\n%end;\n%err:\n%if &iserr=1 %then %do;\n /* err case so first perform an unlock of the base table before exiting */\n %mp_lockanytable(\n UNLOCK,lib=&base_lib,ds=&base_dsn,ref=%superq(msg),ctl_ds=&locktable\n )\n%end;\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&iserr=1),mac=mp_retainedkey,msg=%superq(msg))\n\nproc sql noprint;\nselect sum(max(&retained_key),0) into: maxkey from &base_libds;\n\n/**\n * get base table RK and bus field values for lookup\n */\nproc sql noprint;\ncreate table &tempds1 as\n select distinct &comma_pk,&retained_key\n from &base_libds &filter_str\n order by &comma_pk,&retained_key;\n\n%if &check_uniqueness=YES %then %do;\n select count(*) into:checknobs\n from (select distinct &comma_pk from &app_libds);\n select count(*) into: appnobs from &app_libds; /* might be view */\n %if &checknobs ne &appnobs %then %do;\n %let msg=Source table &app_libds is not unique on (&business_key);\n %let iserr=1;\n %end;\n%end;\n%if &iserr=1 %then %do;\n /* err case so first perform an unlock of the base table before exiting */\n %mp_lockanytable(\n UNLOCK,lib=&base_lib,ds=&base_dsn,ref=%superq(msg),ctl_ds=&locktable\n )\n%end;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&iserr=1),mac=mp_retainedkey,msg=%superq(msg))\n\n%if %mf_existvar(&app_libds,&retained_key)\n%then %let dropvar=(drop=&retained_key);\n\n/* prepare interim table with retained key populated for matching keys */\nproc sql noprint;\ncreate table &tempds2 as\n select b.&retained_key, a.*\n from &app_libds &dropvar a\n left join &tempds1 b\n on 1\n %do idx_pk=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&business_key));\n %let idx_val=%scan(&business_key,&idx_pk);\n and a.&idx_val=b.&idx_val\n %end;\n order by &retained_key;\n\n/* identify the number of entries without retained keys (new records) */\nselect count(*) into: newkey_cnt\n from &tempds2\n where missing(&retained_key);\nquit;\n\n/**\n * Update maxkey table if link provided\n */\n%if &maxkeytable ne 0 %then %do;\n proc sql noprint;\n select count(*) into: check from &maxkeytable\n where upcase(keytable)=\"&base_libds\";\n\n %mp_lockanytable(LOCK\n ,lib=%scan(&maxkeytable,1,.)\n ,ds=%scan(&maxkeytable,2,.)\n ,ref=Updating maxkeyvalues with mp_retainedkey\n ,ctl_ds=&locktable\n )\n proc sql;\n %if &check=0 %then %do;\n insert into &maxkeytable\n set keytable=\"&base_libds\"\n ,keycolumn=\"&retained_key\"\n ,max_key=%eval(&maxkey+&newkey_cnt)\n ,processed_dttm=\"%sysfunc(datetime(),%mf_fmtdttm())\"dt;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n update &maxkeytable\n set max_key=%eval(&maxkey+&newkey_cnt)\n ,processed_dttm=\"%sysfunc(datetime(),%mf_fmtdttm())\"dt\n where keytable=\"&base_libds\";\n %end;\n %mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK\n ,lib=%scan(&maxkeytable,1,.)\n ,ds=%scan(&maxkeytable,2,.)\n ,ref=Updating maxkeyvalues with maxkey=%eval(&maxkey+&newkey_cnt)\n ,ctl_ds=&locktable\n )\n%end;\n\n/* fill in the missing retained key values */\n%let tempvar=%mf_getuniquename();\ndata &outds(drop=&tempvar);\n retain &tempvar %eval(&maxkey+1);\n set &tempds2;\n if &retained_key =. then &retained_key=&tempvar;\n &tempvar=&tempvar+1;\nrun;\n\n%mend mp_retainedkey;\n\n\n\n/** @cond */\n\n%macro mp_storediffs(libds\n ,origds\n ,key\n ,delds=0\n ,appds=0\n ,modds=0\n ,outds=work.mp_storediffs\n ,loadref=0\n ,processed_dttm=0\n ,mdebug=0\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local dbg;\n%if &mdebug=1 %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname entry vars:;\n %put _local_;\n%end;\n%else %let dbg=*;\n\n/* set up unique and temporary vars */\n%local ds1 ds2 ds3 ds4 hashkey inds_auto inds_keep dslist vlist;\n%let ds1=%upcase(work.%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mpsd_ds1));\n%let ds2=%upcase(work.%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mpsd_ds2));\n%let ds3=%upcase(work.%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mpsd_ds3));\n%let ds4=%upcase(work.%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mpsd_ds4));\n%let hashkey=%upcase(%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mpsd_hashkey));\n%let inds_auto=%upcase(%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mpsd_inds_auto));\n%let inds_keep=%upcase(%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mpsd_inds_keep));\n\n%let dslist=&origds;\n%if &delds ne 0 %then %do;\n %let delds=%upcase(&delds);\n %if %scan(&delds,-1,.)=&delds %then %let delds=WORK.&delds;\n %let dslist=&dslist &delds;\n%end;\n%if &appds ne 0 %then %do;\n %let appds=%upcase(&appds);\n %if %scan(&appds,-1,.)=&appds %then %let appds=WORK.&appds;\n %let dslist=&dslist &appds;\n%end;\n%if &modds ne 0 %then %do;\n %let modds=%upcase(&modds);\n %if %scan(&modds,-1,.)=&modds %then %let modds=WORK.&modds;\n %let dslist=&dslist &modds;\n%end;\n\n%let origds=%upcase(&origds);\n%if %scan(&origds,-1,.)=&origds %then %let origds=WORK.&origds;\n\n%let key=%upcase(&key);\n\n/* hash the key and append all the tables (marking the source) */\ndata &ds1;\n set &dslist indsname=&inds_auto;\n &hashkey=put(md5(catx('|',%mf_getquotedstr(&key,quote=N))),$hex32.);\n &inds_keep=upcase(&inds_auto);\nproc sort;\n by &inds_keep &hashkey;\nrun;\n\n/* transpose numeric & char vars */\nproc transpose data=&ds1\n out=&ds2(rename=(&hashkey=key_hash _name_=tgtvar_nm col1=newval_num));\n by &inds_keep &hashkey;\n var _numeric_;\nrun;\nproc transpose data=&ds1\n out=&ds3(\n rename=(&hashkey=key_hash _name_=tgtvar_nm col1=newval_char)\n where=(tgtvar_nm not in (\"&hashkey\",\"&inds_keep\"))\n );\n by &inds_keep &hashkey;\n var _character_;\nrun;\n\n%if %index(&libds,-)>0 and %scan(&libds,2,-)=FC %then %do;\n /* this is a format catalog - cannot query cols directly */\n %let vlist=\"TYPE\",\"FMTNAME\",\"FMTROW\",\"START\",\"END\",\"LABEL\",\"MIN\",\"MAX\"\n ,\"DEFAULT\",\"LENGTH\",\"FUZZ\",\"PREFIX\",\"MULT\",\"FILL\",\"NOEDIT\",\"SEXCL\"\n ,\"EEXCL\",\"HLO\",\"DECSEP\",\"DIG3SEP\",\"DATATYPE\",\"LANGUAGE\";\n%end;\n%else %let vlist=%mf_getvarlist(&libds,dlm=%str(,),quote=DOUBLE);\n\ndata &ds4;\n length &inds_keep $41 tgtvar_nm $32 _label_ $256;\n if _n_=1 then call missing(_label_);\n drop _label_;\n set &ds2 &ds3 indsname=&inds_auto;\n\n tgtvar_nm=upcase(tgtvar_nm);\n if tgtvar_nm in (%upcase(&vlist));\n\n if upcase(&inds_auto)=\"&ds2\" then tgtvar_type='N';\n else if upcase(&inds_auto)=\"&ds3\" then tgtvar_type='C';\n else do;\n putlog 'ERR' +(-1) \"OR: unidentified vartype input!\" &inds_auto;\n call symputx('syscc',98);\n end;\n\n if &inds_keep=\"&appds\" then move_type='A';\n else if &inds_keep=\"&delds\" then move_type='D';\n else if &inds_keep=\"&modds\" then move_type='M';\n else if &inds_keep=\"&origds\" then move_type='O';\n else do;\n putlog 'ERR' +(-1) \"OR: unidentified movetype input!\" &inds_keep;\n call symputx('syscc',99);\n end;\n tgtvar_nm=upcase(tgtvar_nm);\n if tgtvar_nm in (%mf_getquotedstr(&key)) then is_pk=1;\n else is_pk=0;\n drop &inds_keep;\nrun;\n\n%if \"&loadref\"=\"0\" %then %let loadref=%sysfunc(uuidgen());\n%if &processed_dttm=0 %then %let processed_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime(),8.6);\n%let libds=%upcase(&libds);\n\n/* join orig vals for modified & deleted */\nproc sql;\ncreate table &outds as\n select \"&loadref\" as load_ref length=36\n ,&processed_dttm as processed_dttm format=E8601DT26.6\n ,\"%scan(&libds,1,.)\" as libref length=8\n ,\"%scan(&libds,2,.)\" as dsn length=32\n ,b.key_hash length=32\n ,b.move_type length=1\n ,b.tgtvar_nm length=32\n ,b.is_pk\n ,case when b.move_type ne 'M' then -1\n when a.newval_num=b.newval_num and a.newval_char=b.newval_char then 0\n else 1\n end as is_diff\n ,b.tgtvar_type length=1\n ,case when b.move_type='D' then b.newval_num\n else a.newval_num\n end as oldval_num format=best32.\n ,case when b.move_type='D' then .\n else b.newval_num\n end as newval_num format=best32.\n ,case when b.move_type='D' then b.newval_char\n else a.newval_char\n end as oldval_char length=32765\n ,case when b.move_type='D' then ''\n else b.newval_char\n end as newval_char length=32765\n from &ds4(where=(move_type='O')) as a\n right join &ds4(where=(move_type ne 'O')) as b\n on a.tgtvar_nm=b.tgtvar_nm\n and a.key_hash=b.key_hash\n order by move_type, key_hash,is_pk desc, tgtvar_nm;\n\n%if &mdebug=0 %then %do;\n proc sql;\n drop table &ds1, &ds2, &ds3, &ds4;\n%end;\n\n%mend mp_storediffs;\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n%macro bitemporal_dataloader(\n bus_from= /* Business FROM datetime variable. Req'd on\n STAGING & BASE tables.*/\n ,bus_to = /* Business TO datetime variable. Req'd on\n STAGING & BASE tables. */\n ,bus_from_override= /* Provide a hard coded BUS_FROM datetime value.*/\n ,bus_to_override= /* provide a hard coded BUS_TO datetime value */\n ,tech_from= /* Technical FROM datetime variable. Req'd on\n BASE table only. */\n ,tech_to = /* Technical TO datetime variable. Req'd on BASE\n table only. */\n ,processed= 0\n ,base_lib=WORK /* Libref of the BASE table. */\n ,base_dsn=BASETABLE /* Name of BASE table. */\n ,append_lib=WORK /* Libref of the STAGING table. */\n ,append_dsn=APPENDTABLE\n ,high_date='01JAN5999:00:00:00'dt /* High date to close out records */\n ,PK= name sex\n ,RK_UNDERLYING=\n ,KEEPVARS= /* Provides option for removing unwanted vars from append table */\n ,RK_UPDATE_MAXKEYTABLE=NO /* If switching (or mix matching) with regular\n SCD2 loader then set this switch to YES to\n ensure the MAXKEYTABLE is updated with the\n current maximum RK value for the target table\n */\n ,CHECK_UNIQUENESS=YES /* Perform a check of the APPEND table to ensure it is\n unique on its business key */\n ,ETLSOURCE=demo /* supply a value ($50.) to show as ETLSOURCE in\n &dclib..DATALOADS */\n ,LOADTYPE=BITEMPORAL\n ,RK_MAXKEYTABLE= mpe_maxkeyvalues\n ,LOG=1 /* Switch to 0 to prevent records being added to\n &mpelib..mpe_DATALOADS (ie when testing)*/\n ,DELETE_COL= _____DELETE__THIS__RECORD_____\n /* If this variable is found in the append dataset\n then records are closed out (or deleted) in the\n append table where that variable= \"Yes\" */\n ,LOADTARGET=YES /* set to anything but uppercase YES to switch off\n target table load and generate temp tables only */\n ,CLOSE_VARS=\n/*a problem with regular SCD2 or TXTEMPORAL loads is that there is\n no facility to close out removed records (all records are\n assumed new or changed). But how does one determine which\n records are removed? Short of loading the entire table\n each time? This parameter allows a set of variables\n (this should be a subset of the PK) to be declared, and\n the macro will determine which records in the base table\n need to be closed out ahead of the load.\n\n For instance, given the following:\n\n Base Table Staging Table\n DATE ENTITY AMOUNT DATE ENTITY AMOUNT\n JAN ACME4 66 JAN ACME4 66\n FEB ACME4 99 FEB ACME4 99\n FEB ACME1 22\n\n By supplying DATE in CLOSE_VARS and DATE ENTITY as the PK,\n the \"FEB PAG 22\" record would get closed out.\n */\n ,config_table=&dclib..MPE_CONFIG\n ,dclib=&dc_libref\n ,outds_del=work.outds_del\n ,outds_add=work.outds_add\n ,outds_mod=work.outds_mod\n ,outds_audit=0\n );\n\n/* when changing this macro, update the version num here */\n%local ver;\n%let ver=32;\n%put &sysmacroname entry vars:;\n%put _local_;\n\n%dc_assignlib(WRITE,&base_lib) /* may not already be assigned */\n\n/* return straight away if nothing to load */\n%let nobs= %mf_getattrn(&append_lib..&append_dsn,NLOBS);\n%if &nobs=-1 %then %do;\n proc sql noprint; select count(*) into: nobs from &append_lib..&append_dsn;\n%end;\n%if &nobs=0 %then %do;\n %put NOTE:; %put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;\n %put NOTE- Base dataset &append_lib..&append_dsn is empty. Nothing to upload!;\n %put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* hard exit if err condition exists */\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc > 0)\n ,mac=bitemporal_dataloader\n ,msg=%str(Bitemporal transform / job aborted due to SYSCC=&SYSCC status;)\n)\n\n%local engine_type;\n%let engine_type=%mf_getengine(&base_lib);\n%if (&engine_type=REDSHIFT or &engine_type=POSTGRES) and %length(&CLOSE_VARS)>0\n%then %do;\n %put NOTE:; %put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;\n %put NOTE- CLOSE_VARS functionality not yet supported in &engine_type;\n %put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * The metadata functions (eg mf_existvar) will fail if the base table has a\n * SAS lock. So, make a snapshot of the base table for further use.\n * Also, make output tables (regardless).\n */\n%local basecopy;\n%let basecopy=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=basecopy);\n\ndata &basecopy &outds_mod &outds_add &outds_del;\n set &base_lib..&base_dsn;\n stop;\nrun;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc > 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after base table copy - aborting due to table lock)\n)\n\n\n%local cols idx_pk md5_col ;\n%let md5_col=___TMP___md5;\n%let check_uniqueness=%upcase(&check_uniqueness);\n%let RK_UPDATE_MAXKEYTABLE=%upcase(&RK_UPDATE_MAXKEYTABLE);\n%let high_date=%unquote(&high_date);\n%let loadtype=%upcase(&loadtype);\n\n/* ensure irrelevant variables are cleared */\n%if &loadtype=BUSTEMPORAL %then %do;\n %let tech_from=;\n %let tech_to=;\n%end;\n%else %if &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL or &loadtype=UPDATE %then %do;\n %let bus_from=;\n %let bus_to=;\n%end;\n\n/* ensure relevant variables are supplied */\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&loadtype=BITEMPORAL & %mf_verifymacvars(bus_from bus_to)=0)\n ,mac=bitemporal_dataloader\n ,msg=%str(Missing BUS_FROM / BUS_TO)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&loadtype=TXTEMPORAL & %mf_verifymacvars(tech_from tech_to)=0)\n ,mac=bitemporal_dataloader\n ,msg=%str(Missing TECH_FROM / TECH_TO)\n)\n\n/**\n * drop any tables (may be defined as views or vice versa preventing overwrite)\n */\n%mp_dropmembers(append bitemp0_append bitemp_cols)\n\n/* SQL Server requires its own time values */\n/* 9.2 will only give picture format down to seconds. 9.3 allows\n milliseconds by using lower S and defining the decimal in the format name..*/\nPROC FORMAT;\n picture MyMSdt other='%0Y-%0m-%0dT%0H:%0M:%0S' (datatype=datetime);\nRUN;\n%local dbnow;\n%let dbnow=\"%sysfunc(datetime(),%mf_fmtdttm())\"dt;\n\ndata _null_;\n /* convert space separated macvar to comma separated for SQL processing */\n call symputx('PK_COMMA',tranwrd(compbl(\"&pk\"),' ',','),'L');\n call symputx('PK_CNT',countw(\"&pk\",' '),'L');\n now=&dbnow;\n call symputx('NOW',now,'L');\n call symputx('SQLNOW',cats(\"'\",put(now,MyMSdt.),\"'\"),'L');\n length etlsource $100;\n etlsource=subpad(symget('etlsource'),1,100);\n call symputx('etlsource',etlsource,'l');\nrun;\n\n/**\n * Even if no PROCESSED var provided, assume that any variable named\n * PROCESSED_DTTM should be updated\n */\n%if &processed=0 %then %do;\n %if %mf_existvar(&basecopy,PROCESSED_DTTM)\n %then %let processed=PROCESSED_DTTM;\n %else %let processed=;\n%end;\n\n\n/* extract colnames for md5 creation / change tracking */\nproc contents noprint data=&base_lib..&base_dsn\n out=work.bitemp_cols (keep=name type length varnum format:);\nrun;\nproc sql noprint;\nselect name into: cols separated by ','\n from work.bitemp_cols\n where upcase(name) not in\n (%upcase(\"&bus_from\",\"&bus_to\"\n ,\"&tech_from\",\"&tech_to\"\n ,\"&processed\",\"&delete_col\")) ;\nselect case when type in (2,6) then cats('put(md5(trim(',name,')),$hex32.)')\n /* multiply by 1 to strip precision errors (eg 0 != 0) */\n /* but ONLY if not missing, else will lose any special missing values */\n else cats('put(md5(trim(put(ifn(missing('\n ,name,'),',name,',',name,'*1),binary64.))),$hex32.)') end\n into: stripcols separated by '||'\n from work.bitemp_cols\n where upcase(name) not in\n (%upcase(\"&bus_from\",\"&bus_to\"\n ,\"&tech_from\",\"&tech_to\"\n ,\"&processed\",\"&delete_col\")) ;\n\n/* set default formats*/\n%let bus_from_fmt = datetime19.;\n%let bus_to_fmt = datetime19.;\n%let processed_fmt = datetime19.;\n\n%let tech_from_fmt = format=datetime19.;\n%let tech_to_fmt = format=datetime19.;\n\n\n%put &=stripcols;\n%put &=pk;\n\ndata _null_;\n set work.bitemp_cols;\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n if format='' then fmt=cats(length,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n if upcase(name)=\"%upcase(&bus_from)\" then\n call symputx('bus_from_fmt',fmt,'L');\n else if upcase(name)=\"%upcase(&bus_to)\" then\n call symputx('bus_to_fmt',fmt,'L');\n else if upcase(name)=\"%upcase(&tech_from)\" then\n call symputx('tech_from_fmt',\"format=\"!!fmt,'L');\n else if upcase(name)=\"%upcase(&tech_to)\" then\n call symputx('tech_to_fmt',\"format=\"!!fmt,'L');\n else if upcase(name)=\"%upcase(&processed)\" then\n call symputx('processed_fmt',fmt,'L');\nrun;\n\n%if %index(%quote(&cols),___TMP___) %then %do;\n %let msg=%str(Table contains a variable name containing \"___TMP___\".%trim(\n ) This may conflict with temp variable generation!!);\n %mp_abort(msg=&msg,mac=bitemporal_dataloader);\n %let syscc=5;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* if transaction dates appear on the APPEND table, need to remove them */\n%local drop_tx_dates /* used in append table */\n drop_tx_dates_noobs /* used to take the base table structure */;\n%if %mf_existvar(&append_lib..&append_dsn, &tech_from)\n %then %let drop_tx_dates=&tech_from;\n%if %mf_existvar(&append_lib..&append_dsn, &tech_to)\n %then %let drop_tx_dates=&drop_tx_dates &tech_to;\n%if %length(%trim(&drop_tx_dates))>0\n %then %let drop_tx_dates=(drop=&drop_tx_dates);\n\n%if %mf_existvar(&basecopy, &tech_from)\n %then %let drop_tx_dates_noobs=&tech_from;\n%if %mf_existvar(&basecopy, &tech_to)\n %then %let drop_tx_dates_noobs=&drop_tx_dates_noobs &tech_to;\n%if %length(%trim(&drop_tx_dates_noobs))>0\n %then %let drop_tx_dates_noobs=(drop=&drop_tx_dates_noobs obs=0);\n%else %let drop_tx_dates_noobs=(obs=0);\n\n\n/**\n * Lock the table. This is necessary as we are doing a two part update (first\n * closing records then appending new records). It is theoretically possible\n * that an upload may occur whilst preparing the staging tables. And the\n * staging tables are about to be prepared..\n */\n%if &LOADTARGET = YES %then %do;\n %put locking &base_lib..&base_dsn;\n %mp_lockanytable(LOCK,\n lib=&base_lib,ds=&base_dsn,ref=&ETLSOURCE,ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n %if \"&outds_audit\" ne \"0\" %then %do;\n %put locking &outds_audit;\n %mp_lockanytable(LOCK\n ,lib=%scan(&outds_audit,1,.)\n ,ds=%scan(&outds_audit,2,.)\n ,ref=&ETLSOURCE\n ,ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n /* not an actual load, so avoid updating the max key table in next step. */\n %let rk_update_maxkeytable=NO;\n%end;\n\n%if %length(&RK_UNDERLYING)>0 %then %do;\n %mp_retainedkey(\n base_lib=&base_lib\n ,base_dsn=&base_dsn\n ,append_lib=&append_lib\n ,append_dsn=&append_dsn\n ,retained_key=&pk\n ,business_key=&rk_underlying\n ,check_uniqueness=&CHECK_UNIQUENESS\n ,outds=work.append\n %if &rk_update_maxkeytable=NO %then %do;\n ,maxkeytable=0\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ,maxkeytable=&dclib..&RK_MAXKEYTABLE\n %end;\n ,locktable=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n %if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL %then %do;\n ,filter_str=%str( (where=( &now < &tech_to)) )\n %end;\n )\n%end;\n%else %do;\n proc sql;\n create view work.append as select * from &append_lib..&append_dsn;\n%end;\n/**\n* generate md5 for append table\n*/\n/* it is possible the source dataset has additional (unwanted) columns.\n Drop if specified; */\n%if %length(&keepvars)>0 %then %do;\n /* remove tech dates from keepvars as they are generated later */\n %let keepvars=%sysfunc(tranwrd(%str( &keepvars ),%str( &tech_from ),%str( )));\n %let keepvars=%sysfunc(tranwrd(%str( &keepvars ),%str( &tech_to ),%str( )));\n %let keepvars=(keep=&keepvars &bus_from &bus_to &processed &md5_col);\n%end;\n\n/* CAS varchar types cause append issues here, so perform autoconvert\n by creating empty local table first */\ndata;\n set &base_lib..&base_dsn &drop_tx_dates_noobs;\nrun;\n%local emptybasetable; %let emptybasetable=&syslast;\n\ndata work.bitemp0_append &keepvars &outds_del(drop=&md5_col )\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n /nonote2err\n %end;\n ;\n /* apply formats for bitemporal vars but not tx dates which are added later */\n %if %length(&keepvars)>0 and &loadtype=BITEMPORAL %then %do;\n format &bus_from &bus_from_fmt;\n format &bus_to &bus_to_fmt;\n %end;\n set &emptybasetable /* base table reqd in case append has fewer cols */\n work.append &drop_tx_dates;\n %if %length(%str(&bus_from_override))>0 %then %do;\n &bus_from= %unquote(&bus_from_override) ;\n %end;\n %if %length(%str(&bus_to_override))>0 %then %do;\n &bus_to= %unquote(&bus_to_override) ;\n %end;\n length &md5_col $32;\n &md5_col=put(md5(&stripcols),hex32.);\n %if %length(&processed)>0 %then %do;\n format &processed &processed_fmt;\n &processed=&now;\n %end;\n\n/**\n * If a delete column exists then create the delete dataset\n */\n%if %mf_existvar(&append_lib..&append_dsn, &delete_col) %then %do;\n drop &delete_col;\n if upcase(&delete_col) = \"YES\" then output &outds_del ;\n else output work.bitemp0_append ;\n run;\n\n %if %mf_getattrn(&outds_del,NLOBS)>0 %then %do;\n %bitemporal_closeouts(\n tech_from=&tech_from\n ,tech_to = &tech_to\n ,base_lib=&base_lib\n ,base_dsn=&base_dsn\n ,append_lib=work\n ,append_dsn=%scan(&outds_del,-1,.)\n ,PK=&bus_from &pk\n ,NOW=&dbnow\n ,loadtarget=&loadtarget\n ,loadtype=&loadtype\n )\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n output work.bitemp0_append;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc gt 0 at line 494)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc)\n)\n\n%if %length(&close_vars)>0 %then %do;\n /**\n * need to close out records that are not provided\n */\n proc sql;\n create table bitemp1_closevars1 as\n select distinct a.%mf_getquotedstr(in_str=&pk,dlm=%str(,a.),quote=)\n from &base_lib..&base_dsn a\n inner join work.bitemp0_append b\n on 1=1\n /* join on closevars key */\n %do idx_pk=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&close_vars));\n %let idx_val=%scan(&close_vars,&idx_pk);\n and a.&idx_val=b.&idx_val\n %end;\n /* filter base on tech dates if necessary */\n %if &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL %then %do;\n where a.&tech_from <=&now and &now < a.&tech_to\n %end;\n ;\n create table bitemp1_closevars2 as\n select distinct a.*\n from bitemp1_closevars1 a\n left join work.bitemp0_append b\n on 1=1\n /* join on primary key */\n %do idx_pk=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&pk));\n %let idx_val=%scan(&pk,&idx_pk);\n and a.&idx_val=b.&idx_val\n %end;\n /* identify removed records by null value in a field in PK but not close_vars\n */\n where b.%scan(\n %mf_wordsInStr1ButNotStr2(Str1=&pk,Str2=&close_vars),1,%str( )\n ) IS NULL\n ;\n\n %if %mf_getattrn(bitemp1_closevars2,NLOBS)>0 %then %do;\n %bitemporal_closeouts(\n tech_from=&tech_from\n ,tech_to = &tech_to\n ,base_lib=&base_lib\n ,base_dsn=&base_dsn\n ,append_lib=work\n ,append_dsn=bitemp1_closevars2\n ,PK=&bus_from &pk\n ,NOW=&dbnow\n ,loadtarget=&loadtarget\n ,loadtype=&loadtype\n )\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* return if nothing to load (was just deletes) */\n%if %mf_getattrn(work.bitemp0_append,NLOBS)=0 %then %do;\n %put NOTE:; %put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;\n %put NOTE- No updates - just deletes!;\n %put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;\n%end;\n\n\n/**\n * If applying manual overrides to business dates, then the input table MUST\n * be unique on the PK. Check, and if not - abort.\n */\n%local msg;\n%if %length(&bus_from_override.&bus_to_override)>0 or &CHECK_UNIQUENESS=YES\n%then %do;\n proc sort data=work.bitemp0_append out=work.bitemp0_check nodupkey;\n by &pk;\n run;\n %if %mf_getattrn(work.bitemp0_check,NLOBS)\n ne %mf_getattrn(work.bitemp0_append,NLOBS)\n %then %do;\n %let msg=INPUT table &append_lib..&append_dsn is not unique on PK (&pk);\n %mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK,lib=&base_lib,ds=&base_dsn,ref=&ETLSOURCE (&msg),\n ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n %mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK\n ,lib=%scan(&outds_audit,1,.)\n ,ds=%scan(&outds_audit,2,.)\n ,ref=&ETLSOURCE\n ,ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n %mp_abort(msg=&msg,mac=bitemporal_dataloader.sas);\n %end;\n%end;\n\n\n/**\n* extract from BASE table. Only want matching records, as could be very BIG.\n* New records are subsequently identified via left join and test for nulls.\n*/\n%local temp_table temp_table2 base_table baselib_schema;\n%put DCNOTE: Extracting matching observations from &base_lib..&base_dsn;\n\n%if &engine_type=OLEDB %then %do;\n %let temp_table=##%mf_getuniquefileref(prefix=BTMP);\n %if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL %then\n %let base_table=(select * from [dbo].&base_dsn\n where convert(datetime,&SQLNOW) < &tech_to );\n %else %let base_table=[dbo].&base_dsn;\n proc sql;\n create table &base_lib..\"&temp_table\"n as\n select * from work.bitemp0_append;\n /* open up a connection for pass through SQL */\n %dc_assignlib(WRITE,&base_lib,passthru=myAlias)\n create table work.bitemp0_base as select * from connection to myAlias(\n%end;\n%else %if &engine_type=REDSHIFT or &engine_type=POSTGRES %then %do;\n /* grab schema */\n %let baselib_schema=%mf_getschema(&base_lib);\n %if &baselib_schema.X ne X %then %let baselib_schema=&baselib_schema..;\n\n /* grab redshift config */\n %local redcnt; %let redcnt=0;\n %if &engine_type=REDSHIFT %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &config_table(where=(var_scope='DCBL_REDSH' and var_active=1));\n x+1;\n call symputx(cats('rednm',x),var_value,'l');\n call symputx(cats('redval',x),var_value,'l');\n call symputx('redcnt',x,'l');\n run;\n %end;\n /* cannot persist temp tables so must create a temporary permanent table */\n %let temp_table=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=XDCTEMP);\n %if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL %then\n %let base_table=(select * from &baselib_schema.&base_dsn\n where timestamp &sqlnow < &tech_to );\n %else %let base_table=&baselib_schema.&base_dsn;\n /* make empty table first - must clone & drop extra cols as autoload is bad */\n %dc_assignlib(WRITE,&base_lib,passthru=myAlias)\n\n exec (create table &temp_table (like &baselib_schema.&base_dsn)) by myAlias;\n %if &engine_type=REDSHIFT %then %do;\n exec (alter table &temp_table alter sortkey none) by myAlias;\n %end;\n %local dropcols;\n %let dropcols=%mf_wordsinstr1butnotstr2(\n str1=%upcase(%mf_getvarlist(&basecopy))\n ,str2=%upcase(&pk)\n );\n %if %length(&dropcols>0) %then %do idx_pk=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&dropcols));\n %put &=dropcols;\n %let idx_val=%scan(&dropcols,&idx_pk);\n exec(alter table &temp_table drop column &idx_val;) by myAlias;\n %end;\n exec (alter table &temp_table add column &md5_col varchar(32);) by myAlias;\n /* create view to strip formats and avoid warns in log */\n data work.vw_bitemp0/view=work.vw_bitemp0;\n set work.bitemp0_append(keep=&pk &md5_col);\n format _all_;\n run;\n proc append base=&base_lib..&temp_table\n %if &engine_type=REDSHIFT %then %do;\n (\n %do idx_pk=1 %to &redcnt;\n &&rednm&idx_pk = &&redval&idxpk\n %end;\n )\n %end;\n data=work.vw_bitemp0 force nowarn;\n run;\n /* open up a connection for pass through SQL */\n %dc_assignlib(WRITE,&base_lib,passthru=myAlias)\n create table work.bitemp0_base as select * from connection to myAlias(\n%end;\n%else %if &engine_type=CAS %then %do;\n %if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL %then\n %let base_table=&base_lib..&base_dsn\n (where=(&tech_from <=&now and &now < &tech_to));\n %else %let base_table=&base_lib..&base_dsn;\n %let temp_table=CASUSER.%mf_getuniquename(prefix=DC);\n data &temp_table;\n set work.bitemp0_append;\n run;\n %let bitemp0base=CASUSER.%mf_getuniquename(prefix=DC);\n proc fedsql sessref=dcsession;\n create table &bitemp0base{options replace=true} as\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %let temp_table=work.bitemp0_append;\n %if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL %then\n %let base_table=&base_lib..&base_dsn\n (where=(&tech_from <=&now and &now < &tech_to));\n %else %let base_table=&base_lib..&base_dsn;\n proc sql;\n create table work.bitemp0_base as\n%end;\n\n select a.&md5_col /* this identifies NEW records */\n , b.*\n /* assume first PK field cannot be null (if defined in a PK constraint then\n it definitely cannot be null) */\n , case when b.%scan(&pk,1) IS NULL then 1 else 0 end as ___TMP___NEW_FLG\n from &baselib_schema.&temp_table a\n left join &base_table b\n on 1=1\n%do idx_pk=1 %to &pk_cnt;\n %let idx_val=%scan(&pk,&idx_pk);\n and a.&idx_val=b.&idx_val\n%end;\n\n\n%if &engine_type=OLEDB or &engine_type=REDSHIFT or &engine_type=POSTGRES\n%then %do;\n ); proc sql; drop table &base_lib..\"&temp_table\"n;\n%end;\n%else %if &engine_type=CAS %then %do;\n ;\n quit;\n data work.bitemp0_base;\n set &bitemp0base;\n run;\n proc sql;\n drop table &temp_table;\n drop table &bitemp0base;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n ;\n%end;\n\n/**\n* matching & changed records are those without NULL key values\n* &idx_val resolves to rightmost PK value (loop above)\n*/\n%put syscc (line525)=&syscc, sqlrc=&sqlrc;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc gt 0 or &sqlrc>0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc sqlrc=&sqlrc)\n)\n\n%put hashcols2=&stripcols;\nproc sql;\ncreate table work.bitemp1_current(drop=___TMP___NEW_FLG) as\n select *\n , put(md5(&stripcols),$hex32.) as &md5_col\n from work.bitemp0_base (drop=&md5_col)\n where ___TMP___NEW_FLG=0;\n\n/**\n* NEW records were identified in ___TMP___NEW_FLG in bitemp0_base\n*/\nproc sql;\ncreate table &outds_add\n (drop=&md5_col\n %if %mf_existvar(work.bitemp0_base, &delete_col) %then %do;\n &delete_col\n %end;\n )\n as select a.*\n %if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL %then %do;\n ,&now as &tech_from &tech_from_fmt\n ,&high_date as &tech_to &tech_to_fmt\n %end;\n from work.bitemp0_append a /* STAGING records (mix of existing & new) */\n , work.bitemp0_base b /* BASE records (contains null values for new) */\n where a.&md5_col=b.&md5_col /* took staging md5 across in left join */\n and b.___TMP___NEW_FLG=1; /* NEW records also identified in bitemp0_base */\n\n\n/**\n* identify INSERTS. These are records with the same business key but\n* the bus_from and bus_to value are higher / lower (respectively)\n* such that the existing record needs to be SPLIT to surround the new\n* record.\n* eg: OLD RECORD from=1 to=10\n* NEW RECORD from=5 to=7\n*\n* APPENDED RECORDS:\n* - from=1 to=5\n* - from=5 to=7\n* - from=7 to=10\n*/\n\n/* inserts cannot happen with TXTEMPORAL */\n%if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=BUSTEMPORAL %then %do;\n /* IDENTIFY */\n create table work.bitemp3_inserts as\n select b.*\n ,a.&bus_from as ___TMP___from\n ,a.&bus_to as ___TMP___to\n from work.bitemp0_append a\n ,work.bitemp1_current b\n where a.&bus_from > b.&bus_from\n and a.&bus_to < b.&bus_to\n %do idx_pk=1 %to &pk_cnt;\n %let idx_val=%scan(&pk,&idx_pk);\n and a.&idx_val=b.&idx_val\n %end;\n order by\n /* compress blanks and then insert commas (as the datetime fields may\n not be in use) */\n %sysfunc(tranwrd(%sysfunc(compbl(\n &pk &bus_from &bus_to &processed\n )),%str( ), %str(,)))\n ;\n\n /* SPLIT */\n data work.bitemp3a_inserts (drop=___TMP___from ___TMP___retain ___TMP___to) ;\n set work.bitemp3_inserts;\n by &pk &bus_from &bus_to &processed;\n if first.&idx_val then do;\n ___TMP___retain=&bus_to;\n &bus_to=___TMP___from;\n output;\n &bus_to=___TMP___retain;\n end;\n if last.&idx_val then do;\n &bus_from=___TMP___to;\n output;\n end;\n run;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n /* TX temporal load */\n data work.bitemp3a_inserts;\n set work.bitemp1_current;\n stop;\n run;\n%end;\n/* APPEND */\nproc sql;\ncreate view work.bitemp3a_view as\n select * from work.bitemp1_current\n where &md5_col not in (select &md5_col from work.bitemp3a_inserts);\n\ndata bitemp3b_newbase;\n set work.bitemp3a_inserts work.bitemp3a_view;\nrun;\n\n/** do not use! this converts short numerics into 8 bytes\nproc sql;\ncreate table work.bitemp3b_newbase as\n select * from work.bitemp3a_inserts\nunion corr\n select * from work.bitemp1_current\n where &md5_col not in (select &md5_col from work.bitemp3a_inserts);\n*/\n\n/**\n* identify CHANGED records from staging.\n* Same business key with different temporal dates or md5 value\n* This table must be overlayed onto / into existing business history\n*/\nproc sql;\ncreate table work.bitemp4_updated as select distinct a.*\n from work.bitemp0_append a\n ,work.bitemp3b_newbase b\n where 1=1\n %do idx_pk=1 %to &pk_cnt;\n %let idx_val=%scan(&pk,&idx_pk);\n and a.&idx_val=b.&idx_val\n %end;\n and ( a.&md5_col ne b.&md5_col\n %if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=BUSTEMPORAL %then %do;\n OR (a.&bus_from ne b.&bus_from or a.&bus_to ne b.&bus_to)\n %end;\n )\n;\n\n/**\n * This section would have been one simple step with union all\n * but that converts short numerics into 8 bytes!\n * so, convoluted alternative to retain the same functionality.\n */\n\n/* base records */\ncreate view work.bitemp4_prep1 as\n select 'BASE' as ___TMP___\n ,b.*\n from work.bitemp4_updated a\n ,work.bitemp3b_newbase b\n where 1\n %do idx_pk=1 %to &pk_cnt;\n %let idx_val=%scan(&pk,&idx_pk);\n and a.&idx_val=b.&idx_val\n %end;\n ;\n/* updated records */\ncreate view work.bitemp4_prep2 as\n select 'STAG' as ___TMP___ ,*\n from work.bitemp4_updated;\n/* ensure we only keep columns that appear in both */\n%local bp1 bp2 bp3 bp4;\n%let bp1=%mf_getvarlist(bitemp4_prep1);\n%let bp2=%mf_getvarlist(bitemp4_prep2);\n%let bp3=%mf_wordsInStr1ButNotStr2(Str1=&bp1,Str2=&bp2);\n%let bp4=%mf_wordsInStr1ButNotStr2(Str1=&bp2,Str2=&bp1);\ndata work.bitemp4_prep3/view=bitemp4_prep3;\n set bitemp4_prep1 bitemp4_prep2;\n%if %length(XX&bp3&bp4)>2 %then %do;\n drop &bp3 &bp4 ;\n%end;\nrun;\n/* remove duplicates */\nproc sql;\ncreate table work.bitemp4a_allrecs as\n select distinct *\n from work.bitemp4_prep3\n order by\n /* compress blanks and then insert commas (as the datetime fields\n may not be in use) */\n %sysfunc(tranwrd(%sysfunc(compbl(\n &pk &bus_from &bus_to &processed\n )),%str( ), %str(,)))\n ;\n\n%if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=BUSTEMPORAL %then %do;\n /* this section aligns the business dates\n (eg for inserts or overlaps in the range) */\n data work.bitemp4b_firstpass (drop=___TMP___cond ___TMP___from ___TMP___to );\n set work.bitemp4a_allrecs;\n by &pk &bus_from &bus_to &processed;\n retain ___TMP___cond 'Name of Condition';\n retain ___TMP___from ___TMP___to 0;\n ___TMP___md5lag=lag(&md5_col);\n /* reset retained variables */\n if first.&idx_val then do;\n call missing (___TMP___cond, ___TMP___from, ___TMP___to,___TMP___md5lag);\n end;\n else do;\n /* if record is identical, carry forward bus_from (and bus_to if higher)*/\n if &md5_col=___TMP___md5lag then do;\n &bus_from=___TMP___from;\n if &bus_to<___TMP___to then &bus_to=___TMP___to;\n end;\n end;\n\n if ___TMP___='STAG' then do;\n /* need to carry forward the closing record */\n ___TMP___cond='Condition 1';\n end;\n else if ___TMP___cond='Condition 1' then do;\n /* else ensure bus_from starts from prior record bus_to */\n if &md5_col ne ___TMP___md5lag and &bus_from <= ___TMP___to\n then &bus_from= ___TMP___to;\n /* new record may replace old record entirely */\n if &bus_to <= &bus_from then delete;\n else call missing (___TMP___cond, ___TMP___from, ___TMP___to);\n end;\n ___TMP___from=&bus_from;\n ___TMP___to=&bus_to;\n run;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n /* keep staged records only */\n data work.bitemp4b_firstpass;\n set work.bitemp4a_allrecs;\n if ___TMP___='STAG';\n run;\n%end;\n\n/* next phase is to pass through in reverse - so set up the sort statement */\n%local byvar;\n%do idx_pk=1 %to &pk_cnt;\n %let byvar=&byvar descending %scan(&pk,&idx_pk);\n%end;\n%if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=BUSTEMPORAL\n%then %let byvar=&byvar descending &bus_from descending &bus_to;\n/* if matching bus dates supplied, need to ensure we also have a sort\n between BASE and STAGING tables */\n%let byvar=&byvar descending ___TMP___;\n\nproc sort data=work.bitemp4b_firstpass out=work.bitemp4c_sort ;\n by &byvar;\nrun;\n\n/**\n* Now (in reverse) pass back business start dates\n*/\ndata work.bitemp4d_secondpass;\n%if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL %then %do;\n &tech_from=&now;\n &tech_to=&high_date;\n%end;\n set work.bitemp4c_sort ;\n by &byvar;\n retain ___TMP___cond 'Name of Condition';\n retain ___TMP___from ___TMP___to 0;\n%if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=BUSTEMPORAL %then %do;\n/* put / _all_ /;*/\n ___TMP___md5lag=lag(&md5_col);\n if first.&idx_val then do;\n /* reset retained variables */\n call missing (___TMP___cond,___TMP___from,___TMP___to,___TMP___md5lag);\n end;\n else do;\n /* if record is identical, carry back bus_to */\n if &md5_col=___TMP___md5lag then &bus_to=___TMP___to;\n end;\n\n if ___TMP___='STAG' then do;\n /* need to carry forward the closing record */\n ___TMP___cond='Condition 2';\n end;\n else if ___TMP___cond='Condition 2' then do;\n /* else ensure bus_to stops at subsequent record bus_from */\n if &md5_col ne ___TMP___md5lag and &bus_to >= ___TMP___from\n then &bus_to= ___TMP___from;\n /* new record may replace old record entirely */\n if &bus_from >= &bus_to then delete;\n if &bus_from=___TMP___from and &bus_to=___TMP___to then delete;\n else call missing (___TMP___cond, ___TMP___from, ___TMP___to);\n end;\n ___TMP___from=&bus_from;\n ___TMP___to=&bus_to;\n\n%end;\nrun;\n%put syscc (line600)=&syscc;\n/**\n There may still be some records (eg old business history) which have not\n changed.\n Need to identify these and remove from the append so they are not updated\n unnecessarily. This is done by generating a new md5 (which INCLUDES the\n business key) and any matching / identical records are split out (from those\n that need to be updated).\n*/\n\n%if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL %then %do;\n %let cat_string=catx('|' ,&bus_from,&bus_to);\n\n data work.bitemp5a_lkp (keep=&md5_col)\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" & \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n /nonote2err\n %end;\n ;\n set work.bitemp0_base;\n /* for BITEMPORAL we need to compare business dates also */\n &md5_col=put(md5(&cat_string!!'|'!!&stripcols),$hex32.);\n run;\n\n data bitemp5b_updates;\n set bitemp4d_secondpass;\n if _n_=1 then do;\n dcl hash md5_lkp(dataset:'bitemp5a_lkp');\n md5_lkp.definekey(\"&md5_col\");\n md5_lkp.definedone();\n end;\n /* drop old md5 col as will rebuild with new business dates */\n &md5_col=put(md5(&cat_string!!'|'!!&stripcols),$hex32.) ;\n if md5_lkp.check()=0 then delete;\n run;\n\n proc sql;\n /* get min bus from as will update (close out) all records from this point\n (for that PK)*/\n create table work.bitemp5d_subquery as\n select &pk_comma, min(&bus_from)as &bus_from, max(&bus_to) as &bus_to\n from work.bitemp5b_updates\n group by &pk_comma;\n /* index has a huge efficiency impact on upcoming nested subquery */\n create index index1 on work.bitemp5d_subquery(&pk_comma,&bus_from, &bus_to);\n\n %let lastds=work.bitemp5b_updates;\n%end;\n%else %if &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL or &loadtype=UPDATE %then %do;\n proc sql;\n create table work.bitemp5d_subquery as\n select distinct &pk_comma\n from bitemp4d_secondpass;\n %let lastds=work.bitemp4d_secondpass;\n%end;\n%else %let lastds=work.bitemp4d_secondpass;\n\n/* create single append table (an overlapped pre-sert may be classed as\n both an update AND a new record). Also create temp views that may be\n used for pre-load analysis. */\ndata &outds_mod;\n set &lastds(drop=___TMP___: &md5_col);\nrun;\n\ndata bitemp6_allrecs / view=bitemp6_allrecs;\n set &outds_mod /* UPDATED records */\n &outds_add /* NEW records */;\nrun;\n\nproc sort data=work.bitemp6_allrecs\n out=work.bitemp6_unique\n noduprec\n dupout=work.xx_BADBADBAD;\nby _all_;\nrun;\n\n/* we have all our temp tables now so exit if this is all that is needed */\n%if &LOADTARGET ne YES %then %return;\n\n/* also exit if an err condition exists */\n\n%if &syscc>0 %then %do;\n %put syscc=&syscc;\n %mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK,lib=&base_lib,ds=&base_dsn,ref=&ETLSOURCE,\n ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n %if \"&outds_audit\" ne \"0\" %then %do;\n %mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK\n ,lib=%scan(&outds_audit,1,.)\n ,ds=%scan(&outds_audit,2,.)\n ,ref=&ETLSOURCE\n ,ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n %end;\n%end;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc>0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname in &_program\n ,msg=%str(Bitemporal transform / job aborted due to SYSCC=&SYSCC status)\n)\n\n/* final check - abort if a lock has appeared on the target or audit table */\n%mp_lockfilecheck(libds=&base_lib..&base_dsn)\n%if %mf_existds(&outds_audit) %then %do;\n %mp_lockfilecheck(libds=&outds_audit)\n%end;\n\n/**\n* STAGING TABLES PREPARED, ERR CONDITION TESTED FOR.. NOW TO LOAD!!\n*/\n\n/**\n* First, CLOSE OUT changed records (if not a REPLACE)\n* Note that SAS does not support ANSI standard for UPDATE with a join condition.\n* However - this can be worked around using a nested subquery..\n*/\ndata _null_;\n putlog \"&sysmacroname: CLOSEOUTS commencing\";\nrun;\n\n%if %mf_getattrn(&lastds,NLOBS)=0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog \"&sysmacroname: No closeouts needed\";\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &engine_type=CAS %then %do;\n %mp_abort(iftrue= (&loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname in &_program\n ,msg=%str(&loadtype not yet supported in CAS engine)\n )\n /* create temp table for deletions */\n %local delds;%let delds=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=DC);\n data casuser.&delds;\n set work.bitemp5d_subquery;\n run;\n /* delete the records */\n proc cas ;\n table.deleteRows / table={\n caslib=\"&base_lib\",\n name=\"&base_dsn\",\n where=\"1=1\",\n whereTable={caslib='CASUSER',name=\"&delds\"}\n };\n quit;\n /* drop temp table */\n proc sql;\n drop table CASUSER.&delds;\n%end;\n%else %if (&loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL or &loadtype=UPDATE)\n%then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog \"&sysmacroname: &loadtype operation using &engine_type engine\";\n run;\n %local flexinow;\n proc sql;\n /* if OLEDB then create a temp table for efficiency */\n %local innertable;\n %if &engine_type=OLEDB %then %do;\n %let innertable=[&temp_table];\n %let top_table=[dbo].&base_dsn;\n %let flexinow=&SQLNOW;\n create table &base_lib..\"&temp_table\"n as\n select * from work.bitemp5d_subquery;\n /* open up a connection for pass through SQL */\n %dc_assignlib(WRITE,&base_lib,passthru=myAlias)\n execute(\n %end;\n %else %if &engine_type=REDSHIFT or &engine_type=POSTGRES %then %do;\n %let innertable=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=XDCTEMP);\n %let top_table=&baselib_schema.&base_dsn;\n %let flexinow=timestamp &SQLNOW;\n /* make empty table first - must clone & drop extra cols\n as autoload is bad */\n %dc_assignlib(WRITE,&base_lib,passthru=myAlias)\n exec (create table &innertable (like &baselib_schema.&base_dsn)) by myAlias;\n %if &engine_type=REDSHIFT %then %do;\n exec (alter table &innertable alter sortkey none) by myAlias;\n %end;\n %let dropcols=%mf_wordsinstr1butnotstr2(\n str1=%upcase(%mf_getvarlist(&basecopy))\n ,str2=%upcase(%mf_getvarlist(work.bitemp5d_subquery))\n );\n %if %length(&dropcols>0) %then %do idx_pk=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&dropcols));\n %put &=dropcols;\n %let idx_val=%scan(&dropcols,&idx_pk);\n exec(alter table &innertable drop column &idx_val;) by myAlias;;\n %end;\n /* create view to strip formats and avoid warns in log */\n data work.vw_bitemp5d/view=work.vw_bitemp5d;\n set work.bitemp5d_subquery;\n format _all_;\n run;\n proc append base=&base_lib..&innertable (\n %do idx_pk=1 %to &redcnt;\n &&rednm&idx_pk = &&redval&idxpk\n %end;\n )\n data=work.vw_bitemp5d force nowarn;\n run;\n /* open up a connection for pass through SQL */\n %dc_assignlib(WRITE,&base_lib,passthru=myAlias)\n execute(\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %let innertable=bitemp5d_subquery;\n %let top_table=&base_lib..&base_dsn;\n %let flexinow=&now;\n %end;\n\n\n %if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL %then %do;\n update &top_table set &tech_to=&flexinow\n %if %length(&processed)>0 %then %do;\n ,&processed=&flexinow\n %end;\n where &tech_from <= &flexinow and &flexinow < &tech_to and\n %end;\n %else %if &loadtype=UPDATE %then %do;\n /* changed records are deleted then re-appended when doing UPDATEs */\n delete from &top_table where\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: BUSTEMPORAL NOT YET SUPPORTED;\n %let syscc=5;\n %mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK,lib=&base_lib,ds=&base_dsn,ref=&ETLSOURCE,\n ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n %mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK\n ,lib=%scan(&outds_audit,1,.)\n ,ds=%scan(&outds_audit,2,.)\n ,ref=&ETLSOURCE\n ,ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n %goto end_of_macro;\n %end;\n\n /* perform join inside query as per\n http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24629793/update-with-a-proc-sql */\n\n exists( select 1 from &baselib_schema.&innertable where\n\n /* loop PK join */\n %do idx_pk=1 %to &pk_cnt;\n %let idx_val=%scan(&pk,&idx_pk);\n &base_dsn..&idx_val=&innertable..&idx_val and\n %end;\n %if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL %then %do;\n &base_dsn..&bus_from >= &innertable..&bus_from\n and &base_dsn..&bus_to <= &innertable..&bus_to and\n %end;\n\n /* close the statement */\n\n 1=1);\n\n %if &engine_type=OLEDB or &engine_type=REDSHIFT or &engine_type=POSTGRES\n %then %do;\n ) by myAlias;\n execute (drop table &baselib_schema.&innertable) by myAlias;\n %end;\n%end;\nquit;\ndata _null_;\n putlog \"&sysmacroname: Closeout complete\";\nrun;\n/**\n * Append the new / updated records\n */\n%if &engine_type=CAS %then %do;\n\n /* get varchar variables ready for casting */\n %local vcfmt vcrename vcassign vcdrop;\n data _null_;\n set work.bitemp_cols(where=(type=6)) end=last;\n length vcrename vcassign vcdrop vcfmt $32767 rancol $32;\n retain vcrename vcassign vcdrop vcfmt;\n if _n_=1 then vcrename='(rename=(';\n rancol=resolve('%mf_getuniquename()');\n vcfmt=trim(vcfmt)!!'length '!!cats(name)!!' varchar(*);';\n vcrename=trim(vcrename)!!' '!!cats(name,'=',rancol);\n vcassign=cats(vcassign,name,'=',rancol,';');\n vcdrop=cats(vcdrop,'drop '!!rancol,';');\n if last then do;\n vcrename=cats(vcrename,'))');\n call symputx('vcfmt',vcfmt);\n call symputx('vcrename',vcrename);\n call symputx('vcassign',vcassign);\n call symputx('vcdrop',vcdrop);\n end;\n run;\n\n /* prepare a temp cas table with varchars casted */\n %let tmp=%mf_getuniquename();\n data casuser.&tmp ;\n &vcfmt\n set work.bitemp6_unique &vcrename;\n &vcassign\n &vcdrop\n run;\n\n /* load the table with varchars applied*/\n data &base_lib..&base_dsn (append=yes )/sessref=dcsession ;\n set casuser.&tmp;\n run;\n\n /* drop temp table */\n proc sql;\n drop table CASUSER.&tmp;\n\n /* this code will not work as regular tables do not have varchars */\n /*\n proc casutil;\n load data=work.bitemp6_unique\n outcaslib=\"&base_lib\" casout=\"&base_dsn\" append ;\n quit;\n */\n%end;\n%else %if &engine_type=REDSHIFT or &engine_type=POSTGRES %then %do;\n proc append base=&base_lib..&base_dsn\n %if &engine_type=REDSHIFT %then %do;\n (\n %do idx_pk=1 %to &redcnt;\n &&rednm&idx_pk = &&redval&idxpk\n %end;\n )\n %end;\n data=bitemp6_unique force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n proc append base=&base_lib..&base_dsn data=bitemp6_unique force nowarn; run;\n%end;\n\n%mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK,lib=&base_lib,ds=&base_dsn,ref=&ETLSOURCE,\n ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n)\n\n/* final check on syscc */\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc >4)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(!!Upload NOT successful!! Failed on actual update / append stage..)\n)\n\n%if &outds_audit ne 0 and &LOADTARGET=YES %then %do;\n data work.vw_outds_orig /view=work.vw_outds_orig;\n set work.bitemp0_base (drop=&md5_col);\n where ___TMP___NEW_FLG=0;\n drop ___TMP___NEW_FLG;\n run;\n /* update the AUDIT table */\n %if %mf_existds(&outds_audit) %then %do;\n options mprint;\n %mp_storediffs(&base_lib..&base_dsn\n ,work.vw_outds_orig\n ,&pk &bus_from\n ,delds=&outds_del\n ,modds=&outds_mod\n ,appds=&outds_add\n ,outds=work.mp_storediffs\n ,processed_dttm=&now\n ,loadref=%superq(etlsource)\n )\n /* exclude unchanged values in modified rows */\n data work.mp_storediffs;\n set work.mp_storediffs;\n if MOVE_TYPE=\"M\" and IS_PK=0 and IS_DIFF=0 then delete;\n * putlog load_ref= libref= dsn= key_hash= tgtvar_nm=;\n run;\n proc append base=&outds_audit data=work.mp_storediffs;\n run;\n %mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK\n ,lib=%scan(&outds_audit,1,.)\n ,ds=%scan(&outds_audit,2,.)\n ,ref=&ETLSOURCE\n ,ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n %end;\n%end;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc >4)\n ,mac=bitemporal_dataloader\n ,msg=%str(Problem in audit stage (&outds_audit))\n)\n\n%let user=%mf_getUser();\n/**\n Notify as appropriate EMAILS DISABLED\n\n%sumo_alerts(ALERT_EVENT=UPDATE\n , ALERT_TARGET=&base_lib..&base_dsn\n , from_user= &user);\n*/\n/* monitor BiTemporal usage */\n%if &log=1 %then %do;\n %put syscc=&syscc;\n /* do not perform duration calc in pass through */\n %local dur;\n data _null_;\n now=symget('now');\n dur=%sysfunc(datetime())-&now;\n call symputx('dur',dur,'l');\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &dclib..mpe_dataloads\n set libref=%upcase(\"&base_lib\")\n ,DSN=%upcase(\"&base_dsn\")\n ,ETLSOURCE=\"&ETLSOURCE\"\n ,LOADTYPE=\"&loadtype\"\n ,CHANGED_RECORDS=%mf_getattrn(&lastds,NLOBS)\n ,NEW_RECORDS=%mf_getattrn(&outds_add,NLOBS)\n ,DELETED_RECORDS=%mf_getattrn(&outds_del,NLOBS)\n ,DURATION=&dur\n ,MAC_VER=\"v&ver\"\n ,user_nm=\"&user\"\n ,PROCESSED_DTTM=&now;\n quit;\n %put syscc=&syscc;\n%end;\n%end_of_macro:\n%mend bitemporal_dataloader;\n\n\n\n%macro dc_getlibs(outds=mm_getlibs);\nproc sql;\ncreate table &outds as\n select distinct libname as LibraryRef\n ,libname as LibraryName length=256\n ,engine\n ,'' as libraryid length=17\n from dictionary.libnames\n where libname not in ('WORK','SASUSER');\ninsert into &syslast values (\"&DC_LIBREF\", \"&DC_LIBNAME\",'','V9');\n\n%mend dc_getlibs;\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_refreshlibs(lib=0);\n\n%dc_getlibs(outds=work.mm_getLibs)\nproc sort data=mm_getlibs;\n by libraryref libraryname;\nrun;\n\ndata libs0;\n set mm_getlibs;\n by libraryref;\n%if &lib ne 0 %then %do;\n where upcase(libraryref)=\"%upcase(&lib)\";\n%end;\n if \"%mf_getplatform()\"=\"SASMETA\" then do;\n /* note - invalid libraries can result in exception errors. If this happens,\n configure the dc_viewlib_check variable to NO in Data Controller Settings */\n rc=libname(libraryref,,'meta',cats('library=\"',libraryname,'\";'));\n drop rc;\n if rc ne 0 then do;\n putlog \"NOTE: Library \" libraryname \" does not exist!!\";\n putlog (_all_) (=);\n delete;\n end;\n end;\n if not first.libraryref then delete;\nrun;\n\nproc sql;\ncreate table libs1 as\n select distinct libname\n ,engine\n ,path\n ,level\n ,sysname\n ,sysvalue\n from dictionary.libnames\n order by libname, level,engine,path;\n\ndata libs2;\n set libs1;\n length tran $1024;\n if missing(sysname) then sysname='Missing';\n select(sysname);\n when('Access Permission') tran='Permissions';\n when('Owner Name') tran='Owner';\n when('Schema/Owner') tran='schema';\n otherwise tran=sysname;\n end;\nrun;\n\nproc transpose data=libs2 out=libs3;\nby libname level engine path;\nvar sysvalue;\nid tran;\nrun;\n\ndata libs4(rename=(libname=libref));\n length paths $8192 perms owners schemas $500 permissions owner schema $1024;\n if _n_=1 then call missing (of _all_);\n set libs3;\n by libname;\n if engine='V9' then engine='BASE';\n if first.libname then do;\n retain paths perms owners schemas;\n paths='('!!quote(trim(path));\n perms=permissions;\n owners=owner;\n schemas=schema;\n end;\n else do;\n paths=trim(paths)!!' '!!quote(trim(path));\n perms=trim(perms)!!','!!trim(permissions);\n owners=trim(owners)!!','!!trim(owner);\n schemas=trim(schemas)!!' '!!trim(schema);\n end;\n if last.libname then do;\n paths=trim(paths)!!')';\n schemas=cats(schemas);\n output;\n end;\n keep libname engine paths perms owners schemas;\nrun;\n\nproc sql;\ncreate table libs5 as\n select a.libref\n ,coalescec(b.engine,a.engine) as engine length=32\n ,b.libraryname as libname\n ,a.paths\n ,a.perms\n ,a.owners\n ,a.schemas\n ,b.libraryid as libid\n from libs4 a\n left join libs0 b\n on upcase(a.libref)=upcase(b.libraryref)\n where libref not in ('SASWORK','WORK','SASUSER','CASUSER','TEMP','STPSAMP'\n ,'MAPSGFK');\n\n%bitemporal_dataloader(base_lib=&dc_libref\n ,base_dsn=MPE_DATACATALOG_LIBS\n ,append_dsn=libs5\n ,PK=LIBREF\n ,etlsource=&_program\n ,loadtype=TXTEMPORAL\n ,tech_from=TX_FROM\n ,tech_to=TX_TO\n ,dclib=&dc_libref\n)\n\n%mend mpe_refreshlibs;\n\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file refreshlibs.sas\n @brief Refreshes the library data catalog\n @details\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mpeinit.sas\n @li mpe_refreshlibs.sas\n\n @version 9.3\n @author 4GL Apps Ltd\n @copyright 4GL Apps Ltd. This code may only be used within Data Controller\n and may not be re-distributed or re-sold without the express permission of\n 4GL Apps Ltd.\n\n**/\n\n%mpeinit()\n\n%mpe_refreshlibs()\n\n* Service end;" }, { "name": "registerkey", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n\n\n%macro dc_assignlib(type,libref,passthru=);\n %if %length(&passthru)>0 %then %do;\n proc sql;\n connect using &libref as &passthru;\n %end;\n%mend dc_assignlib;\n\n\n/** @cond */\n\n%macro mf_existvar(libds /* 2 part dataset name */\n , var /* variable name */\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %local dsid rc;\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds,is));\n\n %if &dsid=0 %then %do;\n %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n 0\n %end;\n %else %if %length(&var)=0 %then %do;\n 0\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,&var))\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n\n%mend mf_existvar;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n%macro mf_getattrn(\n libds\n ,attr\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid rc;\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds,is));\n %if &dsid = 0 %then %do;\n %put %str(WARN)ING: Cannot open %trim(&libds), system message below;\n %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n -1\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,&attr))\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n%mend mf_getattrn;\n\n\n%macro mf_getvartype(libds /* two level name */\n , var /* variable name from which to return the type */\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid vnum vtype rc;\n /* Open dataset */\n %let dsid = %sysfunc(open(&libds));\n %if &dsid. > 0 %then %do;\n /* Get variable number */\n %let vnum = %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid, &var));\n /* Get variable type (C/N) */\n %if(&vnum. > 0) %then %let vtype = %sysfunc(vartype(&dsid, &vnum.));\n %else %do;\n %put NOTE: Variable &var does not exist in &libds;\n %let vtype = %str( );\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: dataset &libds not opened! (rc=&dsid);\n %put &sysmacroname: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* Close dataset */\n %let rc = %sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n /* Return variable type */\n &vtype\n%mend mf_getvartype;\n\n\n%macro mf_getattrc(\n libds\n ,attr\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid rc;\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds,is));\n %if &dsid = 0 %then %do;\n %put %str(WARN)ING: Cannot open %trim(&libds), system message below;\n %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n -1\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %sysfunc(attrc(&dsid,&attr))\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n%mend mf_getattrc;\n\n\n%macro mp_lockfilecheck(\n libds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\ndata _null_;\n if _n_=1 then putlog \"&sysmacroname entry vars:\";\n set sashelp.vmacro;\n where scope=\"&sysmacroname\";\n put name '=' value;\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc>0)\n ,mac=checklock.sas\n ,msg=Aborting with syscc=&syscc on entry.\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (\"&libds\"=\"0\")\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(libds not provided)\n)\n\n%local msg lib ds;\n%let lib=%upcase(%scan(&libds,1,.));\n%let ds=%upcase(%scan(&libds,2,.));\n\n/* in DC, format catalogs are passed with a -FC suffix. No saslock here! */\n%if %scan(&libds,2,-)=FC %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Format Catalog detected, no lockfile applied to &libds;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* do not proceed if no observations can be processed */\n%let msg=options obs = 0. syserrortext=%superq(syserrortext);\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (%sysfunc(getoption(OBS))=0)\n ,mac=checklock.sas\n ,msg=%superq(msg)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n putlog \"Checking engine & member type\";\nrun;\n%local engine memtype;\n%let memtype=%mf_getattrc(&libds,MTYPE);\n%let engine=%mf_getattrc(&libds,ENGINE);\n\n%if &engine ne V9 and &engine ne BASE %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog \"Lib &lib is not assigned using BASE engine - uses &engine instead\";\n putlog \"SAS lock check will not be performed\";\n run;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if &memtype ne DATA %then %do;\n %put NOTE: Cannot lock a VIEW!! Memtype=&memtype;\n %return;\n%end;\n\ndata _null_;\n putlog \"Engine = &engine, memtype=&memtype\";\n putlog \"Attempting lock statement\";\nrun;\n\nlock &libds;\n\n%local abortme;\n%let abortme=0;\n%if &syscc>0 or &SYSLCKRC ne 0 %then %do;\n %let msg=Unable to apply lock on &libds (SYSLCKRC=&SYSLCKRC syscc=&syscc);\n %put %str(ERR)OR: &sysmacroname: &msg;\n %let abortme=1;\n%end;\n\nlock &libds clear;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&abortme=1)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%superq(msg)\n)\n\n%mend mp_lockfilecheck;\n\n\n%macro mp_lockanytable(\n action\n ,lib= WORK\n ,ds=0\n ,ref=\n ,ctl_ds=0\n ,loops=25\n ,loop_secs=1\n );\ndata _null_;\n if _n_=1 then putlog \"&sysmacroname entry vars:\";\n set sashelp.vmacro;\n where scope=\"&sysmacroname\";\n put name '=' value;\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (\"&ds\"=\"0\" and &action ne MAKETABLE)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(dataset was not provided)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&ctl_ds=0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Control dataset was not provided)\n)\n\n/* set up lib & mac vars */\n%let lib=%upcase(&lib);\n%let ds=%upcase(&ds);\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n%local user x trans msg abortme;\n%let user=%mf_getuser();\n%let abortme=0;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&action ne LOCK & &action ne UNLOCK & &action ne MAKETABLE)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid action (&action) provided)\n)\n\n/* if an err condition exists, exit before we even begin */\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc>0 and &action=LOCK)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(aborting due to syscc=&syscc on LOCK entry)\n)\n\n/* do not bother locking work tables (else may affect all WORK libraries) */\n%if (%upcase(&lib)=WORK or %str(&lib)=%str()) & &action ne MAKETABLE %then %do;\n %put NOTE: WORK libraries will not be registered in the locking system.;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* do not proceed if no observations can be processed */\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (%sysfunc(getoption(OBS))=0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(cannot continue when options obs = 0)\n)\n\n%if &ACTION=LOCK %then %do;\n\n /* abort if a SAS lock is already in place, or cannot be applied */\n %mp_lockfilecheck(&lib..&ds)\n\n /* next, check there is a record for this table */\n %local record_exists_check;\n proc sql noprint;\n select count(*) into: record_exists_check from &ctl_ds\n where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" and LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n quit;\n %if &syscc>0 %then %put syscc=&syscc sqlrc=&sqlrc;\n %if &record_exists_check=0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog \"&sysmacroname: adding record to lock table..\";\n run;\n\n data ;\n if 0 then set &ctl_ds;\n LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\";\n LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n LOCK_STATUS_CD='LOCKED';\n LOCK_START_DTTM=\"%sysfunc(datetime(),%mf_fmtdttm())\"dt;\n LOCK_USER_NM=\"&user\";\n LOCK_PID=\"&sysjobid\";\n LOCK_REF=\"&ref\";\n output;stop;\n run;\n %let trans=&syslast;\n proc append base=&ctl_ds data=&trans;\n run;\n %end;\n /* if record does exist, perform lock attempts */\n %else %do x=1 %to &loops;\n data _null_;\n putlog \"&sysmacroname: attempting lock (iteration &x) \"@;\n putlog \"at %sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.) ..\";\n run;\n\n proc sql;\n update &ctl_ds\n set LOCK_STATUS_CD='LOCKED'\n , LOCK_START_DTTM=\"%sysfunc(datetime(),%mf_fmtdttm())\"dt\n , LOCK_USER_NM=\"&user\"\n , LOCK_PID=\"&sysjobid\"\n , LOCK_REF=\"&ref\"\n where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" and LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n quit;\n /**\n * NOTE - occasionally SQL server will return an err code (deadlocked\n * transaction). If so, ignore it, keep calm, and carry on..\n */\n %if &syscc>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n putlog \"NOTE- &sysmacroname: Update failed. \"@;\n putlog \"Resetting err conditions and re-attempting.\";\n putlog \"NOTE- syscc=&syscc syserr=&syserr sqlrc=&sqlrc\";\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n run;\n %let syscc=0;\n %let sqlrc=0;\n %end;\n\n /* now check if the record was successfully updated */\n %local success_check;\n proc sql noprint;\n select count(*) into: success_check from &ctl_ds\n where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" and LOCK_DS=\"&ds\"\n and LOCK_PID=\"&sysjobid\" and LOCK_STATUS_CD='LOCKED';\n quit;\n %if &success_check=0 %then %do;\n %if &x < &loops %then %do;\n /* pause before next check */\n data _null_;\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n putlog \"NOTE- &sysmacroname: table locked, waiting \"@;\n putlog \"%sysfunc(sleep(&loop_secs)) seconds.. \";\n putlog \"NOTE- (iteration &x of &loops)\";\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %let msg=Unable to lock &lib..&ds via &ctl_ds after &loops attempts.\\n\n Please ask your administrator to investigate!;\n %let abortme=1;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n putlog \"NOTE- &sysmacroname: Table &lib..&ds locked at \"@;\n putlog \" %sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.) (iteration &x)\"@;\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n run;\n %if &syscc>0 %then %do;\n %put setting syscc(&syscc) back to 0;\n %let syscc=0;\n %end;\n %let x=&loops; /* no more iterations needed */\n %end;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &ACTION=UNLOCK %then %do;\n %local status cnt;\n %let cnt=0;\n proc sql noprint;\n select count(*) into: cnt from &ctl_ds where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" & LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n %if &cnt=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(WAR)NING: &lib..&ds was not previously locked in &ctl_ds!;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n select LOCK_STATUS_CD into: status from &ctl_ds\n where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" and LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n quit;\n %if &syscc>0 %then %put syscc=&syscc sqlrc=&sqlrc;\n %if &status=LOCKED %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog \"&sysmacroname: unlocking &lib..&ds:\";\n run;\n proc sql;\n update &ctl_ds\n set LOCK_STATUS_CD='UNLOCKED'\n , LOCK_END_DTTM=\"%sysfunc(datetime(),%mf_fmtdttm())\"dt\n , LOCK_USER_NM=\"&user\"\n , LOCK_PID=\"&sysjobid\"\n , LOCK_REF=\"&ref\"\n where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" and LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n quit;\n %end;\n %else %if &status=UNLOCKED %then %do;\n %put %str(WAR)NING: &lib..&ds is already unlocked!;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put NOTE: Unrecognised STATUS_CD (&status) in &ctl_ds;\n %let abortme=1;\n %end;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %let msg=lock_anytable given unsupported action (&action);\n %let abortme=1;\n%end;\n\n/* catch errs - mp_abort must be called outside of a logic block */\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&abortme=1),\n msg=%superq(msg),\n mac=&sysmacroname\n)\n\n%exit_macro:\ndata _null_;\n put \"&sysmacroname: Exit vars: action=&action lib=&lib ds=&ds\";\n put \" syscc=&syscc sqlrc=&sqlrc syserr=&syserr\";\nrun;\n%mend mp_lockanytable;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro bitemporal_closeouts(\n tech_from=tx_from_dttm\n ,tech_to = tx_to_dttm /* Technical TO datetime variable.\n Req'd on BASE table only. */\n ,base_lib=WORK /* Libref of the BASE table. */\n ,base_dsn=BASETABLE /* Name of BASE table. */\n ,append_lib=WORK /* Libref of the STAGING table. */\n ,append_dsn=APPENDTABLE /* Name of STAGING table. */\n ,PK= name sex /* Business key, space separated. */\n /* Should INCLUDE BUS_FROM field if relevant. */\n ,NOW=DEFINE\n ,FILTER= /* supply a filter to limit the update */\n ,outdest= /* supply an unquoted filepath/filename.ext to get\n a text file containing the update statements */\n ,loadtype=\n ,loadtarget=YES /* if <> YES will return without changing anything */\n);\n%put ENTERING &sysmacroname;\n%local x var start;\n%let start=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%dc_assignlib(WRITE,&base_lib)\n%dc_assignlib(WRITE,&append_lib)\n\n%if &now=DEFINE %then %let now=&dc_dttmtfmt.;\n%put &=now;\n/**\n * perform basic checks\n */\n/* do tables exist? */\n%if not %sysfunc(exist(&base_lib..&base_dsn)) %then %do;\n %mp_abort(msg=&base_lib..&base_dsn does not exist)\n%end;\n%else %if %sysfunc(exist(&append_lib..&append_dsn))=0\n and %sysfunc(exist(&append_lib..&append_dsn,VIEW))=0 %then %do;\n %mp_abort(msg=&append_lib..&append_dsn does not exist)\n%end;\n/* do TX columns exist? */\n%if &loadtype ne UPDATE %then %do;\n %if not %mf_existvar(&base_lib..&base_dsn,&tech_from) %then %do;\n %mp_abort(msg=&tech_from does not exist on &base_lib..&base_dsn)\n %end;\n %else %if not %mf_existvar(&base_lib..&base_dsn,&tech_to) %then %do;\n %mp_abort(msg=&tech_to does not exist on &base_lib..&base_dsn)\n %end;\n%end;\n/* do PK columns exist? */\n%do x=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&PK));\n %let var=%scan(&pk,&x,%str( ));\n %if not %mf_existvar(&base_lib..&base_dsn,&var) %then %do;\n %mp_abort(msg=&var does not exist on &base_lib..&base_dsn)\n %end;\n %else %if not %mf_existvar(&append_lib..&append_dsn,&var) %then %do;\n %mp_abort(msg=&var does not exist on &append_lib..&append_dsn)\n %end;\n%end;\n/* check uniqueness */\nproc sort data=&append_lib..&append_dsn\n out=___closeout1 noduprecs dupout=___closeout1a;\n by &pk;\nrun;\n%if %mf_getattrn(___closeout1a,NLOBS)>0 %then\n %put NOTE: dups on (&PK) in (&append_lib..&append_dsn);\n/* is &NOW value within a tolerance? Should not allow renegade closeouts.. */\n%local gap;\n%let gap=0;\ndata _null_;\n now=&now;\n gap=intck('HOURS',now,datetime());\n call symputx('gap',gap,'l');\nrun;\n%mf_abort(\n iftrue=(&gap > 24),\n msg=NOW variable (&now) is not within a 24hr tolerance\n)\n\n/* have any warnings / errs occurred thus far? If so, abort */\n%mf_abort(\n iftrue=(&syscc>0),\n msg=Aborted due to SYSCC=&SYSCC status\n)\n\n/**\n * Create closeout statements. These are sent as individual SQL statements\n * to ensure pass-through utilisation. The update_cnt variable monitors\n * how many records were actually updated on the target table.\n */\n%local update_cnt;\n%let update_cnt=0;\nfilename tmp temp;\ndata _null_;\n set ___closeout1;\n file tmp;\n if _n_=1 then put 'proc sql noprint;' ;\n length string $32767.;\n %if &loadtype=UPDATE %then %do;\n put \"delete from &base_lib..&base_dsn where 1\";\n %end;\n %else %do;\n now=symget('now');\n put \"update &base_lib..&base_dsn set &tech_to= \" now @;\n %if %mf_existvar(&base_lib..&base_dsn,PROCESSED_DTTM) %then %do;\n put \" ,PROCESSED_DTTM=\" now @;\n %end;\n put \" where \" now \" lt &tech_to \";\n %end;\n %do x=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&PK));\n %let var=%scan(&pk,&x,%str( ));\n %if %mf_getvartype(&base_lib..&base_dsn,&var)=C %then %do;\n /* use single quotes to avoid ampersand resolution in data */\n string=\" & &var='\"!!trim(prxchange(\"s/'/''/\",-1,&var))!!\"'\";\n %end;\n %else %do;\n string=cats(\" & &var=\",&var);\n %end;\n put string;\n %end;\n put \"&filter ;\";\n put '%let update_cnt=%eval(&update_cnt+&sqlobs);%put update_cnt=&update_cnt;';\nrun;\n\ndata _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;\n putlog _infile_;\nrun;\n\n%if &loadtarget ne YES %then %return;\n\n/* ensure we have a lock */\n%mp_lockanytable(LOCK,\n lib=&base_lib,ds=&base_dsn\n ,ref=bitemporal_closeouts\n ,ctl_ds=&mpelib..mpe_lockanytable\n)\n\noptions source2;\n%inc tmp;\n\nfilename tmp clear;\n\n/**\n * Update audit tracker\n */\n\n%local newobs; %let newobs=%mf_getattrn(work.___closeout1,NLOBS);\n%local user; %let user=%mf_getuser();\nproc sql;\ninsert into &mpelib..mpe_dataloads\n set libref=%upcase(\"&base_lib\")\n ,DSN=%upcase(\"&base_dsn\")\n ,ETLSOURCE=\"&append_lib..&append_dsn contained &newobs records\"\n ,LOADTYPE=\"CLOSEOUT\"\n ,DELETED_RECORDS=&update_cnt\n ,NEW_RECORDS=0\n ,DURATION=%sysfunc(datetime())-&start\n ,USER_NM=\"&user\"\n ,PROCESSED_DTTM=&now;\nquit;\n\n\n%mend bitemporal_closeouts;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_existds(libds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&libds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&libds,VIEW)) ne 1 %then 0;\n %else 1;\n\n%mend mf_existds;\n\n\n/** @cond */\n\n%macro mf_getengine(libref\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid engnum rc engine;\n\n /* in case the parameter is a libref.tablename, pull off just the libref */\n %let libref = %upcase(%scan(&libref, 1, %str(.)));\n\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(\n open(sashelp.vlibnam(where=(libname=\"%upcase(&libref)\")),i)\n );\n %if (&dsid ^= 0) %then %do;\n %let engnum=%sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,ENGINE));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fetch(&dsid));\n %let engine=%sysfunc(getvarc(&dsid,&engnum));\n %put &libref. ENGINE is &engine.;\n %let rc= %sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n\n %upcase(&engine)\n\n%mend mf_getengine;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n%macro mf_getschema(libref\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid vnum rc schema;\n /* in case the parameter is a libref.tablename, pull off just the libref */\n %let libref = %upcase(%scan(&libref, 1, %str(.)));\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(sashelp.vlibnam(where=(\n libname=\"%upcase(&libref)\" and sysname='Schema/Owner'\n )),i));\n %if (&dsid ^= 0) %then %do;\n %let vnum=%sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,SYSVALUE));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fetch(&dsid));\n %let schema=%sysfunc(getvarc(&dsid,&vnum));\n %put &libref. schema is &schema.;\n %let rc= %sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n\n &schema\n\n%mend mf_getschema;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquefileref(prefix=_,maxtries=1000,lrecl=32767);\n %local rc fname;\n %if &prefix=0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %local x len;\n %let len=%eval(8-%length(&prefix));\n %let x=0;\n %do x=0 %to &maxtries;\n %let fname=&prefix%substr(%sysfunc(ranuni(0)),3,&len);\n %if %sysfunc(fileref(&fname)) > 0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %put unable to find available fileref after &maxtries attempts;\n %end;\n%mend mf_getuniquefileref;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquename(prefix=MC);\n&prefix.%substr(%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32-%length(&prefix))\n%mend mf_getuniquename;\n\n\n%macro mf_getvarlist(libds\n ,dlm=%str( )\n ,quote=no\n ,typefilter=A\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n /* declare local vars */\n %local outvar dsid nvars x rc dlm q var vtype;\n\n /* credit Rowland Hale - byte34 is double quote, 39 is single quote */\n %if %upcase("e)=DOUBLE %then %let q=%qsysfunc(byte(34));\n %else %if %upcase("e)=SINGLE %then %let q=%qsysfunc(byte(39));\n /* open dataset in macro */\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds));\n\n %if &dsid %then %do;\n %let nvars=%sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,NVARS));\n %if &nvars>0 %then %do;\n /* add variables with supplied delimeter */\n %do x=1 %to &nvars;\n /* get variable type */\n %let vtype=%sysfunc(vartype(&dsid,&x));\n %if &vtype=&typefilter or &typefilter=A %then %do;\n %let var=&q.%sysfunc(varname(&dsid,&x))&q.;\n %if &var=&q&q %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Empty column found in &libds!;\n %let var=&q. &q.;\n %end;\n %if %quote(&outvar)=%quote() %then %let outvar=&var;\n %else %let outvar=&outvar.&dlm.&var.;\n %end;\n %end;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Unable to open &libds (rc=&dsid);\n %put &sysmacroname: SYSMSG= %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n %do;%unquote(&outvar)%end;\n%mend mf_getvarlist;\n\n\n%macro mf_abort(mac=mf_abort.sas, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n)/des='ungraceful abort' /*STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n %put NOTE: /// mf_abort macro executing //;\n %if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n %put NOTE - &msg;\n\n %abort;\n\n%mend mf_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_verifymacvars(\n verifyVars /* list of macro variable NAMES */\n ,makeUpcase=NO /* set to YES to make all the variable VALUES uppercase */\n ,mAbort=SOFT\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %local verifyIterator verifyVar abortmsg;\n %do verifyIterator=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&verifyVars,%str( )));\n %let verifyVar=%qscan(&verifyVars,&verifyIterator,%str( ));\n %if not %symexist(&verifyvar) %then %do;\n %let abortmsg= Variable &verifyVar is MISSING;\n %goto exit_err;\n %end;\n %if %length(%trim(&&&verifyVar))=0 %then %do;\n %let abortmsg= Variable &verifyVar is EMPTY;\n %goto exit_err;\n %end;\n %if &makeupcase=YES %then %do;\n %let &verifyVar=%upcase(&&&verifyvar);\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %goto exit_success;\n %exit_err:\n %put &abortmsg;\n %mf_abort(iftrue=(&mabort ne SOFT),\n mac=mf_verifymacvars,\n msg=%str(&abortmsg)\n )\n 0\n %return;\n %exit_success:\n 1\n\n%mend mf_verifymacvars;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_wordsInStr1ButNotStr2(\n Str1= /* string containing words to extract */\n ,Str2= /* used to compare with the extract string */\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%local count_base count_extr i i2 extr_word base_word match outvar;\n%if %length(&str1)=0 or %length(&str2)=0 %then %do;\n %put base string (str1)= &str1;\n %put compare string (str2) = &str2;\n %return;\n%end;\n%let count_base=%sysfunc(countw(&Str2));\n%let count_extr=%sysfunc(countw(&Str1));\n\n%do i=1 %to &count_extr;\n %let extr_word=%scan(&Str1,&i,%str( ));\n %let match=0;\n %do i2=1 %to &count_base;\n %let base_word=%scan(&Str2,&i2,%str( ));\n %if &extr_word=&base_word %then %let match=1;\n %end;\n %if &match=0 %then %let outvar=&outvar &extr_word;\n%end;\n\n &outvar\n\n%mend mf_wordsInStr1ButNotStr2;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_isblank(param\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %sysevalf(%superq(param)=,boolean)\n\n%mend mf_isblank;\n\n\n%macro mp_dropmembers(\n list /* space separated list of datasets / views */\n ,libref=WORK /* can only drop from a single library at a time */\n ,iftrue=%str(1=1)\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n %if %mf_isblank(&list) %then %do;\n %put NOTE: nothing to drop!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n proc datasets lib=&libref nolist;\n delete &list;\n delete &list /mtype=view;\n run;\n%mend mp_dropmembers;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getquotedstr(IN_STR\n ,DLM=%str(,)\n ,QUOTE=S\n ,indlm=%str( )\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n /* credit Rowland Hale - byte34 is double quote, 39 is single quote */\n %if "e=S %then %let quote=%qsysfunc(byte(39));\n %else %if "e=D %then %let quote=%qsysfunc(byte(34));\n %else %if "e=N %then %let quote=;\n %local i item buffer;\n %let i=1;\n %do %while (%qscan(&IN_STR,&i,%str(&indlm)) ne %str() ) ;\n %let item=%qscan(&IN_STR,&i,%str(&indlm));\n %if %bquote("E) ne %then %let item="E%qtrim(&item)"E;\n %else %let item=%qtrim(&item);\n\n %if (&i = 1) %then %let buffer =%qtrim(&item);\n %else %let buffer =&buffer&DLM%qtrim(&item);\n\n %let i = %eval(&i+1);\n %end;\n\n %let buffer=%sysfunc(coalescec(%qtrim(&buffer),"E"E));\n\n &buffer\n\n%mend mf_getquotedstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_nobs(libds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %mf_getattrn(&libds,NLOBS)\n%mend mf_nobs;\n\n\n%macro mp_retainedkey(\n base_lib=WORK\n ,base_dsn=BASETABLE\n ,append_lib=WORK\n ,append_dsn=APPENDTABLE\n ,retained_key=DEFAULT_RK\n ,business_key= PK1 PK2\n ,check_uniqueness=NO\n ,maxkeytable=0\n ,locktable=0\n ,outds=WORK.APPEND\n ,filter_str=\n);\n%put &sysmacroname entry vars:;\n%put _local_;\n\n%local base_libds app_libds key_field check maxkey idx_pk newkey_cnt iserr\n msg x tempds1 tempds2 comma_pk appnobs checknobs dropvar tempvar idx_val;\n%let base_libds=%upcase(&base_lib..&base_dsn);\n%let app_libds=%upcase(&append_lib..&append_dsn);\n%let tempds1=%mf_getuniquename();\n%let tempds2=%mf_getuniquename();\n%let comma_pk=%mf_getquotedstr(in_str=%str(&business_key),dlm=%str(,),quote=);\n%let outds=%sysfunc(ifc(%index(&outds,.)=0,work.&outds,&outds));\n/* validation checks */\n%let iserr=0;\n%if &syscc>0 %then %do;\n %let iserr=1;\n %let msg=%str(SYSCC=&syscc on macro entry);\n%end;\n%else %if %sysfunc(exist(&base_libds))=0 %then %do;\n %let iserr=1;\n %let msg=%str(Base LIBDS (&base_libds) expected but NOT FOUND);\n%end;\n%else %if %sysfunc(exist(&app_libds))=0 %then %do;\n %let iserr=1;\n %let msg=%str(Append LIBDS (&app_libds) expected but NOT FOUND);\n%end;\n%else %if &maxkeytable ne 0 and %sysfunc(exist(&maxkeytable))=0 %then %do;\n %let iserr=1;\n %let msg=%str(Maxkeytable (&maxkeytable) expected but NOT FOUND);\n%end;\n%else %if &maxkeytable ne 0 and %sysfunc(exist(&locktable))=0 %then %do;\n %let iserr=1;\n %let msg=%str(Locktable (&locktable) expected but NOT FOUND);\n%end;\n%else %if %length(&business_key)=0 %then %do;\n %let iserr=1;\n %let msg=%str(Business key (&business_key) expected but NOT FOUND);\n%end;\n\n%do x=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&business_key));\n /* check business key values exist */\n %let key_field=%scan(&business_key,&x,%str( ));\n %if not %mf_existvar(&app_libds,&key_field) %then %do;\n %let iserr=1;\n %let msg=Business key (&key_field) not found on &app_libds!;\n %goto err;\n %end;\n %else %if not %mf_existvar(&base_libds,&key_field) %then %do;\n %let iserr=1;\n %let msg=Business key (&key_field) not found on &base_libds!;\n %goto err;\n %end;\n%end;\n%err:\n%if &iserr=1 %then %do;\n /* err case so first perform an unlock of the base table before exiting */\n %mp_lockanytable(\n UNLOCK,lib=&base_lib,ds=&base_dsn,ref=%superq(msg),ctl_ds=&locktable\n )\n%end;\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&iserr=1),mac=mp_retainedkey,msg=%superq(msg))\n\nproc sql noprint;\nselect sum(max(&retained_key),0) into: maxkey from &base_libds;\n\n/**\n * get base table RK and bus field values for lookup\n */\nproc sql noprint;\ncreate table &tempds1 as\n select distinct &comma_pk,&retained_key\n from &base_libds &filter_str\n order by &comma_pk,&retained_key;\n\n%if &check_uniqueness=YES %then %do;\n select count(*) into:checknobs\n from (select distinct &comma_pk from &app_libds);\n select count(*) into: appnobs from &app_libds; /* might be view */\n %if &checknobs ne &appnobs %then %do;\n %let msg=Source table &app_libds is not unique on (&business_key);\n %let iserr=1;\n %end;\n%end;\n%if &iserr=1 %then %do;\n /* err case so first perform an unlock of the base table before exiting */\n %mp_lockanytable(\n UNLOCK,lib=&base_lib,ds=&base_dsn,ref=%superq(msg),ctl_ds=&locktable\n )\n%end;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&iserr=1),mac=mp_retainedkey,msg=%superq(msg))\n\n%if %mf_existvar(&app_libds,&retained_key)\n%then %let dropvar=(drop=&retained_key);\n\n/* prepare interim table with retained key populated for matching keys */\nproc sql noprint;\ncreate table &tempds2 as\n select b.&retained_key, a.*\n from &app_libds &dropvar a\n left join &tempds1 b\n on 1\n %do idx_pk=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&business_key));\n %let idx_val=%scan(&business_key,&idx_pk);\n and a.&idx_val=b.&idx_val\n %end;\n order by &retained_key;\n\n/* identify the number of entries without retained keys (new records) */\nselect count(*) into: newkey_cnt\n from &tempds2\n where missing(&retained_key);\nquit;\n\n/**\n * Update maxkey table if link provided\n */\n%if &maxkeytable ne 0 %then %do;\n proc sql noprint;\n select count(*) into: check from &maxkeytable\n where upcase(keytable)=\"&base_libds\";\n\n %mp_lockanytable(LOCK\n ,lib=%scan(&maxkeytable,1,.)\n ,ds=%scan(&maxkeytable,2,.)\n ,ref=Updating maxkeyvalues with mp_retainedkey\n ,ctl_ds=&locktable\n )\n proc sql;\n %if &check=0 %then %do;\n insert into &maxkeytable\n set keytable=\"&base_libds\"\n ,keycolumn=\"&retained_key\"\n ,max_key=%eval(&maxkey+&newkey_cnt)\n ,processed_dttm=\"%sysfunc(datetime(),%mf_fmtdttm())\"dt;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n update &maxkeytable\n set max_key=%eval(&maxkey+&newkey_cnt)\n ,processed_dttm=\"%sysfunc(datetime(),%mf_fmtdttm())\"dt\n where keytable=\"&base_libds\";\n %end;\n %mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK\n ,lib=%scan(&maxkeytable,1,.)\n ,ds=%scan(&maxkeytable,2,.)\n ,ref=Updating maxkeyvalues with maxkey=%eval(&maxkey+&newkey_cnt)\n ,ctl_ds=&locktable\n )\n%end;\n\n/* fill in the missing retained key values */\n%let tempvar=%mf_getuniquename();\ndata &outds(drop=&tempvar);\n retain &tempvar %eval(&maxkey+1);\n set &tempds2;\n if &retained_key =. then &retained_key=&tempvar;\n &tempvar=&tempvar+1;\nrun;\n\n%mend mp_retainedkey;\n\n\n\n/** @cond */\n\n%macro mp_storediffs(libds\n ,origds\n ,key\n ,delds=0\n ,appds=0\n ,modds=0\n ,outds=work.mp_storediffs\n ,loadref=0\n ,processed_dttm=0\n ,mdebug=0\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local dbg;\n%if &mdebug=1 %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname entry vars:;\n %put _local_;\n%end;\n%else %let dbg=*;\n\n/* set up unique and temporary vars */\n%local ds1 ds2 ds3 ds4 hashkey inds_auto inds_keep dslist vlist;\n%let ds1=%upcase(work.%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mpsd_ds1));\n%let ds2=%upcase(work.%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mpsd_ds2));\n%let ds3=%upcase(work.%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mpsd_ds3));\n%let ds4=%upcase(work.%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mpsd_ds4));\n%let hashkey=%upcase(%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mpsd_hashkey));\n%let inds_auto=%upcase(%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mpsd_inds_auto));\n%let inds_keep=%upcase(%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mpsd_inds_keep));\n\n%let dslist=&origds;\n%if &delds ne 0 %then %do;\n %let delds=%upcase(&delds);\n %if %scan(&delds,-1,.)=&delds %then %let delds=WORK.&delds;\n %let dslist=&dslist &delds;\n%end;\n%if &appds ne 0 %then %do;\n %let appds=%upcase(&appds);\n %if %scan(&appds,-1,.)=&appds %then %let appds=WORK.&appds;\n %let dslist=&dslist &appds;\n%end;\n%if &modds ne 0 %then %do;\n %let modds=%upcase(&modds);\n %if %scan(&modds,-1,.)=&modds %then %let modds=WORK.&modds;\n %let dslist=&dslist &modds;\n%end;\n\n%let origds=%upcase(&origds);\n%if %scan(&origds,-1,.)=&origds %then %let origds=WORK.&origds;\n\n%let key=%upcase(&key);\n\n/* hash the key and append all the tables (marking the source) */\ndata &ds1;\n set &dslist indsname=&inds_auto;\n &hashkey=put(md5(catx('|',%mf_getquotedstr(&key,quote=N))),$hex32.);\n &inds_keep=upcase(&inds_auto);\nproc sort;\n by &inds_keep &hashkey;\nrun;\n\n/* transpose numeric & char vars */\nproc transpose data=&ds1\n out=&ds2(rename=(&hashkey=key_hash _name_=tgtvar_nm col1=newval_num));\n by &inds_keep &hashkey;\n var _numeric_;\nrun;\nproc transpose data=&ds1\n out=&ds3(\n rename=(&hashkey=key_hash _name_=tgtvar_nm col1=newval_char)\n where=(tgtvar_nm not in (\"&hashkey\",\"&inds_keep\"))\n );\n by &inds_keep &hashkey;\n var _character_;\nrun;\n\n%if %index(&libds,-)>0 and %scan(&libds,2,-)=FC %then %do;\n /* this is a format catalog - cannot query cols directly */\n %let vlist=\"TYPE\",\"FMTNAME\",\"FMTROW\",\"START\",\"END\",\"LABEL\",\"MIN\",\"MAX\"\n ,\"DEFAULT\",\"LENGTH\",\"FUZZ\",\"PREFIX\",\"MULT\",\"FILL\",\"NOEDIT\",\"SEXCL\"\n ,\"EEXCL\",\"HLO\",\"DECSEP\",\"DIG3SEP\",\"DATATYPE\",\"LANGUAGE\";\n%end;\n%else %let vlist=%mf_getvarlist(&libds,dlm=%str(,),quote=DOUBLE);\n\ndata &ds4;\n length &inds_keep $41 tgtvar_nm $32 _label_ $256;\n if _n_=1 then call missing(_label_);\n drop _label_;\n set &ds2 &ds3 indsname=&inds_auto;\n\n tgtvar_nm=upcase(tgtvar_nm);\n if tgtvar_nm in (%upcase(&vlist));\n\n if upcase(&inds_auto)=\"&ds2\" then tgtvar_type='N';\n else if upcase(&inds_auto)=\"&ds3\" then tgtvar_type='C';\n else do;\n putlog 'ERR' +(-1) \"OR: unidentified vartype input!\" &inds_auto;\n call symputx('syscc',98);\n end;\n\n if &inds_keep=\"&appds\" then move_type='A';\n else if &inds_keep=\"&delds\" then move_type='D';\n else if &inds_keep=\"&modds\" then move_type='M';\n else if &inds_keep=\"&origds\" then move_type='O';\n else do;\n putlog 'ERR' +(-1) \"OR: unidentified movetype input!\" &inds_keep;\n call symputx('syscc',99);\n end;\n tgtvar_nm=upcase(tgtvar_nm);\n if tgtvar_nm in (%mf_getquotedstr(&key)) then is_pk=1;\n else is_pk=0;\n drop &inds_keep;\nrun;\n\n%if \"&loadref\"=\"0\" %then %let loadref=%sysfunc(uuidgen());\n%if &processed_dttm=0 %then %let processed_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime(),8.6);\n%let libds=%upcase(&libds);\n\n/* join orig vals for modified & deleted */\nproc sql;\ncreate table &outds as\n select \"&loadref\" as load_ref length=36\n ,&processed_dttm as processed_dttm format=E8601DT26.6\n ,\"%scan(&libds,1,.)\" as libref length=8\n ,\"%scan(&libds,2,.)\" as dsn length=32\n ,b.key_hash length=32\n ,b.move_type length=1\n ,b.tgtvar_nm length=32\n ,b.is_pk\n ,case when b.move_type ne 'M' then -1\n when a.newval_num=b.newval_num and a.newval_char=b.newval_char then 0\n else 1\n end as is_diff\n ,b.tgtvar_type length=1\n ,case when b.move_type='D' then b.newval_num\n else a.newval_num\n end as oldval_num format=best32.\n ,case when b.move_type='D' then .\n else b.newval_num\n end as newval_num format=best32.\n ,case when b.move_type='D' then b.newval_char\n else a.newval_char\n end as oldval_char length=32765\n ,case when b.move_type='D' then ''\n else b.newval_char\n end as newval_char length=32765\n from &ds4(where=(move_type='O')) as a\n right join &ds4(where=(move_type ne 'O')) as b\n on a.tgtvar_nm=b.tgtvar_nm\n and a.key_hash=b.key_hash\n order by move_type, key_hash,is_pk desc, tgtvar_nm;\n\n%if &mdebug=0 %then %do;\n proc sql;\n drop table &ds1, &ds2, &ds3, &ds4;\n%end;\n\n%mend mp_storediffs;\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n%macro bitemporal_dataloader(\n bus_from= /* Business FROM datetime variable. Req'd on\n STAGING & BASE tables.*/\n ,bus_to = /* Business TO datetime variable. Req'd on\n STAGING & BASE tables. */\n ,bus_from_override= /* Provide a hard coded BUS_FROM datetime value.*/\n ,bus_to_override= /* provide a hard coded BUS_TO datetime value */\n ,tech_from= /* Technical FROM datetime variable. Req'd on\n BASE table only. */\n ,tech_to = /* Technical TO datetime variable. Req'd on BASE\n table only. */\n ,processed= 0\n ,base_lib=WORK /* Libref of the BASE table. */\n ,base_dsn=BASETABLE /* Name of BASE table. */\n ,append_lib=WORK /* Libref of the STAGING table. */\n ,append_dsn=APPENDTABLE\n ,high_date='01JAN5999:00:00:00'dt /* High date to close out records */\n ,PK= name sex\n ,RK_UNDERLYING=\n ,KEEPVARS= /* Provides option for removing unwanted vars from append table */\n ,RK_UPDATE_MAXKEYTABLE=NO /* If switching (or mix matching) with regular\n SCD2 loader then set this switch to YES to\n ensure the MAXKEYTABLE is updated with the\n current maximum RK value for the target table\n */\n ,CHECK_UNIQUENESS=YES /* Perform a check of the APPEND table to ensure it is\n unique on its business key */\n ,ETLSOURCE=demo /* supply a value ($50.) to show as ETLSOURCE in\n &dclib..DATALOADS */\n ,LOADTYPE=BITEMPORAL\n ,RK_MAXKEYTABLE= mpe_maxkeyvalues\n ,LOG=1 /* Switch to 0 to prevent records being added to\n &mpelib..mpe_DATALOADS (ie when testing)*/\n ,DELETE_COL= _____DELETE__THIS__RECORD_____\n /* If this variable is found in the append dataset\n then records are closed out (or deleted) in the\n append table where that variable= \"Yes\" */\n ,LOADTARGET=YES /* set to anything but uppercase YES to switch off\n target table load and generate temp tables only */\n ,CLOSE_VARS=\n/*a problem with regular SCD2 or TXTEMPORAL loads is that there is\n no facility to close out removed records (all records are\n assumed new or changed). But how does one determine which\n records are removed? Short of loading the entire table\n each time? This parameter allows a set of variables\n (this should be a subset of the PK) to be declared, and\n the macro will determine which records in the base table\n need to be closed out ahead of the load.\n\n For instance, given the following:\n\n Base Table Staging Table\n DATE ENTITY AMOUNT DATE ENTITY AMOUNT\n JAN ACME4 66 JAN ACME4 66\n FEB ACME4 99 FEB ACME4 99\n FEB ACME1 22\n\n By supplying DATE in CLOSE_VARS and DATE ENTITY as the PK,\n the \"FEB PAG 22\" record would get closed out.\n */\n ,config_table=&dclib..MPE_CONFIG\n ,dclib=&dc_libref\n ,outds_del=work.outds_del\n ,outds_add=work.outds_add\n ,outds_mod=work.outds_mod\n ,outds_audit=0\n );\n\n/* when changing this macro, update the version num here */\n%local ver;\n%let ver=32;\n%put &sysmacroname entry vars:;\n%put _local_;\n\n%dc_assignlib(WRITE,&base_lib) /* may not already be assigned */\n\n/* return straight away if nothing to load */\n%let nobs= %mf_getattrn(&append_lib..&append_dsn,NLOBS);\n%if &nobs=-1 %then %do;\n proc sql noprint; select count(*) into: nobs from &append_lib..&append_dsn;\n%end;\n%if &nobs=0 %then %do;\n %put NOTE:; %put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;\n %put NOTE- Base dataset &append_lib..&append_dsn is empty. Nothing to upload!;\n %put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* hard exit if err condition exists */\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc > 0)\n ,mac=bitemporal_dataloader\n ,msg=%str(Bitemporal transform / job aborted due to SYSCC=&SYSCC status;)\n)\n\n%local engine_type;\n%let engine_type=%mf_getengine(&base_lib);\n%if (&engine_type=REDSHIFT or &engine_type=POSTGRES) and %length(&CLOSE_VARS)>0\n%then %do;\n %put NOTE:; %put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;\n %put NOTE- CLOSE_VARS functionality not yet supported in &engine_type;\n %put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * The metadata functions (eg mf_existvar) will fail if the base table has a\n * SAS lock. So, make a snapshot of the base table for further use.\n * Also, make output tables (regardless).\n */\n%local basecopy;\n%let basecopy=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=basecopy);\n\ndata &basecopy &outds_mod &outds_add &outds_del;\n set &base_lib..&base_dsn;\n stop;\nrun;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc > 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after base table copy - aborting due to table lock)\n)\n\n\n%local cols idx_pk md5_col ;\n%let md5_col=___TMP___md5;\n%let check_uniqueness=%upcase(&check_uniqueness);\n%let RK_UPDATE_MAXKEYTABLE=%upcase(&RK_UPDATE_MAXKEYTABLE);\n%let high_date=%unquote(&high_date);\n%let loadtype=%upcase(&loadtype);\n\n/* ensure irrelevant variables are cleared */\n%if &loadtype=BUSTEMPORAL %then %do;\n %let tech_from=;\n %let tech_to=;\n%end;\n%else %if &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL or &loadtype=UPDATE %then %do;\n %let bus_from=;\n %let bus_to=;\n%end;\n\n/* ensure relevant variables are supplied */\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&loadtype=BITEMPORAL & %mf_verifymacvars(bus_from bus_to)=0)\n ,mac=bitemporal_dataloader\n ,msg=%str(Missing BUS_FROM / BUS_TO)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&loadtype=TXTEMPORAL & %mf_verifymacvars(tech_from tech_to)=0)\n ,mac=bitemporal_dataloader\n ,msg=%str(Missing TECH_FROM / TECH_TO)\n)\n\n/**\n * drop any tables (may be defined as views or vice versa preventing overwrite)\n */\n%mp_dropmembers(append bitemp0_append bitemp_cols)\n\n/* SQL Server requires its own time values */\n/* 9.2 will only give picture format down to seconds. 9.3 allows\n milliseconds by using lower S and defining the decimal in the format name..*/\nPROC FORMAT;\n picture MyMSdt other='%0Y-%0m-%0dT%0H:%0M:%0S' (datatype=datetime);\nRUN;\n%local dbnow;\n%let dbnow=\"%sysfunc(datetime(),%mf_fmtdttm())\"dt;\n\ndata _null_;\n /* convert space separated macvar to comma separated for SQL processing */\n call symputx('PK_COMMA',tranwrd(compbl(\"&pk\"),' ',','),'L');\n call symputx('PK_CNT',countw(\"&pk\",' '),'L');\n now=&dbnow;\n call symputx('NOW',now,'L');\n call symputx('SQLNOW',cats(\"'\",put(now,MyMSdt.),\"'\"),'L');\n length etlsource $100;\n etlsource=subpad(symget('etlsource'),1,100);\n call symputx('etlsource',etlsource,'l');\nrun;\n\n/**\n * Even if no PROCESSED var provided, assume that any variable named\n * PROCESSED_DTTM should be updated\n */\n%if &processed=0 %then %do;\n %if %mf_existvar(&basecopy,PROCESSED_DTTM)\n %then %let processed=PROCESSED_DTTM;\n %else %let processed=;\n%end;\n\n\n/* extract colnames for md5 creation / change tracking */\nproc contents noprint data=&base_lib..&base_dsn\n out=work.bitemp_cols (keep=name type length varnum format:);\nrun;\nproc sql noprint;\nselect name into: cols separated by ','\n from work.bitemp_cols\n where upcase(name) not in\n (%upcase(\"&bus_from\",\"&bus_to\"\n ,\"&tech_from\",\"&tech_to\"\n ,\"&processed\",\"&delete_col\")) ;\nselect case when type in (2,6) then cats('put(md5(trim(',name,')),$hex32.)')\n /* multiply by 1 to strip precision errors (eg 0 != 0) */\n /* but ONLY if not missing, else will lose any special missing values */\n else cats('put(md5(trim(put(ifn(missing('\n ,name,'),',name,',',name,'*1),binary64.))),$hex32.)') end\n into: stripcols separated by '||'\n from work.bitemp_cols\n where upcase(name) not in\n (%upcase(\"&bus_from\",\"&bus_to\"\n ,\"&tech_from\",\"&tech_to\"\n ,\"&processed\",\"&delete_col\")) ;\n\n/* set default formats*/\n%let bus_from_fmt = datetime19.;\n%let bus_to_fmt = datetime19.;\n%let processed_fmt = datetime19.;\n\n%let tech_from_fmt = format=datetime19.;\n%let tech_to_fmt = format=datetime19.;\n\n\n%put &=stripcols;\n%put &=pk;\n\ndata _null_;\n set work.bitemp_cols;\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n if format='' then fmt=cats(length,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n if upcase(name)=\"%upcase(&bus_from)\" then\n call symputx('bus_from_fmt',fmt,'L');\n else if upcase(name)=\"%upcase(&bus_to)\" then\n call symputx('bus_to_fmt',fmt,'L');\n else if upcase(name)=\"%upcase(&tech_from)\" then\n call symputx('tech_from_fmt',\"format=\"!!fmt,'L');\n else if upcase(name)=\"%upcase(&tech_to)\" then\n call symputx('tech_to_fmt',\"format=\"!!fmt,'L');\n else if upcase(name)=\"%upcase(&processed)\" then\n call symputx('processed_fmt',fmt,'L');\nrun;\n\n%if %index(%quote(&cols),___TMP___) %then %do;\n %let msg=%str(Table contains a variable name containing \"___TMP___\".%trim(\n ) This may conflict with temp variable generation!!);\n %mp_abort(msg=&msg,mac=bitemporal_dataloader);\n %let syscc=5;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* if transaction dates appear on the APPEND table, need to remove them */\n%local drop_tx_dates /* used in append table */\n drop_tx_dates_noobs /* used to take the base table structure */;\n%if %mf_existvar(&append_lib..&append_dsn, &tech_from)\n %then %let drop_tx_dates=&tech_from;\n%if %mf_existvar(&append_lib..&append_dsn, &tech_to)\n %then %let drop_tx_dates=&drop_tx_dates &tech_to;\n%if %length(%trim(&drop_tx_dates))>0\n %then %let drop_tx_dates=(drop=&drop_tx_dates);\n\n%if %mf_existvar(&basecopy, &tech_from)\n %then %let drop_tx_dates_noobs=&tech_from;\n%if %mf_existvar(&basecopy, &tech_to)\n %then %let drop_tx_dates_noobs=&drop_tx_dates_noobs &tech_to;\n%if %length(%trim(&drop_tx_dates_noobs))>0\n %then %let drop_tx_dates_noobs=(drop=&drop_tx_dates_noobs obs=0);\n%else %let drop_tx_dates_noobs=(obs=0);\n\n\n/**\n * Lock the table. This is necessary as we are doing a two part update (first\n * closing records then appending new records). It is theoretically possible\n * that an upload may occur whilst preparing the staging tables. And the\n * staging tables are about to be prepared..\n */\n%if &LOADTARGET = YES %then %do;\n %put locking &base_lib..&base_dsn;\n %mp_lockanytable(LOCK,\n lib=&base_lib,ds=&base_dsn,ref=&ETLSOURCE,ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n %if \"&outds_audit\" ne \"0\" %then %do;\n %put locking &outds_audit;\n %mp_lockanytable(LOCK\n ,lib=%scan(&outds_audit,1,.)\n ,ds=%scan(&outds_audit,2,.)\n ,ref=&ETLSOURCE\n ,ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n /* not an actual load, so avoid updating the max key table in next step. */\n %let rk_update_maxkeytable=NO;\n%end;\n\n%if %length(&RK_UNDERLYING)>0 %then %do;\n %mp_retainedkey(\n base_lib=&base_lib\n ,base_dsn=&base_dsn\n ,append_lib=&append_lib\n ,append_dsn=&append_dsn\n ,retained_key=&pk\n ,business_key=&rk_underlying\n ,check_uniqueness=&CHECK_UNIQUENESS\n ,outds=work.append\n %if &rk_update_maxkeytable=NO %then %do;\n ,maxkeytable=0\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ,maxkeytable=&dclib..&RK_MAXKEYTABLE\n %end;\n ,locktable=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n %if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL %then %do;\n ,filter_str=%str( (where=( &now < &tech_to)) )\n %end;\n )\n%end;\n%else %do;\n proc sql;\n create view work.append as select * from &append_lib..&append_dsn;\n%end;\n/**\n* generate md5 for append table\n*/\n/* it is possible the source dataset has additional (unwanted) columns.\n Drop if specified; */\n%if %length(&keepvars)>0 %then %do;\n /* remove tech dates from keepvars as they are generated later */\n %let keepvars=%sysfunc(tranwrd(%str( &keepvars ),%str( &tech_from ),%str( )));\n %let keepvars=%sysfunc(tranwrd(%str( &keepvars ),%str( &tech_to ),%str( )));\n %let keepvars=(keep=&keepvars &bus_from &bus_to &processed &md5_col);\n%end;\n\n/* CAS varchar types cause append issues here, so perform autoconvert\n by creating empty local table first */\ndata;\n set &base_lib..&base_dsn &drop_tx_dates_noobs;\nrun;\n%local emptybasetable; %let emptybasetable=&syslast;\n\ndata work.bitemp0_append &keepvars &outds_del(drop=&md5_col )\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n /nonote2err\n %end;\n ;\n /* apply formats for bitemporal vars but not tx dates which are added later */\n %if %length(&keepvars)>0 and &loadtype=BITEMPORAL %then %do;\n format &bus_from &bus_from_fmt;\n format &bus_to &bus_to_fmt;\n %end;\n set &emptybasetable /* base table reqd in case append has fewer cols */\n work.append &drop_tx_dates;\n %if %length(%str(&bus_from_override))>0 %then %do;\n &bus_from= %unquote(&bus_from_override) ;\n %end;\n %if %length(%str(&bus_to_override))>0 %then %do;\n &bus_to= %unquote(&bus_to_override) ;\n %end;\n length &md5_col $32;\n &md5_col=put(md5(&stripcols),hex32.);\n %if %length(&processed)>0 %then %do;\n format &processed &processed_fmt;\n &processed=&now;\n %end;\n\n/**\n * If a delete column exists then create the delete dataset\n */\n%if %mf_existvar(&append_lib..&append_dsn, &delete_col) %then %do;\n drop &delete_col;\n if upcase(&delete_col) = \"YES\" then output &outds_del ;\n else output work.bitemp0_append ;\n run;\n\n %if %mf_getattrn(&outds_del,NLOBS)>0 %then %do;\n %bitemporal_closeouts(\n tech_from=&tech_from\n ,tech_to = &tech_to\n ,base_lib=&base_lib\n ,base_dsn=&base_dsn\n ,append_lib=work\n ,append_dsn=%scan(&outds_del,-1,.)\n ,PK=&bus_from &pk\n ,NOW=&dbnow\n ,loadtarget=&loadtarget\n ,loadtype=&loadtype\n )\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n output work.bitemp0_append;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc gt 0 at line 494)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc)\n)\n\n%if %length(&close_vars)>0 %then %do;\n /**\n * need to close out records that are not provided\n */\n proc sql;\n create table bitemp1_closevars1 as\n select distinct a.%mf_getquotedstr(in_str=&pk,dlm=%str(,a.),quote=)\n from &base_lib..&base_dsn a\n inner join work.bitemp0_append b\n on 1=1\n /* join on closevars key */\n %do idx_pk=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&close_vars));\n %let idx_val=%scan(&close_vars,&idx_pk);\n and a.&idx_val=b.&idx_val\n %end;\n /* filter base on tech dates if necessary */\n %if &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL %then %do;\n where a.&tech_from <=&now and &now < a.&tech_to\n %end;\n ;\n create table bitemp1_closevars2 as\n select distinct a.*\n from bitemp1_closevars1 a\n left join work.bitemp0_append b\n on 1=1\n /* join on primary key */\n %do idx_pk=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&pk));\n %let idx_val=%scan(&pk,&idx_pk);\n and a.&idx_val=b.&idx_val\n %end;\n /* identify removed records by null value in a field in PK but not close_vars\n */\n where b.%scan(\n %mf_wordsInStr1ButNotStr2(Str1=&pk,Str2=&close_vars),1,%str( )\n ) IS NULL\n ;\n\n %if %mf_getattrn(bitemp1_closevars2,NLOBS)>0 %then %do;\n %bitemporal_closeouts(\n tech_from=&tech_from\n ,tech_to = &tech_to\n ,base_lib=&base_lib\n ,base_dsn=&base_dsn\n ,append_lib=work\n ,append_dsn=bitemp1_closevars2\n ,PK=&bus_from &pk\n ,NOW=&dbnow\n ,loadtarget=&loadtarget\n ,loadtype=&loadtype\n )\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* return if nothing to load (was just deletes) */\n%if %mf_getattrn(work.bitemp0_append,NLOBS)=0 %then %do;\n %put NOTE:; %put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;\n %put NOTE- No updates - just deletes!;\n %put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;\n%end;\n\n\n/**\n * If applying manual overrides to business dates, then the input table MUST\n * be unique on the PK. Check, and if not - abort.\n */\n%local msg;\n%if %length(&bus_from_override.&bus_to_override)>0 or &CHECK_UNIQUENESS=YES\n%then %do;\n proc sort data=work.bitemp0_append out=work.bitemp0_check nodupkey;\n by &pk;\n run;\n %if %mf_getattrn(work.bitemp0_check,NLOBS)\n ne %mf_getattrn(work.bitemp0_append,NLOBS)\n %then %do;\n %let msg=INPUT table &append_lib..&append_dsn is not unique on PK (&pk);\n %mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK,lib=&base_lib,ds=&base_dsn,ref=&ETLSOURCE (&msg),\n ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n %mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK\n ,lib=%scan(&outds_audit,1,.)\n ,ds=%scan(&outds_audit,2,.)\n ,ref=&ETLSOURCE\n ,ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n %mp_abort(msg=&msg,mac=bitemporal_dataloader.sas);\n %end;\n%end;\n\n\n/**\n* extract from BASE table. Only want matching records, as could be very BIG.\n* New records are subsequently identified via left join and test for nulls.\n*/\n%local temp_table temp_table2 base_table baselib_schema;\n%put DCNOTE: Extracting matching observations from &base_lib..&base_dsn;\n\n%if &engine_type=OLEDB %then %do;\n %let temp_table=##%mf_getuniquefileref(prefix=BTMP);\n %if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL %then\n %let base_table=(select * from [dbo].&base_dsn\n where convert(datetime,&SQLNOW) < &tech_to );\n %else %let base_table=[dbo].&base_dsn;\n proc sql;\n create table &base_lib..\"&temp_table\"n as\n select * from work.bitemp0_append;\n /* open up a connection for pass through SQL */\n %dc_assignlib(WRITE,&base_lib,passthru=myAlias)\n create table work.bitemp0_base as select * from connection to myAlias(\n%end;\n%else %if &engine_type=REDSHIFT or &engine_type=POSTGRES %then %do;\n /* grab schema */\n %let baselib_schema=%mf_getschema(&base_lib);\n %if &baselib_schema.X ne X %then %let baselib_schema=&baselib_schema..;\n\n /* grab redshift config */\n %local redcnt; %let redcnt=0;\n %if &engine_type=REDSHIFT %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &config_table(where=(var_scope='DCBL_REDSH' and var_active=1));\n x+1;\n call symputx(cats('rednm',x),var_value,'l');\n call symputx(cats('redval',x),var_value,'l');\n call symputx('redcnt',x,'l');\n run;\n %end;\n /* cannot persist temp tables so must create a temporary permanent table */\n %let temp_table=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=XDCTEMP);\n %if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL %then\n %let base_table=(select * from &baselib_schema.&base_dsn\n where timestamp &sqlnow < &tech_to );\n %else %let base_table=&baselib_schema.&base_dsn;\n /* make empty table first - must clone & drop extra cols as autoload is bad */\n %dc_assignlib(WRITE,&base_lib,passthru=myAlias)\n\n exec (create table &temp_table (like &baselib_schema.&base_dsn)) by myAlias;\n %if &engine_type=REDSHIFT %then %do;\n exec (alter table &temp_table alter sortkey none) by myAlias;\n %end;\n %local dropcols;\n %let dropcols=%mf_wordsinstr1butnotstr2(\n str1=%upcase(%mf_getvarlist(&basecopy))\n ,str2=%upcase(&pk)\n );\n %if %length(&dropcols>0) %then %do idx_pk=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&dropcols));\n %put &=dropcols;\n %let idx_val=%scan(&dropcols,&idx_pk);\n exec(alter table &temp_table drop column &idx_val;) by myAlias;\n %end;\n exec (alter table &temp_table add column &md5_col varchar(32);) by myAlias;\n /* create view to strip formats and avoid warns in log */\n data work.vw_bitemp0/view=work.vw_bitemp0;\n set work.bitemp0_append(keep=&pk &md5_col);\n format _all_;\n run;\n proc append base=&base_lib..&temp_table\n %if &engine_type=REDSHIFT %then %do;\n (\n %do idx_pk=1 %to &redcnt;\n &&rednm&idx_pk = &&redval&idxpk\n %end;\n )\n %end;\n data=work.vw_bitemp0 force nowarn;\n run;\n /* open up a connection for pass through SQL */\n %dc_assignlib(WRITE,&base_lib,passthru=myAlias)\n create table work.bitemp0_base as select * from connection to myAlias(\n%end;\n%else %if &engine_type=CAS %then %do;\n %if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL %then\n %let base_table=&base_lib..&base_dsn\n (where=(&tech_from <=&now and &now < &tech_to));\n %else %let base_table=&base_lib..&base_dsn;\n %let temp_table=CASUSER.%mf_getuniquename(prefix=DC);\n data &temp_table;\n set work.bitemp0_append;\n run;\n %let bitemp0base=CASUSER.%mf_getuniquename(prefix=DC);\n proc fedsql sessref=dcsession;\n create table &bitemp0base{options replace=true} as\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %let temp_table=work.bitemp0_append;\n %if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL %then\n %let base_table=&base_lib..&base_dsn\n (where=(&tech_from <=&now and &now < &tech_to));\n %else %let base_table=&base_lib..&base_dsn;\n proc sql;\n create table work.bitemp0_base as\n%end;\n\n select a.&md5_col /* this identifies NEW records */\n , b.*\n /* assume first PK field cannot be null (if defined in a PK constraint then\n it definitely cannot be null) */\n , case when b.%scan(&pk,1) IS NULL then 1 else 0 end as ___TMP___NEW_FLG\n from &baselib_schema.&temp_table a\n left join &base_table b\n on 1=1\n%do idx_pk=1 %to &pk_cnt;\n %let idx_val=%scan(&pk,&idx_pk);\n and a.&idx_val=b.&idx_val\n%end;\n\n\n%if &engine_type=OLEDB or &engine_type=REDSHIFT or &engine_type=POSTGRES\n%then %do;\n ); proc sql; drop table &base_lib..\"&temp_table\"n;\n%end;\n%else %if &engine_type=CAS %then %do;\n ;\n quit;\n data work.bitemp0_base;\n set &bitemp0base;\n run;\n proc sql;\n drop table &temp_table;\n drop table &bitemp0base;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n ;\n%end;\n\n/**\n* matching & changed records are those without NULL key values\n* &idx_val resolves to rightmost PK value (loop above)\n*/\n%put syscc (line525)=&syscc, sqlrc=&sqlrc;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc gt 0 or &sqlrc>0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc sqlrc=&sqlrc)\n)\n\n%put hashcols2=&stripcols;\nproc sql;\ncreate table work.bitemp1_current(drop=___TMP___NEW_FLG) as\n select *\n , put(md5(&stripcols),$hex32.) as &md5_col\n from work.bitemp0_base (drop=&md5_col)\n where ___TMP___NEW_FLG=0;\n\n/**\n* NEW records were identified in ___TMP___NEW_FLG in bitemp0_base\n*/\nproc sql;\ncreate table &outds_add\n (drop=&md5_col\n %if %mf_existvar(work.bitemp0_base, &delete_col) %then %do;\n &delete_col\n %end;\n )\n as select a.*\n %if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL %then %do;\n ,&now as &tech_from &tech_from_fmt\n ,&high_date as &tech_to &tech_to_fmt\n %end;\n from work.bitemp0_append a /* STAGING records (mix of existing & new) */\n , work.bitemp0_base b /* BASE records (contains null values for new) */\n where a.&md5_col=b.&md5_col /* took staging md5 across in left join */\n and b.___TMP___NEW_FLG=1; /* NEW records also identified in bitemp0_base */\n\n\n/**\n* identify INSERTS. These are records with the same business key but\n* the bus_from and bus_to value are higher / lower (respectively)\n* such that the existing record needs to be SPLIT to surround the new\n* record.\n* eg: OLD RECORD from=1 to=10\n* NEW RECORD from=5 to=7\n*\n* APPENDED RECORDS:\n* - from=1 to=5\n* - from=5 to=7\n* - from=7 to=10\n*/\n\n/* inserts cannot happen with TXTEMPORAL */\n%if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=BUSTEMPORAL %then %do;\n /* IDENTIFY */\n create table work.bitemp3_inserts as\n select b.*\n ,a.&bus_from as ___TMP___from\n ,a.&bus_to as ___TMP___to\n from work.bitemp0_append a\n ,work.bitemp1_current b\n where a.&bus_from > b.&bus_from\n and a.&bus_to < b.&bus_to\n %do idx_pk=1 %to &pk_cnt;\n %let idx_val=%scan(&pk,&idx_pk);\n and a.&idx_val=b.&idx_val\n %end;\n order by\n /* compress blanks and then insert commas (as the datetime fields may\n not be in use) */\n %sysfunc(tranwrd(%sysfunc(compbl(\n &pk &bus_from &bus_to &processed\n )),%str( ), %str(,)))\n ;\n\n /* SPLIT */\n data work.bitemp3a_inserts (drop=___TMP___from ___TMP___retain ___TMP___to) ;\n set work.bitemp3_inserts;\n by &pk &bus_from &bus_to &processed;\n if first.&idx_val then do;\n ___TMP___retain=&bus_to;\n &bus_to=___TMP___from;\n output;\n &bus_to=___TMP___retain;\n end;\n if last.&idx_val then do;\n &bus_from=___TMP___to;\n output;\n end;\n run;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n /* TX temporal load */\n data work.bitemp3a_inserts;\n set work.bitemp1_current;\n stop;\n run;\n%end;\n/* APPEND */\nproc sql;\ncreate view work.bitemp3a_view as\n select * from work.bitemp1_current\n where &md5_col not in (select &md5_col from work.bitemp3a_inserts);\n\ndata bitemp3b_newbase;\n set work.bitemp3a_inserts work.bitemp3a_view;\nrun;\n\n/** do not use! this converts short numerics into 8 bytes\nproc sql;\ncreate table work.bitemp3b_newbase as\n select * from work.bitemp3a_inserts\nunion corr\n select * from work.bitemp1_current\n where &md5_col not in (select &md5_col from work.bitemp3a_inserts);\n*/\n\n/**\n* identify CHANGED records from staging.\n* Same business key with different temporal dates or md5 value\n* This table must be overlayed onto / into existing business history\n*/\nproc sql;\ncreate table work.bitemp4_updated as select distinct a.*\n from work.bitemp0_append a\n ,work.bitemp3b_newbase b\n where 1=1\n %do idx_pk=1 %to &pk_cnt;\n %let idx_val=%scan(&pk,&idx_pk);\n and a.&idx_val=b.&idx_val\n %end;\n and ( a.&md5_col ne b.&md5_col\n %if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=BUSTEMPORAL %then %do;\n OR (a.&bus_from ne b.&bus_from or a.&bus_to ne b.&bus_to)\n %end;\n )\n;\n\n/**\n * This section would have been one simple step with union all\n * but that converts short numerics into 8 bytes!\n * so, convoluted alternative to retain the same functionality.\n */\n\n/* base records */\ncreate view work.bitemp4_prep1 as\n select 'BASE' as ___TMP___\n ,b.*\n from work.bitemp4_updated a\n ,work.bitemp3b_newbase b\n where 1\n %do idx_pk=1 %to &pk_cnt;\n %let idx_val=%scan(&pk,&idx_pk);\n and a.&idx_val=b.&idx_val\n %end;\n ;\n/* updated records */\ncreate view work.bitemp4_prep2 as\n select 'STAG' as ___TMP___ ,*\n from work.bitemp4_updated;\n/* ensure we only keep columns that appear in both */\n%local bp1 bp2 bp3 bp4;\n%let bp1=%mf_getvarlist(bitemp4_prep1);\n%let bp2=%mf_getvarlist(bitemp4_prep2);\n%let bp3=%mf_wordsInStr1ButNotStr2(Str1=&bp1,Str2=&bp2);\n%let bp4=%mf_wordsInStr1ButNotStr2(Str1=&bp2,Str2=&bp1);\ndata work.bitemp4_prep3/view=bitemp4_prep3;\n set bitemp4_prep1 bitemp4_prep2;\n%if %length(XX&bp3&bp4)>2 %then %do;\n drop &bp3 &bp4 ;\n%end;\nrun;\n/* remove duplicates */\nproc sql;\ncreate table work.bitemp4a_allrecs as\n select distinct *\n from work.bitemp4_prep3\n order by\n /* compress blanks and then insert commas (as the datetime fields\n may not be in use) */\n %sysfunc(tranwrd(%sysfunc(compbl(\n &pk &bus_from &bus_to &processed\n )),%str( ), %str(,)))\n ;\n\n%if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=BUSTEMPORAL %then %do;\n /* this section aligns the business dates\n (eg for inserts or overlaps in the range) */\n data work.bitemp4b_firstpass (drop=___TMP___cond ___TMP___from ___TMP___to );\n set work.bitemp4a_allrecs;\n by &pk &bus_from &bus_to &processed;\n retain ___TMP___cond 'Name of Condition';\n retain ___TMP___from ___TMP___to 0;\n ___TMP___md5lag=lag(&md5_col);\n /* reset retained variables */\n if first.&idx_val then do;\n call missing (___TMP___cond, ___TMP___from, ___TMP___to,___TMP___md5lag);\n end;\n else do;\n /* if record is identical, carry forward bus_from (and bus_to if higher)*/\n if &md5_col=___TMP___md5lag then do;\n &bus_from=___TMP___from;\n if &bus_to<___TMP___to then &bus_to=___TMP___to;\n end;\n end;\n\n if ___TMP___='STAG' then do;\n /* need to carry forward the closing record */\n ___TMP___cond='Condition 1';\n end;\n else if ___TMP___cond='Condition 1' then do;\n /* else ensure bus_from starts from prior record bus_to */\n if &md5_col ne ___TMP___md5lag and &bus_from <= ___TMP___to\n then &bus_from= ___TMP___to;\n /* new record may replace old record entirely */\n if &bus_to <= &bus_from then delete;\n else call missing (___TMP___cond, ___TMP___from, ___TMP___to);\n end;\n ___TMP___from=&bus_from;\n ___TMP___to=&bus_to;\n run;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n /* keep staged records only */\n data work.bitemp4b_firstpass;\n set work.bitemp4a_allrecs;\n if ___TMP___='STAG';\n run;\n%end;\n\n/* next phase is to pass through in reverse - so set up the sort statement */\n%local byvar;\n%do idx_pk=1 %to &pk_cnt;\n %let byvar=&byvar descending %scan(&pk,&idx_pk);\n%end;\n%if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=BUSTEMPORAL\n%then %let byvar=&byvar descending &bus_from descending &bus_to;\n/* if matching bus dates supplied, need to ensure we also have a sort\n between BASE and STAGING tables */\n%let byvar=&byvar descending ___TMP___;\n\nproc sort data=work.bitemp4b_firstpass out=work.bitemp4c_sort ;\n by &byvar;\nrun;\n\n/**\n* Now (in reverse) pass back business start dates\n*/\ndata work.bitemp4d_secondpass;\n%if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL %then %do;\n &tech_from=&now;\n &tech_to=&high_date;\n%end;\n set work.bitemp4c_sort ;\n by &byvar;\n retain ___TMP___cond 'Name of Condition';\n retain ___TMP___from ___TMP___to 0;\n%if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=BUSTEMPORAL %then %do;\n/* put / _all_ /;*/\n ___TMP___md5lag=lag(&md5_col);\n if first.&idx_val then do;\n /* reset retained variables */\n call missing (___TMP___cond,___TMP___from,___TMP___to,___TMP___md5lag);\n end;\n else do;\n /* if record is identical, carry back bus_to */\n if &md5_col=___TMP___md5lag then &bus_to=___TMP___to;\n end;\n\n if ___TMP___='STAG' then do;\n /* need to carry forward the closing record */\n ___TMP___cond='Condition 2';\n end;\n else if ___TMP___cond='Condition 2' then do;\n /* else ensure bus_to stops at subsequent record bus_from */\n if &md5_col ne ___TMP___md5lag and &bus_to >= ___TMP___from\n then &bus_to= ___TMP___from;\n /* new record may replace old record entirely */\n if &bus_from >= &bus_to then delete;\n if &bus_from=___TMP___from and &bus_to=___TMP___to then delete;\n else call missing (___TMP___cond, ___TMP___from, ___TMP___to);\n end;\n ___TMP___from=&bus_from;\n ___TMP___to=&bus_to;\n\n%end;\nrun;\n%put syscc (line600)=&syscc;\n/**\n There may still be some records (eg old business history) which have not\n changed.\n Need to identify these and remove from the append so they are not updated\n unnecessarily. This is done by generating a new md5 (which INCLUDES the\n business key) and any matching / identical records are split out (from those\n that need to be updated).\n*/\n\n%if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL %then %do;\n %let cat_string=catx('|' ,&bus_from,&bus_to);\n\n data work.bitemp5a_lkp (keep=&md5_col)\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" & \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n /nonote2err\n %end;\n ;\n set work.bitemp0_base;\n /* for BITEMPORAL we need to compare business dates also */\n &md5_col=put(md5(&cat_string!!'|'!!&stripcols),$hex32.);\n run;\n\n data bitemp5b_updates;\n set bitemp4d_secondpass;\n if _n_=1 then do;\n dcl hash md5_lkp(dataset:'bitemp5a_lkp');\n md5_lkp.definekey(\"&md5_col\");\n md5_lkp.definedone();\n end;\n /* drop old md5 col as will rebuild with new business dates */\n &md5_col=put(md5(&cat_string!!'|'!!&stripcols),$hex32.) ;\n if md5_lkp.check()=0 then delete;\n run;\n\n proc sql;\n /* get min bus from as will update (close out) all records from this point\n (for that PK)*/\n create table work.bitemp5d_subquery as\n select &pk_comma, min(&bus_from)as &bus_from, max(&bus_to) as &bus_to\n from work.bitemp5b_updates\n group by &pk_comma;\n /* index has a huge efficiency impact on upcoming nested subquery */\n create index index1 on work.bitemp5d_subquery(&pk_comma,&bus_from, &bus_to);\n\n %let lastds=work.bitemp5b_updates;\n%end;\n%else %if &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL or &loadtype=UPDATE %then %do;\n proc sql;\n create table work.bitemp5d_subquery as\n select distinct &pk_comma\n from bitemp4d_secondpass;\n %let lastds=work.bitemp4d_secondpass;\n%end;\n%else %let lastds=work.bitemp4d_secondpass;\n\n/* create single append table (an overlapped pre-sert may be classed as\n both an update AND a new record). Also create temp views that may be\n used for pre-load analysis. */\ndata &outds_mod;\n set &lastds(drop=___TMP___: &md5_col);\nrun;\n\ndata bitemp6_allrecs / view=bitemp6_allrecs;\n set &outds_mod /* UPDATED records */\n &outds_add /* NEW records */;\nrun;\n\nproc sort data=work.bitemp6_allrecs\n out=work.bitemp6_unique\n noduprec\n dupout=work.xx_BADBADBAD;\nby _all_;\nrun;\n\n/* we have all our temp tables now so exit if this is all that is needed */\n%if &LOADTARGET ne YES %then %return;\n\n/* also exit if an err condition exists */\n\n%if &syscc>0 %then %do;\n %put syscc=&syscc;\n %mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK,lib=&base_lib,ds=&base_dsn,ref=&ETLSOURCE,\n ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n %if \"&outds_audit\" ne \"0\" %then %do;\n %mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK\n ,lib=%scan(&outds_audit,1,.)\n ,ds=%scan(&outds_audit,2,.)\n ,ref=&ETLSOURCE\n ,ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n %end;\n%end;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc>0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname in &_program\n ,msg=%str(Bitemporal transform / job aborted due to SYSCC=&SYSCC status)\n)\n\n/* final check - abort if a lock has appeared on the target or audit table */\n%mp_lockfilecheck(libds=&base_lib..&base_dsn)\n%if %mf_existds(&outds_audit) %then %do;\n %mp_lockfilecheck(libds=&outds_audit)\n%end;\n\n/**\n* STAGING TABLES PREPARED, ERR CONDITION TESTED FOR.. NOW TO LOAD!!\n*/\n\n/**\n* First, CLOSE OUT changed records (if not a REPLACE)\n* Note that SAS does not support ANSI standard for UPDATE with a join condition.\n* However - this can be worked around using a nested subquery..\n*/\ndata _null_;\n putlog \"&sysmacroname: CLOSEOUTS commencing\";\nrun;\n\n%if %mf_getattrn(&lastds,NLOBS)=0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog \"&sysmacroname: No closeouts needed\";\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &engine_type=CAS %then %do;\n %mp_abort(iftrue= (&loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname in &_program\n ,msg=%str(&loadtype not yet supported in CAS engine)\n )\n /* create temp table for deletions */\n %local delds;%let delds=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=DC);\n data casuser.&delds;\n set work.bitemp5d_subquery;\n run;\n /* delete the records */\n proc cas ;\n table.deleteRows / table={\n caslib=\"&base_lib\",\n name=\"&base_dsn\",\n where=\"1=1\",\n whereTable={caslib='CASUSER',name=\"&delds\"}\n };\n quit;\n /* drop temp table */\n proc sql;\n drop table CASUSER.&delds;\n%end;\n%else %if (&loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL or &loadtype=UPDATE)\n%then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog \"&sysmacroname: &loadtype operation using &engine_type engine\";\n run;\n %local flexinow;\n proc sql;\n /* if OLEDB then create a temp table for efficiency */\n %local innertable;\n %if &engine_type=OLEDB %then %do;\n %let innertable=[&temp_table];\n %let top_table=[dbo].&base_dsn;\n %let flexinow=&SQLNOW;\n create table &base_lib..\"&temp_table\"n as\n select * from work.bitemp5d_subquery;\n /* open up a connection for pass through SQL */\n %dc_assignlib(WRITE,&base_lib,passthru=myAlias)\n execute(\n %end;\n %else %if &engine_type=REDSHIFT or &engine_type=POSTGRES %then %do;\n %let innertable=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=XDCTEMP);\n %let top_table=&baselib_schema.&base_dsn;\n %let flexinow=timestamp &SQLNOW;\n /* make empty table first - must clone & drop extra cols\n as autoload is bad */\n %dc_assignlib(WRITE,&base_lib,passthru=myAlias)\n exec (create table &innertable (like &baselib_schema.&base_dsn)) by myAlias;\n %if &engine_type=REDSHIFT %then %do;\n exec (alter table &innertable alter sortkey none) by myAlias;\n %end;\n %let dropcols=%mf_wordsinstr1butnotstr2(\n str1=%upcase(%mf_getvarlist(&basecopy))\n ,str2=%upcase(%mf_getvarlist(work.bitemp5d_subquery))\n );\n %if %length(&dropcols>0) %then %do idx_pk=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&dropcols));\n %put &=dropcols;\n %let idx_val=%scan(&dropcols,&idx_pk);\n exec(alter table &innertable drop column &idx_val;) by myAlias;;\n %end;\n /* create view to strip formats and avoid warns in log */\n data work.vw_bitemp5d/view=work.vw_bitemp5d;\n set work.bitemp5d_subquery;\n format _all_;\n run;\n proc append base=&base_lib..&innertable (\n %do idx_pk=1 %to &redcnt;\n &&rednm&idx_pk = &&redval&idxpk\n %end;\n )\n data=work.vw_bitemp5d force nowarn;\n run;\n /* open up a connection for pass through SQL */\n %dc_assignlib(WRITE,&base_lib,passthru=myAlias)\n execute(\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %let innertable=bitemp5d_subquery;\n %let top_table=&base_lib..&base_dsn;\n %let flexinow=&now;\n %end;\n\n\n %if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL %then %do;\n update &top_table set &tech_to=&flexinow\n %if %length(&processed)>0 %then %do;\n ,&processed=&flexinow\n %end;\n where &tech_from <= &flexinow and &flexinow < &tech_to and\n %end;\n %else %if &loadtype=UPDATE %then %do;\n /* changed records are deleted then re-appended when doing UPDATEs */\n delete from &top_table where\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: BUSTEMPORAL NOT YET SUPPORTED;\n %let syscc=5;\n %mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK,lib=&base_lib,ds=&base_dsn,ref=&ETLSOURCE,\n ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n %mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK\n ,lib=%scan(&outds_audit,1,.)\n ,ds=%scan(&outds_audit,2,.)\n ,ref=&ETLSOURCE\n ,ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n %goto end_of_macro;\n %end;\n\n /* perform join inside query as per\n http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24629793/update-with-a-proc-sql */\n\n exists( select 1 from &baselib_schema.&innertable where\n\n /* loop PK join */\n %do idx_pk=1 %to &pk_cnt;\n %let idx_val=%scan(&pk,&idx_pk);\n &base_dsn..&idx_val=&innertable..&idx_val and\n %end;\n %if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL %then %do;\n &base_dsn..&bus_from >= &innertable..&bus_from\n and &base_dsn..&bus_to <= &innertable..&bus_to and\n %end;\n\n /* close the statement */\n\n 1=1);\n\n %if &engine_type=OLEDB or &engine_type=REDSHIFT or &engine_type=POSTGRES\n %then %do;\n ) by myAlias;\n execute (drop table &baselib_schema.&innertable) by myAlias;\n %end;\n%end;\nquit;\ndata _null_;\n putlog \"&sysmacroname: Closeout complete\";\nrun;\n/**\n * Append the new / updated records\n */\n%if &engine_type=CAS %then %do;\n\n /* get varchar variables ready for casting */\n %local vcfmt vcrename vcassign vcdrop;\n data _null_;\n set work.bitemp_cols(where=(type=6)) end=last;\n length vcrename vcassign vcdrop vcfmt $32767 rancol $32;\n retain vcrename vcassign vcdrop vcfmt;\n if _n_=1 then vcrename='(rename=(';\n rancol=resolve('%mf_getuniquename()');\n vcfmt=trim(vcfmt)!!'length '!!cats(name)!!' varchar(*);';\n vcrename=trim(vcrename)!!' '!!cats(name,'=',rancol);\n vcassign=cats(vcassign,name,'=',rancol,';');\n vcdrop=cats(vcdrop,'drop '!!rancol,';');\n if last then do;\n vcrename=cats(vcrename,'))');\n call symputx('vcfmt',vcfmt);\n call symputx('vcrename',vcrename);\n call symputx('vcassign',vcassign);\n call symputx('vcdrop',vcdrop);\n end;\n run;\n\n /* prepare a temp cas table with varchars casted */\n %let tmp=%mf_getuniquename();\n data casuser.&tmp ;\n &vcfmt\n set work.bitemp6_unique &vcrename;\n &vcassign\n &vcdrop\n run;\n\n /* load the table with varchars applied*/\n data &base_lib..&base_dsn (append=yes )/sessref=dcsession ;\n set casuser.&tmp;\n run;\n\n /* drop temp table */\n proc sql;\n drop table CASUSER.&tmp;\n\n /* this code will not work as regular tables do not have varchars */\n /*\n proc casutil;\n load data=work.bitemp6_unique\n outcaslib=\"&base_lib\" casout=\"&base_dsn\" append ;\n quit;\n */\n%end;\n%else %if &engine_type=REDSHIFT or &engine_type=POSTGRES %then %do;\n proc append base=&base_lib..&base_dsn\n %if &engine_type=REDSHIFT %then %do;\n (\n %do idx_pk=1 %to &redcnt;\n &&rednm&idx_pk = &&redval&idxpk\n %end;\n )\n %end;\n data=bitemp6_unique force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n proc append base=&base_lib..&base_dsn data=bitemp6_unique force nowarn; run;\n%end;\n\n%mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK,lib=&base_lib,ds=&base_dsn,ref=&ETLSOURCE,\n ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n)\n\n/* final check on syscc */\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc >4)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(!!Upload NOT successful!! Failed on actual update / append stage..)\n)\n\n%if &outds_audit ne 0 and &LOADTARGET=YES %then %do;\n data work.vw_outds_orig /view=work.vw_outds_orig;\n set work.bitemp0_base (drop=&md5_col);\n where ___TMP___NEW_FLG=0;\n drop ___TMP___NEW_FLG;\n run;\n /* update the AUDIT table */\n %if %mf_existds(&outds_audit) %then %do;\n options mprint;\n %mp_storediffs(&base_lib..&base_dsn\n ,work.vw_outds_orig\n ,&pk &bus_from\n ,delds=&outds_del\n ,modds=&outds_mod\n ,appds=&outds_add\n ,outds=work.mp_storediffs\n ,processed_dttm=&now\n ,loadref=%superq(etlsource)\n )\n /* exclude unchanged values in modified rows */\n data work.mp_storediffs;\n set work.mp_storediffs;\n if MOVE_TYPE=\"M\" and IS_PK=0 and IS_DIFF=0 then delete;\n * putlog load_ref= libref= dsn= key_hash= tgtvar_nm=;\n run;\n proc append base=&outds_audit data=work.mp_storediffs;\n run;\n %mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK\n ,lib=%scan(&outds_audit,1,.)\n ,ds=%scan(&outds_audit,2,.)\n ,ref=&ETLSOURCE\n ,ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n %end;\n%end;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc >4)\n ,mac=bitemporal_dataloader\n ,msg=%str(Problem in audit stage (&outds_audit))\n)\n\n%let user=%mf_getUser();\n/**\n Notify as appropriate EMAILS DISABLED\n\n%sumo_alerts(ALERT_EVENT=UPDATE\n , ALERT_TARGET=&base_lib..&base_dsn\n , from_user= &user);\n*/\n/* monitor BiTemporal usage */\n%if &log=1 %then %do;\n %put syscc=&syscc;\n /* do not perform duration calc in pass through */\n %local dur;\n data _null_;\n now=symget('now');\n dur=%sysfunc(datetime())-&now;\n call symputx('dur',dur,'l');\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &dclib..mpe_dataloads\n set libref=%upcase(\"&base_lib\")\n ,DSN=%upcase(\"&base_dsn\")\n ,ETLSOURCE=\"&ETLSOURCE\"\n ,LOADTYPE=\"&loadtype\"\n ,CHANGED_RECORDS=%mf_getattrn(&lastds,NLOBS)\n ,NEW_RECORDS=%mf_getattrn(&outds_add,NLOBS)\n ,DELETED_RECORDS=%mf_getattrn(&outds_del,NLOBS)\n ,DURATION=&dur\n ,MAC_VER=\"v&ver\"\n ,user_nm=\"&user\"\n ,PROCESSED_DTTM=&now;\n quit;\n %put syscc=&syscc;\n%end;\n%end_of_macro:\n%mend bitemporal_dataloader;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquelibref(prefix=mclib,maxtries=1000);\n %local x;\n\n %if ( %length(&prefix) gt 7 ) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: The prefix parameter cannot exceed 7 characters.;\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %if (%sysfunc(NVALID(&prefix,v7))=0) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: Invalid prefix (&prefix);\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* Set maxtries equal to '10 to the power of [# unused characters] - 1' */\n %let maxtries=%eval(10**(8-%length(&prefix))-1);\n\n %do x = 0 %to &maxtries;\n %if %sysfunc(libref(&prefix&x)) ne 0 %then %do;\n &prefix&x\n %return;\n %end;\n %let x = %eval(&x + 1);\n %end;\n\n %put %str(ERR)OR: No usable libref in range &prefix.0-&maxtries;\n %put %str(ERR)OR- Try reducing the prefix or deleting some libraries!;\n 0\n%mend mf_getuniquelibref;\n\n\n%macro mv_getusergroups(user\n ,outds=work.mv_getusergroups\n ,access_token_var=ACCESS_TOKEN\n ,grant_type=sas_services\n );\n%local oauth_bearer;\n%if &grant_type=detect %then %do;\n %if %symexist(&access_token_var) %then %let grant_type=authorization_code;\n %else %let grant_type=sas_services;\n%end;\n%if &grant_type=sas_services %then %do;\n %let oauth_bearer=oauth_bearer=sas_services;\n %let &access_token_var=;\n%end;\n%put &sysmacroname: grant_type=&grant_type;\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&grant_type ne authorization_code and &grant_type ne password\n and &grant_type ne sas_services\n )\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid value for grant_type: &grant_type)\n)\noptions noquotelenmax;\n\n%local base_uri; /* location of rest apis */\n%let base_uri=%mf_getplatform(VIYARESTAPI);\n\n/* fetching folder details for provided path */\n%local fname1;\n%let fname1=%mf_getuniquefileref();\n%let libref1=%mf_getuniquelibref();\n\nproc http method='GET' out=&fname1 &oauth_bearer\n url=\"&base_uri/identities/users/&user/memberships?limit=10000\";\n headers\n%if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\"\n%end;\n \"Accept\"=\"application/json\";\nrun;\n/*data _null_;infile &fname1;input;putlog _infile_;run;*/\n%if &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE=404 %then %do;\n %put NOTE: User &user not found!!;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %mp_abort(iftrue=(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE ne 200)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_PHRASE)\n )\n%end;\nlibname &libref1 JSON fileref=&fname1;\n\ndata &outds;\n set &libref1..items;\nrun;\n\n/* clear refs */\nfilename &fname1 clear;\nlibname &libref1 clear;\n\n%mend mv_getusergroups;\n\n\n%macro dc_getusergroups(user=,outds=mm_getgroups);\n %mv_getusergroups(&user,outds=&outds)\n data &outds;\n length groupname groupdesc $256;\n set &outds(rename=(id=groupname name=groupdesc));\n run;\n%mend dc_getusergroups;\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_getgroups(user=,outds=);\n\n %if not %symexist(dc_repo_users) %then %let dc_repo_users=foundation;\n\n %dc_getusergroups(user=&user,outds=&outds)\n\n data;\n length groupname groupdesc $256;\n set &dc_libref..mpe_groups;\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to;\n where also upcase(user_name)=\"%upcase(&user)\";\n groupname=group_name;\n groupdesc=group_desc;\n keep groupname groupdesc;\n run;\n\n data &outds;\n set &syslast &outds(keep=groupname groupdesc);\n run;\n\n%mend mpe_getgroups;\n\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Register a new licence key\n @details\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mpeinit.sas\n @li bitemporal_dataloader.sas\n @li mp_abort.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n @li mpe_getgroups.sas\n\n @version 9.3\n @author 4GL Apps Ltd\n @copyright 4GL Apps Ltd. This code may only be used within Data Controller\n and may not be re-distributed or re-sold without the express permission of\n 4GL Apps Ltd.\n\n @test\n\n echo '{\"keyupload\":[{\"activation_key\":\"slfdjasfda;dslf\",\"licence_key\":\"asdfasdlfkajsfdas\"}]}'>in.json\n sasjs request admin/registerkey -d in.json\n\n**/\n\n%mpeinit()\n\n/* determine users group membership */\n%mpe_getgroups(user=%mf_getuser(),outds=work.groups)\n%global admin_check;\nproc sql;\nselect count(*) into: admin_check\n from groups where groupname=\"&mpeadmins\";\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&admin_check = 0)\n ,mac=%str(&_program)\n ,msg=%str(Only members of &mpeadmins may register a key)\n)\n\n%global licencekey activation_key;\ndata _null_;\n set work.keyupload;\n call symputx('activation_key',activation_key);\n call symputx('licencekey',licence_key);\n call symputx('activlen',length(activation_key));\n call symputx('liclen',length(licence_key));\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&activlen< 10)\n ,mac=%str(&_program)\n ,msg=%str(Invalid activation_key)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&liclen < 10)\n ,mac=%str(&_program)\n ,msg=%str(Invalid licencekey)\n)\n\ndata work.loadme;\n if 0 then set &mpelib..mpe_config;\n VAR_SCOPE='DC';\n VAR_NAME='DC_ACTIVATION_KEY';\n VAR_VALUE=symget('activation_key');\n VAR_ACTIVE=1;\n output;\n VAR_NAME='DC_LICENCE_KEY';\n VAR_VALUE=symget('licencekey');\n VAR_ACTIVE=1;\n output;\n keep VAR_: ;\nrun;\n\n%bitemporal_dataloader(\n tech_from=tx_from\n ,tech_to = tx_to\n ,base_lib=&mpelib\n ,base_dsn=mpe_config\n ,append_lib=WORK\n ,append_dsn=loadme\n ,PK= VAR_SCOPE VAR_NAME\n ,ETLSOURCE=%str(&_program STP)\n ,LOADTYPE=TXTEMPORAL\n ,dclib=&mpelib\n)\n\ndata work.return;\n msg='SUCCESS';\nrun;\n\n%webout(OPEN)\n%webout(OBJ,return)\n%webout(CLOSE)\n\n* Service end;" } ] }, { "name": "approvers", "type": "folder", "members": [ { "name": "getapprovals", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquefileref(prefix=_,maxtries=1000,lrecl=32767);\n %local rc fname;\n %if &prefix=0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %local x len;\n %let len=%eval(8-%length(&prefix));\n %let x=0;\n %do x=0 %to &maxtries;\n %let fname=&prefix%substr(%sysfunc(ranuni(0)),3,&len);\n %if %sysfunc(fileref(&fname)) > 0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %put unable to find available fileref after &maxtries attempts;\n %end;\n%mend mf_getuniquefileref;\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquelibref(prefix=mclib,maxtries=1000);\n %local x;\n\n %if ( %length(&prefix) gt 7 ) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: The prefix parameter cannot exceed 7 characters.;\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %if (%sysfunc(NVALID(&prefix,v7))=0) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: Invalid prefix (&prefix);\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* Set maxtries equal to '10 to the power of [# unused characters] - 1' */\n %let maxtries=%eval(10**(8-%length(&prefix))-1);\n\n %do x = 0 %to &maxtries;\n %if %sysfunc(libref(&prefix&x)) ne 0 %then %do;\n &prefix&x\n %return;\n %end;\n %let x = %eval(&x + 1);\n %end;\n\n %put %str(ERR)OR: No usable libref in range &prefix.0-&maxtries;\n %put %str(ERR)OR- Try reducing the prefix or deleting some libraries!;\n 0\n%mend mf_getuniquelibref;\n\n\n%macro mv_getusergroups(user\n ,outds=work.mv_getusergroups\n ,access_token_var=ACCESS_TOKEN\n ,grant_type=sas_services\n );\n%local oauth_bearer;\n%if &grant_type=detect %then %do;\n %if %symexist(&access_token_var) %then %let grant_type=authorization_code;\n %else %let grant_type=sas_services;\n%end;\n%if &grant_type=sas_services %then %do;\n %let oauth_bearer=oauth_bearer=sas_services;\n %let &access_token_var=;\n%end;\n%put &sysmacroname: grant_type=&grant_type;\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&grant_type ne authorization_code and &grant_type ne password\n and &grant_type ne sas_services\n )\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid value for grant_type: &grant_type)\n)\noptions noquotelenmax;\n\n%local base_uri; /* location of rest apis */\n%let base_uri=%mf_getplatform(VIYARESTAPI);\n\n/* fetching folder details for provided path */\n%local fname1;\n%let fname1=%mf_getuniquefileref();\n%let libref1=%mf_getuniquelibref();\n\nproc http method='GET' out=&fname1 &oauth_bearer\n url=\"&base_uri/identities/users/&user/memberships?limit=10000\";\n headers\n%if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\"\n%end;\n \"Accept\"=\"application/json\";\nrun;\n/*data _null_;infile &fname1;input;putlog _infile_;run;*/\n%if &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE=404 %then %do;\n %put NOTE: User &user not found!!;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %mp_abort(iftrue=(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE ne 200)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_PHRASE)\n )\n%end;\nlibname &libref1 JSON fileref=&fname1;\n\ndata &outds;\n set &libref1..items;\nrun;\n\n/* clear refs */\nfilename &fname1 clear;\nlibname &libref1 clear;\n\n%mend mv_getusergroups;\n\n\n%macro dc_getusergroups(user=,outds=mm_getgroups);\n %mv_getusergroups(&user,outds=&outds)\n data &outds;\n length groupname groupdesc $256;\n set &outds(rename=(id=groupname name=groupdesc));\n run;\n%mend dc_getusergroups;\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_getgroups(user=,outds=);\n\n %if not %symexist(dc_repo_users) %then %let dc_repo_users=foundation;\n\n %dc_getusergroups(user=&user,outds=&outds)\n\n data;\n length groupname groupdesc $256;\n set &dc_libref..mpe_groups;\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to;\n where also upcase(user_name)=\"%upcase(&user)\";\n groupname=group_name;\n groupdesc=group_desc;\n keep groupname groupdesc;\n run;\n\n data &outds;\n set &syslast &outds(keep=groupname groupdesc);\n run;\n\n%mend mpe_getgroups;\n\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file getapprovals.sas\n @brief Returns a list of staged data items that need to be approved\n @details\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mpe_getgroups.sas\n @li mp_abort.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author 4GL Apps Ltd\n @copyright 4GL Apps Ltd. This code may only be used within Data Controller\n and may not be re-distributed or re-sold without the express permission of\n 4GL Apps Ltd.\n\n**/\n\n%mpeinit()\n\n/* determine users group membership */\n%let user=%mf_getuser();\n%mpe_getgroups(user=&user,outds=work.groups)\n\nPROC FORMAT;\n picture yymmddhhmmss other='%0Y-%0m-%0d %0H:%0M:%0S' (datatype=datetime);\nRUN;\n\nproc sql noprint;\ncreate table out1 (rename=(SUBMITTED_ON_DTTM1=SUBMITTED_ON_DTTM)) as\n select table_id\n ,submit_status_cd as REVIEW_STATUS_ID\n ,SUBMITTED_BY_NM\n ,cats(base_lib,'.',base_ds) as base_table\n ,put(submitted_on_dttm,yymmddhhmmss.) as SUBMITTED_ON_DTTM1\n ,submitted_on_dttm as SUBMITTED_ON_DTTM2\n ,submitted_reason_txt\n ,num_of_approvals_required\n ,num_of_approvals_remaining\n ,base_lib as libref\n ,base_ds as dsn\n from &mpelib..mpe_submit (where=(submit_status_cd='SUBMITTED'))\n /* filter out any submits for which approval is already made */\n where table_id not in (\n select table_id from &mpelib..mpe_review where submitted_by_nm=\"&user\"\n );\n\n%macro getapprovals();\n %local admin_check;\n select count(*) into: admin_check\n from groups\n where groupname=\"&mpeadmins\"\n or groupname in (\n select sas_group from &mpelib..mpe_security\n where libref='*ALL*'\n and &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to\n and access_level in ('APPROVE')\n );\n %if &admin_check >0 %then %do;\n create table fromSAS as\n select distinct * from out1\n order by SUBMITTED_ON_DTTM2 desc;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n create table fromSAS as\n select distinct a.*\n from out1 a\n inner join &mpelib..mpe_security b\n on a.libref=b.libref\n and (a.dsn=b.dsn or b.dsn='*ALL*')\n and &dc_dttmtfmt. lt b.tx_to\n and b.ACCESS_LEVEL ='APPROVE'\n and b.SAS_GROUP in (select groupname from work.groups)\n order by SUBMITTED_ON_DTTM2 desc;\n %end;\n%mend getapprovals;\n%getapprovals()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc)\n)\n\n%webout(OPEN)\n%webout(OBJ,fromSAS)\n%webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n%mpeterm()\n\n* Service end;" }, { "name": "gethistory", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_getvars(injs,outds);\n /* load parameters */\n data _null_;\n __dummychar='';__dummynum=0;\n set &outds;\n array __charvals _character_;\n do over __charvals;\n call symputx(vname(__charvals),__charvals,'g');\n end;\n array __numvals _numeric_;\n do over __numvals;\n call symputx(vname(__numvals),__numvals,'g');\n end;\n run;\n%mend mpe_getvars;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquefileref(prefix=_,maxtries=1000,lrecl=32767);\n %local rc fname;\n %if &prefix=0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %local x len;\n %let len=%eval(8-%length(&prefix));\n %let x=0;\n %do x=0 %to &maxtries;\n %let fname=&prefix%substr(%sysfunc(ranuni(0)),3,&len);\n %if %sysfunc(fileref(&fname)) > 0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %put unable to find available fileref after &maxtries attempts;\n %end;\n%mend mf_getuniquefileref;\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquelibref(prefix=mclib,maxtries=1000);\n %local x;\n\n %if ( %length(&prefix) gt 7 ) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: The prefix parameter cannot exceed 7 characters.;\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %if (%sysfunc(NVALID(&prefix,v7))=0) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: Invalid prefix (&prefix);\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* Set maxtries equal to '10 to the power of [# unused characters] - 1' */\n %let maxtries=%eval(10**(8-%length(&prefix))-1);\n\n %do x = 0 %to &maxtries;\n %if %sysfunc(libref(&prefix&x)) ne 0 %then %do;\n &prefix&x\n %return;\n %end;\n %let x = %eval(&x + 1);\n %end;\n\n %put %str(ERR)OR: No usable libref in range &prefix.0-&maxtries;\n %put %str(ERR)OR- Try reducing the prefix or deleting some libraries!;\n 0\n%mend mf_getuniquelibref;\n\n\n%macro mv_getusergroups(user\n ,outds=work.mv_getusergroups\n ,access_token_var=ACCESS_TOKEN\n ,grant_type=sas_services\n );\n%local oauth_bearer;\n%if &grant_type=detect %then %do;\n %if %symexist(&access_token_var) %then %let grant_type=authorization_code;\n %else %let grant_type=sas_services;\n%end;\n%if &grant_type=sas_services %then %do;\n %let oauth_bearer=oauth_bearer=sas_services;\n %let &access_token_var=;\n%end;\n%put &sysmacroname: grant_type=&grant_type;\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&grant_type ne authorization_code and &grant_type ne password\n and &grant_type ne sas_services\n )\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid value for grant_type: &grant_type)\n)\noptions noquotelenmax;\n\n%local base_uri; /* location of rest apis */\n%let base_uri=%mf_getplatform(VIYARESTAPI);\n\n/* fetching folder details for provided path */\n%local fname1;\n%let fname1=%mf_getuniquefileref();\n%let libref1=%mf_getuniquelibref();\n\nproc http method='GET' out=&fname1 &oauth_bearer\n url=\"&base_uri/identities/users/&user/memberships?limit=10000\";\n headers\n%if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\"\n%end;\n \"Accept\"=\"application/json\";\nrun;\n/*data _null_;infile &fname1;input;putlog _infile_;run;*/\n%if &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE=404 %then %do;\n %put NOTE: User &user not found!!;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %mp_abort(iftrue=(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE ne 200)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_PHRASE)\n )\n%end;\nlibname &libref1 JSON fileref=&fname1;\n\ndata &outds;\n set &libref1..items;\nrun;\n\n/* clear refs */\nfilename &fname1 clear;\nlibname &libref1 clear;\n\n%mend mv_getusergroups;\n\n\n%macro dc_getusergroups(user=,outds=mm_getgroups);\n %mv_getusergroups(&user,outds=&outds)\n data &outds;\n length groupname groupdesc $256;\n set &outds(rename=(id=groupname name=groupdesc));\n run;\n%mend dc_getusergroups;\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_getgroups(user=,outds=);\n\n %if not %symexist(dc_repo_users) %then %let dc_repo_users=foundation;\n\n %dc_getusergroups(user=&user,outds=&outds)\n\n data;\n length groupname groupdesc $256;\n set &dc_libref..mpe_groups;\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to;\n where also upcase(user_name)=\"%upcase(&user)\";\n groupname=group_name;\n groupdesc=group_desc;\n keep groupname groupdesc;\n run;\n\n data &outds;\n set &syslast &outds(keep=groupname groupdesc);\n run;\n\n%mend mpe_getgroups;\n\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Returns the list of previously approved / rejected items.\n @details History is taken from MPE_SUBMIT (where status_cd ne 'SUBMITTED') and\n filtered according to the groups in MPE_SECURITY (unless the user is in the\n DC admin group).\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mpe_getvars.sas\n @li mpe_getgroups.sas\n @li mp_abort.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Service Inputs

\n The following variables MAY be provided from frontend (HIST can also be set\n in MPE_CONFIG):\n\n @li HIST - number of records to return\n @li STARTROW - the starting row (default is 1)\n\n

Service Outputs

\n This table is returned, starting from &STARTROW for &HIST rows (ordered\n descending on SUBMITTED datetime)\n @li TABLE_ID\n @li BASE_TABLE\n @li SUBMITTED\n @li SUBMITTED_REASON_TXT\n @li SUBMITTER\n @li REVIEWED\n @li STATUS\n @li REVIEWED_ON_DTTM\n @li APPROVER\n\n
\n\n @li HIST - rows returned\n @li STARTROW - starting row used\n @li NOBS - Number of observations (rows) available\n\n @version 9.3\n @author 4GL Apps Ltd\n @copyright 4GL Apps Ltd. This code may only be used within Data Controller\n and may not be re-distributed or re-sold without the express permission of\n 4GL Apps Ltd.\n\n**/\n\n%mpeinit()\n\n/* hard coded HIST value */\n%let hist=40;\n%let startrow=1;\n\n/* load parameters from frontend (HIST and STARTROW) */\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC_REVIEW\"\n and var_name='HISTORY_ROWS'\n and &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx('hist',var_value,'G');\n putlog 'mpe_config: ' var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n/* load parameters (override HIST again if provided) */\n%mpe_getvars(BrowserParams, BrowserParams)\n\n\n/* determine users group membership */\n%mpe_getgroups(user=%mf_getuser(),outds=work.usergroups)\n\nPROC FORMAT;\n picture yymmddhhmmss other='%0Y-%0m-%0d %0H:%0M:%0S' (datatype=datetime);\nRUN;\n\n/* check to see if the user is an admin, or has *ALL* access rights */\n%let authcheck=0;\nproc sql noprint;\ncreate table work.authcheck\n as select *\n from usergroups\n where upcase(groupname)=\"%upcase(&mpeadmins)\"\n or upcase(groupname) in (\n select upcase(sas_group) from &mpelib..mpe_security\n where libref='*ALL*' and &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to\n );\nselect count(*) into: authcheck from &syslast;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc > 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after auth check)\n)\n\n/* now get the previous &hist records from mpe_submit */\nproc sql;\ncreate view work.submits as\n select distinct a.TABLE_ID\n ,cats(a.base_lib,'.',a.base_ds) as base_table\n ,put(a.SUBMITTED_ON_DTTM,yymmddhhmmss.) as submitted\n ,a.submitted_reason_txt\n ,a.submitted_by_nm as submitter\n ,put(a.REVIEWED_ON_DTTM,yymmddhhmmss.) as REVIEWED\n ,a.submit_status_cd as status\n from &mpelib..mpe_submit(where=(submit_status_cd ne 'SUBMITTED')) a\n\n%macro gethistory();\n%if &authcheck=0 %then %do;\n /* filter for allowed items */\n left join &mpelib..mpe_security(where=(&dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to)) b\n on a.base_lib=b.libref\n and (a.base_ds=b.dsn or b.dsn='*ALL*')\n where upcase(b.SAS_GROUP) in (select upcase(groupname) from work.usergroups)\n and b.access_level in ('VIEW','AUDIT','EDIT','APPROVE')\n%end;\n%mend gethistory;\n%gethistory()\n;\n\n/* get latest reason text */\ncreate table work.reviews as \n select a.* \n ,b.reviewed_on_dttm\n ,b.reviewed_by_nm as approver\n ,b.review_reason_txt \n from work.submits a \n left join &mpelib..mpe_review b \n on a.table_id=b.table_id \n order by a.table_id desc, b.reviewed_on_dttm desc;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc > 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after fetching submits)\n)\n\ndata work.fromsas;\n set work.reviews;\n by descending table_id descending reviewed_on_dttm;\n if first.table_id;\n if _n_ ge &startrow;\n n+1;\n if n>&hist then stop;\n drop n;\nrun;\n\nproc sql noprint;\nselect count(*) into: nobs from work.submits;\ndata work.histparams;\n hist=&hist;\n startrow=&startrow;\n nobs=&nobs;\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc > 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc)\n)\n%webout(OPEN)\n%webout(OBJ,fromSAS)\n%webout(OBJ,histparams)\n%webout(CLOSE)\n\n%mpeterm()\n* Service end;" }, { "name": "rejection", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquefileref(prefix=_,maxtries=1000,lrecl=32767);\n %local rc fname;\n %if &prefix=0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %local x len;\n %let len=%eval(8-%length(&prefix));\n %let x=0;\n %do x=0 %to &maxtries;\n %let fname=&prefix%substr(%sysfunc(ranuni(0)),3,&len);\n %if %sysfunc(fileref(&fname)) > 0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %put unable to find available fileref after &maxtries attempts;\n %end;\n%mend mf_getuniquefileref;\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquelibref(prefix=mclib,maxtries=1000);\n %local x;\n\n %if ( %length(&prefix) gt 7 ) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: The prefix parameter cannot exceed 7 characters.;\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %if (%sysfunc(NVALID(&prefix,v7))=0) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: Invalid prefix (&prefix);\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* Set maxtries equal to '10 to the power of [# unused characters] - 1' */\n %let maxtries=%eval(10**(8-%length(&prefix))-1);\n\n %do x = 0 %to &maxtries;\n %if %sysfunc(libref(&prefix&x)) ne 0 %then %do;\n &prefix&x\n %return;\n %end;\n %let x = %eval(&x + 1);\n %end;\n\n %put %str(ERR)OR: No usable libref in range &prefix.0-&maxtries;\n %put %str(ERR)OR- Try reducing the prefix or deleting some libraries!;\n 0\n%mend mf_getuniquelibref;\n\n\n%macro mv_getusergroups(user\n ,outds=work.mv_getusergroups\n ,access_token_var=ACCESS_TOKEN\n ,grant_type=sas_services\n );\n%local oauth_bearer;\n%if &grant_type=detect %then %do;\n %if %symexist(&access_token_var) %then %let grant_type=authorization_code;\n %else %let grant_type=sas_services;\n%end;\n%if &grant_type=sas_services %then %do;\n %let oauth_bearer=oauth_bearer=sas_services;\n %let &access_token_var=;\n%end;\n%put &sysmacroname: grant_type=&grant_type;\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&grant_type ne authorization_code and &grant_type ne password\n and &grant_type ne sas_services\n )\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid value for grant_type: &grant_type)\n)\noptions noquotelenmax;\n\n%local base_uri; /* location of rest apis */\n%let base_uri=%mf_getplatform(VIYARESTAPI);\n\n/* fetching folder details for provided path */\n%local fname1;\n%let fname1=%mf_getuniquefileref();\n%let libref1=%mf_getuniquelibref();\n\nproc http method='GET' out=&fname1 &oauth_bearer\n url=\"&base_uri/identities/users/&user/memberships?limit=10000\";\n headers\n%if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\"\n%end;\n \"Accept\"=\"application/json\";\nrun;\n/*data _null_;infile &fname1;input;putlog _infile_;run;*/\n%if &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE=404 %then %do;\n %put NOTE: User &user not found!!;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %mp_abort(iftrue=(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE ne 200)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_PHRASE)\n )\n%end;\nlibname &libref1 JSON fileref=&fname1;\n\ndata &outds;\n set &libref1..items;\nrun;\n\n/* clear refs */\nfilename &fname1 clear;\nlibname &libref1 clear;\n\n%mend mv_getusergroups;\n\n\n%macro dc_getusergroups(user=,outds=mm_getgroups);\n %mv_getusergroups(&user,outds=&outds)\n data &outds;\n length groupname groupdesc $256;\n set &outds(rename=(id=groupname name=groupdesc));\n run;\n%mend dc_getusergroups;\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_getgroups(user=,outds=);\n\n %if not %symexist(dc_repo_users) %then %let dc_repo_users=foundation;\n\n %dc_getusergroups(user=&user,outds=&outds)\n\n data;\n length groupname groupdesc $256;\n set &dc_libref..mpe_groups;\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to;\n where also upcase(user_name)=\"%upcase(&user)\";\n groupname=group_name;\n groupdesc=group_desc;\n keep groupname groupdesc;\n run;\n\n data &outds;\n set &syslast &outds(keep=groupname groupdesc);\n run;\n\n%mend mpe_getgroups;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquename(prefix=MC);\n&prefix.%substr(%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32-%length(&prefix))\n%mend mf_getuniquename;\n\n\n%macro mf_abort(mac=mf_abort.sas, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n)/des='ungraceful abort' /*STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n %put NOTE: /// mf_abort macro executing //;\n %if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n %put NOTE - &msg;\n\n %abort;\n\n%mend mf_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_verifymacvars(\n verifyVars /* list of macro variable NAMES */\n ,makeUpcase=NO /* set to YES to make all the variable VALUES uppercase */\n ,mAbort=SOFT\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %local verifyIterator verifyVar abortmsg;\n %do verifyIterator=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&verifyVars,%str( )));\n %let verifyVar=%qscan(&verifyVars,&verifyIterator,%str( ));\n %if not %symexist(&verifyvar) %then %do;\n %let abortmsg= Variable &verifyVar is MISSING;\n %goto exit_err;\n %end;\n %if %length(%trim(&&&verifyVar))=0 %then %do;\n %let abortmsg= Variable &verifyVar is EMPTY;\n %goto exit_err;\n %end;\n %if &makeupcase=YES %then %do;\n %let &verifyVar=%upcase(&&&verifyvar);\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %goto exit_success;\n %exit_err:\n %put &abortmsg;\n %mf_abort(iftrue=(&mabort ne SOFT),\n mac=mf_verifymacvars,\n msg=%str(&abortmsg)\n )\n 0\n %return;\n %exit_success:\n 1\n\n%mend mf_verifymacvars;\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_accesscheck(\n base_table\n ,outds=med_accesscheck /* WORK table to contain access details */\n ,user= /* metadata user to check for */\n ,access_level=APPROVE\n ,cntl_lib_var=MPELIB\n );\n\n %if &user= %then %let user=%mf_getuser();\n\n %mp_abort(\n iftrue=(%index(&outds,.)>0 and %upcase(%scan(&outds,1,.)) ne WORK)\n ,mac=mpe_accesscheck\n ,msg=%str(outds should be a WORK table)\n )\n\n %mp_abort(\n iftrue=(%mf_verifymacvars(base_table user access_level)=0)\n ,mac=mpe_accesscheck\n ,msg=%str(Missing base_table/user access_level variables)\n )\n\n /* make unique temp table vars */\n %local tempds1 tempds2;\n %let tempds1=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=usergroups);\n %let tempds2=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=tablegroups);\n\n /* get list of user groups */\n %mpe_getgroups(user=&user,outds=&tempds1)\n\n /* get list of groups with access for that table */\n proc sql;\n create table &tempds2 as\n select distinct sas_group\n from &&&cntl_lib_var...mpe_security\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to\n and access_level=\"&access_level\"\n and (\n (libref=\"%scan(&base_table,1,.)\" and upcase(dsn)=\"%scan(&base_table,2,.)\")\n or (libref=\"%scan(&base_table,1,.)\" and dsn=\"*ALL*\")\n or (libref=\"*ALL*\")\n );\n %if &_debug ge 131 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds1;\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds2;\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &outds as\n select * from &tempds1\n where groupname=\"&mpeadmins\"\n or groupname in (select * from &tempds2);\n\n %put &sysmacroname: base_table=&base_table;\n %put &sysmacroname: access_level=&access_level;\n%mend mpe_accesscheck;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getattrn(\n libds\n ,attr\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid rc;\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds,is));\n %if &dsid = 0 %then %do;\n %put %str(WARN)ING: Cannot open %trim(&libds), system message below;\n %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n -1\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,&attr))\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n%mend mf_getattrn;\n\n\n%macro mf_existds(libds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&libds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&libds,VIEW)) ne 1 %then 0;\n %else 1;\n\n%mend mf_existds;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_alerts(alert_event=\n , alert_lib=\n , alert_ds=\n , dsid=\n);\n\n/* exit if not configured */\n%global DC_EMAIL_ALERTS;\n%if &DC_EMAIL_ALERTS ne YES %then %do;\n %put DCNOTE: Email alerts are not configured;\n %put DCNOTE: (dc_email_alerts=&dc_email_alerts in &mpelib..mpe_config);\n %return;\n%end;\n\n\n%let alert_event=%upcase(&alert_event);\n%let alert_lib=%upcase(&alert_lib);\n%let alert_ds=%upcase(&alert_ds);\n%let from_user=%mf_getuser();\n\n\n/* get users TO which the email should be sent */\n\nproc sql noprint;\ncreate table work.users as select distinct a.alert_user,\n b.user_displayname,\n b.user_email\n from &mpelib..mpe_alerts\n (where=(&dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to)) a\n left join &mpelib..mpe_emails\n (where=(&dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to)) b\n on upcase(trim(a.alert_user))=upcase(trim(b.user_name))\n where a.alert_event in (\"&alert_event\",\"*ALL*\")\n and a.alert_lib in (\"&alert_lib\",\"*ALL*\")\n and a.alert_ds in (\"&alert_ds\",\"*ALL*\");\n\n/* ensure the submitter is included on the email */\n%local isThere userdisp user_eml;\n%let isThere=0;\nselect count(*) into: isThere from &syslast where alert_user=\"&from_user\";\n%if &isThere=0 %then %do;\n select user_displayname, user_email\n into: userdisp trimmed, :user_eml trimmed\n from &mpelib..mpe_emails\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to\n and user_name=\"&from_user\";\n insert into work.users\n set alert_user=\"&from_user\"\n ,user_displayname=\"&userdisp\"\n ,user_email=\"&user_eml\";\n%end;\n\n\n/* if no email / displayname is provided, then extract from metadata */\ndata work.emails;\n set work.users;\n length emailuri uri text $256; call missing(emailuri,uri); drop emailuri uri;\n\n /* get displayname */\n text=cats(\"omsobj:Person?@Name='\",alert_user,\"'\");\n if metadata_getnobj(text,1,uri)<=0 then do;\n putlog \"DCWARN: &from_user not found\";\n return;\n end;\n else if user_displayname = '' then do;\n if metadata_getattr(uri,'DisplayName',user_displayname)<0 then do;\n putlog 'DCWARN: strange err, no displayname attribute of user URI';\n end;\n end;\n\n if index(user_email,'@') then return;\n /* get email from metadata if not in input table */\n if metadata_getnasn(uri,\"EmailAddresses\",1,emailuri)<=0 then do;\n putlog \"DCWARN: \" alert_user \" has no emails in MPE_EMAILS or metadata!\";\n if metadata_getattr(emailuri,\"Address\",user_email)<0 then do;\n putlog 'DCWARN: Unexpected error! Valid emailURI but no email. Weird.';\n end;\n end;\n /* only keep valid emails */\n if index(user_email,'@') ;\n /* dump contents for debugging */\n if _n_<21 then putlog (_all_)(=);\nrun;\n\n%local emails;\nproc sql noprint;\nselect quote(trim(user_email)) into: emails separated by ' ' from work.emails;\n\n/* exit if nobody to email */\n%if %mf_getattrn(emails,NLOBS)=0 %then %do;\n %put NOTE: No alerts configured (mpe_alerts.sas);\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* display email options */\ndata _null_;\n set sashelp.voption(where=(group='EMAIL'));\n put optname '=' setting;\nrun;\n\nfilename __out email (&emails)\n subject=\"Table &alert_lib..&alert_ds has been &alert_event\";\n\n%local SUBMITTED_TXT;\n%if &alert_event=SUBMITTED %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &mpelib..mpe_submit;\n where table_id=\"&dsid\" and submit_status_cd='SUBMITTED';\n call symputx('SUBMITTED_TXT',submitted_reason_txt,'l');\n run;\n data _null_;\n File __out lrecl=32000;\n put 'Dear user,';\n put ' ';\n put \"Please be advised that a change to table &alert_lib..&alert_ds has \"\n \"been proposed by &from_user on the '&syshostname' SAS server.\";\n put \" \";\n length txt $2048;\n txt=symget('SUBMITTED_TXT');\n put \"Reason provided: \" txt;\n put \" \";\n put \"This is an automated email by Data Controller for SAS. For \"\n \"documentation, please visit https://docs.datacontroller.io\";\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &alert_event=APPROVED %then %do;\n /* there is no approval message */\n data _null_;\n File __out lrecl=32000;\n put 'Dear user,';\n put ' ';\n put \"Please be advised that a change to table &alert_lib..&alert_ds has \"\n \"been approved by &from_user on the '&syshostname' SAS server.\";\n put \" \";\n put \"This is an automated email by Data Controller for SAS. For \"\n \"documentation, please visit https://docs.datacontroller.io\";\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &alert_event=REJECTED %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &mpelib..mpe_review;\n where table_id=\"&dsid\" and review_status_id='REJECTED';\n call symputx('REVIEW_REASON_TXT',REVIEW_REASON_TXT,'l');\n run;\n data _null_;\n File __out lrecl=32000;\n put 'Dear user,';\n put ' ';\n put \"Please be advised that a change to table &alert_lib..&alert_ds has \"\n \"been rejected by &from_user on the '&syshostname' SAS server.\";\n put \" \";\n length txt $2048;\n txt=symget('REVIEW_REASON_TXT');\n put \"Reason provided: \" txt;\n put \" \";\n put \"This is an automated email by Data Controller for SAS. For \"\n \"documentation, please visit https://docs.datacontroller.io\";\n run;\n%end;\n\nfilename __out clear;\n\n%mend mpe_alerts ;\n\n\n%macro mpe_getvars(injs,outds);\n /* load parameters */\n data _null_;\n __dummychar='';__dummynum=0;\n set &outds;\n array __charvals _character_;\n do over __charvals;\n call symputx(vname(__charvals),__charvals,'g');\n end;\n array __numvals _numeric_;\n do over __numvals;\n call symputx(vname(__numvals),__numvals,'g');\n end;\n run;\n%mend mpe_getvars;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_isblank(param\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %sysevalf(%superq(param)=,boolean)\n\n%mend mf_isblank;\n\n\n%macro mp_dropmembers(\n list /* space separated list of datasets / views */\n ,libref=WORK /* can only drop from a single library at a time */\n ,iftrue=%str(1=1)\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n %if %mf_isblank(&list) %then %do;\n %put NOTE: nothing to drop!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n proc datasets lib=&libref nolist;\n delete &list;\n delete &list /mtype=view;\n run;\n%mend mp_dropmembers;\n\n\n%macro removecolsfromwork(col);\n/* only an issue if debug mode enabled */\n%global _debug;\n%if &_debug ge 131 %then %do;\n %let col=%upcase(&col);\n\n %local memlist;\n proc sql noprint;\n select distinct memname into: memlist\n separated by ' '\n from dictionary.columns\n where libname='WORK' and upcase(name)=\"&col\";\n\n %if %mf_isblank(&memlist) %then %return;\n\n %mp_dropmembers(list=&memlist)\n\n%end;\n%mend removecolsfromwork;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getvarlist(libds\n ,dlm=%str( )\n ,quote=no\n ,typefilter=A\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n /* declare local vars */\n %local outvar dsid nvars x rc dlm q var vtype;\n\n /* credit Rowland Hale - byte34 is double quote, 39 is single quote */\n %if %upcase("e)=DOUBLE %then %let q=%qsysfunc(byte(34));\n %else %if %upcase("e)=SINGLE %then %let q=%qsysfunc(byte(39));\n /* open dataset in macro */\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds));\n\n %if &dsid %then %do;\n %let nvars=%sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,NVARS));\n %if &nvars>0 %then %do;\n /* add variables with supplied delimeter */\n %do x=1 %to &nvars;\n /* get variable type */\n %let vtype=%sysfunc(vartype(&dsid,&x));\n %if &vtype=&typefilter or &typefilter=A %then %do;\n %let var=&q.%sysfunc(varname(&dsid,&x))&q.;\n %if &var=&q&q %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Empty column found in &libds!;\n %let var=&q. &q.;\n %end;\n %if %quote(&outvar)=%quote() %then %let outvar=&var;\n %else %let outvar=&outvar.&dlm.&var.;\n %end;\n %end;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Unable to open &libds (rc=&dsid);\n %put &sysmacroname: SYSMSG= %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n %do;%unquote(&outvar)%end;\n%mend mf_getvarlist;\n\n\n%macro mf_getattrc(\n libds\n ,attr\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid rc;\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds,is));\n %if &dsid = 0 %then %do;\n %put %str(WARN)ING: Cannot open %trim(&libds), system message below;\n %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n -1\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %sysfunc(attrc(&dsid,&attr))\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n%mend mf_getattrc;\n\n\n%macro mp_lockfilecheck(\n libds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\ndata _null_;\n if _n_=1 then putlog \"&sysmacroname entry vars:\";\n set sashelp.vmacro;\n where scope=\"&sysmacroname\";\n put name '=' value;\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc>0)\n ,mac=checklock.sas\n ,msg=Aborting with syscc=&syscc on entry.\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (\"&libds\"=\"0\")\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(libds not provided)\n)\n\n%local msg lib ds;\n%let lib=%upcase(%scan(&libds,1,.));\n%let ds=%upcase(%scan(&libds,2,.));\n\n/* in DC, format catalogs are passed with a -FC suffix. No saslock here! */\n%if %scan(&libds,2,-)=FC %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Format Catalog detected, no lockfile applied to &libds;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* do not proceed if no observations can be processed */\n%let msg=options obs = 0. syserrortext=%superq(syserrortext);\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (%sysfunc(getoption(OBS))=0)\n ,mac=checklock.sas\n ,msg=%superq(msg)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n putlog \"Checking engine & member type\";\nrun;\n%local engine memtype;\n%let memtype=%mf_getattrc(&libds,MTYPE);\n%let engine=%mf_getattrc(&libds,ENGINE);\n\n%if &engine ne V9 and &engine ne BASE %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog \"Lib &lib is not assigned using BASE engine - uses &engine instead\";\n putlog \"SAS lock check will not be performed\";\n run;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if &memtype ne DATA %then %do;\n %put NOTE: Cannot lock a VIEW!! Memtype=&memtype;\n %return;\n%end;\n\ndata _null_;\n putlog \"Engine = &engine, memtype=&memtype\";\n putlog \"Attempting lock statement\";\nrun;\n\nlock &libds;\n\n%local abortme;\n%let abortme=0;\n%if &syscc>0 or &SYSLCKRC ne 0 %then %do;\n %let msg=Unable to apply lock on &libds (SYSLCKRC=&SYSLCKRC syscc=&syscc);\n %put %str(ERR)OR: &sysmacroname: &msg;\n %let abortme=1;\n%end;\n\nlock &libds clear;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&abortme=1)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%superq(msg)\n)\n\n%mend mp_lockfilecheck;\n\n\n%macro mp_lockanytable(\n action\n ,lib= WORK\n ,ds=0\n ,ref=\n ,ctl_ds=0\n ,loops=25\n ,loop_secs=1\n );\ndata _null_;\n if _n_=1 then putlog \"&sysmacroname entry vars:\";\n set sashelp.vmacro;\n where scope=\"&sysmacroname\";\n put name '=' value;\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (\"&ds\"=\"0\" and &action ne MAKETABLE)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(dataset was not provided)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&ctl_ds=0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Control dataset was not provided)\n)\n\n/* set up lib & mac vars */\n%let lib=%upcase(&lib);\n%let ds=%upcase(&ds);\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n%local user x trans msg abortme;\n%let user=%mf_getuser();\n%let abortme=0;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&action ne LOCK & &action ne UNLOCK & &action ne MAKETABLE)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid action (&action) provided)\n)\n\n/* if an err condition exists, exit before we even begin */\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc>0 and &action=LOCK)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(aborting due to syscc=&syscc on LOCK entry)\n)\n\n/* do not bother locking work tables (else may affect all WORK libraries) */\n%if (%upcase(&lib)=WORK or %str(&lib)=%str()) & &action ne MAKETABLE %then %do;\n %put NOTE: WORK libraries will not be registered in the locking system.;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* do not proceed if no observations can be processed */\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (%sysfunc(getoption(OBS))=0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(cannot continue when options obs = 0)\n)\n\n%if &ACTION=LOCK %then %do;\n\n /* abort if a SAS lock is already in place, or cannot be applied */\n %mp_lockfilecheck(&lib..&ds)\n\n /* next, check there is a record for this table */\n %local record_exists_check;\n proc sql noprint;\n select count(*) into: record_exists_check from &ctl_ds\n where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" and LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n quit;\n %if &syscc>0 %then %put syscc=&syscc sqlrc=&sqlrc;\n %if &record_exists_check=0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog \"&sysmacroname: adding record to lock table..\";\n run;\n\n data ;\n if 0 then set &ctl_ds;\n LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\";\n LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n LOCK_STATUS_CD='LOCKED';\n LOCK_START_DTTM=\"%sysfunc(datetime(),%mf_fmtdttm())\"dt;\n LOCK_USER_NM=\"&user\";\n LOCK_PID=\"&sysjobid\";\n LOCK_REF=\"&ref\";\n output;stop;\n run;\n %let trans=&syslast;\n proc append base=&ctl_ds data=&trans;\n run;\n %end;\n /* if record does exist, perform lock attempts */\n %else %do x=1 %to &loops;\n data _null_;\n putlog \"&sysmacroname: attempting lock (iteration &x) \"@;\n putlog \"at %sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.) ..\";\n run;\n\n proc sql;\n update &ctl_ds\n set LOCK_STATUS_CD='LOCKED'\n , LOCK_START_DTTM=\"%sysfunc(datetime(),%mf_fmtdttm())\"dt\n , LOCK_USER_NM=\"&user\"\n , LOCK_PID=\"&sysjobid\"\n , LOCK_REF=\"&ref\"\n where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" and LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n quit;\n /**\n * NOTE - occasionally SQL server will return an err code (deadlocked\n * transaction). If so, ignore it, keep calm, and carry on..\n */\n %if &syscc>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n putlog \"NOTE- &sysmacroname: Update failed. \"@;\n putlog \"Resetting err conditions and re-attempting.\";\n putlog \"NOTE- syscc=&syscc syserr=&syserr sqlrc=&sqlrc\";\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n run;\n %let syscc=0;\n %let sqlrc=0;\n %end;\n\n /* now check if the record was successfully updated */\n %local success_check;\n proc sql noprint;\n select count(*) into: success_check from &ctl_ds\n where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" and LOCK_DS=\"&ds\"\n and LOCK_PID=\"&sysjobid\" and LOCK_STATUS_CD='LOCKED';\n quit;\n %if &success_check=0 %then %do;\n %if &x < &loops %then %do;\n /* pause before next check */\n data _null_;\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n putlog \"NOTE- &sysmacroname: table locked, waiting \"@;\n putlog \"%sysfunc(sleep(&loop_secs)) seconds.. \";\n putlog \"NOTE- (iteration &x of &loops)\";\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %let msg=Unable to lock &lib..&ds via &ctl_ds after &loops attempts.\\n\n Please ask your administrator to investigate!;\n %let abortme=1;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n putlog \"NOTE- &sysmacroname: Table &lib..&ds locked at \"@;\n putlog \" %sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.) (iteration &x)\"@;\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n run;\n %if &syscc>0 %then %do;\n %put setting syscc(&syscc) back to 0;\n %let syscc=0;\n %end;\n %let x=&loops; /* no more iterations needed */\n %end;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &ACTION=UNLOCK %then %do;\n %local status cnt;\n %let cnt=0;\n proc sql noprint;\n select count(*) into: cnt from &ctl_ds where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" & LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n %if &cnt=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(WAR)NING: &lib..&ds was not previously locked in &ctl_ds!;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n select LOCK_STATUS_CD into: status from &ctl_ds\n where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" and LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n quit;\n %if &syscc>0 %then %put syscc=&syscc sqlrc=&sqlrc;\n %if &status=LOCKED %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog \"&sysmacroname: unlocking &lib..&ds:\";\n run;\n proc sql;\n update &ctl_ds\n set LOCK_STATUS_CD='UNLOCKED'\n , LOCK_END_DTTM=\"%sysfunc(datetime(),%mf_fmtdttm())\"dt\n , LOCK_USER_NM=\"&user\"\n , LOCK_PID=\"&sysjobid\"\n , LOCK_REF=\"&ref\"\n where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" and LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n quit;\n %end;\n %else %if &status=UNLOCKED %then %do;\n %put %str(WAR)NING: &lib..&ds is already unlocked!;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put NOTE: Unrecognised STATUS_CD (&status) in &ctl_ds;\n %let abortme=1;\n %end;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %let msg=lock_anytable given unsupported action (&action);\n %let abortme=1;\n%end;\n\n/* catch errs - mp_abort must be called outside of a logic block */\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&abortme=1),\n msg=%superq(msg),\n mac=&sysmacroname\n)\n\n%exit_macro:\ndata _null_;\n put \"&sysmacroname: Exit vars: action=&action lib=&lib ds=&ds\";\n put \" syscc=&syscc sqlrc=&sqlrc syserr=&syserr\";\nrun;\n%mend mp_lockanytable;\n\n\n\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Removes a staged data package from approval screen\n @details\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n @li mf_getvarlist.sas\n @li mf_verifymacvars.sas\n @li mp_abort.sas\n @li mp_lockanytable.sas\n @li mpe_accesscheck.sas\n @li mpe_alerts.sas\n @li mpe_getvars.sas\n @li removecolsfromwork.sas\n\n

Service Outputs

\n\n @li TABLE_ID\n @li SUBMITTED_REASON_TXT\n @li RESPONSE\n\n @version 9.2\n @author 4GL Apps Ltd\n @copyright 4GL Apps Ltd. This code may only be used within Data Controller\n and may not be re-distributed or re-sold without the express permission of\n 4GL Apps Ltd.\n\n**/\n%global STP_ACTION TABLE STP_REASON;\n%mpeinit()\n\n%mpe_getvars(BrowserParams, BrowserParams)\n\nPROC FORMAT;\n picture yymmddhhmmss other='%0Y-%0m-%0d %0H:%0M:%0S' (datatype=datetime);\nRUN;\n\n/* get current status and base table */\ndata _null_;\n set &mpelib..mpe_submit(where=(TABLE_ID=\"&TABLE\"));\n call symputx('BASE_TABLE',cats(base_lib,'.',base_ds));\n call symputx('submit_status_cd',submit_status_cd);\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(\n iftrue=(%mf_verifymacvars(base_table)=0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Missing: base_table)\n)\n\n%mp_abort(\n iftrue=(%quote(&submit_status_cd)=%quote(REJECTED))\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(&table is already rejected!)\n)\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ge 4)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Issue on setup)\n)\n\n/**\n * determine if user is authorised to reject table\n */\n%let user=%mf_getuser();\n%global authcheck; %let authcheck=0;\n%mpe_accesscheck(&base_table,outds=authAPP,user=&user,access_level=APPROVE)\n%let authcheck=%mf_getattrn(work.authAPP,NLOBS);\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&authcheck=0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(User &user does not have APPROVE rights on &base_table and is not\n in the &mpeadmins group)\n)\n\n/* update the control table to show table as rejected (and why) */\n%let now=%sysfunc(datetime());\ndata work.reject;\n if 0 then set &mpelib..mpe_review;\n TABLE_ID=\"&table\";\n BASE_TABLE=\"&base_table\";\n REVIEW_STATUS_ID=\"REJECTED\";\n REVIEWED_BY_NM=\"&user\";\n REVIEWED_ON_DTTM=&now;\n REVIEW_REASON_TXT=symget('STP_REASON');\nrun;\n\n%mp_lockanytable(LOCK,\n lib=&mpelib,ds=mpe_review,ref=%str(&table rejection),\n ctl_ds=&mpelib..mpe_lockanytable\n)\nproc append base=&mpelib..mpe_review data=work.reject;\nrun;\n%mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK,\n lib=&mpelib,ds=mpe_review,\n ctl_ds=&mpelib..mpe_lockanytable\n)\n\n%mp_lockanytable(LOCK,\n lib=&mpelib,ds=mpe_submit,ref=%str(&table rejection),\n ctl_ds=&mpelib..mpe_lockanytable\n)\nproc sql;\nupdate &mpelib..mpe_submit\n set submit_status_cd='REJECTED',\n num_of_approvals_remaining=0,\n reviewed_by_nm=\"&user\",\n reviewed_on_dttm=&now\n where table_id=\"&table\";\n%mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK,\n lib=&mpelib,ds=mpe_submit,\n ctl_ds=&mpelib..mpe_lockanytable\n)\n\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc AFTER update...)\n)\n\n%mpe_alerts(alert_event=REJECTED\n , alert_lib=%scan(&BASE_TABLE,1,.)\n , alert_ds=%scan(&BASE_TABLE,2,.)\n , dsid=&TABLE\n)\n\ndata fromSAS;\n RESPONSE='SUCCESS!';\n set REJECT;\nrun;\n\n%removecolsfromwork(___TMP___MD5)\n\n%webout(OPEN)\n%webout(OBJ,fromSAS)\n%webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n%mpeterm()\n\n* Service end;" } ] }, { "name": "auditors", "type": "folder", "members": [ { "name": "getauditfile", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquefileref(prefix=_,maxtries=1000,lrecl=32767);\n %local rc fname;\n %if &prefix=0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %local x len;\n %let len=%eval(8-%length(&prefix));\n %let x=0;\n %do x=0 %to &maxtries;\n %let fname=&prefix%substr(%sysfunc(ranuni(0)),3,&len);\n %if %sysfunc(fileref(&fname)) > 0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %put unable to find available fileref after &maxtries attempts;\n %end;\n%mend mf_getuniquefileref;\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquelibref(prefix=mclib,maxtries=1000);\n %local x;\n\n %if ( %length(&prefix) gt 7 ) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: The prefix parameter cannot exceed 7 characters.;\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %if (%sysfunc(NVALID(&prefix,v7))=0) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: Invalid prefix (&prefix);\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* Set maxtries equal to '10 to the power of [# unused characters] - 1' */\n %let maxtries=%eval(10**(8-%length(&prefix))-1);\n\n %do x = 0 %to &maxtries;\n %if %sysfunc(libref(&prefix&x)) ne 0 %then %do;\n &prefix&x\n %return;\n %end;\n %let x = %eval(&x + 1);\n %end;\n\n %put %str(ERR)OR: No usable libref in range &prefix.0-&maxtries;\n %put %str(ERR)OR- Try reducing the prefix or deleting some libraries!;\n 0\n%mend mf_getuniquelibref;\n\n\n%macro mv_getusergroups(user\n ,outds=work.mv_getusergroups\n ,access_token_var=ACCESS_TOKEN\n ,grant_type=sas_services\n );\n%local oauth_bearer;\n%if &grant_type=detect %then %do;\n %if %symexist(&access_token_var) %then %let grant_type=authorization_code;\n %else %let grant_type=sas_services;\n%end;\n%if &grant_type=sas_services %then %do;\n %let oauth_bearer=oauth_bearer=sas_services;\n %let &access_token_var=;\n%end;\n%put &sysmacroname: grant_type=&grant_type;\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&grant_type ne authorization_code and &grant_type ne password\n and &grant_type ne sas_services\n )\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid value for grant_type: &grant_type)\n)\noptions noquotelenmax;\n\n%local base_uri; /* location of rest apis */\n%let base_uri=%mf_getplatform(VIYARESTAPI);\n\n/* fetching folder details for provided path */\n%local fname1;\n%let fname1=%mf_getuniquefileref();\n%let libref1=%mf_getuniquelibref();\n\nproc http method='GET' out=&fname1 &oauth_bearer\n url=\"&base_uri/identities/users/&user/memberships?limit=10000\";\n headers\n%if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\"\n%end;\n \"Accept\"=\"application/json\";\nrun;\n/*data _null_;infile &fname1;input;putlog _infile_;run;*/\n%if &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE=404 %then %do;\n %put NOTE: User &user not found!!;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %mp_abort(iftrue=(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE ne 200)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_PHRASE)\n )\n%end;\nlibname &libref1 JSON fileref=&fname1;\n\ndata &outds;\n set &libref1..items;\nrun;\n\n/* clear refs */\nfilename &fname1 clear;\nlibname &libref1 clear;\n\n%mend mv_getusergroups;\n\n\n%macro dc_getusergroups(user=,outds=mm_getgroups);\n %mv_getusergroups(&user,outds=&outds)\n data &outds;\n length groupname groupdesc $256;\n set &outds(rename=(id=groupname name=groupdesc));\n run;\n%mend dc_getusergroups;\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_getgroups(user=,outds=);\n\n %if not %symexist(dc_repo_users) %then %let dc_repo_users=foundation;\n\n %dc_getusergroups(user=&user,outds=&outds)\n\n data;\n length groupname groupdesc $256;\n set &dc_libref..mpe_groups;\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to;\n where also upcase(user_name)=\"%upcase(&user)\";\n groupname=group_name;\n groupdesc=group_desc;\n keep groupname groupdesc;\n run;\n\n data &outds;\n set &syslast &outds(keep=groupname groupdesc);\n run;\n\n%mend mpe_getgroups;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquename(prefix=MC);\n&prefix.%substr(%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32-%length(&prefix))\n%mend mf_getuniquename;\n\n\n%macro mf_abort(mac=mf_abort.sas, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n)/des='ungraceful abort' /*STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n %put NOTE: /// mf_abort macro executing //;\n %if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n %put NOTE - &msg;\n\n %abort;\n\n%mend mf_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_verifymacvars(\n verifyVars /* list of macro variable NAMES */\n ,makeUpcase=NO /* set to YES to make all the variable VALUES uppercase */\n ,mAbort=SOFT\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %local verifyIterator verifyVar abortmsg;\n %do verifyIterator=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&verifyVars,%str( )));\n %let verifyVar=%qscan(&verifyVars,&verifyIterator,%str( ));\n %if not %symexist(&verifyvar) %then %do;\n %let abortmsg= Variable &verifyVar is MISSING;\n %goto exit_err;\n %end;\n %if %length(%trim(&&&verifyVar))=0 %then %do;\n %let abortmsg= Variable &verifyVar is EMPTY;\n %goto exit_err;\n %end;\n %if &makeupcase=YES %then %do;\n %let &verifyVar=%upcase(&&&verifyvar);\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %goto exit_success;\n %exit_err:\n %put &abortmsg;\n %mf_abort(iftrue=(&mabort ne SOFT),\n mac=mf_verifymacvars,\n msg=%str(&abortmsg)\n )\n 0\n %return;\n %exit_success:\n 1\n\n%mend mf_verifymacvars;\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_accesscheck(\n base_table\n ,outds=med_accesscheck /* WORK table to contain access details */\n ,user= /* metadata user to check for */\n ,access_level=APPROVE\n ,cntl_lib_var=MPELIB\n );\n\n %if &user= %then %let user=%mf_getuser();\n\n %mp_abort(\n iftrue=(%index(&outds,.)>0 and %upcase(%scan(&outds,1,.)) ne WORK)\n ,mac=mpe_accesscheck\n ,msg=%str(outds should be a WORK table)\n )\n\n %mp_abort(\n iftrue=(%mf_verifymacvars(base_table user access_level)=0)\n ,mac=mpe_accesscheck\n ,msg=%str(Missing base_table/user access_level variables)\n )\n\n /* make unique temp table vars */\n %local tempds1 tempds2;\n %let tempds1=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=usergroups);\n %let tempds2=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=tablegroups);\n\n /* get list of user groups */\n %mpe_getgroups(user=&user,outds=&tempds1)\n\n /* get list of groups with access for that table */\n proc sql;\n create table &tempds2 as\n select distinct sas_group\n from &&&cntl_lib_var...mpe_security\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to\n and access_level=\"&access_level\"\n and (\n (libref=\"%scan(&base_table,1,.)\" and upcase(dsn)=\"%scan(&base_table,2,.)\")\n or (libref=\"%scan(&base_table,1,.)\" and dsn=\"*ALL*\")\n or (libref=\"*ALL*\")\n );\n %if &_debug ge 131 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds1;\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds2;\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &outds as\n select * from &tempds1\n where groupname=\"&mpeadmins\"\n or groupname in (select * from &tempds2);\n\n %put &sysmacroname: base_table=&base_table;\n %put &sysmacroname: access_level=&access_level;\n%mend mpe_accesscheck;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_existds(libds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&libds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&libds,VIEW)) ne 1 %then 0;\n %else 1;\n\n%mend mf_existds;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getvarlist(libds\n ,dlm=%str( )\n ,quote=no\n ,typefilter=A\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n /* declare local vars */\n %local outvar dsid nvars x rc dlm q var vtype;\n\n /* credit Rowland Hale - byte34 is double quote, 39 is single quote */\n %if %upcase("e)=DOUBLE %then %let q=%qsysfunc(byte(34));\n %else %if %upcase("e)=SINGLE %then %let q=%qsysfunc(byte(39));\n /* open dataset in macro */\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds));\n\n %if &dsid %then %do;\n %let nvars=%sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,NVARS));\n %if &nvars>0 %then %do;\n /* add variables with supplied delimeter */\n %do x=1 %to &nvars;\n /* get variable type */\n %let vtype=%sysfunc(vartype(&dsid,&x));\n %if &vtype=&typefilter or &typefilter=A %then %do;\n %let var=&q.%sysfunc(varname(&dsid,&x))&q.;\n %if &var=&q&q %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Empty column found in &libds!;\n %let var=&q. &q.;\n %end;\n %if %quote(&outvar)=%quote() %then %let outvar=&var;\n %else %let outvar=&outvar.&dlm.&var.;\n %end;\n %end;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Unable to open &libds (rc=&dsid);\n %put &sysmacroname: SYSMSG= %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n %do;%unquote(&outvar)%end;\n%mend mf_getvarlist;\n\n\n%macro mf_wordsInStr1ButNotStr2(\n Str1= /* string containing words to extract */\n ,Str2= /* used to compare with the extract string */\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%local count_base count_extr i i2 extr_word base_word match outvar;\n%if %length(&str1)=0 or %length(&str2)=0 %then %do;\n %put base string (str1)= &str1;\n %put compare string (str2) = &str2;\n %return;\n%end;\n%let count_base=%sysfunc(countw(&Str2));\n%let count_extr=%sysfunc(countw(&Str1));\n\n%do i=1 %to &count_extr;\n %let extr_word=%scan(&Str1,&i,%str( ));\n %let match=0;\n %do i2=1 %to &count_base;\n %let base_word=%scan(&Str2,&i2,%str( ));\n %if &extr_word=&base_word %then %let match=1;\n %end;\n %if &match=0 %then %let outvar=&outvar &extr_word;\n%end;\n\n &outvar\n\n%mend mf_wordsInStr1ButNotStr2;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_isblank(param\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %sysevalf(%superq(param)=,boolean)\n\n%mend mf_isblank;\n\n\n%macro mp_dropmembers(\n list /* space separated list of datasets / views */\n ,libref=WORK /* can only drop from a single library at a time */\n ,iftrue=%str(1=1)\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n %if %mf_isblank(&list) %then %do;\n %put NOTE: nothing to drop!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n proc datasets lib=&libref nolist;\n delete &list;\n delete &list /mtype=view;\n run;\n%mend mp_dropmembers;\n\n\n%macro mp_dirlist(path=%sysfunc(pathname(work))\n , fref=0\n , outds=work.mp_dirlist\n , getattrs=NO\n , showparent=NO\n , maxdepth=0\n , level=0 /* The level of recursion to perform. For internal use only. */\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%let getattrs=%upcase(&getattrs)XX;\n\n/* temp table */\n%local out_ds;\ndata;run;\n%let out_ds=%str(&syslast);\n\n/* drop main (top) table if it exists */\n%if &level=0 %then %do;\n %mp_dropmembers(%scan(&outds,-1,.), libref=WORK)\n%end;\n\ndata &out_ds(compress=no\n keep=file_or_folder filepath filename ext msg directory level\n );\n length directory filepath $2000 fref fref2 $8 file_or_folder $6 filename $255\n ext $20 msg $200 foption $16;\n if _n_=1 then call missing(of _all_);\n retain level &level;\n %if &fref=0 %then %do;\n rc = filename(fref, \"&path\");\n %end;\n %else %do;\n fref=\"&fref\";\n rc=0;\n %end;\n if rc = 0 then do;\n did = dopen(fref);\n if did=0 then do;\n putlog \"NOTE: This directory is empty, or does not exist - &path\";\n msg=sysmsg();\n put (_all_)(=);\n stop;\n end;\n /* attribute is OS-dependent - could be \"Directory\" or \"Directory Name\" */\n numopts=doptnum(did);\n do i=1 to numopts;\n foption=doptname(did,i);\n if foption=:'Directory' then i=numopts;\n end;\n directory=dinfo(did,foption);\n rc = filename(fref);\n end;\n else do;\n msg=sysmsg();\n put _all_;\n stop;\n end;\n dnum = dnum(did);\n do i = 1 to dnum;\n filename = dread(did, i);\n filepath=cats(directory,'/',filename);\n rc = filename(fref2,filepath);\n midd=dopen(fref2);\n dmsg=sysmsg();\n if did > 0 then file_or_folder='folder';\n rc=dclose(midd);\n midf=fopen(fref2);\n fmsg=sysmsg();\n if midf > 0 then file_or_folder='file';\n rc=fclose(midf);\n\n if index(fmsg,'File is in use') or index(dmsg,'is not a directory')\n then file_or_folder='file';\n else if index(fmsg,'Insufficient authorization') then file_or_folder='file';\n else if file_or_folder='' then file_or_folder='locked';\n\n if file_or_folder='file' then do;\n ext = prxchange('s/.*\\.{1,1}(.*)/$1/', 1, filename);\n if filename = ext then ext = ' ';\n end;\n else do;\n ext='';\n file_or_folder='folder';\n end;\n output;\n end;\n rc = dclose(did);\n %if &showparent=YES and &level=0 %then %do;\n filepath=directory;\n file_or_folder='folder';\n ext='';\n filename=scan(directory,-1,'/\\');\n msg='';\n level=&level;\n output;\n %end;\n stop;\nrun;\n\n%if %substr(&getattrs,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n data &out_ds;\n set &out_ds;\n length infoname infoval $60 fref $8;\n if _n_=1 then call missing(fref);\n rc=filename(fref,filepath);\n drop rc infoname fid i close fref;\n if file_or_folder='file' then do;\n fid=fopen(fref);\n if fid le 0 then do;\n msg=sysmsg();\n putlog \"Could not open file:\" filepath fid= ;\n sasname='_MCNOTVALID_';\n output;\n end;\n else do i=1 to foptnum(fid);\n infoname=foptname(fid,i);\n infoval=finfo(fid,infoname);\n sasname=compress(infoname, '_', 'adik');\n if anydigit(sasname)=1 then sasname=substr(sasname,anyalpha(sasname));\n if upcase(sasname) ne 'FILENAME' then output;\n end;\n close=fclose(fid);\n end;\n else do;\n fid=dopen(fref);\n if fid le 0 then do;\n msg=sysmsg();\n putlog \"Could not open folder:\" filepath fid= ;\n sasname='_MCNOTVALID_';\n output;\n end;\n else do i=1 to doptnum(fid);\n infoname=doptname(fid,i);\n infoval=dinfo(fid,infoname);\n sasname=compress(infoname, '_', 'adik');\n if anydigit(sasname)=1 then sasname=substr(sasname,anyalpha(sasname));\n if upcase(sasname) ne 'FILENAME' then output;\n end;\n close=dclose(fid);\n end;\n run;\n proc sort;\n by filepath sasname;\n proc transpose data=&out_ds out=&out_ds(drop=_:);\n id sasname;\n var infoval;\n by filepath file_or_folder filename ext ;\n run;\n%end;\n\ndata &out_ds;\n set &out_ds(where=(filepath ne ''));\nrun;\n\n/**\n * The above transpose can mean that some updates create additional columns.\n * This necessitates the occasional use of datastep over proc append.\n */\n%if %mf_existds(&outds) %then %do;\n %local basevars appvars newvars;\n %let basevars=%mf_getvarlist(&outds);\n %let appvars=%mf_getvarlist(&out_ds);\n %let newvars=%length(%mf_wordsinstr1butnotstr2(Str1=&appvars,Str2=&basevars));\n %if &newvars>0 %then %do;\n data &outds;\n set &outds &out_ds;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n proc append base=&outds data=&out_ds force nowarn;\n run;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n proc append base=&outds data=&out_ds;\n run;\n%end;\n\n/* recursive call */\n%if &maxdepth>&level or &maxdepth=MAX %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &out_ds;\n where file_or_folder='folder';\n %if &showparent=YES and &level=0 %then %do;\n if filepath ne directory;\n %end;\n length code $10000;\n code=cats('%nrstr(%mp_dirlist(path=',filepath,\",outds=&outds\"\n ,\",getattrs=&getattrs,level=%eval(&level+1),maxdepth=&maxdepth))\");\n put code=;\n call execute(code);\n run;\n%end;\n\n/* tidy up */\nproc sql;\ndrop table &out_ds;\n\n%mend mp_dirlist;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_binarycopy(\n inloc= /* full path and filename of the object to be copied */\n ,outloc= /* full path and filename of object to be created */\n ,inref=____in /* override default to use own filerefs */\n ,outref=____out /* override default to use own filerefs */\n ,mode=CREATE\n ,iftrue=%str(1=1)\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local mod;\n\n %if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n %if &mode=APPEND %then %let mod=mod;\n\n /* these IN and OUT filerefs can point to anything */\n %if &inref = ____in %then %do;\n filename &inref &inloc lrecl=1048576 ;\n %end;\n %if &outref=____out %then %do;\n filename &outref &outloc lrecl=1048576 &mod;\n %end;\n\n /* copy the file byte-for-byte */\n data _null_;\n infile &inref lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &outref &mod recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n\n %if &inref = ____in %then %do;\n filename &inref clear;\n %end;\n %if &outref=____out %then %do;\n filename &outref clear;\n %end;\n%mend mp_binarycopy;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getattrn(\n libds\n ,attr\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid rc;\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds,is));\n %if &dsid = 0 %then %do;\n %put %str(WARN)ING: Cannot open %trim(&libds), system message below;\n %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n -1\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,&attr))\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n%mend mf_getattrn;\n\n\n%macro mfs_httpheader(header_name\n ,header_value\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%global sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc)) ne 0 %then %do;\n %put &=fref &=sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n%end;\n\n%let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n\n%if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n%end;\n\n%let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(&header_name): %str(&header_value)));\n%let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n\n%let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n%let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n\n%mend mfs_httpheader;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_streamfile(\n contenttype=TEXT\n ,inloc=\n ,inref=0\n ,iftrue=%str(1=1)\n ,outname=\n ,outref=_webout\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%let contentype=%upcase(&contenttype);\n%let outref=%upcase(&outref);\n%local platform; %let platform=%mf_getplatform();\n\n/**\n * check engine type to avoid the below err message:\n * > Function is only valid for filerefs using the CACHE access method.\n */\n%local streamweb;\n%let streamweb=0;\ndata _null_;\n set sashelp.vextfl(where=(upcase(fileref)=\"&outref\"));\n if xengine='STREAM' then call symputx('streamweb',1,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if &contentype=CSV %then %do;\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type','application/csv');\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-disposition',\"attachment; filename=&outname\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" name='_webout.txt'\n contenttype='application/csv'\n contentdisp=\"attachment; filename=&outname\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type,application/csv)\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-disposition,%str(attachment; filename=&outname))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &contentype=EXCEL %then %do;\n /* suitable for XLS format */\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type','application/vnd.ms-excel');\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-disposition',\"attachment; filename=&outname\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" name='_webout.xls'\n contenttype='application/vnd.ms-excel'\n contentdisp=\"attachment; filename=&outname\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type,application/vnd.ms-excel)\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-disposition,%str(attachment; filename=&outname))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &contentype=GIF or &contentype=JPEG or &contentype=PNG %then %do;\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type',\"image/%lowcase(&contenttype)\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n contenttype=\"image/%lowcase(&contenttype)\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type,image/%lowcase(&contenttype))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &contentype=HTML or &contenttype=MARKDOWN %then %do;\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type',\"text/%lowcase(&contenttype)\");\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-disposition',\"attachment; filename=&outname\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" name=\"_webout.json\"\n contenttype=\"text/%lowcase(&contenttype)\"\n contentdisp=\"attachment; filename=&outname\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type,text/%lowcase(&contenttype))\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-disposition,%str(attachment; filename=&outname))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &contentype=TEXT %then %do;\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type','application/text');\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-disposition',\"attachment; filename=&outname\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" name='_webout.txt'\n contenttype='application/text'\n contentdisp=\"attachment; filename=&outname\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type,application/text)\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-disposition,%str(attachment; filename=&outname))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &contentype=WOFF or &contentype=WOFF2 or &contentype=TTF %then %do;\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type',\"font/%lowcase(&contenttype)\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n contenttype=\"font/%lowcase(&contenttype)\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type,font/%lowcase(&contenttype))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &contentype=XLSX %then %do;\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type',\n 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet');\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-disposition',\"attachment; filename=&outname\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" name='_webout.xls'\n contenttype=\n 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet'\n contentdisp=\"attachment; filename=&outname\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type\n ,application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet\n )\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-disposition,%str(attachment; filename=&outname))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &contentype=ZIP %then %do;\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type','application/zip');\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-disposition',\"attachment; filename=&outname\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" name='_webout.zip'\n contenttype='application/zip'\n contentdisp=\"attachment; filename=&outname\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type,application/zip)\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-disposition,%str(attachment; filename=&outname))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: Content Type &contenttype NOT SUPPORTED by &sysmacroname!;\n%end;\n\n%if &inref ne 0 %then %do;\n %mp_binarycopy(inref=&inref,outref=&outref)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %mp_binarycopy(inloc=\"&inloc\",outref=&outref)\n%end;\n\n%mend mp_streamfile;\n\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file getauditfile.sas\n @brief Downloads a zip file containing audit info.\n @details The staging location from the &mpelocapprovals location\n is zipped and returned as a file download. A user can only request the\n audit pack if they have EDIT or APPROVE rights on the target table.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n @li mf_verifymacvars.sas\n @li mpe_accesscheck.sas\n @li mp_abort.sas\n @li mp_dirlist.sas\n @li mp_binarycopy.sas\n @li mf_getattrn.sas\n @li mp_streamfile.sas\n\n\n @version 9.2\n @author 4GL Apps Ltd\n @copyright 4GL Apps Ltd. This code may only be used within Data Controller\n and may not be re-distributed or re-sold without the express permission of\n 4GL Apps Ltd.\n\n**/\n\n%mpeinit()\noptions mprint;\n\n/* security checks */\n%let user=%mf_getuser();\n\nproc sql noprint;\nselect cats(base_lib,'.',base_ds) into: libds\n from &mpelib..mpe_submit\n where table_id=\"&table\";\n\n%mp_abort(\n iftrue=(%mf_verifymacvars(libds table)=0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Missing: libds table)\n)\n\n%mpe_accesscheck(&libds,outds=authEDIT,user=&user,access_level=EDIT);\n%mpe_accesscheck(&libds,outds=authAPP,user=&user,access_level=APPROVE);\n\n%mp_abort(\n iftrue=(\n %mf_getattrn(work.authEDIT,NLOBS)=0 & %mf_getattrn(work.authAPP,NLOBS)=0\n )\n ,mac=mpestp_audit\n ,msg=%str(&user not authorised to download audit data for &table)\n)\n\nods package(ProdOutput) open nopf;\n\noptions notes source2 mprint;\n%let table=%unquote(&table);\n%mp_dirlist(outds=dirs, path=&mpelocapprovals/&TABLE);\ndata _null_;\n set dirs;\n retain str1\n \"ods package(ProdOutput) add file='&mpelocapprovals/&TABLE/\";\n retain str2 \"' mimetype='text/plain' path='contents/';\";\n call execute(cats(str1,filename,str2));\nrun;\n\n%let archive_path=%sysfunc(pathname(work));\n\nods package(ProdOutput) publish archive properties\n (archive_name= \"&table..zip\" archive_path=\"&archive_path\");\n\nods package(ProdOutput) close;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%nrstr(syscc=&syscc)\n)\n\n/* now serve zip file to client */\n%mp_streamfile(contenttype=ZIP\n ,inloc=%str(&archive_path/&table..zip)\n ,outname=&table..zip\n)\n\n%mpeterm()\n\n* Service end;" }, { "name": "getdiffs", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_getvars(injs,outds);\n /* load parameters */\n data _null_;\n __dummychar='';__dummynum=0;\n set &outds;\n array __charvals _character_;\n do over __charvals;\n call symputx(vname(__charvals),__charvals,'g');\n end;\n array __numvals _numeric_;\n do over __numvals;\n call symputx(vname(__numvals),__numvals,'g');\n end;\n run;\n%mend mpe_getvars;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquefileref(prefix=_,maxtries=1000,lrecl=32767);\n %local rc fname;\n %if &prefix=0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %local x len;\n %let len=%eval(8-%length(&prefix));\n %let x=0;\n %do x=0 %to &maxtries;\n %let fname=&prefix%substr(%sysfunc(ranuni(0)),3,&len);\n %if %sysfunc(fileref(&fname)) > 0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %put unable to find available fileref after &maxtries attempts;\n %end;\n%mend mf_getuniquefileref;\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquelibref(prefix=mclib,maxtries=1000);\n %local x;\n\n %if ( %length(&prefix) gt 7 ) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: The prefix parameter cannot exceed 7 characters.;\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %if (%sysfunc(NVALID(&prefix,v7))=0) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: Invalid prefix (&prefix);\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* Set maxtries equal to '10 to the power of [# unused characters] - 1' */\n %let maxtries=%eval(10**(8-%length(&prefix))-1);\n\n %do x = 0 %to &maxtries;\n %if %sysfunc(libref(&prefix&x)) ne 0 %then %do;\n &prefix&x\n %return;\n %end;\n %let x = %eval(&x + 1);\n %end;\n\n %put %str(ERR)OR: No usable libref in range &prefix.0-&maxtries;\n %put %str(ERR)OR- Try reducing the prefix or deleting some libraries!;\n 0\n%mend mf_getuniquelibref;\n\n\n%macro mv_getusergroups(user\n ,outds=work.mv_getusergroups\n ,access_token_var=ACCESS_TOKEN\n ,grant_type=sas_services\n );\n%local oauth_bearer;\n%if &grant_type=detect %then %do;\n %if %symexist(&access_token_var) %then %let grant_type=authorization_code;\n %else %let grant_type=sas_services;\n%end;\n%if &grant_type=sas_services %then %do;\n %let oauth_bearer=oauth_bearer=sas_services;\n %let &access_token_var=;\n%end;\n%put &sysmacroname: grant_type=&grant_type;\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&grant_type ne authorization_code and &grant_type ne password\n and &grant_type ne sas_services\n )\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid value for grant_type: &grant_type)\n)\noptions noquotelenmax;\n\n%local base_uri; /* location of rest apis */\n%let base_uri=%mf_getplatform(VIYARESTAPI);\n\n/* fetching folder details for provided path */\n%local fname1;\n%let fname1=%mf_getuniquefileref();\n%let libref1=%mf_getuniquelibref();\n\nproc http method='GET' out=&fname1 &oauth_bearer\n url=\"&base_uri/identities/users/&user/memberships?limit=10000\";\n headers\n%if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\"\n%end;\n \"Accept\"=\"application/json\";\nrun;\n/*data _null_;infile &fname1;input;putlog _infile_;run;*/\n%if &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE=404 %then %do;\n %put NOTE: User &user not found!!;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %mp_abort(iftrue=(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE ne 200)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_PHRASE)\n )\n%end;\nlibname &libref1 JSON fileref=&fname1;\n\ndata &outds;\n set &libref1..items;\nrun;\n\n/* clear refs */\nfilename &fname1 clear;\nlibname &libref1 clear;\n\n%mend mv_getusergroups;\n\n\n%macro dc_getusergroups(user=,outds=mm_getgroups);\n %mv_getusergroups(&user,outds=&outds)\n data &outds;\n length groupname groupdesc $256;\n set &outds(rename=(id=groupname name=groupdesc));\n run;\n%mend dc_getusergroups;\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_getgroups(user=,outds=);\n\n %if not %symexist(dc_repo_users) %then %let dc_repo_users=foundation;\n\n %dc_getusergroups(user=&user,outds=&outds)\n\n data;\n length groupname groupdesc $256;\n set &dc_libref..mpe_groups;\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to;\n where also upcase(user_name)=\"%upcase(&user)\";\n groupname=group_name;\n groupdesc=group_desc;\n keep groupname groupdesc;\n run;\n\n data &outds;\n set &syslast &outds(keep=groupname groupdesc);\n run;\n\n%mend mpe_getgroups;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquename(prefix=MC);\n&prefix.%substr(%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32-%length(&prefix))\n%mend mf_getuniquename;\n\n\n%macro mf_abort(mac=mf_abort.sas, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n)/des='ungraceful abort' /*STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n %put NOTE: /// mf_abort macro executing //;\n %if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n %put NOTE - &msg;\n\n %abort;\n\n%mend mf_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_verifymacvars(\n verifyVars /* list of macro variable NAMES */\n ,makeUpcase=NO /* set to YES to make all the variable VALUES uppercase */\n ,mAbort=SOFT\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %local verifyIterator verifyVar abortmsg;\n %do verifyIterator=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&verifyVars,%str( )));\n %let verifyVar=%qscan(&verifyVars,&verifyIterator,%str( ));\n %if not %symexist(&verifyvar) %then %do;\n %let abortmsg= Variable &verifyVar is MISSING;\n %goto exit_err;\n %end;\n %if %length(%trim(&&&verifyVar))=0 %then %do;\n %let abortmsg= Variable &verifyVar is EMPTY;\n %goto exit_err;\n %end;\n %if &makeupcase=YES %then %do;\n %let &verifyVar=%upcase(&&&verifyvar);\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %goto exit_success;\n %exit_err:\n %put &abortmsg;\n %mf_abort(iftrue=(&mabort ne SOFT),\n mac=mf_verifymacvars,\n msg=%str(&abortmsg)\n )\n 0\n %return;\n %exit_success:\n 1\n\n%mend mf_verifymacvars;\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_accesscheck(\n base_table\n ,outds=med_accesscheck /* WORK table to contain access details */\n ,user= /* metadata user to check for */\n ,access_level=APPROVE\n ,cntl_lib_var=MPELIB\n );\n\n %if &user= %then %let user=%mf_getuser();\n\n %mp_abort(\n iftrue=(%index(&outds,.)>0 and %upcase(%scan(&outds,1,.)) ne WORK)\n ,mac=mpe_accesscheck\n ,msg=%str(outds should be a WORK table)\n )\n\n %mp_abort(\n iftrue=(%mf_verifymacvars(base_table user access_level)=0)\n ,mac=mpe_accesscheck\n ,msg=%str(Missing base_table/user access_level variables)\n )\n\n /* make unique temp table vars */\n %local tempds1 tempds2;\n %let tempds1=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=usergroups);\n %let tempds2=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=tablegroups);\n\n /* get list of user groups */\n %mpe_getgroups(user=&user,outds=&tempds1)\n\n /* get list of groups with access for that table */\n proc sql;\n create table &tempds2 as\n select distinct sas_group\n from &&&cntl_lib_var...mpe_security\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to\n and access_level=\"&access_level\"\n and (\n (libref=\"%scan(&base_table,1,.)\" and upcase(dsn)=\"%scan(&base_table,2,.)\")\n or (libref=\"%scan(&base_table,1,.)\" and dsn=\"*ALL*\")\n or (libref=\"*ALL*\")\n );\n %if &_debug ge 131 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds1;\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds2;\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &outds as\n select * from &tempds1\n where groupname=\"&mpeadmins\"\n or groupname in (select * from &tempds2);\n\n %put &sysmacroname: base_table=&base_table;\n %put &sysmacroname: access_level=&access_level;\n%mend mpe_accesscheck;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getattrn(\n libds\n ,attr\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid rc;\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds,is));\n %if &dsid = 0 %then %do;\n %put %str(WARN)ING: Cannot open %trim(&libds), system message below;\n %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n -1\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,&attr))\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n%mend mf_getattrn;\n\n\n%macro mp_binarycopy(\n inloc= /* full path and filename of the object to be copied */\n ,outloc= /* full path and filename of object to be created */\n ,inref=____in /* override default to use own filerefs */\n ,outref=____out /* override default to use own filerefs */\n ,mode=CREATE\n ,iftrue=%str(1=1)\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local mod;\n\n %if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n %if &mode=APPEND %then %let mod=mod;\n\n /* these IN and OUT filerefs can point to anything */\n %if &inref = ____in %then %do;\n filename &inref &inloc lrecl=1048576 ;\n %end;\n %if &outref=____out %then %do;\n filename &outref &outloc lrecl=1048576 &mod;\n %end;\n\n /* copy the file byte-for-byte */\n data _null_;\n infile &inref lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &outref &mod recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n\n %if &inref = ____in %then %do;\n filename &inref clear;\n %end;\n %if &outref=____out %then %do;\n filename &outref clear;\n %end;\n%mend mp_binarycopy;\n\n\n\n%macro mfs_httpheader(header_name\n ,header_value\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%global sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc)) ne 0 %then %do;\n %put &=fref &=sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n%end;\n\n%let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n\n%if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n%end;\n\n%let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(&header_name): %str(&header_value)));\n%let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n\n%let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n%let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n\n%mend mfs_httpheader;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_streamfile(\n contenttype=TEXT\n ,inloc=\n ,inref=0\n ,iftrue=%str(1=1)\n ,outname=\n ,outref=_webout\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%let contentype=%upcase(&contenttype);\n%let outref=%upcase(&outref);\n%local platform; %let platform=%mf_getplatform();\n\n/**\n * check engine type to avoid the below err message:\n * > Function is only valid for filerefs using the CACHE access method.\n */\n%local streamweb;\n%let streamweb=0;\ndata _null_;\n set sashelp.vextfl(where=(upcase(fileref)=\"&outref\"));\n if xengine='STREAM' then call symputx('streamweb',1,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if &contentype=CSV %then %do;\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type','application/csv');\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-disposition',\"attachment; filename=&outname\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" name='_webout.txt'\n contenttype='application/csv'\n contentdisp=\"attachment; filename=&outname\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type,application/csv)\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-disposition,%str(attachment; filename=&outname))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &contentype=EXCEL %then %do;\n /* suitable for XLS format */\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type','application/vnd.ms-excel');\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-disposition',\"attachment; filename=&outname\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" name='_webout.xls'\n contenttype='application/vnd.ms-excel'\n contentdisp=\"attachment; filename=&outname\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type,application/vnd.ms-excel)\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-disposition,%str(attachment; filename=&outname))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &contentype=GIF or &contentype=JPEG or &contentype=PNG %then %do;\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type',\"image/%lowcase(&contenttype)\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n contenttype=\"image/%lowcase(&contenttype)\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type,image/%lowcase(&contenttype))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &contentype=HTML or &contenttype=MARKDOWN %then %do;\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type',\"text/%lowcase(&contenttype)\");\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-disposition',\"attachment; filename=&outname\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" name=\"_webout.json\"\n contenttype=\"text/%lowcase(&contenttype)\"\n contentdisp=\"attachment; filename=&outname\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type,text/%lowcase(&contenttype))\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-disposition,%str(attachment; filename=&outname))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &contentype=TEXT %then %do;\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type','application/text');\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-disposition',\"attachment; filename=&outname\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" name='_webout.txt'\n contenttype='application/text'\n contentdisp=\"attachment; filename=&outname\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type,application/text)\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-disposition,%str(attachment; filename=&outname))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &contentype=WOFF or &contentype=WOFF2 or &contentype=TTF %then %do;\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type',\"font/%lowcase(&contenttype)\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n contenttype=\"font/%lowcase(&contenttype)\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type,font/%lowcase(&contenttype))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &contentype=XLSX %then %do;\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type',\n 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet');\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-disposition',\"attachment; filename=&outname\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" name='_webout.xls'\n contenttype=\n 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet'\n contentdisp=\"attachment; filename=&outname\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type\n ,application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet\n )\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-disposition,%str(attachment; filename=&outname))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &contentype=ZIP %then %do;\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type','application/zip');\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-disposition',\"attachment; filename=&outname\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" name='_webout.zip'\n contenttype='application/zip'\n contentdisp=\"attachment; filename=&outname\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type,application/zip)\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-disposition,%str(attachment; filename=&outname))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: Content Type &contenttype NOT SUPPORTED by &sysmacroname!;\n%end;\n\n%if &inref ne 0 %then %do;\n %mp_binarycopy(inref=&inref,outref=&outref)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %mp_binarycopy(inloc=\"&inloc\",outref=&outref)\n%end;\n\n%mend mp_streamfile;\n\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file getdiffs.sas\n @brief Retrieves the diff file for viewing\n @details\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mpe_getvars.sas\n @li mpe_accesscheck.sas\n @li mf_getattrn.sas\n @li mp_abort.sas\n @li mp_binarycopy.sas\n @li mp_streamfile.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author 4GL Apps Ltd\n @copyright 4GL Apps Ltd. This code may only be used within Data Controller\n and may not be re-distributed or re-sold without the express permission of\n 4GL Apps Ltd.\n\n**/\n\n%mpeinit()\n%mpe_getvars(BrowserParams, BrowserParams);\n\n/* security checks */\n%let user=%mf_getuser();\n%mpe_accesscheck(&libds,outds=authEDIT,user=&user,access_level=EDIT)\n%mpe_accesscheck(&libds,outds=authAPP,user=&user,access_level=APPROVE)\n\n%macro mpestp_diffs();\n %if %mf_getattrn(work.authEDIT,NLOBS)=0 & %mf_getattrn(work.authAPP,NLOBS)=0\n %then %do;\n %mp_abort(msg=%str(\n &user not authorised to download diffs data for &stp_table)\n ,mac=mpestp_diffs.sas);\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc)\n )\n\n /* stream diffs csv to client */\n %mp_streamfile(contenttype=EXCEL\n ,inloc=%str(&mpelocapprovals/&TABLE/&STP_DIFFS_CSV)\n ,outname=&STP_DIFFS_CSV\n )\n\n%mend mpestp_diffs;\n%mpestp_diffs()\n\n\n\n%mpeterm()\n\n* Service end;" }, { "name": "getstagetable", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getattrn(\n libds\n ,attr\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid rc;\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds,is));\n %if &dsid = 0 %then %do;\n %put %str(WARN)ING: Cannot open %trim(&libds), system message below;\n %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n -1\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,&attr))\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n%mend mf_getattrn;\n\n\n%macro mf_getvalue(libds,variable,filter=1\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %if %mf_getattrn(&libds,NLOBS)>0 %then %do;\n %local dsid rc &variable;\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds(where=(&filter))));\n %syscall set(dsid);\n %let rc = %sysfunc(fetch(&dsid));\n %let rc = %sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n\n %trim(&&&variable)\n\n %end;\n%mend mf_getvalue;\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file getstagetable.sas\n @brief Retrieves the actual table that is being sent for update\n @details\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mf_getvalue.sas\n @li mp_abort.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author 4GL Apps Ltd\n @copyright 4GL Apps Ltd. This code may only be used within Data Controller\n and may not be re-distributed or re-sold without the express permission of\n 4GL Apps Ltd.\n\n**/\n%mpeinit()\n\n%let table_id=%mf_getvalue(work.iwant,table_id);\nlibname loc \"&mpelocapprovals/&table_id\";\ndata stagetable;\n set loc.&table_id;\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc)\n)\n\n%webout(OPEN)\n%webout(OBJ,stagetable,missing=STRING)\n%webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n%mpeterm()\n\n* Service end;" }, { "name": "postdata", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n\n\n%macro dc_assignlib(type,libref,passthru=);\n %if %length(&passthru)>0 %then %do;\n proc sql;\n connect using &libref as &passthru;\n %end;\n%mend dc_assignlib;\n\n\n/** @cond */\n\n%macro mf_existvar(libds /* 2 part dataset name */\n , var /* variable name */\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %local dsid rc;\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds,is));\n\n %if &dsid=0 %then %do;\n %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n 0\n %end;\n %else %if %length(&var)=0 %then %do;\n 0\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,&var))\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n\n%mend mf_existvar;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n%macro mf_getattrn(\n libds\n ,attr\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid rc;\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds,is));\n %if &dsid = 0 %then %do;\n %put %str(WARN)ING: Cannot open %trim(&libds), system message below;\n %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n -1\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,&attr))\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n%mend mf_getattrn;\n\n\n%macro mf_getvartype(libds /* two level name */\n , var /* variable name from which to return the type */\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid vnum vtype rc;\n /* Open dataset */\n %let dsid = %sysfunc(open(&libds));\n %if &dsid. > 0 %then %do;\n /* Get variable number */\n %let vnum = %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid, &var));\n /* Get variable type (C/N) */\n %if(&vnum. > 0) %then %let vtype = %sysfunc(vartype(&dsid, &vnum.));\n %else %do;\n %put NOTE: Variable &var does not exist in &libds;\n %let vtype = %str( );\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: dataset &libds not opened! (rc=&dsid);\n %put &sysmacroname: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* Close dataset */\n %let rc = %sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n /* Return variable type */\n &vtype\n%mend mf_getvartype;\n\n\n%macro mf_getattrc(\n libds\n ,attr\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid rc;\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds,is));\n %if &dsid = 0 %then %do;\n %put %str(WARN)ING: Cannot open %trim(&libds), system message below;\n %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n -1\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %sysfunc(attrc(&dsid,&attr))\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n%mend mf_getattrc;\n\n\n%macro mp_lockfilecheck(\n libds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\ndata _null_;\n if _n_=1 then putlog \"&sysmacroname entry vars:\";\n set sashelp.vmacro;\n where scope=\"&sysmacroname\";\n put name '=' value;\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc>0)\n ,mac=checklock.sas\n ,msg=Aborting with syscc=&syscc on entry.\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (\"&libds\"=\"0\")\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(libds not provided)\n)\n\n%local msg lib ds;\n%let lib=%upcase(%scan(&libds,1,.));\n%let ds=%upcase(%scan(&libds,2,.));\n\n/* in DC, format catalogs are passed with a -FC suffix. No saslock here! */\n%if %scan(&libds,2,-)=FC %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Format Catalog detected, no lockfile applied to &libds;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* do not proceed if no observations can be processed */\n%let msg=options obs = 0. syserrortext=%superq(syserrortext);\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (%sysfunc(getoption(OBS))=0)\n ,mac=checklock.sas\n ,msg=%superq(msg)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n putlog \"Checking engine & member type\";\nrun;\n%local engine memtype;\n%let memtype=%mf_getattrc(&libds,MTYPE);\n%let engine=%mf_getattrc(&libds,ENGINE);\n\n%if &engine ne V9 and &engine ne BASE %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog \"Lib &lib is not assigned using BASE engine - uses &engine instead\";\n putlog \"SAS lock check will not be performed\";\n run;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if &memtype ne DATA %then %do;\n %put NOTE: Cannot lock a VIEW!! Memtype=&memtype;\n %return;\n%end;\n\ndata _null_;\n putlog \"Engine = &engine, memtype=&memtype\";\n putlog \"Attempting lock statement\";\nrun;\n\nlock &libds;\n\n%local abortme;\n%let abortme=0;\n%if &syscc>0 or &SYSLCKRC ne 0 %then %do;\n %let msg=Unable to apply lock on &libds (SYSLCKRC=&SYSLCKRC syscc=&syscc);\n %put %str(ERR)OR: &sysmacroname: &msg;\n %let abortme=1;\n%end;\n\nlock &libds clear;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&abortme=1)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%superq(msg)\n)\n\n%mend mp_lockfilecheck;\n\n\n%macro mp_lockanytable(\n action\n ,lib= WORK\n ,ds=0\n ,ref=\n ,ctl_ds=0\n ,loops=25\n ,loop_secs=1\n );\ndata _null_;\n if _n_=1 then putlog \"&sysmacroname entry vars:\";\n set sashelp.vmacro;\n where scope=\"&sysmacroname\";\n put name '=' value;\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (\"&ds\"=\"0\" and &action ne MAKETABLE)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(dataset was not provided)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&ctl_ds=0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Control dataset was not provided)\n)\n\n/* set up lib & mac vars */\n%let lib=%upcase(&lib);\n%let ds=%upcase(&ds);\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n%local user x trans msg abortme;\n%let user=%mf_getuser();\n%let abortme=0;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&action ne LOCK & &action ne UNLOCK & &action ne MAKETABLE)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid action (&action) provided)\n)\n\n/* if an err condition exists, exit before we even begin */\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc>0 and &action=LOCK)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(aborting due to syscc=&syscc on LOCK entry)\n)\n\n/* do not bother locking work tables (else may affect all WORK libraries) */\n%if (%upcase(&lib)=WORK or %str(&lib)=%str()) & &action ne MAKETABLE %then %do;\n %put NOTE: WORK libraries will not be registered in the locking system.;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* do not proceed if no observations can be processed */\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (%sysfunc(getoption(OBS))=0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(cannot continue when options obs = 0)\n)\n\n%if &ACTION=LOCK %then %do;\n\n /* abort if a SAS lock is already in place, or cannot be applied */\n %mp_lockfilecheck(&lib..&ds)\n\n /* next, check there is a record for this table */\n %local record_exists_check;\n proc sql noprint;\n select count(*) into: record_exists_check from &ctl_ds\n where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" and LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n quit;\n %if &syscc>0 %then %put syscc=&syscc sqlrc=&sqlrc;\n %if &record_exists_check=0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog \"&sysmacroname: adding record to lock table..\";\n run;\n\n data ;\n if 0 then set &ctl_ds;\n LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\";\n LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n LOCK_STATUS_CD='LOCKED';\n LOCK_START_DTTM=\"%sysfunc(datetime(),%mf_fmtdttm())\"dt;\n LOCK_USER_NM=\"&user\";\n LOCK_PID=\"&sysjobid\";\n LOCK_REF=\"&ref\";\n output;stop;\n run;\n %let trans=&syslast;\n proc append base=&ctl_ds data=&trans;\n run;\n %end;\n /* if record does exist, perform lock attempts */\n %else %do x=1 %to &loops;\n data _null_;\n putlog \"&sysmacroname: attempting lock (iteration &x) \"@;\n putlog \"at %sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.) ..\";\n run;\n\n proc sql;\n update &ctl_ds\n set LOCK_STATUS_CD='LOCKED'\n , LOCK_START_DTTM=\"%sysfunc(datetime(),%mf_fmtdttm())\"dt\n , LOCK_USER_NM=\"&user\"\n , LOCK_PID=\"&sysjobid\"\n , LOCK_REF=\"&ref\"\n where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" and LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n quit;\n /**\n * NOTE - occasionally SQL server will return an err code (deadlocked\n * transaction). If so, ignore it, keep calm, and carry on..\n */\n %if &syscc>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n putlog \"NOTE- &sysmacroname: Update failed. \"@;\n putlog \"Resetting err conditions and re-attempting.\";\n putlog \"NOTE- syscc=&syscc syserr=&syserr sqlrc=&sqlrc\";\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n run;\n %let syscc=0;\n %let sqlrc=0;\n %end;\n\n /* now check if the record was successfully updated */\n %local success_check;\n proc sql noprint;\n select count(*) into: success_check from &ctl_ds\n where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" and LOCK_DS=\"&ds\"\n and LOCK_PID=\"&sysjobid\" and LOCK_STATUS_CD='LOCKED';\n quit;\n %if &success_check=0 %then %do;\n %if &x < &loops %then %do;\n /* pause before next check */\n data _null_;\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n putlog \"NOTE- &sysmacroname: table locked, waiting \"@;\n putlog \"%sysfunc(sleep(&loop_secs)) seconds.. \";\n putlog \"NOTE- (iteration &x of &loops)\";\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %let msg=Unable to lock &lib..&ds via &ctl_ds after &loops attempts.\\n\n Please ask your administrator to investigate!;\n %let abortme=1;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n putlog \"NOTE- &sysmacroname: Table &lib..&ds locked at \"@;\n putlog \" %sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.) (iteration &x)\"@;\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n run;\n %if &syscc>0 %then %do;\n %put setting syscc(&syscc) back to 0;\n %let syscc=0;\n %end;\n %let x=&loops; /* no more iterations needed */\n %end;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &ACTION=UNLOCK %then %do;\n %local status cnt;\n %let cnt=0;\n proc sql noprint;\n select count(*) into: cnt from &ctl_ds where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" & LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n %if &cnt=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(WAR)NING: &lib..&ds was not previously locked in &ctl_ds!;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n select LOCK_STATUS_CD into: status from &ctl_ds\n where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" and LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n quit;\n %if &syscc>0 %then %put syscc=&syscc sqlrc=&sqlrc;\n %if &status=LOCKED %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog \"&sysmacroname: unlocking &lib..&ds:\";\n run;\n proc sql;\n update &ctl_ds\n set LOCK_STATUS_CD='UNLOCKED'\n , LOCK_END_DTTM=\"%sysfunc(datetime(),%mf_fmtdttm())\"dt\n , LOCK_USER_NM=\"&user\"\n , LOCK_PID=\"&sysjobid\"\n , LOCK_REF=\"&ref\"\n where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" and LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n quit;\n %end;\n %else %if &status=UNLOCKED %then %do;\n %put %str(WAR)NING: &lib..&ds is already unlocked!;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put NOTE: Unrecognised STATUS_CD (&status) in &ctl_ds;\n %let abortme=1;\n %end;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %let msg=lock_anytable given unsupported action (&action);\n %let abortme=1;\n%end;\n\n/* catch errs - mp_abort must be called outside of a logic block */\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&abortme=1),\n msg=%superq(msg),\n mac=&sysmacroname\n)\n\n%exit_macro:\ndata _null_;\n put \"&sysmacroname: Exit vars: action=&action lib=&lib ds=&ds\";\n put \" syscc=&syscc sqlrc=&sqlrc syserr=&syserr\";\nrun;\n%mend mp_lockanytable;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro bitemporal_closeouts(\n tech_from=tx_from_dttm\n ,tech_to = tx_to_dttm /* Technical TO datetime variable.\n Req'd on BASE table only. */\n ,base_lib=WORK /* Libref of the BASE table. */\n ,base_dsn=BASETABLE /* Name of BASE table. */\n ,append_lib=WORK /* Libref of the STAGING table. */\n ,append_dsn=APPENDTABLE /* Name of STAGING table. */\n ,PK= name sex /* Business key, space separated. */\n /* Should INCLUDE BUS_FROM field if relevant. */\n ,NOW=DEFINE\n ,FILTER= /* supply a filter to limit the update */\n ,outdest= /* supply an unquoted filepath/filename.ext to get\n a text file containing the update statements */\n ,loadtype=\n ,loadtarget=YES /* if <> YES will return without changing anything */\n);\n%put ENTERING &sysmacroname;\n%local x var start;\n%let start=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%dc_assignlib(WRITE,&base_lib)\n%dc_assignlib(WRITE,&append_lib)\n\n%if &now=DEFINE %then %let now=&dc_dttmtfmt.;\n%put &=now;\n/**\n * perform basic checks\n */\n/* do tables exist? */\n%if not %sysfunc(exist(&base_lib..&base_dsn)) %then %do;\n %mp_abort(msg=&base_lib..&base_dsn does not exist)\n%end;\n%else %if %sysfunc(exist(&append_lib..&append_dsn))=0\n and %sysfunc(exist(&append_lib..&append_dsn,VIEW))=0 %then %do;\n %mp_abort(msg=&append_lib..&append_dsn does not exist)\n%end;\n/* do TX columns exist? */\n%if &loadtype ne UPDATE %then %do;\n %if not %mf_existvar(&base_lib..&base_dsn,&tech_from) %then %do;\n %mp_abort(msg=&tech_from does not exist on &base_lib..&base_dsn)\n %end;\n %else %if not %mf_existvar(&base_lib..&base_dsn,&tech_to) %then %do;\n %mp_abort(msg=&tech_to does not exist on &base_lib..&base_dsn)\n %end;\n%end;\n/* do PK columns exist? */\n%do x=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&PK));\n %let var=%scan(&pk,&x,%str( ));\n %if not %mf_existvar(&base_lib..&base_dsn,&var) %then %do;\n %mp_abort(msg=&var does not exist on &base_lib..&base_dsn)\n %end;\n %else %if not %mf_existvar(&append_lib..&append_dsn,&var) %then %do;\n %mp_abort(msg=&var does not exist on &append_lib..&append_dsn)\n %end;\n%end;\n/* check uniqueness */\nproc sort data=&append_lib..&append_dsn\n out=___closeout1 noduprecs dupout=___closeout1a;\n by &pk;\nrun;\n%if %mf_getattrn(___closeout1a,NLOBS)>0 %then\n %put NOTE: dups on (&PK) in (&append_lib..&append_dsn);\n/* is &NOW value within a tolerance? Should not allow renegade closeouts.. */\n%local gap;\n%let gap=0;\ndata _null_;\n now=&now;\n gap=intck('HOURS',now,datetime());\n call symputx('gap',gap,'l');\nrun;\n%mf_abort(\n iftrue=(&gap > 24),\n msg=NOW variable (&now) is not within a 24hr tolerance\n)\n\n/* have any warnings / errs occurred thus far? If so, abort */\n%mf_abort(\n iftrue=(&syscc>0),\n msg=Aborted due to SYSCC=&SYSCC status\n)\n\n/**\n * Create closeout statements. These are sent as individual SQL statements\n * to ensure pass-through utilisation. The update_cnt variable monitors\n * how many records were actually updated on the target table.\n */\n%local update_cnt;\n%let update_cnt=0;\nfilename tmp temp;\ndata _null_;\n set ___closeout1;\n file tmp;\n if _n_=1 then put 'proc sql noprint;' ;\n length string $32767.;\n %if &loadtype=UPDATE %then %do;\n put \"delete from &base_lib..&base_dsn where 1\";\n %end;\n %else %do;\n now=symget('now');\n put \"update &base_lib..&base_dsn set &tech_to= \" now @;\n %if %mf_existvar(&base_lib..&base_dsn,PROCESSED_DTTM) %then %do;\n put \" ,PROCESSED_DTTM=\" now @;\n %end;\n put \" where \" now \" lt &tech_to \";\n %end;\n %do x=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&PK));\n %let var=%scan(&pk,&x,%str( ));\n %if %mf_getvartype(&base_lib..&base_dsn,&var)=C %then %do;\n /* use single quotes to avoid ampersand resolution in data */\n string=\" & &var='\"!!trim(prxchange(\"s/'/''/\",-1,&var))!!\"'\";\n %end;\n %else %do;\n string=cats(\" & &var=\",&var);\n %end;\n put string;\n %end;\n put \"&filter ;\";\n put '%let update_cnt=%eval(&update_cnt+&sqlobs);%put update_cnt=&update_cnt;';\nrun;\n\ndata _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;\n putlog _infile_;\nrun;\n\n%if &loadtarget ne YES %then %return;\n\n/* ensure we have a lock */\n%mp_lockanytable(LOCK,\n lib=&base_lib,ds=&base_dsn\n ,ref=bitemporal_closeouts\n ,ctl_ds=&mpelib..mpe_lockanytable\n)\n\noptions source2;\n%inc tmp;\n\nfilename tmp clear;\n\n/**\n * Update audit tracker\n */\n\n%local newobs; %let newobs=%mf_getattrn(work.___closeout1,NLOBS);\n%local user; %let user=%mf_getuser();\nproc sql;\ninsert into &mpelib..mpe_dataloads\n set libref=%upcase(\"&base_lib\")\n ,DSN=%upcase(\"&base_dsn\")\n ,ETLSOURCE=\"&append_lib..&append_dsn contained &newobs records\"\n ,LOADTYPE=\"CLOSEOUT\"\n ,DELETED_RECORDS=&update_cnt\n ,NEW_RECORDS=0\n ,DURATION=%sysfunc(datetime())-&start\n ,USER_NM=\"&user\"\n ,PROCESSED_DTTM=&now;\nquit;\n\n\n%mend bitemporal_closeouts;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_existds(libds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&libds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&libds,VIEW)) ne 1 %then 0;\n %else 1;\n\n%mend mf_existds;\n\n\n/** @cond */\n\n%macro mf_getengine(libref\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid engnum rc engine;\n\n /* in case the parameter is a libref.tablename, pull off just the libref */\n %let libref = %upcase(%scan(&libref, 1, %str(.)));\n\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(\n open(sashelp.vlibnam(where=(libname=\"%upcase(&libref)\")),i)\n );\n %if (&dsid ^= 0) %then %do;\n %let engnum=%sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,ENGINE));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fetch(&dsid));\n %let engine=%sysfunc(getvarc(&dsid,&engnum));\n %put &libref. ENGINE is &engine.;\n %let rc= %sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n\n %upcase(&engine)\n\n%mend mf_getengine;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n%macro mf_getschema(libref\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid vnum rc schema;\n /* in case the parameter is a libref.tablename, pull off just the libref */\n %let libref = %upcase(%scan(&libref, 1, %str(.)));\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(sashelp.vlibnam(where=(\n libname=\"%upcase(&libref)\" and sysname='Schema/Owner'\n )),i));\n %if (&dsid ^= 0) %then %do;\n %let vnum=%sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,SYSVALUE));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fetch(&dsid));\n %let schema=%sysfunc(getvarc(&dsid,&vnum));\n %put &libref. schema is &schema.;\n %let rc= %sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n\n &schema\n\n%mend mf_getschema;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquefileref(prefix=_,maxtries=1000,lrecl=32767);\n %local rc fname;\n %if &prefix=0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %local x len;\n %let len=%eval(8-%length(&prefix));\n %let x=0;\n %do x=0 %to &maxtries;\n %let fname=&prefix%substr(%sysfunc(ranuni(0)),3,&len);\n %if %sysfunc(fileref(&fname)) > 0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %put unable to find available fileref after &maxtries attempts;\n %end;\n%mend mf_getuniquefileref;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquename(prefix=MC);\n&prefix.%substr(%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32-%length(&prefix))\n%mend mf_getuniquename;\n\n\n%macro mf_getvarlist(libds\n ,dlm=%str( )\n ,quote=no\n ,typefilter=A\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n /* declare local vars */\n %local outvar dsid nvars x rc dlm q var vtype;\n\n /* credit Rowland Hale - byte34 is double quote, 39 is single quote */\n %if %upcase("e)=DOUBLE %then %let q=%qsysfunc(byte(34));\n %else %if %upcase("e)=SINGLE %then %let q=%qsysfunc(byte(39));\n /* open dataset in macro */\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds));\n\n %if &dsid %then %do;\n %let nvars=%sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,NVARS));\n %if &nvars>0 %then %do;\n /* add variables with supplied delimeter */\n %do x=1 %to &nvars;\n /* get variable type */\n %let vtype=%sysfunc(vartype(&dsid,&x));\n %if &vtype=&typefilter or &typefilter=A %then %do;\n %let var=&q.%sysfunc(varname(&dsid,&x))&q.;\n %if &var=&q&q %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Empty column found in &libds!;\n %let var=&q. &q.;\n %end;\n %if %quote(&outvar)=%quote() %then %let outvar=&var;\n %else %let outvar=&outvar.&dlm.&var.;\n %end;\n %end;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Unable to open &libds (rc=&dsid);\n %put &sysmacroname: SYSMSG= %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n %do;%unquote(&outvar)%end;\n%mend mf_getvarlist;\n\n\n%macro mf_abort(mac=mf_abort.sas, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n)/des='ungraceful abort' /*STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n %put NOTE: /// mf_abort macro executing //;\n %if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n %put NOTE - &msg;\n\n %abort;\n\n%mend mf_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_verifymacvars(\n verifyVars /* list of macro variable NAMES */\n ,makeUpcase=NO /* set to YES to make all the variable VALUES uppercase */\n ,mAbort=SOFT\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %local verifyIterator verifyVar abortmsg;\n %do verifyIterator=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&verifyVars,%str( )));\n %let verifyVar=%qscan(&verifyVars,&verifyIterator,%str( ));\n %if not %symexist(&verifyvar) %then %do;\n %let abortmsg= Variable &verifyVar is MISSING;\n %goto exit_err;\n %end;\n %if %length(%trim(&&&verifyVar))=0 %then %do;\n %let abortmsg= Variable &verifyVar is EMPTY;\n %goto exit_err;\n %end;\n %if &makeupcase=YES %then %do;\n %let &verifyVar=%upcase(&&&verifyvar);\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %goto exit_success;\n %exit_err:\n %put &abortmsg;\n %mf_abort(iftrue=(&mabort ne SOFT),\n mac=mf_verifymacvars,\n msg=%str(&abortmsg)\n )\n 0\n %return;\n %exit_success:\n 1\n\n%mend mf_verifymacvars;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_wordsInStr1ButNotStr2(\n Str1= /* string containing words to extract */\n ,Str2= /* used to compare with the extract string */\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%local count_base count_extr i i2 extr_word base_word match outvar;\n%if %length(&str1)=0 or %length(&str2)=0 %then %do;\n %put base string (str1)= &str1;\n %put compare string (str2) = &str2;\n %return;\n%end;\n%let count_base=%sysfunc(countw(&Str2));\n%let count_extr=%sysfunc(countw(&Str1));\n\n%do i=1 %to &count_extr;\n %let extr_word=%scan(&Str1,&i,%str( ));\n %let match=0;\n %do i2=1 %to &count_base;\n %let base_word=%scan(&Str2,&i2,%str( ));\n %if &extr_word=&base_word %then %let match=1;\n %end;\n %if &match=0 %then %let outvar=&outvar &extr_word;\n%end;\n\n &outvar\n\n%mend mf_wordsInStr1ButNotStr2;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_isblank(param\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %sysevalf(%superq(param)=,boolean)\n\n%mend mf_isblank;\n\n\n%macro mp_dropmembers(\n list /* space separated list of datasets / views */\n ,libref=WORK /* can only drop from a single library at a time */\n ,iftrue=%str(1=1)\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n %if %mf_isblank(&list) %then %do;\n %put NOTE: nothing to drop!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n proc datasets lib=&libref nolist;\n delete &list;\n delete &list /mtype=view;\n run;\n%mend mp_dropmembers;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getquotedstr(IN_STR\n ,DLM=%str(,)\n ,QUOTE=S\n ,indlm=%str( )\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n /* credit Rowland Hale - byte34 is double quote, 39 is single quote */\n %if "e=S %then %let quote=%qsysfunc(byte(39));\n %else %if "e=D %then %let quote=%qsysfunc(byte(34));\n %else %if "e=N %then %let quote=;\n %local i item buffer;\n %let i=1;\n %do %while (%qscan(&IN_STR,&i,%str(&indlm)) ne %str() ) ;\n %let item=%qscan(&IN_STR,&i,%str(&indlm));\n %if %bquote("E) ne %then %let item="E%qtrim(&item)"E;\n %else %let item=%qtrim(&item);\n\n %if (&i = 1) %then %let buffer =%qtrim(&item);\n %else %let buffer =&buffer&DLM%qtrim(&item);\n\n %let i = %eval(&i+1);\n %end;\n\n %let buffer=%sysfunc(coalescec(%qtrim(&buffer),"E"E));\n\n &buffer\n\n%mend mf_getquotedstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_nobs(libds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %mf_getattrn(&libds,NLOBS)\n%mend mf_nobs;\n\n\n%macro mp_retainedkey(\n base_lib=WORK\n ,base_dsn=BASETABLE\n ,append_lib=WORK\n ,append_dsn=APPENDTABLE\n ,retained_key=DEFAULT_RK\n ,business_key= PK1 PK2\n ,check_uniqueness=NO\n ,maxkeytable=0\n ,locktable=0\n ,outds=WORK.APPEND\n ,filter_str=\n);\n%put &sysmacroname entry vars:;\n%put _local_;\n\n%local base_libds app_libds key_field check maxkey idx_pk newkey_cnt iserr\n msg x tempds1 tempds2 comma_pk appnobs checknobs dropvar tempvar idx_val;\n%let base_libds=%upcase(&base_lib..&base_dsn);\n%let app_libds=%upcase(&append_lib..&append_dsn);\n%let tempds1=%mf_getuniquename();\n%let tempds2=%mf_getuniquename();\n%let comma_pk=%mf_getquotedstr(in_str=%str(&business_key),dlm=%str(,),quote=);\n%let outds=%sysfunc(ifc(%index(&outds,.)=0,work.&outds,&outds));\n/* validation checks */\n%let iserr=0;\n%if &syscc>0 %then %do;\n %let iserr=1;\n %let msg=%str(SYSCC=&syscc on macro entry);\n%end;\n%else %if %sysfunc(exist(&base_libds))=0 %then %do;\n %let iserr=1;\n %let msg=%str(Base LIBDS (&base_libds) expected but NOT FOUND);\n%end;\n%else %if %sysfunc(exist(&app_libds))=0 %then %do;\n %let iserr=1;\n %let msg=%str(Append LIBDS (&app_libds) expected but NOT FOUND);\n%end;\n%else %if &maxkeytable ne 0 and %sysfunc(exist(&maxkeytable))=0 %then %do;\n %let iserr=1;\n %let msg=%str(Maxkeytable (&maxkeytable) expected but NOT FOUND);\n%end;\n%else %if &maxkeytable ne 0 and %sysfunc(exist(&locktable))=0 %then %do;\n %let iserr=1;\n %let msg=%str(Locktable (&locktable) expected but NOT FOUND);\n%end;\n%else %if %length(&business_key)=0 %then %do;\n %let iserr=1;\n %let msg=%str(Business key (&business_key) expected but NOT FOUND);\n%end;\n\n%do x=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&business_key));\n /* check business key values exist */\n %let key_field=%scan(&business_key,&x,%str( ));\n %if not %mf_existvar(&app_libds,&key_field) %then %do;\n %let iserr=1;\n %let msg=Business key (&key_field) not found on &app_libds!;\n %goto err;\n %end;\n %else %if not %mf_existvar(&base_libds,&key_field) %then %do;\n %let iserr=1;\n %let msg=Business key (&key_field) not found on &base_libds!;\n %goto err;\n %end;\n%end;\n%err:\n%if &iserr=1 %then %do;\n /* err case so first perform an unlock of the base table before exiting */\n %mp_lockanytable(\n UNLOCK,lib=&base_lib,ds=&base_dsn,ref=%superq(msg),ctl_ds=&locktable\n )\n%end;\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&iserr=1),mac=mp_retainedkey,msg=%superq(msg))\n\nproc sql noprint;\nselect sum(max(&retained_key),0) into: maxkey from &base_libds;\n\n/**\n * get base table RK and bus field values for lookup\n */\nproc sql noprint;\ncreate table &tempds1 as\n select distinct &comma_pk,&retained_key\n from &base_libds &filter_str\n order by &comma_pk,&retained_key;\n\n%if &check_uniqueness=YES %then %do;\n select count(*) into:checknobs\n from (select distinct &comma_pk from &app_libds);\n select count(*) into: appnobs from &app_libds; /* might be view */\n %if &checknobs ne &appnobs %then %do;\n %let msg=Source table &app_libds is not unique on (&business_key);\n %let iserr=1;\n %end;\n%end;\n%if &iserr=1 %then %do;\n /* err case so first perform an unlock of the base table before exiting */\n %mp_lockanytable(\n UNLOCK,lib=&base_lib,ds=&base_dsn,ref=%superq(msg),ctl_ds=&locktable\n )\n%end;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&iserr=1),mac=mp_retainedkey,msg=%superq(msg))\n\n%if %mf_existvar(&app_libds,&retained_key)\n%then %let dropvar=(drop=&retained_key);\n\n/* prepare interim table with retained key populated for matching keys */\nproc sql noprint;\ncreate table &tempds2 as\n select b.&retained_key, a.*\n from &app_libds &dropvar a\n left join &tempds1 b\n on 1\n %do idx_pk=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&business_key));\n %let idx_val=%scan(&business_key,&idx_pk);\n and a.&idx_val=b.&idx_val\n %end;\n order by &retained_key;\n\n/* identify the number of entries without retained keys (new records) */\nselect count(*) into: newkey_cnt\n from &tempds2\n where missing(&retained_key);\nquit;\n\n/**\n * Update maxkey table if link provided\n */\n%if &maxkeytable ne 0 %then %do;\n proc sql noprint;\n select count(*) into: check from &maxkeytable\n where upcase(keytable)=\"&base_libds\";\n\n %mp_lockanytable(LOCK\n ,lib=%scan(&maxkeytable,1,.)\n ,ds=%scan(&maxkeytable,2,.)\n ,ref=Updating maxkeyvalues with mp_retainedkey\n ,ctl_ds=&locktable\n )\n proc sql;\n %if &check=0 %then %do;\n insert into &maxkeytable\n set keytable=\"&base_libds\"\n ,keycolumn=\"&retained_key\"\n ,max_key=%eval(&maxkey+&newkey_cnt)\n ,processed_dttm=\"%sysfunc(datetime(),%mf_fmtdttm())\"dt;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n update &maxkeytable\n set max_key=%eval(&maxkey+&newkey_cnt)\n ,processed_dttm=\"%sysfunc(datetime(),%mf_fmtdttm())\"dt\n where keytable=\"&base_libds\";\n %end;\n %mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK\n ,lib=%scan(&maxkeytable,1,.)\n ,ds=%scan(&maxkeytable,2,.)\n ,ref=Updating maxkeyvalues with maxkey=%eval(&maxkey+&newkey_cnt)\n ,ctl_ds=&locktable\n )\n%end;\n\n/* fill in the missing retained key values */\n%let tempvar=%mf_getuniquename();\ndata &outds(drop=&tempvar);\n retain &tempvar %eval(&maxkey+1);\n set &tempds2;\n if &retained_key =. then &retained_key=&tempvar;\n &tempvar=&tempvar+1;\nrun;\n\n%mend mp_retainedkey;\n\n\n\n/** @cond */\n\n%macro mp_storediffs(libds\n ,origds\n ,key\n ,delds=0\n ,appds=0\n ,modds=0\n ,outds=work.mp_storediffs\n ,loadref=0\n ,processed_dttm=0\n ,mdebug=0\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local dbg;\n%if &mdebug=1 %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname entry vars:;\n %put _local_;\n%end;\n%else %let dbg=*;\n\n/* set up unique and temporary vars */\n%local ds1 ds2 ds3 ds4 hashkey inds_auto inds_keep dslist vlist;\n%let ds1=%upcase(work.%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mpsd_ds1));\n%let ds2=%upcase(work.%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mpsd_ds2));\n%let ds3=%upcase(work.%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mpsd_ds3));\n%let ds4=%upcase(work.%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mpsd_ds4));\n%let hashkey=%upcase(%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mpsd_hashkey));\n%let inds_auto=%upcase(%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mpsd_inds_auto));\n%let inds_keep=%upcase(%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mpsd_inds_keep));\n\n%let dslist=&origds;\n%if &delds ne 0 %then %do;\n %let delds=%upcase(&delds);\n %if %scan(&delds,-1,.)=&delds %then %let delds=WORK.&delds;\n %let dslist=&dslist &delds;\n%end;\n%if &appds ne 0 %then %do;\n %let appds=%upcase(&appds);\n %if %scan(&appds,-1,.)=&appds %then %let appds=WORK.&appds;\n %let dslist=&dslist &appds;\n%end;\n%if &modds ne 0 %then %do;\n %let modds=%upcase(&modds);\n %if %scan(&modds,-1,.)=&modds %then %let modds=WORK.&modds;\n %let dslist=&dslist &modds;\n%end;\n\n%let origds=%upcase(&origds);\n%if %scan(&origds,-1,.)=&origds %then %let origds=WORK.&origds;\n\n%let key=%upcase(&key);\n\n/* hash the key and append all the tables (marking the source) */\ndata &ds1;\n set &dslist indsname=&inds_auto;\n &hashkey=put(md5(catx('|',%mf_getquotedstr(&key,quote=N))),$hex32.);\n &inds_keep=upcase(&inds_auto);\nproc sort;\n by &inds_keep &hashkey;\nrun;\n\n/* transpose numeric & char vars */\nproc transpose data=&ds1\n out=&ds2(rename=(&hashkey=key_hash _name_=tgtvar_nm col1=newval_num));\n by &inds_keep &hashkey;\n var _numeric_;\nrun;\nproc transpose data=&ds1\n out=&ds3(\n rename=(&hashkey=key_hash _name_=tgtvar_nm col1=newval_char)\n where=(tgtvar_nm not in (\"&hashkey\",\"&inds_keep\"))\n );\n by &inds_keep &hashkey;\n var _character_;\nrun;\n\n%if %index(&libds,-)>0 and %scan(&libds,2,-)=FC %then %do;\n /* this is a format catalog - cannot query cols directly */\n %let vlist=\"TYPE\",\"FMTNAME\",\"FMTROW\",\"START\",\"END\",\"LABEL\",\"MIN\",\"MAX\"\n ,\"DEFAULT\",\"LENGTH\",\"FUZZ\",\"PREFIX\",\"MULT\",\"FILL\",\"NOEDIT\",\"SEXCL\"\n ,\"EEXCL\",\"HLO\",\"DECSEP\",\"DIG3SEP\",\"DATATYPE\",\"LANGUAGE\";\n%end;\n%else %let vlist=%mf_getvarlist(&libds,dlm=%str(,),quote=DOUBLE);\n\ndata &ds4;\n length &inds_keep $41 tgtvar_nm $32 _label_ $256;\n if _n_=1 then call missing(_label_);\n drop _label_;\n set &ds2 &ds3 indsname=&inds_auto;\n\n tgtvar_nm=upcase(tgtvar_nm);\n if tgtvar_nm in (%upcase(&vlist));\n\n if upcase(&inds_auto)=\"&ds2\" then tgtvar_type='N';\n else if upcase(&inds_auto)=\"&ds3\" then tgtvar_type='C';\n else do;\n putlog 'ERR' +(-1) \"OR: unidentified vartype input!\" &inds_auto;\n call symputx('syscc',98);\n end;\n\n if &inds_keep=\"&appds\" then move_type='A';\n else if &inds_keep=\"&delds\" then move_type='D';\n else if &inds_keep=\"&modds\" then move_type='M';\n else if &inds_keep=\"&origds\" then move_type='O';\n else do;\n putlog 'ERR' +(-1) \"OR: unidentified movetype input!\" &inds_keep;\n call symputx('syscc',99);\n end;\n tgtvar_nm=upcase(tgtvar_nm);\n if tgtvar_nm in (%mf_getquotedstr(&key)) then is_pk=1;\n else is_pk=0;\n drop &inds_keep;\nrun;\n\n%if \"&loadref\"=\"0\" %then %let loadref=%sysfunc(uuidgen());\n%if &processed_dttm=0 %then %let processed_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime(),8.6);\n%let libds=%upcase(&libds);\n\n/* join orig vals for modified & deleted */\nproc sql;\ncreate table &outds as\n select \"&loadref\" as load_ref length=36\n ,&processed_dttm as processed_dttm format=E8601DT26.6\n ,\"%scan(&libds,1,.)\" as libref length=8\n ,\"%scan(&libds,2,.)\" as dsn length=32\n ,b.key_hash length=32\n ,b.move_type length=1\n ,b.tgtvar_nm length=32\n ,b.is_pk\n ,case when b.move_type ne 'M' then -1\n when a.newval_num=b.newval_num and a.newval_char=b.newval_char then 0\n else 1\n end as is_diff\n ,b.tgtvar_type length=1\n ,case when b.move_type='D' then b.newval_num\n else a.newval_num\n end as oldval_num format=best32.\n ,case when b.move_type='D' then .\n else b.newval_num\n end as newval_num format=best32.\n ,case when b.move_type='D' then b.newval_char\n else a.newval_char\n end as oldval_char length=32765\n ,case when b.move_type='D' then ''\n else b.newval_char\n end as newval_char length=32765\n from &ds4(where=(move_type='O')) as a\n right join &ds4(where=(move_type ne 'O')) as b\n on a.tgtvar_nm=b.tgtvar_nm\n and a.key_hash=b.key_hash\n order by move_type, key_hash,is_pk desc, tgtvar_nm;\n\n%if &mdebug=0 %then %do;\n proc sql;\n drop table &ds1, &ds2, &ds3, &ds4;\n%end;\n\n%mend mp_storediffs;\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n%macro bitemporal_dataloader(\n bus_from= /* Business FROM datetime variable. Req'd on\n STAGING & BASE tables.*/\n ,bus_to = /* Business TO datetime variable. Req'd on\n STAGING & BASE tables. */\n ,bus_from_override= /* Provide a hard coded BUS_FROM datetime value.*/\n ,bus_to_override= /* provide a hard coded BUS_TO datetime value */\n ,tech_from= /* Technical FROM datetime variable. Req'd on\n BASE table only. */\n ,tech_to = /* Technical TO datetime variable. Req'd on BASE\n table only. */\n ,processed= 0\n ,base_lib=WORK /* Libref of the BASE table. */\n ,base_dsn=BASETABLE /* Name of BASE table. */\n ,append_lib=WORK /* Libref of the STAGING table. */\n ,append_dsn=APPENDTABLE\n ,high_date='01JAN5999:00:00:00'dt /* High date to close out records */\n ,PK= name sex\n ,RK_UNDERLYING=\n ,KEEPVARS= /* Provides option for removing unwanted vars from append table */\n ,RK_UPDATE_MAXKEYTABLE=NO /* If switching (or mix matching) with regular\n SCD2 loader then set this switch to YES to\n ensure the MAXKEYTABLE is updated with the\n current maximum RK value for the target table\n */\n ,CHECK_UNIQUENESS=YES /* Perform a check of the APPEND table to ensure it is\n unique on its business key */\n ,ETLSOURCE=demo /* supply a value ($50.) to show as ETLSOURCE in\n &dclib..DATALOADS */\n ,LOADTYPE=BITEMPORAL\n ,RK_MAXKEYTABLE= mpe_maxkeyvalues\n ,LOG=1 /* Switch to 0 to prevent records being added to\n &mpelib..mpe_DATALOADS (ie when testing)*/\n ,DELETE_COL= _____DELETE__THIS__RECORD_____\n /* If this variable is found in the append dataset\n then records are closed out (or deleted) in the\n append table where that variable= \"Yes\" */\n ,LOADTARGET=YES /* set to anything but uppercase YES to switch off\n target table load and generate temp tables only */\n ,CLOSE_VARS=\n/*a problem with regular SCD2 or TXTEMPORAL loads is that there is\n no facility to close out removed records (all records are\n assumed new or changed). But how does one determine which\n records are removed? Short of loading the entire table\n each time? This parameter allows a set of variables\n (this should be a subset of the PK) to be declared, and\n the macro will determine which records in the base table\n need to be closed out ahead of the load.\n\n For instance, given the following:\n\n Base Table Staging Table\n DATE ENTITY AMOUNT DATE ENTITY AMOUNT\n JAN ACME4 66 JAN ACME4 66\n FEB ACME4 99 FEB ACME4 99\n FEB ACME1 22\n\n By supplying DATE in CLOSE_VARS and DATE ENTITY as the PK,\n the \"FEB PAG 22\" record would get closed out.\n */\n ,config_table=&dclib..MPE_CONFIG\n ,dclib=&dc_libref\n ,outds_del=work.outds_del\n ,outds_add=work.outds_add\n ,outds_mod=work.outds_mod\n ,outds_audit=0\n );\n\n/* when changing this macro, update the version num here */\n%local ver;\n%let ver=32;\n%put &sysmacroname entry vars:;\n%put _local_;\n\n%dc_assignlib(WRITE,&base_lib) /* may not already be assigned */\n\n/* return straight away if nothing to load */\n%let nobs= %mf_getattrn(&append_lib..&append_dsn,NLOBS);\n%if &nobs=-1 %then %do;\n proc sql noprint; select count(*) into: nobs from &append_lib..&append_dsn;\n%end;\n%if &nobs=0 %then %do;\n %put NOTE:; %put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;\n %put NOTE- Base dataset &append_lib..&append_dsn is empty. Nothing to upload!;\n %put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* hard exit if err condition exists */\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc > 0)\n ,mac=bitemporal_dataloader\n ,msg=%str(Bitemporal transform / job aborted due to SYSCC=&SYSCC status;)\n)\n\n%local engine_type;\n%let engine_type=%mf_getengine(&base_lib);\n%if (&engine_type=REDSHIFT or &engine_type=POSTGRES) and %length(&CLOSE_VARS)>0\n%then %do;\n %put NOTE:; %put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;\n %put NOTE- CLOSE_VARS functionality not yet supported in &engine_type;\n %put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * The metadata functions (eg mf_existvar) will fail if the base table has a\n * SAS lock. So, make a snapshot of the base table for further use.\n * Also, make output tables (regardless).\n */\n%local basecopy;\n%let basecopy=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=basecopy);\n\ndata &basecopy &outds_mod &outds_add &outds_del;\n set &base_lib..&base_dsn;\n stop;\nrun;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc > 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after base table copy - aborting due to table lock)\n)\n\n\n%local cols idx_pk md5_col ;\n%let md5_col=___TMP___md5;\n%let check_uniqueness=%upcase(&check_uniqueness);\n%let RK_UPDATE_MAXKEYTABLE=%upcase(&RK_UPDATE_MAXKEYTABLE);\n%let high_date=%unquote(&high_date);\n%let loadtype=%upcase(&loadtype);\n\n/* ensure irrelevant variables are cleared */\n%if &loadtype=BUSTEMPORAL %then %do;\n %let tech_from=;\n %let tech_to=;\n%end;\n%else %if &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL or &loadtype=UPDATE %then %do;\n %let bus_from=;\n %let bus_to=;\n%end;\n\n/* ensure relevant variables are supplied */\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&loadtype=BITEMPORAL & %mf_verifymacvars(bus_from bus_to)=0)\n ,mac=bitemporal_dataloader\n ,msg=%str(Missing BUS_FROM / BUS_TO)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&loadtype=TXTEMPORAL & %mf_verifymacvars(tech_from tech_to)=0)\n ,mac=bitemporal_dataloader\n ,msg=%str(Missing TECH_FROM / TECH_TO)\n)\n\n/**\n * drop any tables (may be defined as views or vice versa preventing overwrite)\n */\n%mp_dropmembers(append bitemp0_append bitemp_cols)\n\n/* SQL Server requires its own time values */\n/* 9.2 will only give picture format down to seconds. 9.3 allows\n milliseconds by using lower S and defining the decimal in the format name..*/\nPROC FORMAT;\n picture MyMSdt other='%0Y-%0m-%0dT%0H:%0M:%0S' (datatype=datetime);\nRUN;\n%local dbnow;\n%let dbnow=\"%sysfunc(datetime(),%mf_fmtdttm())\"dt;\n\ndata _null_;\n /* convert space separated macvar to comma separated for SQL processing */\n call symputx('PK_COMMA',tranwrd(compbl(\"&pk\"),' ',','),'L');\n call symputx('PK_CNT',countw(\"&pk\",' '),'L');\n now=&dbnow;\n call symputx('NOW',now,'L');\n call symputx('SQLNOW',cats(\"'\",put(now,MyMSdt.),\"'\"),'L');\n length etlsource $100;\n etlsource=subpad(symget('etlsource'),1,100);\n call symputx('etlsource',etlsource,'l');\nrun;\n\n/**\n * Even if no PROCESSED var provided, assume that any variable named\n * PROCESSED_DTTM should be updated\n */\n%if &processed=0 %then %do;\n %if %mf_existvar(&basecopy,PROCESSED_DTTM)\n %then %let processed=PROCESSED_DTTM;\n %else %let processed=;\n%end;\n\n\n/* extract colnames for md5 creation / change tracking */\nproc contents noprint data=&base_lib..&base_dsn\n out=work.bitemp_cols (keep=name type length varnum format:);\nrun;\nproc sql noprint;\nselect name into: cols separated by ','\n from work.bitemp_cols\n where upcase(name) not in\n (%upcase(\"&bus_from\",\"&bus_to\"\n ,\"&tech_from\",\"&tech_to\"\n ,\"&processed\",\"&delete_col\")) ;\nselect case when type in (2,6) then cats('put(md5(trim(',name,')),$hex32.)')\n /* multiply by 1 to strip precision errors (eg 0 != 0) */\n /* but ONLY if not missing, else will lose any special missing values */\n else cats('put(md5(trim(put(ifn(missing('\n ,name,'),',name,',',name,'*1),binary64.))),$hex32.)') end\n into: stripcols separated by '||'\n from work.bitemp_cols\n where upcase(name) not in\n (%upcase(\"&bus_from\",\"&bus_to\"\n ,\"&tech_from\",\"&tech_to\"\n ,\"&processed\",\"&delete_col\")) ;\n\n/* set default formats*/\n%let bus_from_fmt = datetime19.;\n%let bus_to_fmt = datetime19.;\n%let processed_fmt = datetime19.;\n\n%let tech_from_fmt = format=datetime19.;\n%let tech_to_fmt = format=datetime19.;\n\n\n%put &=stripcols;\n%put &=pk;\n\ndata _null_;\n set work.bitemp_cols;\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n if format='' then fmt=cats(length,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n if upcase(name)=\"%upcase(&bus_from)\" then\n call symputx('bus_from_fmt',fmt,'L');\n else if upcase(name)=\"%upcase(&bus_to)\" then\n call symputx('bus_to_fmt',fmt,'L');\n else if upcase(name)=\"%upcase(&tech_from)\" then\n call symputx('tech_from_fmt',\"format=\"!!fmt,'L');\n else if upcase(name)=\"%upcase(&tech_to)\" then\n call symputx('tech_to_fmt',\"format=\"!!fmt,'L');\n else if upcase(name)=\"%upcase(&processed)\" then\n call symputx('processed_fmt',fmt,'L');\nrun;\n\n%if %index(%quote(&cols),___TMP___) %then %do;\n %let msg=%str(Table contains a variable name containing \"___TMP___\".%trim(\n ) This may conflict with temp variable generation!!);\n %mp_abort(msg=&msg,mac=bitemporal_dataloader);\n %let syscc=5;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* if transaction dates appear on the APPEND table, need to remove them */\n%local drop_tx_dates /* used in append table */\n drop_tx_dates_noobs /* used to take the base table structure */;\n%if %mf_existvar(&append_lib..&append_dsn, &tech_from)\n %then %let drop_tx_dates=&tech_from;\n%if %mf_existvar(&append_lib..&append_dsn, &tech_to)\n %then %let drop_tx_dates=&drop_tx_dates &tech_to;\n%if %length(%trim(&drop_tx_dates))>0\n %then %let drop_tx_dates=(drop=&drop_tx_dates);\n\n%if %mf_existvar(&basecopy, &tech_from)\n %then %let drop_tx_dates_noobs=&tech_from;\n%if %mf_existvar(&basecopy, &tech_to)\n %then %let drop_tx_dates_noobs=&drop_tx_dates_noobs &tech_to;\n%if %length(%trim(&drop_tx_dates_noobs))>0\n %then %let drop_tx_dates_noobs=(drop=&drop_tx_dates_noobs obs=0);\n%else %let drop_tx_dates_noobs=(obs=0);\n\n\n/**\n * Lock the table. This is necessary as we are doing a two part update (first\n * closing records then appending new records). It is theoretically possible\n * that an upload may occur whilst preparing the staging tables. And the\n * staging tables are about to be prepared..\n */\n%if &LOADTARGET = YES %then %do;\n %put locking &base_lib..&base_dsn;\n %mp_lockanytable(LOCK,\n lib=&base_lib,ds=&base_dsn,ref=&ETLSOURCE,ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n %if \"&outds_audit\" ne \"0\" %then %do;\n %put locking &outds_audit;\n %mp_lockanytable(LOCK\n ,lib=%scan(&outds_audit,1,.)\n ,ds=%scan(&outds_audit,2,.)\n ,ref=&ETLSOURCE\n ,ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n /* not an actual load, so avoid updating the max key table in next step. */\n %let rk_update_maxkeytable=NO;\n%end;\n\n%if %length(&RK_UNDERLYING)>0 %then %do;\n %mp_retainedkey(\n base_lib=&base_lib\n ,base_dsn=&base_dsn\n ,append_lib=&append_lib\n ,append_dsn=&append_dsn\n ,retained_key=&pk\n ,business_key=&rk_underlying\n ,check_uniqueness=&CHECK_UNIQUENESS\n ,outds=work.append\n %if &rk_update_maxkeytable=NO %then %do;\n ,maxkeytable=0\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ,maxkeytable=&dclib..&RK_MAXKEYTABLE\n %end;\n ,locktable=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n %if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL %then %do;\n ,filter_str=%str( (where=( &now < &tech_to)) )\n %end;\n )\n%end;\n%else %do;\n proc sql;\n create view work.append as select * from &append_lib..&append_dsn;\n%end;\n/**\n* generate md5 for append table\n*/\n/* it is possible the source dataset has additional (unwanted) columns.\n Drop if specified; */\n%if %length(&keepvars)>0 %then %do;\n /* remove tech dates from keepvars as they are generated later */\n %let keepvars=%sysfunc(tranwrd(%str( &keepvars ),%str( &tech_from ),%str( )));\n %let keepvars=%sysfunc(tranwrd(%str( &keepvars ),%str( &tech_to ),%str( )));\n %let keepvars=(keep=&keepvars &bus_from &bus_to &processed &md5_col);\n%end;\n\n/* CAS varchar types cause append issues here, so perform autoconvert\n by creating empty local table first */\ndata;\n set &base_lib..&base_dsn &drop_tx_dates_noobs;\nrun;\n%local emptybasetable; %let emptybasetable=&syslast;\n\ndata work.bitemp0_append &keepvars &outds_del(drop=&md5_col )\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n /nonote2err\n %end;\n ;\n /* apply formats for bitemporal vars but not tx dates which are added later */\n %if %length(&keepvars)>0 and &loadtype=BITEMPORAL %then %do;\n format &bus_from &bus_from_fmt;\n format &bus_to &bus_to_fmt;\n %end;\n set &emptybasetable /* base table reqd in case append has fewer cols */\n work.append &drop_tx_dates;\n %if %length(%str(&bus_from_override))>0 %then %do;\n &bus_from= %unquote(&bus_from_override) ;\n %end;\n %if %length(%str(&bus_to_override))>0 %then %do;\n &bus_to= %unquote(&bus_to_override) ;\n %end;\n length &md5_col $32;\n &md5_col=put(md5(&stripcols),hex32.);\n %if %length(&processed)>0 %then %do;\n format &processed &processed_fmt;\n &processed=&now;\n %end;\n\n/**\n * If a delete column exists then create the delete dataset\n */\n%if %mf_existvar(&append_lib..&append_dsn, &delete_col) %then %do;\n drop &delete_col;\n if upcase(&delete_col) = \"YES\" then output &outds_del ;\n else output work.bitemp0_append ;\n run;\n\n %if %mf_getattrn(&outds_del,NLOBS)>0 %then %do;\n %bitemporal_closeouts(\n tech_from=&tech_from\n ,tech_to = &tech_to\n ,base_lib=&base_lib\n ,base_dsn=&base_dsn\n ,append_lib=work\n ,append_dsn=%scan(&outds_del,-1,.)\n ,PK=&bus_from &pk\n ,NOW=&dbnow\n ,loadtarget=&loadtarget\n ,loadtype=&loadtype\n )\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n output work.bitemp0_append;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc gt 0 at line 494)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc)\n)\n\n%if %length(&close_vars)>0 %then %do;\n /**\n * need to close out records that are not provided\n */\n proc sql;\n create table bitemp1_closevars1 as\n select distinct a.%mf_getquotedstr(in_str=&pk,dlm=%str(,a.),quote=)\n from &base_lib..&base_dsn a\n inner join work.bitemp0_append b\n on 1=1\n /* join on closevars key */\n %do idx_pk=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&close_vars));\n %let idx_val=%scan(&close_vars,&idx_pk);\n and a.&idx_val=b.&idx_val\n %end;\n /* filter base on tech dates if necessary */\n %if &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL %then %do;\n where a.&tech_from <=&now and &now < a.&tech_to\n %end;\n ;\n create table bitemp1_closevars2 as\n select distinct a.*\n from bitemp1_closevars1 a\n left join work.bitemp0_append b\n on 1=1\n /* join on primary key */\n %do idx_pk=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&pk));\n %let idx_val=%scan(&pk,&idx_pk);\n and a.&idx_val=b.&idx_val\n %end;\n /* identify removed records by null value in a field in PK but not close_vars\n */\n where b.%scan(\n %mf_wordsInStr1ButNotStr2(Str1=&pk,Str2=&close_vars),1,%str( )\n ) IS NULL\n ;\n\n %if %mf_getattrn(bitemp1_closevars2,NLOBS)>0 %then %do;\n %bitemporal_closeouts(\n tech_from=&tech_from\n ,tech_to = &tech_to\n ,base_lib=&base_lib\n ,base_dsn=&base_dsn\n ,append_lib=work\n ,append_dsn=bitemp1_closevars2\n ,PK=&bus_from &pk\n ,NOW=&dbnow\n ,loadtarget=&loadtarget\n ,loadtype=&loadtype\n )\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* return if nothing to load (was just deletes) */\n%if %mf_getattrn(work.bitemp0_append,NLOBS)=0 %then %do;\n %put NOTE:; %put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;\n %put NOTE- No updates - just deletes!;\n %put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;\n%end;\n\n\n/**\n * If applying manual overrides to business dates, then the input table MUST\n * be unique on the PK. Check, and if not - abort.\n */\n%local msg;\n%if %length(&bus_from_override.&bus_to_override)>0 or &CHECK_UNIQUENESS=YES\n%then %do;\n proc sort data=work.bitemp0_append out=work.bitemp0_check nodupkey;\n by &pk;\n run;\n %if %mf_getattrn(work.bitemp0_check,NLOBS)\n ne %mf_getattrn(work.bitemp0_append,NLOBS)\n %then %do;\n %let msg=INPUT table &append_lib..&append_dsn is not unique on PK (&pk);\n %mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK,lib=&base_lib,ds=&base_dsn,ref=&ETLSOURCE (&msg),\n ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n %mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK\n ,lib=%scan(&outds_audit,1,.)\n ,ds=%scan(&outds_audit,2,.)\n ,ref=&ETLSOURCE\n ,ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n %mp_abort(msg=&msg,mac=bitemporal_dataloader.sas);\n %end;\n%end;\n\n\n/**\n* extract from BASE table. Only want matching records, as could be very BIG.\n* New records are subsequently identified via left join and test for nulls.\n*/\n%local temp_table temp_table2 base_table baselib_schema;\n%put DCNOTE: Extracting matching observations from &base_lib..&base_dsn;\n\n%if &engine_type=OLEDB %then %do;\n %let temp_table=##%mf_getuniquefileref(prefix=BTMP);\n %if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL %then\n %let base_table=(select * from [dbo].&base_dsn\n where convert(datetime,&SQLNOW) < &tech_to );\n %else %let base_table=[dbo].&base_dsn;\n proc sql;\n create table &base_lib..\"&temp_table\"n as\n select * from work.bitemp0_append;\n /* open up a connection for pass through SQL */\n %dc_assignlib(WRITE,&base_lib,passthru=myAlias)\n create table work.bitemp0_base as select * from connection to myAlias(\n%end;\n%else %if &engine_type=REDSHIFT or &engine_type=POSTGRES %then %do;\n /* grab schema */\n %let baselib_schema=%mf_getschema(&base_lib);\n %if &baselib_schema.X ne X %then %let baselib_schema=&baselib_schema..;\n\n /* grab redshift config */\n %local redcnt; %let redcnt=0;\n %if &engine_type=REDSHIFT %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &config_table(where=(var_scope='DCBL_REDSH' and var_active=1));\n x+1;\n call symputx(cats('rednm',x),var_value,'l');\n call symputx(cats('redval',x),var_value,'l');\n call symputx('redcnt',x,'l');\n run;\n %end;\n /* cannot persist temp tables so must create a temporary permanent table */\n %let temp_table=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=XDCTEMP);\n %if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL %then\n %let base_table=(select * from &baselib_schema.&base_dsn\n where timestamp &sqlnow < &tech_to );\n %else %let base_table=&baselib_schema.&base_dsn;\n /* make empty table first - must clone & drop extra cols as autoload is bad */\n %dc_assignlib(WRITE,&base_lib,passthru=myAlias)\n\n exec (create table &temp_table (like &baselib_schema.&base_dsn)) by myAlias;\n %if &engine_type=REDSHIFT %then %do;\n exec (alter table &temp_table alter sortkey none) by myAlias;\n %end;\n %local dropcols;\n %let dropcols=%mf_wordsinstr1butnotstr2(\n str1=%upcase(%mf_getvarlist(&basecopy))\n ,str2=%upcase(&pk)\n );\n %if %length(&dropcols>0) %then %do idx_pk=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&dropcols));\n %put &=dropcols;\n %let idx_val=%scan(&dropcols,&idx_pk);\n exec(alter table &temp_table drop column &idx_val;) by myAlias;\n %end;\n exec (alter table &temp_table add column &md5_col varchar(32);) by myAlias;\n /* create view to strip formats and avoid warns in log */\n data work.vw_bitemp0/view=work.vw_bitemp0;\n set work.bitemp0_append(keep=&pk &md5_col);\n format _all_;\n run;\n proc append base=&base_lib..&temp_table\n %if &engine_type=REDSHIFT %then %do;\n (\n %do idx_pk=1 %to &redcnt;\n &&rednm&idx_pk = &&redval&idxpk\n %end;\n )\n %end;\n data=work.vw_bitemp0 force nowarn;\n run;\n /* open up a connection for pass through SQL */\n %dc_assignlib(WRITE,&base_lib,passthru=myAlias)\n create table work.bitemp0_base as select * from connection to myAlias(\n%end;\n%else %if &engine_type=CAS %then %do;\n %if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL %then\n %let base_table=&base_lib..&base_dsn\n (where=(&tech_from <=&now and &now < &tech_to));\n %else %let base_table=&base_lib..&base_dsn;\n %let temp_table=CASUSER.%mf_getuniquename(prefix=DC);\n data &temp_table;\n set work.bitemp0_append;\n run;\n %let bitemp0base=CASUSER.%mf_getuniquename(prefix=DC);\n proc fedsql sessref=dcsession;\n create table &bitemp0base{options replace=true} as\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %let temp_table=work.bitemp0_append;\n %if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL %then\n %let base_table=&base_lib..&base_dsn\n (where=(&tech_from <=&now and &now < &tech_to));\n %else %let base_table=&base_lib..&base_dsn;\n proc sql;\n create table work.bitemp0_base as\n%end;\n\n select a.&md5_col /* this identifies NEW records */\n , b.*\n /* assume first PK field cannot be null (if defined in a PK constraint then\n it definitely cannot be null) */\n , case when b.%scan(&pk,1) IS NULL then 1 else 0 end as ___TMP___NEW_FLG\n from &baselib_schema.&temp_table a\n left join &base_table b\n on 1=1\n%do idx_pk=1 %to &pk_cnt;\n %let idx_val=%scan(&pk,&idx_pk);\n and a.&idx_val=b.&idx_val\n%end;\n\n\n%if &engine_type=OLEDB or &engine_type=REDSHIFT or &engine_type=POSTGRES\n%then %do;\n ); proc sql; drop table &base_lib..\"&temp_table\"n;\n%end;\n%else %if &engine_type=CAS %then %do;\n ;\n quit;\n data work.bitemp0_base;\n set &bitemp0base;\n run;\n proc sql;\n drop table &temp_table;\n drop table &bitemp0base;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n ;\n%end;\n\n/**\n* matching & changed records are those without NULL key values\n* &idx_val resolves to rightmost PK value (loop above)\n*/\n%put syscc (line525)=&syscc, sqlrc=&sqlrc;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc gt 0 or &sqlrc>0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc sqlrc=&sqlrc)\n)\n\n%put hashcols2=&stripcols;\nproc sql;\ncreate table work.bitemp1_current(drop=___TMP___NEW_FLG) as\n select *\n , put(md5(&stripcols),$hex32.) as &md5_col\n from work.bitemp0_base (drop=&md5_col)\n where ___TMP___NEW_FLG=0;\n\n/**\n* NEW records were identified in ___TMP___NEW_FLG in bitemp0_base\n*/\nproc sql;\ncreate table &outds_add\n (drop=&md5_col\n %if %mf_existvar(work.bitemp0_base, &delete_col) %then %do;\n &delete_col\n %end;\n )\n as select a.*\n %if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL %then %do;\n ,&now as &tech_from &tech_from_fmt\n ,&high_date as &tech_to &tech_to_fmt\n %end;\n from work.bitemp0_append a /* STAGING records (mix of existing & new) */\n , work.bitemp0_base b /* BASE records (contains null values for new) */\n where a.&md5_col=b.&md5_col /* took staging md5 across in left join */\n and b.___TMP___NEW_FLG=1; /* NEW records also identified in bitemp0_base */\n\n\n/**\n* identify INSERTS. These are records with the same business key but\n* the bus_from and bus_to value are higher / lower (respectively)\n* such that the existing record needs to be SPLIT to surround the new\n* record.\n* eg: OLD RECORD from=1 to=10\n* NEW RECORD from=5 to=7\n*\n* APPENDED RECORDS:\n* - from=1 to=5\n* - from=5 to=7\n* - from=7 to=10\n*/\n\n/* inserts cannot happen with TXTEMPORAL */\n%if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=BUSTEMPORAL %then %do;\n /* IDENTIFY */\n create table work.bitemp3_inserts as\n select b.*\n ,a.&bus_from as ___TMP___from\n ,a.&bus_to as ___TMP___to\n from work.bitemp0_append a\n ,work.bitemp1_current b\n where a.&bus_from > b.&bus_from\n and a.&bus_to < b.&bus_to\n %do idx_pk=1 %to &pk_cnt;\n %let idx_val=%scan(&pk,&idx_pk);\n and a.&idx_val=b.&idx_val\n %end;\n order by\n /* compress blanks and then insert commas (as the datetime fields may\n not be in use) */\n %sysfunc(tranwrd(%sysfunc(compbl(\n &pk &bus_from &bus_to &processed\n )),%str( ), %str(,)))\n ;\n\n /* SPLIT */\n data work.bitemp3a_inserts (drop=___TMP___from ___TMP___retain ___TMP___to) ;\n set work.bitemp3_inserts;\n by &pk &bus_from &bus_to &processed;\n if first.&idx_val then do;\n ___TMP___retain=&bus_to;\n &bus_to=___TMP___from;\n output;\n &bus_to=___TMP___retain;\n end;\n if last.&idx_val then do;\n &bus_from=___TMP___to;\n output;\n end;\n run;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n /* TX temporal load */\n data work.bitemp3a_inserts;\n set work.bitemp1_current;\n stop;\n run;\n%end;\n/* APPEND */\nproc sql;\ncreate view work.bitemp3a_view as\n select * from work.bitemp1_current\n where &md5_col not in (select &md5_col from work.bitemp3a_inserts);\n\ndata bitemp3b_newbase;\n set work.bitemp3a_inserts work.bitemp3a_view;\nrun;\n\n/** do not use! this converts short numerics into 8 bytes\nproc sql;\ncreate table work.bitemp3b_newbase as\n select * from work.bitemp3a_inserts\nunion corr\n select * from work.bitemp1_current\n where &md5_col not in (select &md5_col from work.bitemp3a_inserts);\n*/\n\n/**\n* identify CHANGED records from staging.\n* Same business key with different temporal dates or md5 value\n* This table must be overlayed onto / into existing business history\n*/\nproc sql;\ncreate table work.bitemp4_updated as select distinct a.*\n from work.bitemp0_append a\n ,work.bitemp3b_newbase b\n where 1=1\n %do idx_pk=1 %to &pk_cnt;\n %let idx_val=%scan(&pk,&idx_pk);\n and a.&idx_val=b.&idx_val\n %end;\n and ( a.&md5_col ne b.&md5_col\n %if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=BUSTEMPORAL %then %do;\n OR (a.&bus_from ne b.&bus_from or a.&bus_to ne b.&bus_to)\n %end;\n )\n;\n\n/**\n * This section would have been one simple step with union all\n * but that converts short numerics into 8 bytes!\n * so, convoluted alternative to retain the same functionality.\n */\n\n/* base records */\ncreate view work.bitemp4_prep1 as\n select 'BASE' as ___TMP___\n ,b.*\n from work.bitemp4_updated a\n ,work.bitemp3b_newbase b\n where 1\n %do idx_pk=1 %to &pk_cnt;\n %let idx_val=%scan(&pk,&idx_pk);\n and a.&idx_val=b.&idx_val\n %end;\n ;\n/* updated records */\ncreate view work.bitemp4_prep2 as\n select 'STAG' as ___TMP___ ,*\n from work.bitemp4_updated;\n/* ensure we only keep columns that appear in both */\n%local bp1 bp2 bp3 bp4;\n%let bp1=%mf_getvarlist(bitemp4_prep1);\n%let bp2=%mf_getvarlist(bitemp4_prep2);\n%let bp3=%mf_wordsInStr1ButNotStr2(Str1=&bp1,Str2=&bp2);\n%let bp4=%mf_wordsInStr1ButNotStr2(Str1=&bp2,Str2=&bp1);\ndata work.bitemp4_prep3/view=bitemp4_prep3;\n set bitemp4_prep1 bitemp4_prep2;\n%if %length(XX&bp3&bp4)>2 %then %do;\n drop &bp3 &bp4 ;\n%end;\nrun;\n/* remove duplicates */\nproc sql;\ncreate table work.bitemp4a_allrecs as\n select distinct *\n from work.bitemp4_prep3\n order by\n /* compress blanks and then insert commas (as the datetime fields\n may not be in use) */\n %sysfunc(tranwrd(%sysfunc(compbl(\n &pk &bus_from &bus_to &processed\n )),%str( ), %str(,)))\n ;\n\n%if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=BUSTEMPORAL %then %do;\n /* this section aligns the business dates\n (eg for inserts or overlaps in the range) */\n data work.bitemp4b_firstpass (drop=___TMP___cond ___TMP___from ___TMP___to );\n set work.bitemp4a_allrecs;\n by &pk &bus_from &bus_to &processed;\n retain ___TMP___cond 'Name of Condition';\n retain ___TMP___from ___TMP___to 0;\n ___TMP___md5lag=lag(&md5_col);\n /* reset retained variables */\n if first.&idx_val then do;\n call missing (___TMP___cond, ___TMP___from, ___TMP___to,___TMP___md5lag);\n end;\n else do;\n /* if record is identical, carry forward bus_from (and bus_to if higher)*/\n if &md5_col=___TMP___md5lag then do;\n &bus_from=___TMP___from;\n if &bus_to<___TMP___to then &bus_to=___TMP___to;\n end;\n end;\n\n if ___TMP___='STAG' then do;\n /* need to carry forward the closing record */\n ___TMP___cond='Condition 1';\n end;\n else if ___TMP___cond='Condition 1' then do;\n /* else ensure bus_from starts from prior record bus_to */\n if &md5_col ne ___TMP___md5lag and &bus_from <= ___TMP___to\n then &bus_from= ___TMP___to;\n /* new record may replace old record entirely */\n if &bus_to <= &bus_from then delete;\n else call missing (___TMP___cond, ___TMP___from, ___TMP___to);\n end;\n ___TMP___from=&bus_from;\n ___TMP___to=&bus_to;\n run;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n /* keep staged records only */\n data work.bitemp4b_firstpass;\n set work.bitemp4a_allrecs;\n if ___TMP___='STAG';\n run;\n%end;\n\n/* next phase is to pass through in reverse - so set up the sort statement */\n%local byvar;\n%do idx_pk=1 %to &pk_cnt;\n %let byvar=&byvar descending %scan(&pk,&idx_pk);\n%end;\n%if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=BUSTEMPORAL\n%then %let byvar=&byvar descending &bus_from descending &bus_to;\n/* if matching bus dates supplied, need to ensure we also have a sort\n between BASE and STAGING tables */\n%let byvar=&byvar descending ___TMP___;\n\nproc sort data=work.bitemp4b_firstpass out=work.bitemp4c_sort ;\n by &byvar;\nrun;\n\n/**\n* Now (in reverse) pass back business start dates\n*/\ndata work.bitemp4d_secondpass;\n%if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL %then %do;\n &tech_from=&now;\n &tech_to=&high_date;\n%end;\n set work.bitemp4c_sort ;\n by &byvar;\n retain ___TMP___cond 'Name of Condition';\n retain ___TMP___from ___TMP___to 0;\n%if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=BUSTEMPORAL %then %do;\n/* put / _all_ /;*/\n ___TMP___md5lag=lag(&md5_col);\n if first.&idx_val then do;\n /* reset retained variables */\n call missing (___TMP___cond,___TMP___from,___TMP___to,___TMP___md5lag);\n end;\n else do;\n /* if record is identical, carry back bus_to */\n if &md5_col=___TMP___md5lag then &bus_to=___TMP___to;\n end;\n\n if ___TMP___='STAG' then do;\n /* need to carry forward the closing record */\n ___TMP___cond='Condition 2';\n end;\n else if ___TMP___cond='Condition 2' then do;\n /* else ensure bus_to stops at subsequent record bus_from */\n if &md5_col ne ___TMP___md5lag and &bus_to >= ___TMP___from\n then &bus_to= ___TMP___from;\n /* new record may replace old record entirely */\n if &bus_from >= &bus_to then delete;\n if &bus_from=___TMP___from and &bus_to=___TMP___to then delete;\n else call missing (___TMP___cond, ___TMP___from, ___TMP___to);\n end;\n ___TMP___from=&bus_from;\n ___TMP___to=&bus_to;\n\n%end;\nrun;\n%put syscc (line600)=&syscc;\n/**\n There may still be some records (eg old business history) which have not\n changed.\n Need to identify these and remove from the append so they are not updated\n unnecessarily. This is done by generating a new md5 (which INCLUDES the\n business key) and any matching / identical records are split out (from those\n that need to be updated).\n*/\n\n%if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL %then %do;\n %let cat_string=catx('|' ,&bus_from,&bus_to);\n\n data work.bitemp5a_lkp (keep=&md5_col)\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" & \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n /nonote2err\n %end;\n ;\n set work.bitemp0_base;\n /* for BITEMPORAL we need to compare business dates also */\n &md5_col=put(md5(&cat_string!!'|'!!&stripcols),$hex32.);\n run;\n\n data bitemp5b_updates;\n set bitemp4d_secondpass;\n if _n_=1 then do;\n dcl hash md5_lkp(dataset:'bitemp5a_lkp');\n md5_lkp.definekey(\"&md5_col\");\n md5_lkp.definedone();\n end;\n /* drop old md5 col as will rebuild with new business dates */\n &md5_col=put(md5(&cat_string!!'|'!!&stripcols),$hex32.) ;\n if md5_lkp.check()=0 then delete;\n run;\n\n proc sql;\n /* get min bus from as will update (close out) all records from this point\n (for that PK)*/\n create table work.bitemp5d_subquery as\n select &pk_comma, min(&bus_from)as &bus_from, max(&bus_to) as &bus_to\n from work.bitemp5b_updates\n group by &pk_comma;\n /* index has a huge efficiency impact on upcoming nested subquery */\n create index index1 on work.bitemp5d_subquery(&pk_comma,&bus_from, &bus_to);\n\n %let lastds=work.bitemp5b_updates;\n%end;\n%else %if &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL or &loadtype=UPDATE %then %do;\n proc sql;\n create table work.bitemp5d_subquery as\n select distinct &pk_comma\n from bitemp4d_secondpass;\n %let lastds=work.bitemp4d_secondpass;\n%end;\n%else %let lastds=work.bitemp4d_secondpass;\n\n/* create single append table (an overlapped pre-sert may be classed as\n both an update AND a new record). Also create temp views that may be\n used for pre-load analysis. */\ndata &outds_mod;\n set &lastds(drop=___TMP___: &md5_col);\nrun;\n\ndata bitemp6_allrecs / view=bitemp6_allrecs;\n set &outds_mod /* UPDATED records */\n &outds_add /* NEW records */;\nrun;\n\nproc sort data=work.bitemp6_allrecs\n out=work.bitemp6_unique\n noduprec\n dupout=work.xx_BADBADBAD;\nby _all_;\nrun;\n\n/* we have all our temp tables now so exit if this is all that is needed */\n%if &LOADTARGET ne YES %then %return;\n\n/* also exit if an err condition exists */\n\n%if &syscc>0 %then %do;\n %put syscc=&syscc;\n %mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK,lib=&base_lib,ds=&base_dsn,ref=&ETLSOURCE,\n ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n %if \"&outds_audit\" ne \"0\" %then %do;\n %mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK\n ,lib=%scan(&outds_audit,1,.)\n ,ds=%scan(&outds_audit,2,.)\n ,ref=&ETLSOURCE\n ,ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n %end;\n%end;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc>0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname in &_program\n ,msg=%str(Bitemporal transform / job aborted due to SYSCC=&SYSCC status)\n)\n\n/* final check - abort if a lock has appeared on the target or audit table */\n%mp_lockfilecheck(libds=&base_lib..&base_dsn)\n%if %mf_existds(&outds_audit) %then %do;\n %mp_lockfilecheck(libds=&outds_audit)\n%end;\n\n/**\n* STAGING TABLES PREPARED, ERR CONDITION TESTED FOR.. NOW TO LOAD!!\n*/\n\n/**\n* First, CLOSE OUT changed records (if not a REPLACE)\n* Note that SAS does not support ANSI standard for UPDATE with a join condition.\n* However - this can be worked around using a nested subquery..\n*/\ndata _null_;\n putlog \"&sysmacroname: CLOSEOUTS commencing\";\nrun;\n\n%if %mf_getattrn(&lastds,NLOBS)=0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog \"&sysmacroname: No closeouts needed\";\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &engine_type=CAS %then %do;\n %mp_abort(iftrue= (&loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname in &_program\n ,msg=%str(&loadtype not yet supported in CAS engine)\n )\n /* create temp table for deletions */\n %local delds;%let delds=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=DC);\n data casuser.&delds;\n set work.bitemp5d_subquery;\n run;\n /* delete the records */\n proc cas ;\n table.deleteRows / table={\n caslib=\"&base_lib\",\n name=\"&base_dsn\",\n where=\"1=1\",\n whereTable={caslib='CASUSER',name=\"&delds\"}\n };\n quit;\n /* drop temp table */\n proc sql;\n drop table CASUSER.&delds;\n%end;\n%else %if (&loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL or &loadtype=UPDATE)\n%then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog \"&sysmacroname: &loadtype operation using &engine_type engine\";\n run;\n %local flexinow;\n proc sql;\n /* if OLEDB then create a temp table for efficiency */\n %local innertable;\n %if &engine_type=OLEDB %then %do;\n %let innertable=[&temp_table];\n %let top_table=[dbo].&base_dsn;\n %let flexinow=&SQLNOW;\n create table &base_lib..\"&temp_table\"n as\n select * from work.bitemp5d_subquery;\n /* open up a connection for pass through SQL */\n %dc_assignlib(WRITE,&base_lib,passthru=myAlias)\n execute(\n %end;\n %else %if &engine_type=REDSHIFT or &engine_type=POSTGRES %then %do;\n %let innertable=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=XDCTEMP);\n %let top_table=&baselib_schema.&base_dsn;\n %let flexinow=timestamp &SQLNOW;\n /* make empty table first - must clone & drop extra cols\n as autoload is bad */\n %dc_assignlib(WRITE,&base_lib,passthru=myAlias)\n exec (create table &innertable (like &baselib_schema.&base_dsn)) by myAlias;\n %if &engine_type=REDSHIFT %then %do;\n exec (alter table &innertable alter sortkey none) by myAlias;\n %end;\n %let dropcols=%mf_wordsinstr1butnotstr2(\n str1=%upcase(%mf_getvarlist(&basecopy))\n ,str2=%upcase(%mf_getvarlist(work.bitemp5d_subquery))\n );\n %if %length(&dropcols>0) %then %do idx_pk=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&dropcols));\n %put &=dropcols;\n %let idx_val=%scan(&dropcols,&idx_pk);\n exec(alter table &innertable drop column &idx_val;) by myAlias;;\n %end;\n /* create view to strip formats and avoid warns in log */\n data work.vw_bitemp5d/view=work.vw_bitemp5d;\n set work.bitemp5d_subquery;\n format _all_;\n run;\n proc append base=&base_lib..&innertable (\n %do idx_pk=1 %to &redcnt;\n &&rednm&idx_pk = &&redval&idxpk\n %end;\n )\n data=work.vw_bitemp5d force nowarn;\n run;\n /* open up a connection for pass through SQL */\n %dc_assignlib(WRITE,&base_lib,passthru=myAlias)\n execute(\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %let innertable=bitemp5d_subquery;\n %let top_table=&base_lib..&base_dsn;\n %let flexinow=&now;\n %end;\n\n\n %if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL %then %do;\n update &top_table set &tech_to=&flexinow\n %if %length(&processed)>0 %then %do;\n ,&processed=&flexinow\n %end;\n where &tech_from <= &flexinow and &flexinow < &tech_to and\n %end;\n %else %if &loadtype=UPDATE %then %do;\n /* changed records are deleted then re-appended when doing UPDATEs */\n delete from &top_table where\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: BUSTEMPORAL NOT YET SUPPORTED;\n %let syscc=5;\n %mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK,lib=&base_lib,ds=&base_dsn,ref=&ETLSOURCE,\n ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n %mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK\n ,lib=%scan(&outds_audit,1,.)\n ,ds=%scan(&outds_audit,2,.)\n ,ref=&ETLSOURCE\n ,ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n %goto end_of_macro;\n %end;\n\n /* perform join inside query as per\n http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24629793/update-with-a-proc-sql */\n\n exists( select 1 from &baselib_schema.&innertable where\n\n /* loop PK join */\n %do idx_pk=1 %to &pk_cnt;\n %let idx_val=%scan(&pk,&idx_pk);\n &base_dsn..&idx_val=&innertable..&idx_val and\n %end;\n %if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL %then %do;\n &base_dsn..&bus_from >= &innertable..&bus_from\n and &base_dsn..&bus_to <= &innertable..&bus_to and\n %end;\n\n /* close the statement */\n\n 1=1);\n\n %if &engine_type=OLEDB or &engine_type=REDSHIFT or &engine_type=POSTGRES\n %then %do;\n ) by myAlias;\n execute (drop table &baselib_schema.&innertable) by myAlias;\n %end;\n%end;\nquit;\ndata _null_;\n putlog \"&sysmacroname: Closeout complete\";\nrun;\n/**\n * Append the new / updated records\n */\n%if &engine_type=CAS %then %do;\n\n /* get varchar variables ready for casting */\n %local vcfmt vcrename vcassign vcdrop;\n data _null_;\n set work.bitemp_cols(where=(type=6)) end=last;\n length vcrename vcassign vcdrop vcfmt $32767 rancol $32;\n retain vcrename vcassign vcdrop vcfmt;\n if _n_=1 then vcrename='(rename=(';\n rancol=resolve('%mf_getuniquename()');\n vcfmt=trim(vcfmt)!!'length '!!cats(name)!!' varchar(*);';\n vcrename=trim(vcrename)!!' '!!cats(name,'=',rancol);\n vcassign=cats(vcassign,name,'=',rancol,';');\n vcdrop=cats(vcdrop,'drop '!!rancol,';');\n if last then do;\n vcrename=cats(vcrename,'))');\n call symputx('vcfmt',vcfmt);\n call symputx('vcrename',vcrename);\n call symputx('vcassign',vcassign);\n call symputx('vcdrop',vcdrop);\n end;\n run;\n\n /* prepare a temp cas table with varchars casted */\n %let tmp=%mf_getuniquename();\n data casuser.&tmp ;\n &vcfmt\n set work.bitemp6_unique &vcrename;\n &vcassign\n &vcdrop\n run;\n\n /* load the table with varchars applied*/\n data &base_lib..&base_dsn (append=yes )/sessref=dcsession ;\n set casuser.&tmp;\n run;\n\n /* drop temp table */\n proc sql;\n drop table CASUSER.&tmp;\n\n /* this code will not work as regular tables do not have varchars */\n /*\n proc casutil;\n load data=work.bitemp6_unique\n outcaslib=\"&base_lib\" casout=\"&base_dsn\" append ;\n quit;\n */\n%end;\n%else %if &engine_type=REDSHIFT or &engine_type=POSTGRES %then %do;\n proc append base=&base_lib..&base_dsn\n %if &engine_type=REDSHIFT %then %do;\n (\n %do idx_pk=1 %to &redcnt;\n &&rednm&idx_pk = &&redval&idxpk\n %end;\n )\n %end;\n data=bitemp6_unique force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n proc append base=&base_lib..&base_dsn data=bitemp6_unique force nowarn; run;\n%end;\n\n%mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK,lib=&base_lib,ds=&base_dsn,ref=&ETLSOURCE,\n ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n)\n\n/* final check on syscc */\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc >4)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(!!Upload NOT successful!! Failed on actual update / append stage..)\n)\n\n%if &outds_audit ne 0 and &LOADTARGET=YES %then %do;\n data work.vw_outds_orig /view=work.vw_outds_orig;\n set work.bitemp0_base (drop=&md5_col);\n where ___TMP___NEW_FLG=0;\n drop ___TMP___NEW_FLG;\n run;\n /* update the AUDIT table */\n %if %mf_existds(&outds_audit) %then %do;\n options mprint;\n %mp_storediffs(&base_lib..&base_dsn\n ,work.vw_outds_orig\n ,&pk &bus_from\n ,delds=&outds_del\n ,modds=&outds_mod\n ,appds=&outds_add\n ,outds=work.mp_storediffs\n ,processed_dttm=&now\n ,loadref=%superq(etlsource)\n )\n /* exclude unchanged values in modified rows */\n data work.mp_storediffs;\n set work.mp_storediffs;\n if MOVE_TYPE=\"M\" and IS_PK=0 and IS_DIFF=0 then delete;\n * putlog load_ref= libref= dsn= key_hash= tgtvar_nm=;\n run;\n proc append base=&outds_audit data=work.mp_storediffs;\n run;\n %mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK\n ,lib=%scan(&outds_audit,1,.)\n ,ds=%scan(&outds_audit,2,.)\n ,ref=&ETLSOURCE\n ,ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n %end;\n%end;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc >4)\n ,mac=bitemporal_dataloader\n ,msg=%str(Problem in audit stage (&outds_audit))\n)\n\n%let user=%mf_getUser();\n/**\n Notify as appropriate EMAILS DISABLED\n\n%sumo_alerts(ALERT_EVENT=UPDATE\n , ALERT_TARGET=&base_lib..&base_dsn\n , from_user= &user);\n*/\n/* monitor BiTemporal usage */\n%if &log=1 %then %do;\n %put syscc=&syscc;\n /* do not perform duration calc in pass through */\n %local dur;\n data _null_;\n now=symget('now');\n dur=%sysfunc(datetime())-&now;\n call symputx('dur',dur,'l');\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &dclib..mpe_dataloads\n set libref=%upcase(\"&base_lib\")\n ,DSN=%upcase(\"&base_dsn\")\n ,ETLSOURCE=\"&ETLSOURCE\"\n ,LOADTYPE=\"&loadtype\"\n ,CHANGED_RECORDS=%mf_getattrn(&lastds,NLOBS)\n ,NEW_RECORDS=%mf_getattrn(&outds_add,NLOBS)\n ,DELETED_RECORDS=%mf_getattrn(&outds_del,NLOBS)\n ,DURATION=&dur\n ,MAC_VER=\"v&ver\"\n ,user_nm=\"&user\"\n ,PROCESSED_DTTM=&now;\n quit;\n %put syscc=&syscc;\n%end;\n%end_of_macro:\n%mend bitemporal_dataloader;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquelibref(prefix=mclib,maxtries=1000);\n %local x;\n\n %if ( %length(&prefix) gt 7 ) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: The prefix parameter cannot exceed 7 characters.;\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %if (%sysfunc(NVALID(&prefix,v7))=0) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: Invalid prefix (&prefix);\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* Set maxtries equal to '10 to the power of [# unused characters] - 1' */\n %let maxtries=%eval(10**(8-%length(&prefix))-1);\n\n %do x = 0 %to &maxtries;\n %if %sysfunc(libref(&prefix&x)) ne 0 %then %do;\n &prefix&x\n %return;\n %end;\n %let x = %eval(&x + 1);\n %end;\n\n %put %str(ERR)OR: No usable libref in range &prefix.0-&maxtries;\n %put %str(ERR)OR- Try reducing the prefix or deleting some libraries!;\n 0\n%mend mf_getuniquelibref;\n\n\n%macro mv_getusergroups(user\n ,outds=work.mv_getusergroups\n ,access_token_var=ACCESS_TOKEN\n ,grant_type=sas_services\n );\n%local oauth_bearer;\n%if &grant_type=detect %then %do;\n %if %symexist(&access_token_var) %then %let grant_type=authorization_code;\n %else %let grant_type=sas_services;\n%end;\n%if &grant_type=sas_services %then %do;\n %let oauth_bearer=oauth_bearer=sas_services;\n %let &access_token_var=;\n%end;\n%put &sysmacroname: grant_type=&grant_type;\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&grant_type ne authorization_code and &grant_type ne password\n and &grant_type ne sas_services\n )\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid value for grant_type: &grant_type)\n)\noptions noquotelenmax;\n\n%local base_uri; /* location of rest apis */\n%let base_uri=%mf_getplatform(VIYARESTAPI);\n\n/* fetching folder details for provided path */\n%local fname1;\n%let fname1=%mf_getuniquefileref();\n%let libref1=%mf_getuniquelibref();\n\nproc http method='GET' out=&fname1 &oauth_bearer\n url=\"&base_uri/identities/users/&user/memberships?limit=10000\";\n headers\n%if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\"\n%end;\n \"Accept\"=\"application/json\";\nrun;\n/*data _null_;infile &fname1;input;putlog _infile_;run;*/\n%if &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE=404 %then %do;\n %put NOTE: User &user not found!!;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %mp_abort(iftrue=(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE ne 200)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_PHRASE)\n )\n%end;\nlibname &libref1 JSON fileref=&fname1;\n\ndata &outds;\n set &libref1..items;\nrun;\n\n/* clear refs */\nfilename &fname1 clear;\nlibname &libref1 clear;\n\n%mend mv_getusergroups;\n\n\n%macro dc_getusergroups(user=,outds=mm_getgroups);\n %mv_getusergroups(&user,outds=&outds)\n data &outds;\n length groupname groupdesc $256;\n set &outds(rename=(id=groupname name=groupdesc));\n run;\n%mend dc_getusergroups;\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_getgroups(user=,outds=);\n\n %if not %symexist(dc_repo_users) %then %let dc_repo_users=foundation;\n\n %dc_getusergroups(user=&user,outds=&outds)\n\n data;\n length groupname groupdesc $256;\n set &dc_libref..mpe_groups;\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to;\n where also upcase(user_name)=\"%upcase(&user)\";\n groupname=group_name;\n groupdesc=group_desc;\n keep groupname groupdesc;\n run;\n\n data &outds;\n set &syslast &outds(keep=groupname groupdesc);\n run;\n\n%mend mpe_getgroups;\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_accesscheck(\n base_table\n ,outds=med_accesscheck /* WORK table to contain access details */\n ,user= /* metadata user to check for */\n ,access_level=APPROVE\n ,cntl_lib_var=MPELIB\n );\n\n %if &user= %then %let user=%mf_getuser();\n\n %mp_abort(\n iftrue=(%index(&outds,.)>0 and %upcase(%scan(&outds,1,.)) ne WORK)\n ,mac=mpe_accesscheck\n ,msg=%str(outds should be a WORK table)\n )\n\n %mp_abort(\n iftrue=(%mf_verifymacvars(base_table user access_level)=0)\n ,mac=mpe_accesscheck\n ,msg=%str(Missing base_table/user access_level variables)\n )\n\n /* make unique temp table vars */\n %local tempds1 tempds2;\n %let tempds1=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=usergroups);\n %let tempds2=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=tablegroups);\n\n /* get list of user groups */\n %mpe_getgroups(user=&user,outds=&tempds1)\n\n /* get list of groups with access for that table */\n proc sql;\n create table &tempds2 as\n select distinct sas_group\n from &&&cntl_lib_var...mpe_security\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to\n and access_level=\"&access_level\"\n and (\n (libref=\"%scan(&base_table,1,.)\" and upcase(dsn)=\"%scan(&base_table,2,.)\")\n or (libref=\"%scan(&base_table,1,.)\" and dsn=\"*ALL*\")\n or (libref=\"*ALL*\")\n );\n %if &_debug ge 131 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds1;\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds2;\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &outds as\n select * from &tempds1\n where groupname=\"&mpeadmins\"\n or groupname in (select * from &tempds2);\n\n %put &sysmacroname: base_table=&base_table;\n %put &sysmacroname: access_level=&access_level;\n%mend mpe_accesscheck;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_alerts(alert_event=\n , alert_lib=\n , alert_ds=\n , dsid=\n);\n\n/* exit if not configured */\n%global DC_EMAIL_ALERTS;\n%if &DC_EMAIL_ALERTS ne YES %then %do;\n %put DCNOTE: Email alerts are not configured;\n %put DCNOTE: (dc_email_alerts=&dc_email_alerts in &mpelib..mpe_config);\n %return;\n%end;\n\n\n%let alert_event=%upcase(&alert_event);\n%let alert_lib=%upcase(&alert_lib);\n%let alert_ds=%upcase(&alert_ds);\n%let from_user=%mf_getuser();\n\n\n/* get users TO which the email should be sent */\n\nproc sql noprint;\ncreate table work.users as select distinct a.alert_user,\n b.user_displayname,\n b.user_email\n from &mpelib..mpe_alerts\n (where=(&dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to)) a\n left join &mpelib..mpe_emails\n (where=(&dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to)) b\n on upcase(trim(a.alert_user))=upcase(trim(b.user_name))\n where a.alert_event in (\"&alert_event\",\"*ALL*\")\n and a.alert_lib in (\"&alert_lib\",\"*ALL*\")\n and a.alert_ds in (\"&alert_ds\",\"*ALL*\");\n\n/* ensure the submitter is included on the email */\n%local isThere userdisp user_eml;\n%let isThere=0;\nselect count(*) into: isThere from &syslast where alert_user=\"&from_user\";\n%if &isThere=0 %then %do;\n select user_displayname, user_email\n into: userdisp trimmed, :user_eml trimmed\n from &mpelib..mpe_emails\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to\n and user_name=\"&from_user\";\n insert into work.users\n set alert_user=\"&from_user\"\n ,user_displayname=\"&userdisp\"\n ,user_email=\"&user_eml\";\n%end;\n\n\n/* if no email / displayname is provided, then extract from metadata */\ndata work.emails;\n set work.users;\n length emailuri uri text $256; call missing(emailuri,uri); drop emailuri uri;\n\n /* get displayname */\n text=cats(\"omsobj:Person?@Name='\",alert_user,\"'\");\n if metadata_getnobj(text,1,uri)<=0 then do;\n putlog \"DCWARN: &from_user not found\";\n return;\n end;\n else if user_displayname = '' then do;\n if metadata_getattr(uri,'DisplayName',user_displayname)<0 then do;\n putlog 'DCWARN: strange err, no displayname attribute of user URI';\n end;\n end;\n\n if index(user_email,'@') then return;\n /* get email from metadata if not in input table */\n if metadata_getnasn(uri,\"EmailAddresses\",1,emailuri)<=0 then do;\n putlog \"DCWARN: \" alert_user \" has no emails in MPE_EMAILS or metadata!\";\n if metadata_getattr(emailuri,\"Address\",user_email)<0 then do;\n putlog 'DCWARN: Unexpected error! Valid emailURI but no email. Weird.';\n end;\n end;\n /* only keep valid emails */\n if index(user_email,'@') ;\n /* dump contents for debugging */\n if _n_<21 then putlog (_all_)(=);\nrun;\n\n%local emails;\nproc sql noprint;\nselect quote(trim(user_email)) into: emails separated by ' ' from work.emails;\n\n/* exit if nobody to email */\n%if %mf_getattrn(emails,NLOBS)=0 %then %do;\n %put NOTE: No alerts configured (mpe_alerts.sas);\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* display email options */\ndata _null_;\n set sashelp.voption(where=(group='EMAIL'));\n put optname '=' setting;\nrun;\n\nfilename __out email (&emails)\n subject=\"Table &alert_lib..&alert_ds has been &alert_event\";\n\n%local SUBMITTED_TXT;\n%if &alert_event=SUBMITTED %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &mpelib..mpe_submit;\n where table_id=\"&dsid\" and submit_status_cd='SUBMITTED';\n call symputx('SUBMITTED_TXT',submitted_reason_txt,'l');\n run;\n data _null_;\n File __out lrecl=32000;\n put 'Dear user,';\n put ' ';\n put \"Please be advised that a change to table &alert_lib..&alert_ds has \"\n \"been proposed by &from_user on the '&syshostname' SAS server.\";\n put \" \";\n length txt $2048;\n txt=symget('SUBMITTED_TXT');\n put \"Reason provided: \" txt;\n put \" \";\n put \"This is an automated email by Data Controller for SAS. For \"\n \"documentation, please visit https://docs.datacontroller.io\";\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &alert_event=APPROVED %then %do;\n /* there is no approval message */\n data _null_;\n File __out lrecl=32000;\n put 'Dear user,';\n put ' ';\n put \"Please be advised that a change to table &alert_lib..&alert_ds has \"\n \"been approved by &from_user on the '&syshostname' SAS server.\";\n put \" \";\n put \"This is an automated email by Data Controller for SAS. For \"\n \"documentation, please visit https://docs.datacontroller.io\";\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &alert_event=REJECTED %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &mpelib..mpe_review;\n where table_id=\"&dsid\" and review_status_id='REJECTED';\n call symputx('REVIEW_REASON_TXT',REVIEW_REASON_TXT,'l');\n run;\n data _null_;\n File __out lrecl=32000;\n put 'Dear user,';\n put ' ';\n put \"Please be advised that a change to table &alert_lib..&alert_ds has \"\n \"been rejected by &from_user on the '&syshostname' SAS server.\";\n put \" \";\n length txt $2048;\n txt=symget('REVIEW_REASON_TXT');\n put \"Reason provided: \" txt;\n put \" \";\n put \"This is an automated email by Data Controller for SAS. For \"\n \"documentation, please visit https://docs.datacontroller.io\";\n run;\n%end;\n\nfilename __out clear;\n\n%mend mpe_alerts ;\n\n\n%macro mv_getfoldermembers(root=/\n ,access_token_var=ACCESS_TOKEN\n ,grant_type=sas_services\n ,outds=mv_getfolders\n );\n%local oauth_bearer;\n%if &grant_type=detect %then %do;\n %if %symexist(&access_token_var) %then %let grant_type=authorization_code;\n %else %let grant_type=sas_services;\n%end;\n%if &grant_type=sas_services %then %do;\n %let oauth_bearer=oauth_bearer=sas_services;\n %let &access_token_var=;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&grant_type ne authorization_code and &grant_type ne password\n and &grant_type ne sas_services\n )\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid value for grant_type: &grant_type)\n)\n\n%if %mf_isblank(&root)=1 %then %let root=/;\n\noptions noquotelenmax;\n\n/* request the client details */\n%local fname1 libref1;\n%let fname1=%mf_getuniquefileref();\n%let libref1=%mf_getuniquelibref();\n\n%local base_uri; /* location of rest apis */\n%let base_uri=%mf_getplatform(VIYARESTAPI);\n\n%if \"&root\"=\"/\" %then %do;\n /* if root just list root folders */\n proc http method='GET' out=&fname1 &oauth_bearer\n url=\"&base_uri/folders/rootFolders?limit=1000\";\n %if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n headers \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\";\n %end;\n run;\n libname &libref1 JSON fileref=&fname1;\n data &outds;\n set &libref1..items;\n run;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n /* first get parent folder id */\n proc http method='GET' out=&fname1 &oauth_bearer\n url=\"&base_uri/folders/folders/@item?path=&root\";\n %if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n headers \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\";\n %end;\n run;\n /*data _null_;infile &fname1;input;putlog _infile_;run;*/\n libname &libref1 JSON fileref=&fname1;\n /* now get the followon link to list members */\n %local href cnt;\n %let cnt=0;\n data _null_;\n length rel href $512;\n call missing(rel,href);\n set &libref1..links;\n if rel='members' then do;\n url=cats(\"'\",\"&base_uri\",href,\"?limit=10000'\");\n call symputx('href',url,'l');\n call symputx('cnt',1,'l');\n end;\n run;\n %if &cnt=0 %then %do;\n %put NOTE:;%put NOTE- No members found in &root!!;%put NOTE-;\n %return;\n %end;\n %local fname2 libref2;\n %let fname2=%mf_getuniquefileref();\n %let libref2=%mf_getuniquelibref();\n proc http method='GET' out=&fname2 &oauth_bearer\n url=%unquote(%superq(href));\n %if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n headers \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\";\n %end;\n run;\n libname &libref2 JSON fileref=&fname2;\n data &outds;\n length id $36 name $128 uri $64 type $32 description $256;\n if _n_=1 then call missing (of _all_);\n set &libref2..items;\n run;\n filename &fname2 clear;\n libname &libref2 clear;\n%end;\n\n\n/* clear refs */\nfilename &fname1 clear;\nlibname &libref1 clear;\n\n%mend mv_getfoldermembers;\n\n\n%macro mv_getjobcode(outref=0,outfile=0\n ,name=0,path=0\n ,contextName=SAS Job Execution compute context\n ,access_token_var=ACCESS_TOKEN\n ,grant_type=sas_services\n ,mdebug=0\n );\n%local dbg bufsize varcnt fname1 fname2 errmsg;\n%if &mdebug=1 %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname local entry vars:;\n %put _local_;\n%end;\n%else %let dbg=*;\n\n%local oauth_bearer;\n%if &grant_type=detect %then %do;\n %if %symexist(&access_token_var) %then %let grant_type=authorization_code;\n %else %let grant_type=sas_services;\n%end;\n%if &grant_type=sas_services %then %do;\n %let oauth_bearer=oauth_bearer=sas_services;\n %let &access_token_var=;\n%end;\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&grant_type ne authorization_code and &grant_type ne password\n and &grant_type ne sas_services\n )\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid value for grant_type: &grant_type)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(\"&path\"=\"0\")\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Job Path not provided)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(\"&name\"=\"0\")\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Job Name not provided)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(\"&outfile\"=\"0\" and \"&outref\"=\"0\")\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Output destination (file or fileref) must be provided)\n)\noptions noquotelenmax;\n%local base_uri; /* location of rest apis */\n%let base_uri=%mf_getplatform(VIYARESTAPI);\ndata;run;\n%local foldermembers;\n%let foldermembers=&syslast;\n%mv_getfoldermembers(root=&path\n ,access_token_var=&access_token_var\n ,grant_type=&grant_type\n ,outds=&foldermembers\n)\n%local joburi;\n%let joburi=0;\ndata _null_;\n length name uri $512;\n call missing(name,uri);\n set &foldermembers;\n if name=\"&name\" and uri=:'/jobDefinitions/definitions'\n then call symputx('joburi',uri);\nrun;\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(\"&joburi\"=\"0\")\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Job &path/&name not found)\n)\n\n/* prepare request*/\n%let fname1=%mf_getuniquefileref();\nproc http method='GET' out=&fname1 &oauth_bearer\n url=\"&base_uri&joburi\";\n headers \"Accept\"=\"application/vnd.sas.job.definition+json\"\n %if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\"\n %end;\n ;\nrun;\n\n%if &mdebug=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &fname1;\n input;\n putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(\n iftrue=(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE ne 200 and &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE ne 201)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_PHRASE)\n)\n\n%let fname2=%mf_getuniquefileref();\nfilename &fname2 temp ;\n\n/* cannot use lua IO package as not available in Viya 4 */\n/* so use data step to read the JSON until the string `\"code\":\"` is found */\ndata _null_;\n file &fname2 recfm=n;\n infile &fname1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n retain startwrite 0;\n if startwrite=0 and sourcechar='\"' then do;\n reentry:\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n if sourcechar='c' then do;\n reentry2:\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n if sourcechar='o' then do;\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n if sourcechar='d' then do;\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n if sourcechar='e' then do;\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n if sourcechar='\"' then do;\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n if sourcechar=':' then do;\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n if sourcechar='\"' then do;\n putlog 'code found';\n startwrite=1;\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n end;\n end;\n else if sourcechar='c' then goto reentry2;\n end;\n end;\n else if sourcechar='\"' then goto reentry;\n end;\n else if sourcechar='\"' then goto reentry;\n end;\n else if sourcechar='\"' then goto reentry;\n end;\n else if sourcechar='\"' then goto reentry;\n end;\n /* once the `\"code\":\"` string is found, write until unescaped `\"` is found */\n if startwrite=1 then do;\n if sourcechar='\\' then do;\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n if sourcechar in ('\"','\\') then put sourcechar char1.;\n else if sourcechar='n' then put '0A'x;\n else if sourcechar='r' then put '0D'x;\n else if sourcechar='t' then put '09'x;\n else if sourcechar='u' then do;\n length uni $4;\n input uni $ 4. @@;\n sourcechar=unicode('\\u'!!uni);\n put sourcechar char1.;\n end;\n else do;\n call symputx('errmsg',\"Uncaught escape char: \"!!sourcechar,'l');\n call symputx('syscc',99);\n stop;\n end;\n end;\n else if sourcechar='\"' then stop;\n else put sourcechar char1.;\n end;\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(\"&syscc\"=\"99\")\n ,mac=mv_getjobcode\n ,msg=%str(&errmsg)\n)\n\n/* export to desired destination */\n%if \"&outref\"=\"0\" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n file \"&outfile\" lrecl=32767;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n filename &outref temp;\n data _null_;\n file &outref;\n%end;\n infile &fname2;\n input;\n put _infile_;\n &dbg. putlog _infile_;\nrun;\n\n%if &mdebug=1 %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname exit vars:;\n %put _local_;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n /* clear refs */\n filename &fname1 clear;\n filename &fname2 clear;\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_getjobcode;\n\n\n\n%macro dc_getservicecode(loc=,outref=);\n\n%local name;\n%let name=%scan(&loc,-1,/);\n%mv_getjobcode(path=%substr(&loc,1,%length(&loc)-%length(&name)-1)\n ,name=&name\n ,outref=&outref\n)\n\n%mend dc_getservicecode;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_include(fileref\n ,prefix=_\n ,opts=SOURCE2\n ,errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n/* prepare precode */\n%local tempref;\n%let tempref=%mf_getuniquefileref();\ndata _null_;\n file &tempref;\n set sashelp.vextfl(where=(fileref=\"%upcase(&fileref)\"));\n put '%let _SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE=' xengine ';';\n name=scan(xpath,-1,'/\\');\n put '%let _SYSINCLUDEFILENAME=' name ';';\n path=subpad(xpath,1,length(xpath)-length(name)-1);\n put '%let _SYSINCLUDEFILEDIR=' path ';';\n put '%let _SYSINCLUDEFILEFILEREF=' \"&fileref;\";\nrun;\n\n/* prepare the errds */\ndata &errds;\n length msg mac $1000;\n call missing(msg,mac);\n iftrue='1=0';\nrun;\n\n/* include the include */\n%inc &tempref &fileref/&opts;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=%str(&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDIR/&_SYSINCLUDEFILENAME)\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after executing &_SYSINCLUDEFILENAME)\n)\n\nfilename &tempref clear;\n\n%mend mp_include;\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_runhook(hookvar);\n%local pgmloc pgmtype;\n%let pgmtype=0;\n%put &sysmacroname: &=hookvar;\n%if %length(&&&hookvar)>0 %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Executing &&&hookvar;\n data _null_;\n rule_value=symget(\"&hookvar\");\n if scan(upcase(rule_value),-1,'.')='SAS' then do;\n call symputx('pgmtype','PGM');\n call symputx('pgmloc',rule_value);\n end;\n else do;\n apploc=\"%mf_getapploc()\";\n if substr(rule_value,1,1) ne '/'\n then rule_value=cats(apploc,'/',rule_value);\n call symputx('pgmloc',rule_value);\n call symputx('pgmtype','JOB');\n end;\n run;\n\n %if &pgmtype=PGM %then %do;\n filename sascode \"&pgmloc\";\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %dc_getservicecode(loc=&pgmloc\n ,outref=sascode\n )\n %end;\n\n /* the below script will need to modify work.STAGING_DS */\n %local x; %let x=; /* legacy feature */\n %mp_include(sascode)\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mpe_runhook;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_aligndecimal(var,width=8);\n\n %local tmpvar;\n %let tmpvar=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=aligndp);\n length &tmpvar $&width;\n if index(&var,'.') then do;\n &tmpvar=cats(scan(&var,1,'.'));\n &tmpvar=right(&tmpvar);\n &var=&tmpvar!!'.'!!cats(scan(&var,2,'.'));\n end;\n else do;\n &tmpvar=cats(&var);\n &tmpvar=right(&tmpvar);\n &var=&tmpvar;\n end;\n drop &tmpvar;\n\n%mend mp_aligndecimal;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mddl_sas_cntlout(libds=WORK.CNTLOUT);\n\n proc sql;\n create table &libds(\n TYPE char(1) label=\n'Format Type: either N (num fmt), C (char fmt), I (num infmt) or J (char infmt)'\n ,FMTNAME char(32) label='Format name'\n ,FMTROW num label=\n'CALCULATED Position of record by FMTNAME (reqd for multilabel formats)'\n ,START char(32767) label='Starting value for format'\n /*\n Keep lengths of START and END the same to avoid this err:\n \"Start is greater than end: -<.\"\n Similar usage note: https://support.sas.com/kb/69/330.html\n */\n ,END char(32767) label='Ending value for format'\n ,LABEL char(32767) label='Format value label'\n ,MIN num length=3 label='Minimum length'\n ,MAX num length=3 label='Maximum length'\n ,DEFAULT num length=3 label='Default length'\n ,LENGTH num length=3 label='Format length'\n ,FUZZ num label='Fuzz value'\n ,PREFIX char(2) label='Prefix characters'\n ,MULT num label='Multiplier'\n ,FILL char(1) label='Fill character'\n ,NOEDIT num length=3 label='Is picture string noedit?'\n ,SEXCL char(1) label='Start exclusion'\n ,EEXCL char(1) label='End exclusion'\n ,HLO char(13) label=\n'More info: https://core.sasjs.io/mddl__sas__cntlout_8sas_source.html'\n ,DECSEP char(1) label='Decimal separator'\n ,DIG3SEP char(1) label='Three-digit separator'\n ,DATATYPE char(8) label='Date/time/datetime?'\n ,LANGUAGE char(8) label='Language for date strings'\n );\n\n %local lib;\n %let libds=%upcase(&libds);\n %if %index(&libds,.)=0 %then %let lib=WORK;\n %else %let lib=%scan(&libds,1,.);\n\n proc datasets lib=&lib noprint;\n modify %scan(&libds,-1,.);\n index create\n pk_cntlout=(type fmtname fmtrow)\n /nomiss unique;\n quit;\n\n%mend mddl_sas_cntlout;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_cntlout(\n iftrue=(1=1)\n ,libcat=\n ,cntlout=work.fmtextract\n ,fmtlist=0\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local ddlds cntlds i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%let ddlds=%mf_getuniquename();\n%let cntlds=%mf_getuniquename();\n\n%mddl_sas_cntlout(libds=&ddlds)\n\n%if %index(&libcat,-)>0 and %scan(&libcat,2,-)=FC %then %do;\n %let libcat=%scan(&libcat,1,-);\n%end;\n\nproc format lib=&libcat cntlout=&cntlds;\n%if \"&fmtlist\" ne \"0\" and \"&fmtlist\" ne \"\" %then %do;\n select\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&fmtlist,%str( )));\n %scan(&fmtlist,&i,%str( ))\n %end;\n ;\n%end;\nrun;\n\ndata &cntlout/nonote2err;\n if 0 then set &ddlds;\n set &cntlds;\n by type fmtname notsorted;\n\n /* align the numeric values to avoid overlapping ranges */\n if type in (\"I\",\"N\") then do;\n %mp_aligndecimal(start,width=16)\n %mp_aligndecimal(end,width=16)\n end;\n\n /* create row marker. Data cannot be sorted without it! */\n if first.fmtname then fmtrow=1;\n else fmtrow+1;\n\nrun;\nproc sort;\n by type fmtname fmtrow;\nrun;\n\nproc sql;\ndrop table &ddlds,&cntlds;\n\n%mend mp_cntlout;\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n%macro mp_md5(cvars=,nvars=);\n%local i var sep;\nput(md5(\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&cvars));\n %let var=%scan(&cvars,&i,%str( ));\n &sep put(md5(trim(&var)),$hex32.)\n %let sep=!!;\n %end;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&nvars));\n %let var=%scan(&nvars,&i,%str( ));\n /* multiply by 1 to strip precision errors (eg 0 != 0) */\n /* but ONLY if not missing, else will lose any special missing values */\n &sep put(md5(trim(put(ifn(missing(&var),&var,&var*1),binary64.))),$hex32.)\n %let sep=!!;\n %end;\n),$hex32.)\n%mend mp_md5;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_loadformat(libcat,libds\n ,loadtarget=NO\n ,auditlibds=0\n ,locklibds=0\n ,delete_col=_____DELETE__THIS__RECORD_____\n ,outds_add=0\n ,outds_del=0\n ,outds_mod=0\n ,mdebug=0\n);\n/* set up local macro variables and temporary tables (with a prefix) */\n%local err msg prefix dslist i var fmtlist ibufsize;\n%let dslist=base_fmts template inlibds ds1 stagedata storediffs del1 del2;\n%if &outds_add=0 %then %let dslist=&dslist outds_add;\n%if &outds_del=0 %then %let dslist=&dslist outds_del;\n%if &outds_mod=0 %then %let dslist=&dslist outds_mod;\n%let prefix=%substr(%mf_getuniquename(),1,21);\n%do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&dslist));\n %let var=%scan(&dslist,&i);\n %local &var;\n %let &var=%upcase(&prefix._&var);\n%end;\n\n/* in DC, format catalogs maybe specified in the libds with a -FC extension */\n%let libcat=%scan(&libcat,1,-);\n\n/* perform input validations */\n%mp_abort(\n iftrue=(%mf_existds(&libds)=0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(&libds could not be found)\n)\n%mp_abort(\n iftrue=(%mf_existvar(&libds,FMTROW)=0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(FMTROW not found in &libds)\n)\n%let err=0;\n%let msg=0;\ndata _null_;\n if _n_=1 then putlog \"&sysmacroname entry vars:\";\n set sashelp.vmacro;\n where scope=\"&sysmacroname\";\n value=upcase(value);\n if &mdebug=0 then put name '=' value;\n if name=:'LOAD' and value not in ('YES','NO') then do;\n call symputx('msg',\"invalid value for \"!!name!!\":\"!!value);\n call symputx('err',1);\n stop;\n end;\n else if name='LIBCAT' then do;\n if exist(value,'CATALOG') le 0 then do;\n call symputx('msg',\"Unable to open catalog: \"!!value);\n call symputx('err',1);\n stop;\n end;\n end;\n else if (name=:'OUTDS' or name in ('DELETE_COL','LOCKLIBDS','AUDITLIBDS'))\n and missing(value) then do;\n call symputx('msg',\"missing value in var: \"!!name);\n call symputx('err',1);\n stop;\n end;\nrun;\ndata _null_;\n set &libds;\n if missing(fmtrow) then do;\n call symputx('msg',\"missing fmtrow in format: \"!!FMTNAME);\n call symputx('err',1);\n stop;\n end;\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(\n iftrue=(&err ne 0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(&msg)\n)\n\n%local cnt;\nproc sql noprint;\nselect count(distinct catx('|',type,fmtname,fmtrow)) into: cnt from &libds;\n%mp_abort(\n iftrue=(&cnt ne %mf_nobs(&libds))\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Non-unique primary key on &libds)\n)\n\n/**\n * First, extract only relevant formats from the catalog\n */\nproc sql noprint;\nselect distinct\n case\n when type='N' then upcase(fmtname)\n when type='C' then cats('$',upcase(fmtname))\n when type='I' then cats('@',upcase(fmtname))\n when type='J' then cats('@$',upcase(fmtname))\n else \"&sysmacroname:UNHANDLED\"\n end\n into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &libds;\n\n%mp_cntlout(libcat=&libcat,fmtlist=&fmtlist,cntlout=&base_fmts)\n\n/* get a hash of the row */\n%local cvars nvars;\n%let cvars=TYPE FMTNAME START END LABEL PREFIX FILL SEXCL EEXCL HLO DECSEP\n DIG3SEP DATATYPE LANGUAGE;\n%let nvars=FMTROW MIN MAX DEFAULT LENGTH FUZZ MULT NOEDIT;\ndata &base_fmts/note2err;\n set &base_fmts;\n fmthash=%mp_md5(cvars=&cvars, nvars=&nvars);\nrun;\n\n/**\n * Ensure input table and base_formats have consistent lengths and types\n */\ndata &inlibds/nonote2err;\n length &delete_col $3 FMTROW 8 start end label $32767;\n if 0 then set &base_fmts;\n set &libds;\n by type fmtname notsorted;\n if &delete_col='' then &delete_col='No';\n fmtname=upcase(fmtname);\n type=upcase(type);\n if missing(type) then do;\n if substr(fmtname,1,1)='@' then do;\n if substr(fmtname,2,1)='$' then type='J';\n else type='I';\n end;\n else do;\n if substr(fmtname,1,1)='$' then type='C';\n else type='N';\n end;\n end;\n if type in ('N','I') then do;\n %mp_aligndecimal(start,width=16)\n %mp_aligndecimal(end,width=16)\n end;\n\n fmthash=%mp_md5(cvars=&cvars, nvars=&nvars);\nrun;\n\n/**\n * Identify new records\n */\nproc sql;\ncreate table &outds_add(drop=&delete_col) as\n select a.*\n from &inlibds a\n left join &base_fmts b\n on a.type=b.type and a.fmtname=b.fmtname and a.fmtrow=b.fmtrow\n where b.fmtname is null\n and upcase(a.&delete_col) ne \"YES\"\n order by type, fmtname, fmtrow;\n\n/**\n * Identify modified records\n */\ncreate table &outds_mod (drop=&delete_col) as\n select a.*\n from &inlibds a\n inner join &base_fmts b\n on a.type=b.type and a.fmtname=b.fmtname and a.fmtrow=b.fmtrow\n where upcase(a.&delete_col) ne \"YES\"\n and a.fmthash ne b.fmthash\n order by type, fmtname, fmtrow;\n\n/**\n * Identify deleted records\n */\ncreate table &outds_del(drop=&delete_col) as\n select a.*\n from &inlibds a\n inner join &base_fmts b\n on a.type=b.type and a.fmtname=b.fmtname and a.fmtrow=b.fmtrow\n where upcase(a.&delete_col)=\"YES\"\n order by type, fmtname, fmtrow;\n\n/**\n * Identify fully deleted formats (where every record is removed)\n * These require to be explicitly deleted in proc format\n * del1 - identify _partial_ deletes\n * del2 - exclude these, and also formats that come with _additions_\n */\ncreate table &del1 as\n select a.*\n from &base_fmts a\n left join &outds_del b\n on a.type=b.type and a.fmtname=b.fmtname and a.fmtrow=b.fmtrow\n where b.fmtrow is null;\n\ncreate table &del2 as\n select * from &outds_del\n where cats(type,fmtname) not in (select cats(type,fmtname) from &outds_add)\n and cats(type,fmtname) not in (select cats(type,fmtname) from &del1);\n\n\n%mp_abort(\n iftrue=(&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(SYSCC=&syscc prior to load prep)\n)\n\n%if &loadtarget=YES %then %do;\n /* new records plus base records that are not deleted or modified */\n data &ds1;\n merge &base_fmts(in=base)\n &outds_mod(in=mod)\n &outds_add(in=add)\n &outds_del(in=del);\n if not del and not mod;\n by type fmtname fmtrow;\n run;\n /* add back the modified records */\n data &stagedata;\n set &ds1 &outds_mod;\n run;\n proc sort;\n by type fmtname fmtrow;\n run;\n%end;\n/* mp abort needs to run outside of conditional blocks */\n%mp_abort(\n iftrue=(&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(SYSCC=&syscc prior to actual load)\n)\n%if &loadtarget=YES %then %do;\n %if %mf_nobs(&stagedata)=0 and %mf_nobs(&del2)=0 %then %do;\n %put There are no changes to load in &libcat!;\n %return;\n %end;\n %if &locklibds ne 0 %then %do;\n /* prevent parallel updates */\n %mp_lockanytable(LOCK\n ,lib=%scan(&libcat,1,.)\n ,ds=%scan(&libcat,2,.)-FC\n ,ref=MP_LOADFORMAT commencing format load\n ,ctl_ds=&locklibds\n )\n %end;\n /* do the actual load */\n proc format lib=&libcat cntlin=&stagedata;\n run;\n /* apply any full deletes */\n %if %mf_nobs(&del2)>0 %then %do;\n %local delfmtlist;\n proc sql noprint;\n select distinct case when type='N' then cats(fmtname,'.FORMAT')\n when type='C' then cats(fmtname,'.FORMATC')\n when type='J' then cats(fmtname,'.INFMTC')\n when type='I' then cats(fmtname,'.INFMT')\n else cats(fmtname,'.BADENTRY!!!') end\n into: delfmtlist\n separated by ' '\n from &del2;\n proc catalog catalog=&libcat;\n delete &delfmtlist;\n quit;\n %end;\n %if &locklibds ne 0 %then %do;\n /* unlock the table */\n %mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK\n ,lib=%scan(&libcat,1,.)\n ,ds=%scan(&libcat,2,.)-FC\n ,ref=MP_LOADFORMAT completed format load\n ,ctl_ds=&locklibds\n )\n %end;\n /* track the changes */\n %if &auditlibds ne 0 %then %do;\n %if &locklibds ne 0 %then %do;\n %mp_lockanytable(LOCK\n ,lib=%scan(&auditlibds,1,.)\n ,ds=%scan(&auditlibds,2,.)\n ,ref=MP_LOADFORMAT commencing audit table load\n ,ctl_ds=&locklibds\n )\n %end;\n\n %mp_storediffs(&libcat-FC\n ,&base_fmts\n ,TYPE FMTNAME FMTROW\n ,delds=&outds_del\n ,modds=&outds_mod\n ,appds=&outds_add\n ,outds=&storediffs\n ,mdebug=&mdebug\n )\n\n proc append base=&auditlibds data=&storediffs;\n run;\n\n %if &locklibds ne 0 %then %do;\n %mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK\n ,lib=%scan(&auditlibds,1,.)\n ,ds=%scan(&auditlibds,2,.)\n ,ref=MP_LOADFORMAT commencing audit table load\n ,ctl_ds=&locklibds\n )\n %end;\n %end;\n%end;\n%mp_abort(\n iftrue=(&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(SYSCC=&syscc after load)\n)\n\n%if &mdebug=0 %then %do;\n proc datasets lib=work;\n delete &prefix:;\n run;\n %put &sysmacroname exit vars:;\n %put _local_;\n%end;\n%mend mp_loadformat;\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_targetloader(libds= /* library.dataset to LOAD (target) */\n ,now= %sysfunc(datetime()) /* static processed timestamp */\n ,etlsource= /* process from whence the data came */\n ,STAGING_DS= STAGING_DS /* name of staging (work) dataset which should\n be appended into the target. */\n ,LOADTARGET=NO /* set to yes to actually load the target */\n ,CLOSE_VARS= /* provide close vars to override defaults */\n ,dclib=NOTPROVIDED\n ,mdebug=0\n ,dc_dttmtfmt=%sysfunc(datetime())\n );\n%local lib ds nobs;\n\n/**\n * if a format catalog (suffix \"-FC\") we assume the catalog has already been\n * created by the calling program with a libds of work.fmtextract\n*/\n%let orig_lib=%upcase(%scan(&libds,1,.));\n%let orig_ds=%upcase(%scan(&libds,2,.));\n%let orig_libds=&libds;\n%if %scan(&libds,2,-)=FC %then %do;\n %let lib=WORK;\n %let ds=FMTEXTRACT;\n %let libds=&lib..&ds;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %let lib=&orig_lib;\n %let ds=&orig_ds;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&dclib=NOTPROVIDED)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(dclib=NOTPROVIDED)\n)\n\n/* get table attributes */\n%let nobs=0;\ndata work.sumo_config;\n set &mpelib..mpe_tables;\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to\n and libref=\"&orig_lib\"\n and dsn=\"&orig_ds\";\n call symputx('LOADTYPE',loadtype,'l');\n call symputx('BUSKEY',buskey,'l');\n call symputx('VAR_TXFROM',var_txfrom,'l');\n call symputx('VAR_TXTO',var_txto,'l');\n call symputx('VAR_BUSFROM',var_busfrom,'l');\n call symputx('VAR_BUSTO',var_busto,'l');\n call symputx('VAR_PROCESSED',VAR_PROCESSED,'l');\n call symputx('RK_UNDERLYING',RK_UNDERLYING,'l');\n %if %length(&CLOSE_VARS)=0 %then %do;\n call symputx('CLOSE_VARS',CLOSE_VARS,'l');\n %end;\n call symputx('nobs',_n_,'l');\n if missing(AUDIT_LIBDS) then AUDIT_LIBDS=\"&dclib..MPE_AUDIT\";\n call symputx('AUDIT_LIBDS',AUDIT_LIBDS,'l');\n put (_all_)(=);\nrun;\n\n/* check if table is actually configured to load */\n%if &nobs ne 1 %then %do;\n proc sql;\n insert into &mpelib..mpe_loads\n set USER_NM=\"%mf_getuser()\"\n ,STATUS='FAILED (BAD DS)'\n ,CSV_DIR=symget('ETLSOURCE')\n ,PROCESSED_DTTM=&now;\n%end;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&nobs=0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Table not registered in &mpelib..mpe_tables)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&nobs>1)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Something is very wrong with the PK in &mpelib..mpe_tables)\n)\n\n\n%if &LOADTYPE=TXTEMPORAL %then %do;\n\n %bitemporal_dataloader(bus_from=,bus_to= /* explicitly empty*/\n ,tech_from=&VAR_TXFROM\n ,tech_to = &VAR_TXTO\n ,base_lib=&lib\n ,base_dsn=&ds\n ,append_lib=WORK\n ,append_dsn=&STAGING_DS\n ,high_date='31DEC9999:23:59:59'dt\n ,PK= &buskey\n ,ETLSOURCE=&ETLSOURCE\n ,LOADTYPE=&loadtype\n ,RK_UNDERLYING=&RK_UNDERLYING\n ,LOADTARGET=&LOADTARGET\n ,RK_UPDATE_MAXKEYTABLE=&LOADTARGET\n ,CLOSE_VARS=&CLOSE_VARS\n ,processed=&VAR_PROCESSED\n ,dclib=&dclib\n ,outds_audit=&AUDIT_LIBDS\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &loadtype=REPLACE %then %do;\n %if &LOADTARGET=YES %then %do;\n %mp_lockanytable(LOCK,lib=&lib,ds=&ds,ref=%str(&etlsource),\n ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n data WORK.&STAGING_DS;\n set WORK.&STAGING_DS;\n %if %mf_existvar(&libds,&VAR_PROCESSED) %then %do;\n &VAR_PROCESSED = &now;\n %end;\n drop _____DELETE__THIS__RECORD_____;\n run;\n proc sql; delete * from &libds;\n proc append base=&libds data=WORK.&STAGING_DS force nowarn;run;\n\n %mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK,lib=&lib,ds=&ds,ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable)\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /* is full replace so treat all staged records as new in diff screen */\n data work.outds_mod work.outds_add ;\n set work.&staging_ds;\n output work.outds_add;\n run;\n /* previous table will be considered fully deleted */\n data work.outds_del;\n set &lib..&ds;\n run;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &loadtype=UPDATE %then %do;\n %bitemporal_dataloader(bus_from=,bus_to=\n ,tech_from= ,tech_to = /* explicitly empty*/\n ,base_lib=&lib\n ,base_dsn=&ds\n ,append_lib=WORK\n ,append_dsn=&STAGING_DS\n ,high_date='31DEC9999:23:59:59'dt\n ,PK= &buskey\n ,ETLSOURCE=%superq(etlsource)\n ,LOADTYPE=UPDATE\n ,RK_UNDERLYING=&RK_UNDERLYING\n ,LOADTARGET=&LOADTARGET\n ,RK_UPDATE_MAXKEYTABLE=&LOADTARGET\n ,processed=&VAR_PROCESSED\n ,dclib=&dclib\n ,outds_audit=&AUDIT_LIBDS\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &loadtype=FORMAT_CAT %then %do;\n /**\n * run mp_formatload\n * inputs:\n * - LOADTARGET\n * - CATALOG\n * - STAGEDATA\n * - LOADAUDIT\n * outputs:\n * work.outds_add\n * work.outds_del\n * work.outds_mod\n */\n %mp_loadformat(&orig_libds\n ,&staging_ds\n ,loadtarget=&LOADTARGET\n ,auditlibds=&AUDIT_LIBDS\n ,locklibds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n ,delete_col=_____DELETE__THIS__RECORD_____\n ,outds_add=outds_add\n ,outds_del=outds_del\n ,outds_mod=outds_mod\n ,mdebug=&mdebug\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL %then %do;\n %bitemporal_dataloader(bus_from=&VAR_BUSFROM,bus_to=&VAR_BUSTO\n ,tech_from=&VAR_TXFROM\n ,tech_to = &VAR_TXTO\n ,base_lib=&lib\n ,base_dsn=&ds\n ,append_lib=WORK\n ,append_dsn=&STAGING_DS\n ,high_date='31DEC9999:23:59:59'dt\n ,PK= &buskey\n ,ETLSOURCE=%superq(etlsource)\n ,LOADTYPE=BITEMPORAL\n ,RK_UNDERLYING=&RK_UNDERLYING\n ,LOADTARGET=&LOADTARGET\n ,RK_UPDATE_MAXKEYTABLE=&LOADTARGET\n ,CLOSE_VARS=&CLOSE_VARS\n ,processed=&VAR_PROCESSED\n ,dclib=&dclib\n ,outds_audit=&AUDIT_LIBDS\n )\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put %str(WARN)ING: LOADTYPE &LOADTYPE not supported;\n %let syscc=4;\n %mp_abort(msg=LOADTYPE &LOADTYPE not supported,mac=mpe_targetloader.sas)\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc exiting MPE_TARGETLOADER macro)\n)\n\n%mend mpe_targetloader;\n\n\n\n%macro removecolsfromwork(col);\n/* only an issue if debug mode enabled */\n%global _debug;\n%if &_debug ge 131 %then %do;\n %let col=%upcase(&col);\n\n %local memlist;\n proc sql noprint;\n select distinct memname into: memlist\n separated by ' '\n from dictionary.columns\n where libname='WORK' and upcase(name)=\"&col\";\n\n %if %mf_isblank(&memlist) %then %return;\n\n %mp_dropmembers(list=&memlist)\n\n%end;\n%mend removecolsfromwork;\n\n\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file postdata.sas\n @brief Either returns the file diffs or actually loads the data to target\n @details Before loading the target, a check is made against the time the\n target was last updated (backend) and the time the DIFF was generated\n (frontend). If the target was updated whilst the DIFF was on the screen,\n then the provided diff may have been incorrect and so a new DIFF should be\n generated and approved before load.\n\n Only 100 rows (of each DIFF type) are displayed on the DIFF screen.\n\n

Service Inputs

\n |ACTION:$char10.|TABLE:$char32.|DIFFTIME:$char29.|\n |---|---|---|\n |SHOW_DIFFS|DC20220208T142124517_124703_1184|\"Tue, 08 Feb 2022 14:23:05 GMT\"|\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li bitemporal_dataloader.sas\n @li dc_assignlib.sas\n @li mf_existds.sas\n @li mf_existvar.sas\n @li mf_getattrn.sas\n @li mf_getengine.sas\n @li mf_getquotedstr.sas\n @li mf_getuniquelibref.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n @li mf_getvarlist.sas\n @li mf_nobs.sas\n @li mf_verifymacvars.sas\n @li mp_abort.sas\n @li mp_cntlout.sas\n @li mp_lockanytable.sas\n @li mpe_accesscheck.sas\n @li mpe_alerts.sas\n @li mpe_runhook.sas\n @li mpe_targetloader.sas\n @li removecolsfromwork.sas\n\n\n @version 9.2\n @author 4GL Apps Ltd\n @copyright 4GL Apps Ltd. This code may only be used within Data Controller\n and may not be re-distributed or re-sold without the express permission of\n 4GL Apps Ltd.\n\n**/\n\n/* this could be a config setting if required */\n%let maxdiff=100;\n\n%mpeinit()\n\n/* load parameters */\ndata _null_;\n set work.sascontroltable;\n call symputx('ACTION',ACTION);\n call symputx('LOAD_REF',TABLE);\n /* DIFFTIME is when the DIFF was generated on the frontend */\n call symputx('DIFFTIME',DIFFTIME);\n putlog (_all_)(=);\nrun;\n\n%global action is_err err_msg msg;\n%let is_err=0;\n\n%let user=%mf_getuser();\n%let sastime=%sysfunc(datetime());\ndata sastime;\n dt_sastime=&sastime;\nrun;\n\nPROC FORMAT;\n picture yymmddhhmmss other='%0Y-%0m-%0d %0H:%0M:%0S' (datatype=datetime);\n picture flatdate other='%0Y%0m%0d_%0H%0M%0S' (datatype=datetime);\nRUN;\n\n/* SHOW_DIFFS works by getting the temp tables from the bitemporal loader */\n/* so we share much of the logic from the actual load process */\n%let isfmtcat=0;\ndata APPROVE1;\n set &mpelib..mpe_submit;\n where TABLE_ID=\"&LOAD_REF\";\n /* fetch mpe_submit data */\n libds=cats(base_lib,'.',base_ds);\n REVIEWED_ON=put(reviewed_on_dttm,datetime19.);\n call symputx('REVIEW_STATUS_ID',submit_status_cd,'l');\n call symputx('NUM_OF_APPROVALS_REQUIRED',NUM_OF_APPROVALS_REQUIRED);\n call symputx('num_of_approvals_remaining',num_of_approvals_remaining);\n\n /* other stuff that's useful to do in data step */\n call symputx('orig_libds',libds);\n call symputx('libds',libds);\n if substr(cats(reverse(libds)),1,3)=:'CF-' then do;\n libds=scan(libds,1,'-');\n putlog \"Format Catalog Captured\";\n call symputx('isfmtcat',1);\n libds='work.fmtextract';\n call symputx('libds',libds);\n end;\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n /* convert provided string DIFFTIME back to a numeric SAS datetime */\n if \"&action\" ne \"SHOW_DIFFS\" then do;\n call symputx('DIFFTIME',input(symget('DIFFTIME'),anydtdtm18.));\n end;\n length difftime $32;\n DIFFTIME=put(&sastime,datetime19.2);\nrun;\n\n%mp_cntlout(\n iftrue=(&isfmtcat=1)\n ,libcat=&orig_libds\n ,fmtlist=0\n ,cntlout=work.fmtextract\n)\n\n%mp_abort(\n iftrue=(%mf_verifymacvars(difftime orig_libds libds load_ref)=0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Missing: difftime orig_libds libds load_ref)\n)\n\n/* security checks */\n%mpe_accesscheck(&orig_libds,outds=authEDIT,user=&user,access_level=EDIT)\n%mpe_accesscheck(&orig_libds,outds=authAPP,user=&user,access_level=APPROVE)\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc Before entering postdata macro)\n)\n\n%mp_abort(\n iftrue=(\n %mf_getattrn(work.authEDIT,NLOBS)=0 & %mf_getattrn(work.authAPP,NLOBS)=0\n )\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(&user not authorised to view approval screen for &orig_libds)\n)\n\n%macro quickmacro(inds,outds);\n data &outds ;\n %if %length(&VAR_BUSFROM)>0 %then %do;\n format &VAR_BUSFROM &VAR_BUSTO yymmddhhmmss.;\n %end;\n if 0 then set &emptybasetable;\n set &inds;\n %if %mf_existvar(&libds,&var_txfrom) %then %do;\n drop &var_txfrom &var_txto;\n %end;\n %if %mf_existvar(&inds,_____DELETE__THIS__RECORD_____) %then %do;\n drop _____DELETE__THIS__RECORD_____;\n %end;\n %if %mf_existvar(&inds,&VAR_PROCESSED) %then %do;\n drop &VAR_PROCESSED;\n %end;\n run;\n%mend quickmacro;\n\n%macro postdata();\n\n%if %quote(&REVIEW_STATUS_ID)=%quote(REJECTED)\n or %quote(&REVIEW_STATUS_ID)=%quote(APPROVED) %then\n%do;\n data params; set approve1; run;\n %webout(OPEN)\n %webout(OBJ,PARAMS)\n %webout(CLOSE)\n %return;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc)\n)\n\n%if &action=APPROVE_TABLE %then %do;\n\n /* check user is authorised to approve table */\n /* user could be an editor but not an approver */\n %mp_abort(iftrue= (%mf_getattrn(work.authAPP,NLOBS)=0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(&user may not APPROVE changes)\n )\n\n /* see if this user has already submitted an approval */\n %let prev_upload_check=1;\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: prev_upload_check from &mpelib..mpe_review\n where TABLE_ID=\"&LOAD_REF\" and REVIEWED_BY_NM=\"&user\"\n and REVIEW_STATUS_ID ne \"SUBMITTED\";\n %let authcheck=%mf_getattrn(work.authAPP,NLOBS);\n %if &authcheck=0 or &prev_upload_check=1 %then %do;\n %put %str(WARN)ING: &=authcheck &=prev_upload_check;\n data apPARAMS;\n AUTHORISED=&authcheck;\n PREV_UPLOAD_CHECK=&prev_upload_check;\n run;\n %webout(OPEN)\n %webout(OBJ,apPARAMS);\n %webout(CLOSE)\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* now check if table has been updated since DIFF screen shown */\n %local fmt_tm usernm last_load etlsource;\n %let last_load=0;\n proc sql noprint;\n select max(processed_dttm) format=16.2 into: last_load\n from &mpelib..mpe_dataloads\n where libref=\"%scan(&orig_libds,1,.)\" and dsn=\"%scan(&orig_libds,2,.)\";\n select processed_dttm format=datetime19., user_nm, etlsource\n into: fmt_tm, :usernm, :etlsource\n from &mpelib..mpe_dataloads\n where libref=\"%scan(&orig_libds,1,.)\" and dsn=\"%scan(&orig_libds,2,.)\"\n and processed_dttm=&last_load;\n %put TIMECHECK: &last_load>&difftime;\n %if %sysevalf(&last_load>&difftime,boolean)=1 %then %do;\n %let is_err=1;\n %let err_msg=&orig_libds was updated in batch %trim(&etlsource\n ) by %trim(&usernm) on &fmt_tm - please refresh the page!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n %if &syscc ne 0 %then %do;\n %let is_err=1;\n %let err_msg=syscc=&syscc before logchange;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* upload about to commence so ensure logs */\n options notes mprint source2;\n %local oldloc;\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let oldloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let oldloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n %if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto\n log=\"&mpelocapprovals/&LOAD_REF/approval.log\";\n run;\n data _null_;\n if _n_=1 then do;\n length oldloc $1000;\n oldloc=symget('oldloc');\n putlog \"****** redirected:\" oldloc \" *****\";\n end;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n proc printto\n log=\"&mpelocapprovals/&LOAD_REF/approval.log\";\n run;\n %end;\n\n %if &syscc ne 0 %then %do;\n %let is_err=1;\n %let err_msg=syscc=&syscc after logchange;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * upload the actual table\n */\n%local libref ds;\n%let libref=%scan(&orig_libds,1,.);\n%let ds=%scan(&orig_libds,2,.);\n\nproc sql noprint;\nselect PRE_APPROVE_HOOK, POST_APPROVE_HOOK, LOADTYPE, var_txfrom, var_txto\n ,BUSKEY, VAR_BUSFROM, VAR_BUSTO\n ,AUDIT_LIBDS, NOTES, coalesce(NUM_OF_APPROVALS_REQUIRED,1)\n ,VAR_PROCESSED\n into: PRE_APPROVE_HOOK, :POST_APPROVE_HOOK, :LOADTYPE,:var_txfrom,:var_txto\n ,:BUSKEY,:VAR_BUSFROM,:VAR_BUSTO\n ,:AUDIT_LIBDS, :TABLE_DESC, :NUM_OF_APPROVALS_REQUIRED_TOT\n ,:VAR_PROCESSED\n from &mpelib..mpe_tables\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to\n and libref=\"&libref\"\n and dsn=\"&ds\";\n\n%mp_abort(\n iftrue=(%mf_verifymacvars(mpelocapprovals orig_libds)=0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Missing: mpelocapprovals orig_libds)\n)\n\n/* get dataset from approvals location (has same name as load_ref) */\n%let tmplib=%mf_getuniquelibref();\nlibname &tmplib \"&mpelocapprovals/&LOAD_REF\";\ndata STAGING_DS;\n set &tmplib..&LOAD_REF;\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc before preapprove)\n)\n\n%dc_assignlib(WRITE,&libref)\n\n/* run pre-approve hook - occurs both BEFORE _and_ AFTER the diff */\n%mpe_runhook(PRE_APPROVE_HOOK)\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after preapprove)\n)\n\n%if &num_of_approvals_remaining>1 and &action=APPROVE_TABLE %then %do;\n\n /* append to mpe_review table */\n %let apprno=%eval(&num_of_approvals_required-&num_of_approvals_remaining+1);\n data work.append_review;\n if 0 then set &mpelib..mpe_review;\n TABLE_ID=\"&LOAD_REF\";\n BASE_TABLE=\"&orig_libds\";\n REVIEW_STATUS_ID=\"APPROVED\";\n REVIEWED_BY_NM=\"&user\";\n REVIEWED_ON_DTTM=&sastime;\n REVIEW_REASON_TXT=\"APPROVAL &apprno of &num_of_approvals_required\";\n output;\n stop;\n run;\n %mp_lockanytable(LOCK,\n lib=&mpelib,ds=mpe_review,ref=%str(&LOAD_REF Approval),\n ctl_ds=&mpelib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n proc append base=&mpelib..mpe_review data=work.append_review;\n run;\n %mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK,\n lib=&mpelib,ds=mpe_review,\n ctl_ds=&mpelib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n\n /* update mpe_submit table */\n %mp_lockanytable(LOCK,\n lib=&mpelib,ds=mpe_submit,ref=%str(&LOAD_REF Approval),\n ctl_ds=&mpelib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n proc sql;\n update &mpelib..mpe_submit\n set num_of_approvals_remaining=&num_of_approvals_remaining-1,\n reviewed_by_nm=\"&user\",\n reviewed_on_dttm=&sastime\n where table_id=\"&LOAD_REF\";\n %mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK,\n lib=&mpelib,ds=mpe_submit,\n ctl_ds=&mpelib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n\n data apReqd;\n AUTHORISED=1;\n ALREADY_UPDATED=0;\n ALREADY_UPDATED_DTTM=.;\n set approve1; /* js will test for NUM_OF_APPROVALS_REQUIRED */\n run;\n %removecolsfromwork(___TMP___MD5)\n %webout(OPEN)\n %webout(OBJ,apReqd);\n %webout(CLOSE)\n %return;\n\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc entering TARGETLOADER)\n)\n%mpe_targetloader(libds=&orig_libds\n ,now= &sastime\n ,etlsource=&LOAD_REF\n ,STAGING_DS=STAGING_DS\n ,dclib=&mpelib\n%if &action=APPROVE_TABLE %then %do;\n ,LOADTARGET=YES\n%end;\n%else %do;\n ,LOADTARGET=NO\n%end;\n ,dc_dttmtfmt=&dc_dttmtfmt.\n)\n\n\n%if %mf_getattrn(STAGING_DS,NLOBS)=0 %then %do;\n /* empty dataset! */\n data out;\n set STAGING_DS;\n run;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc entering SHOWDIFFS)\n)\n%if &action=SHOW_DIFFS %then %do;\n\n /**\n * Now prepare the SHOW DIFFS (approve) screen\n */\n\n /*To create the CURRENT diffs, we compare with the ACTUAL data. But first\n need to find out what version TIME to query it for.. */\n proc sql noprint;\n select max(processed_dttm)-1 format=datetime19. into: tstamp\n from &mpelib..mpe_dataloads\n where libref=\"&libref\" and dsn=\"&ds\" and ETLSOURCE=\"&LOAD_REF\";\n quit;\n %if &tstamp=. %then %let tstamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n /**\n * now create the DIFFS dataset\n * If using a database, then utilise pass through!\n * Create a temporary table inside the database for joins..\n */\n options mprint;\n %let engine_type=%mf_getEngine(%scan(&libds,1,.));\n %put &libds engine type = &engine_type;\n %local inner_table ;\n %if &engine_type=OLEDB %then %do;\n /* generate a unique ID for the temporary table */\n data _null_;\n call symputx('UNIQUE_REF'\n ,cats(round(datetime(),1)\n ,'_'\n ,round(ranuni(0)*100000,1)\n )\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n %let inner_table=&libref..\"##DIFF_&UNIQUE_REF\"n;\n proc sql;\n create table &inner_table as\n select * from work.outds_mod;\n %end;\n %else %let inner_table=work.outds_mod;\n proc sql;\n create view work.originals2 as\n select b.*\n from &inner_table a\n inner join &libds\n %if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL %then %do;\n (where=(\"&tstamp\"dt < &VAR_TXTO))\n %end;\n b\n on 1\n %do idx_pk=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&buskey));\n %let idx_val=%scan(&buskey,&idx_pk);\n and a.&idx_val=b.&idx_val\n %end;\n order by %mf_getquotedstr(in_str=&buskey,dlm=%str(,),quote=)\n ;\n\n create view bitemp5c_updates2 as\n select * from work.outds_mod\n order by %mf_getquotedstr(in_str=&buskey,dlm=%str(,),quote=)\n ;\n\n data; set &libds;stop;run;\n %let emptybasetable=&syslast;\n\n options varlenchk=nowarn; /* for small numerics (<8) */\n %quickmacro(work.outds_del,deleted)\n %quickmacro(work.outds_add,new)\n %quickmacro(bitemp5c_updates2,updates)\n %quickmacro(originals2,originals)\n\n %mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc in quickmacro)\n )\n\n /* extract colnames for md5 creation / change tracking */\n proc contents noprint data=work.updates\n out=cols (keep=name type length varnum format);\n run;\n proc sort data=cols out=cols(drop=varnum); by varnum;run;\n data cols; set cols; name=upcase(name);run;\n %let tempDIFFS_CSV=tempDiffs_%trim(\n %sysfunc(datetime(),flatdate.)).csv;\n\n /**\n * Store temp tables so we have a record of diffs\n * do not change this libname or table name as it is used in some\n * post approve hooks\n */\n\n data TEMPDIFFS (compress=no) /* for realistic file size */;\n length _____status $10;\n set work.deleted (in=_____del)\n work.new(in=_____new)\n work.updates (in=_____upd)\n work.originals2 (in=_____orig);\n if _____del then _____status='DELETED ';\n else if _____new then _____status='NEW';\n else if _____upd then _____status='UPDATED';\n else if _____orig then _____status='ORIGINAL';\n run;\n proc export data=TEMPDIFFS dbms=csv replace\n outfile=\"&mpelocapprovals/&LOAD_REF/&tempDIFFS_CSV\" ;\n run;\n proc sql noprint;\n select filesize format=sizekmg10.1, filesize as filesize_raw\n into: filesize,:filesize_raw\n from dictionary.tables\n where libname='WORK' and memtype='DATA' and memname='TEMPDIFFS';\n\n data params;\n set approve1;\n DIFFS_CSV=\"&tempDIFFS_CSV\";\n FILESIZE=\"&filesize\";\n FILESIZE_RAW=&filesize_raw;\n if %mf_nobs(work.originals)>&maxdiff\n or %mf_nobs(work.new)>&maxdiff\n or %mf_nobs(work.deleted)>&maxdiff\n or %mf_nobs(work.updates)>&maxdiff\n then TRUNCATED=\"YES\";\n else TRUNCATED=\"NO\";\n\n NUM_ADDED=%mf_getattrn(work.new,NLOBS);\n NUM_DELETED=%mf_getattrn(work.deleted,NLOBS);\n NUM_UPDATED=%mf_getattrn(work.updates,NLOBS);\n SUBMITTED_ON=put(submitted_on_dttm,datetime19.);\n %if %mf_getattrn(work.authAPP,NLOBS)>0 %then %do;\n ISAPPROVER='YES';\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ISAPPROVER='NO';\n %end;\n run;\n\n /*\n * The PRE_APPROVE_HOOK may have applied custom formats to the staged table.\n * To ensure consistency in the DIFF screen, we should apply the same formats\n * to the base table. Limit rows at the same time.\n */\n data work.originals;\n if 0 then set deleted new updates;\n set work.originals;\n if _n_>&maxdiff then stop;\n run;\n\n /* get additional submits against the same base table */\n proc sort data=&mpelib..mpe_submit(where=(\n submit_status_cd='SUBMITTED'\n and cats(base_lib,'.',base_ds)=\"&orig_libds\"\n and table_id ne \"&LOAD_REF\"\n )) out=submits;\n by descending submitted_on_dttm;\n run;\n\n /* filter last 10 */\n data submits;\n set submits;\n if _n_>10 then stop;\n run;\n\n %mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc SHOWDIFFS prior to streamout)\n )\n\n %removecolsfromwork(___TMP___MD5)\n %webout(OPEN)\n %webout(OBJ,params)\n %webout(OBJ,cols)\n %webout(OBJ,submits)\n %webout(OBJ,deleted,fmt=N,missing=STRING,maxobs=&maxdiff)\n %webout(OBJ,new,fmt=N,missing=STRING,maxobs=&maxdiff)\n %webout(OBJ,updates,fmt=N,missing=STRING,maxobs=&maxdiff)\n %webout(OBJ,ORIGINALS,fmt=N,missing=STRING)\n /* need same for formatted view */\n %webout(OBJ,deleted,dslabel=fmt_deleted,fmt=Y,missing=STRING,maxobs=&maxdiff)\n %webout(OBJ,new,dslabel=fmt_new,fmt=Y,missing=STRING,maxobs=&maxdiff)\n %webout(OBJ,updates,dslabel=fmt_updates,fmt=Y,missing=STRING,maxobs=&maxdiff)\n %webout(OBJ,originals,dslabel=fmt_ORIGINALS,fmt=Y,missing=STRING)\n %webout(CLOSE)\n\n %if &engine_type=OLEDB %then %do;\n proc sql; /* needs to be dropped AFTER view execution */\n drop table &inner_table;\n %end;\n\n %return;\n%end;\n\n\n%if &action=APPROVE_TABLE %then %do;\n %approve:\n /**\n * store temp tables so we have a record of diffs\n * do not change this libname or table name as it is used in some\n * post approve hooks\n * for REPLACE loads, temp tables not made, so make them\n */\n %if &LOADTYPE=REPLACE %then %do;\n data work.outds_add; run;\n data work.outds_mod; run;\n data work.outds_del; run;\n %end;\n libname approve \"&mpelocapprovals/&LOAD_REF\";\n data; set &libds;stop;run;\n %let emptybasetable=&syslast;\n data approve.ActualDiffs;\n length _____STATUS_____ $10;\n if 0 then set &emptybasetable;\n set work.outds_del (in=_____del)\n work.outds_add (in=_____new)\n work.outds_mod (in=_____upd);\n if _____del then _____STATUS_____='DELETED';\n else if _____new then _____STATUS_____='NEW';\n else if _____upd then _____STATUS_____='UPDATED';\n\n %if %mf_existvar(&libds,&var_txfrom) %then %do;\n drop &var_txfrom &var_txto;\n %end;\n %if %mf_existvar(&libds,&VAR_PROCESSED) %then %do;\n drop &VAR_PROCESSED;\n %end;\n run;\n\n proc export data=approve.ActualDiffs\n outfile=\"&mpelocapprovals/&LOAD_REF/ActualDiffs.csv\"\n dbms=csv\n replace;\n run;\n\n /* update the control table to show table as approved */\n /* append to mpe_review table */\n %let apprno=%eval(&num_of_approvals_required-&num_of_approvals_remaining+1);\n data work.append_review;\n if 0 then set &mpelib..mpe_review;\n TABLE_ID=\"&LOAD_REF\";\n BASE_TABLE=\"&orig_libds\";\n REVIEW_STATUS_ID=\"APPROVED\";\n REVIEWED_BY_NM=\"&user\";\n REVIEWED_ON_DTTM=&sastime;\n REVIEW_REASON_TXT=\"APPROVAL &apprno of &num_of_approvals_required\";\n output;\n stop;\n run;\n %mp_lockanytable(LOCK,\n lib=&mpelib,ds=mpe_review,ref=%str(&LOAD_REF Approval),\n ctl_ds=&mpelib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n proc append base=&mpelib..mpe_review data=work.append_review;\n run;\n %mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK,\n lib=&mpelib,ds=mpe_review,\n ctl_ds=&mpelib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n\n /* update mpe_submit table */\n %mp_lockanytable(LOCK,\n lib=&mpelib,ds=mpe_submit,ref=%str(&LOAD_REF Approval in auditors/postdata),\n ctl_ds=&mpelib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n proc sql;\n update &mpelib..mpe_submit\n set submit_status_cd='APPROVED',\n num_of_approvals_remaining=&num_of_approvals_remaining-1,\n reviewed_by_nm=\"&user\",\n reviewed_on_dttm=&sastime\n where table_id=\"&LOAD_REF\";\n %mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK,\n lib=&mpelib,ds=mpe_submit,\n ctl_ds=&mpelib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n\n /* run post-approve hook */\n %mpe_runhook(POST_APPROVE_HOOK)\n\n data apPARAMS;\n AUTHORISED=1;\n ALREADY_UPDATED=0;\n ALREADY_UPDATED_DTTM=.;\n DIFFTIME=\"&difftime\";\n if &syscc=0 then RESPONSE='SUCCESS!';\n else response=\"SYSCC=&syscc.\";\n run;\n\n %mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program 582\n ,msg=%superq(msg)\n )\n\n %mpe_alerts(alert_event=APPROVED\n , alert_lib=&libref\n , alert_ds=&ds\n , dsid=&LOAD_REF\n )\n\n %removecolsfromwork(___TMP___MD5)\n %webout(OPEN)\n %webout(OBJ,apPARAMS)\n %webout(CLOSE)\n %return;\n%end;\n%mend postdata;\n\n%postdata()\n\n%mp_abort(mode=INCLUDE)\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&is_err=1)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%superq(err_msg)\n)\n\n%mpeterm()\n\n* Service end;" } ] }, { "name": "editors", "type": "folder", "members": [ { "name": "getdata", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquefileref(prefix=_,maxtries=1000,lrecl=32767);\n %local rc fname;\n %if &prefix=0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %local x len;\n %let len=%eval(8-%length(&prefix));\n %let x=0;\n %do x=0 %to &maxtries;\n %let fname=&prefix%substr(%sysfunc(ranuni(0)),3,&len);\n %if %sysfunc(fileref(&fname)) > 0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %put unable to find available fileref after &maxtries attempts;\n %end;\n%mend mf_getuniquefileref;\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquelibref(prefix=mclib,maxtries=1000);\n %local x;\n\n %if ( %length(&prefix) gt 7 ) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: The prefix parameter cannot exceed 7 characters.;\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %if (%sysfunc(NVALID(&prefix,v7))=0) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: Invalid prefix (&prefix);\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* Set maxtries equal to '10 to the power of [# unused characters] - 1' */\n %let maxtries=%eval(10**(8-%length(&prefix))-1);\n\n %do x = 0 %to &maxtries;\n %if %sysfunc(libref(&prefix&x)) ne 0 %then %do;\n &prefix&x\n %return;\n %end;\n %let x = %eval(&x + 1);\n %end;\n\n %put %str(ERR)OR: No usable libref in range &prefix.0-&maxtries;\n %put %str(ERR)OR- Try reducing the prefix or deleting some libraries!;\n 0\n%mend mf_getuniquelibref;\n\n\n%macro mv_getusergroups(user\n ,outds=work.mv_getusergroups\n ,access_token_var=ACCESS_TOKEN\n ,grant_type=sas_services\n );\n%local oauth_bearer;\n%if &grant_type=detect %then %do;\n %if %symexist(&access_token_var) %then %let grant_type=authorization_code;\n %else %let grant_type=sas_services;\n%end;\n%if &grant_type=sas_services %then %do;\n %let oauth_bearer=oauth_bearer=sas_services;\n %let &access_token_var=;\n%end;\n%put &sysmacroname: grant_type=&grant_type;\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&grant_type ne authorization_code and &grant_type ne password\n and &grant_type ne sas_services\n )\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid value for grant_type: &grant_type)\n)\noptions noquotelenmax;\n\n%local base_uri; /* location of rest apis */\n%let base_uri=%mf_getplatform(VIYARESTAPI);\n\n/* fetching folder details for provided path */\n%local fname1;\n%let fname1=%mf_getuniquefileref();\n%let libref1=%mf_getuniquelibref();\n\nproc http method='GET' out=&fname1 &oauth_bearer\n url=\"&base_uri/identities/users/&user/memberships?limit=10000\";\n headers\n%if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\"\n%end;\n \"Accept\"=\"application/json\";\nrun;\n/*data _null_;infile &fname1;input;putlog _infile_;run;*/\n%if &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE=404 %then %do;\n %put NOTE: User &user not found!!;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %mp_abort(iftrue=(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE ne 200)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_PHRASE)\n )\n%end;\nlibname &libref1 JSON fileref=&fname1;\n\ndata &outds;\n set &libref1..items;\nrun;\n\n/* clear refs */\nfilename &fname1 clear;\nlibname &libref1 clear;\n\n%mend mv_getusergroups;\n\n\n%macro dc_getusergroups(user=,outds=mm_getgroups);\n %mv_getusergroups(&user,outds=&outds)\n data &outds;\n length groupname groupdesc $256;\n set &outds(rename=(id=groupname name=groupdesc));\n run;\n%mend dc_getusergroups;\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_getgroups(user=,outds=);\n\n %if not %symexist(dc_repo_users) %then %let dc_repo_users=foundation;\n\n %dc_getusergroups(user=&user,outds=&outds)\n\n data;\n length groupname groupdesc $256;\n set &dc_libref..mpe_groups;\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to;\n where also upcase(user_name)=\"%upcase(&user)\";\n groupname=group_name;\n groupdesc=group_desc;\n keep groupname groupdesc;\n run;\n\n data &outds;\n set &syslast &outds(keep=groupname groupdesc);\n run;\n\n%mend mpe_getgroups;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquename(prefix=MC);\n&prefix.%substr(%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32-%length(&prefix))\n%mend mf_getuniquename;\n\n\n%macro mf_abort(mac=mf_abort.sas, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n)/des='ungraceful abort' /*STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n %put NOTE: /// mf_abort macro executing //;\n %if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n %put NOTE - &msg;\n\n %abort;\n\n%mend mf_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_verifymacvars(\n verifyVars /* list of macro variable NAMES */\n ,makeUpcase=NO /* set to YES to make all the variable VALUES uppercase */\n ,mAbort=SOFT\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %local verifyIterator verifyVar abortmsg;\n %do verifyIterator=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&verifyVars,%str( )));\n %let verifyVar=%qscan(&verifyVars,&verifyIterator,%str( ));\n %if not %symexist(&verifyvar) %then %do;\n %let abortmsg= Variable &verifyVar is MISSING;\n %goto exit_err;\n %end;\n %if %length(%trim(&&&verifyVar))=0 %then %do;\n %let abortmsg= Variable &verifyVar is EMPTY;\n %goto exit_err;\n %end;\n %if &makeupcase=YES %then %do;\n %let &verifyVar=%upcase(&&&verifyvar);\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %goto exit_success;\n %exit_err:\n %put &abortmsg;\n %mf_abort(iftrue=(&mabort ne SOFT),\n mac=mf_verifymacvars,\n msg=%str(&abortmsg)\n )\n 0\n %return;\n %exit_success:\n 1\n\n%mend mf_verifymacvars;\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_accesscheck(\n base_table\n ,outds=med_accesscheck /* WORK table to contain access details */\n ,user= /* metadata user to check for */\n ,access_level=APPROVE\n ,cntl_lib_var=MPELIB\n );\n\n %if &user= %then %let user=%mf_getuser();\n\n %mp_abort(\n iftrue=(%index(&outds,.)>0 and %upcase(%scan(&outds,1,.)) ne WORK)\n ,mac=mpe_accesscheck\n ,msg=%str(outds should be a WORK table)\n )\n\n %mp_abort(\n iftrue=(%mf_verifymacvars(base_table user access_level)=0)\n ,mac=mpe_accesscheck\n ,msg=%str(Missing base_table/user access_level variables)\n )\n\n /* make unique temp table vars */\n %local tempds1 tempds2;\n %let tempds1=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=usergroups);\n %let tempds2=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=tablegroups);\n\n /* get list of user groups */\n %mpe_getgroups(user=&user,outds=&tempds1)\n\n /* get list of groups with access for that table */\n proc sql;\n create table &tempds2 as\n select distinct sas_group\n from &&&cntl_lib_var...mpe_security\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to\n and access_level=\"&access_level\"\n and (\n (libref=\"%scan(&base_table,1,.)\" and upcase(dsn)=\"%scan(&base_table,2,.)\")\n or (libref=\"%scan(&base_table,1,.)\" and dsn=\"*ALL*\")\n or (libref=\"*ALL*\")\n );\n %if &_debug ge 131 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds1;\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds2;\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &outds as\n select * from &tempds1\n where groupname=\"&mpeadmins\"\n or groupname in (select * from &tempds2);\n\n %put &sysmacroname: base_table=&base_table;\n %put &sysmacroname: access_level=&access_level;\n%mend mpe_accesscheck;\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_columnlevelsecurity(tgtlib,tgtds,inds\n ,mode=VIEW\n ,groupds=work.groups\n ,clsds=work.clsview\n ,outds=CLSVIEW\n ,outmeta=work.cls_rules\n);\n\n%local col_list is_admin;\n/* filter for the appropriate rules */\nproc sql;\ncreate table &outmeta as\n select CLS_VARIABLE_NM,\n min(case when CLS_HIDE=1 then 1 else 0 end) as CLS_HIDE\n from &clsds\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to\n and CLS_SCOPE in (\"&mode\",'ALL')\n and CLS_ACTIVE=1\n %if &mode=VIEW %then %do;\n and CLS_HIDE ne 1\n %end;\n and upcase(CLS_GROUP) in (select upcase(groupname) from &groupds)\n and CLS_LIBREF=\"%upcase(&tgtlib)\"\n and CLS_TABLE=\"%upcase(&tgtds)\"\n group by CLS_VARIABLE_NM;\n\n%let is_admin=0;\nproc sql;\nselect count(*) into: is_admin from &groupds where groupname=\"&MPEADMINS\";\n%put &sysmacroname: &=is_admin;\n%if %mf_nobs(work.cls_rules) = 0 or &is_admin>0 %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: no CLS rules to apply;\n %put &=is_admin;\n /* copy using append for speed */\n data &outds;\n set &inds;\n stop;\n run;\n proc append base=&outds data=&inds;\n run;\n /* ensure CLS_RULES is empty in case of admin */\n data &outmeta;\n set &outmeta;\n stop;\n run;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if &mode=VIEW %then %do;\n /* just send back the relevant columns */\n %let col_list=0;\n proc sql noprint;\n select CLS_VARIABLE_NM into: col_list separated by ' ' from &outmeta\n where CLS_HIDE=0;\n\n %if &col_list=0 %then %do;\n /*\n We have columns that are set to CLS_HIDE=1 but we do not have any to\n explicitly show. Therefore we assume all columns are to be shown except\n those that are explicitly hidden.\n */\n proc sql noprint;\n select CLS_VARIABLE_NM into: col_list separated by ' ' from &outmeta\n where CLS_HIDE=1;\n\n data &outds;\n set &inds;\n drop &col_list;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n data &outds;\n set &inds;\n keep &col_list;\n run;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &mode=EDIT %then %do;\n /*\n In this case we pass all columns and the frontend will filter out the\n ones that are not allowed to be edited.\n */\n data &outds;\n set &inds;\n stop;\n run;\n proc append base=&outds data=&inds;\n run;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: invalid mode - &mode!;\n %abort;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpe_columnlevelsecurity;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_dsmeta(libds,outds=work.dsmeta);\n\n%local ds1 ds2;\ndata;run; %let ds1=&syslast;\ndata;run; %let ds2=&syslast;\n\n/* setup the ODS capture */\nods output attributes=&ds1 enginehost=&ds2;\n\n/* export the metadata */\nproc contents data=&libds;\nrun;\n\n/* load it into a single table */\ndata &outds (keep=ods_table name value);\n length ods_table $10 name label2 label1 label $100\n value cvalue cvalue1 cvalue2 $1000\n nvalue nvalue1 nvalue2 8;\n if _n_=1 then call missing (of _all_);\n * putlog (_all_)(=);\n set &ds1 (in=atrs) &ds2 (in=eng);\n if atrs then do;\n ods_table='ATTRIBUTES';\n name=coalescec(label1,label);\n value=coalescec(cvalue1,cvalue,put(coalesce(nvalue1,nvalue),best.));\n output;\n if label2 ne '' then do;\n name=label2;\n value=coalescec(cvalue2,put(nvalue2,best.));\n output;\n end;\n end;\n else if eng then do;\n ods_table='ENGINEHOST';\n name=coalescec(label1,label);\n value=coalescec(cvalue1,cvalue,put(coalesce(nvalue1,nvalue),best.));\n output;\n end;\nrun;\n\nproc sql;\ndrop table &ds1, &ds2;\n\n%mend mp_dsmeta;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_dsmeta(libds, outds=dsmeta);\n %local ddsd ddld notes lenstmt;\n %let lenstmt=length ods_table $18 name $100 value $1000;\n %let libds=%upcase(&libds);\n %mp_dsmeta(&libds, outds=&outds)\n\n data _null_;\n set &mpelib..mpe_datadictionary;\n where &dc_dttmtfmt < tx_to & dd_source=%upcase(\"&libds\") & dd_type='TABLE';\n call symputx('ddsd',dd_shortdesc,'l');\n call symputx('ddld',dd_longdesc,'l');\n run;\n\n data &outds;\n &lenstmt;\n if last then do;\n ODS_TABLE='MPE_DATADICTIONARY';\n NAME='DD_SHORTDESC';\n VALUE=\"&ddsd\";\n output;\n NAME='DD_LONGDESC';\n VALUE=\"&ddld\";\n output;\n end;\n set &outds end=last;\n output;\n run;\n\n data _data_;\n set &mpelib..mpe_tables;\n where libref=\"%scan(&libds,1,.)\"\n & dsn=\"%scan(&libds,2,.)\"\n & &dc_dttmtfmt 0 then put 'AND ' filter_text;\n else put filter_text;\n run;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Now do Row Level Security based on the MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY table\n */\n\n/* first determine users group membership */\n%mpe_getgroups(user=%mf_getuser(),outds=work.groups)\n%local admin_check;\nproc sql;\nselect count(*) into: admin_check\n from work.groups\n where groupname=\"&mpeadmins\";\n\n%put &sysmacroname: &=admin_check &=mpeadmins;\n%if &admin_check=0 %then %do;\n %local scopeval;\n %if &mode=DLOAD %then %let scopeval=VIEW;\n %if &mode=ULOAD %then %let scopeval=EDIT;\n %else %let scopeval=&mode;\n /* extract relevant rows */\n %local rlsds;\n %let rlsds=%mf_getuniquename();\n proc sql;\n create table work.&rlsds as\n select rls_group,\n rls_group_logic as group_logic,\n rls_subgroup_logic as subgroup_logic,\n rls_subgroup_id as subgroup_id,\n rls_variable_nm as variable_nm,\n rls_operator_nm as operator_nm,\n rls_raw_value as raw_value\n from &mpelib..mpe_row_level_security\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to\n and rls_scope in (\"&scopeval\",'ALL')\n and upcase(rls_group) in (select upcase(groupname) from work.groups)\n and rls_libref=\"%scan(&libds,1,.)\"\n and rls_table=\"%scan(&libds,2,.)\"\n and rls_active=1\n order by rls_group,rls_subgroup_id;\n %if &sqlobs>0 %then %do;\n /* check if we currently have filter or not */\n data ;\n infile &outref end=eof;\n input;\n if _n_=1 and eof and cats(_infile_)='' then newfilter=1;\n output;\n stop;\n run;\n data _null_;\n set &syslast;\n file &outref mod;\n if newfilter=1 then put '(';\n else put 'AND (';\n run;\n\n /* loop through and apply filters for each group membership */\n %local fref ds;\n %let fref=%mf_getuniquefileref();\n %let ds=%mf_getuniquename();\n\n proc sql noprint;\n select distinct rls_group into : group1 -\n from work.&rlsds;\n\n %do i=1 %to &sqlobs;\n data work.&ds;\n set work.&rlsds;\n where rls_group=\"&&group&i\";\n drop rls_group;\n run;\n %mp_filtergenerate(&ds,outref=&fref)\n data _null_;\n infile &fref;\n file &outref mod;\n input;\n if &i>1 and _n_=1 then put ' OR ';\n put _infile_;\n run;\n %end;\n data _null_;\n file &outref mod;\n put ')';\n run;\n %end; /* &sqlobs>0 */\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: no matching groups;\n data _null_;\n set work.groups;\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %end;\n %mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc>0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Row Level Security Generation Error)\n )\n%end; /* &admin_check=0 */\n\n%put leaving &sysmacroname with the following query:;\n\n%local empty;\n%let empty=0;\ndata _null_;\n infile &outref end=eof;\n input;\n putlog _infile_;\n if _n_=1 and eof and cats(_infile_)='' then do;\n put '1=1';\n call symputx('empty',1,'l');\n end;\nrun;\n%if &empty=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n file &outref;\n put '1=1';\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpe_filtermaster;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_isblank(param\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %sysevalf(%superq(param)=,boolean)\n\n%mend mf_isblank;\n\n\n%macro mv_getfoldermembers(root=/\n ,access_token_var=ACCESS_TOKEN\n ,grant_type=sas_services\n ,outds=mv_getfolders\n );\n%local oauth_bearer;\n%if &grant_type=detect %then %do;\n %if %symexist(&access_token_var) %then %let grant_type=authorization_code;\n %else %let grant_type=sas_services;\n%end;\n%if &grant_type=sas_services %then %do;\n %let oauth_bearer=oauth_bearer=sas_services;\n %let &access_token_var=;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&grant_type ne authorization_code and &grant_type ne password\n and &grant_type ne sas_services\n )\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid value for grant_type: &grant_type)\n)\n\n%if %mf_isblank(&root)=1 %then %let root=/;\n\noptions noquotelenmax;\n\n/* request the client details */\n%local fname1 libref1;\n%let fname1=%mf_getuniquefileref();\n%let libref1=%mf_getuniquelibref();\n\n%local base_uri; /* location of rest apis */\n%let base_uri=%mf_getplatform(VIYARESTAPI);\n\n%if \"&root\"=\"/\" %then %do;\n /* if root just list root folders */\n proc http method='GET' out=&fname1 &oauth_bearer\n url=\"&base_uri/folders/rootFolders?limit=1000\";\n %if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n headers \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\";\n %end;\n run;\n libname &libref1 JSON fileref=&fname1;\n data &outds;\n set &libref1..items;\n run;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n /* first get parent folder id */\n proc http method='GET' out=&fname1 &oauth_bearer\n url=\"&base_uri/folders/folders/@item?path=&root\";\n %if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n headers \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\";\n %end;\n run;\n /*data _null_;infile &fname1;input;putlog _infile_;run;*/\n libname &libref1 JSON fileref=&fname1;\n /* now get the followon link to list members */\n %local href cnt;\n %let cnt=0;\n data _null_;\n length rel href $512;\n call missing(rel,href);\n set &libref1..links;\n if rel='members' then do;\n url=cats(\"'\",\"&base_uri\",href,\"?limit=10000'\");\n call symputx('href',url,'l');\n call symputx('cnt',1,'l');\n end;\n run;\n %if &cnt=0 %then %do;\n %put NOTE:;%put NOTE- No members found in &root!!;%put NOTE-;\n %return;\n %end;\n %local fname2 libref2;\n %let fname2=%mf_getuniquefileref();\n %let libref2=%mf_getuniquelibref();\n proc http method='GET' out=&fname2 &oauth_bearer\n url=%unquote(%superq(href));\n %if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n headers \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\";\n %end;\n run;\n libname &libref2 JSON fileref=&fname2;\n data &outds;\n length id $36 name $128 uri $64 type $32 description $256;\n if _n_=1 then call missing (of _all_);\n set &libref2..items;\n run;\n filename &fname2 clear;\n libname &libref2 clear;\n%end;\n\n\n/* clear refs */\nfilename &fname1 clear;\nlibname &libref1 clear;\n\n%mend mv_getfoldermembers;\n\n\n%macro mv_getjobcode(outref=0,outfile=0\n ,name=0,path=0\n ,contextName=SAS Job Execution compute context\n ,access_token_var=ACCESS_TOKEN\n ,grant_type=sas_services\n ,mdebug=0\n );\n%local dbg bufsize varcnt fname1 fname2 errmsg;\n%if &mdebug=1 %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname local entry vars:;\n %put _local_;\n%end;\n%else %let dbg=*;\n\n%local oauth_bearer;\n%if &grant_type=detect %then %do;\n %if %symexist(&access_token_var) %then %let grant_type=authorization_code;\n %else %let grant_type=sas_services;\n%end;\n%if &grant_type=sas_services %then %do;\n %let oauth_bearer=oauth_bearer=sas_services;\n %let &access_token_var=;\n%end;\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&grant_type ne authorization_code and &grant_type ne password\n and &grant_type ne sas_services\n )\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid value for grant_type: &grant_type)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(\"&path\"=\"0\")\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Job Path not provided)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(\"&name\"=\"0\")\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Job Name not provided)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(\"&outfile\"=\"0\" and \"&outref\"=\"0\")\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Output destination (file or fileref) must be provided)\n)\noptions noquotelenmax;\n%local base_uri; /* location of rest apis */\n%let base_uri=%mf_getplatform(VIYARESTAPI);\ndata;run;\n%local foldermembers;\n%let foldermembers=&syslast;\n%mv_getfoldermembers(root=&path\n ,access_token_var=&access_token_var\n ,grant_type=&grant_type\n ,outds=&foldermembers\n)\n%local joburi;\n%let joburi=0;\ndata _null_;\n length name uri $512;\n call missing(name,uri);\n set &foldermembers;\n if name=\"&name\" and uri=:'/jobDefinitions/definitions'\n then call symputx('joburi',uri);\nrun;\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(\"&joburi\"=\"0\")\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Job &path/&name not found)\n)\n\n/* prepare request*/\n%let fname1=%mf_getuniquefileref();\nproc http method='GET' out=&fname1 &oauth_bearer\n url=\"&base_uri&joburi\";\n headers \"Accept\"=\"application/vnd.sas.job.definition+json\"\n %if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\"\n %end;\n ;\nrun;\n\n%if &mdebug=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &fname1;\n input;\n putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(\n iftrue=(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE ne 200 and &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE ne 201)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_PHRASE)\n)\n\n%let fname2=%mf_getuniquefileref();\nfilename &fname2 temp ;\n\n/* cannot use lua IO package as not available in Viya 4 */\n/* so use data step to read the JSON until the string `\"code\":\"` is found */\ndata _null_;\n file &fname2 recfm=n;\n infile &fname1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n retain startwrite 0;\n if startwrite=0 and sourcechar='\"' then do;\n reentry:\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n if sourcechar='c' then do;\n reentry2:\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n if sourcechar='o' then do;\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n if sourcechar='d' then do;\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n if sourcechar='e' then do;\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n if sourcechar='\"' then do;\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n if sourcechar=':' then do;\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n if sourcechar='\"' then do;\n putlog 'code found';\n startwrite=1;\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n end;\n end;\n else if sourcechar='c' then goto reentry2;\n end;\n end;\n else if sourcechar='\"' then goto reentry;\n end;\n else if sourcechar='\"' then goto reentry;\n end;\n else if sourcechar='\"' then goto reentry;\n end;\n else if sourcechar='\"' then goto reentry;\n end;\n /* once the `\"code\":\"` string is found, write until unescaped `\"` is found */\n if startwrite=1 then do;\n if sourcechar='\\' then do;\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n if sourcechar in ('\"','\\') then put sourcechar char1.;\n else if sourcechar='n' then put '0A'x;\n else if sourcechar='r' then put '0D'x;\n else if sourcechar='t' then put '09'x;\n else if sourcechar='u' then do;\n length uni $4;\n input uni $ 4. @@;\n sourcechar=unicode('\\u'!!uni);\n put sourcechar char1.;\n end;\n else do;\n call symputx('errmsg',\"Uncaught escape char: \"!!sourcechar,'l');\n call symputx('syscc',99);\n stop;\n end;\n end;\n else if sourcechar='\"' then stop;\n else put sourcechar char1.;\n end;\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(\"&syscc\"=\"99\")\n ,mac=mv_getjobcode\n ,msg=%str(&errmsg)\n)\n\n/* export to desired destination */\n%if \"&outref\"=\"0\" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n file \"&outfile\" lrecl=32767;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n filename &outref temp;\n data _null_;\n file &outref;\n%end;\n infile &fname2;\n input;\n put _infile_;\n &dbg. putlog _infile_;\nrun;\n\n%if &mdebug=1 %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname exit vars:;\n %put _local_;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n /* clear refs */\n filename &fname1 clear;\n filename &fname2 clear;\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_getjobcode;\n\n\n\n%macro dc_getservicecode(loc=,outref=);\n\n%local name;\n%let name=%scan(&loc,-1,/);\n%mv_getjobcode(path=%substr(&loc,1,%length(&loc)-%length(&name)-1)\n ,name=&name\n ,outref=&outref\n)\n\n%mend dc_getservicecode;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_include(fileref\n ,prefix=_\n ,opts=SOURCE2\n ,errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n/* prepare precode */\n%local tempref;\n%let tempref=%mf_getuniquefileref();\ndata _null_;\n file &tempref;\n set sashelp.vextfl(where=(fileref=\"%upcase(&fileref)\"));\n put '%let _SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE=' xengine ';';\n name=scan(xpath,-1,'/\\');\n put '%let _SYSINCLUDEFILENAME=' name ';';\n path=subpad(xpath,1,length(xpath)-length(name)-1);\n put '%let _SYSINCLUDEFILEDIR=' path ';';\n put '%let _SYSINCLUDEFILEFILEREF=' \"&fileref;\";\nrun;\n\n/* prepare the errds */\ndata &errds;\n length msg mac $1000;\n call missing(msg,mac);\n iftrue='1=0';\nrun;\n\n/* include the include */\n%inc &tempref &fileref/&opts;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=%str(&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDIR/&_SYSINCLUDEFILENAME)\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after executing &_SYSINCLUDEFILENAME)\n)\n\nfilename &tempref clear;\n\n%mend mp_include;\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_runhook(hookvar);\n%local pgmloc pgmtype;\n%let pgmtype=0;\n%put &sysmacroname: &=hookvar;\n%if %length(&&&hookvar)>0 %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Executing &&&hookvar;\n data _null_;\n rule_value=symget(\"&hookvar\");\n if scan(upcase(rule_value),-1,'.')='SAS' then do;\n call symputx('pgmtype','PGM');\n call symputx('pgmloc',rule_value);\n end;\n else do;\n apploc=\"%mf_getapploc()\";\n if substr(rule_value,1,1) ne '/'\n then rule_value=cats(apploc,'/',rule_value);\n call symputx('pgmloc',rule_value);\n call symputx('pgmtype','JOB');\n end;\n run;\n\n %if &pgmtype=PGM %then %do;\n filename sascode \"&pgmloc\";\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %dc_getservicecode(loc=&pgmloc\n ,outref=sascode\n )\n %end;\n\n /* the below script will need to modify work.STAGING_DS */\n %local x; %let x=; /* legacy feature */\n %mp_include(sascode)\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mpe_runhook;\n\n\n\n%macro dc_assignlib(type,libref,passthru=);\n %if %length(&passthru)>0 %then %do;\n proc sql;\n connect using &libref as &passthru;\n %end;\n%mend dc_assignlib;\n\n\n\n%macro mv_getgroupmembers(group\n ,access_token_var=ACCESS_TOKEN\n ,grant_type=sas_services\n ,outds=work.viyagroupmembers\n );\n%local oauth_bearer;\n%if &grant_type=detect %then %do;\n %if %symexist(&access_token_var) %then %let grant_type=authorization_code;\n %else %let grant_type=sas_services;\n%end;\n%if &grant_type=sas_services %then %do;\n %let oauth_bearer=oauth_bearer=sas_services;\n %let &access_token_var=;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&grant_type ne authorization_code and &grant_type ne password\n and &grant_type ne sas_services\n )\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid value for grant_type: &grant_type)\n)\n\noptions noquotelenmax;\n\n%local base_uri; /* location of rest apis */\n%let base_uri=%mf_getplatform(VIYARESTAPI);\n\n/* fetching folder details for provided path */\n%local fname1;\n%let fname1=%mf_getuniquefileref();\nproc http method='GET' out=&fname1 &oauth_bearer\n url=\"&base_uri/identities/groups/&group/members?limit=10000\";\n headers\n %if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\"\n %end;\n \"Accept\"=\"application/json\";\nrun;\n/*data _null_;infile &fname1;input;putlog _infile_;run;*/\n%if &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE=404 %then %do;\n %put NOTE: Group &group not found!!;\n data &outds;\n length id name $43;\n call missing(of _all_);\n run;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %mp_abort(iftrue=(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE ne 200)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_PHRASE)\n )\n %let libref1=%mf_getuniquelibref();\n libname &libref1 JSON fileref=&fname1;\n data &outds;\n length id name $43;\n set &libref1..items;\n run;\n libname &libref1 clear;\n%end;\n\n/* clear refs */\nfilename &fname1 clear;\n\n%mend mv_getgroupmembers;\n\n\n%macro dc_getgroupmembers(group,outds=dc_getgroupmembers);\n %mv_getgroupmembers(%str(&group),outds=&outds)\n data &outds ;\n length membername $64;\n set &outds(rename=(name=MemberName));\n run;\n%mend dc_getgroupmembers;\n\n\n/** @cond */\n\n%macro mf_existvar(libds /* 2 part dataset name */\n , var /* variable name */\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %local dsid rc;\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds,is));\n\n %if &dsid=0 %then %do;\n %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n 0\n %end;\n %else %if %length(&var)=0 %then %do;\n 0\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,&var))\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n\n%mend mf_existvar;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n%macro mf_getvarlist(libds\n ,dlm=%str( )\n ,quote=no\n ,typefilter=A\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n /* declare local vars */\n %local outvar dsid nvars x rc dlm q var vtype;\n\n /* credit Rowland Hale - byte34 is double quote, 39 is single quote */\n %if %upcase("e)=DOUBLE %then %let q=%qsysfunc(byte(34));\n %else %if %upcase("e)=SINGLE %then %let q=%qsysfunc(byte(39));\n /* open dataset in macro */\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds));\n\n %if &dsid %then %do;\n %let nvars=%sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,NVARS));\n %if &nvars>0 %then %do;\n /* add variables with supplied delimeter */\n %do x=1 %to &nvars;\n /* get variable type */\n %let vtype=%sysfunc(vartype(&dsid,&x));\n %if &vtype=&typefilter or &typefilter=A %then %do;\n %let var=&q.%sysfunc(varname(&dsid,&x))&q.;\n %if &var=&q&q %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Empty column found in &libds!;\n %let var=&q. &q.;\n %end;\n %if %quote(&outvar)=%quote() %then %let outvar=&var;\n %else %let outvar=&outvar.&dlm.&var.;\n %end;\n %end;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Unable to open &libds (rc=&dsid);\n %put &sysmacroname: SYSMSG= %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n %do;%unquote(&outvar)%end;\n%mend mf_getvarlist;\n\n\n%macro mf_existds(libds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&libds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&libds,VIEW)) ne 1 %then 0;\n %else 1;\n\n%mend mf_existds;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getquotedstr(IN_STR\n ,DLM=%str(,)\n ,QUOTE=S\n ,indlm=%str( )\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n /* credit Rowland Hale - byte34 is double quote, 39 is single quote */\n %if "e=S %then %let quote=%qsysfunc(byte(39));\n %else %if "e=D %then %let quote=%qsysfunc(byte(34));\n %else %if "e=N %then %let quote=;\n %local i item buffer;\n %let i=1;\n %do %while (%qscan(&IN_STR,&i,%str(&indlm)) ne %str() ) ;\n %let item=%qscan(&IN_STR,&i,%str(&indlm));\n %if %bquote("E) ne %then %let item="E%qtrim(&item)"E;\n %else %let item=%qtrim(&item);\n\n %if (&i = 1) %then %let buffer =%qtrim(&item);\n %else %let buffer =&buffer&DLM%qtrim(&item);\n\n %let i = %eval(&i+1);\n %end;\n\n %let buffer=%sysfunc(coalescec(%qtrim(&buffer),"E"E));\n\n &buffer\n\n%mend mf_getquotedstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_wordsInStr1ButNotStr2(\n Str1= /* string containing words to extract */\n ,Str2= /* used to compare with the extract string */\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%local count_base count_extr i i2 extr_word base_word match outvar;\n%if %length(&str1)=0 or %length(&str2)=0 %then %do;\n %put base string (str1)= &str1;\n %put compare string (str2) = &str2;\n %return;\n%end;\n%let count_base=%sysfunc(countw(&Str2));\n%let count_extr=%sysfunc(countw(&Str1));\n\n%do i=1 %to &count_extr;\n %let extr_word=%scan(&Str1,&i,%str( ));\n %let match=0;\n %do i2=1 %to &count_base;\n %let base_word=%scan(&Str2,&i2,%str( ));\n %if &extr_word=&base_word %then %let match=1;\n %end;\n %if &match=0 %then %let outvar=&outvar &extr_word;\n%end;\n\n &outvar\n\n%mend mf_wordsInStr1ButNotStr2;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mddl_sas_cntlout(libds=WORK.CNTLOUT);\n\n proc sql;\n create table &libds(\n TYPE char(1) label=\n'Format Type: either N (num fmt), C (char fmt), I (num infmt) or J (char infmt)'\n ,FMTNAME char(32) label='Format name'\n ,FMTROW num label=\n'CALCULATED Position of record by FMTNAME (reqd for multilabel formats)'\n ,START char(32767) label='Starting value for format'\n /*\n Keep lengths of START and END the same to avoid this err:\n \"Start is greater than end: -<.\"\n Similar usage note: https://support.sas.com/kb/69/330.html\n */\n ,END char(32767) label='Ending value for format'\n ,LABEL char(32767) label='Format value label'\n ,MIN num length=3 label='Minimum length'\n ,MAX num length=3 label='Maximum length'\n ,DEFAULT num length=3 label='Default length'\n ,LENGTH num length=3 label='Format length'\n ,FUZZ num label='Fuzz value'\n ,PREFIX char(2) label='Prefix characters'\n ,MULT num label='Multiplier'\n ,FILL char(1) label='Fill character'\n ,NOEDIT num length=3 label='Is picture string noedit?'\n ,SEXCL char(1) label='Start exclusion'\n ,EEXCL char(1) label='End exclusion'\n ,HLO char(13) label=\n'More info: https://core.sasjs.io/mddl__sas__cntlout_8sas_source.html'\n ,DECSEP char(1) label='Decimal separator'\n ,DIG3SEP char(1) label='Three-digit separator'\n ,DATATYPE char(8) label='Date/time/datetime?'\n ,LANGUAGE char(8) label='Language for date strings'\n );\n\n %local lib;\n %let libds=%upcase(&libds);\n %if %index(&libds,.)=0 %then %let lib=WORK;\n %else %let lib=%scan(&libds,1,.);\n\n proc datasets lib=&lib noprint;\n modify %scan(&libds,-1,.);\n index create\n pk_cntlout=(type fmtname fmtrow)\n /nomiss unique;\n quit;\n\n%mend mddl_sas_cntlout;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_aligndecimal(var,width=8);\n\n %local tmpvar;\n %let tmpvar=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=aligndp);\n length &tmpvar $&width;\n if index(&var,'.') then do;\n &tmpvar=cats(scan(&var,1,'.'));\n &tmpvar=right(&tmpvar);\n &var=&tmpvar!!'.'!!cats(scan(&var,2,'.'));\n end;\n else do;\n &tmpvar=cats(&var);\n &tmpvar=right(&tmpvar);\n &var=&tmpvar;\n end;\n drop &tmpvar;\n\n%mend mp_aligndecimal;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_cntlout(\n iftrue=(1=1)\n ,libcat=\n ,cntlout=work.fmtextract\n ,fmtlist=0\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local ddlds cntlds i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%let ddlds=%mf_getuniquename();\n%let cntlds=%mf_getuniquename();\n\n%mddl_sas_cntlout(libds=&ddlds)\n\n%if %index(&libcat,-)>0 and %scan(&libcat,2,-)=FC %then %do;\n %let libcat=%scan(&libcat,1,-);\n%end;\n\nproc format lib=&libcat cntlout=&cntlds;\n%if \"&fmtlist\" ne \"0\" and \"&fmtlist\" ne \"\" %then %do;\n select\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&fmtlist,%str( )));\n %scan(&fmtlist,&i,%str( ))\n %end;\n ;\n%end;\nrun;\n\ndata &cntlout/nonote2err;\n if 0 then set &ddlds;\n set &cntlds;\n by type fmtname notsorted;\n\n /* align the numeric values to avoid overlapping ranges */\n if type in (\"I\",\"N\") then do;\n %mp_aligndecimal(start,width=16)\n %mp_aligndecimal(end,width=16)\n end;\n\n /* create row marker. Data cannot be sorted without it! */\n if first.fmtname then fmtrow=1;\n else fmtrow+1;\n\nrun;\nproc sort;\n by type fmtname fmtrow;\nrun;\n\nproc sql;\ndrop table &ddlds,&cntlds;\n\n%mend mp_cntlout;\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n%macro mp_getcols(ds, outds=work.cols);\n%local dropds;\nproc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_ (keep=name type length label varnum format:);\nrun;\n%let dropds=&syslast;\ndata &outds(keep=name type length varnum format label ddtype fmtname);\n set &dropds(rename=(format=fmtname type=type2));\n name=upcase(name);\n if type2=2 then do;\n length format $49.;\n if fmtname='' then format=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then format=cats(fmtname,'.');\n else format=cats(fmtname,formatl,'.');\n type='C';\n ddtype='CHARACTER';\n end;\n else do;\n if fmtname='' then format=cats(length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then format=cats(fmtname,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then format=cats(fmtname,formatl,'.');\n else format=cats(fmtname,formatl,'.',formatd);\n type='N';\n if format=:'DATETIME' or format=:'E8601DT' then ddtype='DATETIME';\n else if format=:'DATE' or format=:'DDMMYY' or format=:'MMDDYY'\n or format=:'YYMMDD' or format=:'E8601DA' or format=:'B8601DA'\n or format=:'MONYY'\n then ddtype='DATE';\n else if format=:'TIME' then ddtype='TIME';\n else ddtype='NUMERIC';\n end;\n if label='' then label=name;\nrun;\nproc sql;\ndrop table &dropds;\n%mend mp_getcols;\n\n\n%macro mcf_init(func\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if not (%symexist(SASJS_PREFIX)) %then %do;\n %global SASJS_PREFIX;\n %let SASJS_PREFIX=SASJS;\n%end;\n\n%let func=%upcase(&func);\n\n/* the / character is just a seperator */\n%global &sasjs_prefix._FUNCTIONS;\n%if %index(&&&sasjs_prefix._FUNCTIONS,&func/)>0 %then %do;\n 1\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %let &sasjs_prefix._FUNCTIONS=&&&sasjs_prefix._FUNCTIONS &func/;\n 0\n%end;\n\n%mend mcf_init;\n\n\n\n%macro mcf_length(wrap=NO\n ,insert_cmplib=DEPRECATED\n ,lib=WORK\n ,cat=SASJS\n ,pkg=UTILS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local i var cmpval found;\n%if %mcf_init(mcf_length)=1 %then %return;\n\n%if &wrap=YES %then %do;\n proc fcmp outlib=&lib..&cat..&pkg;\n%end;\n\nfunction mcf_length(var);\n if var=. then len=0;\n else if missing(var) or trunc(var,3)=var then len=3;\n else if trunc(var,4)=var then len=4;\n else if trunc(var,5)=var then len=5;\n else if trunc(var,6)=var then len=6;\n else if trunc(var,7)=var then len=7;\n else len=8;\n return(len);\nendsub;\n\n%if &wrap=YES %then %do;\n quit;\n%end;\n\n/* insert the CMPLIB if not already there */\n%let cmpval=%sysfunc(getoption(cmplib));\n%let found=0;\n%do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&cmpval,%str( %(%))));\n %let var=%scan(&cmpval,&i,%str( %(%)));\n %if &var=&lib..&cat %then %let found=1;\n%end;\n%if &found=0 %then %do;\n options insert=(CMPLIB=(&lib..&cat));\n%end;\n\n%mend mcf_length;\n\n\n%macro mf_getvarcount(libds,typefilter=A\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid nvars rc outcnt x;\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds));\n %let nvars=.;\n %let outcnt=0;\n %let typefilter=%upcase(&typefilter);\n %if &dsid %then %do;\n %let nvars=%sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,NVARS));\n %if &typefilter=A %then %let outcnt=&nvars;\n %else %if &nvars>0 %then %do x=1 %to &nvars;\n /* increment based on variable type */\n %if %sysfunc(vartype(&dsid,&x))=&typefilter %then %do;\n %let outcnt=%eval(&outcnt+1);\n %end;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put unable to open &libds (rc=&dsid);\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n &outcnt\n%mend mf_getvarcount;\n\n\n%macro mf_getvartype(libds /* two level name */\n , var /* variable name from which to return the type */\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid vnum vtype rc;\n /* Open dataset */\n %let dsid = %sysfunc(open(&libds));\n %if &dsid. > 0 %then %do;\n /* Get variable number */\n %let vnum = %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid, &var));\n /* Get variable type (C/N) */\n %if(&vnum. > 0) %then %let vtype = %sysfunc(vartype(&dsid, &vnum.));\n %else %do;\n %put NOTE: Variable &var does not exist in &libds;\n %let vtype = %str( );\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: dataset &libds not opened! (rc=&dsid);\n %put &sysmacroname: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* Close dataset */\n %let rc = %sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n /* Return variable type */\n &vtype\n%mend mf_getvartype;\n\n\n%macro mf_getVarFormat(libds /* two level ds name */\n , var /* variable name from which to return the format */\n , force=0\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid vnum vformat rc vlen vtype;\n /* Open dataset */\n %let dsid = %sysfunc(open(&libds));\n %if &dsid > 0 %then %do;\n /* Get variable number */\n %let vnum = %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid, &var));\n /* Get variable format */\n %if(&vnum > 0) %then %let vformat=%sysfunc(varfmt(&dsid, &vnum));\n %else %do;\n %put NOTE: Variable &var does not exist in &libds;\n %let rc = %sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: dataset &libds not opened! (rc=&dsid);\n %put &sysmacroname: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* supply a default if no format available */\n %if %length(&vformat)<2 & &force=1 %then %do;\n %let vlen = %sysfunc(varlen(&dsid, &vnum));\n %let vtype = %sysfunc(vartype(&dsid, &vnum.));\n %if &vtype=C %then %let vformat=$&vlen..;\n %else %let vformat=best.;\n %end;\n\n\n /* Close dataset */\n %let rc = %sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n /* Return variable format */\n &vformat\n%mend mf_getVarFormat;\n\n\n%macro mp_getmaxvarlengths(\n libds\n ,num2char=NO\n ,outds=work.mp_getmaxvarlengths\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%local vars prefix x var fmt srcds;\n%let vars=%mf_getvarlist(libds=&libds);\n%let prefix=%substr(%mf_getuniquename(),1,25);\n%let num2char=%upcase(&num2char);\n\n%if &num2char=NO %then %do;\n /* compile length function for numeric fields */\n %mcf_length(wrap=YES, insert_cmplib=YES)\n%end;\n\n%if &num2char=NO\n and (\"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\" or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\")\n and %mf_getvarcount(&libds,typefilter=N) gt 0\n%then %do;\n /* custom functions not supported in summary operations */\n %let srcds=%mf_getuniquename();\n data &srcds/view=&srcds;\n set &libds;\n %do x=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&vars,%str( )));\n %let var=%scan(&vars,&x);\n %if %mf_getvartype(&libds,&var)=N %then %do;\n &prefix.&x=mcf_length(&var);\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n%end;\n%else %let srcds=&libds;\n\nproc sql;\ncreate table &outds (rename=(\n %do x=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&vars,%str( )));\n &prefix.&x=%scan(&vars,&x)\n %end;\n ))\n as select\n %do x=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&vars,%str( )));\n %let var=%scan(&vars,&x);\n %if &x>1 %then ,;\n %if %mf_getvartype(&libds,&var)=C %then %do;\n max(lengthn(&var)) as &prefix.&x\n %end;\n %else %if &num2char=YES %then %do;\n %let fmt=%mf_getvarformat(&libds,&var);\n %put fmt=&fmt;\n %if %str(&fmt)=%str() %then %do;\n max(lengthn(cats(&var))) as &prefix.&x\n %end;\n %else %do;\n max(lengthn(put(&var,&fmt))) as &prefix.&x\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\" or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\" %then %do;\n max(&prefix.&x) as &prefix.&x\n %end;\n %else %do;\n max(mcf_length(&var)) as &prefix.&x\n %end;\n %end;\n %end;\n from &srcds;\n\n proc transpose data=&outds\n out=&outds(rename=(_name_=NAME COL1=MAXLEN));\n run;\n\n%mend mp_getmaxvarlengths;\n\n\n%macro mp_validatecol(incol,rule,outcol);\n\n/* tempcol is given a unique name with every invocation */\n%local tempcol;\n%let tempcol=%mf_getuniquename();\n\n%if &rule=ISINT %then %do;\n &outcol=0;\n if not missing(&incol) then do;\n &tempcol=input(&incol,?? best32.);\n if not missing(&tempcol) then if mod(&tempcol,1)=0 then &outcol=1;\n end;\n drop &tempcol;\n%end;\n%else %if &rule=ISNUM %then %do;\n /*\n credit SOREN LASSEN\n https://sasmacro.blogspot.com/2009/06/welcome-isnum-macro.html\n */\n &tempcol=input(&incol,?? best32.);\n if missing(&tempcol) then &outcol=0;\n else &outcol=1;\n drop &tempcol;\n%end;\n%else %if &rule=LIBDS %then %do;\n /* match libref.dataset */\n if _n_=1 then do;\n retain &tempcol;\n &tempcol=prxparse('/^[_a-z]\\w{0,7}\\.[_a-z]\\w{0,31}$/i');\n if missing(&tempcol) then do;\n putlog 'ERR' +(-1) \"OR: Invalid expression for LIBDS\";\n stop;\n end;\n drop &tempcol;\n end;\n if prxmatch(&tempcol, trim(&incol)) then &outcol=1;\n else &outcol=0;\n%end;\n%else %if &rule=FORMAT %then %do;\n /* match valid format - regex could probably be improved */\n if _n_=1 then do;\n retain &tempcol;\n &tempcol=prxparse('/^[_a-z\\$]\\w{0,31}\\.[0-9]*$/i');\n if missing(&tempcol) then do;\n putlog 'ERR' +(-1) \"OR: Invalid expression for FORMAT\";\n stop;\n end;\n drop &tempcol;\n end;\n if prxmatch(&tempcol, trim(&incol)) then &outcol=1;\n else &outcol=0;\n%end;\n\n%mend mp_validatecol;\n\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file getdata.sas\n @brief Returns a dataset to the editor front end\n @details\n\n

Service Inputs

\n |LIBDS:$41.|FILTER_RK:$5.|\n |---|---|\n |DC258467.MPE_X_TEST|-1|\n\n

Service Outputs

\n Contains info on the request. One row is returned.\n @li CLS_FLG - set to 0 if there are no CLS rules (everything editable)\n else set to 1 (CLS rules exist)\n @li ISMAP - set to 1 if the target DS is an excel map target, else 0\n\n
\n Contains column level attributes.\n @li NAME - column name\n @li VARNUM - variable position. Source: https://core.sasjs.io/mp__getcols_8sas.html\n @li LABEL - variable label. Source: https://core.sasjs.io/mp__getcols_8sas.html\n @li FMTNAME - derived format name. Source: https://core.sasjs.io/mp__getcols_8sas.html\n @li DDTYPE - derived dropdown type. Source: https://core.sasjs.io/mp__getcols_8sas.html\n @li CLS_RULE - values include:\n - EDIT - the column is editable\n - READ - the column should be readonly\n - HIDE - the column should be hidden\n @li memlabel\n @li desc- augmented with MPE_DATADICTIONARY if exists, else label\n @li longdesc - from MPE_DATADICTIONARY\n\n\n
\n history of DC versions for this particular table\n\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li dc_assignlib.sas\n @li dc_getgroupmembers.sas\n @li mf_existvar.sas\n @li mf_getattrn.sas\n @li mf_getvarlist.sas\n @li mf_existds.sas\n @li mf_getquotedstr.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n @li mf_nobs.sas\n @li mf_verifymacvars.sas\n @li mf_wordsinstr1butnotstr2.sas\n @li mp_abort.sas\n @li mp_cntlout.sas\n @li mp_getcols.sas\n @li mp_getmaxvarlengths.sas\n @li mp_validatecol.sas\n @li mpe_accesscheck.sas\n @li mpe_columnlevelsecurity.sas\n @li mpe_dsmeta.sas\n @li mpe_getlabels.sas\n @li mpe_getversions.sas\n @li mpe_filtermaster.sas\n @li mpe_runhook.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author 4GL Apps Ltd\n @copyright 4GL Apps Ltd. This code may only be used within Data Controller\n and may not be re-distributed or re-sold without the express permission of\n 4GL Apps Ltd.\n\n**/\n\n%mpeinit()\n\n/**\n * Validate inputs\n */\ndata work.intest;\n length filter_rk 8;\n set work.SASCONTROLTABLE;\n\n /* validate filter_rk */\n if filter_rk le 0 then filter_rk=-1;\n\n call symputx('orig_libds',upcase(libds));\n\n is_fmt=0;\n if substr(cats(reverse(libds)),1,3)=:'CF-' then do;\n libds=scan(libds,1,'-');\n putlog \"Format Catalog Captured\";\n is_fmt=1;\n libds='work.fmtextract';\n call symputx('libds',libds);\n end;\n call symputx('is_fmt',is_fmt);\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n\n /* validate libds */\n %mp_validatecol(LIBDS,LIBDS,is_libds)\n\n if is_libds=0 then do;\n putlog 'ERR' 'OR: Invalid libds:' libds;\n stop;\n end;\n else do;\n call symputx('filter_rk',filter_rk);\n call symputx('libds',libds);\n end;\n output;\n stop;\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (%mf_nobs(work.intest)=0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Some err with service inputs)\n)\n\n%mp_abort(\n iftrue=(%mf_verifymacvars(libds filter_rk)=0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Missing: libds filter_rk)\n)\n\n/* export format catalog */\n%mp_cntlout(\n iftrue=(&is_fmt=1)\n ,libcat=&orig_libds\n ,fmtlist=0\n ,cntlout=work.fmtextract\n)\n\n/* stream back meta info, further calls will return col metadata and actual data\n*/\n%let libref=%upcase(%scan(&libds,1,.));\n%let dsn=%upcase(%scan(&libds,2,.));\n%dc_assignlib(WRITE,&libref)\n\n/**\n * First check user has access permission to edit the table\n */\n%put checking access;\n%let user=%mf_getuser();\n%mpe_accesscheck(&orig_libds,outds=mw_auth,user=&user,access_level=EDIT)\n\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (%mf_getattrn(work.mw_auth,NLOBS)=0)\n ,mac=mpestp_getdata.sas\n ,msg=&user is not authorised to edit &orig_libds %trim(\n )in the &mpelib..MPE_SECURITY table\n)\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= ( %mf_existds(libds=&libds) ne 1)\n ,mac=mpestp_getdata.sas\n ,msg=dataset &libds does not exist!!\n)\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc at line 60 )\n)\n\n\n%global loadtype var_txfrom var_txto var_processed filter_text pk coltype\n sortpk;\n\n%put getting table attributes;\nproc sql noprint;\nselect upcase(loadtype)\n ,var_txfrom,var_txto\n ,var_busfrom,var_busto\n ,var_processed,rk_underlying,buskey\n ,coalesce(rk_underlying,buskey)\n ,pre_edit_hook\n ,case when missing(rk_underlying) then buskey else rk_underlying end\n into: loadtype,:var_txfrom,:var_txto\n ,:var_busfrom ,:var_busto\n ,:var_processed,:rk_underlying,:buskey, :sortPK, :pre_edit_hook,:pk\n from &mpelib..mpe_tables\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt TX_TO\n and upcase(dsn)=\"%scan(&orig_libds,2,.)\"\n and upcase(libref)=\"%scan(&orig_libds,1,.)\";\n\n%put preparing filter query:;\n%mpe_filtermaster(EDIT,&orig_libds,\n dclib=&mpelib,\n filter_rk=&filter_rk,\n outref=filtref,\n outds=work.query\n)\n\n%macro mpestp_getdata();\n %if not %symexist(DC_MAXOBS_WEBEDIT) %then %do;\n %put NOTE:;%put NOTE- DC_MAXOBS_WEBEDIT not found!;\n %put NOTE- Please add to &mpelib..MPE_CONFIG table;\n %put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;\n %global DC_MAXOBS_WEBEDIT;\n %let DC_MAXOBS_WEBEDIT=500;\n %end;\n /* for tables which use RKs/SKs then we just expose the business key to\n users - this lets uploads be sent to multiple environments (with\n potentially different RK/SK values for the same business key).\n Note that the config table has the RK column in the buskey field in\n this scenario. */\n %if %length(&rk_underlying)>0 %then %let drop_rk=&buskey;\n %else %let drop_rk=;\n\n /* always remove the PROCESSED_DTTM column, if it exists */\n %if %length(&var_processed)=0 %then %do;\n %if %mf_existvar(&libds,PROCESSED_DTTM)>0 %then\n %let var_processed=PROCESSED_DTTM;\n %end;\n\n /**\n * Now get the slice of the actual table\n */\n options obs=10000;\n\n %if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL %then %do;\n data out (drop=&var_txfrom &var_txto &var_processed &drop_rk );\n _____DELETE__THIS__RECORD_____=\"No\";\n set &libds;\n where %inc filtref;;\n run;\n proc sort data=out;\n by &pk &var_busfrom;\n run;\n data out;\n set out;\n by &pk &var_busfrom;\n if last.%scan(&pk,-1);\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n data out (drop=&var_txfrom &var_txto &var_processed &drop_rk);\n _____DELETE__THIS__RECORD_____=\"No\";\n set &libds;\n where %inc filtref;;\n run;\n %end;\n options obs=max;\n %mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Issue with filtering (line 165) )\n )\n\n options obs=&DC_MAXOBS_WEBEDIT;\n %let sortpk=%sysfunc(coalescec(&sortpk &var_busfrom,_ALL_));\n proc sort data=work.out; by &sortPK; run;\n options obs=max;\n\n %mpe_runhook(PRE_EDIT_HOOK)\n\n %let obscnt=%mf_getattrn(work.out,NLOBS);\n %mp_abort(iftrue=(&obscnt>&DC_MAXOBS_WEBEDIT)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=Table is too big (&obscnt rows) - please filter and try again!\n )\n\n\n /* order delete var and pk fields at start of table */\n %let sourcevars=%mf_wordsInStr1ButNotStr2(\n Str1=%mf_getvarlist(work.out)\n ,Str2= _____DELETE__THIS__RECORD_____ &pk\n );\n %put sourcevars=&sourcevars;\n data outdata;\n /* delete & pk fields come first */\n attrib _____DELETE__THIS__RECORD_____ &pk label='';\n /* keep remaining variable order */\n %if %length(&sourcevars)>0 %then %do;\n attrib &sourcevars label='';\n %end;\n _____DELETE__THIS__RECORD_____=\"No \";\n %if %mf_nobs(work.out)=0 %then %do;\n /* send empty row if empty table to help with hot rendering */\n output;\n %end;\n set work.out ;\n run;\n\n\n\n /* get list of variables and their formats */\n proc contents noprint data=outdata\n out=vars(keep=name type length varnum format: label);\n run;\n\n proc sort;\n by varnum;\n run;\n\n data vars3(keep=name type length format label pk varnum ctrloptions formatd);\n set vars(rename=(format=format2 type=type2));\n name=upcase(name);\n /* not interested in transaction or processing dates\n (append table must be supplied without them) */\n if name not in (\"&VAR_TXFROM\",\"&VAR_TXTO\",\"&VAR_PROCESSED\");\n if type2=2 or type2=6 then do;\n length format $49.;\n if format2='' then format=cats('$',length,'.');\n else format=cats(format2,formatl,'.');\n type='char';\n end;\n else do;\n if format2='' then format=cats(length,'.');\n else if upcase(format2)='DATETIME' and formatl=0 then format='DATETIME.';\n else format=cats(format2,formatl,'.',formatd);\n type='num';\n end;\n\n if name in ('',%upcase(%mf_getQuotedStr(&pk,dlm=%str(,),quote=S)))\n then PK='YES';\n\n length ctrlOptions $500;\n if name=\"_____DELETE__THIS__RECORD_____\" then ctrlOptions='[\"No\",\"Yes\"]';\n else ctrlOptions='';\n run;\n %mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc at 242 (vars3 step) in &_program \\n\n %superq(syserrortext)\n )\n )\n\n %global jsdttmvars jsdtvars jstmvars;\n data _null_;\n set vars3 end=last;\n if _n_>1 then comma=',';\n length coltype $500.;\n format=upcase(format);\n coltype=cats(comma,'{\"data\":\"',name,'\"');\n if ctrlOptions ne '' then\n colType=cats(coltype,',\"type\":\"dropdown\",\"source\":',ctrlOptions,\"}\");\n else if type='num' then do;\n if format=:'DATETIME' or format=:'E8601DT' then do;\n colType=cats(coltype\n ,',\"type\":\"date\",\"dateFormat\":\"YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss\"'\n ,',\"correctFormat\":\"true\"}');\n /* build var list to reformat datetimes in javascript format */\n call symput('jsdttmvars',symget('jsdttmvars')!!' '!!name);\n end;\n else if format=:'DATE' or format=:'DDMMYY' or format=:'MMDDYY'\n or format=:'YYMMDD' or format=:'E8601DA' or format=:'B8601DA'\n or format=:'MONYY'\n then do;\n /* see bottom of file for more date formats!! */\n /* also when updating, update stagedata.sas and mp_getcols.sas\n and mpe_loader.sas */\n colType=cats(coltype,',\"type\":\"date\",\"dateFormat\":\"YYYY-MM-DD\"'\n /*colType=cats(coltype,',\"type\":\"date\",\"dateFormat\":\"MM/DD/YYYY\"'*/\n ,',\"correctFormat\":\"true\"}');\n /* build var list to reformat as javascript dates */\n call symput('jsdtvars',symget('jsdtvars')!!' '!!name);\n end;\n else if format=:'TIME' or format=:'HHMM' then do;\n colType=cats(coltype,',\"type\":\"time\",\"timeFormat\":\"HH:mm:ss\"'\n ,',\"correctFormat\":\"true\"}');\n /* build var list to reformat as javascript times */\n call symput('jstmvars',symget('jstmvars')!!' '!!name);\n end;\n else do;\n /* is standard numeric but need to ascertain precision */\n retain base '000000000000000000';\n if formatd>0 then numFormat=cats('.',substr(base,1,formatd));\n colType=cats(coltype,',\"type\":\"numeric\",\"format\":\"0',numFormat,'\"}');\n end;\n end;\n else colType=cats(coltype,'}');\n length concatcoltype $32767;\n retain concatcoltype;\n concatcoltype=cats(concatcoltype,coltype);\n if last then call symputx('colType',strip(concatcoltype),'g');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n\n %mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc at 283 (null step) in &_program)\n )\n\n PROC FORMAT;\n picture yymmddThhmmss (default=28) other='%0Y-%0m-%0d %0H:%0M:%0s'\n (datatype=datetime);\n picture JSyymmdd other='%0Y-%0m-%0d' (datatype=date);\n picture JShhmmss (default=16) other='%0H:%0M:%0s' (datatype=time);\n RUN;\n /* before we send the data, need to rebuild all date & datetime vars as char*/\n %let finalvars=%mf_getvarlist(work.outdata);\n data sasdata;\n /* set formats & col order ahead of rename+import */\n informat &finalvars ;\n /* read dataset and rename date / datetime vars as necessary */\n set outdata\n %if %length(&jsdttmvars&jsdtvars&jstmvars)>0 %then %do;\n (rename=(\n %local dtvarnum dtvar tmvar;\n /* temp datetime vars end in _____ */\n %do dtvarnum=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&jsdttmvars,%str( )));\n %let dtvar=%scan(&jsdttmvars ,&dtvarnum);\n &dtvar=_____&dtvarnum._____\n %end;\n /* temp date vars do not end in _____ */\n %do dtvarnum=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&jsdtvars,%str( )));\n %let dtvar=%scan( &jsdtvars,&dtvarnum);\n &dtvar=_____&dtvarnum\n %end;\n /* temp time vars end in ___tm */\n %do tmvarnum=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&jstmvars,%str( )));\n %let tmvar=%scan( &jstmvars,&tmvarnum);\n &tmvar=_____&tmvarnum.___tm\n %end;\n ))\n %end;\n ;\n %if %length(&jsdttmvars)>0 %then %do ;\n %do dtvarnum=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&jsdttmvars,%str( )));\n %let dtvar=%scan(&jsdttmvars,&dtvarnum);\n &dtvar=cats(put(_____&dtvarnum._____,yymmddThhmmss28.));\n if &dtvar=\"ERROR\" then call missing(&dtvar);\n drop _____&dtvarnum._____;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %length(&jsdtvars)>0 %then %do;\n %do dtvarnum=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&jsdtvars,%str( )));\n %let dtvar=%scan(&jsdtvars,&dtvarnum);\n &dtvar=cats(put(_____&dtvarnum,JSyymmdd.));\n if &dtvar=\"ERROR\" then call missing(&dtvar);\n drop _____&dtvarnum;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %length(&jstmvars)>0 %then %do;\n %do tmvarnum=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&jstmvars,%str( )));\n %let tmvar=%scan(&jstmvars,&tmvarnum);\n &tmvar=cats(put(_____&tmvarnum.___tm,JShhmmss14.));\n if &tmvar=\"ERROR\" then call missing(&tmvar);\n drop _____&tmvarnum.___tm;\n %end;\n %end;\n output;\n run;\n\n /* get the relevant approvers for the drop down */\n %put getting approvers;\n %local sas_groups sas_i sas_group;\n proc sql noprint;\n select distinct sas_Group into: sas_groups separated by \"|\"\n from &mpelib..mpe_security\n where libref=\"%scan(&orig_libds,1,.)\"\n and dsn=\"%scan(&orig_libds,2,.)\"\n and access_level='APPROVE'\n and &dc_dttmtfmt. lt TX_TO;\n\n %if %length(&sas_groups)=0 %then %do;\n %dc_getgroupmembers(&dc_admin_group,outds=work.access1)\n %end;\n %else %do sas_i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sas_groups,%str(|)));\n %let sas_group=%scan(&sas_Groups,&sas_i,%str(|));\n %dc_getgroupmembers(&sas_group,outds=work.temp&sas_i)\n proc append base=work.access1 data=work.temp&sas_i;run;\n %end;\n\n%mend mpestp_getdata;\n\n%mpestp_getdata()\n\n%mp_abort(mode=INCLUDE)\n\n/* extract column level security rules */\n%mpe_columnlevelsecurity(%scan(&libds,1,.),%scan(&libds,2,.),work.sasdata\n ,mode=EDIT\n ,clsds=&mpelib..mpe_column_level_security\n ,groupds=work.groups /* was created in mpe_filtermaster */\n ,outds=work.sasdata1\n ,outmeta=work.cls_rules\n)\n\n/* get labels */\n%mpe_getlabels(COLUMNS,sasdata1,outds=spec)\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc extracting spec info)\n)\n\n/* extract col info */\n%mp_getcols(&libds, outds=cols1)\n\n/* join with cls rules */\nproc sql;\ncreate table work.cols as\n select a.NAME\n ,a.VARNUM\n ,a.LABEL\n ,a.FMTNAME\n ,a.DDTYPE\n ,case b.cls_hide\n when 1 then 'HIDE'\n when 0 then 'EDIT'\n else 'READ' end as CLS_RULE\n ,c.memlabel\n ,c.desc\n ,c.longdesc\n from work.cols1 a\n left join work.cls_rules b\n on a.NAME=b.CLS_VARIABLE_NM\n left join work.spec c\n on a.NAME=c.NAME;\n\nproc sql;\ncreate table approvers as select distinct membername as personname\n ,membername as email, membername as userid\n from work.access1;\n/*\ncreate table access3 as select b.userid,b.email\n from access2 a\n ,support.users b\n where a.personname=b.userid\n and a.personname ne \"%mf_getuser()\"\n and %sysfunc(datetime()) lt b.tx_to_dttm\n order by 1;\n*/\ndata _null_;\n infile filtref end=eof;\n input;\n length filter_text $32767;\n retain filter_text;\n filter_text=catx(' ',filter_text,_infile_);\n if eof then do;\n if cats(filter_text)='1=1' then filter_text='';\n call symputx('filter_text',filter_text);\n end;\nrun;\n\n%put params;\n%let ismap=0;\nproc sql noprint;\nselect count(*) into: ismap from &mpelib..mpe_xlmap_info\n where XLMAP_TARGETLIBDS=\"&orig_libds\" and &dc_dttmtfmt. le TX_TO;\n\ndata sasparams;\n length colHeaders $20000 filter_text $32767;\n colHeaders=cats(upcase(\"%mf_getvarlist(sasdata1,dlm=%str(,))\"));\n pkCnt=countw(\"&pk\");\n pk=\"&pk\";\n dtvars=compbl(\"&jsdtvars\");\n dttmvars=compbl(\"&jsdttmvars\");\n tmvars=compbl(\"&jstmvars\");\n length coltype $32000;\n coltype=symget('coltype');\n loadtype=symget('loadtype');\n if trim(symget('rk_underlying')) ne '' then rk_flag=1;\n else rk_flag=0;\n filter_text=symget('filter_text');\n if %mf_nobs(work.cls_rules)=0 then cls_flag=0;\n else cls_flag=1;\n put (_all_)(=);\n if \"&orig_libds\"=\"&mpelib..MPE_XLMAP_DATA\" or &ismap ne 0 then ismap=1;\n else ismap=0;\nrun;\n\n\n/* Extract validation DQ Rules */\nproc sort data=&mpelib..mpe_validations\n (where=(&dc_dttmtfmt. le TX_TO\n and BASE_LIB=\"%scan(&orig_libds,1,.)\" and BASE_DS=\"%scan(&orig_libds,2,.)\"\n and rule_active=1))\n out=dqrules (keep=base_col rule_type rule_value);\n by base_col rule_type rule_value;\nrun;\n\n/* merge with NOTNULL constraints in the physical table */\nproc sql;\ncreate table _data_ as\n select * from dqrules\nunion\n select upcase(name) as base_col\n ,'NOTNULL' as rule_type\n ,'' as rule_value\n from dictionary.columns\n where upcase(libname)=\"%scan(&orig_libds,1,.)\"\n and upcase(memname)=\"%scan(&orig_libds,2,.)\"\n and upcase(name) in (select name from vars3)\n and notnull='yes'\n order by 1,2,3;\ndata dqrules;\n set &syslast;\n by base_col rule_type rule_value;\n if last.rule_type;\n if rule_type in ('HARDSELECT','SOFTSELECT') and countw(rule_value)=3 then\n do;\n retain x 0; x+1;\n call symputx(cats('source',x),rule_value);\n %let sourcecnt=0;\n call symputx('sourcecnt',x);\n call symputx(cats('base_col',x),base_col);\n end;\nrun;\n\nproc sql;\ncreate table dqdata as\n select distinct base_column as base_col length=32\n ,upcase(base_column) as rule_value length=74 /* deprecated */\n ,selectbox_value as rule_data length=1000\n ,selectbox_order\n from &mpelib..mpe_selectbox\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt ver_to_dttm\n and select_lib=\"%scan(&orig_libds,1,.)\"\n and select_ds=\"%scan(&orig_libds,2,.)\";\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc during DQ rule validation)\n)\n\n/* extract selectbox data */\n%macro dq_selects();\n %local x source lib ds col;\n %do x=1 %to &sourcecnt;\n %let source=&&source&x;\n %let lib=%scan(&source,1,.);\n %let ds=%scan(&source,2,.);\n %let col=%scan(&source,3,.);\n %put &=source;\n %put &=lib;\n %dc_assignlib(READ,&lib)\n proc sql;\n create table dqdata&x as\n select distinct \"&&base_col&x\" as base_col length=32\n ,\"&source\" as rule_value length=74\n ,cats(&col) as rule_data length=1000\n ,&col as tmp_order\n from &lib..&ds\n order by tmp_order;\n /* ensure both numerics and char vals are ordered correctly */\n data work.dqdata&x (drop=tmp_order);\n set work.dqdata&x;\n selectbox_order=_n_;\n run;\n %mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc when selecting &&base_col&x from &orig_libds)\n )\n proc append base=dqdata data=dqdata&x;run;\n proc sql; drop table dqdata&x;\n %end;\n%mend dq_selects;\n%dq_selects()\n\nproc sort data=dqdata;\n /* order by selectbox_order then the value */\n by base_col selectbox_order rule_data;\nrun;\n\n%mp_getmaxvarlengths(work.sasdata1,outds=maxvarlengths)\n\ndata maxvarlengths;\n set maxvarlengths;\n if name='_____DELETE__THIS__RECORD_____' then mAXLEN=3;\nrun;\n\ndata xl_rules;\n set &mpelib..mpe_excel_config;\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to;\n where also upcase(xl_libref)=\"%scan(&orig_libds,1,.)\";\n where also upcase(xl_table)=\"%scan(&orig_libds,2,.)\";\n where also xl_active=1;\n keep xl_column xl_rule;\nrun;\n\n%mpe_dsmeta(&libds, outds=dsmeta)\n\n%mpe_getversions(&mpelib,\n %scan(&orig_libds,1,.),\n %scan(&orig_libds,2,.),\n outds=versions\n)\n\n\n/* send to the client */\n%webout(OPEN)\n%webout(OBJ,approvers)\n%webout(OBJ,cols)\n%webout(OBJ,dqdata)\n%webout(OBJ,dqrules)\n%webout(OBJ,dsmeta)\n%webout(OBJ,maxvarlengths)\n%webout(OBJ,query)\n%webout(OBJ,sasdata1,fmt=N,missing=STRING,showmeta=YES,dslabel=sasdata)\n%webout(OBJ,sasparams)\n%webout(OBJ,versions)\n%webout(OBJ,xl_rules)\n%webout(CLOSE)\n\n/*\n$N8601Bw\n$N8601BAw\n$N8601Ew\n$N8601EAw\n$N8601EHw\n$N8601EXw\n$N8601Hw\n$N8601Xw\nB8601DAw\nB8601DNw\nB8601DTw\nB8601DZw\nB8601LZw\nB8601TMw\nB8601TZw\nDATEw\nDATEAMPMw\nDATETIMEw\nDAYw\nDDMMYYw\nDDMMYYxw\nDOWNAMEw\nDTDATEw\nDTMONYYw\nDTWKDATXw\nDTYEARw\nDTYYQCw\nE8601DAw\nE8601DNw\nE8601DTw\nE8601DZw\nE8601LZw\nE8601TMw\nE8601TZw\nHHMMw\nHOURw\nJULDAYw\nJULIANw\nMMDDYYw\nMMDDYYxw\nMMSSw\nMMYYw\nMMYYxw\nMONNAMEw\nMONTHw\nMONYYw\nPDJULGw\nPDJULIw\nQTRw\nQTRRw\nTIMEw\nTIMEAMPMw\nTODw\nWEEKDATEw\nWEEKDATXw\nWEEKDAYw\nWEEKUw\nWEEKVw\nWEEKWw\nWORDDATEw\nWORDDATXw\nYEARw\nYYMMw\nYYMMxw\nYYMMDDw\nYYMMDDxw\nYYMONw\nYYQw\nYYQxw\nYYQRw\nYYQRxw\n$N8601BAw\n$N8601Ew\n$N8601EAw\n$N8601EHw\n$N8601EXw\n$N8601Hw\n$N8601Xw\nB8601DAw\nB8601DNw\nB8601DTw\nB8601DZw\nB8601LZw\nB8601TMw\nB8601TZw\nE8601DAw\nE8601DNw\nE8601DTw\nE8601DZw\nE8601LZw\nE8601TMw\nE8601TZw\n*/\n%mpeterm()\n\n* Service end;" }, { "name": "getdynamiccolvals", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n\n\n%macro dc_assignlib(type,libref,passthru=);\n %if %length(&passthru)>0 %then %do;\n proc sql;\n connect using &libref as &passthru;\n %end;\n%mend dc_assignlib;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquefileref(prefix=_,maxtries=1000,lrecl=32767);\n %local rc fname;\n %if &prefix=0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %local x len;\n %let len=%eval(8-%length(&prefix));\n %let x=0;\n %do x=0 %to &maxtries;\n %let fname=&prefix%substr(%sysfunc(ranuni(0)),3,&len);\n %if %sysfunc(fileref(&fname)) > 0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %put unable to find available fileref after &maxtries attempts;\n %end;\n%mend mf_getuniquefileref;\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquelibref(prefix=mclib,maxtries=1000);\n %local x;\n\n %if ( %length(&prefix) gt 7 ) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: The prefix parameter cannot exceed 7 characters.;\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %if (%sysfunc(NVALID(&prefix,v7))=0) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: Invalid prefix (&prefix);\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* Set maxtries equal to '10 to the power of [# unused characters] - 1' */\n %let maxtries=%eval(10**(8-%length(&prefix))-1);\n\n %do x = 0 %to &maxtries;\n %if %sysfunc(libref(&prefix&x)) ne 0 %then %do;\n &prefix&x\n %return;\n %end;\n %let x = %eval(&x + 1);\n %end;\n\n %put %str(ERR)OR: No usable libref in range &prefix.0-&maxtries;\n %put %str(ERR)OR- Try reducing the prefix or deleting some libraries!;\n 0\n%mend mf_getuniquelibref;\n\n\n%macro mf_isblank(param\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %sysevalf(%superq(param)=,boolean)\n\n%mend mf_isblank;\n\n\n%macro mv_getfoldermembers(root=/\n ,access_token_var=ACCESS_TOKEN\n ,grant_type=sas_services\n ,outds=mv_getfolders\n );\n%local oauth_bearer;\n%if &grant_type=detect %then %do;\n %if %symexist(&access_token_var) %then %let grant_type=authorization_code;\n %else %let grant_type=sas_services;\n%end;\n%if &grant_type=sas_services %then %do;\n %let oauth_bearer=oauth_bearer=sas_services;\n %let &access_token_var=;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&grant_type ne authorization_code and &grant_type ne password\n and &grant_type ne sas_services\n )\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid value for grant_type: &grant_type)\n)\n\n%if %mf_isblank(&root)=1 %then %let root=/;\n\noptions noquotelenmax;\n\n/* request the client details */\n%local fname1 libref1;\n%let fname1=%mf_getuniquefileref();\n%let libref1=%mf_getuniquelibref();\n\n%local base_uri; /* location of rest apis */\n%let base_uri=%mf_getplatform(VIYARESTAPI);\n\n%if \"&root\"=\"/\" %then %do;\n /* if root just list root folders */\n proc http method='GET' out=&fname1 &oauth_bearer\n url=\"&base_uri/folders/rootFolders?limit=1000\";\n %if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n headers \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\";\n %end;\n run;\n libname &libref1 JSON fileref=&fname1;\n data &outds;\n set &libref1..items;\n run;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n /* first get parent folder id */\n proc http method='GET' out=&fname1 &oauth_bearer\n url=\"&base_uri/folders/folders/@item?path=&root\";\n %if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n headers \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\";\n %end;\n run;\n /*data _null_;infile &fname1;input;putlog _infile_;run;*/\n libname &libref1 JSON fileref=&fname1;\n /* now get the followon link to list members */\n %local href cnt;\n %let cnt=0;\n data _null_;\n length rel href $512;\n call missing(rel,href);\n set &libref1..links;\n if rel='members' then do;\n url=cats(\"'\",\"&base_uri\",href,\"?limit=10000'\");\n call symputx('href',url,'l');\n call symputx('cnt',1,'l');\n end;\n run;\n %if &cnt=0 %then %do;\n %put NOTE:;%put NOTE- No members found in &root!!;%put NOTE-;\n %return;\n %end;\n %local fname2 libref2;\n %let fname2=%mf_getuniquefileref();\n %let libref2=%mf_getuniquelibref();\n proc http method='GET' out=&fname2 &oauth_bearer\n url=%unquote(%superq(href));\n %if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n headers \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\";\n %end;\n run;\n libname &libref2 JSON fileref=&fname2;\n data &outds;\n length id $36 name $128 uri $64 type $32 description $256;\n if _n_=1 then call missing (of _all_);\n set &libref2..items;\n run;\n filename &fname2 clear;\n libname &libref2 clear;\n%end;\n\n\n/* clear refs */\nfilename &fname1 clear;\nlibname &libref1 clear;\n\n%mend mv_getfoldermembers;\n\n\n%macro mv_getjobcode(outref=0,outfile=0\n ,name=0,path=0\n ,contextName=SAS Job Execution compute context\n ,access_token_var=ACCESS_TOKEN\n ,grant_type=sas_services\n ,mdebug=0\n );\n%local dbg bufsize varcnt fname1 fname2 errmsg;\n%if &mdebug=1 %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname local entry vars:;\n %put _local_;\n%end;\n%else %let dbg=*;\n\n%local oauth_bearer;\n%if &grant_type=detect %then %do;\n %if %symexist(&access_token_var) %then %let grant_type=authorization_code;\n %else %let grant_type=sas_services;\n%end;\n%if &grant_type=sas_services %then %do;\n %let oauth_bearer=oauth_bearer=sas_services;\n %let &access_token_var=;\n%end;\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&grant_type ne authorization_code and &grant_type ne password\n and &grant_type ne sas_services\n )\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid value for grant_type: &grant_type)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(\"&path\"=\"0\")\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Job Path not provided)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(\"&name\"=\"0\")\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Job Name not provided)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(\"&outfile\"=\"0\" and \"&outref\"=\"0\")\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Output destination (file or fileref) must be provided)\n)\noptions noquotelenmax;\n%local base_uri; /* location of rest apis */\n%let base_uri=%mf_getplatform(VIYARESTAPI);\ndata;run;\n%local foldermembers;\n%let foldermembers=&syslast;\n%mv_getfoldermembers(root=&path\n ,access_token_var=&access_token_var\n ,grant_type=&grant_type\n ,outds=&foldermembers\n)\n%local joburi;\n%let joburi=0;\ndata _null_;\n length name uri $512;\n call missing(name,uri);\n set &foldermembers;\n if name=\"&name\" and uri=:'/jobDefinitions/definitions'\n then call symputx('joburi',uri);\nrun;\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(\"&joburi\"=\"0\")\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Job &path/&name not found)\n)\n\n/* prepare request*/\n%let fname1=%mf_getuniquefileref();\nproc http method='GET' out=&fname1 &oauth_bearer\n url=\"&base_uri&joburi\";\n headers \"Accept\"=\"application/vnd.sas.job.definition+json\"\n %if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\"\n %end;\n ;\nrun;\n\n%if &mdebug=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &fname1;\n input;\n putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(\n iftrue=(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE ne 200 and &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE ne 201)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_PHRASE)\n)\n\n%let fname2=%mf_getuniquefileref();\nfilename &fname2 temp ;\n\n/* cannot use lua IO package as not available in Viya 4 */\n/* so use data step to read the JSON until the string `\"code\":\"` is found */\ndata _null_;\n file &fname2 recfm=n;\n infile &fname1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n retain startwrite 0;\n if startwrite=0 and sourcechar='\"' then do;\n reentry:\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n if sourcechar='c' then do;\n reentry2:\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n if sourcechar='o' then do;\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n if sourcechar='d' then do;\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n if sourcechar='e' then do;\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n if sourcechar='\"' then do;\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n if sourcechar=':' then do;\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n if sourcechar='\"' then do;\n putlog 'code found';\n startwrite=1;\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n end;\n end;\n else if sourcechar='c' then goto reentry2;\n end;\n end;\n else if sourcechar='\"' then goto reentry;\n end;\n else if sourcechar='\"' then goto reentry;\n end;\n else if sourcechar='\"' then goto reentry;\n end;\n else if sourcechar='\"' then goto reentry;\n end;\n /* once the `\"code\":\"` string is found, write until unescaped `\"` is found */\n if startwrite=1 then do;\n if sourcechar='\\' then do;\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n if sourcechar in ('\"','\\') then put sourcechar char1.;\n else if sourcechar='n' then put '0A'x;\n else if sourcechar='r' then put '0D'x;\n else if sourcechar='t' then put '09'x;\n else if sourcechar='u' then do;\n length uni $4;\n input uni $ 4. @@;\n sourcechar=unicode('\\u'!!uni);\n put sourcechar char1.;\n end;\n else do;\n call symputx('errmsg',\"Uncaught escape char: \"!!sourcechar,'l');\n call symputx('syscc',99);\n stop;\n end;\n end;\n else if sourcechar='\"' then stop;\n else put sourcechar char1.;\n end;\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(\"&syscc\"=\"99\")\n ,mac=mv_getjobcode\n ,msg=%str(&errmsg)\n)\n\n/* export to desired destination */\n%if \"&outref\"=\"0\" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n file \"&outfile\" lrecl=32767;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n filename &outref temp;\n data _null_;\n file &outref;\n%end;\n infile &fname2;\n input;\n put _infile_;\n &dbg. putlog _infile_;\nrun;\n\n%if &mdebug=1 %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname exit vars:;\n %put _local_;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n /* clear refs */\n filename &fname1 clear;\n filename &fname2 clear;\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_getjobcode;\n\n\n\n%macro dc_getservicecode(loc=,outref=);\n\n%local name;\n%let name=%scan(&loc,-1,/);\n%mv_getjobcode(path=%substr(&loc,1,%length(&loc)-%length(&name)-1)\n ,name=&name\n ,outref=&outref\n)\n\n%mend dc_getservicecode;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getattrn(\n libds\n ,attr\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid rc;\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds,is));\n %if &dsid = 0 %then %do;\n %put %str(WARN)ING: Cannot open %trim(&libds), system message below;\n %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n -1\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,&attr))\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n%mend mf_getattrn;\n\n\n%macro mf_nobs(libds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %mf_getattrn(&libds,NLOBS)\n%mend mf_nobs;\n\n\n%macro mp_include(fileref\n ,prefix=_\n ,opts=SOURCE2\n ,errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n/* prepare precode */\n%local tempref;\n%let tempref=%mf_getuniquefileref();\ndata _null_;\n file &tempref;\n set sashelp.vextfl(where=(fileref=\"%upcase(&fileref)\"));\n put '%let _SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE=' xengine ';';\n name=scan(xpath,-1,'/\\');\n put '%let _SYSINCLUDEFILENAME=' name ';';\n path=subpad(xpath,1,length(xpath)-length(name)-1);\n put '%let _SYSINCLUDEFILEDIR=' path ';';\n put '%let _SYSINCLUDEFILEFILEREF=' \"&fileref;\";\nrun;\n\n/* prepare the errds */\ndata &errds;\n length msg mac $1000;\n call missing(msg,mac);\n iftrue='1=0';\nrun;\n\n/* include the include */\n%inc &tempref &fileref/&opts;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=%str(&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDIR/&_SYSINCLUDEFILENAME)\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after executing &_SYSINCLUDEFILENAME)\n)\n\nfilename &tempref clear;\n\n%mend mp_include;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquename(prefix=MC);\n&prefix.%substr(%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32-%length(&prefix))\n%mend mf_getuniquename;\n\n\n%macro mp_validatecol(incol,rule,outcol);\n\n/* tempcol is given a unique name with every invocation */\n%local tempcol;\n%let tempcol=%mf_getuniquename();\n\n%if &rule=ISINT %then %do;\n &outcol=0;\n if not missing(&incol) then do;\n &tempcol=input(&incol,?? best32.);\n if not missing(&tempcol) then if mod(&tempcol,1)=0 then &outcol=1;\n end;\n drop &tempcol;\n%end;\n%else %if &rule=ISNUM %then %do;\n /*\n credit SOREN LASSEN\n https://sasmacro.blogspot.com/2009/06/welcome-isnum-macro.html\n */\n &tempcol=input(&incol,?? best32.);\n if missing(&tempcol) then &outcol=0;\n else &outcol=1;\n drop &tempcol;\n%end;\n%else %if &rule=LIBDS %then %do;\n /* match libref.dataset */\n if _n_=1 then do;\n retain &tempcol;\n &tempcol=prxparse('/^[_a-z]\\w{0,7}\\.[_a-z]\\w{0,31}$/i');\n if missing(&tempcol) then do;\n putlog 'ERR' +(-1) \"OR: Invalid expression for LIBDS\";\n stop;\n end;\n drop &tempcol;\n end;\n if prxmatch(&tempcol, trim(&incol)) then &outcol=1;\n else &outcol=0;\n%end;\n%else %if &rule=FORMAT %then %do;\n /* match valid format - regex could probably be improved */\n if _n_=1 then do;\n retain &tempcol;\n &tempcol=prxparse('/^[_a-z\\$]\\w{0,31}\\.[0-9]*$/i');\n if missing(&tempcol) then do;\n putlog 'ERR' +(-1) \"OR: Invalid expression for FORMAT\";\n stop;\n end;\n drop &tempcol;\n end;\n if prxmatch(&tempcol, trim(&incol)) then &outcol=1;\n else &outcol=0;\n%end;\n\n%mend mp_validatecol;\n\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file getdynamiccolvals.sas\n @brief Provide dynamic list of values according to a SAS program or service\n @details Configuration is made in the MPE_VALIDATIONS table, the dropdown\n can be either a SOFTSELECT_HOOK or HARDSELECT_HOOK.\n\n Results are sent in ARRAY format for efficiency.\n\n

Service Inputs

\n\n |LIBDS:$41.|VARIABLE_NM:$32.|\n |---|---|\n |DC258467.MPE_SECURITY|SAS_GROUP|\n\n
\n\n This contains the raw values from the source table.\n\n

Service Outputs

\n The RAW_VALUE column may be charactor or numeric. If DISPLAY_INDEX is not\n provided, it is added automatically.\n\n |DISPLAY_INDEX:best.|DISPLAY_VALUE:$|RAW_VALUE|\n |---|---|---|\n |1|$77.43|77.43|\n |2|$88.43|88.43|\n\n
\n This table is optional. If provided, it will map the DISPLAY_INDEX from the\n DYNAMIC_VALUES table to additional column/value pairs, that will be used to\n populate dropdowns for _other_ cells in the _same_ row.\n\n Should be used sparingly! The use of large tables here can slow down the\n browser.\n\n |DISPLAY_INDEX:best.|EXTRA_COL_NAME:$32.|DISPLAY_VALUE:$|DISPLAY_TYPE:$1.|RAW_VALUE_NUM|RAW_VALUE_CHAR:$5000|\n |---|---|---|\n |1|DISCOUNT_RT|\"50%\"|N|0.5||\n |1|DISCOUNT_RT|\"40%\"|N|0.4||\n |1|DISCOUNT_RT|\"30%\"|N|0.3||\n |1|CURRENCY_SYMBOL|\"GBP\"|C||\"GBP\"|\n |1|CURRENCY_SYMBOL|\"RSD\"|C||\"RSD\"|\n |2|DISCOUNT_RT|\"50%\"|N|0.5||\n |2|DISCOUNT_RT|\"40%\"|N|0.4||\n |2|CURRENCY_SYMBOL|\"EUR\"|C||\"EUR\"|\n |2|CURRENCY_SYMBOL|\"HKD\"|C||\"HKD\"|\n\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li dc_assignlib.sas\n @li dc_getservicecode.sas\n @li mf_nobs.sas\n @li mp_abort.sas\n @li mp_include.sas\n @li mp_validatecol.sas\n @li mf_getapploc.sas\n\n\n @version 9.3\n @author 4GL Apps Ltd\n @copyright 4GL Apps Ltd. This code may only be used within Data Controller\n and may not be re-distributed or re-sold without the express permission of\n 4GL Apps Ltd.\n\n**/\n\n%mpeinit()\n\n/**\n * Validate inputs\n */\n%let err_msg=;\ndata work.intest;\n set work.SASCONTROLTABLE;\n\n /* validate libds */\n %mp_validatecol(LIBDS,LIBDS,is_libds)\n\n /* validate varname */\n is_name=nvalid(variable_nm,'v7');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n if is_libds ne 1 then do;\n msg='ERR'!!'OR: Invalid libds:'!!libds;\n call symputx('err_msg',msg);\n stop;\n end;\n else if is_name ne 1 then do;\n msg='ERR'!!'OR: Invalid name:'!!variable_nm;\n call symputx('err_msg',msg);\n stop;\n end;\n else do;\n call symputx('variable_nm',variable_nm);\n call symputx('libds',libds);\n end;\n output;\n stop;\nrun;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after reading work.sascontroltable)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (%mf_nobs(work.intest)=0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(&err_msg)\n)\n\n%dc_assignlib(READ,%scan(&libds,1,.))\n\n/* ensure that work.dynamic_extended_values exists */\ndata work.dynamic_extended_values;\nrun;\n\n/**\n * Get the code to execute\n */\ndata work.codetest;\n set &mpelib..MPE_VALIDATIONS;\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to\n and base_lib=\"%scan(&libds,1,.)\"\n and base_ds=\"%scan(&libds,2,.)\"\n and base_col=\"&variable_nm\"\n and RULE_TYPE in ('HARDSELECT_HOOK','SOFTSELECT_HOOK')\n and RULE_ACTIVE=1;\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n if length(rule_value)>1 then do;\n call symputx('pgmloc',rule_value);\n if scan(upcase(rule_value),-1,'.')='SAS' then do;\n call symputx('pgmtype','PGM');\n call symputx('pgmloc',rule_value);\n end;\n else do;\n apploc=\"%mf_getapploc()\";\n if substr(rule_value,1,1) ne '/'\n then rule_value=cats(apploc,'/',rule_value);\n call symputx('pgmloc',rule_value);\n call symputx('pgmtype','JOB');\n end;\n output;\n stop;\n end;\n else stop;\nrun;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (%mf_nobs(work.codetest)=0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Hook not found in &mpelib..mpe_validations for &libds..&variable_nm)\n)\n\n%macro getdynamiccolvals();\n%if &pgmtype=PGM %then %do;\n filename sascode \"&pgmloc\";\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %dc_getservicecode(loc=&pgmloc\n ,outref=sascode\n )\n%end;\n\n%mend getdynamiccolvals;\n%getdynamiccolvals()\n\n/* execute the dynamic code */\n%mp_include(sascode)\n%mp_abort(mode=INCLUDE)\n\n/* ensure that the DISPLAY_INDEX variable exists */\ndata work.dynamic_values;\n length DISPLAY_INDEX 8 DISPLAY_VALUE $32767;\n if _n_=1 then call missing(of _all_);\n set work.dynamic_values;\n display_index=coalesce(display_index,_n_);\n keep DISPLAY_INDEX DISPLAY_VALUE RAW_VALUE;\nrun;\n\n/* ensure that work.dynamic_extended_values exists with correct types */\ndata work.dynamic_extended_values;\n length DISPLAY_INDEX 8 EXTRA_COL_NAME $32 DISPLAY_VALUE $5000 DISPLAY_TYPE $1\n RAW_VALUE_NUM 8 RAW_VALUE_CHAR $5000 FORCED_VALUE 8;\n if _n_=1 then call missing(of _all_);\n set work.dynamic_extended_values;\nrun;\n\n%webout(OPEN)\n%webout(ARR,dynamic_values,fmt=N)\n%webout(ARR,dynamic_extended_values,fmt=N)\n%webout(CLOSE)\n\n%mpeterm()\n\n* Service end;" }, { "name": "getlog", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_abort(mac=mf_abort.sas, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n)/des='ungraceful abort' /*STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n %put NOTE: /// mf_abort macro executing //;\n %if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n %put NOTE - &msg;\n\n %abort;\n\n%mend mf_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_verifymacvars(\n verifyVars /* list of macro variable NAMES */\n ,makeUpcase=NO /* set to YES to make all the variable VALUES uppercase */\n ,mAbort=SOFT\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %local verifyIterator verifyVar abortmsg;\n %do verifyIterator=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&verifyVars,%str( )));\n %let verifyVar=%qscan(&verifyVars,&verifyIterator,%str( ));\n %if not %symexist(&verifyvar) %then %do;\n %let abortmsg= Variable &verifyVar is MISSING;\n %goto exit_err;\n %end;\n %if %length(%trim(&&&verifyVar))=0 %then %do;\n %let abortmsg= Variable &verifyVar is EMPTY;\n %goto exit_err;\n %end;\n %if &makeupcase=YES %then %do;\n %let &verifyVar=%upcase(&&&verifyvar);\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %goto exit_success;\n %exit_err:\n %put &abortmsg;\n %mf_abort(iftrue=(&mabort ne SOFT),\n mac=mf_verifymacvars,\n msg=%str(&abortmsg)\n )\n 0\n %return;\n %exit_success:\n 1\n\n%mend mf_verifymacvars;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_existds(libds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&libds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&libds,VIEW)) ne 1 %then 0;\n %else 1;\n\n%mend mf_existds;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getvarlist(libds\n ,dlm=%str( )\n ,quote=no\n ,typefilter=A\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n /* declare local vars */\n %local outvar dsid nvars x rc dlm q var vtype;\n\n /* credit Rowland Hale - byte34 is double quote, 39 is single quote */\n %if %upcase("e)=DOUBLE %then %let q=%qsysfunc(byte(34));\n %else %if %upcase("e)=SINGLE %then %let q=%qsysfunc(byte(39));\n /* open dataset in macro */\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds));\n\n %if &dsid %then %do;\n %let nvars=%sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,NVARS));\n %if &nvars>0 %then %do;\n /* add variables with supplied delimeter */\n %do x=1 %to &nvars;\n /* get variable type */\n %let vtype=%sysfunc(vartype(&dsid,&x));\n %if &vtype=&typefilter or &typefilter=A %then %do;\n %let var=&q.%sysfunc(varname(&dsid,&x))&q.;\n %if &var=&q&q %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Empty column found in &libds!;\n %let var=&q. &q.;\n %end;\n %if %quote(&outvar)=%quote() %then %let outvar=&var;\n %else %let outvar=&outvar.&dlm.&var.;\n %end;\n %end;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Unable to open &libds (rc=&dsid);\n %put &sysmacroname: SYSMSG= %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n %do;%unquote(&outvar)%end;\n%mend mf_getvarlist;\n\n\n%macro mf_wordsInStr1ButNotStr2(\n Str1= /* string containing words to extract */\n ,Str2= /* used to compare with the extract string */\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%local count_base count_extr i i2 extr_word base_word match outvar;\n%if %length(&str1)=0 or %length(&str2)=0 %then %do;\n %put base string (str1)= &str1;\n %put compare string (str2) = &str2;\n %return;\n%end;\n%let count_base=%sysfunc(countw(&Str2));\n%let count_extr=%sysfunc(countw(&Str1));\n\n%do i=1 %to &count_extr;\n %let extr_word=%scan(&Str1,&i,%str( ));\n %let match=0;\n %do i2=1 %to &count_base;\n %let base_word=%scan(&Str2,&i2,%str( ));\n %if &extr_word=&base_word %then %let match=1;\n %end;\n %if &match=0 %then %let outvar=&outvar &extr_word;\n%end;\n\n &outvar\n\n%mend mf_wordsInStr1ButNotStr2;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_isblank(param\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %sysevalf(%superq(param)=,boolean)\n\n%mend mf_isblank;\n\n\n%macro mp_dropmembers(\n list /* space separated list of datasets / views */\n ,libref=WORK /* can only drop from a single library at a time */\n ,iftrue=%str(1=1)\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n %if %mf_isblank(&list) %then %do;\n %put NOTE: nothing to drop!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n proc datasets lib=&libref nolist;\n delete &list;\n delete &list /mtype=view;\n run;\n%mend mp_dropmembers;\n\n\n%macro mp_dirlist(path=%sysfunc(pathname(work))\n , fref=0\n , outds=work.mp_dirlist\n , getattrs=NO\n , showparent=NO\n , maxdepth=0\n , level=0 /* The level of recursion to perform. For internal use only. */\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%let getattrs=%upcase(&getattrs)XX;\n\n/* temp table */\n%local out_ds;\ndata;run;\n%let out_ds=%str(&syslast);\n\n/* drop main (top) table if it exists */\n%if &level=0 %then %do;\n %mp_dropmembers(%scan(&outds,-1,.), libref=WORK)\n%end;\n\ndata &out_ds(compress=no\n keep=file_or_folder filepath filename ext msg directory level\n );\n length directory filepath $2000 fref fref2 $8 file_or_folder $6 filename $255\n ext $20 msg $200 foption $16;\n if _n_=1 then call missing(of _all_);\n retain level &level;\n %if &fref=0 %then %do;\n rc = filename(fref, \"&path\");\n %end;\n %else %do;\n fref=\"&fref\";\n rc=0;\n %end;\n if rc = 0 then do;\n did = dopen(fref);\n if did=0 then do;\n putlog \"NOTE: This directory is empty, or does not exist - &path\";\n msg=sysmsg();\n put (_all_)(=);\n stop;\n end;\n /* attribute is OS-dependent - could be \"Directory\" or \"Directory Name\" */\n numopts=doptnum(did);\n do i=1 to numopts;\n foption=doptname(did,i);\n if foption=:'Directory' then i=numopts;\n end;\n directory=dinfo(did,foption);\n rc = filename(fref);\n end;\n else do;\n msg=sysmsg();\n put _all_;\n stop;\n end;\n dnum = dnum(did);\n do i = 1 to dnum;\n filename = dread(did, i);\n filepath=cats(directory,'/',filename);\n rc = filename(fref2,filepath);\n midd=dopen(fref2);\n dmsg=sysmsg();\n if did > 0 then file_or_folder='folder';\n rc=dclose(midd);\n midf=fopen(fref2);\n fmsg=sysmsg();\n if midf > 0 then file_or_folder='file';\n rc=fclose(midf);\n\n if index(fmsg,'File is in use') or index(dmsg,'is not a directory')\n then file_or_folder='file';\n else if index(fmsg,'Insufficient authorization') then file_or_folder='file';\n else if file_or_folder='' then file_or_folder='locked';\n\n if file_or_folder='file' then do;\n ext = prxchange('s/.*\\.{1,1}(.*)/$1/', 1, filename);\n if filename = ext then ext = ' ';\n end;\n else do;\n ext='';\n file_or_folder='folder';\n end;\n output;\n end;\n rc = dclose(did);\n %if &showparent=YES and &level=0 %then %do;\n filepath=directory;\n file_or_folder='folder';\n ext='';\n filename=scan(directory,-1,'/\\');\n msg='';\n level=&level;\n output;\n %end;\n stop;\nrun;\n\n%if %substr(&getattrs,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n data &out_ds;\n set &out_ds;\n length infoname infoval $60 fref $8;\n if _n_=1 then call missing(fref);\n rc=filename(fref,filepath);\n drop rc infoname fid i close fref;\n if file_or_folder='file' then do;\n fid=fopen(fref);\n if fid le 0 then do;\n msg=sysmsg();\n putlog \"Could not open file:\" filepath fid= ;\n sasname='_MCNOTVALID_';\n output;\n end;\n else do i=1 to foptnum(fid);\n infoname=foptname(fid,i);\n infoval=finfo(fid,infoname);\n sasname=compress(infoname, '_', 'adik');\n if anydigit(sasname)=1 then sasname=substr(sasname,anyalpha(sasname));\n if upcase(sasname) ne 'FILENAME' then output;\n end;\n close=fclose(fid);\n end;\n else do;\n fid=dopen(fref);\n if fid le 0 then do;\n msg=sysmsg();\n putlog \"Could not open folder:\" filepath fid= ;\n sasname='_MCNOTVALID_';\n output;\n end;\n else do i=1 to doptnum(fid);\n infoname=doptname(fid,i);\n infoval=dinfo(fid,infoname);\n sasname=compress(infoname, '_', 'adik');\n if anydigit(sasname)=1 then sasname=substr(sasname,anyalpha(sasname));\n if upcase(sasname) ne 'FILENAME' then output;\n end;\n close=dclose(fid);\n end;\n run;\n proc sort;\n by filepath sasname;\n proc transpose data=&out_ds out=&out_ds(drop=_:);\n id sasname;\n var infoval;\n by filepath file_or_folder filename ext ;\n run;\n%end;\n\ndata &out_ds;\n set &out_ds(where=(filepath ne ''));\nrun;\n\n/**\n * The above transpose can mean that some updates create additional columns.\n * This necessitates the occasional use of datastep over proc append.\n */\n%if %mf_existds(&outds) %then %do;\n %local basevars appvars newvars;\n %let basevars=%mf_getvarlist(&outds);\n %let appvars=%mf_getvarlist(&out_ds);\n %let newvars=%length(%mf_wordsinstr1butnotstr2(Str1=&appvars,Str2=&basevars));\n %if &newvars>0 %then %do;\n data &outds;\n set &outds &out_ds;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n proc append base=&outds data=&out_ds force nowarn;\n run;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n proc append base=&outds data=&out_ds;\n run;\n%end;\n\n/* recursive call */\n%if &maxdepth>&level or &maxdepth=MAX %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &out_ds;\n where file_or_folder='folder';\n %if &showparent=YES and &level=0 %then %do;\n if filepath ne directory;\n %end;\n length code $10000;\n code=cats('%nrstr(%mp_dirlist(path=',filepath,\",outds=&outds\"\n ,\",getattrs=&getattrs,level=%eval(&level+1),maxdepth=&maxdepth))\");\n put code=;\n call execute(code);\n run;\n%end;\n\n/* tidy up */\nproc sql;\ndrop table &out_ds;\n\n%mend mp_dirlist;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_binarycopy(\n inloc= /* full path and filename of the object to be copied */\n ,outloc= /* full path and filename of object to be created */\n ,inref=____in /* override default to use own filerefs */\n ,outref=____out /* override default to use own filerefs */\n ,mode=CREATE\n ,iftrue=%str(1=1)\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local mod;\n\n %if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n %if &mode=APPEND %then %let mod=mod;\n\n /* these IN and OUT filerefs can point to anything */\n %if &inref = ____in %then %do;\n filename &inref &inloc lrecl=1048576 ;\n %end;\n %if &outref=____out %then %do;\n filename &outref &outloc lrecl=1048576 &mod;\n %end;\n\n /* copy the file byte-for-byte */\n data _null_;\n infile &inref lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &outref &mod recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n\n %if &inref = ____in %then %do;\n filename &inref clear;\n %end;\n %if &outref=____out %then %do;\n filename &outref clear;\n %end;\n%mend mp_binarycopy;\n\n\n\n%macro mfs_httpheader(header_name\n ,header_value\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%global sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc)) ne 0 %then %do;\n %put &=fref &=sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n%end;\n\n%let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n\n%if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n%end;\n\n%let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(&header_name): %str(&header_value)));\n%let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n\n%let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n%let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n\n%mend mfs_httpheader;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_streamfile(\n contenttype=TEXT\n ,inloc=\n ,inref=0\n ,iftrue=%str(1=1)\n ,outname=\n ,outref=_webout\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%let contentype=%upcase(&contenttype);\n%let outref=%upcase(&outref);\n%local platform; %let platform=%mf_getplatform();\n\n/**\n * check engine type to avoid the below err message:\n * > Function is only valid for filerefs using the CACHE access method.\n */\n%local streamweb;\n%let streamweb=0;\ndata _null_;\n set sashelp.vextfl(where=(upcase(fileref)=\"&outref\"));\n if xengine='STREAM' then call symputx('streamweb',1,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if &contentype=CSV %then %do;\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type','application/csv');\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-disposition',\"attachment; filename=&outname\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" name='_webout.txt'\n contenttype='application/csv'\n contentdisp=\"attachment; filename=&outname\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type,application/csv)\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-disposition,%str(attachment; filename=&outname))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &contentype=EXCEL %then %do;\n /* suitable for XLS format */\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type','application/vnd.ms-excel');\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-disposition',\"attachment; filename=&outname\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" name='_webout.xls'\n contenttype='application/vnd.ms-excel'\n contentdisp=\"attachment; filename=&outname\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type,application/vnd.ms-excel)\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-disposition,%str(attachment; filename=&outname))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &contentype=GIF or &contentype=JPEG or &contentype=PNG %then %do;\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type',\"image/%lowcase(&contenttype)\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n contenttype=\"image/%lowcase(&contenttype)\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type,image/%lowcase(&contenttype))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &contentype=HTML or &contenttype=MARKDOWN %then %do;\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type',\"text/%lowcase(&contenttype)\");\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-disposition',\"attachment; filename=&outname\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" name=\"_webout.json\"\n contenttype=\"text/%lowcase(&contenttype)\"\n contentdisp=\"attachment; filename=&outname\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type,text/%lowcase(&contenttype))\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-disposition,%str(attachment; filename=&outname))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &contentype=TEXT %then %do;\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type','application/text');\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-disposition',\"attachment; filename=&outname\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" name='_webout.txt'\n contenttype='application/text'\n contentdisp=\"attachment; filename=&outname\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type,application/text)\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-disposition,%str(attachment; filename=&outname))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &contentype=WOFF or &contentype=WOFF2 or &contentype=TTF %then %do;\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type',\"font/%lowcase(&contenttype)\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n contenttype=\"font/%lowcase(&contenttype)\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type,font/%lowcase(&contenttype))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &contentype=XLSX %then %do;\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type',\n 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet');\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-disposition',\"attachment; filename=&outname\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" name='_webout.xls'\n contenttype=\n 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet'\n contentdisp=\"attachment; filename=&outname\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type\n ,application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet\n )\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-disposition,%str(attachment; filename=&outname))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &contentype=ZIP %then %do;\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type','application/zip');\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-disposition',\"attachment; filename=&outname\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" name='_webout.zip'\n contenttype='application/zip'\n contentdisp=\"attachment; filename=&outname\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type,application/zip)\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-disposition,%str(attachment; filename=&outname))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: Content Type &contenttype NOT SUPPORTED by &sysmacroname!;\n%end;\n\n%if &inref ne 0 %then %do;\n %mp_binarycopy(inref=&inref,outref=&outref)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %mp_binarycopy(inloc=\"&inloc\",outref=&outref)\n%end;\n\n%mend mp_streamfile;\n\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file getlog.sas\n @brief Downloads the submission, useful if there is an error\n @details\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mf_verifymacvars.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n @li mp_abort.sas\n @li mp_dirlist.sas\n @li mp_binarycopy.sas\n @li mp_streamfile.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author 4GL Apps Ltd\n @copyright 4GL Apps Ltd. This code may only be used within Data Controller\n and may not be re-distributed or re-sold without the express permission of\n 4GL Apps Ltd.\n\n**/\n\n%mpeinit()\n\n%mp_abort(\n iftrue=(%mf_verifymacvars(table)=0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Missing: table)\n)\n\n/* security checks */\n%let user=%mf_getuser();\n%let check_access=0;\n\nproc sql noprint;\nselect count(*) into: check_access from &mpelib..mpe_loads\n where csv_dir=\"&table\" and user_nm=\"&user\";\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&check_access=0 )\n ,msg=%str(&user not authorised to download audit data for &table)\n ,mac=mpestp_getlog.sas\n)\n\n\nods package(ProdOutput) open nopf;\n\noptions notes source2 mprint;\n%mp_dirlist(outds=dirs, path=&mpelocapprovals/&TABLE)\ndata _null_;\n set dirs;\n if scan(filename,-1,'.') not in ('sas7bdat','wpd');\n retain str1\n \"ods package(ProdOutput) add file='&mpelocapprovals/&TABLE/\";\n retain str2 \"' mimetype='text/plain' path='contents/';\";\n call execute(cats(str1,filename,str2));\nrun;\n\n%let archive_path=%sysfunc(pathname(work));\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc)\n)\nods package(ProdOutput) publish archive properties\n (archive_name= \"&table..zip\" archive_path=\"&archive_path\");\n\nods package(ProdOutput) close;\n\n/* now serve zip file to client */\n%mp_streamfile(contenttype=ZIP\n ,inloc=%str(&archive_path/&table..zip)\n ,outname=&table..zip\n)\n\n%mpeterm()\n\n* Service end;" }, { "name": "getsubmits", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file getsubmits.sas\n @brief Returns a list of staged data items that need to be approved\n @details\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_abort.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n @li mpeinit.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author 4GL Apps Ltd\n @copyright 4GL Apps Ltd. This code may only be used within Data Controller\n and may not be re-distributed or re-sold without the express permission of\n 4GL Apps Ltd.\n\n**/\n\n%mpeinit()\n\nPROC FORMAT;\n picture yymmddhhmmss other='%0Y-%0m-%0d %0H:%0M:%0S' (datatype=datetime);\nRUN;\n\nproc sql noprint;\ncreate table work.fromsas (rename=(SUBMITTED_ON=SUBMITTED_ON_DTTM)) as\n select table_id\n ,cats(base_lib,'.',base_ds) as base_table\n ,input_vars\n ,input_obs\n ,submitted_by_nm\n ,submitted_reason_txt\n ,'DEPRECATED' as approve_group\n ,submit_status_cd as review_status_id\n ,reviewed_by_nm\n ,reviewed_on_dttm\n ,cats(put(SUBMITTED_ON_DTTM,yymmddhhmmss.)) as SUBMITTED_ON\n from &mpelib..mpe_submit\n where submitted_by_nm=\"%mf_getuser()\" and submit_status_cd='SUBMITTED'\n order by submitted_on_dttm desc;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc)\n)\n\n%webout(OPEN)\n%webout(OBJ,fromSAS)\n%webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n* Service end;" }, { "name": "getxlmaps", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file getxlmaps.sas\n @brief Returns a list of rules and other info for a specific xlmap_id\n\n

Service Inputs

\n\n |XLMAP_ID|\n |---|\n |Sample|\n\n

Service Outputs

\n\n Filtered output of the dc.MPE_XLMAP_RULES table\n\n |XLMAP_ID|XLMAP_RANGE_ID|XLMAP_SHEET|XLMAP_START|XLMAP_FINISH|\n |---|---|---|---|---|\n |Sample|Range1|Sheet1|ABSOLUTE A1| |\n |Sample|Range2|Sheet1|RELATIVE R[2]C[2]|ABSOLUTE H11|\n\n
\n Extra info for a map id\n\n |TARGET_DS|\n |---|\n |DCXXX.MPE_XLMAP_DATA|\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_abort.sas\n @li mpeinit.sas\n\n @version 9.3\n @author 4GL Apps Ltd\n @copyright 4GL Apps Ltd. This code may only be used within Data Controller\n and may not be re-distributed or re-sold without the express permission of\n 4GL Apps Ltd.\n\n**/\n\n%mpeinit()\n\ndata _null_;\n set work.getxlmaps_in;\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n call symputx('xlmap_id',xlmap_id);\nrun;\n\nproc sql noprint;\ncreate table work.xlmaprules as\n select xlmap_id\n ,XLMAP_RANGE_ID\n ,XLMAP_SHEET\n ,XLMAP_START\n ,XLMAP_FINISH\n from &mpelib..MPE_XLMAP_RULES\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to and xlmap_id=\"&xlmap_id\"\n order by xlmap_sheet, xlmap_range_id;\n\n%global target_ds;\nselect XLMAP_TARGETLIBDS into: target_ds\n from &mpelib..MPE_XLMAP_INFO\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to and xlmap_id=\"&xlmap_id\";\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc)\n)\n\ndata work.xlmapinfo;\n target_ds=coalescec(\"&target_ds\",\"&mpelib..MPE_XLMAP_DATA\");\n output;\n stop;\nrun;\n\n%webout(OPEN)\n%webout(OBJ,xlmaprules)\n%webout(OBJ,xlmapinfo)\n%webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n* Service end;" }, { "name": "loadfile", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquefileref(prefix=_,maxtries=1000,lrecl=32767);\n %local rc fname;\n %if &prefix=0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %local x len;\n %let len=%eval(8-%length(&prefix));\n %let x=0;\n %do x=0 %to &maxtries;\n %let fname=&prefix%substr(%sysfunc(ranuni(0)),3,&len);\n %if %sysfunc(fileref(&fname)) > 0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %put unable to find available fileref after &maxtries attempts;\n %end;\n%mend mf_getuniquefileref;\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquelibref(prefix=mclib,maxtries=1000);\n %local x;\n\n %if ( %length(&prefix) gt 7 ) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: The prefix parameter cannot exceed 7 characters.;\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %if (%sysfunc(NVALID(&prefix,v7))=0) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: Invalid prefix (&prefix);\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* Set maxtries equal to '10 to the power of [# unused characters] - 1' */\n %let maxtries=%eval(10**(8-%length(&prefix))-1);\n\n %do x = 0 %to &maxtries;\n %if %sysfunc(libref(&prefix&x)) ne 0 %then %do;\n &prefix&x\n %return;\n %end;\n %let x = %eval(&x + 1);\n %end;\n\n %put %str(ERR)OR: No usable libref in range &prefix.0-&maxtries;\n %put %str(ERR)OR- Try reducing the prefix or deleting some libraries!;\n 0\n%mend mf_getuniquelibref;\n\n\n%macro mv_getusergroups(user\n ,outds=work.mv_getusergroups\n ,access_token_var=ACCESS_TOKEN\n ,grant_type=sas_services\n );\n%local oauth_bearer;\n%if &grant_type=detect %then %do;\n %if %symexist(&access_token_var) %then %let grant_type=authorization_code;\n %else %let grant_type=sas_services;\n%end;\n%if &grant_type=sas_services %then %do;\n %let oauth_bearer=oauth_bearer=sas_services;\n %let &access_token_var=;\n%end;\n%put &sysmacroname: grant_type=&grant_type;\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&grant_type ne authorization_code and &grant_type ne password\n and &grant_type ne sas_services\n )\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid value for grant_type: &grant_type)\n)\noptions noquotelenmax;\n\n%local base_uri; /* location of rest apis */\n%let base_uri=%mf_getplatform(VIYARESTAPI);\n\n/* fetching folder details for provided path */\n%local fname1;\n%let fname1=%mf_getuniquefileref();\n%let libref1=%mf_getuniquelibref();\n\nproc http method='GET' out=&fname1 &oauth_bearer\n url=\"&base_uri/identities/users/&user/memberships?limit=10000\";\n headers\n%if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\"\n%end;\n \"Accept\"=\"application/json\";\nrun;\n/*data _null_;infile &fname1;input;putlog _infile_;run;*/\n%if &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE=404 %then %do;\n %put NOTE: User &user not found!!;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %mp_abort(iftrue=(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE ne 200)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_PHRASE)\n )\n%end;\nlibname &libref1 JSON fileref=&fname1;\n\ndata &outds;\n set &libref1..items;\nrun;\n\n/* clear refs */\nfilename &fname1 clear;\nlibname &libref1 clear;\n\n%mend mv_getusergroups;\n\n\n%macro dc_getusergroups(user=,outds=mm_getgroups);\n %mv_getusergroups(&user,outds=&outds)\n data &outds;\n length groupname groupdesc $256;\n set &outds(rename=(id=groupname name=groupdesc));\n run;\n%mend dc_getusergroups;\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_getgroups(user=,outds=);\n\n %if not %symexist(dc_repo_users) %then %let dc_repo_users=foundation;\n\n %dc_getusergroups(user=&user,outds=&outds)\n\n data;\n length groupname groupdesc $256;\n set &dc_libref..mpe_groups;\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to;\n where also upcase(user_name)=\"%upcase(&user)\";\n groupname=group_name;\n groupdesc=group_desc;\n keep groupname groupdesc;\n run;\n\n data &outds;\n set &syslast &outds(keep=groupname groupdesc);\n run;\n\n%mend mpe_getgroups;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquename(prefix=MC);\n&prefix.%substr(%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32-%length(&prefix))\n%mend mf_getuniquename;\n\n\n%macro mf_abort(mac=mf_abort.sas, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n)/des='ungraceful abort' /*STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n %put NOTE: /// mf_abort macro executing //;\n %if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n %put NOTE - &msg;\n\n %abort;\n\n%mend mf_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_verifymacvars(\n verifyVars /* list of macro variable NAMES */\n ,makeUpcase=NO /* set to YES to make all the variable VALUES uppercase */\n ,mAbort=SOFT\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %local verifyIterator verifyVar abortmsg;\n %do verifyIterator=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&verifyVars,%str( )));\n %let verifyVar=%qscan(&verifyVars,&verifyIterator,%str( ));\n %if not %symexist(&verifyvar) %then %do;\n %let abortmsg= Variable &verifyVar is MISSING;\n %goto exit_err;\n %end;\n %if %length(%trim(&&&verifyVar))=0 %then %do;\n %let abortmsg= Variable &verifyVar is EMPTY;\n %goto exit_err;\n %end;\n %if &makeupcase=YES %then %do;\n %let &verifyVar=%upcase(&&&verifyvar);\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %goto exit_success;\n %exit_err:\n %put &abortmsg;\n %mf_abort(iftrue=(&mabort ne SOFT),\n mac=mf_verifymacvars,\n msg=%str(&abortmsg)\n )\n 0\n %return;\n %exit_success:\n 1\n\n%mend mf_verifymacvars;\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_accesscheck(\n base_table\n ,outds=med_accesscheck /* WORK table to contain access details */\n ,user= /* metadata user to check for */\n ,access_level=APPROVE\n ,cntl_lib_var=MPELIB\n );\n\n %if &user= %then %let user=%mf_getuser();\n\n %mp_abort(\n iftrue=(%index(&outds,.)>0 and %upcase(%scan(&outds,1,.)) ne WORK)\n ,mac=mpe_accesscheck\n ,msg=%str(outds should be a WORK table)\n )\n\n %mp_abort(\n iftrue=(%mf_verifymacvars(base_table user access_level)=0)\n ,mac=mpe_accesscheck\n ,msg=%str(Missing base_table/user access_level variables)\n )\n\n /* make unique temp table vars */\n %local tempds1 tempds2;\n %let tempds1=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=usergroups);\n %let tempds2=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=tablegroups);\n\n /* get list of user groups */\n %mpe_getgroups(user=&user,outds=&tempds1)\n\n /* get list of groups with access for that table */\n proc sql;\n create table &tempds2 as\n select distinct sas_group\n from &&&cntl_lib_var...mpe_security\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to\n and access_level=\"&access_level\"\n and (\n (libref=\"%scan(&base_table,1,.)\" and upcase(dsn)=\"%scan(&base_table,2,.)\")\n or (libref=\"%scan(&base_table,1,.)\" and dsn=\"*ALL*\")\n or (libref=\"*ALL*\")\n );\n %if &_debug ge 131 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds1;\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds2;\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &outds as\n select * from &tempds1\n where groupname=\"&mpeadmins\"\n or groupname in (select * from &tempds2);\n\n %put &sysmacroname: base_table=&base_table;\n %put &sysmacroname: access_level=&access_level;\n%mend mpe_accesscheck;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getattrn(\n libds\n ,attr\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid rc;\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds,is));\n %if &dsid = 0 %then %do;\n %put %str(WARN)ING: Cannot open %trim(&libds), system message below;\n %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n -1\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,&attr))\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n%mend mf_getattrn;\n\n\n%macro mf_existds(libds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&libds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&libds,VIEW)) ne 1 %then 0;\n %else 1;\n\n%mend mf_existds;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_alerts(alert_event=\n , alert_lib=\n , alert_ds=\n , dsid=\n);\n\n/* exit if not configured */\n%global DC_EMAIL_ALERTS;\n%if &DC_EMAIL_ALERTS ne YES %then %do;\n %put DCNOTE: Email alerts are not configured;\n %put DCNOTE: (dc_email_alerts=&dc_email_alerts in &mpelib..mpe_config);\n %return;\n%end;\n\n\n%let alert_event=%upcase(&alert_event);\n%let alert_lib=%upcase(&alert_lib);\n%let alert_ds=%upcase(&alert_ds);\n%let from_user=%mf_getuser();\n\n\n/* get users TO which the email should be sent */\n\nproc sql noprint;\ncreate table work.users as select distinct a.alert_user,\n b.user_displayname,\n b.user_email\n from &mpelib..mpe_alerts\n (where=(&dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to)) a\n left join &mpelib..mpe_emails\n (where=(&dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to)) b\n on upcase(trim(a.alert_user))=upcase(trim(b.user_name))\n where a.alert_event in (\"&alert_event\",\"*ALL*\")\n and a.alert_lib in (\"&alert_lib\",\"*ALL*\")\n and a.alert_ds in (\"&alert_ds\",\"*ALL*\");\n\n/* ensure the submitter is included on the email */\n%local isThere userdisp user_eml;\n%let isThere=0;\nselect count(*) into: isThere from &syslast where alert_user=\"&from_user\";\n%if &isThere=0 %then %do;\n select user_displayname, user_email\n into: userdisp trimmed, :user_eml trimmed\n from &mpelib..mpe_emails\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to\n and user_name=\"&from_user\";\n insert into work.users\n set alert_user=\"&from_user\"\n ,user_displayname=\"&userdisp\"\n ,user_email=\"&user_eml\";\n%end;\n\n\n/* if no email / displayname is provided, then extract from metadata */\ndata work.emails;\n set work.users;\n length emailuri uri text $256; call missing(emailuri,uri); drop emailuri uri;\n\n /* get displayname */\n text=cats(\"omsobj:Person?@Name='\",alert_user,\"'\");\n if metadata_getnobj(text,1,uri)<=0 then do;\n putlog \"DCWARN: &from_user not found\";\n return;\n end;\n else if user_displayname = '' then do;\n if metadata_getattr(uri,'DisplayName',user_displayname)<0 then do;\n putlog 'DCWARN: strange err, no displayname attribute of user URI';\n end;\n end;\n\n if index(user_email,'@') then return;\n /* get email from metadata if not in input table */\n if metadata_getnasn(uri,\"EmailAddresses\",1,emailuri)<=0 then do;\n putlog \"DCWARN: \" alert_user \" has no emails in MPE_EMAILS or metadata!\";\n if metadata_getattr(emailuri,\"Address\",user_email)<0 then do;\n putlog 'DCWARN: Unexpected error! Valid emailURI but no email. Weird.';\n end;\n end;\n /* only keep valid emails */\n if index(user_email,'@') ;\n /* dump contents for debugging */\n if _n_<21 then putlog (_all_)(=);\nrun;\n\n%local emails;\nproc sql noprint;\nselect quote(trim(user_email)) into: emails separated by ' ' from work.emails;\n\n/* exit if nobody to email */\n%if %mf_getattrn(emails,NLOBS)=0 %then %do;\n %put NOTE: No alerts configured (mpe_alerts.sas);\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* display email options */\ndata _null_;\n set sashelp.voption(where=(group='EMAIL'));\n put optname '=' setting;\nrun;\n\nfilename __out email (&emails)\n subject=\"Table &alert_lib..&alert_ds has been &alert_event\";\n\n%local SUBMITTED_TXT;\n%if &alert_event=SUBMITTED %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &mpelib..mpe_submit;\n where table_id=\"&dsid\" and submit_status_cd='SUBMITTED';\n call symputx('SUBMITTED_TXT',submitted_reason_txt,'l');\n run;\n data _null_;\n File __out lrecl=32000;\n put 'Dear user,';\n put ' ';\n put \"Please be advised that a change to table &alert_lib..&alert_ds has \"\n \"been proposed by &from_user on the '&syshostname' SAS server.\";\n put \" \";\n length txt $2048;\n txt=symget('SUBMITTED_TXT');\n put \"Reason provided: \" txt;\n put \" \";\n put \"This is an automated email by Data Controller for SAS. For \"\n \"documentation, please visit https://docs.datacontroller.io\";\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &alert_event=APPROVED %then %do;\n /* there is no approval message */\n data _null_;\n File __out lrecl=32000;\n put 'Dear user,';\n put ' ';\n put \"Please be advised that a change to table &alert_lib..&alert_ds has \"\n \"been approved by &from_user on the '&syshostname' SAS server.\";\n put \" \";\n put \"This is an automated email by Data Controller for SAS. For \"\n \"documentation, please visit https://docs.datacontroller.io\";\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &alert_event=REJECTED %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &mpelib..mpe_review;\n where table_id=\"&dsid\" and review_status_id='REJECTED';\n call symputx('REVIEW_REASON_TXT',REVIEW_REASON_TXT,'l');\n run;\n data _null_;\n File __out lrecl=32000;\n put 'Dear user,';\n put ' ';\n put \"Please be advised that a change to table &alert_lib..&alert_ds has \"\n \"been rejected by &from_user on the '&syshostname' SAS server.\";\n put \" \";\n length txt $2048;\n txt=symget('REVIEW_REASON_TXT');\n put \"Reason provided: \" txt;\n put \" \";\n put \"This is an automated email by Data Controller for SAS. For \"\n \"documentation, please visit https://docs.datacontroller.io\";\n run;\n%end;\n\nfilename __out clear;\n\n%mend mpe_alerts ;\n\n\n%macro mpe_xlmapvalidate(mperef,inds,dclib,tgtds);\n\n %local ismap;\n proc sql noprint;\n select count(*) into: ismap\n from &dclib..mpe_xlmap_info\n where XLMAP_TARGETLIBDS=\"&tgtds\" and &dc_dttmtfmt. le TX_TO ;\n\n %if \"&tgtds\"=\"&dclib..MPE_XLMAP_DATA\" or &ismap>0 %then %do;\n data &inds;\n set &inds;\n LOAD_REF=\"&mperef\";\n run;\n %end;\n\n%mend mpe_xlmapvalidate;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_loadfail(\n status=FAILED - &syscc\n ,now=%sysfunc(datetime())\n ,approvals=\n ,mperef=\n ,reason_txt=\n ,mac=mpe_loadfail.sas\n ,dc_dttmtfmt=E8601DT26.6\n );\n /* do not perform duration calc in pass through */\n %local dur;\n data _null_;\n now=symget('now');\n dur=%sysfunc(datetime())-&now;\n call symputx('dur',dur,'l');\n run;\n proc sql;\n update &mpelib..mpe_loads\n set STATUS=symget('status')\n , duration=&dur\n , processed_dttm=&dc_dttmtfmt.\n , approvals = symget('approvals')\n , reason_txt= symget('reason_txt')\n where CSV_DIR=\"&mperef\";\n %let syscc=666;\n %mp_abort(msg=%superq(status)\\n%superq(reason_txt),mac=&mac)\n%mend mpe_loadfail;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_isblank(param\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %sysevalf(%superq(param)=,boolean)\n\n%mend mf_isblank;\n\n\n%macro mv_getfoldermembers(root=/\n ,access_token_var=ACCESS_TOKEN\n ,grant_type=sas_services\n ,outds=mv_getfolders\n );\n%local oauth_bearer;\n%if &grant_type=detect %then %do;\n %if %symexist(&access_token_var) %then %let grant_type=authorization_code;\n %else %let grant_type=sas_services;\n%end;\n%if &grant_type=sas_services %then %do;\n %let oauth_bearer=oauth_bearer=sas_services;\n %let &access_token_var=;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&grant_type ne authorization_code and &grant_type ne password\n and &grant_type ne sas_services\n )\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid value for grant_type: &grant_type)\n)\n\n%if %mf_isblank(&root)=1 %then %let root=/;\n\noptions noquotelenmax;\n\n/* request the client details */\n%local fname1 libref1;\n%let fname1=%mf_getuniquefileref();\n%let libref1=%mf_getuniquelibref();\n\n%local base_uri; /* location of rest apis */\n%let base_uri=%mf_getplatform(VIYARESTAPI);\n\n%if \"&root\"=\"/\" %then %do;\n /* if root just list root folders */\n proc http method='GET' out=&fname1 &oauth_bearer\n url=\"&base_uri/folders/rootFolders?limit=1000\";\n %if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n headers \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\";\n %end;\n run;\n libname &libref1 JSON fileref=&fname1;\n data &outds;\n set &libref1..items;\n run;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n /* first get parent folder id */\n proc http method='GET' out=&fname1 &oauth_bearer\n url=\"&base_uri/folders/folders/@item?path=&root\";\n %if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n headers \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\";\n %end;\n run;\n /*data _null_;infile &fname1;input;putlog _infile_;run;*/\n libname &libref1 JSON fileref=&fname1;\n /* now get the followon link to list members */\n %local href cnt;\n %let cnt=0;\n data _null_;\n length rel href $512;\n call missing(rel,href);\n set &libref1..links;\n if rel='members' then do;\n url=cats(\"'\",\"&base_uri\",href,\"?limit=10000'\");\n call symputx('href',url,'l');\n call symputx('cnt',1,'l');\n end;\n run;\n %if &cnt=0 %then %do;\n %put NOTE:;%put NOTE- No members found in &root!!;%put NOTE-;\n %return;\n %end;\n %local fname2 libref2;\n %let fname2=%mf_getuniquefileref();\n %let libref2=%mf_getuniquelibref();\n proc http method='GET' out=&fname2 &oauth_bearer\n url=%unquote(%superq(href));\n %if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n headers \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\";\n %end;\n run;\n libname &libref2 JSON fileref=&fname2;\n data &outds;\n length id $36 name $128 uri $64 type $32 description $256;\n if _n_=1 then call missing (of _all_);\n set &libref2..items;\n run;\n filename &fname2 clear;\n libname &libref2 clear;\n%end;\n\n\n/* clear refs */\nfilename &fname1 clear;\nlibname &libref1 clear;\n\n%mend mv_getfoldermembers;\n\n\n%macro mv_getjobcode(outref=0,outfile=0\n ,name=0,path=0\n ,contextName=SAS Job Execution compute context\n ,access_token_var=ACCESS_TOKEN\n ,grant_type=sas_services\n ,mdebug=0\n );\n%local dbg bufsize varcnt fname1 fname2 errmsg;\n%if &mdebug=1 %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname local entry vars:;\n %put _local_;\n%end;\n%else %let dbg=*;\n\n%local oauth_bearer;\n%if &grant_type=detect %then %do;\n %if %symexist(&access_token_var) %then %let grant_type=authorization_code;\n %else %let grant_type=sas_services;\n%end;\n%if &grant_type=sas_services %then %do;\n %let oauth_bearer=oauth_bearer=sas_services;\n %let &access_token_var=;\n%end;\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&grant_type ne authorization_code and &grant_type ne password\n and &grant_type ne sas_services\n )\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid value for grant_type: &grant_type)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(\"&path\"=\"0\")\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Job Path not provided)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(\"&name\"=\"0\")\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Job Name not provided)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(\"&outfile\"=\"0\" and \"&outref\"=\"0\")\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Output destination (file or fileref) must be provided)\n)\noptions noquotelenmax;\n%local base_uri; /* location of rest apis */\n%let base_uri=%mf_getplatform(VIYARESTAPI);\ndata;run;\n%local foldermembers;\n%let foldermembers=&syslast;\n%mv_getfoldermembers(root=&path\n ,access_token_var=&access_token_var\n ,grant_type=&grant_type\n ,outds=&foldermembers\n)\n%local joburi;\n%let joburi=0;\ndata _null_;\n length name uri $512;\n call missing(name,uri);\n set &foldermembers;\n if name=\"&name\" and uri=:'/jobDefinitions/definitions'\n then call symputx('joburi',uri);\nrun;\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(\"&joburi\"=\"0\")\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Job &path/&name not found)\n)\n\n/* prepare request*/\n%let fname1=%mf_getuniquefileref();\nproc http method='GET' out=&fname1 &oauth_bearer\n url=\"&base_uri&joburi\";\n headers \"Accept\"=\"application/vnd.sas.job.definition+json\"\n %if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\"\n %end;\n ;\nrun;\n\n%if &mdebug=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &fname1;\n input;\n putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(\n iftrue=(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE ne 200 and &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE ne 201)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_PHRASE)\n)\n\n%let fname2=%mf_getuniquefileref();\nfilename &fname2 temp ;\n\n/* cannot use lua IO package as not available in Viya 4 */\n/* so use data step to read the JSON until the string `\"code\":\"` is found */\ndata _null_;\n file &fname2 recfm=n;\n infile &fname1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n retain startwrite 0;\n if startwrite=0 and sourcechar='\"' then do;\n reentry:\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n if sourcechar='c' then do;\n reentry2:\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n if sourcechar='o' then do;\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n if sourcechar='d' then do;\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n if sourcechar='e' then do;\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n if sourcechar='\"' then do;\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n if sourcechar=':' then do;\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n if sourcechar='\"' then do;\n putlog 'code found';\n startwrite=1;\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n end;\n end;\n else if sourcechar='c' then goto reentry2;\n end;\n end;\n else if sourcechar='\"' then goto reentry;\n end;\n else if sourcechar='\"' then goto reentry;\n end;\n else if sourcechar='\"' then goto reentry;\n end;\n else if sourcechar='\"' then goto reentry;\n end;\n /* once the `\"code\":\"` string is found, write until unescaped `\"` is found */\n if startwrite=1 then do;\n if sourcechar='\\' then do;\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n if sourcechar in ('\"','\\') then put sourcechar char1.;\n else if sourcechar='n' then put '0A'x;\n else if sourcechar='r' then put '0D'x;\n else if sourcechar='t' then put '09'x;\n else if sourcechar='u' then do;\n length uni $4;\n input uni $ 4. @@;\n sourcechar=unicode('\\u'!!uni);\n put sourcechar char1.;\n end;\n else do;\n call symputx('errmsg',\"Uncaught escape char: \"!!sourcechar,'l');\n call symputx('syscc',99);\n stop;\n end;\n end;\n else if sourcechar='\"' then stop;\n else put sourcechar char1.;\n end;\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(\"&syscc\"=\"99\")\n ,mac=mv_getjobcode\n ,msg=%str(&errmsg)\n)\n\n/* export to desired destination */\n%if \"&outref\"=\"0\" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n file \"&outfile\" lrecl=32767;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n filename &outref temp;\n data _null_;\n file &outref;\n%end;\n infile &fname2;\n input;\n put _infile_;\n &dbg. putlog _infile_;\nrun;\n\n%if &mdebug=1 %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname exit vars:;\n %put _local_;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n /* clear refs */\n filename &fname1 clear;\n filename &fname2 clear;\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_getjobcode;\n\n\n\n%macro dc_getservicecode(loc=,outref=);\n\n%local name;\n%let name=%scan(&loc,-1,/);\n%mv_getjobcode(path=%substr(&loc,1,%length(&loc)-%length(&name)-1)\n ,name=&name\n ,outref=&outref\n)\n\n%mend dc_getservicecode;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_include(fileref\n ,prefix=_\n ,opts=SOURCE2\n ,errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n/* prepare precode */\n%local tempref;\n%let tempref=%mf_getuniquefileref();\ndata _null_;\n file &tempref;\n set sashelp.vextfl(where=(fileref=\"%upcase(&fileref)\"));\n put '%let _SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE=' xengine ';';\n name=scan(xpath,-1,'/\\');\n put '%let _SYSINCLUDEFILENAME=' name ';';\n path=subpad(xpath,1,length(xpath)-length(name)-1);\n put '%let _SYSINCLUDEFILEDIR=' path ';';\n put '%let _SYSINCLUDEFILEFILEREF=' \"&fileref;\";\nrun;\n\n/* prepare the errds */\ndata &errds;\n length msg mac $1000;\n call missing(msg,mac);\n iftrue='1=0';\nrun;\n\n/* include the include */\n%inc &tempref &fileref/&opts;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=%str(&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDIR/&_SYSINCLUDEFILENAME)\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after executing &_SYSINCLUDEFILENAME)\n)\n\nfilename &tempref clear;\n\n%mend mp_include;\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_runhook(hookvar);\n%local pgmloc pgmtype;\n%let pgmtype=0;\n%put &sysmacroname: &=hookvar;\n%if %length(&&&hookvar)>0 %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Executing &&&hookvar;\n data _null_;\n rule_value=symget(\"&hookvar\");\n if scan(upcase(rule_value),-1,'.')='SAS' then do;\n call symputx('pgmtype','PGM');\n call symputx('pgmloc',rule_value);\n end;\n else do;\n apploc=\"%mf_getapploc()\";\n if substr(rule_value,1,1) ne '/'\n then rule_value=cats(apploc,'/',rule_value);\n call symputx('pgmloc',rule_value);\n call symputx('pgmtype','JOB');\n end;\n run;\n\n %if &pgmtype=PGM %then %do;\n filename sascode \"&pgmloc\";\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %dc_getservicecode(loc=&pgmloc\n ,outref=sascode\n )\n %end;\n\n /* the below script will need to modify work.STAGING_DS */\n %local x; %let x=; /* legacy feature */\n %mp_include(sascode)\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mpe_runhook;\n\n\n\n%macro dc_assignlib(type,libref,passthru=);\n %if %length(&passthru)>0 %then %do;\n proc sql;\n connect using &libref as &passthru;\n %end;\n%mend dc_assignlib;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mkdir(dir\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %local lastchar child parent;\n\n %let lastchar = %substr(&dir, %length(&dir));\n %if (%bquote(&lastchar) eq %str(:)) %then %do;\n /* Cannot create drive mappings */\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if (%bquote(&lastchar)=%str(/)) or (%bquote(&lastchar)=%str(\\)) %then %do;\n /* last char is a slash */\n %if (%length(&dir) eq 1) %then %do;\n /* one single slash - root location is assumed to exist */\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /* strip last slash */\n %let dir = %substr(&dir, 1, %length(&dir)-1);\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if (%sysfunc(fileexist(%bquote(&dir))) = 0) %then %do;\n /* directory does not exist so prepare to create */\n /* first get the childmost directory */\n %let child = %scan(&dir, -1, %str(/\\:));\n\n /*\n If child name = path name then there are no parents to create. Else\n they must be recursively scanned.\n */\n\n %if (%length(&dir) gt %length(&child)) %then %do;\n %let parent = %substr(&dir, 1, %length(&dir)-%length(&child));\n %mf_mkdir(&parent)\n %end;\n\n /*\n Now create the directory. Complain loudly of any errs.\n */\n\n %let dname = %sysfunc(dcreate(&child, &parent));\n %if (%bquote(&dname) eq ) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: could not create &parent + &child;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put Directory created: &dir;\n %end;\n %end;\n /* exit quietly if directory did exist.*/\n%mend mf_mkdir;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mddl_sas_cntlout(libds=WORK.CNTLOUT);\n\n proc sql;\n create table &libds(\n TYPE char(1) label=\n'Format Type: either N (num fmt), C (char fmt), I (num infmt) or J (char infmt)'\n ,FMTNAME char(32) label='Format name'\n ,FMTROW num label=\n'CALCULATED Position of record by FMTNAME (reqd for multilabel formats)'\n ,START char(32767) label='Starting value for format'\n /*\n Keep lengths of START and END the same to avoid this err:\n \"Start is greater than end: -<.\"\n Similar usage note: https://support.sas.com/kb/69/330.html\n */\n ,END char(32767) label='Ending value for format'\n ,LABEL char(32767) label='Format value label'\n ,MIN num length=3 label='Minimum length'\n ,MAX num length=3 label='Maximum length'\n ,DEFAULT num length=3 label='Default length'\n ,LENGTH num length=3 label='Format length'\n ,FUZZ num label='Fuzz value'\n ,PREFIX char(2) label='Prefix characters'\n ,MULT num label='Multiplier'\n ,FILL char(1) label='Fill character'\n ,NOEDIT num length=3 label='Is picture string noedit?'\n ,SEXCL char(1) label='Start exclusion'\n ,EEXCL char(1) label='End exclusion'\n ,HLO char(13) label=\n'More info: https://core.sasjs.io/mddl__sas__cntlout_8sas_source.html'\n ,DECSEP char(1) label='Decimal separator'\n ,DIG3SEP char(1) label='Three-digit separator'\n ,DATATYPE char(8) label='Date/time/datetime?'\n ,LANGUAGE char(8) label='Language for date strings'\n );\n\n %local lib;\n %let libds=%upcase(&libds);\n %if %index(&libds,.)=0 %then %let lib=WORK;\n %else %let lib=%scan(&libds,1,.);\n\n proc datasets lib=&lib noprint;\n modify %scan(&libds,-1,.);\n index create\n pk_cntlout=(type fmtname fmtrow)\n /nomiss unique;\n quit;\n\n%mend mddl_sas_cntlout;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_aligndecimal(var,width=8);\n\n %local tmpvar;\n %let tmpvar=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=aligndp);\n length &tmpvar $&width;\n if index(&var,'.') then do;\n &tmpvar=cats(scan(&var,1,'.'));\n &tmpvar=right(&tmpvar);\n &var=&tmpvar!!'.'!!cats(scan(&var,2,'.'));\n end;\n else do;\n &tmpvar=cats(&var);\n &tmpvar=right(&tmpvar);\n &var=&tmpvar;\n end;\n drop &tmpvar;\n\n%mend mp_aligndecimal;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_cntlout(\n iftrue=(1=1)\n ,libcat=\n ,cntlout=work.fmtextract\n ,fmtlist=0\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local ddlds cntlds i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%let ddlds=%mf_getuniquename();\n%let cntlds=%mf_getuniquename();\n\n%mddl_sas_cntlout(libds=&ddlds)\n\n%if %index(&libcat,-)>0 and %scan(&libcat,2,-)=FC %then %do;\n %let libcat=%scan(&libcat,1,-);\n%end;\n\nproc format lib=&libcat cntlout=&cntlds;\n%if \"&fmtlist\" ne \"0\" and \"&fmtlist\" ne \"\" %then %do;\n select\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&fmtlist,%str( )));\n %scan(&fmtlist,&i,%str( ))\n %end;\n ;\n%end;\nrun;\n\ndata &cntlout/nonote2err;\n if 0 then set &ddlds;\n set &cntlds;\n by type fmtname notsorted;\n\n /* align the numeric values to avoid overlapping ranges */\n if type in (\"I\",\"N\") then do;\n %mp_aligndecimal(start,width=16)\n %mp_aligndecimal(end,width=16)\n end;\n\n /* create row marker. Data cannot be sorted without it! */\n if first.fmtname then fmtrow=1;\n else fmtrow+1;\n\nrun;\nproc sort;\n by type fmtname fmtrow;\nrun;\n\nproc sql;\ndrop table &ddlds,&cntlds;\n\n%mend mp_cntlout;\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n%macro mf_getvarlist(libds\n ,dlm=%str( )\n ,quote=no\n ,typefilter=A\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n /* declare local vars */\n %local outvar dsid nvars x rc dlm q var vtype;\n\n /* credit Rowland Hale - byte34 is double quote, 39 is single quote */\n %if %upcase("e)=DOUBLE %then %let q=%qsysfunc(byte(34));\n %else %if %upcase("e)=SINGLE %then %let q=%qsysfunc(byte(39));\n /* open dataset in macro */\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds));\n\n %if &dsid %then %do;\n %let nvars=%sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,NVARS));\n %if &nvars>0 %then %do;\n /* add variables with supplied delimeter */\n %do x=1 %to &nvars;\n /* get variable type */\n %let vtype=%sysfunc(vartype(&dsid,&x));\n %if &vtype=&typefilter or &typefilter=A %then %do;\n %let var=&q.%sysfunc(varname(&dsid,&x))&q.;\n %if &var=&q&q %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Empty column found in &libds!;\n %let var=&q. &q.;\n %end;\n %if %quote(&outvar)=%quote() %then %let outvar=&var;\n %else %let outvar=&outvar.&dlm.&var.;\n %end;\n %end;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Unable to open &libds (rc=&dsid);\n %put &sysmacroname: SYSMSG= %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n %do;%unquote(&outvar)%end;\n%mend mf_getvarlist;\n\n\n%macro mf_wordsInStr1ButNotStr2(\n Str1= /* string containing words to extract */\n ,Str2= /* used to compare with the extract string */\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%local count_base count_extr i i2 extr_word base_word match outvar;\n%if %length(&str1)=0 or %length(&str2)=0 %then %do;\n %put base string (str1)= &str1;\n %put compare string (str2) = &str2;\n %return;\n%end;\n%let count_base=%sysfunc(countw(&Str2));\n%let count_extr=%sysfunc(countw(&Str1));\n\n%do i=1 %to &count_extr;\n %let extr_word=%scan(&Str1,&i,%str( ));\n %let match=0;\n %do i2=1 %to &count_base;\n %let base_word=%scan(&Str2,&i2,%str( ));\n %if &extr_word=&base_word %then %let match=1;\n %end;\n %if &match=0 %then %let outvar=&outvar &extr_word;\n%end;\n\n &outvar\n\n%mend mf_wordsInStr1ButNotStr2;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_dropmembers(\n list /* space separated list of datasets / views */\n ,libref=WORK /* can only drop from a single library at a time */\n ,iftrue=%str(1=1)\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n %if %mf_isblank(&list) %then %do;\n %put NOTE: nothing to drop!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n proc datasets lib=&libref nolist;\n delete &list;\n delete &list /mtype=view;\n run;\n%mend mp_dropmembers;\n\n\n%macro mp_dirlist(path=%sysfunc(pathname(work))\n , fref=0\n , outds=work.mp_dirlist\n , getattrs=NO\n , showparent=NO\n , maxdepth=0\n , level=0 /* The level of recursion to perform. For internal use only. */\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%let getattrs=%upcase(&getattrs)XX;\n\n/* temp table */\n%local out_ds;\ndata;run;\n%let out_ds=%str(&syslast);\n\n/* drop main (top) table if it exists */\n%if &level=0 %then %do;\n %mp_dropmembers(%scan(&outds,-1,.), libref=WORK)\n%end;\n\ndata &out_ds(compress=no\n keep=file_or_folder filepath filename ext msg directory level\n );\n length directory filepath $2000 fref fref2 $8 file_or_folder $6 filename $255\n ext $20 msg $200 foption $16;\n if _n_=1 then call missing(of _all_);\n retain level &level;\n %if &fref=0 %then %do;\n rc = filename(fref, \"&path\");\n %end;\n %else %do;\n fref=\"&fref\";\n rc=0;\n %end;\n if rc = 0 then do;\n did = dopen(fref);\n if did=0 then do;\n putlog \"NOTE: This directory is empty, or does not exist - &path\";\n msg=sysmsg();\n put (_all_)(=);\n stop;\n end;\n /* attribute is OS-dependent - could be \"Directory\" or \"Directory Name\" */\n numopts=doptnum(did);\n do i=1 to numopts;\n foption=doptname(did,i);\n if foption=:'Directory' then i=numopts;\n end;\n directory=dinfo(did,foption);\n rc = filename(fref);\n end;\n else do;\n msg=sysmsg();\n put _all_;\n stop;\n end;\n dnum = dnum(did);\n do i = 1 to dnum;\n filename = dread(did, i);\n filepath=cats(directory,'/',filename);\n rc = filename(fref2,filepath);\n midd=dopen(fref2);\n dmsg=sysmsg();\n if did > 0 then file_or_folder='folder';\n rc=dclose(midd);\n midf=fopen(fref2);\n fmsg=sysmsg();\n if midf > 0 then file_or_folder='file';\n rc=fclose(midf);\n\n if index(fmsg,'File is in use') or index(dmsg,'is not a directory')\n then file_or_folder='file';\n else if index(fmsg,'Insufficient authorization') then file_or_folder='file';\n else if file_or_folder='' then file_or_folder='locked';\n\n if file_or_folder='file' then do;\n ext = prxchange('s/.*\\.{1,1}(.*)/$1/', 1, filename);\n if filename = ext then ext = ' ';\n end;\n else do;\n ext='';\n file_or_folder='folder';\n end;\n output;\n end;\n rc = dclose(did);\n %if &showparent=YES and &level=0 %then %do;\n filepath=directory;\n file_or_folder='folder';\n ext='';\n filename=scan(directory,-1,'/\\');\n msg='';\n level=&level;\n output;\n %end;\n stop;\nrun;\n\n%if %substr(&getattrs,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n data &out_ds;\n set &out_ds;\n length infoname infoval $60 fref $8;\n if _n_=1 then call missing(fref);\n rc=filename(fref,filepath);\n drop rc infoname fid i close fref;\n if file_or_folder='file' then do;\n fid=fopen(fref);\n if fid le 0 then do;\n msg=sysmsg();\n putlog \"Could not open file:\" filepath fid= ;\n sasname='_MCNOTVALID_';\n output;\n end;\n else do i=1 to foptnum(fid);\n infoname=foptname(fid,i);\n infoval=finfo(fid,infoname);\n sasname=compress(infoname, '_', 'adik');\n if anydigit(sasname)=1 then sasname=substr(sasname,anyalpha(sasname));\n if upcase(sasname) ne 'FILENAME' then output;\n end;\n close=fclose(fid);\n end;\n else do;\n fid=dopen(fref);\n if fid le 0 then do;\n msg=sysmsg();\n putlog \"Could not open folder:\" filepath fid= ;\n sasname='_MCNOTVALID_';\n output;\n end;\n else do i=1 to doptnum(fid);\n infoname=doptname(fid,i);\n infoval=dinfo(fid,infoname);\n sasname=compress(infoname, '_', 'adik');\n if anydigit(sasname)=1 then sasname=substr(sasname,anyalpha(sasname));\n if upcase(sasname) ne 'FILENAME' then output;\n end;\n close=dclose(fid);\n end;\n run;\n proc sort;\n by filepath sasname;\n proc transpose data=&out_ds out=&out_ds(drop=_:);\n id sasname;\n var infoval;\n by filepath file_or_folder filename ext ;\n run;\n%end;\n\ndata &out_ds;\n set &out_ds(where=(filepath ne ''));\nrun;\n\n/**\n * The above transpose can mean that some updates create additional columns.\n * This necessitates the occasional use of datastep over proc append.\n */\n%if %mf_existds(&outds) %then %do;\n %local basevars appvars newvars;\n %let basevars=%mf_getvarlist(&outds);\n %let appvars=%mf_getvarlist(&out_ds);\n %let newvars=%length(%mf_wordsinstr1butnotstr2(Str1=&appvars,Str2=&basevars));\n %if &newvars>0 %then %do;\n data &outds;\n set &outds &out_ds;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n proc append base=&outds data=&out_ds force nowarn;\n run;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n proc append base=&outds data=&out_ds;\n run;\n%end;\n\n/* recursive call */\n%if &maxdepth>&level or &maxdepth=MAX %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &out_ds;\n where file_or_folder='folder';\n %if &showparent=YES and &level=0 %then %do;\n if filepath ne directory;\n %end;\n length code $10000;\n code=cats('%nrstr(%mp_dirlist(path=',filepath,\",outds=&outds\"\n ,\",getattrs=&getattrs,level=%eval(&level+1),maxdepth=&maxdepth))\");\n put code=;\n call execute(code);\n run;\n%end;\n\n/* tidy up */\nproc sql;\ndrop table &out_ds;\n\n%mend mp_dirlist;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getattrc(\n libds\n ,attr\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid rc;\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds,is));\n %if &dsid = 0 %then %do;\n %put %str(WARN)ING: Cannot open %trim(&libds), system message below;\n %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n -1\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %sysfunc(attrc(&dsid,&attr))\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n%mend mf_getattrc;\n\n\n%macro mp_lockfilecheck(\n libds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\ndata _null_;\n if _n_=1 then putlog \"&sysmacroname entry vars:\";\n set sashelp.vmacro;\n where scope=\"&sysmacroname\";\n put name '=' value;\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc>0)\n ,mac=checklock.sas\n ,msg=Aborting with syscc=&syscc on entry.\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (\"&libds\"=\"0\")\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(libds not provided)\n)\n\n%local msg lib ds;\n%let lib=%upcase(%scan(&libds,1,.));\n%let ds=%upcase(%scan(&libds,2,.));\n\n/* in DC, format catalogs are passed with a -FC suffix. No saslock here! */\n%if %scan(&libds,2,-)=FC %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Format Catalog detected, no lockfile applied to &libds;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* do not proceed if no observations can be processed */\n%let msg=options obs = 0. syserrortext=%superq(syserrortext);\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (%sysfunc(getoption(OBS))=0)\n ,mac=checklock.sas\n ,msg=%superq(msg)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n putlog \"Checking engine & member type\";\nrun;\n%local engine memtype;\n%let memtype=%mf_getattrc(&libds,MTYPE);\n%let engine=%mf_getattrc(&libds,ENGINE);\n\n%if &engine ne V9 and &engine ne BASE %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog \"Lib &lib is not assigned using BASE engine - uses &engine instead\";\n putlog \"SAS lock check will not be performed\";\n run;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if &memtype ne DATA %then %do;\n %put NOTE: Cannot lock a VIEW!! Memtype=&memtype;\n %return;\n%end;\n\ndata _null_;\n putlog \"Engine = &engine, memtype=&memtype\";\n putlog \"Attempting lock statement\";\nrun;\n\nlock &libds;\n\n%local abortme;\n%let abortme=0;\n%if &syscc>0 or &SYSLCKRC ne 0 %then %do;\n %let msg=Unable to apply lock on &libds (SYSLCKRC=&SYSLCKRC syscc=&syscc);\n %put %str(ERR)OR: &sysmacroname: &msg;\n %let abortme=1;\n%end;\n\nlock &libds clear;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&abortme=1)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%superq(msg)\n)\n\n%mend mp_lockfilecheck;\n\n\n%macro mp_lockanytable(\n action\n ,lib= WORK\n ,ds=0\n ,ref=\n ,ctl_ds=0\n ,loops=25\n ,loop_secs=1\n );\ndata _null_;\n if _n_=1 then putlog \"&sysmacroname entry vars:\";\n set sashelp.vmacro;\n where scope=\"&sysmacroname\";\n put name '=' value;\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (\"&ds\"=\"0\" and &action ne MAKETABLE)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(dataset was not provided)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&ctl_ds=0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Control dataset was not provided)\n)\n\n/* set up lib & mac vars */\n%let lib=%upcase(&lib);\n%let ds=%upcase(&ds);\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n%local user x trans msg abortme;\n%let user=%mf_getuser();\n%let abortme=0;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&action ne LOCK & &action ne UNLOCK & &action ne MAKETABLE)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid action (&action) provided)\n)\n\n/* if an err condition exists, exit before we even begin */\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc>0 and &action=LOCK)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(aborting due to syscc=&syscc on LOCK entry)\n)\n\n/* do not bother locking work tables (else may affect all WORK libraries) */\n%if (%upcase(&lib)=WORK or %str(&lib)=%str()) & &action ne MAKETABLE %then %do;\n %put NOTE: WORK libraries will not be registered in the locking system.;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* do not proceed if no observations can be processed */\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (%sysfunc(getoption(OBS))=0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(cannot continue when options obs = 0)\n)\n\n%if &ACTION=LOCK %then %do;\n\n /* abort if a SAS lock is already in place, or cannot be applied */\n %mp_lockfilecheck(&lib..&ds)\n\n /* next, check there is a record for this table */\n %local record_exists_check;\n proc sql noprint;\n select count(*) into: record_exists_check from &ctl_ds\n where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" and LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n quit;\n %if &syscc>0 %then %put syscc=&syscc sqlrc=&sqlrc;\n %if &record_exists_check=0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog \"&sysmacroname: adding record to lock table..\";\n run;\n\n data ;\n if 0 then set &ctl_ds;\n LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\";\n LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n LOCK_STATUS_CD='LOCKED';\n LOCK_START_DTTM=\"%sysfunc(datetime(),%mf_fmtdttm())\"dt;\n LOCK_USER_NM=\"&user\";\n LOCK_PID=\"&sysjobid\";\n LOCK_REF=\"&ref\";\n output;stop;\n run;\n %let trans=&syslast;\n proc append base=&ctl_ds data=&trans;\n run;\n %end;\n /* if record does exist, perform lock attempts */\n %else %do x=1 %to &loops;\n data _null_;\n putlog \"&sysmacroname: attempting lock (iteration &x) \"@;\n putlog \"at %sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.) ..\";\n run;\n\n proc sql;\n update &ctl_ds\n set LOCK_STATUS_CD='LOCKED'\n , LOCK_START_DTTM=\"%sysfunc(datetime(),%mf_fmtdttm())\"dt\n , LOCK_USER_NM=\"&user\"\n , LOCK_PID=\"&sysjobid\"\n , LOCK_REF=\"&ref\"\n where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" and LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n quit;\n /**\n * NOTE - occasionally SQL server will return an err code (deadlocked\n * transaction). If so, ignore it, keep calm, and carry on..\n */\n %if &syscc>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n putlog \"NOTE- &sysmacroname: Update failed. \"@;\n putlog \"Resetting err conditions and re-attempting.\";\n putlog \"NOTE- syscc=&syscc syserr=&syserr sqlrc=&sqlrc\";\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n run;\n %let syscc=0;\n %let sqlrc=0;\n %end;\n\n /* now check if the record was successfully updated */\n %local success_check;\n proc sql noprint;\n select count(*) into: success_check from &ctl_ds\n where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" and LOCK_DS=\"&ds\"\n and LOCK_PID=\"&sysjobid\" and LOCK_STATUS_CD='LOCKED';\n quit;\n %if &success_check=0 %then %do;\n %if &x < &loops %then %do;\n /* pause before next check */\n data _null_;\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n putlog \"NOTE- &sysmacroname: table locked, waiting \"@;\n putlog \"%sysfunc(sleep(&loop_secs)) seconds.. \";\n putlog \"NOTE- (iteration &x of &loops)\";\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %let msg=Unable to lock &lib..&ds via &ctl_ds after &loops attempts.\\n\n Please ask your administrator to investigate!;\n %let abortme=1;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n putlog \"NOTE- &sysmacroname: Table &lib..&ds locked at \"@;\n putlog \" %sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.) (iteration &x)\"@;\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n run;\n %if &syscc>0 %then %do;\n %put setting syscc(&syscc) back to 0;\n %let syscc=0;\n %end;\n %let x=&loops; /* no more iterations needed */\n %end;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &ACTION=UNLOCK %then %do;\n %local status cnt;\n %let cnt=0;\n proc sql noprint;\n select count(*) into: cnt from &ctl_ds where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" & LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n %if &cnt=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(WAR)NING: &lib..&ds was not previously locked in &ctl_ds!;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n select LOCK_STATUS_CD into: status from &ctl_ds\n where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" and LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n quit;\n %if &syscc>0 %then %put syscc=&syscc sqlrc=&sqlrc;\n %if &status=LOCKED %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog \"&sysmacroname: unlocking &lib..&ds:\";\n run;\n proc sql;\n update &ctl_ds\n set LOCK_STATUS_CD='UNLOCKED'\n , LOCK_END_DTTM=\"%sysfunc(datetime(),%mf_fmtdttm())\"dt\n , LOCK_USER_NM=\"&user\"\n , LOCK_PID=\"&sysjobid\"\n , LOCK_REF=\"&ref\"\n where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" and LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n quit;\n %end;\n %else %if &status=UNLOCKED %then %do;\n %put %str(WAR)NING: &lib..&ds is already unlocked!;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put NOTE: Unrecognised STATUS_CD (&status) in &ctl_ds;\n %let abortme=1;\n %end;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %let msg=lock_anytable given unsupported action (&action);\n %let abortme=1;\n%end;\n\n/* catch errs - mp_abort must be called outside of a logic block */\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&abortme=1),\n msg=%superq(msg),\n mac=&sysmacroname\n)\n\n%exit_macro:\ndata _null_;\n put \"&sysmacroname: Exit vars: action=&action lib=&lib ds=&ds\";\n put \" syscc=&syscc sqlrc=&sqlrc syserr=&syserr\";\nrun;\n%mend mp_lockanytable;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_loader(\n mperef= /* name of subfolder containing the staged data */\n ,mDebug=0 /* set to 1 for development or debugging */\n ,submitted_reason_txt= /* populates column of same name in sumo_approvals*/\n ,approver= /* allows a userid to be provided for direct approval email */\n ,url= /* optional - url for debugging */\n ,dlm=%str(,)\n ,termstr=crlf\n ,dc_dttmtfmt=E8601DT26.6\n );\n%put entered mpe_loader from &=_program;\n%put &=url;\n%put &=termstr;\n%put &=dlm;\n /* determine full path to CSV directory */\n%local now;\n%let now=&dc_dttmtfmt;\n%put &=now;\n\n/**\n * get full path to package (only subdirectory passed through)\n */\n%mp_abort(\n iftrue=(%mf_verifymacvars(mperef mpelocapprovals)=0)\n ,mac=bitemporal_dataloader\n ,msg=%str(Missing: mperef mpelocapprovals)\n)\n\n%let csv_dir=%trim(&mpelocapprovals/&mperef);\n\n/* exit if package has already been uploaded */\n%local check;\nproc sql noprint;\nselect count(*) into: check\n from &mpelib..mpe_loads\n where csv_dir=\"&mperef\";\n%if &check %then %do;\n %mp_abort(msg=Folder &mperef already has an entry in &mpelib..mpe_loads\n ,mac=mpe_loader.sas);\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* get CSV directory contents */\n%mp_dirlist(path=&csv_dir,outds=WORK.getfiles)\ndata WORK.csvs;\n set WORK.getfiles;\n if upcase(scan(filename,3,'.'))='CSV' then do;\n lib=upcase(scan(filename,1,'.'));\n ds=upcase(scan(filename,2,'.'));\n output;\n end;\nrun;\n\n/* get table attributes */\nproc sql noprint;\ncreate table WORK.sumo_tables as\n select a.filename, b.*\n from WORK.csvs a\n left join &mpelib..mpe_tables b\n on a.lib=b.libref\n and a.ds=b.dsn\n where b.tx_from le &now\n and &now lt b.tx_to;\n\n/* define user as meta user if available */\n%local user;\n%let user=%mf_getuser();\n\n/* check if there is actually a table to load */\n%if %mf_getattrn(WORK.sumo_tables,NLOBS)=0 %then %do;\n %let msg=Table not registered in &mpelib..mpe_tables;\n %mpe_loadfail(\n status=&msg\n ,now=&now\n ,mperef=&mperef\n ,dc_dttmtfmt=&dc_dttmtfmt.\n )\n %mp_abort(msg=&msg,mac=mpe_loader.sas);\n %return;\n%end;\n\nproc sql;\ninsert into &mpelib..mpe_loads\n set USER_NM=\"&user\"\n ,STATUS='IN PROGRESS'\n ,CSV_dir=\"&mperef\"\n ,PROCESSED_DTTM=&now\n ,reason_txt = symget('submitted_reason_txt');\n\n\n/* import CSV */\n\n%let droplist=;\n%let attrib=;\n%let droplist=;\n%let libref=;\n%let DS=;\n\n/* get table info */\ndata _null_;\n set sumo_tables;\n libds=upcase(cats(libref,'.',dsn));\n call symputx('orig_libds',libds);\n is_fmt=0;\n if substr(cats(reverse(dsn)),1,3)=:'CF-' then do;\n libds=scan(libds,1,'-');\n putlog \"Format Catalog Captured\";\n libds='work.fmtextract';\n is_fmt=1;\n end;\n call symputx('is_fmt',is_fmt);\n call symputx('libds',libds);\n call symputx('FNAME',filename);\n call symputx('LIBREF',libref);\n call symputx('DS',dsn);\n call symputx('LOADTYPE',loadtype);\n call symputx('BUSKEY',buskey);\n call symputx('VAR_TXFROM',var_txfrom);\n call symputx('VAR_TXTO',var_txto);\n call symputx('VAR_BUSFROM',var_busfrom);\n call symputx('VAR_BUSTO',var_busto);\n call symputx('VAR_PROCESSED',var_processed);\n call symputx('RK_UNDERLYING',RK_UNDERLYING);\n call symputx('POST_EDIT_HOOK',POST_EDIT_HOOK);\n call symputx('NOTES',NOTES);\n call symputx('PK',coalescec(RK_UNDERLYING,buskey));\n call symputx('NUM_OF_APPROVALS_REQUIRED',NUM_OF_APPROVALS_REQUIRED,'l');\n put (_all_)(=);\n stop;\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&ds)=0 %then %do;\n %let msg=%str(ERR)OR: Unable to extract record from &mpelib..mpe_tables;\n %mpe_loadfail(\n status=FAILED\n ,now=&now\n ,mperef=&mperef\n ,reason_txt=%quote(&msg)\n ,dc_dttmtfmt=&dc_dttmtfmt.\n )\n %mp_abort(msg=&msg,mac=mpe_loader.sas);\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* export format catalog */\n%mp_cntlout(\n iftrue=(&is_fmt=1)\n ,libcat=&orig_libds\n ,fmtlist=0\n ,cntlout=work.fmtextract\n)\n\n/* user must have EDIT access to load a table */\n%mpe_accesscheck(&orig_libds\n ,outds=work.sumo_access\n ,user=&user\n ,access_level=EDIT )\n%put exiting accesscheck;\n\n%if %mf_getattrn(work.sumo_access,NLOBS)=0 %then %do;\n %let msg=%str(ERR)OR: User is not authorised to edit &orig_libds!;\n %mpe_loadfail(\n status=UNAUTHORISED\n ,now=&now\n ,mperef=&mperef\n ,reason_txt=%quote(&msg)\n ,dc_dttmtfmt=&dc_dttmtfmt.\n )\n %mp_abort(msg=&msg,mac=mpe_loader.sas);\n %return;\n%end;\n\n%put now importing: \"&csv_dir/&fname\" termstr=&termstr;\n/* get the variables from the CSV */\ndata vars_csv1(index=(idxname=(varnum name)) drop=infile);\n infile \"&csv_dir/&fname\" lrecl=32767 dsd termstr=&termstr encoding='utf-8';\n input;\n length infile $32767;\n infile=compress(_infile_,'\"',);\n infile=compress(infile,\"'\",);\n format name $32.;\n putlog 'received vars: ' infile;\n call symputx('received_vars',infile,'l');\n do varnum=1 to countw(infile,\"&dlm\");\n /* keep writeable chars */\n name=compress(upcase(scan(infile,varnum)),,'kw');\n if name ne \"_____DELETE__THIS__RECORD_____\" then output;\n end;\n stop;\nrun;\n%put received_vars = &received_vars;\n\n%dc_assignlib(WRITE,&libref)\n\n/* get list of variables and their formats */\nproc contents noprint data=&libds\n out=vars(keep=name type length varnum format:);\nrun;\ndata vars(keep=name type length varnum format);\n set vars(rename=(format=format2 type=type2));\n name=upcase(name);\n format2=upcase(format2);\n /* not interested in transaction or processing dates\n (append table must be supplied without them) */\n if name not in (\"&VAR_TXFROM\",\"&VAR_TXTO\",\"&VAR_PROCESSED\"\n ,\"_____DELETE__THIS__RECORD_____\");\n if type2 in (2,6) then do;\n length format $49.;\n if format2='' then format=cats('$',length,'.');\n else format=cats(format2,max(formatl,length),'.');\n type='char';\n end;\n else do;\n if format2='' then format=cats(length,'.');\n else if format2=:'DATETIME' or format2=:'E8601DT' then do;\n format='DATETIME19.';\n end;\n else if format2=:'DATE' or format2=:'DDMMYY'\n or format2=:'MMDDYY' or format2=:'YYMMDD'\n or format2=:'E8601DA' or format2=:'B8601DA'\n then do;\n format='DATE9.';\n end;\n else if format2='BEST' & formatl=0 then format=cats('BEST',length,'.');\n /*\n else if format2=:'DATETIME' or format2=:'DATE' or format2=:'DDMMYY'\n or format2=:'MMDDYY' or format2=:'YYMMDD' then do;\n *date or datetime format so use original ;\n dsid=open(\"&libref..&ds\");\n vnum=varnum(dsid,name);\n format=varfmt(dsid,vnum);\n dsid=close(dsid);\n end;\n */\n else do;\n if formatl=0 then formatl=length;\n format=cats(format2,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n type='num';\n end;\n put (_all_)(=);\nrun;\n\n/* build attrib statement */\ndata vars_attrib;\n length attrib_statement $32767 type2 $20;\n set vars end=lastobs;\n retain attrib_statement;\n\n if type='char' then type2='$';\n str1=catx(' ',name,'length=',cats(type2,length));\n attrib_statement=trim(attrib_statement)!!' '!!trim(str1);\n\n if lastobs then call symputx('ATTRIB',attrib_statement,'L');\nrun;\n\n/* build input statement - first get vars in right order\n and join with target formats*/\nproc sql noprint;\ncreate table vars_csv2 as\n select b.*\n from vars_csv1 a\n left join vars_attrib b\n on a.name=b.name\n order by a.varnum;\n\n\n/* now build input statement */\ndata final_check;\n set vars_csv2 end=lastobs;\n length input_statement $32767 type2 $20 droplist $32767;\n retain input_statement droplist;\n\n /* Build input statement - CATCH EXCEPTIONS HERE!*/\n if name in ('QUOTE_DTTM') then do;\n name=cats(name,'2');\n droplist=catx(' ',trim(droplist),name);\n type2='$20.';/* converted below */\n end;\n else if type='char' then type2=cats('$CHAR', length,'.');\n else if format='DATE9.' then type2='ANYDTDTE.';\n else if format='DATETIME19.' then type2='ANYDTDTM.';\n else if format=:'TIME' then type2='ANYDTTME.';\n else if name='' then do;/* additional vars in input data */\n name='_____DELETE__THIS__VARIABLE_____';\n droplist=catx(' ',trim(droplist),'_____DELETE__THIS__VARIABLE_____');\n type2='$1.';\n end;\n else type2='best32.';\n * else type2=cats(length,'.');\n\n input_statement=catx(' ',input_statement,name,':',type2);\n\n if lastobs then do;\n call symputx('INPUT', input_statement,'L');\n if trim(droplist) ne '' then\n call symputx('droplist',\"drop \"!!droplist!!';','l');\n end;\nrun;\n\n%let mpeloadstop=0;\n\ndata work.STAGING_DS;\n &droplist;\n infile \"&csv_dir/&fname\" dsd dlm=\"&dlm\" lrecl=32767\n firstobs=2 missover termstr=&termstr encoding='utf-8';\n attrib _____DELETE__THIS__RECORD_____ length=$3 &attrib ;\n if _n_=1 then call missing (of _all_);\n missing a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z _;\n input\n %if %scan(%quote(&received_vars),1)=_____DELETE__THIS__RECORD_____ %then %do;\n _____DELETE__THIS__RECORD_____: $3.\n %end;\n &input;\n\n %if %index(%quote(&attrib.),UNLIKELY_VAR ) %then %do;\n /*UNLIKELY_VAR=input(UNLIKELY_VAR2,ANYDTDTM21.);*/\n /* SPECIAL LOGIC FOR SPECIAL VARS */\n %end;\n\n if _error_ ne 0 then do;\n putlog _infile_;\n call symputx('mpeloadstop',_n_);\n stop;\n end;\n /* remove all blank rows */\n if compress(cats(of _all_),'.')=' ' then delete;\nrun;\n\n%if &mpeloadstop>0 %then %do;\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n %put redirecting log output to capture return message;\n %put currentloc=&logloc;\n filename tmp temp;\n proc printto log=tmp;run;\n data _null_;\n &droplist;\n infile \"&csv_dir/&fname\" dsd dlm=\"&dlm\" lrecl=32767 firstobs=2\n missover termstr=&termstr;\n attrib &attrib ;\n input\n %if %scan(%quote(&received_vars),1)=_____DELETE__THIS__RECORD_____\n %then %do;\n _____DELETE__THIS__RECORD_____: $3.\n %end;\n &input;\n if _error_ then stop;\n run;\n /* get log back */\n proc printto log=&logloc;run;\n data _null_; infile tmp; input; putlog _infile_;run;\n /* scan log for invalid data warnings */\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;\n length msg1 msg2 msg3 msg4 msg5 msg url $32767;\n if index(_infile_,'NOTE: Invalid data for') then do;\n msg1=_infile_;\n input;\n msg2=_infile_;\n input;\n msg3=_infile_;\n input;\n msg4=_infile_;\n input;\n msg5=_infile_;\n url=symget('url');\n msg=catx('\\n',msg1,msg2,msg3,msg4,msg5,'\\n',url);\n call symputx('msg',msg);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n\n %mpe_loadfail(\n status=FAILED\n ,now=&now\n ,mperef=&mperef\n ,reason_txt=%superq(msg)\n ,dc_dttmtfmt=&dc_dttmtfmt.\n )\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* check that the table is unique on PK */\nproc sort data=work.STAGING_DS dupout=work.MPE_DUPS (keep=&pk) nodupkey;\n by &pk;\nrun;\n%if %mf_getattrn(work.MPE_DUPS,NLOBS)>0 %then %do;\n %local duplist;\n data _null_;\n set work.mpe_dups;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&pk));\n %let iWord=%scan(&pk,&i);\n call symputx('duplist',symget('duplist')!!\n \" &iWord=\"!!cats(&iWord));\n %end;\n run;\n %let msg=This upload contains duplicates on the Primary Key columns %trim(\n )(&pk) \\n Please remove the duplicates and try again. %trim(\n )\\n &duplist \\n ;\n %mp_abort(msg=%superq(msg),mac=mpe_loader.sas);\n %return;\n%end;\n\n%if &syscc gt 4 %then %do;\n %let msg=SYSCC=&syscc prior to post edit hook (%superq(syserrortext));\n %mpe_loadfail(\n status=FAILED - &syscc\n ,now=&now\n ,mperef=&mperef\n ,reason_txt=%superq(msg)\n ,dc_dttmtfmt=&dc_dttmtfmt.\n )\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* If a Complex Excel Upload, needs to have the load ref added to the table */\n%mpe_xlmapvalidate(&mperef,work.staging_ds,&mpelib,&orig_libds)\n\n/* Run the Post Edit Hook prior to creation of staging folder */\n%mpe_runhook(POST_EDIT_HOOK)\n\n/* stop if err */\n%if &syscc gt 4 %then %do;\n %let msg=ERR in post edit hook (&post_edit_hook);\n %mpe_loadfail(\n status=FAILED - &syscc\n ,now=&now\n ,mperef=&mperef\n ,reason_txt=%quote(&msg)\n ,dc_dttmtfmt=&dc_dttmtfmt.\n )\n %return;\n%end;\n\n\n/**\n * send to approve process\n */\n\n/* create a dataset key (datetime plus 3 digit random number plus PID) */\n\n/* send dataset to approvals subfolder with same name as subfolder */\nlibname approval \"&mpelocapprovals/&mperef\";\ndata approval.&mperef;\n set work.staging_ds;\nrun;\nproc export data=approval.&mperef\n outfile=\"&mpelocapprovals/&mperef/&mperef..csv\"\n dbms=csv\n replace;\nrun;\n\n/* update the control dataset with relevant info */\ndata append_app;\n if 0 then set &mpelib..mpe_submit;/* get formats */\n call missing (of _all_);\n TABLE_ID=\"&mperef\";\n submit_status_cd='SUBMITTED';\n submitted_by_nm=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n base_lib=\"&libref\";\n base_ds=\"&ds\";\n submitted_on_dttm=&now;\n submitted_reason_txt=symget('submitted_reason_txt');\n input_vars=%mf_getattrn(approval.&mperef,NVARS);\n input_obs=%mf_getattrn(approval.&mperef,NLOBS);\n num_of_approvals_required=&NUM_OF_APPROVALS_REQUIRED;\n num_of_approvals_remaining=&NUM_OF_APPROVALS_REQUIRED;\n reviewed_by_nm='';\n reviewed_on_dttm=.;\nrun;\n\n%mp_lockanytable(LOCK,lib=&mpelib,ds=mpe_submit,\n ref=%str(&mperef update in &_program),\n ctl_ds=&mpelib..mpe_lockanytable\n)\nproc append base= &mpelib..mpe_submit data=append_app;\nrun;\n%mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK,\n lib=&mpelib,ds=mpe_submit,\n ctl_ds=&mpelib..mpe_lockanytable\n)\n\n/* send email to REVIEW members */\n%put sending mpe_alerts;\n%mpe_alerts(alert_event=SUBMITTED\n , alert_lib=&libref\n , alert_ds=&ds\n , dsid=&mperef\n)\n/* DISABLE EMAIL FOR NOW\n %let b2=REASON: %quote(&submitted_reason_txt);\n\n %local URLNOTES;\n %if %length(¬es)>0 %then %let URLNOTES=%quote(%sysfunc(urlencode(¬es)));\n\n %let b3=%str(Click to review / approve: )%trim(\n )%str(http://&_srvname:&_srvport&_url?_PROGRAM=/Web/approvals&)%trim(\n )TABLEID=&dsid%str(&)BASETABLE=&libref..&ds%str(&)NOTES=&URLNOTES;\n\n %let b4=%str(Reference ID: &mperef);\n*/\n\n%put mpe_loader finishing up with syscc=&syscc;\n%if &syscc le 4 %then %do;\n %local dur;\n data _null_;\n now=symget('now');\n dur=%sysfunc(datetime())-&now;\n call symputx('dur',dur,'l');\n putlog 'Updating mpe_loads with the following query:';\n putlog \"update &mpelib..mpe_loads set STATUS='SUCCESS'\";\n putlog \" , duration=\" dur;\n putlog \" , processed_dttm=\" now;\n putlog \" , approvals = '&libref..&ds'\";\n putlog \" where CSV_DIR='&mperef';\";\n run;\n proc sql;\n update &mpelib..mpe_loads set STATUS='SUCCESS'\n , duration=&dur\n , processed_dttm=&now\n , approvals = \"&libref..&ds\"\n where CSV_DIR=\"&mperef\";\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %mpe_loadfail(\n status=\"FAILED - &syscc\"\n ,now=&now\n ,approvals=&libref..&ds\n ,mperef=&mperef\n ,dc_dttmtfmt=&dc_dttmtfmt.\n )\n %return;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpe_loader;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_cleancsv(in=NOTPROVIDED,out=NOTPROVIDED,qchar='22'x);\n%if \"&in\"=\"NOTPROVIDED\" or \"&out\"=\"NOTPROVIDED\" %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: Please provide valid input (&in) & output (&out) locations;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* presence of a period(.) indicates a physical location */\n%if %index(&in,.) %then %let in=\"&in\";\n%if %index(&out,.) %then %let out=\"&out\";\n\n/**\n * convert all cr and crlf within quotes to lf\n * convert all other cr or lf to crlf\n */\n data _null_;\n infile &in recfm=n ;\n file &out recfm=n;\n retain isq iscrlf 0 qchar &qchar;\n input inchar $char1. ;\n if inchar=qchar then isq = mod(isq+1,2);\n if isq then do;\n /* inside a quote change cr and crlf to lf */\n if inchar='0D'x then do;\n put '0A'x;\n input inchar $char1.;\n if inchar ne '0A'x then do;\n put inchar $char1.;\n if inchar=qchar then isq = mod(isq+1,2);\n end;\n end;\n else put inchar $char1.;\n end;\n else do;\n /* outside a quote, change cr and lf to crlf */\n if inchar='0D'x then do;\n crblank:\n put '0D0A'x;\n input inchar $char1.;\n if inchar='0D'x then do;\n /* multiple CR indicates CR formatted file with blank lines */\n goto crblank;\n end;\n else if inchar ne '0A'x then do;\n put inchar $char1.;\n if inchar=qchar then isq = mod(isq+1,2);\n end;\n end;\n else if inchar='0A'x then put '0D0A'x;\n else put inchar $char1.;\n end;\n run;\n%mend mp_cleancsv;\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n%macro mp_binarycopy(\n inloc= /* full path and filename of the object to be copied */\n ,outloc= /* full path and filename of object to be created */\n ,inref=____in /* override default to use own filerefs */\n ,outref=____out /* override default to use own filerefs */\n ,mode=CREATE\n ,iftrue=%str(1=1)\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local mod;\n\n %if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n %if &mode=APPEND %then %let mod=mod;\n\n /* these IN and OUT filerefs can point to anything */\n %if &inref = ____in %then %do;\n filename &inref &inloc lrecl=1048576 ;\n %end;\n %if &outref=____out %then %do;\n filename &outref &outloc lrecl=1048576 &mod;\n %end;\n\n /* copy the file byte-for-byte */\n data _null_;\n infile &inref lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &outref &mod recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n\n %if &inref = ____in %then %do;\n filename &inref clear;\n %end;\n %if &outref=____out %then %do;\n filename &outref clear;\n %end;\n%mend mp_binarycopy;\n\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file loadfile.sas\n @brief Loads a file\n @details\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mddl_sas_cntlout.sas\n @li mp_abort.sas\n @li mf_getplatform.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n @li mf_getvarlist.sas\n @li mf_mkdir.sas\n @li mf_verifymacvars.sas\n @li mf_wordsinstr1butnotstr2.sas\n @li dc_assignlib.sas\n @li mpe_getgroups.sas\n @li mp_lockfilecheck.sas\n @li mpe_loader.sas\n @li mp_cleancsv.sas\n @li mp_binarycopy.sas\n @li mpeinit.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author 4GL Apps Ltd\n @copyright 4GL Apps Ltd. This code may only be used within Data Controller\n and may not be re-distributed or re-sold without the express permission of\n 4GL Apps Ltd.\n\n**/\n\n%global table dlm;\n%mpeinit(fetch=NO)\n\n%global _WEBIN_FILENAME1 _WEBIN_FILENAME2\n _WEBIN_FILEREF _WEBIN_FILEREF1 _WEBIN_FILEREF2;\n%macro load();\n%if %mf_getplatform()=SASVIYA %then %do;\n %global _webin_fileuri _webin_fileuri1 _webin_fileuri2;\n %let _webin_fileuri1=%sysfunc(coalescec(&_webin_fileuri1,&_webin_fileuri));\n %if \"&_webin_fileuri1\" ne \"\" %then %do;\n %put &=_webin_fileuri1;\n filename sjfref1 filesrvc \"&_webin_fileuri1\";\n %let _WEBIN_FILEREF1=sjfref1;\n %end;\n %if \"&_webin_fileuri2\" ne \"\" %then %do;\n %put &=_webin_fileuri2;\n filename sjfref2 filesrvc \"&_webin_fileuri2\";\n %let _WEBIN_FILEREF2=sjfref2;\n %end;\n%end;\n%mend load;\n%load()\n\n%let _WEBIN_FILENAME1=%sysfunc(coalescec(&_WEBIN_FILENAME1,&_WEBIN_FILENAME));\n%let _WEBIN_FILEREF1=%sysfunc(coalescec(&_WEBIN_FILEREF1,&_WEBIN_FILEREF));\n\n%let abort=0;\n/* we do not know if the excel file will be first or second fileref */\ndata _null_;\n ext1=upcase(scan(symget('_WEBIN_FILENAME1'),-1,'.'));\n ext2=upcase(scan(symget('_WEBIN_FILENAME2'),-1,'.'));\n if ext1='CSV' then do;\n csvname=symget('_WEBIN_FILENAME1');\n csvref=symget('_WEBIN_FILEREF1');\n xlsname=symget('_WEBIN_FILENAME2');\n xlsref=symget('_WEBIN_FILEREF2');\n end;\n else if ext2='CSV' then do;\n csvname=symget('_WEBIN_FILENAME2');\n csvref=symget('_WEBIN_FILEREF2');\n xlsname=symget('_WEBIN_FILENAME1');\n xlsref=symget('_WEBIN_FILEREF1');\n end;\n else call symputx('abort',1);\n\n call symputx('csvname',csvname);\n call symputx('csvref',csvref);\n call symputx('xlsname',xlsname);\n call symputx('xlsref',coalescec(xlsref,'0'));\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&abort=1)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(File \"&csvname\" or \"&xlsname\" must be a CSV!\n (Comma separated with .csv extension))\n)\n\n\n%let user=%mf_getuser();\n\n%mp_abort(\n iftrue=(%mf_verifymacvars(table)=0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Missing: table)\n)\n\n%let table=%upcase(%trim(&table));\n\n/* load parameters */\ndata _null_;\n libds=upcase(symget('table'));\n call symputx('orig_libds',libds);\n call symputx('orig_lib',scan(libds,1,'.'));\n call symputx('orig_ds',scan(libds,2,'.'));\n is_fmt=0;\n if substr(cats(reverse(libds)),1,3)=:'CF-' then do;\n libds=scan(libds,1,'-');\n putlog \"Format Catalog Captured\";\n libds='work.fmtextract';\n call symputx('libds',libds);\n call execute('%mddl_sas_cntlout(libds=work.fmtextract)');\n is_fmt=1;\n end;\n else call symputx('libds',libds);\n call symputx('is_fmt',is_fmt);\n putlog (_all_)(=);\nrun;\n\n/* check that the user has the requisite access */\n%mpe_getgroups(user=&user,outds=groups)\n\nproc sql;\ncreate table accesscheck as\nselect * from groups\n where groupname=\"&mpeadmins\"\n or groupname in (select sas_group from &mpelib..mpe_security\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to\n and access_level=\"EDIT\"\n and (\n (libref=\"&orig_lib\" and dsn=\"&orig_ds\")\n or (libref=\"&orig_lib\" and dsn=\"*ALL*\")\n or (libref=\"*ALL*\" and dsn=\"*ALL*\")\n or (libref=\"*ALL*\" and dsn=\"&orig_ds\")\n ));\n%let nobs=;\nselect count(*) into: nobs from &syslast;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&nobs=0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(&user not authorised to load &orig_libds per &mpelib..mpe_security)\n)\n\n%dc_assignlib(WRITE,&orig_lib)\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ge 4)\n ,mac=loadfile\n ,msg=%str(Issue assigning library &orig_lib)\n)\n\n%global txfrom txto processed rk;\n\ndata _null_;\n set &mpelib..MPE_TABLES;\n where libref=\"&orig_lib\" and dsn=\"&orig_ds\";\n call symputx('txfrom',var_txfrom);\n call symputx('txto',var_txto);\n call symputx('processed',var_processed);\n if not missing(RK_UNDERLYING) then call symputx('rk',buskey);\nrun;\n\n%mp_lockfilecheck(libds=&orig_libds)\n\ndata compare;\n set &libds(drop=&txfrom &txto &processed &rk);\n stop;\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc line 80)\n)\n\n/* get line terminator, assume it's the first cr, lf, or crlf */\ndata _null_;\n length text $32767 term $4;\n call missing (of _all_);\n fid=fopen(\"&csvref\",'I',32767,'b');\n rc=fread(fid);\n rc2=fget(fid,text,32767);\n cr=find(text,'0D'x );\n lf=find(text,'0A'x );\n crlf=find(text,'0D0A'x);\n rc=fclose(fid);\n if crlf>0 & cr0 & crlf0 & cr>0 & lf0 then term='LF';\n else term='CR';\n call symputx('termstr',term);\nrun;\n\ndata _null_;\n infile &csvref lrecl=32000 dsd termstr=&termstr;\n input;\n length incols_unsorted $32000 dlm $1;\n incols_unsorted=compress(upcase(_infile_),\"'\"!!'\"');\n /* dlm has length 1 so will be the first non alpha / digit char */\n /* expectation is that there will not be any crazy characters in first col! */\n dlm=compress(incols_unsorted,'_ ','ad');\n incols_unsorted=compress(incols_unsorted,dlm!!'_','kado');\n incols_unsorted=tranwrd(incols_unsorted,dlm,' ');\n call symputx('incols_unsorted',incols_unsorted);\n call symputx('dlm',dlm);\n putlog incols_unsorted=;\n putlog dlm=;\n stop;\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc line 99)\n)\n\n%let basecols=%upcase(%mf_getvarlist(work.compare,dlm=%str( )));\n\n%let missing_cols=%trim(\n %mf_wordsInStr1ButNotStr2(\n Str1=&basecols\n ,Str2=&incols_unsorted\n ));\n\n%let msg=\n Expected cols: &basecols\n
Received cols: &incols_unsorted\n
Missing cols: &missing_cols\n;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (%length(%trim(&missing_cols)) > 1 or &syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=mpestp_loadfile.sas\n ,msg=%superq(msg)\n)\n%let msg=0;\n\n\n\nPROC FORMAT;\n picture yymmddhhmmss other='%0Y%0m%0d_%0H%0M%0S' (datatype=datetime);\nRUN;\n\n/* create a dataset key (datetime plus 6 digit random number plus PID) */\n%let mperef=DC%left(%sysfunc(datetime(),B8601DT19.3))_%substr(\n %sysfunc(ranuni(0)),3,6)_%substr(%str(&sysjobid ),1,4);\n\n/* Create package folder and redirect the log */\n%let dir=&mpelocapprovals/&mperef;\n%mf_mkdir(&dir)\n\n/* clean embedded line breaks and force CRLF line endings */\n%mp_cleancsv(in=&csvref, out=&dir/&orig_libds..csv)\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(issue in mp_cleancsv)\n)\n\n%put; %put; %put log is being redirected;\n%let url=_program=%substr(&_program\n ,1,%length(&_program)-8)getlog%nrstr(&)table=&mperef;\n%put to retrieve, visit this url:; %put;%put;\n%put &url;\n%put;\n\n/* proc printto log=\"&dir/weblog.txt\";run; */\nlibname approve \"&dir\";\n\noptions mprint;\n%put &=mperef;\n%put &=termstr;\n%put &=dlm;\n\n%mpe_loader(mperef=&mperef\n ,submitted_reason_txt=%quote(File upload: %superq(csvname))\n ,dlm=%superq(dlm)\n ,url=%superq(url)\n ,termstr=CRLF\n ,dc_dttmtfmt=&dc_dttmtfmt\n)\n%mp_abort(mode=INCLUDE)\n\n%mp_abort(\n iftrue= (%sysfunc(fileexist(%sysfunc(pathname(work))/mf_abort.error)) ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%nrstr(Problem occurred in &sysmacroname (mf_abort.error file found))\n)\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=mpestp_loadfile.sas\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc)\n)\n\nfilename outref \"&dir/BKP_&xlsname\";\n%mp_binarycopy(iftrue=(\"&xlsref\" ne \"0\"),inref=&xlsref,outref=outref)\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc when backing up source file &xlsname)\n)\n\ndata sasparams;\n STATUS='SUCCESS';\n DSID=\"&mperef\";\nrun;\n\n%webout(OPEN)\n%webout(OBJ,sasparams)\n%webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n%mpeterm()\n\n* Service end;" }, { "name": "restore", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquefileref(prefix=_,maxtries=1000,lrecl=32767);\n %local rc fname;\n %if &prefix=0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %local x len;\n %let len=%eval(8-%length(&prefix));\n %let x=0;\n %do x=0 %to &maxtries;\n %let fname=&prefix%substr(%sysfunc(ranuni(0)),3,&len);\n %if %sysfunc(fileref(&fname)) > 0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %put unable to find available fileref after &maxtries attempts;\n %end;\n%mend mf_getuniquefileref;\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquelibref(prefix=mclib,maxtries=1000);\n %local x;\n\n %if ( %length(&prefix) gt 7 ) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: The prefix parameter cannot exceed 7 characters.;\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %if (%sysfunc(NVALID(&prefix,v7))=0) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: Invalid prefix (&prefix);\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* Set maxtries equal to '10 to the power of [# unused characters] - 1' */\n %let maxtries=%eval(10**(8-%length(&prefix))-1);\n\n %do x = 0 %to &maxtries;\n %if %sysfunc(libref(&prefix&x)) ne 0 %then %do;\n &prefix&x\n %return;\n %end;\n %let x = %eval(&x + 1);\n %end;\n\n %put %str(ERR)OR: No usable libref in range &prefix.0-&maxtries;\n %put %str(ERR)OR- Try reducing the prefix or deleting some libraries!;\n 0\n%mend mf_getuniquelibref;\n\n\n%macro mv_getusergroups(user\n ,outds=work.mv_getusergroups\n ,access_token_var=ACCESS_TOKEN\n ,grant_type=sas_services\n );\n%local oauth_bearer;\n%if &grant_type=detect %then %do;\n %if %symexist(&access_token_var) %then %let grant_type=authorization_code;\n %else %let grant_type=sas_services;\n%end;\n%if &grant_type=sas_services %then %do;\n %let oauth_bearer=oauth_bearer=sas_services;\n %let &access_token_var=;\n%end;\n%put &sysmacroname: grant_type=&grant_type;\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&grant_type ne authorization_code and &grant_type ne password\n and &grant_type ne sas_services\n )\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid value for grant_type: &grant_type)\n)\noptions noquotelenmax;\n\n%local base_uri; /* location of rest apis */\n%let base_uri=%mf_getplatform(VIYARESTAPI);\n\n/* fetching folder details for provided path */\n%local fname1;\n%let fname1=%mf_getuniquefileref();\n%let libref1=%mf_getuniquelibref();\n\nproc http method='GET' out=&fname1 &oauth_bearer\n url=\"&base_uri/identities/users/&user/memberships?limit=10000\";\n headers\n%if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\"\n%end;\n \"Accept\"=\"application/json\";\nrun;\n/*data _null_;infile &fname1;input;putlog _infile_;run;*/\n%if &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE=404 %then %do;\n %put NOTE: User &user not found!!;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %mp_abort(iftrue=(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE ne 200)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_PHRASE)\n )\n%end;\nlibname &libref1 JSON fileref=&fname1;\n\ndata &outds;\n set &libref1..items;\nrun;\n\n/* clear refs */\nfilename &fname1 clear;\nlibname &libref1 clear;\n\n%mend mv_getusergroups;\n\n\n%macro dc_getusergroups(user=,outds=mm_getgroups);\n %mv_getusergroups(&user,outds=&outds)\n data &outds;\n length groupname groupdesc $256;\n set &outds(rename=(id=groupname name=groupdesc));\n run;\n%mend dc_getusergroups;\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_getgroups(user=,outds=);\n\n %if not %symexist(dc_repo_users) %then %let dc_repo_users=foundation;\n\n %dc_getusergroups(user=&user,outds=&outds)\n\n data;\n length groupname groupdesc $256;\n set &dc_libref..mpe_groups;\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to;\n where also upcase(user_name)=\"%upcase(&user)\";\n groupname=group_name;\n groupdesc=group_desc;\n keep groupname groupdesc;\n run;\n\n data &outds;\n set &syslast &outds(keep=groupname groupdesc);\n run;\n\n%mend mpe_getgroups;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquename(prefix=MC);\n&prefix.%substr(%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32-%length(&prefix))\n%mend mf_getuniquename;\n\n\n%macro mf_abort(mac=mf_abort.sas, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n)/des='ungraceful abort' /*STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n %put NOTE: /// mf_abort macro executing //;\n %if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n %put NOTE - &msg;\n\n %abort;\n\n%mend mf_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_verifymacvars(\n verifyVars /* list of macro variable NAMES */\n ,makeUpcase=NO /* set to YES to make all the variable VALUES uppercase */\n ,mAbort=SOFT\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %local verifyIterator verifyVar abortmsg;\n %do verifyIterator=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&verifyVars,%str( )));\n %let verifyVar=%qscan(&verifyVars,&verifyIterator,%str( ));\n %if not %symexist(&verifyvar) %then %do;\n %let abortmsg= Variable &verifyVar is MISSING;\n %goto exit_err;\n %end;\n %if %length(%trim(&&&verifyVar))=0 %then %do;\n %let abortmsg= Variable &verifyVar is EMPTY;\n %goto exit_err;\n %end;\n %if &makeupcase=YES %then %do;\n %let &verifyVar=%upcase(&&&verifyvar);\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %goto exit_success;\n %exit_err:\n %put &abortmsg;\n %mf_abort(iftrue=(&mabort ne SOFT),\n mac=mf_verifymacvars,\n msg=%str(&abortmsg)\n )\n 0\n %return;\n %exit_success:\n 1\n\n%mend mf_verifymacvars;\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_accesscheck(\n base_table\n ,outds=med_accesscheck /* WORK table to contain access details */\n ,user= /* metadata user to check for */\n ,access_level=APPROVE\n ,cntl_lib_var=MPELIB\n );\n\n %if &user= %then %let user=%mf_getuser();\n\n %mp_abort(\n iftrue=(%index(&outds,.)>0 and %upcase(%scan(&outds,1,.)) ne WORK)\n ,mac=mpe_accesscheck\n ,msg=%str(outds should be a WORK table)\n )\n\n %mp_abort(\n iftrue=(%mf_verifymacvars(base_table user access_level)=0)\n ,mac=mpe_accesscheck\n ,msg=%str(Missing base_table/user access_level variables)\n )\n\n /* make unique temp table vars */\n %local tempds1 tempds2;\n %let tempds1=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=usergroups);\n %let tempds2=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=tablegroups);\n\n /* get list of user groups */\n %mpe_getgroups(user=&user,outds=&tempds1)\n\n /* get list of groups with access for that table */\n proc sql;\n create table &tempds2 as\n select distinct sas_group\n from &&&cntl_lib_var...mpe_security\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to\n and access_level=\"&access_level\"\n and (\n (libref=\"%scan(&base_table,1,.)\" and upcase(dsn)=\"%scan(&base_table,2,.)\")\n or (libref=\"%scan(&base_table,1,.)\" and dsn=\"*ALL*\")\n or (libref=\"*ALL*\")\n );\n %if &_debug ge 131 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds1;\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds2;\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &outds as\n select * from &tempds1\n where groupname=\"&mpeadmins\"\n or groupname in (select * from &tempds2);\n\n %put &sysmacroname: base_table=&base_table;\n %put &sysmacroname: access_level=&access_level;\n%mend mpe_accesscheck;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getattrn(\n libds\n ,attr\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid rc;\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds,is));\n %if &dsid = 0 %then %do;\n %put %str(WARN)ING: Cannot open %trim(&libds), system message below;\n %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n -1\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,&attr))\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n%mend mf_getattrn;\n\n\n%macro mf_nobs(libds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %mf_getattrn(&libds,NLOBS)\n%mend mf_nobs;\n\n\n%macro mpe_checkrestore(load_ref,\n outresult=ALLOW_RESTORE,\n outreason=REASON\n);\n\n %global &outresult &outreason;\n %let &outresult=NO;\n %let &outreason=NOTFOUND;\n\n /* check if there is actually a version to restore */\n %local chk;\n %let chk=0;\n proc sql noprint;\n select count(*) into: chk from &dc_libref..mpe_audit\n where load_ref=\"&load_ref\";\n %if &chk=0 %then %do;\n %let allow_restore=NO;\n %let reason=No entry for &load_ref in MPE_AUDIT;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* grab user groups */\n %local user;\n %let user=%mf_getuser();\n %mpe_getgroups(user=&user,outds=work.groups)\n\n /* check if user is admin */\n %local is_admin;\n %let is_admin=0;\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: is_admin from work.groups\n where groupname=\"&dc_admin_group\";\n\n %if &is_admin>0 %then %do;\n %let allow_restore=YES;\n %let reason=IS ADMIN;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* check if user has basic access */\n %local libds;\n proc sql noprint;\n select cats(base_lib,'.',base_ds) into: libds\n from &mpelib..mpe_submit\n where TABLE_ID=\"&load_ref\";\n %mpe_accesscheck(&libds,outds=work.access_check\n ,user=&user\n ,access_level=EDIT\n )\n %if %mf_nobs(access_check)=0 %then %do;\n %let allow_restore=NO;\n %let reason=No access in MPE_TABLES;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* check if user has column level security rules */\n proc sql;\n create table work.cls_rules as\n select *\n from &mpelib..mpe_column_level_security\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to\n and CLS_SCOPE in (\"EDIT\",'ALL')\n and CLS_ACTIVE=1\n and upcase(CLS_GROUP) in (select upcase(groupname) from work.groups)\n and CLS_LIBREF=\"%upcase(&base_lib)\"\n and CLS_TABLE=\"%upcase(&base_ds)\";\n %if %mf_nobs(work.cls_rules)>0 %then %do;\n %let allow_restore=NO;\n %let reason=User has restrictions in MPE_COLUMN_LEVEL_SECURITY;\n data _null_;\n set work.cls_rules;\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n if _n_>5 then stop;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* check if user has row level security rules */\n proc sql;\n create table work.rls_rules as\n select *\n from &mpelib..mpe_row_level_security\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to\n and rls_scope in (\"EDIT\",'ALL')\n and upcase(rls_group) in (select upcase(groupname) from work.groups)\n and rls_libref=\"&base_lib\"\n and rls_table=\"&base_ds\"\n and rls_active=1;\n %if %mf_nobs(work.rls_rules)>0 %then %do;\n %let allow_restore=NO;\n %let reason=User has restrictions in MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY;\n data _null_;\n set work.rls_rules;\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n if _n_>5 then stop;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %let allow_restore=YES;\n %let reason=CHECKS PASSED;\n %end;\n%mend mpe_checkrestore;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_existds(libds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&libds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&libds,VIEW)) ne 1 %then 0;\n %else 1;\n\n%mend mf_existds;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_alerts(alert_event=\n , alert_lib=\n , alert_ds=\n , dsid=\n);\n\n/* exit if not configured */\n%global DC_EMAIL_ALERTS;\n%if &DC_EMAIL_ALERTS ne YES %then %do;\n %put DCNOTE: Email alerts are not configured;\n %put DCNOTE: (dc_email_alerts=&dc_email_alerts in &mpelib..mpe_config);\n %return;\n%end;\n\n\n%let alert_event=%upcase(&alert_event);\n%let alert_lib=%upcase(&alert_lib);\n%let alert_ds=%upcase(&alert_ds);\n%let from_user=%mf_getuser();\n\n\n/* get users TO which the email should be sent */\n\nproc sql noprint;\ncreate table work.users as select distinct a.alert_user,\n b.user_displayname,\n b.user_email\n from &mpelib..mpe_alerts\n (where=(&dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to)) a\n left join &mpelib..mpe_emails\n (where=(&dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to)) b\n on upcase(trim(a.alert_user))=upcase(trim(b.user_name))\n where a.alert_event in (\"&alert_event\",\"*ALL*\")\n and a.alert_lib in (\"&alert_lib\",\"*ALL*\")\n and a.alert_ds in (\"&alert_ds\",\"*ALL*\");\n\n/* ensure the submitter is included on the email */\n%local isThere userdisp user_eml;\n%let isThere=0;\nselect count(*) into: isThere from &syslast where alert_user=\"&from_user\";\n%if &isThere=0 %then %do;\n select user_displayname, user_email\n into: userdisp trimmed, :user_eml trimmed\n from &mpelib..mpe_emails\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to\n and user_name=\"&from_user\";\n insert into work.users\n set alert_user=\"&from_user\"\n ,user_displayname=\"&userdisp\"\n ,user_email=\"&user_eml\";\n%end;\n\n\n/* if no email / displayname is provided, then extract from metadata */\ndata work.emails;\n set work.users;\n length emailuri uri text $256; call missing(emailuri,uri); drop emailuri uri;\n\n /* get displayname */\n text=cats(\"omsobj:Person?@Name='\",alert_user,\"'\");\n if metadata_getnobj(text,1,uri)<=0 then do;\n putlog \"DCWARN: &from_user not found\";\n return;\n end;\n else if user_displayname = '' then do;\n if metadata_getattr(uri,'DisplayName',user_displayname)<0 then do;\n putlog 'DCWARN: strange err, no displayname attribute of user URI';\n end;\n end;\n\n if index(user_email,'@') then return;\n /* get email from metadata if not in input table */\n if metadata_getnasn(uri,\"EmailAddresses\",1,emailuri)<=0 then do;\n putlog \"DCWARN: \" alert_user \" has no emails in MPE_EMAILS or metadata!\";\n if metadata_getattr(emailuri,\"Address\",user_email)<0 then do;\n putlog 'DCWARN: Unexpected error! Valid emailURI but no email. Weird.';\n end;\n end;\n /* only keep valid emails */\n if index(user_email,'@') ;\n /* dump contents for debugging */\n if _n_<21 then putlog (_all_)(=);\nrun;\n\n%local emails;\nproc sql noprint;\nselect quote(trim(user_email)) into: emails separated by ' ' from work.emails;\n\n/* exit if nobody to email */\n%if %mf_getattrn(emails,NLOBS)=0 %then %do;\n %put NOTE: No alerts configured (mpe_alerts.sas);\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* display email options */\ndata _null_;\n set sashelp.voption(where=(group='EMAIL'));\n put optname '=' setting;\nrun;\n\nfilename __out email (&emails)\n subject=\"Table &alert_lib..&alert_ds has been &alert_event\";\n\n%local SUBMITTED_TXT;\n%if &alert_event=SUBMITTED %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &mpelib..mpe_submit;\n where table_id=\"&dsid\" and submit_status_cd='SUBMITTED';\n call symputx('SUBMITTED_TXT',submitted_reason_txt,'l');\n run;\n data _null_;\n File __out lrecl=32000;\n put 'Dear user,';\n put ' ';\n put \"Please be advised that a change to table &alert_lib..&alert_ds has \"\n \"been proposed by &from_user on the '&syshostname' SAS server.\";\n put \" \";\n length txt $2048;\n txt=symget('SUBMITTED_TXT');\n put \"Reason provided: \" txt;\n put \" \";\n put \"This is an automated email by Data Controller for SAS. For \"\n \"documentation, please visit https://docs.datacontroller.io\";\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &alert_event=APPROVED %then %do;\n /* there is no approval message */\n data _null_;\n File __out lrecl=32000;\n put 'Dear user,';\n put ' ';\n put \"Please be advised that a change to table &alert_lib..&alert_ds has \"\n \"been approved by &from_user on the '&syshostname' SAS server.\";\n put \" \";\n put \"This is an automated email by Data Controller for SAS. For \"\n \"documentation, please visit https://docs.datacontroller.io\";\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &alert_event=REJECTED %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &mpelib..mpe_review;\n where table_id=\"&dsid\" and review_status_id='REJECTED';\n call symputx('REVIEW_REASON_TXT',REVIEW_REASON_TXT,'l');\n run;\n data _null_;\n File __out lrecl=32000;\n put 'Dear user,';\n put ' ';\n put \"Please be advised that a change to table &alert_lib..&alert_ds has \"\n \"been rejected by &from_user on the '&syshostname' SAS server.\";\n put \" \";\n length txt $2048;\n txt=symget('REVIEW_REASON_TXT');\n put \"Reason provided: \" txt;\n put \" \";\n put \"This is an automated email by Data Controller for SAS. For \"\n \"documentation, please visit https://docs.datacontroller.io\";\n run;\n%end;\n\nfilename __out clear;\n\n%mend mpe_alerts ;\n\n\n%macro mpe_xlmapvalidate(mperef,inds,dclib,tgtds);\n\n %local ismap;\n proc sql noprint;\n select count(*) into: ismap\n from &dclib..mpe_xlmap_info\n where XLMAP_TARGETLIBDS=\"&tgtds\" and &dc_dttmtfmt. le TX_TO ;\n\n %if \"&tgtds\"=\"&dclib..MPE_XLMAP_DATA\" or &ismap>0 %then %do;\n data &inds;\n set &inds;\n LOAD_REF=\"&mperef\";\n run;\n %end;\n\n%mend mpe_xlmapvalidate;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_loadfail(\n status=FAILED - &syscc\n ,now=%sysfunc(datetime())\n ,approvals=\n ,mperef=\n ,reason_txt=\n ,mac=mpe_loadfail.sas\n ,dc_dttmtfmt=E8601DT26.6\n );\n /* do not perform duration calc in pass through */\n %local dur;\n data _null_;\n now=symget('now');\n dur=%sysfunc(datetime())-&now;\n call symputx('dur',dur,'l');\n run;\n proc sql;\n update &mpelib..mpe_loads\n set STATUS=symget('status')\n , duration=&dur\n , processed_dttm=&dc_dttmtfmt.\n , approvals = symget('approvals')\n , reason_txt= symget('reason_txt')\n where CSV_DIR=\"&mperef\";\n %let syscc=666;\n %mp_abort(msg=%superq(status)\\n%superq(reason_txt),mac=&mac)\n%mend mpe_loadfail;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_isblank(param\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %sysevalf(%superq(param)=,boolean)\n\n%mend mf_isblank;\n\n\n%macro mv_getfoldermembers(root=/\n ,access_token_var=ACCESS_TOKEN\n ,grant_type=sas_services\n ,outds=mv_getfolders\n );\n%local oauth_bearer;\n%if &grant_type=detect %then %do;\n %if %symexist(&access_token_var) %then %let grant_type=authorization_code;\n %else %let grant_type=sas_services;\n%end;\n%if &grant_type=sas_services %then %do;\n %let oauth_bearer=oauth_bearer=sas_services;\n %let &access_token_var=;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&grant_type ne authorization_code and &grant_type ne password\n and &grant_type ne sas_services\n )\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid value for grant_type: &grant_type)\n)\n\n%if %mf_isblank(&root)=1 %then %let root=/;\n\noptions noquotelenmax;\n\n/* request the client details */\n%local fname1 libref1;\n%let fname1=%mf_getuniquefileref();\n%let libref1=%mf_getuniquelibref();\n\n%local base_uri; /* location of rest apis */\n%let base_uri=%mf_getplatform(VIYARESTAPI);\n\n%if \"&root\"=\"/\" %then %do;\n /* if root just list root folders */\n proc http method='GET' out=&fname1 &oauth_bearer\n url=\"&base_uri/folders/rootFolders?limit=1000\";\n %if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n headers \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\";\n %end;\n run;\n libname &libref1 JSON fileref=&fname1;\n data &outds;\n set &libref1..items;\n run;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n /* first get parent folder id */\n proc http method='GET' out=&fname1 &oauth_bearer\n url=\"&base_uri/folders/folders/@item?path=&root\";\n %if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n headers \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\";\n %end;\n run;\n /*data _null_;infile &fname1;input;putlog _infile_;run;*/\n libname &libref1 JSON fileref=&fname1;\n /* now get the followon link to list members */\n %local href cnt;\n %let cnt=0;\n data _null_;\n length rel href $512;\n call missing(rel,href);\n set &libref1..links;\n if rel='members' then do;\n url=cats(\"'\",\"&base_uri\",href,\"?limit=10000'\");\n call symputx('href',url,'l');\n call symputx('cnt',1,'l');\n end;\n run;\n %if &cnt=0 %then %do;\n %put NOTE:;%put NOTE- No members found in &root!!;%put NOTE-;\n %return;\n %end;\n %local fname2 libref2;\n %let fname2=%mf_getuniquefileref();\n %let libref2=%mf_getuniquelibref();\n proc http method='GET' out=&fname2 &oauth_bearer\n url=%unquote(%superq(href));\n %if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n headers \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\";\n %end;\n run;\n libname &libref2 JSON fileref=&fname2;\n data &outds;\n length id $36 name $128 uri $64 type $32 description $256;\n if _n_=1 then call missing (of _all_);\n set &libref2..items;\n run;\n filename &fname2 clear;\n libname &libref2 clear;\n%end;\n\n\n/* clear refs */\nfilename &fname1 clear;\nlibname &libref1 clear;\n\n%mend mv_getfoldermembers;\n\n\n%macro mv_getjobcode(outref=0,outfile=0\n ,name=0,path=0\n ,contextName=SAS Job Execution compute context\n ,access_token_var=ACCESS_TOKEN\n ,grant_type=sas_services\n ,mdebug=0\n );\n%local dbg bufsize varcnt fname1 fname2 errmsg;\n%if &mdebug=1 %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname local entry vars:;\n %put _local_;\n%end;\n%else %let dbg=*;\n\n%local oauth_bearer;\n%if &grant_type=detect %then %do;\n %if %symexist(&access_token_var) %then %let grant_type=authorization_code;\n %else %let grant_type=sas_services;\n%end;\n%if &grant_type=sas_services %then %do;\n %let oauth_bearer=oauth_bearer=sas_services;\n %let &access_token_var=;\n%end;\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&grant_type ne authorization_code and &grant_type ne password\n and &grant_type ne sas_services\n )\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid value for grant_type: &grant_type)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(\"&path\"=\"0\")\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Job Path not provided)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(\"&name\"=\"0\")\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Job Name not provided)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(\"&outfile\"=\"0\" and \"&outref\"=\"0\")\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Output destination (file or fileref) must be provided)\n)\noptions noquotelenmax;\n%local base_uri; /* location of rest apis */\n%let base_uri=%mf_getplatform(VIYARESTAPI);\ndata;run;\n%local foldermembers;\n%let foldermembers=&syslast;\n%mv_getfoldermembers(root=&path\n ,access_token_var=&access_token_var\n ,grant_type=&grant_type\n ,outds=&foldermembers\n)\n%local joburi;\n%let joburi=0;\ndata _null_;\n length name uri $512;\n call missing(name,uri);\n set &foldermembers;\n if name=\"&name\" and uri=:'/jobDefinitions/definitions'\n then call symputx('joburi',uri);\nrun;\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(\"&joburi\"=\"0\")\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Job &path/&name not found)\n)\n\n/* prepare request*/\n%let fname1=%mf_getuniquefileref();\nproc http method='GET' out=&fname1 &oauth_bearer\n url=\"&base_uri&joburi\";\n headers \"Accept\"=\"application/vnd.sas.job.definition+json\"\n %if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\"\n %end;\n ;\nrun;\n\n%if &mdebug=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &fname1;\n input;\n putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(\n iftrue=(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE ne 200 and &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE ne 201)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_PHRASE)\n)\n\n%let fname2=%mf_getuniquefileref();\nfilename &fname2 temp ;\n\n/* cannot use lua IO package as not available in Viya 4 */\n/* so use data step to read the JSON until the string `\"code\":\"` is found */\ndata _null_;\n file &fname2 recfm=n;\n infile &fname1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n retain startwrite 0;\n if startwrite=0 and sourcechar='\"' then do;\n reentry:\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n if sourcechar='c' then do;\n reentry2:\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n if sourcechar='o' then do;\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n if sourcechar='d' then do;\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n if sourcechar='e' then do;\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n if sourcechar='\"' then do;\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n if sourcechar=':' then do;\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n if sourcechar='\"' then do;\n putlog 'code found';\n startwrite=1;\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n end;\n end;\n else if sourcechar='c' then goto reentry2;\n end;\n end;\n else if sourcechar='\"' then goto reentry;\n end;\n else if sourcechar='\"' then goto reentry;\n end;\n else if sourcechar='\"' then goto reentry;\n end;\n else if sourcechar='\"' then goto reentry;\n end;\n /* once the `\"code\":\"` string is found, write until unescaped `\"` is found */\n if startwrite=1 then do;\n if sourcechar='\\' then do;\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n if sourcechar in ('\"','\\') then put sourcechar char1.;\n else if sourcechar='n' then put '0A'x;\n else if sourcechar='r' then put '0D'x;\n else if sourcechar='t' then put '09'x;\n else if sourcechar='u' then do;\n length uni $4;\n input uni $ 4. @@;\n sourcechar=unicode('\\u'!!uni);\n put sourcechar char1.;\n end;\n else do;\n call symputx('errmsg',\"Uncaught escape char: \"!!sourcechar,'l');\n call symputx('syscc',99);\n stop;\n end;\n end;\n else if sourcechar='\"' then stop;\n else put sourcechar char1.;\n end;\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(\"&syscc\"=\"99\")\n ,mac=mv_getjobcode\n ,msg=%str(&errmsg)\n)\n\n/* export to desired destination */\n%if \"&outref\"=\"0\" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n file \"&outfile\" lrecl=32767;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n filename &outref temp;\n data _null_;\n file &outref;\n%end;\n infile &fname2;\n input;\n put _infile_;\n &dbg. putlog _infile_;\nrun;\n\n%if &mdebug=1 %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname exit vars:;\n %put _local_;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n /* clear refs */\n filename &fname1 clear;\n filename &fname2 clear;\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_getjobcode;\n\n\n\n%macro dc_getservicecode(loc=,outref=);\n\n%local name;\n%let name=%scan(&loc,-1,/);\n%mv_getjobcode(path=%substr(&loc,1,%length(&loc)-%length(&name)-1)\n ,name=&name\n ,outref=&outref\n)\n\n%mend dc_getservicecode;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_include(fileref\n ,prefix=_\n ,opts=SOURCE2\n ,errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n/* prepare precode */\n%local tempref;\n%let tempref=%mf_getuniquefileref();\ndata _null_;\n file &tempref;\n set sashelp.vextfl(where=(fileref=\"%upcase(&fileref)\"));\n put '%let _SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE=' xengine ';';\n name=scan(xpath,-1,'/\\');\n put '%let _SYSINCLUDEFILENAME=' name ';';\n path=subpad(xpath,1,length(xpath)-length(name)-1);\n put '%let _SYSINCLUDEFILEDIR=' path ';';\n put '%let _SYSINCLUDEFILEFILEREF=' \"&fileref;\";\nrun;\n\n/* prepare the errds */\ndata &errds;\n length msg mac $1000;\n call missing(msg,mac);\n iftrue='1=0';\nrun;\n\n/* include the include */\n%inc &tempref &fileref/&opts;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=%str(&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDIR/&_SYSINCLUDEFILENAME)\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after executing &_SYSINCLUDEFILENAME)\n)\n\nfilename &tempref clear;\n\n%mend mp_include;\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_runhook(hookvar);\n%local pgmloc pgmtype;\n%let pgmtype=0;\n%put &sysmacroname: &=hookvar;\n%if %length(&&&hookvar)>0 %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Executing &&&hookvar;\n data _null_;\n rule_value=symget(\"&hookvar\");\n if scan(upcase(rule_value),-1,'.')='SAS' then do;\n call symputx('pgmtype','PGM');\n call symputx('pgmloc',rule_value);\n end;\n else do;\n apploc=\"%mf_getapploc()\";\n if substr(rule_value,1,1) ne '/'\n then rule_value=cats(apploc,'/',rule_value);\n call symputx('pgmloc',rule_value);\n call symputx('pgmtype','JOB');\n end;\n run;\n\n %if &pgmtype=PGM %then %do;\n filename sascode \"&pgmloc\";\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %dc_getservicecode(loc=&pgmloc\n ,outref=sascode\n )\n %end;\n\n /* the below script will need to modify work.STAGING_DS */\n %local x; %let x=; /* legacy feature */\n %mp_include(sascode)\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mpe_runhook;\n\n\n\n%macro dc_assignlib(type,libref,passthru=);\n %if %length(&passthru)>0 %then %do;\n proc sql;\n connect using &libref as &passthru;\n %end;\n%mend dc_assignlib;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mkdir(dir\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %local lastchar child parent;\n\n %let lastchar = %substr(&dir, %length(&dir));\n %if (%bquote(&lastchar) eq %str(:)) %then %do;\n /* Cannot create drive mappings */\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if (%bquote(&lastchar)=%str(/)) or (%bquote(&lastchar)=%str(\\)) %then %do;\n /* last char is a slash */\n %if (%length(&dir) eq 1) %then %do;\n /* one single slash - root location is assumed to exist */\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /* strip last slash */\n %let dir = %substr(&dir, 1, %length(&dir)-1);\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if (%sysfunc(fileexist(%bquote(&dir))) = 0) %then %do;\n /* directory does not exist so prepare to create */\n /* first get the childmost directory */\n %let child = %scan(&dir, -1, %str(/\\:));\n\n /*\n If child name = path name then there are no parents to create. Else\n they must be recursively scanned.\n */\n\n %if (%length(&dir) gt %length(&child)) %then %do;\n %let parent = %substr(&dir, 1, %length(&dir)-%length(&child));\n %mf_mkdir(&parent)\n %end;\n\n /*\n Now create the directory. Complain loudly of any errs.\n */\n\n %let dname = %sysfunc(dcreate(&child, &parent));\n %if (%bquote(&dname) eq ) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: could not create &parent + &child;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put Directory created: &dir;\n %end;\n %end;\n /* exit quietly if directory did exist.*/\n%mend mf_mkdir;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mddl_sas_cntlout(libds=WORK.CNTLOUT);\n\n proc sql;\n create table &libds(\n TYPE char(1) label=\n'Format Type: either N (num fmt), C (char fmt), I (num infmt) or J (char infmt)'\n ,FMTNAME char(32) label='Format name'\n ,FMTROW num label=\n'CALCULATED Position of record by FMTNAME (reqd for multilabel formats)'\n ,START char(32767) label='Starting value for format'\n /*\n Keep lengths of START and END the same to avoid this err:\n \"Start is greater than end: -<.\"\n Similar usage note: https://support.sas.com/kb/69/330.html\n */\n ,END char(32767) label='Ending value for format'\n ,LABEL char(32767) label='Format value label'\n ,MIN num length=3 label='Minimum length'\n ,MAX num length=3 label='Maximum length'\n ,DEFAULT num length=3 label='Default length'\n ,LENGTH num length=3 label='Format length'\n ,FUZZ num label='Fuzz value'\n ,PREFIX char(2) label='Prefix characters'\n ,MULT num label='Multiplier'\n ,FILL char(1) label='Fill character'\n ,NOEDIT num length=3 label='Is picture string noedit?'\n ,SEXCL char(1) label='Start exclusion'\n ,EEXCL char(1) label='End exclusion'\n ,HLO char(13) label=\n'More info: https://core.sasjs.io/mddl__sas__cntlout_8sas_source.html'\n ,DECSEP char(1) label='Decimal separator'\n ,DIG3SEP char(1) label='Three-digit separator'\n ,DATATYPE char(8) label='Date/time/datetime?'\n ,LANGUAGE char(8) label='Language for date strings'\n );\n\n %local lib;\n %let libds=%upcase(&libds);\n %if %index(&libds,.)=0 %then %let lib=WORK;\n %else %let lib=%scan(&libds,1,.);\n\n proc datasets lib=&lib noprint;\n modify %scan(&libds,-1,.);\n index create\n pk_cntlout=(type fmtname fmtrow)\n /nomiss unique;\n quit;\n\n%mend mddl_sas_cntlout;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_aligndecimal(var,width=8);\n\n %local tmpvar;\n %let tmpvar=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=aligndp);\n length &tmpvar $&width;\n if index(&var,'.') then do;\n &tmpvar=cats(scan(&var,1,'.'));\n &tmpvar=right(&tmpvar);\n &var=&tmpvar!!'.'!!cats(scan(&var,2,'.'));\n end;\n else do;\n &tmpvar=cats(&var);\n &tmpvar=right(&tmpvar);\n &var=&tmpvar;\n end;\n drop &tmpvar;\n\n%mend mp_aligndecimal;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_cntlout(\n iftrue=(1=1)\n ,libcat=\n ,cntlout=work.fmtextract\n ,fmtlist=0\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local ddlds cntlds i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%let ddlds=%mf_getuniquename();\n%let cntlds=%mf_getuniquename();\n\n%mddl_sas_cntlout(libds=&ddlds)\n\n%if %index(&libcat,-)>0 and %scan(&libcat,2,-)=FC %then %do;\n %let libcat=%scan(&libcat,1,-);\n%end;\n\nproc format lib=&libcat cntlout=&cntlds;\n%if \"&fmtlist\" ne \"0\" and \"&fmtlist\" ne \"\" %then %do;\n select\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&fmtlist,%str( )));\n %scan(&fmtlist,&i,%str( ))\n %end;\n ;\n%end;\nrun;\n\ndata &cntlout/nonote2err;\n if 0 then set &ddlds;\n set &cntlds;\n by type fmtname notsorted;\n\n /* align the numeric values to avoid overlapping ranges */\n if type in (\"I\",\"N\") then do;\n %mp_aligndecimal(start,width=16)\n %mp_aligndecimal(end,width=16)\n end;\n\n /* create row marker. Data cannot be sorted without it! */\n if first.fmtname then fmtrow=1;\n else fmtrow+1;\n\nrun;\nproc sort;\n by type fmtname fmtrow;\nrun;\n\nproc sql;\ndrop table &ddlds,&cntlds;\n\n%mend mp_cntlout;\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n%macro mf_getvarlist(libds\n ,dlm=%str( )\n ,quote=no\n ,typefilter=A\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n /* declare local vars */\n %local outvar dsid nvars x rc dlm q var vtype;\n\n /* credit Rowland Hale - byte34 is double quote, 39 is single quote */\n %if %upcase("e)=DOUBLE %then %let q=%qsysfunc(byte(34));\n %else %if %upcase("e)=SINGLE %then %let q=%qsysfunc(byte(39));\n /* open dataset in macro */\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds));\n\n %if &dsid %then %do;\n %let nvars=%sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,NVARS));\n %if &nvars>0 %then %do;\n /* add variables with supplied delimeter */\n %do x=1 %to &nvars;\n /* get variable type */\n %let vtype=%sysfunc(vartype(&dsid,&x));\n %if &vtype=&typefilter or &typefilter=A %then %do;\n %let var=&q.%sysfunc(varname(&dsid,&x))&q.;\n %if &var=&q&q %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Empty column found in &libds!;\n %let var=&q. &q.;\n %end;\n %if %quote(&outvar)=%quote() %then %let outvar=&var;\n %else %let outvar=&outvar.&dlm.&var.;\n %end;\n %end;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Unable to open &libds (rc=&dsid);\n %put &sysmacroname: SYSMSG= %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n %do;%unquote(&outvar)%end;\n%mend mf_getvarlist;\n\n\n%macro mf_wordsInStr1ButNotStr2(\n Str1= /* string containing words to extract */\n ,Str2= /* used to compare with the extract string */\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%local count_base count_extr i i2 extr_word base_word match outvar;\n%if %length(&str1)=0 or %length(&str2)=0 %then %do;\n %put base string (str1)= &str1;\n %put compare string (str2) = &str2;\n %return;\n%end;\n%let count_base=%sysfunc(countw(&Str2));\n%let count_extr=%sysfunc(countw(&Str1));\n\n%do i=1 %to &count_extr;\n %let extr_word=%scan(&Str1,&i,%str( ));\n %let match=0;\n %do i2=1 %to &count_base;\n %let base_word=%scan(&Str2,&i2,%str( ));\n %if &extr_word=&base_word %then %let match=1;\n %end;\n %if &match=0 %then %let outvar=&outvar &extr_word;\n%end;\n\n &outvar\n\n%mend mf_wordsInStr1ButNotStr2;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_dropmembers(\n list /* space separated list of datasets / views */\n ,libref=WORK /* can only drop from a single library at a time */\n ,iftrue=%str(1=1)\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n %if %mf_isblank(&list) %then %do;\n %put NOTE: nothing to drop!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n proc datasets lib=&libref nolist;\n delete &list;\n delete &list /mtype=view;\n run;\n%mend mp_dropmembers;\n\n\n%macro mp_dirlist(path=%sysfunc(pathname(work))\n , fref=0\n , outds=work.mp_dirlist\n , getattrs=NO\n , showparent=NO\n , maxdepth=0\n , level=0 /* The level of recursion to perform. For internal use only. */\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%let getattrs=%upcase(&getattrs)XX;\n\n/* temp table */\n%local out_ds;\ndata;run;\n%let out_ds=%str(&syslast);\n\n/* drop main (top) table if it exists */\n%if &level=0 %then %do;\n %mp_dropmembers(%scan(&outds,-1,.), libref=WORK)\n%end;\n\ndata &out_ds(compress=no\n keep=file_or_folder filepath filename ext msg directory level\n );\n length directory filepath $2000 fref fref2 $8 file_or_folder $6 filename $255\n ext $20 msg $200 foption $16;\n if _n_=1 then call missing(of _all_);\n retain level &level;\n %if &fref=0 %then %do;\n rc = filename(fref, \"&path\");\n %end;\n %else %do;\n fref=\"&fref\";\n rc=0;\n %end;\n if rc = 0 then do;\n did = dopen(fref);\n if did=0 then do;\n putlog \"NOTE: This directory is empty, or does not exist - &path\";\n msg=sysmsg();\n put (_all_)(=);\n stop;\n end;\n /* attribute is OS-dependent - could be \"Directory\" or \"Directory Name\" */\n numopts=doptnum(did);\n do i=1 to numopts;\n foption=doptname(did,i);\n if foption=:'Directory' then i=numopts;\n end;\n directory=dinfo(did,foption);\n rc = filename(fref);\n end;\n else do;\n msg=sysmsg();\n put _all_;\n stop;\n end;\n dnum = dnum(did);\n do i = 1 to dnum;\n filename = dread(did, i);\n filepath=cats(directory,'/',filename);\n rc = filename(fref2,filepath);\n midd=dopen(fref2);\n dmsg=sysmsg();\n if did > 0 then file_or_folder='folder';\n rc=dclose(midd);\n midf=fopen(fref2);\n fmsg=sysmsg();\n if midf > 0 then file_or_folder='file';\n rc=fclose(midf);\n\n if index(fmsg,'File is in use') or index(dmsg,'is not a directory')\n then file_or_folder='file';\n else if index(fmsg,'Insufficient authorization') then file_or_folder='file';\n else if file_or_folder='' then file_or_folder='locked';\n\n if file_or_folder='file' then do;\n ext = prxchange('s/.*\\.{1,1}(.*)/$1/', 1, filename);\n if filename = ext then ext = ' ';\n end;\n else do;\n ext='';\n file_or_folder='folder';\n end;\n output;\n end;\n rc = dclose(did);\n %if &showparent=YES and &level=0 %then %do;\n filepath=directory;\n file_or_folder='folder';\n ext='';\n filename=scan(directory,-1,'/\\');\n msg='';\n level=&level;\n output;\n %end;\n stop;\nrun;\n\n%if %substr(&getattrs,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n data &out_ds;\n set &out_ds;\n length infoname infoval $60 fref $8;\n if _n_=1 then call missing(fref);\n rc=filename(fref,filepath);\n drop rc infoname fid i close fref;\n if file_or_folder='file' then do;\n fid=fopen(fref);\n if fid le 0 then do;\n msg=sysmsg();\n putlog \"Could not open file:\" filepath fid= ;\n sasname='_MCNOTVALID_';\n output;\n end;\n else do i=1 to foptnum(fid);\n infoname=foptname(fid,i);\n infoval=finfo(fid,infoname);\n sasname=compress(infoname, '_', 'adik');\n if anydigit(sasname)=1 then sasname=substr(sasname,anyalpha(sasname));\n if upcase(sasname) ne 'FILENAME' then output;\n end;\n close=fclose(fid);\n end;\n else do;\n fid=dopen(fref);\n if fid le 0 then do;\n msg=sysmsg();\n putlog \"Could not open folder:\" filepath fid= ;\n sasname='_MCNOTVALID_';\n output;\n end;\n else do i=1 to doptnum(fid);\n infoname=doptname(fid,i);\n infoval=dinfo(fid,infoname);\n sasname=compress(infoname, '_', 'adik');\n if anydigit(sasname)=1 then sasname=substr(sasname,anyalpha(sasname));\n if upcase(sasname) ne 'FILENAME' then output;\n end;\n close=dclose(fid);\n end;\n run;\n proc sort;\n by filepath sasname;\n proc transpose data=&out_ds out=&out_ds(drop=_:);\n id sasname;\n var infoval;\n by filepath file_or_folder filename ext ;\n run;\n%end;\n\ndata &out_ds;\n set &out_ds(where=(filepath ne ''));\nrun;\n\n/**\n * The above transpose can mean that some updates create additional columns.\n * This necessitates the occasional use of datastep over proc append.\n */\n%if %mf_existds(&outds) %then %do;\n %local basevars appvars newvars;\n %let basevars=%mf_getvarlist(&outds);\n %let appvars=%mf_getvarlist(&out_ds);\n %let newvars=%length(%mf_wordsinstr1butnotstr2(Str1=&appvars,Str2=&basevars));\n %if &newvars>0 %then %do;\n data &outds;\n set &outds &out_ds;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n proc append base=&outds data=&out_ds force nowarn;\n run;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n proc append base=&outds data=&out_ds;\n run;\n%end;\n\n/* recursive call */\n%if &maxdepth>&level or &maxdepth=MAX %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &out_ds;\n where file_or_folder='folder';\n %if &showparent=YES and &level=0 %then %do;\n if filepath ne directory;\n %end;\n length code $10000;\n code=cats('%nrstr(%mp_dirlist(path=',filepath,\",outds=&outds\"\n ,\",getattrs=&getattrs,level=%eval(&level+1),maxdepth=&maxdepth))\");\n put code=;\n call execute(code);\n run;\n%end;\n\n/* tidy up */\nproc sql;\ndrop table &out_ds;\n\n%mend mp_dirlist;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getattrc(\n libds\n ,attr\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid rc;\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds,is));\n %if &dsid = 0 %then %do;\n %put %str(WARN)ING: Cannot open %trim(&libds), system message below;\n %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n -1\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %sysfunc(attrc(&dsid,&attr))\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n%mend mf_getattrc;\n\n\n%macro mp_lockfilecheck(\n libds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\ndata _null_;\n if _n_=1 then putlog \"&sysmacroname entry vars:\";\n set sashelp.vmacro;\n where scope=\"&sysmacroname\";\n put name '=' value;\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc>0)\n ,mac=checklock.sas\n ,msg=Aborting with syscc=&syscc on entry.\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (\"&libds\"=\"0\")\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(libds not provided)\n)\n\n%local msg lib ds;\n%let lib=%upcase(%scan(&libds,1,.));\n%let ds=%upcase(%scan(&libds,2,.));\n\n/* in DC, format catalogs are passed with a -FC suffix. No saslock here! */\n%if %scan(&libds,2,-)=FC %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Format Catalog detected, no lockfile applied to &libds;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* do not proceed if no observations can be processed */\n%let msg=options obs = 0. syserrortext=%superq(syserrortext);\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (%sysfunc(getoption(OBS))=0)\n ,mac=checklock.sas\n ,msg=%superq(msg)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n putlog \"Checking engine & member type\";\nrun;\n%local engine memtype;\n%let memtype=%mf_getattrc(&libds,MTYPE);\n%let engine=%mf_getattrc(&libds,ENGINE);\n\n%if &engine ne V9 and &engine ne BASE %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog \"Lib &lib is not assigned using BASE engine - uses &engine instead\";\n putlog \"SAS lock check will not be performed\";\n run;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if &memtype ne DATA %then %do;\n %put NOTE: Cannot lock a VIEW!! Memtype=&memtype;\n %return;\n%end;\n\ndata _null_;\n putlog \"Engine = &engine, memtype=&memtype\";\n putlog \"Attempting lock statement\";\nrun;\n\nlock &libds;\n\n%local abortme;\n%let abortme=0;\n%if &syscc>0 or &SYSLCKRC ne 0 %then %do;\n %let msg=Unable to apply lock on &libds (SYSLCKRC=&SYSLCKRC syscc=&syscc);\n %put %str(ERR)OR: &sysmacroname: &msg;\n %let abortme=1;\n%end;\n\nlock &libds clear;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&abortme=1)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%superq(msg)\n)\n\n%mend mp_lockfilecheck;\n\n\n%macro mp_lockanytable(\n action\n ,lib= WORK\n ,ds=0\n ,ref=\n ,ctl_ds=0\n ,loops=25\n ,loop_secs=1\n );\ndata _null_;\n if _n_=1 then putlog \"&sysmacroname entry vars:\";\n set sashelp.vmacro;\n where scope=\"&sysmacroname\";\n put name '=' value;\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (\"&ds\"=\"0\" and &action ne MAKETABLE)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(dataset was not provided)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&ctl_ds=0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Control dataset was not provided)\n)\n\n/* set up lib & mac vars */\n%let lib=%upcase(&lib);\n%let ds=%upcase(&ds);\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n%local user x trans msg abortme;\n%let user=%mf_getuser();\n%let abortme=0;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&action ne LOCK & &action ne UNLOCK & &action ne MAKETABLE)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid action (&action) provided)\n)\n\n/* if an err condition exists, exit before we even begin */\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc>0 and &action=LOCK)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(aborting due to syscc=&syscc on LOCK entry)\n)\n\n/* do not bother locking work tables (else may affect all WORK libraries) */\n%if (%upcase(&lib)=WORK or %str(&lib)=%str()) & &action ne MAKETABLE %then %do;\n %put NOTE: WORK libraries will not be registered in the locking system.;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* do not proceed if no observations can be processed */\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (%sysfunc(getoption(OBS))=0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(cannot continue when options obs = 0)\n)\n\n%if &ACTION=LOCK %then %do;\n\n /* abort if a SAS lock is already in place, or cannot be applied */\n %mp_lockfilecheck(&lib..&ds)\n\n /* next, check there is a record for this table */\n %local record_exists_check;\n proc sql noprint;\n select count(*) into: record_exists_check from &ctl_ds\n where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" and LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n quit;\n %if &syscc>0 %then %put syscc=&syscc sqlrc=&sqlrc;\n %if &record_exists_check=0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog \"&sysmacroname: adding record to lock table..\";\n run;\n\n data ;\n if 0 then set &ctl_ds;\n LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\";\n LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n LOCK_STATUS_CD='LOCKED';\n LOCK_START_DTTM=\"%sysfunc(datetime(),%mf_fmtdttm())\"dt;\n LOCK_USER_NM=\"&user\";\n LOCK_PID=\"&sysjobid\";\n LOCK_REF=\"&ref\";\n output;stop;\n run;\n %let trans=&syslast;\n proc append base=&ctl_ds data=&trans;\n run;\n %end;\n /* if record does exist, perform lock attempts */\n %else %do x=1 %to &loops;\n data _null_;\n putlog \"&sysmacroname: attempting lock (iteration &x) \"@;\n putlog \"at %sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.) ..\";\n run;\n\n proc sql;\n update &ctl_ds\n set LOCK_STATUS_CD='LOCKED'\n , LOCK_START_DTTM=\"%sysfunc(datetime(),%mf_fmtdttm())\"dt\n , LOCK_USER_NM=\"&user\"\n , LOCK_PID=\"&sysjobid\"\n , LOCK_REF=\"&ref\"\n where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" and LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n quit;\n /**\n * NOTE - occasionally SQL server will return an err code (deadlocked\n * transaction). If so, ignore it, keep calm, and carry on..\n */\n %if &syscc>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n putlog \"NOTE- &sysmacroname: Update failed. \"@;\n putlog \"Resetting err conditions and re-attempting.\";\n putlog \"NOTE- syscc=&syscc syserr=&syserr sqlrc=&sqlrc\";\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n run;\n %let syscc=0;\n %let sqlrc=0;\n %end;\n\n /* now check if the record was successfully updated */\n %local success_check;\n proc sql noprint;\n select count(*) into: success_check from &ctl_ds\n where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" and LOCK_DS=\"&ds\"\n and LOCK_PID=\"&sysjobid\" and LOCK_STATUS_CD='LOCKED';\n quit;\n %if &success_check=0 %then %do;\n %if &x < &loops %then %do;\n /* pause before next check */\n data _null_;\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n putlog \"NOTE- &sysmacroname: table locked, waiting \"@;\n putlog \"%sysfunc(sleep(&loop_secs)) seconds.. \";\n putlog \"NOTE- (iteration &x of &loops)\";\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %let msg=Unable to lock &lib..&ds via &ctl_ds after &loops attempts.\\n\n Please ask your administrator to investigate!;\n %let abortme=1;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n putlog \"NOTE- &sysmacroname: Table &lib..&ds locked at \"@;\n putlog \" %sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.) (iteration &x)\"@;\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n run;\n %if &syscc>0 %then %do;\n %put setting syscc(&syscc) back to 0;\n %let syscc=0;\n %end;\n %let x=&loops; /* no more iterations needed */\n %end;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &ACTION=UNLOCK %then %do;\n %local status cnt;\n %let cnt=0;\n proc sql noprint;\n select count(*) into: cnt from &ctl_ds where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" & LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n %if &cnt=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(WAR)NING: &lib..&ds was not previously locked in &ctl_ds!;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n select LOCK_STATUS_CD into: status from &ctl_ds\n where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" and LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n quit;\n %if &syscc>0 %then %put syscc=&syscc sqlrc=&sqlrc;\n %if &status=LOCKED %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog \"&sysmacroname: unlocking &lib..&ds:\";\n run;\n proc sql;\n update &ctl_ds\n set LOCK_STATUS_CD='UNLOCKED'\n , LOCK_END_DTTM=\"%sysfunc(datetime(),%mf_fmtdttm())\"dt\n , LOCK_USER_NM=\"&user\"\n , LOCK_PID=\"&sysjobid\"\n , LOCK_REF=\"&ref\"\n where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" and LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n quit;\n %end;\n %else %if &status=UNLOCKED %then %do;\n %put %str(WAR)NING: &lib..&ds is already unlocked!;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put NOTE: Unrecognised STATUS_CD (&status) in &ctl_ds;\n %let abortme=1;\n %end;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %let msg=lock_anytable given unsupported action (&action);\n %let abortme=1;\n%end;\n\n/* catch errs - mp_abort must be called outside of a logic block */\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&abortme=1),\n msg=%superq(msg),\n mac=&sysmacroname\n)\n\n%exit_macro:\ndata _null_;\n put \"&sysmacroname: Exit vars: action=&action lib=&lib ds=&ds\";\n put \" syscc=&syscc sqlrc=&sqlrc syserr=&syserr\";\nrun;\n%mend mp_lockanytable;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_loader(\n mperef= /* name of subfolder containing the staged data */\n ,mDebug=0 /* set to 1 for development or debugging */\n ,submitted_reason_txt= /* populates column of same name in sumo_approvals*/\n ,approver= /* allows a userid to be provided for direct approval email */\n ,url= /* optional - url for debugging */\n ,dlm=%str(,)\n ,termstr=crlf\n ,dc_dttmtfmt=E8601DT26.6\n );\n%put entered mpe_loader from &=_program;\n%put &=url;\n%put &=termstr;\n%put &=dlm;\n /* determine full path to CSV directory */\n%local now;\n%let now=&dc_dttmtfmt;\n%put &=now;\n\n/**\n * get full path to package (only subdirectory passed through)\n */\n%mp_abort(\n iftrue=(%mf_verifymacvars(mperef mpelocapprovals)=0)\n ,mac=bitemporal_dataloader\n ,msg=%str(Missing: mperef mpelocapprovals)\n)\n\n%let csv_dir=%trim(&mpelocapprovals/&mperef);\n\n/* exit if package has already been uploaded */\n%local check;\nproc sql noprint;\nselect count(*) into: check\n from &mpelib..mpe_loads\n where csv_dir=\"&mperef\";\n%if &check %then %do;\n %mp_abort(msg=Folder &mperef already has an entry in &mpelib..mpe_loads\n ,mac=mpe_loader.sas);\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* get CSV directory contents */\n%mp_dirlist(path=&csv_dir,outds=WORK.getfiles)\ndata WORK.csvs;\n set WORK.getfiles;\n if upcase(scan(filename,3,'.'))='CSV' then do;\n lib=upcase(scan(filename,1,'.'));\n ds=upcase(scan(filename,2,'.'));\n output;\n end;\nrun;\n\n/* get table attributes */\nproc sql noprint;\ncreate table WORK.sumo_tables as\n select a.filename, b.*\n from WORK.csvs a\n left join &mpelib..mpe_tables b\n on a.lib=b.libref\n and a.ds=b.dsn\n where b.tx_from le &now\n and &now lt b.tx_to;\n\n/* define user as meta user if available */\n%local user;\n%let user=%mf_getuser();\n\n/* check if there is actually a table to load */\n%if %mf_getattrn(WORK.sumo_tables,NLOBS)=0 %then %do;\n %let msg=Table not registered in &mpelib..mpe_tables;\n %mpe_loadfail(\n status=&msg\n ,now=&now\n ,mperef=&mperef\n ,dc_dttmtfmt=&dc_dttmtfmt.\n )\n %mp_abort(msg=&msg,mac=mpe_loader.sas);\n %return;\n%end;\n\nproc sql;\ninsert into &mpelib..mpe_loads\n set USER_NM=\"&user\"\n ,STATUS='IN PROGRESS'\n ,CSV_dir=\"&mperef\"\n ,PROCESSED_DTTM=&now\n ,reason_txt = symget('submitted_reason_txt');\n\n\n/* import CSV */\n\n%let droplist=;\n%let attrib=;\n%let droplist=;\n%let libref=;\n%let DS=;\n\n/* get table info */\ndata _null_;\n set sumo_tables;\n libds=upcase(cats(libref,'.',dsn));\n call symputx('orig_libds',libds);\n is_fmt=0;\n if substr(cats(reverse(dsn)),1,3)=:'CF-' then do;\n libds=scan(libds,1,'-');\n putlog \"Format Catalog Captured\";\n libds='work.fmtextract';\n is_fmt=1;\n end;\n call symputx('is_fmt',is_fmt);\n call symputx('libds',libds);\n call symputx('FNAME',filename);\n call symputx('LIBREF',libref);\n call symputx('DS',dsn);\n call symputx('LOADTYPE',loadtype);\n call symputx('BUSKEY',buskey);\n call symputx('VAR_TXFROM',var_txfrom);\n call symputx('VAR_TXTO',var_txto);\n call symputx('VAR_BUSFROM',var_busfrom);\n call symputx('VAR_BUSTO',var_busto);\n call symputx('VAR_PROCESSED',var_processed);\n call symputx('RK_UNDERLYING',RK_UNDERLYING);\n call symputx('POST_EDIT_HOOK',POST_EDIT_HOOK);\n call symputx('NOTES',NOTES);\n call symputx('PK',coalescec(RK_UNDERLYING,buskey));\n call symputx('NUM_OF_APPROVALS_REQUIRED',NUM_OF_APPROVALS_REQUIRED,'l');\n put (_all_)(=);\n stop;\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&ds)=0 %then %do;\n %let msg=%str(ERR)OR: Unable to extract record from &mpelib..mpe_tables;\n %mpe_loadfail(\n status=FAILED\n ,now=&now\n ,mperef=&mperef\n ,reason_txt=%quote(&msg)\n ,dc_dttmtfmt=&dc_dttmtfmt.\n )\n %mp_abort(msg=&msg,mac=mpe_loader.sas);\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* export format catalog */\n%mp_cntlout(\n iftrue=(&is_fmt=1)\n ,libcat=&orig_libds\n ,fmtlist=0\n ,cntlout=work.fmtextract\n)\n\n/* user must have EDIT access to load a table */\n%mpe_accesscheck(&orig_libds\n ,outds=work.sumo_access\n ,user=&user\n ,access_level=EDIT )\n%put exiting accesscheck;\n\n%if %mf_getattrn(work.sumo_access,NLOBS)=0 %then %do;\n %let msg=%str(ERR)OR: User is not authorised to edit &orig_libds!;\n %mpe_loadfail(\n status=UNAUTHORISED\n ,now=&now\n ,mperef=&mperef\n ,reason_txt=%quote(&msg)\n ,dc_dttmtfmt=&dc_dttmtfmt.\n )\n %mp_abort(msg=&msg,mac=mpe_loader.sas);\n %return;\n%end;\n\n%put now importing: \"&csv_dir/&fname\" termstr=&termstr;\n/* get the variables from the CSV */\ndata vars_csv1(index=(idxname=(varnum name)) drop=infile);\n infile \"&csv_dir/&fname\" lrecl=32767 dsd termstr=&termstr encoding='utf-8';\n input;\n length infile $32767;\n infile=compress(_infile_,'\"',);\n infile=compress(infile,\"'\",);\n format name $32.;\n putlog 'received vars: ' infile;\n call symputx('received_vars',infile,'l');\n do varnum=1 to countw(infile,\"&dlm\");\n /* keep writeable chars */\n name=compress(upcase(scan(infile,varnum)),,'kw');\n if name ne \"_____DELETE__THIS__RECORD_____\" then output;\n end;\n stop;\nrun;\n%put received_vars = &received_vars;\n\n%dc_assignlib(WRITE,&libref)\n\n/* get list of variables and their formats */\nproc contents noprint data=&libds\n out=vars(keep=name type length varnum format:);\nrun;\ndata vars(keep=name type length varnum format);\n set vars(rename=(format=format2 type=type2));\n name=upcase(name);\n format2=upcase(format2);\n /* not interested in transaction or processing dates\n (append table must be supplied without them) */\n if name not in (\"&VAR_TXFROM\",\"&VAR_TXTO\",\"&VAR_PROCESSED\"\n ,\"_____DELETE__THIS__RECORD_____\");\n if type2 in (2,6) then do;\n length format $49.;\n if format2='' then format=cats('$',length,'.');\n else format=cats(format2,max(formatl,length),'.');\n type='char';\n end;\n else do;\n if format2='' then format=cats(length,'.');\n else if format2=:'DATETIME' or format2=:'E8601DT' then do;\n format='DATETIME19.';\n end;\n else if format2=:'DATE' or format2=:'DDMMYY'\n or format2=:'MMDDYY' or format2=:'YYMMDD'\n or format2=:'E8601DA' or format2=:'B8601DA'\n then do;\n format='DATE9.';\n end;\n else if format2='BEST' & formatl=0 then format=cats('BEST',length,'.');\n /*\n else if format2=:'DATETIME' or format2=:'DATE' or format2=:'DDMMYY'\n or format2=:'MMDDYY' or format2=:'YYMMDD' then do;\n *date or datetime format so use original ;\n dsid=open(\"&libref..&ds\");\n vnum=varnum(dsid,name);\n format=varfmt(dsid,vnum);\n dsid=close(dsid);\n end;\n */\n else do;\n if formatl=0 then formatl=length;\n format=cats(format2,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n type='num';\n end;\n put (_all_)(=);\nrun;\n\n/* build attrib statement */\ndata vars_attrib;\n length attrib_statement $32767 type2 $20;\n set vars end=lastobs;\n retain attrib_statement;\n\n if type='char' then type2='$';\n str1=catx(' ',name,'length=',cats(type2,length));\n attrib_statement=trim(attrib_statement)!!' '!!trim(str1);\n\n if lastobs then call symputx('ATTRIB',attrib_statement,'L');\nrun;\n\n/* build input statement - first get vars in right order\n and join with target formats*/\nproc sql noprint;\ncreate table vars_csv2 as\n select b.*\n from vars_csv1 a\n left join vars_attrib b\n on a.name=b.name\n order by a.varnum;\n\n\n/* now build input statement */\ndata final_check;\n set vars_csv2 end=lastobs;\n length input_statement $32767 type2 $20 droplist $32767;\n retain input_statement droplist;\n\n /* Build input statement - CATCH EXCEPTIONS HERE!*/\n if name in ('QUOTE_DTTM') then do;\n name=cats(name,'2');\n droplist=catx(' ',trim(droplist),name);\n type2='$20.';/* converted below */\n end;\n else if type='char' then type2=cats('$CHAR', length,'.');\n else if format='DATE9.' then type2='ANYDTDTE.';\n else if format='DATETIME19.' then type2='ANYDTDTM.';\n else if format=:'TIME' then type2='ANYDTTME.';\n else if name='' then do;/* additional vars in input data */\n name='_____DELETE__THIS__VARIABLE_____';\n droplist=catx(' ',trim(droplist),'_____DELETE__THIS__VARIABLE_____');\n type2='$1.';\n end;\n else type2='best32.';\n * else type2=cats(length,'.');\n\n input_statement=catx(' ',input_statement,name,':',type2);\n\n if lastobs then do;\n call symputx('INPUT', input_statement,'L');\n if trim(droplist) ne '' then\n call symputx('droplist',\"drop \"!!droplist!!';','l');\n end;\nrun;\n\n%let mpeloadstop=0;\n\ndata work.STAGING_DS;\n &droplist;\n infile \"&csv_dir/&fname\" dsd dlm=\"&dlm\" lrecl=32767\n firstobs=2 missover termstr=&termstr encoding='utf-8';\n attrib _____DELETE__THIS__RECORD_____ length=$3 &attrib ;\n if _n_=1 then call missing (of _all_);\n missing a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z _;\n input\n %if %scan(%quote(&received_vars),1)=_____DELETE__THIS__RECORD_____ %then %do;\n _____DELETE__THIS__RECORD_____: $3.\n %end;\n &input;\n\n %if %index(%quote(&attrib.),UNLIKELY_VAR ) %then %do;\n /*UNLIKELY_VAR=input(UNLIKELY_VAR2,ANYDTDTM21.);*/\n /* SPECIAL LOGIC FOR SPECIAL VARS */\n %end;\n\n if _error_ ne 0 then do;\n putlog _infile_;\n call symputx('mpeloadstop',_n_);\n stop;\n end;\n /* remove all blank rows */\n if compress(cats(of _all_),'.')=' ' then delete;\nrun;\n\n%if &mpeloadstop>0 %then %do;\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n %put redirecting log output to capture return message;\n %put currentloc=&logloc;\n filename tmp temp;\n proc printto log=tmp;run;\n data _null_;\n &droplist;\n infile \"&csv_dir/&fname\" dsd dlm=\"&dlm\" lrecl=32767 firstobs=2\n missover termstr=&termstr;\n attrib &attrib ;\n input\n %if %scan(%quote(&received_vars),1)=_____DELETE__THIS__RECORD_____\n %then %do;\n _____DELETE__THIS__RECORD_____: $3.\n %end;\n &input;\n if _error_ then stop;\n run;\n /* get log back */\n proc printto log=&logloc;run;\n data _null_; infile tmp; input; putlog _infile_;run;\n /* scan log for invalid data warnings */\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;\n length msg1 msg2 msg3 msg4 msg5 msg url $32767;\n if index(_infile_,'NOTE: Invalid data for') then do;\n msg1=_infile_;\n input;\n msg2=_infile_;\n input;\n msg3=_infile_;\n input;\n msg4=_infile_;\n input;\n msg5=_infile_;\n url=symget('url');\n msg=catx('\\n',msg1,msg2,msg3,msg4,msg5,'\\n',url);\n call symputx('msg',msg);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n\n %mpe_loadfail(\n status=FAILED\n ,now=&now\n ,mperef=&mperef\n ,reason_txt=%superq(msg)\n ,dc_dttmtfmt=&dc_dttmtfmt.\n )\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* check that the table is unique on PK */\nproc sort data=work.STAGING_DS dupout=work.MPE_DUPS (keep=&pk) nodupkey;\n by &pk;\nrun;\n%if %mf_getattrn(work.MPE_DUPS,NLOBS)>0 %then %do;\n %local duplist;\n data _null_;\n set work.mpe_dups;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&pk));\n %let iWord=%scan(&pk,&i);\n call symputx('duplist',symget('duplist')!!\n \" &iWord=\"!!cats(&iWord));\n %end;\n run;\n %let msg=This upload contains duplicates on the Primary Key columns %trim(\n )(&pk) \\n Please remove the duplicates and try again. %trim(\n )\\n &duplist \\n ;\n %mp_abort(msg=%superq(msg),mac=mpe_loader.sas);\n %return;\n%end;\n\n%if &syscc gt 4 %then %do;\n %let msg=SYSCC=&syscc prior to post edit hook (%superq(syserrortext));\n %mpe_loadfail(\n status=FAILED - &syscc\n ,now=&now\n ,mperef=&mperef\n ,reason_txt=%superq(msg)\n ,dc_dttmtfmt=&dc_dttmtfmt.\n )\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* If a Complex Excel Upload, needs to have the load ref added to the table */\n%mpe_xlmapvalidate(&mperef,work.staging_ds,&mpelib,&orig_libds)\n\n/* Run the Post Edit Hook prior to creation of staging folder */\n%mpe_runhook(POST_EDIT_HOOK)\n\n/* stop if err */\n%if &syscc gt 4 %then %do;\n %let msg=ERR in post edit hook (&post_edit_hook);\n %mpe_loadfail(\n status=FAILED - &syscc\n ,now=&now\n ,mperef=&mperef\n ,reason_txt=%quote(&msg)\n ,dc_dttmtfmt=&dc_dttmtfmt.\n )\n %return;\n%end;\n\n\n/**\n * send to approve process\n */\n\n/* create a dataset key (datetime plus 3 digit random number plus PID) */\n\n/* send dataset to approvals subfolder with same name as subfolder */\nlibname approval \"&mpelocapprovals/&mperef\";\ndata approval.&mperef;\n set work.staging_ds;\nrun;\nproc export data=approval.&mperef\n outfile=\"&mpelocapprovals/&mperef/&mperef..csv\"\n dbms=csv\n replace;\nrun;\n\n/* update the control dataset with relevant info */\ndata append_app;\n if 0 then set &mpelib..mpe_submit;/* get formats */\n call missing (of _all_);\n TABLE_ID=\"&mperef\";\n submit_status_cd='SUBMITTED';\n submitted_by_nm=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n base_lib=\"&libref\";\n base_ds=\"&ds\";\n submitted_on_dttm=&now;\n submitted_reason_txt=symget('submitted_reason_txt');\n input_vars=%mf_getattrn(approval.&mperef,NVARS);\n input_obs=%mf_getattrn(approval.&mperef,NLOBS);\n num_of_approvals_required=&NUM_OF_APPROVALS_REQUIRED;\n num_of_approvals_remaining=&NUM_OF_APPROVALS_REQUIRED;\n reviewed_by_nm='';\n reviewed_on_dttm=.;\nrun;\n\n%mp_lockanytable(LOCK,lib=&mpelib,ds=mpe_submit,\n ref=%str(&mperef update in &_program),\n ctl_ds=&mpelib..mpe_lockanytable\n)\nproc append base= &mpelib..mpe_submit data=append_app;\nrun;\n%mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK,\n lib=&mpelib,ds=mpe_submit,\n ctl_ds=&mpelib..mpe_lockanytable\n)\n\n/* send email to REVIEW members */\n%put sending mpe_alerts;\n%mpe_alerts(alert_event=SUBMITTED\n , alert_lib=&libref\n , alert_ds=&ds\n , dsid=&mperef\n)\n/* DISABLE EMAIL FOR NOW\n %let b2=REASON: %quote(&submitted_reason_txt);\n\n %local URLNOTES;\n %if %length(¬es)>0 %then %let URLNOTES=%quote(%sysfunc(urlencode(¬es)));\n\n %let b3=%str(Click to review / approve: )%trim(\n )%str(http://&_srvname:&_srvport&_url?_PROGRAM=/Web/approvals&)%trim(\n )TABLEID=&dsid%str(&)BASETABLE=&libref..&ds%str(&)NOTES=&URLNOTES;\n\n %let b4=%str(Reference ID: &mperef);\n*/\n\n%put mpe_loader finishing up with syscc=&syscc;\n%if &syscc le 4 %then %do;\n %local dur;\n data _null_;\n now=symget('now');\n dur=%sysfunc(datetime())-&now;\n call symputx('dur',dur,'l');\n putlog 'Updating mpe_loads with the following query:';\n putlog \"update &mpelib..mpe_loads set STATUS='SUCCESS'\";\n putlog \" , duration=\" dur;\n putlog \" , processed_dttm=\" now;\n putlog \" , approvals = '&libref..&ds'\";\n putlog \" where CSV_DIR='&mperef';\";\n run;\n proc sql;\n update &mpelib..mpe_loads set STATUS='SUCCESS'\n , duration=&dur\n , processed_dttm=&now\n , approvals = \"&libref..&ds\"\n where CSV_DIR=\"&mperef\";\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %mpe_loadfail(\n status=\"FAILED - &syscc\"\n ,now=&now\n ,approvals=&libref..&ds\n ,mperef=&mperef\n ,dc_dttmtfmt=&dc_dttmtfmt.\n )\n %return;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpe_loader;\n\n\n\n%macro mcf_init(func\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if not (%symexist(SASJS_PREFIX)) %then %do;\n %global SASJS_PREFIX;\n %let SASJS_PREFIX=SASJS;\n%end;\n\n%let func=%upcase(&func);\n\n/* the / character is just a seperator */\n%global &sasjs_prefix._FUNCTIONS;\n%if %index(&&&sasjs_prefix._FUNCTIONS,&func/)>0 %then %do;\n 1\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %let &sasjs_prefix._FUNCTIONS=&&&sasjs_prefix._FUNCTIONS &func/;\n 0\n%end;\n\n%mend mcf_init;\n\n\n\n%macro mcf_getfmttype(wrap=NO\n ,insert_cmplib=DEPRECATED\n ,lib=WORK\n ,cat=SASJS\n ,pkg=UTILS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local i var cmpval found;\n\n%if %mcf_init(mcf_getfmttype)=1 %then %return;\n\n%if &wrap=YES %then %do;\n proc fcmp outlib=&lib..&cat..&pkg;\n%end;\n\nfunction mcf_getfmttype(fmtnm $) $8;\n if substr(fmtnm,1,1)='$' then return('CHAR');\n else do;\n /* extract NAME */\n length fmt $32;\n fmt=scan(fmtnm,1,'.');\n do while (\n substr(fmt,length(fmt),1) in ('1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0')\n );\n if length(fmt)=1 then fmt='W';\n else fmt=substr(fmt,1,length(fmt)-1);\n end;\n\n /* apply lookups */\n if cats(fmt) in ('DATETIME','B8601DN','B8601DN','B8601DT','B8601DT'\n ,'B8601DZ','B8601DZ','DATEAMPM','DTDATE','DTMONYY','DTWKDATX','DTYEAR'\n ,'DTYYQC','E8601DN','E8601DN','E8601DT','E8601DT','E8601DZ','E8601DZ')\n then return('DATETIME');\n else if fmt in ('DATE','YYMMDD','B8601DA','B8601DA','DAY','DDMMYY'\n ,'DDMMYYB','DDMMYYC','DDMMYYD','DDMMYYN','DDMMYYP','DDMMYYS','DDMMYYx'\n ,'DOWNAME','E8601DA','E8601DA','JULDAY','JULIAN','MMDDYY','MMDDYYB'\n ,'MMDDYYC','MMDDYYD','MMDDYYN','MMDDYYP','MMDDYYS','MMDDYYx','MMYY'\n ,'MMYYC','MMYYD','MMYYN','MMYYP','MMYYS','MMYYx','MONNAME','MONTH'\n ,'MONYY','PDJULG','PDJULI','QTR','QTRR','WEEKDATE','WEEKDATX','WEEKDAY'\n ,'WEEKU','WEEKV','WEEKW','WORDDATE','WORDDATX','YEAR','YYMM','YYMMC'\n ,'YYMMD','YYMMDDB','YYMMDDC','YYMMDDD','YYMMDDN','YYMMDDP','YYMMDDS'\n ,'YYMMDDx','YYMMN','YYMMP','YYMMS','YYMMx','YYMON','YYQ','YYQC','YYQD'\n ,'YYQN','YYQP','YYQR','YYQRC','YYQRD','YYQRN','YYQRP','YYQRS','YYQRx'\n ,'YYQS','YYQx','YYQZ') then return('DATE');\n else if fmt in ('TIME','B8601LZ','B8601LZ','B8601TM','B8601TM','B8601TZ'\n ,'B8601TZ','E8601LZ','E8601LZ','E8601TM','E8601TM','E8601TZ','E8601TZ'\n ,'HHMM','HOUR','MMSS','TIMEAMPM','TOD') then return('TIME');\n else return('NUM');\n end;\nendsub;\n\n%if &wrap=YES %then %do;\n quit;\n%end;\n\n/* insert the CMPLIB if not already there */\n%let cmpval=%sysfunc(getoption(cmplib));\n%let found=0;\n%do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&cmpval,%str( %(%))));\n %let var=%scan(&cmpval,&i,%str( %(%)));\n %if &var=&lib..&cat %then %let found=1;\n%end;\n%if &found=0 %then %do;\n options insert=(CMPLIB=(&lib..&cat));\n%end;\n\n%mend mcf_getfmttype;\n\n\n%macro mf_getVarFormat(libds /* two level ds name */\n , var /* variable name from which to return the format */\n , force=0\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid vnum vformat rc vlen vtype;\n /* Open dataset */\n %let dsid = %sysfunc(open(&libds));\n %if &dsid > 0 %then %do;\n /* Get variable number */\n %let vnum = %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid, &var));\n /* Get variable format */\n %if(&vnum > 0) %then %let vformat=%sysfunc(varfmt(&dsid, &vnum));\n %else %do;\n %put NOTE: Variable &var does not exist in &libds;\n %let rc = %sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: dataset &libds not opened! (rc=&dsid);\n %put &sysmacroname: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* supply a default if no format available */\n %if %length(&vformat)<2 & &force=1 %then %do;\n %let vlen = %sysfunc(varlen(&dsid, &vnum));\n %let vtype = %sysfunc(vartype(&dsid, &vnum.));\n %if &vtype=C %then %let vformat=$&vlen..;\n %else %let vformat=best.;\n %end;\n\n\n /* Close dataset */\n %let rc = %sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n /* Return variable format */\n &vformat\n%mend mf_getVarFormat;\n\n\n%macro mf_getvartype(libds /* two level name */\n , var /* variable name from which to return the type */\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid vnum vtype rc;\n /* Open dataset */\n %let dsid = %sysfunc(open(&libds));\n %if &dsid. > 0 %then %do;\n /* Get variable number */\n %let vnum = %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid, &var));\n /* Get variable type (C/N) */\n %if(&vnum. > 0) %then %let vtype = %sysfunc(vartype(&dsid, &vnum.));\n %else %do;\n %put NOTE: Variable &var does not exist in &libds;\n %let vtype = %str( );\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: dataset &libds not opened! (rc=&dsid);\n %put &sysmacroname: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* Close dataset */\n %let rc = %sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n /* Return variable type */\n &vtype\n%mend mf_getvartype;\n\n\n%macro mp_ds2csv(ds\n ,dlm=COMMA\n ,outref=0\n ,outfile=\n ,outencoding=0\n ,headerformat=LABEL\n ,termstr=CRLF\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%local outloc delim i varlist var vcnt vat dsv vcom vmiss fmttype vfmt;\n\n%if not %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) %then %do;\n %put %str(WARN)ING: &ds does not exist;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n%if %index(&ds,.)=0 %then %let ds=WORK.&ds;\n\n%if &outencoding=0 %then %let outencoding=;\n%else %let outencoding=encoding=&outencoding;\n\n%if &outref=0 %then %let outloc=&outfile;\n%else %let outloc=&outref;\n\n%if &headerformat=SASJS %then %do;\n %let delim=\",\";\n %let termstr=CRLF;\n %mcf_getfmttype(wrap=YES)\n%end;\n%else %if &dlm=COMMA %then %let delim=\",\";\n%else %let delim=\";\";\n\n/* credit to mjsq - https://stackoverflow.com/a/55642267 */\n\n/* first get headers */\ndata _null_;\n file &outloc &outencoding lrecl=32767 termstr=&termstr;\n length header $ 2000 varnm vfmt $32 dlm $1 fmttype $8;\n call missing(of _all_);\n dsid=open(\"&ds.\",\"i\");\n num=attrn(dsid,\"nvars\");\n dlm=&delim;\n do i=1 to num;\n varnm=upcase(varname(dsid,i));\n if i=num then dlm='';\n %if &headerformat=NAME %then %do;\n header=cats(varnm,dlm);\n %end;\n %else %if &headerformat=LABEL %then %do;\n header = cats(coalescec(varlabel(dsid,i),varnm),dlm);\n %end;\n %else %if &headerformat=SASJS %then %do;\n vlen=varlen(dsid,i);\n if vartype(dsid,i)='C' then header=cats(varnm,':$char',vlen,'.');\n else do;\n vfmt=coalescec(varfmt(dsid,i),'0');\n fmttype=mcf_getfmttype(vfmt);\n if fmttype='DATE' then header=cats(varnm,':date9.');\n else if fmttype='DATETIME' then header=cats(varnm,':E8601DT26.6');\n else if fmttype='TIME' then header=cats(varnm,':TIME12.');\n /**\n * there is not much point importing a short length numeric like this,\n * eg with best4., as the resulting variable will still be stored as\n * length 8. We need a length or format statement to ensure variable\n * is creatd with the smaller length...\n **/\n else if vlen<8 then header=cats(varnm,':best',vlen,'.');\n else header=cats(varnm,':best.');\n end;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Invalid headerformat value (&headerformat);\n %return;\n %end;\n put header @;\n end;\n rc=close(dsid);\nrun;\n\n%let varlist=%mf_getvarlist(&ds);\n%let vcnt=%sysfunc(countw(&varlist));\n\n/**\n * The $quote modifier (without a width) will take the length from the variable\n * and increase by two. However this will lead to truncation where the value\n * contains double quotes (which are doubled up). To get around this, scan the\n * data to see the max number of double quotes, so that the appropriate width\n * can be applied in the subsequent step.\n */\ndata _null_;\n set &ds end=last;\n%do i=1 %to &vcnt;\n %let var=%scan(&varlist,&i);\n %local vlen&i;\n %if %mf_getvartype(&ds,&var)=C %then %do;\n %let dsv1=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=csvcol1_);\n %let dsv2=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=csvcol2_);\n retain &dsv1 0;\n &dsv2=length(&var)+countc(&var,'\"');\n if &dsv2>&dsv1 then &dsv1=&dsv2;\n if last then call symputx(\n \"vlen&i\"\n /* should be no shorter than varlen, and no longer than 32767 */\n ,cats('$quote',min(&dsv1+2,32767),'.')\n ,'l'\n );\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%let vat=@;\n%let vcom=&delim;\n%let vmiss=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=csvcol3_);\n/* next, export data */\ndata _null_;\n set &ds.;\n file &outloc mod dlm=&delim dsd &outencoding lrecl=32767 termstr=&termstr;\n if _n_=1 then &vmiss=' ';\n %do i=1 %to &vcnt;\n %let var=%scan(&varlist,&i);\n %if &i=&vcnt %then %do;\n %let vat=;\n %let vcom=;\n %end;\n %if %mf_getvartype(&ds,&var)=N %then %do;\n %if &headerformat = SASJS %then %do;\n %let vcom=&delim;\n %let fmttype=%sysfunc(mcf_getfmttype(%mf_getvarformat(&ds,&var)0));\n %if &fmttype=DATE %then %let vfmt=DATE9.;\n %else %if &fmttype=DATETIME %then %let vfmt=E8601DT26.6;\n %else %if &fmttype=TIME %then %let vfmt=TIME12.;\n %else %do;\n %let vfmt=;\n %let vcom=;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %let vcom=;\n\n /* must use period - in order to work in both 9.4 and Viya 3.5 */\n if missing(&var) and &var ne %sysfunc(getoption(MISSING)) then do;\n &vmiss=cats('.',&var);\n put &vmiss &vat;\n end;\n else put &var &vfmt &vcom &vat;\n\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %if &i ne &vcnt %then %let vcom=&delim;\n put &var &&vlen&i &vcom &vat;\n %end;\n %end;\nrun;\n\n%mend mp_ds2csv;\n\n\n%macro mf_islibds(libds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%local regex;\n%let regex=%sysfunc(prxparse(%str(/^[_a-z]\\w{0,7}\\.[_a-z]\\w{0,31}$/i)));\n\n%sysfunc(prxmatch(®ex,&libds))\n\n%mend mf_islibds;\n\n/** @cond */\n\n%macro mp_stripdiffs(libds\n ,loadref\n ,difftable\n ,filtervar=0\n ,outds=work.mp_stripdiffs\n ,mdebug=0\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local dbg;\n%if &mdebug=1 %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname entry vars:;\n %put _local_;\n%end;\n%else %let dbg=*;\n\n%let libds=%upcase(&libds);\n\n/* safety checks */\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(SYSCC=&syscc on entry. Clean session required!)\n)\n%let libds=%upcase(&libds);\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (%mf_islibds(&libds)=0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid library.dataset reference - %superq(libds))\n)\n\n/* set up unique and temporary vars */\n%local ds1 ds2 ds3 ds4 ds5 fref1 filterstr;\n%let fref1=%mf_getuniquefileref();\n%if &filtervar ne 0 %then %let filterstr=%superq(&filtervar);\n%else %let filterstr=%str(1=1);\n\n/* get timestamp of the diff to be reverted */\n%local ts;\nproc sql noprint;\nselect put(processed_dttm,datetime19.6) into: ts\n from &difftable where load_ref=\"&loadref\";\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&sqlobs=0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Load ref %superq(loadref) not found!)\n)\n\n/* extract diffs for this base table from this timestamp onwards */\n%let ds1=%upcase(work.%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mpsd_diffs));\ncreate table &ds1 (drop=libref dsn) as\n select * from &difftable\n where upcase(cats(libref))=\"%scan(&libds,1,.)\"\n and upcase(cats(dsn))=\"%scan(&libds,2,.)\"\n and processed_dttm ge \"&ts\"dt\n order by processed_dttm desc, key_hash, is_pk;\n\n/* extract key values only */\n%let ds2=%upcase(work.%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mpsd_pks));\n%local keyhash processed;\n%let keyhash=%upcase(%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mpsdvar_keyhash));\n%let processed=%upcase(%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mpsdvar_processed));\ncreate table &ds2 as\n select key_hash as &keyhash,\n tgtvar_nm,\n tgtvar_type,\n coalescec(oldval_char,newval_char) as charval,\n coalesce(oldval_num, newval_num) as numval,\n processed_dttm as &processed\n from &ds1\n where is_pk=1\n order by &keyhash, &processed;\n\n/* grab pk values */\n%local pk;\nselect distinct upcase(tgtvar_nm) into: pk separated by ' ' from &ds2;\n\n%let ds3=%upcase(work.%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mpsd_keychar));\nproc transpose data=&ds2(where=(tgtvar_type='C'))\n out=&ds3(drop=_name_);\n by &keyhash &processed;\n id TGTVAR_NM;\n var charval;\nrun;\n\n%let ds4=%upcase(work.%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mpsd_keynum));\nproc transpose data=&ds2(where=(tgtvar_type='N'))\n out=&ds4(drop=_name_);\n by &keyhash &processed;\n id TGTVAR_NM;\n var numval;\nrun;\n/* shorten the lengths */\n%mp_ds2squeeze(&ds3,outds=&ds3)\n%mp_ds2squeeze(&ds4,outds=&ds4)\n\n/* now merge to get all key values and de-dup */\n%let ds5=%upcase(work.%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mpsd_merged));\ndata &ds5;\n length &keyhash $32 &processed 8;\n merge &ds3 &ds4;\n by &keyhash &processed;\n if not missing(&keyhash);\nrun;\nproc sort data=&ds5 nodupkey;\n by &pk;\nrun;\n\n/* join to base table for preliminary stage DS */\nproc sql;\ncreate table &outds as select \"No \" as _____DELETE__THIS__RECORD_____\n %do x=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&pk,%str( )));\n ,a.%scan(&pk,&x,%str( ))\n %end;\n %local notpkcols;\n %let notpkcols=%upcase(%mf_getvarlist(&libds));\n %let notpkcols=%mf_wordsinstr1butnotstr2(str1=¬pkcols,str2=&pk);\n %do x=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(¬pkcols,%str( )));\n ,b.%scan(¬pkcols,&x,%str( ))\n %end;\n from &ds5 a\n left join &libds (where=(&filterstr)) b\n on 1=1\n%do x=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&pk,%str( )));\n and a.%scan(&pk,&x,%str( ))=b.%scan(&pk,&x,%str( ))\n%end;\n;\n\n/* create SAS code to apply to stage_ds */\ndata _null_;\n set &ds1;\n file &fref1 lrecl=33000;\n length charval $32767;\n if _n_=1 then put 'proc sql noprint;';\n by descending processed_dttm key_hash is_pk;\n if move_type='M' then do;\n if first.key_hash then do;\n put \"update &outds set \" @@;\n end;\n if IS_PK=0 then do;\n put \" \" tgtvar_nm '=' @@;\n cnt=count(oldval_char,'\"');\n charval=quote(trim(substr(oldval_char,1,32765-cnt)));\n if tgtvar_type='C' then put charval @@;\n else put oldval_num @@;\n if not last.is_pk then put ',';\n end;\n else do;\n if first.is_pk then put \" where 1=1 \" @@;\n put \" and \" tgtvar_nm '=' @@;\n cnt=count(oldval_char,'\"');\n charval=quote(trim(substr(oldval_char,1,32765-cnt)));\n if tgtvar_type='C' then put charval @@;\n else put oldval_num @@;\n end;\n end;\n else if move_type='A' then do;\n if first.key_hash then do;\n put \"update &outds set _____DELETE__THIS__RECORD_____='Yes' where 1=1 \"@@;\n end;\n /* gating if - as only need PK now */\n if is_pk=1;\n put ' AND ' tgtvar_nm '=' @@;\n cnt=count(newval_char,'\"');\n charval=quote(trim(substr(newval_char,1,32765-cnt)));\n if tgtvar_type='C' then put charval @@;\n else put newval_num @@;\n end;\n else if move_type='D' then do;\n if first.key_hash then do;\n put \"update &outds set _____DELETE__THIS__RECORD_____='No' \" @@;\n end;\n if IS_PK=0 then do;\n put \" ,\" tgtvar_nm '=' @@;\n cnt=count(oldval_char,'\"');\n charval=quote(trim(substr(oldval_char,1,32765-cnt)));\n if tgtvar_type='C' then put charval @@;\n else put oldval_num @@;\n end;\n else do;\n if first.is_pk then put \" where 1=1 \" @@;\n put \" and \" tgtvar_nm '=' @@;\n cnt=count(oldval_char,'\"');\n charval=quote(trim(substr(oldval_char,1,32765-cnt)));\n if tgtvar_type='C' then put charval @@;\n else put oldval_num @@;\n end;\n end;\n if last.key_hash then put ';';\nrun;\n\n/* apply the modification statements */\n%inc &fref1/source2 lrecl=33000;\n\n%if &mdebug=0 %then %do;\n proc sql;\n drop table &ds1, &ds2, &ds3, &ds4, &ds5;\n file &fref1 clear;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &fref1;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then putlog \"Contents of SQL adjustments\";\n putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mp_stripdiffs;\n/** @endcond */\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file restore.sas\n @brief Restores a data version\n @details Only applies if the history is stored in the audit table\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li dc_assignlib.sas\n @li mf_nobs.sas\n @li mp_abort.sas\n @li mp_ds2csv.sas\n @li mp_stripdiffs.sas\n @li mpeinit.sas\n @li mpe_checkrestore.sas\n @li mpe_loader.sas\n\n

Service Inputs

\n\n |LOAD_REF:$32|\n |---|\n |DCXXXXXX|\n\n @version 9.2\n @author 4GL Apps Ltd\n @copyright 4GL Apps Ltd. This code may only be used within Data Controller\n and may not be re-distributed or re-sold without the express permission of\n 4GL Apps Ltd.\n\n**/\n\n%mpeinit()\n\n%let loadref=;\ndata _null_;\n set work.restore_in;\n call symputx('loadref',load_ref);\nrun;\n\n/**\n * Check if user has basic access permission to RESTORE the table\n */\n%put checking access;\n%global allow_restore reason;\n%mpe_checkrestore(&loadref,outresult=ALLOW_RESTORE,outreason=REASON)\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&ALLOW_RESTORE ne YES)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Cannot restore because: &reason)\n)\n\n/* grab the base DS */\nproc sql noprint;\nselect cats(base_lib,'.',base_ds) into: tgtds\n from &mpelib..mpe_submit\n where TABLE_ID=\"&loadref\";\n\n/* find the audit table */\nselect coalescec(audit_libds,\"&mpelib..MPE_AUDIT\"), loadtype, var_txto\n into: difftable, :loadtype, :txto\n from &mpelib..MPE_TABLES\n where libref=\"%scan(&tgtds,1,.)\"\n & dsn=\"%scan(&tgtds,2,.)\"\n & &dc_dttmtfmt0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after stripdiffs)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (%mf_nobs(work.mp_stripdiffs)=0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(THERE ARE NO DIFFERENCES TO APPLY)\n)\n\n/* create a new load ref */\n%let mperef=DC%left(%sysfunc(datetime(),B8601DT19.3))_%substr(\n %sysfunc(ranuni(0)),3,6)_%substr(%str(&sysjobid ),1,4);\n\n/* Create package folder */\n%let dir=&mpelocapprovals/&mperef;\n%mf_mkdir(&dir)\noptions notes mprint;\nlibname approve \"&dir\";\n\n/* take copy of macvars */\ndata _null_;\n file \"&dir/macvars.sas\";\n set sashelp.vmacro;\n where scope='GLOBAL';\n put '%let ' name '=' value ';';\nrun;\n\n/* copy the diffs dataset */\ndata approve.jsdset;\n length _____DELETE__THIS__RECORD_____ $3;\n if 0 then call missing(_____DELETE__THIS__RECORD_____);\n set work.mp_stripdiffs;\nrun;\n\n/* export to csv */\n%mp_ds2csv(approve.jsdset\n ,dlm=COMMA\n ,outfile=\"&dir/%trim(&tgtds).csv\"\n ,outencoding=\"UTF-8\"\n ,headerformat=NAME\n ,termstr=CRLF\n)\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc when writing the CSV)\n)\n\n%mpe_loader(mperef=&mperef\n ,submitted_reason_txt=Restoring &loadref\n ,dc_dttmtfmt=&dc_dttmtfmt\n)\n%mp_abort(mode=INCLUDE)\n\n%mp_abort(\n iftrue=(%sysfunc(fileexist(%sysfunc(pathname(work))/mf_abort.error))=1)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(mf_abort.error=1)\n)\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc)\n)\n\n/* send relevant SUCCESS values */\ndata work.restore_out;\n loadref=\"&mperef\";\nrun;\n\n\n%webout(OPEN)\n%webout(OBJ,restore_out)\n%webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n* Service end;" }, { "name": "stagedata", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquefileref(prefix=_,maxtries=1000,lrecl=32767);\n %local rc fname;\n %if &prefix=0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %local x len;\n %let len=%eval(8-%length(&prefix));\n %let x=0;\n %do x=0 %to &maxtries;\n %let fname=&prefix%substr(%sysfunc(ranuni(0)),3,&len);\n %if %sysfunc(fileref(&fname)) > 0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %put unable to find available fileref after &maxtries attempts;\n %end;\n%mend mf_getuniquefileref;\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquelibref(prefix=mclib,maxtries=1000);\n %local x;\n\n %if ( %length(&prefix) gt 7 ) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: The prefix parameter cannot exceed 7 characters.;\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %if (%sysfunc(NVALID(&prefix,v7))=0) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: Invalid prefix (&prefix);\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* Set maxtries equal to '10 to the power of [# unused characters] - 1' */\n %let maxtries=%eval(10**(8-%length(&prefix))-1);\n\n %do x = 0 %to &maxtries;\n %if %sysfunc(libref(&prefix&x)) ne 0 %then %do;\n &prefix&x\n %return;\n %end;\n %let x = %eval(&x + 1);\n %end;\n\n %put %str(ERR)OR: No usable libref in range &prefix.0-&maxtries;\n %put %str(ERR)OR- Try reducing the prefix or deleting some libraries!;\n 0\n%mend mf_getuniquelibref;\n\n\n%macro mv_getusergroups(user\n ,outds=work.mv_getusergroups\n ,access_token_var=ACCESS_TOKEN\n ,grant_type=sas_services\n );\n%local oauth_bearer;\n%if &grant_type=detect %then %do;\n %if %symexist(&access_token_var) %then %let grant_type=authorization_code;\n %else %let grant_type=sas_services;\n%end;\n%if &grant_type=sas_services %then %do;\n %let oauth_bearer=oauth_bearer=sas_services;\n %let &access_token_var=;\n%end;\n%put &sysmacroname: grant_type=&grant_type;\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&grant_type ne authorization_code and &grant_type ne password\n and &grant_type ne sas_services\n )\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid value for grant_type: &grant_type)\n)\noptions noquotelenmax;\n\n%local base_uri; /* location of rest apis */\n%let base_uri=%mf_getplatform(VIYARESTAPI);\n\n/* fetching folder details for provided path */\n%local fname1;\n%let fname1=%mf_getuniquefileref();\n%let libref1=%mf_getuniquelibref();\n\nproc http method='GET' out=&fname1 &oauth_bearer\n url=\"&base_uri/identities/users/&user/memberships?limit=10000\";\n headers\n%if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\"\n%end;\n \"Accept\"=\"application/json\";\nrun;\n/*data _null_;infile &fname1;input;putlog _infile_;run;*/\n%if &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE=404 %then %do;\n %put NOTE: User &user not found!!;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %mp_abort(iftrue=(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE ne 200)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_PHRASE)\n )\n%end;\nlibname &libref1 JSON fileref=&fname1;\n\ndata &outds;\n set &libref1..items;\nrun;\n\n/* clear refs */\nfilename &fname1 clear;\nlibname &libref1 clear;\n\n%mend mv_getusergroups;\n\n\n%macro dc_getusergroups(user=,outds=mm_getgroups);\n %mv_getusergroups(&user,outds=&outds)\n data &outds;\n length groupname groupdesc $256;\n set &outds(rename=(id=groupname name=groupdesc));\n run;\n%mend dc_getusergroups;\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_getgroups(user=,outds=);\n\n %if not %symexist(dc_repo_users) %then %let dc_repo_users=foundation;\n\n %dc_getusergroups(user=&user,outds=&outds)\n\n data;\n length groupname groupdesc $256;\n set &dc_libref..mpe_groups;\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to;\n where also upcase(user_name)=\"%upcase(&user)\";\n groupname=group_name;\n groupdesc=group_desc;\n keep groupname groupdesc;\n run;\n\n data &outds;\n set &syslast &outds(keep=groupname groupdesc);\n run;\n\n%mend mpe_getgroups;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquename(prefix=MC);\n&prefix.%substr(%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32-%length(&prefix))\n%mend mf_getuniquename;\n\n\n%macro mf_abort(mac=mf_abort.sas, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n)/des='ungraceful abort' /*STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n %put NOTE: /// mf_abort macro executing //;\n %if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n %put NOTE - &msg;\n\n %abort;\n\n%mend mf_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_verifymacvars(\n verifyVars /* list of macro variable NAMES */\n ,makeUpcase=NO /* set to YES to make all the variable VALUES uppercase */\n ,mAbort=SOFT\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %local verifyIterator verifyVar abortmsg;\n %do verifyIterator=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&verifyVars,%str( )));\n %let verifyVar=%qscan(&verifyVars,&verifyIterator,%str( ));\n %if not %symexist(&verifyvar) %then %do;\n %let abortmsg= Variable &verifyVar is MISSING;\n %goto exit_err;\n %end;\n %if %length(%trim(&&&verifyVar))=0 %then %do;\n %let abortmsg= Variable &verifyVar is EMPTY;\n %goto exit_err;\n %end;\n %if &makeupcase=YES %then %do;\n %let &verifyVar=%upcase(&&&verifyvar);\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %goto exit_success;\n %exit_err:\n %put &abortmsg;\n %mf_abort(iftrue=(&mabort ne SOFT),\n mac=mf_verifymacvars,\n msg=%str(&abortmsg)\n )\n 0\n %return;\n %exit_success:\n 1\n\n%mend mf_verifymacvars;\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_accesscheck(\n base_table\n ,outds=med_accesscheck /* WORK table to contain access details */\n ,user= /* metadata user to check for */\n ,access_level=APPROVE\n ,cntl_lib_var=MPELIB\n );\n\n %if &user= %then %let user=%mf_getuser();\n\n %mp_abort(\n iftrue=(%index(&outds,.)>0 and %upcase(%scan(&outds,1,.)) ne WORK)\n ,mac=mpe_accesscheck\n ,msg=%str(outds should be a WORK table)\n )\n\n %mp_abort(\n iftrue=(%mf_verifymacvars(base_table user access_level)=0)\n ,mac=mpe_accesscheck\n ,msg=%str(Missing base_table/user access_level variables)\n )\n\n /* make unique temp table vars */\n %local tempds1 tempds2;\n %let tempds1=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=usergroups);\n %let tempds2=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=tablegroups);\n\n /* get list of user groups */\n %mpe_getgroups(user=&user,outds=&tempds1)\n\n /* get list of groups with access for that table */\n proc sql;\n create table &tempds2 as\n select distinct sas_group\n from &&&cntl_lib_var...mpe_security\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to\n and access_level=\"&access_level\"\n and (\n (libref=\"%scan(&base_table,1,.)\" and upcase(dsn)=\"%scan(&base_table,2,.)\")\n or (libref=\"%scan(&base_table,1,.)\" and dsn=\"*ALL*\")\n or (libref=\"*ALL*\")\n );\n %if &_debug ge 131 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds1;\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds2;\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &outds as\n select * from &tempds1\n where groupname=\"&mpeadmins\"\n or groupname in (select * from &tempds2);\n\n %put &sysmacroname: base_table=&base_table;\n %put &sysmacroname: access_level=&access_level;\n%mend mpe_accesscheck;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getattrn(\n libds\n ,attr\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid rc;\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds,is));\n %if &dsid = 0 %then %do;\n %put %str(WARN)ING: Cannot open %trim(&libds), system message below;\n %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n -1\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,&attr))\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n%mend mf_getattrn;\n\n\n%macro mf_existds(libds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&libds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&libds,VIEW)) ne 1 %then 0;\n %else 1;\n\n%mend mf_existds;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_alerts(alert_event=\n , alert_lib=\n , alert_ds=\n , dsid=\n);\n\n/* exit if not configured */\n%global DC_EMAIL_ALERTS;\n%if &DC_EMAIL_ALERTS ne YES %then %do;\n %put DCNOTE: Email alerts are not configured;\n %put DCNOTE: (dc_email_alerts=&dc_email_alerts in &mpelib..mpe_config);\n %return;\n%end;\n\n\n%let alert_event=%upcase(&alert_event);\n%let alert_lib=%upcase(&alert_lib);\n%let alert_ds=%upcase(&alert_ds);\n%let from_user=%mf_getuser();\n\n\n/* get users TO which the email should be sent */\n\nproc sql noprint;\ncreate table work.users as select distinct a.alert_user,\n b.user_displayname,\n b.user_email\n from &mpelib..mpe_alerts\n (where=(&dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to)) a\n left join &mpelib..mpe_emails\n (where=(&dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to)) b\n on upcase(trim(a.alert_user))=upcase(trim(b.user_name))\n where a.alert_event in (\"&alert_event\",\"*ALL*\")\n and a.alert_lib in (\"&alert_lib\",\"*ALL*\")\n and a.alert_ds in (\"&alert_ds\",\"*ALL*\");\n\n/* ensure the submitter is included on the email */\n%local isThere userdisp user_eml;\n%let isThere=0;\nselect count(*) into: isThere from &syslast where alert_user=\"&from_user\";\n%if &isThere=0 %then %do;\n select user_displayname, user_email\n into: userdisp trimmed, :user_eml trimmed\n from &mpelib..mpe_emails\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to\n and user_name=\"&from_user\";\n insert into work.users\n set alert_user=\"&from_user\"\n ,user_displayname=\"&userdisp\"\n ,user_email=\"&user_eml\";\n%end;\n\n\n/* if no email / displayname is provided, then extract from metadata */\ndata work.emails;\n set work.users;\n length emailuri uri text $256; call missing(emailuri,uri); drop emailuri uri;\n\n /* get displayname */\n text=cats(\"omsobj:Person?@Name='\",alert_user,\"'\");\n if metadata_getnobj(text,1,uri)<=0 then do;\n putlog \"DCWARN: &from_user not found\";\n return;\n end;\n else if user_displayname = '' then do;\n if metadata_getattr(uri,'DisplayName',user_displayname)<0 then do;\n putlog 'DCWARN: strange err, no displayname attribute of user URI';\n end;\n end;\n\n if index(user_email,'@') then return;\n /* get email from metadata if not in input table */\n if metadata_getnasn(uri,\"EmailAddresses\",1,emailuri)<=0 then do;\n putlog \"DCWARN: \" alert_user \" has no emails in MPE_EMAILS or metadata!\";\n if metadata_getattr(emailuri,\"Address\",user_email)<0 then do;\n putlog 'DCWARN: Unexpected error! Valid emailURI but no email. Weird.';\n end;\n end;\n /* only keep valid emails */\n if index(user_email,'@') ;\n /* dump contents for debugging */\n if _n_<21 then putlog (_all_)(=);\nrun;\n\n%local emails;\nproc sql noprint;\nselect quote(trim(user_email)) into: emails separated by ' ' from work.emails;\n\n/* exit if nobody to email */\n%if %mf_getattrn(emails,NLOBS)=0 %then %do;\n %put NOTE: No alerts configured (mpe_alerts.sas);\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* display email options */\ndata _null_;\n set sashelp.voption(where=(group='EMAIL'));\n put optname '=' setting;\nrun;\n\nfilename __out email (&emails)\n subject=\"Table &alert_lib..&alert_ds has been &alert_event\";\n\n%local SUBMITTED_TXT;\n%if &alert_event=SUBMITTED %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &mpelib..mpe_submit;\n where table_id=\"&dsid\" and submit_status_cd='SUBMITTED';\n call symputx('SUBMITTED_TXT',submitted_reason_txt,'l');\n run;\n data _null_;\n File __out lrecl=32000;\n put 'Dear user,';\n put ' ';\n put \"Please be advised that a change to table &alert_lib..&alert_ds has \"\n \"been proposed by &from_user on the '&syshostname' SAS server.\";\n put \" \";\n length txt $2048;\n txt=symget('SUBMITTED_TXT');\n put \"Reason provided: \" txt;\n put \" \";\n put \"This is an automated email by Data Controller for SAS. For \"\n \"documentation, please visit https://docs.datacontroller.io\";\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &alert_event=APPROVED %then %do;\n /* there is no approval message */\n data _null_;\n File __out lrecl=32000;\n put 'Dear user,';\n put ' ';\n put \"Please be advised that a change to table &alert_lib..&alert_ds has \"\n \"been approved by &from_user on the '&syshostname' SAS server.\";\n put \" \";\n put \"This is an automated email by Data Controller for SAS. For \"\n \"documentation, please visit https://docs.datacontroller.io\";\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &alert_event=REJECTED %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &mpelib..mpe_review;\n where table_id=\"&dsid\" and review_status_id='REJECTED';\n call symputx('REVIEW_REASON_TXT',REVIEW_REASON_TXT,'l');\n run;\n data _null_;\n File __out lrecl=32000;\n put 'Dear user,';\n put ' ';\n put \"Please be advised that a change to table &alert_lib..&alert_ds has \"\n \"been rejected by &from_user on the '&syshostname' SAS server.\";\n put \" \";\n length txt $2048;\n txt=symget('REVIEW_REASON_TXT');\n put \"Reason provided: \" txt;\n put \" \";\n put \"This is an automated email by Data Controller for SAS. For \"\n \"documentation, please visit https://docs.datacontroller.io\";\n run;\n%end;\n\nfilename __out clear;\n\n%mend mpe_alerts ;\n\n\n%macro mpe_xlmapvalidate(mperef,inds,dclib,tgtds);\n\n %local ismap;\n proc sql noprint;\n select count(*) into: ismap\n from &dclib..mpe_xlmap_info\n where XLMAP_TARGETLIBDS=\"&tgtds\" and &dc_dttmtfmt. le TX_TO ;\n\n %if \"&tgtds\"=\"&dclib..MPE_XLMAP_DATA\" or &ismap>0 %then %do;\n data &inds;\n set &inds;\n LOAD_REF=\"&mperef\";\n run;\n %end;\n\n%mend mpe_xlmapvalidate;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_loadfail(\n status=FAILED - &syscc\n ,now=%sysfunc(datetime())\n ,approvals=\n ,mperef=\n ,reason_txt=\n ,mac=mpe_loadfail.sas\n ,dc_dttmtfmt=E8601DT26.6\n );\n /* do not perform duration calc in pass through */\n %local dur;\n data _null_;\n now=symget('now');\n dur=%sysfunc(datetime())-&now;\n call symputx('dur',dur,'l');\n run;\n proc sql;\n update &mpelib..mpe_loads\n set STATUS=symget('status')\n , duration=&dur\n , processed_dttm=&dc_dttmtfmt.\n , approvals = symget('approvals')\n , reason_txt= symget('reason_txt')\n where CSV_DIR=\"&mperef\";\n %let syscc=666;\n %mp_abort(msg=%superq(status)\\n%superq(reason_txt),mac=&mac)\n%mend mpe_loadfail;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_isblank(param\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %sysevalf(%superq(param)=,boolean)\n\n%mend mf_isblank;\n\n\n%macro mv_getfoldermembers(root=/\n ,access_token_var=ACCESS_TOKEN\n ,grant_type=sas_services\n ,outds=mv_getfolders\n );\n%local oauth_bearer;\n%if &grant_type=detect %then %do;\n %if %symexist(&access_token_var) %then %let grant_type=authorization_code;\n %else %let grant_type=sas_services;\n%end;\n%if &grant_type=sas_services %then %do;\n %let oauth_bearer=oauth_bearer=sas_services;\n %let &access_token_var=;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&grant_type ne authorization_code and &grant_type ne password\n and &grant_type ne sas_services\n )\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid value for grant_type: &grant_type)\n)\n\n%if %mf_isblank(&root)=1 %then %let root=/;\n\noptions noquotelenmax;\n\n/* request the client details */\n%local fname1 libref1;\n%let fname1=%mf_getuniquefileref();\n%let libref1=%mf_getuniquelibref();\n\n%local base_uri; /* location of rest apis */\n%let base_uri=%mf_getplatform(VIYARESTAPI);\n\n%if \"&root\"=\"/\" %then %do;\n /* if root just list root folders */\n proc http method='GET' out=&fname1 &oauth_bearer\n url=\"&base_uri/folders/rootFolders?limit=1000\";\n %if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n headers \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\";\n %end;\n run;\n libname &libref1 JSON fileref=&fname1;\n data &outds;\n set &libref1..items;\n run;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n /* first get parent folder id */\n proc http method='GET' out=&fname1 &oauth_bearer\n url=\"&base_uri/folders/folders/@item?path=&root\";\n %if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n headers \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\";\n %end;\n run;\n /*data _null_;infile &fname1;input;putlog _infile_;run;*/\n libname &libref1 JSON fileref=&fname1;\n /* now get the followon link to list members */\n %local href cnt;\n %let cnt=0;\n data _null_;\n length rel href $512;\n call missing(rel,href);\n set &libref1..links;\n if rel='members' then do;\n url=cats(\"'\",\"&base_uri\",href,\"?limit=10000'\");\n call symputx('href',url,'l');\n call symputx('cnt',1,'l');\n end;\n run;\n %if &cnt=0 %then %do;\n %put NOTE:;%put NOTE- No members found in &root!!;%put NOTE-;\n %return;\n %end;\n %local fname2 libref2;\n %let fname2=%mf_getuniquefileref();\n %let libref2=%mf_getuniquelibref();\n proc http method='GET' out=&fname2 &oauth_bearer\n url=%unquote(%superq(href));\n %if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n headers \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\";\n %end;\n run;\n libname &libref2 JSON fileref=&fname2;\n data &outds;\n length id $36 name $128 uri $64 type $32 description $256;\n if _n_=1 then call missing (of _all_);\n set &libref2..items;\n run;\n filename &fname2 clear;\n libname &libref2 clear;\n%end;\n\n\n/* clear refs */\nfilename &fname1 clear;\nlibname &libref1 clear;\n\n%mend mv_getfoldermembers;\n\n\n%macro mv_getjobcode(outref=0,outfile=0\n ,name=0,path=0\n ,contextName=SAS Job Execution compute context\n ,access_token_var=ACCESS_TOKEN\n ,grant_type=sas_services\n ,mdebug=0\n );\n%local dbg bufsize varcnt fname1 fname2 errmsg;\n%if &mdebug=1 %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname local entry vars:;\n %put _local_;\n%end;\n%else %let dbg=*;\n\n%local oauth_bearer;\n%if &grant_type=detect %then %do;\n %if %symexist(&access_token_var) %then %let grant_type=authorization_code;\n %else %let grant_type=sas_services;\n%end;\n%if &grant_type=sas_services %then %do;\n %let oauth_bearer=oauth_bearer=sas_services;\n %let &access_token_var=;\n%end;\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&grant_type ne authorization_code and &grant_type ne password\n and &grant_type ne sas_services\n )\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid value for grant_type: &grant_type)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(\"&path\"=\"0\")\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Job Path not provided)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(\"&name\"=\"0\")\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Job Name not provided)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(\"&outfile\"=\"0\" and \"&outref\"=\"0\")\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Output destination (file or fileref) must be provided)\n)\noptions noquotelenmax;\n%local base_uri; /* location of rest apis */\n%let base_uri=%mf_getplatform(VIYARESTAPI);\ndata;run;\n%local foldermembers;\n%let foldermembers=&syslast;\n%mv_getfoldermembers(root=&path\n ,access_token_var=&access_token_var\n ,grant_type=&grant_type\n ,outds=&foldermembers\n)\n%local joburi;\n%let joburi=0;\ndata _null_;\n length name uri $512;\n call missing(name,uri);\n set &foldermembers;\n if name=\"&name\" and uri=:'/jobDefinitions/definitions'\n then call symputx('joburi',uri);\nrun;\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(\"&joburi\"=\"0\")\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Job &path/&name not found)\n)\n\n/* prepare request*/\n%let fname1=%mf_getuniquefileref();\nproc http method='GET' out=&fname1 &oauth_bearer\n url=\"&base_uri&joburi\";\n headers \"Accept\"=\"application/vnd.sas.job.definition+json\"\n %if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\"\n %end;\n ;\nrun;\n\n%if &mdebug=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &fname1;\n input;\n putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(\n iftrue=(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE ne 200 and &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE ne 201)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_PHRASE)\n)\n\n%let fname2=%mf_getuniquefileref();\nfilename &fname2 temp ;\n\n/* cannot use lua IO package as not available in Viya 4 */\n/* so use data step to read the JSON until the string `\"code\":\"` is found */\ndata _null_;\n file &fname2 recfm=n;\n infile &fname1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n retain startwrite 0;\n if startwrite=0 and sourcechar='\"' then do;\n reentry:\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n if sourcechar='c' then do;\n reentry2:\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n if sourcechar='o' then do;\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n if sourcechar='d' then do;\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n if sourcechar='e' then do;\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n if sourcechar='\"' then do;\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n if sourcechar=':' then do;\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n if sourcechar='\"' then do;\n putlog 'code found';\n startwrite=1;\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n end;\n end;\n else if sourcechar='c' then goto reentry2;\n end;\n end;\n else if sourcechar='\"' then goto reentry;\n end;\n else if sourcechar='\"' then goto reentry;\n end;\n else if sourcechar='\"' then goto reentry;\n end;\n else if sourcechar='\"' then goto reentry;\n end;\n /* once the `\"code\":\"` string is found, write until unescaped `\"` is found */\n if startwrite=1 then do;\n if sourcechar='\\' then do;\n input sourcechar $ 1. @@;\n if sourcechar in ('\"','\\') then put sourcechar char1.;\n else if sourcechar='n' then put '0A'x;\n else if sourcechar='r' then put '0D'x;\n else if sourcechar='t' then put '09'x;\n else if sourcechar='u' then do;\n length uni $4;\n input uni $ 4. @@;\n sourcechar=unicode('\\u'!!uni);\n put sourcechar char1.;\n end;\n else do;\n call symputx('errmsg',\"Uncaught escape char: \"!!sourcechar,'l');\n call symputx('syscc',99);\n stop;\n end;\n end;\n else if sourcechar='\"' then stop;\n else put sourcechar char1.;\n end;\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(\"&syscc\"=\"99\")\n ,mac=mv_getjobcode\n ,msg=%str(&errmsg)\n)\n\n/* export to desired destination */\n%if \"&outref\"=\"0\" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n file \"&outfile\" lrecl=32767;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n filename &outref temp;\n data _null_;\n file &outref;\n%end;\n infile &fname2;\n input;\n put _infile_;\n &dbg. putlog _infile_;\nrun;\n\n%if &mdebug=1 %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname exit vars:;\n %put _local_;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n /* clear refs */\n filename &fname1 clear;\n filename &fname2 clear;\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_getjobcode;\n\n\n\n%macro dc_getservicecode(loc=,outref=);\n\n%local name;\n%let name=%scan(&loc,-1,/);\n%mv_getjobcode(path=%substr(&loc,1,%length(&loc)-%length(&name)-1)\n ,name=&name\n ,outref=&outref\n)\n\n%mend dc_getservicecode;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_include(fileref\n ,prefix=_\n ,opts=SOURCE2\n ,errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n/* prepare precode */\n%local tempref;\n%let tempref=%mf_getuniquefileref();\ndata _null_;\n file &tempref;\n set sashelp.vextfl(where=(fileref=\"%upcase(&fileref)\"));\n put '%let _SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE=' xengine ';';\n name=scan(xpath,-1,'/\\');\n put '%let _SYSINCLUDEFILENAME=' name ';';\n path=subpad(xpath,1,length(xpath)-length(name)-1);\n put '%let _SYSINCLUDEFILEDIR=' path ';';\n put '%let _SYSINCLUDEFILEFILEREF=' \"&fileref;\";\nrun;\n\n/* prepare the errds */\ndata &errds;\n length msg mac $1000;\n call missing(msg,mac);\n iftrue='1=0';\nrun;\n\n/* include the include */\n%inc &tempref &fileref/&opts;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=%str(&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDIR/&_SYSINCLUDEFILENAME)\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after executing &_SYSINCLUDEFILENAME)\n)\n\nfilename &tempref clear;\n\n%mend mp_include;\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_runhook(hookvar);\n%local pgmloc pgmtype;\n%let pgmtype=0;\n%put &sysmacroname: &=hookvar;\n%if %length(&&&hookvar)>0 %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Executing &&&hookvar;\n data _null_;\n rule_value=symget(\"&hookvar\");\n if scan(upcase(rule_value),-1,'.')='SAS' then do;\n call symputx('pgmtype','PGM');\n call symputx('pgmloc',rule_value);\n end;\n else do;\n apploc=\"%mf_getapploc()\";\n if substr(rule_value,1,1) ne '/'\n then rule_value=cats(apploc,'/',rule_value);\n call symputx('pgmloc',rule_value);\n call symputx('pgmtype','JOB');\n end;\n run;\n\n %if &pgmtype=PGM %then %do;\n filename sascode \"&pgmloc\";\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %dc_getservicecode(loc=&pgmloc\n ,outref=sascode\n )\n %end;\n\n /* the below script will need to modify work.STAGING_DS */\n %local x; %let x=; /* legacy feature */\n %mp_include(sascode)\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mpe_runhook;\n\n\n\n%macro dc_assignlib(type,libref,passthru=);\n %if %length(&passthru)>0 %then %do;\n proc sql;\n connect using &libref as &passthru;\n %end;\n%mend dc_assignlib;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mkdir(dir\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %local lastchar child parent;\n\n %let lastchar = %substr(&dir, %length(&dir));\n %if (%bquote(&lastchar) eq %str(:)) %then %do;\n /* Cannot create drive mappings */\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if (%bquote(&lastchar)=%str(/)) or (%bquote(&lastchar)=%str(\\)) %then %do;\n /* last char is a slash */\n %if (%length(&dir) eq 1) %then %do;\n /* one single slash - root location is assumed to exist */\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /* strip last slash */\n %let dir = %substr(&dir, 1, %length(&dir)-1);\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if (%sysfunc(fileexist(%bquote(&dir))) = 0) %then %do;\n /* directory does not exist so prepare to create */\n /* first get the childmost directory */\n %let child = %scan(&dir, -1, %str(/\\:));\n\n /*\n If child name = path name then there are no parents to create. Else\n they must be recursively scanned.\n */\n\n %if (%length(&dir) gt %length(&child)) %then %do;\n %let parent = %substr(&dir, 1, %length(&dir)-%length(&child));\n %mf_mkdir(&parent)\n %end;\n\n /*\n Now create the directory. Complain loudly of any errs.\n */\n\n %let dname = %sysfunc(dcreate(&child, &parent));\n %if (%bquote(&dname) eq ) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: could not create &parent + &child;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put Directory created: &dir;\n %end;\n %end;\n /* exit quietly if directory did exist.*/\n%mend mf_mkdir;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mddl_sas_cntlout(libds=WORK.CNTLOUT);\n\n proc sql;\n create table &libds(\n TYPE char(1) label=\n'Format Type: either N (num fmt), C (char fmt), I (num infmt) or J (char infmt)'\n ,FMTNAME char(32) label='Format name'\n ,FMTROW num label=\n'CALCULATED Position of record by FMTNAME (reqd for multilabel formats)'\n ,START char(32767) label='Starting value for format'\n /*\n Keep lengths of START and END the same to avoid this err:\n \"Start is greater than end: -<.\"\n Similar usage note: https://support.sas.com/kb/69/330.html\n */\n ,END char(32767) label='Ending value for format'\n ,LABEL char(32767) label='Format value label'\n ,MIN num length=3 label='Minimum length'\n ,MAX num length=3 label='Maximum length'\n ,DEFAULT num length=3 label='Default length'\n ,LENGTH num length=3 label='Format length'\n ,FUZZ num label='Fuzz value'\n ,PREFIX char(2) label='Prefix characters'\n ,MULT num label='Multiplier'\n ,FILL char(1) label='Fill character'\n ,NOEDIT num length=3 label='Is picture string noedit?'\n ,SEXCL char(1) label='Start exclusion'\n ,EEXCL char(1) label='End exclusion'\n ,HLO char(13) label=\n'More info: https://core.sasjs.io/mddl__sas__cntlout_8sas_source.html'\n ,DECSEP char(1) label='Decimal separator'\n ,DIG3SEP char(1) label='Three-digit separator'\n ,DATATYPE char(8) label='Date/time/datetime?'\n ,LANGUAGE char(8) label='Language for date strings'\n );\n\n %local lib;\n %let libds=%upcase(&libds);\n %if %index(&libds,.)=0 %then %let lib=WORK;\n %else %let lib=%scan(&libds,1,.);\n\n proc datasets lib=&lib noprint;\n modify %scan(&libds,-1,.);\n index create\n pk_cntlout=(type fmtname fmtrow)\n /nomiss unique;\n quit;\n\n%mend mddl_sas_cntlout;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_aligndecimal(var,width=8);\n\n %local tmpvar;\n %let tmpvar=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=aligndp);\n length &tmpvar $&width;\n if index(&var,'.') then do;\n &tmpvar=cats(scan(&var,1,'.'));\n &tmpvar=right(&tmpvar);\n &var=&tmpvar!!'.'!!cats(scan(&var,2,'.'));\n end;\n else do;\n &tmpvar=cats(&var);\n &tmpvar=right(&tmpvar);\n &var=&tmpvar;\n end;\n drop &tmpvar;\n\n%mend mp_aligndecimal;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_cntlout(\n iftrue=(1=1)\n ,libcat=\n ,cntlout=work.fmtextract\n ,fmtlist=0\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local ddlds cntlds i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%let ddlds=%mf_getuniquename();\n%let cntlds=%mf_getuniquename();\n\n%mddl_sas_cntlout(libds=&ddlds)\n\n%if %index(&libcat,-)>0 and %scan(&libcat,2,-)=FC %then %do;\n %let libcat=%scan(&libcat,1,-);\n%end;\n\nproc format lib=&libcat cntlout=&cntlds;\n%if \"&fmtlist\" ne \"0\" and \"&fmtlist\" ne \"\" %then %do;\n select\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&fmtlist,%str( )));\n %scan(&fmtlist,&i,%str( ))\n %end;\n ;\n%end;\nrun;\n\ndata &cntlout/nonote2err;\n if 0 then set &ddlds;\n set &cntlds;\n by type fmtname notsorted;\n\n /* align the numeric values to avoid overlapping ranges */\n if type in (\"I\",\"N\") then do;\n %mp_aligndecimal(start,width=16)\n %mp_aligndecimal(end,width=16)\n end;\n\n /* create row marker. Data cannot be sorted without it! */\n if first.fmtname then fmtrow=1;\n else fmtrow+1;\n\nrun;\nproc sort;\n by type fmtname fmtrow;\nrun;\n\nproc sql;\ndrop table &ddlds,&cntlds;\n\n%mend mp_cntlout;\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n%macro mf_getvarlist(libds\n ,dlm=%str( )\n ,quote=no\n ,typefilter=A\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n /* declare local vars */\n %local outvar dsid nvars x rc dlm q var vtype;\n\n /* credit Rowland Hale - byte34 is double quote, 39 is single quote */\n %if %upcase("e)=DOUBLE %then %let q=%qsysfunc(byte(34));\n %else %if %upcase("e)=SINGLE %then %let q=%qsysfunc(byte(39));\n /* open dataset in macro */\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds));\n\n %if &dsid %then %do;\n %let nvars=%sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,NVARS));\n %if &nvars>0 %then %do;\n /* add variables with supplied delimeter */\n %do x=1 %to &nvars;\n /* get variable type */\n %let vtype=%sysfunc(vartype(&dsid,&x));\n %if &vtype=&typefilter or &typefilter=A %then %do;\n %let var=&q.%sysfunc(varname(&dsid,&x))&q.;\n %if &var=&q&q %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Empty column found in &libds!;\n %let var=&q. &q.;\n %end;\n %if %quote(&outvar)=%quote() %then %let outvar=&var;\n %else %let outvar=&outvar.&dlm.&var.;\n %end;\n %end;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Unable to open &libds (rc=&dsid);\n %put &sysmacroname: SYSMSG= %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n %do;%unquote(&outvar)%end;\n%mend mf_getvarlist;\n\n\n%macro mf_wordsInStr1ButNotStr2(\n Str1= /* string containing words to extract */\n ,Str2= /* used to compare with the extract string */\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%local count_base count_extr i i2 extr_word base_word match outvar;\n%if %length(&str1)=0 or %length(&str2)=0 %then %do;\n %put base string (str1)= &str1;\n %put compare string (str2) = &str2;\n %return;\n%end;\n%let count_base=%sysfunc(countw(&Str2));\n%let count_extr=%sysfunc(countw(&Str1));\n\n%do i=1 %to &count_extr;\n %let extr_word=%scan(&Str1,&i,%str( ));\n %let match=0;\n %do i2=1 %to &count_base;\n %let base_word=%scan(&Str2,&i2,%str( ));\n %if &extr_word=&base_word %then %let match=1;\n %end;\n %if &match=0 %then %let outvar=&outvar &extr_word;\n%end;\n\n &outvar\n\n%mend mf_wordsInStr1ButNotStr2;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_dropmembers(\n list /* space separated list of datasets / views */\n ,libref=WORK /* can only drop from a single library at a time */\n ,iftrue=%str(1=1)\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n %if %mf_isblank(&list) %then %do;\n %put NOTE: nothing to drop!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n proc datasets lib=&libref nolist;\n delete &list;\n delete &list /mtype=view;\n run;\n%mend mp_dropmembers;\n\n\n%macro mp_dirlist(path=%sysfunc(pathname(work))\n , fref=0\n , outds=work.mp_dirlist\n , getattrs=NO\n , showparent=NO\n , maxdepth=0\n , level=0 /* The level of recursion to perform. For internal use only. */\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%let getattrs=%upcase(&getattrs)XX;\n\n/* temp table */\n%local out_ds;\ndata;run;\n%let out_ds=%str(&syslast);\n\n/* drop main (top) table if it exists */\n%if &level=0 %then %do;\n %mp_dropmembers(%scan(&outds,-1,.), libref=WORK)\n%end;\n\ndata &out_ds(compress=no\n keep=file_or_folder filepath filename ext msg directory level\n );\n length directory filepath $2000 fref fref2 $8 file_or_folder $6 filename $255\n ext $20 msg $200 foption $16;\n if _n_=1 then call missing(of _all_);\n retain level &level;\n %if &fref=0 %then %do;\n rc = filename(fref, \"&path\");\n %end;\n %else %do;\n fref=\"&fref\";\n rc=0;\n %end;\n if rc = 0 then do;\n did = dopen(fref);\n if did=0 then do;\n putlog \"NOTE: This directory is empty, or does not exist - &path\";\n msg=sysmsg();\n put (_all_)(=);\n stop;\n end;\n /* attribute is OS-dependent - could be \"Directory\" or \"Directory Name\" */\n numopts=doptnum(did);\n do i=1 to numopts;\n foption=doptname(did,i);\n if foption=:'Directory' then i=numopts;\n end;\n directory=dinfo(did,foption);\n rc = filename(fref);\n end;\n else do;\n msg=sysmsg();\n put _all_;\n stop;\n end;\n dnum = dnum(did);\n do i = 1 to dnum;\n filename = dread(did, i);\n filepath=cats(directory,'/',filename);\n rc = filename(fref2,filepath);\n midd=dopen(fref2);\n dmsg=sysmsg();\n if did > 0 then file_or_folder='folder';\n rc=dclose(midd);\n midf=fopen(fref2);\n fmsg=sysmsg();\n if midf > 0 then file_or_folder='file';\n rc=fclose(midf);\n\n if index(fmsg,'File is in use') or index(dmsg,'is not a directory')\n then file_or_folder='file';\n else if index(fmsg,'Insufficient authorization') then file_or_folder='file';\n else if file_or_folder='' then file_or_folder='locked';\n\n if file_or_folder='file' then do;\n ext = prxchange('s/.*\\.{1,1}(.*)/$1/', 1, filename);\n if filename = ext then ext = ' ';\n end;\n else do;\n ext='';\n file_or_folder='folder';\n end;\n output;\n end;\n rc = dclose(did);\n %if &showparent=YES and &level=0 %then %do;\n filepath=directory;\n file_or_folder='folder';\n ext='';\n filename=scan(directory,-1,'/\\');\n msg='';\n level=&level;\n output;\n %end;\n stop;\nrun;\n\n%if %substr(&getattrs,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n data &out_ds;\n set &out_ds;\n length infoname infoval $60 fref $8;\n if _n_=1 then call missing(fref);\n rc=filename(fref,filepath);\n drop rc infoname fid i close fref;\n if file_or_folder='file' then do;\n fid=fopen(fref);\n if fid le 0 then do;\n msg=sysmsg();\n putlog \"Could not open file:\" filepath fid= ;\n sasname='_MCNOTVALID_';\n output;\n end;\n else do i=1 to foptnum(fid);\n infoname=foptname(fid,i);\n infoval=finfo(fid,infoname);\n sasname=compress(infoname, '_', 'adik');\n if anydigit(sasname)=1 then sasname=substr(sasname,anyalpha(sasname));\n if upcase(sasname) ne 'FILENAME' then output;\n end;\n close=fclose(fid);\n end;\n else do;\n fid=dopen(fref);\n if fid le 0 then do;\n msg=sysmsg();\n putlog \"Could not open folder:\" filepath fid= ;\n sasname='_MCNOTVALID_';\n output;\n end;\n else do i=1 to doptnum(fid);\n infoname=doptname(fid,i);\n infoval=dinfo(fid,infoname);\n sasname=compress(infoname, '_', 'adik');\n if anydigit(sasname)=1 then sasname=substr(sasname,anyalpha(sasname));\n if upcase(sasname) ne 'FILENAME' then output;\n end;\n close=dclose(fid);\n end;\n run;\n proc sort;\n by filepath sasname;\n proc transpose data=&out_ds out=&out_ds(drop=_:);\n id sasname;\n var infoval;\n by filepath file_or_folder filename ext ;\n run;\n%end;\n\ndata &out_ds;\n set &out_ds(where=(filepath ne ''));\nrun;\n\n/**\n * The above transpose can mean that some updates create additional columns.\n * This necessitates the occasional use of datastep over proc append.\n */\n%if %mf_existds(&outds) %then %do;\n %local basevars appvars newvars;\n %let basevars=%mf_getvarlist(&outds);\n %let appvars=%mf_getvarlist(&out_ds);\n %let newvars=%length(%mf_wordsinstr1butnotstr2(Str1=&appvars,Str2=&basevars));\n %if &newvars>0 %then %do;\n data &outds;\n set &outds &out_ds;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n proc append base=&outds data=&out_ds force nowarn;\n run;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n proc append base=&outds data=&out_ds;\n run;\n%end;\n\n/* recursive call */\n%if &maxdepth>&level or &maxdepth=MAX %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &out_ds;\n where file_or_folder='folder';\n %if &showparent=YES and &level=0 %then %do;\n if filepath ne directory;\n %end;\n length code $10000;\n code=cats('%nrstr(%mp_dirlist(path=',filepath,\",outds=&outds\"\n ,\",getattrs=&getattrs,level=%eval(&level+1),maxdepth=&maxdepth))\");\n put code=;\n call execute(code);\n run;\n%end;\n\n/* tidy up */\nproc sql;\ndrop table &out_ds;\n\n%mend mp_dirlist;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getattrc(\n libds\n ,attr\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid rc;\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds,is));\n %if &dsid = 0 %then %do;\n %put %str(WARN)ING: Cannot open %trim(&libds), system message below;\n %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n -1\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %sysfunc(attrc(&dsid,&attr))\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n%mend mf_getattrc;\n\n\n%macro mp_lockfilecheck(\n libds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\ndata _null_;\n if _n_=1 then putlog \"&sysmacroname entry vars:\";\n set sashelp.vmacro;\n where scope=\"&sysmacroname\";\n put name '=' value;\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc>0)\n ,mac=checklock.sas\n ,msg=Aborting with syscc=&syscc on entry.\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (\"&libds\"=\"0\")\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(libds not provided)\n)\n\n%local msg lib ds;\n%let lib=%upcase(%scan(&libds,1,.));\n%let ds=%upcase(%scan(&libds,2,.));\n\n/* in DC, format catalogs are passed with a -FC suffix. No saslock here! */\n%if %scan(&libds,2,-)=FC %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Format Catalog detected, no lockfile applied to &libds;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* do not proceed if no observations can be processed */\n%let msg=options obs = 0. syserrortext=%superq(syserrortext);\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (%sysfunc(getoption(OBS))=0)\n ,mac=checklock.sas\n ,msg=%superq(msg)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n putlog \"Checking engine & member type\";\nrun;\n%local engine memtype;\n%let memtype=%mf_getattrc(&libds,MTYPE);\n%let engine=%mf_getattrc(&libds,ENGINE);\n\n%if &engine ne V9 and &engine ne BASE %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog \"Lib &lib is not assigned using BASE engine - uses &engine instead\";\n putlog \"SAS lock check will not be performed\";\n run;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if &memtype ne DATA %then %do;\n %put NOTE: Cannot lock a VIEW!! Memtype=&memtype;\n %return;\n%end;\n\ndata _null_;\n putlog \"Engine = &engine, memtype=&memtype\";\n putlog \"Attempting lock statement\";\nrun;\n\nlock &libds;\n\n%local abortme;\n%let abortme=0;\n%if &syscc>0 or &SYSLCKRC ne 0 %then %do;\n %let msg=Unable to apply lock on &libds (SYSLCKRC=&SYSLCKRC syscc=&syscc);\n %put %str(ERR)OR: &sysmacroname: &msg;\n %let abortme=1;\n%end;\n\nlock &libds clear;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&abortme=1)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%superq(msg)\n)\n\n%mend mp_lockfilecheck;\n\n\n%macro mp_lockanytable(\n action\n ,lib= WORK\n ,ds=0\n ,ref=\n ,ctl_ds=0\n ,loops=25\n ,loop_secs=1\n );\ndata _null_;\n if _n_=1 then putlog \"&sysmacroname entry vars:\";\n set sashelp.vmacro;\n where scope=\"&sysmacroname\";\n put name '=' value;\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (\"&ds\"=\"0\" and &action ne MAKETABLE)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(dataset was not provided)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&ctl_ds=0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Control dataset was not provided)\n)\n\n/* set up lib & mac vars */\n%let lib=%upcase(&lib);\n%let ds=%upcase(&ds);\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n%local user x trans msg abortme;\n%let user=%mf_getuser();\n%let abortme=0;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&action ne LOCK & &action ne UNLOCK & &action ne MAKETABLE)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid action (&action) provided)\n)\n\n/* if an err condition exists, exit before we even begin */\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc>0 and &action=LOCK)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(aborting due to syscc=&syscc on LOCK entry)\n)\n\n/* do not bother locking work tables (else may affect all WORK libraries) */\n%if (%upcase(&lib)=WORK or %str(&lib)=%str()) & &action ne MAKETABLE %then %do;\n %put NOTE: WORK libraries will not be registered in the locking system.;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* do not proceed if no observations can be processed */\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (%sysfunc(getoption(OBS))=0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(cannot continue when options obs = 0)\n)\n\n%if &ACTION=LOCK %then %do;\n\n /* abort if a SAS lock is already in place, or cannot be applied */\n %mp_lockfilecheck(&lib..&ds)\n\n /* next, check there is a record for this table */\n %local record_exists_check;\n proc sql noprint;\n select count(*) into: record_exists_check from &ctl_ds\n where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" and LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n quit;\n %if &syscc>0 %then %put syscc=&syscc sqlrc=&sqlrc;\n %if &record_exists_check=0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog \"&sysmacroname: adding record to lock table..\";\n run;\n\n data ;\n if 0 then set &ctl_ds;\n LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\";\n LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n LOCK_STATUS_CD='LOCKED';\n LOCK_START_DTTM=\"%sysfunc(datetime(),%mf_fmtdttm())\"dt;\n LOCK_USER_NM=\"&user\";\n LOCK_PID=\"&sysjobid\";\n LOCK_REF=\"&ref\";\n output;stop;\n run;\n %let trans=&syslast;\n proc append base=&ctl_ds data=&trans;\n run;\n %end;\n /* if record does exist, perform lock attempts */\n %else %do x=1 %to &loops;\n data _null_;\n putlog \"&sysmacroname: attempting lock (iteration &x) \"@;\n putlog \"at %sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.) ..\";\n run;\n\n proc sql;\n update &ctl_ds\n set LOCK_STATUS_CD='LOCKED'\n , LOCK_START_DTTM=\"%sysfunc(datetime(),%mf_fmtdttm())\"dt\n , LOCK_USER_NM=\"&user\"\n , LOCK_PID=\"&sysjobid\"\n , LOCK_REF=\"&ref\"\n where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" and LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n quit;\n /**\n * NOTE - occasionally SQL server will return an err code (deadlocked\n * transaction). If so, ignore it, keep calm, and carry on..\n */\n %if &syscc>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n putlog \"NOTE- &sysmacroname: Update failed. \"@;\n putlog \"Resetting err conditions and re-attempting.\";\n putlog \"NOTE- syscc=&syscc syserr=&syserr sqlrc=&sqlrc\";\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n run;\n %let syscc=0;\n %let sqlrc=0;\n %end;\n\n /* now check if the record was successfully updated */\n %local success_check;\n proc sql noprint;\n select count(*) into: success_check from &ctl_ds\n where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" and LOCK_DS=\"&ds\"\n and LOCK_PID=\"&sysjobid\" and LOCK_STATUS_CD='LOCKED';\n quit;\n %if &success_check=0 %then %do;\n %if &x < &loops %then %do;\n /* pause before next check */\n data _null_;\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n putlog \"NOTE- &sysmacroname: table locked, waiting \"@;\n putlog \"%sysfunc(sleep(&loop_secs)) seconds.. \";\n putlog \"NOTE- (iteration &x of &loops)\";\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %let msg=Unable to lock &lib..&ds via &ctl_ds after &loops attempts.\\n\n Please ask your administrator to investigate!;\n %let abortme=1;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n putlog \"NOTE- &sysmacroname: Table &lib..&ds locked at \"@;\n putlog \" %sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.) (iteration &x)\"@;\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n run;\n %if &syscc>0 %then %do;\n %put setting syscc(&syscc) back to 0;\n %let syscc=0;\n %end;\n %let x=&loops; /* no more iterations needed */\n %end;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &ACTION=UNLOCK %then %do;\n %local status cnt;\n %let cnt=0;\n proc sql noprint;\n select count(*) into: cnt from &ctl_ds where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" & LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n %if &cnt=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(WAR)NING: &lib..&ds was not previously locked in &ctl_ds!;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n select LOCK_STATUS_CD into: status from &ctl_ds\n where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" and LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n quit;\n %if &syscc>0 %then %put syscc=&syscc sqlrc=&sqlrc;\n %if &status=LOCKED %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog \"&sysmacroname: unlocking &lib..&ds:\";\n run;\n proc sql;\n update &ctl_ds\n set LOCK_STATUS_CD='UNLOCKED'\n , LOCK_END_DTTM=\"%sysfunc(datetime(),%mf_fmtdttm())\"dt\n , LOCK_USER_NM=\"&user\"\n , LOCK_PID=\"&sysjobid\"\n , LOCK_REF=\"&ref\"\n where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" and LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n quit;\n %end;\n %else %if &status=UNLOCKED %then %do;\n %put %str(WAR)NING: &lib..&ds is already unlocked!;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put NOTE: Unrecognised STATUS_CD (&status) in &ctl_ds;\n %let abortme=1;\n %end;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %let msg=lock_anytable given unsupported action (&action);\n %let abortme=1;\n%end;\n\n/* catch errs - mp_abort must be called outside of a logic block */\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&abortme=1),\n msg=%superq(msg),\n mac=&sysmacroname\n)\n\n%exit_macro:\ndata _null_;\n put \"&sysmacroname: Exit vars: action=&action lib=&lib ds=&ds\";\n put \" syscc=&syscc sqlrc=&sqlrc syserr=&syserr\";\nrun;\n%mend mp_lockanytable;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_loader(\n mperef= /* name of subfolder containing the staged data */\n ,mDebug=0 /* set to 1 for development or debugging */\n ,submitted_reason_txt= /* populates column of same name in sumo_approvals*/\n ,approver= /* allows a userid to be provided for direct approval email */\n ,url= /* optional - url for debugging */\n ,dlm=%str(,)\n ,termstr=crlf\n ,dc_dttmtfmt=E8601DT26.6\n );\n%put entered mpe_loader from &=_program;\n%put &=url;\n%put &=termstr;\n%put &=dlm;\n /* determine full path to CSV directory */\n%local now;\n%let now=&dc_dttmtfmt;\n%put &=now;\n\n/**\n * get full path to package (only subdirectory passed through)\n */\n%mp_abort(\n iftrue=(%mf_verifymacvars(mperef mpelocapprovals)=0)\n ,mac=bitemporal_dataloader\n ,msg=%str(Missing: mperef mpelocapprovals)\n)\n\n%let csv_dir=%trim(&mpelocapprovals/&mperef);\n\n/* exit if package has already been uploaded */\n%local check;\nproc sql noprint;\nselect count(*) into: check\n from &mpelib..mpe_loads\n where csv_dir=\"&mperef\";\n%if &check %then %do;\n %mp_abort(msg=Folder &mperef already has an entry in &mpelib..mpe_loads\n ,mac=mpe_loader.sas);\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* get CSV directory contents */\n%mp_dirlist(path=&csv_dir,outds=WORK.getfiles)\ndata WORK.csvs;\n set WORK.getfiles;\n if upcase(scan(filename,3,'.'))='CSV' then do;\n lib=upcase(scan(filename,1,'.'));\n ds=upcase(scan(filename,2,'.'));\n output;\n end;\nrun;\n\n/* get table attributes */\nproc sql noprint;\ncreate table WORK.sumo_tables as\n select a.filename, b.*\n from WORK.csvs a\n left join &mpelib..mpe_tables b\n on a.lib=b.libref\n and a.ds=b.dsn\n where b.tx_from le &now\n and &now lt b.tx_to;\n\n/* define user as meta user if available */\n%local user;\n%let user=%mf_getuser();\n\n/* check if there is actually a table to load */\n%if %mf_getattrn(WORK.sumo_tables,NLOBS)=0 %then %do;\n %let msg=Table not registered in &mpelib..mpe_tables;\n %mpe_loadfail(\n status=&msg\n ,now=&now\n ,mperef=&mperef\n ,dc_dttmtfmt=&dc_dttmtfmt.\n )\n %mp_abort(msg=&msg,mac=mpe_loader.sas);\n %return;\n%end;\n\nproc sql;\ninsert into &mpelib..mpe_loads\n set USER_NM=\"&user\"\n ,STATUS='IN PROGRESS'\n ,CSV_dir=\"&mperef\"\n ,PROCESSED_DTTM=&now\n ,reason_txt = symget('submitted_reason_txt');\n\n\n/* import CSV */\n\n%let droplist=;\n%let attrib=;\n%let droplist=;\n%let libref=;\n%let DS=;\n\n/* get table info */\ndata _null_;\n set sumo_tables;\n libds=upcase(cats(libref,'.',dsn));\n call symputx('orig_libds',libds);\n is_fmt=0;\n if substr(cats(reverse(dsn)),1,3)=:'CF-' then do;\n libds=scan(libds,1,'-');\n putlog \"Format Catalog Captured\";\n libds='work.fmtextract';\n is_fmt=1;\n end;\n call symputx('is_fmt',is_fmt);\n call symputx('libds',libds);\n call symputx('FNAME',filename);\n call symputx('LIBREF',libref);\n call symputx('DS',dsn);\n call symputx('LOADTYPE',loadtype);\n call symputx('BUSKEY',buskey);\n call symputx('VAR_TXFROM',var_txfrom);\n call symputx('VAR_TXTO',var_txto);\n call symputx('VAR_BUSFROM',var_busfrom);\n call symputx('VAR_BUSTO',var_busto);\n call symputx('VAR_PROCESSED',var_processed);\n call symputx('RK_UNDERLYING',RK_UNDERLYING);\n call symputx('POST_EDIT_HOOK',POST_EDIT_HOOK);\n call symputx('NOTES',NOTES);\n call symputx('PK',coalescec(RK_UNDERLYING,buskey));\n call symputx('NUM_OF_APPROVALS_REQUIRED',NUM_OF_APPROVALS_REQUIRED,'l');\n put (_all_)(=);\n stop;\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&ds)=0 %then %do;\n %let msg=%str(ERR)OR: Unable to extract record from &mpelib..mpe_tables;\n %mpe_loadfail(\n status=FAILED\n ,now=&now\n ,mperef=&mperef\n ,reason_txt=%quote(&msg)\n ,dc_dttmtfmt=&dc_dttmtfmt.\n )\n %mp_abort(msg=&msg,mac=mpe_loader.sas);\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* export format catalog */\n%mp_cntlout(\n iftrue=(&is_fmt=1)\n ,libcat=&orig_libds\n ,fmtlist=0\n ,cntlout=work.fmtextract\n)\n\n/* user must have EDIT access to load a table */\n%mpe_accesscheck(&orig_libds\n ,outds=work.sumo_access\n ,user=&user\n ,access_level=EDIT )\n%put exiting accesscheck;\n\n%if %mf_getattrn(work.sumo_access,NLOBS)=0 %then %do;\n %let msg=%str(ERR)OR: User is not authorised to edit &orig_libds!;\n %mpe_loadfail(\n status=UNAUTHORISED\n ,now=&now\n ,mperef=&mperef\n ,reason_txt=%quote(&msg)\n ,dc_dttmtfmt=&dc_dttmtfmt.\n )\n %mp_abort(msg=&msg,mac=mpe_loader.sas);\n %return;\n%end;\n\n%put now importing: \"&csv_dir/&fname\" termstr=&termstr;\n/* get the variables from the CSV */\ndata vars_csv1(index=(idxname=(varnum name)) drop=infile);\n infile \"&csv_dir/&fname\" lrecl=32767 dsd termstr=&termstr encoding='utf-8';\n input;\n length infile $32767;\n infile=compress(_infile_,'\"',);\n infile=compress(infile,\"'\",);\n format name $32.;\n putlog 'received vars: ' infile;\n call symputx('received_vars',infile,'l');\n do varnum=1 to countw(infile,\"&dlm\");\n /* keep writeable chars */\n name=compress(upcase(scan(infile,varnum)),,'kw');\n if name ne \"_____DELETE__THIS__RECORD_____\" then output;\n end;\n stop;\nrun;\n%put received_vars = &received_vars;\n\n%dc_assignlib(WRITE,&libref)\n\n/* get list of variables and their formats */\nproc contents noprint data=&libds\n out=vars(keep=name type length varnum format:);\nrun;\ndata vars(keep=name type length varnum format);\n set vars(rename=(format=format2 type=type2));\n name=upcase(name);\n format2=upcase(format2);\n /* not interested in transaction or processing dates\n (append table must be supplied without them) */\n if name not in (\"&VAR_TXFROM\",\"&VAR_TXTO\",\"&VAR_PROCESSED\"\n ,\"_____DELETE__THIS__RECORD_____\");\n if type2 in (2,6) then do;\n length format $49.;\n if format2='' then format=cats('$',length,'.');\n else format=cats(format2,max(formatl,length),'.');\n type='char';\n end;\n else do;\n if format2='' then format=cats(length,'.');\n else if format2=:'DATETIME' or format2=:'E8601DT' then do;\n format='DATETIME19.';\n end;\n else if format2=:'DATE' or format2=:'DDMMYY'\n or format2=:'MMDDYY' or format2=:'YYMMDD'\n or format2=:'E8601DA' or format2=:'B8601DA'\n then do;\n format='DATE9.';\n end;\n else if format2='BEST' & formatl=0 then format=cats('BEST',length,'.');\n /*\n else if format2=:'DATETIME' or format2=:'DATE' or format2=:'DDMMYY'\n or format2=:'MMDDYY' or format2=:'YYMMDD' then do;\n *date or datetime format so use original ;\n dsid=open(\"&libref..&ds\");\n vnum=varnum(dsid,name);\n format=varfmt(dsid,vnum);\n dsid=close(dsid);\n end;\n */\n else do;\n if formatl=0 then formatl=length;\n format=cats(format2,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n type='num';\n end;\n put (_all_)(=);\nrun;\n\n/* build attrib statement */\ndata vars_attrib;\n length attrib_statement $32767 type2 $20;\n set vars end=lastobs;\n retain attrib_statement;\n\n if type='char' then type2='$';\n str1=catx(' ',name,'length=',cats(type2,length));\n attrib_statement=trim(attrib_statement)!!' '!!trim(str1);\n\n if lastobs then call symputx('ATTRIB',attrib_statement,'L');\nrun;\n\n/* build input statement - first get vars in right order\n and join with target formats*/\nproc sql noprint;\ncreate table vars_csv2 as\n select b.*\n from vars_csv1 a\n left join vars_attrib b\n on a.name=b.name\n order by a.varnum;\n\n\n/* now build input statement */\ndata final_check;\n set vars_csv2 end=lastobs;\n length input_statement $32767 type2 $20 droplist $32767;\n retain input_statement droplist;\n\n /* Build input statement - CATCH EXCEPTIONS HERE!*/\n if name in ('QUOTE_DTTM') then do;\n name=cats(name,'2');\n droplist=catx(' ',trim(droplist),name);\n type2='$20.';/* converted below */\n end;\n else if type='char' then type2=cats('$CHAR', length,'.');\n else if format='DATE9.' then type2='ANYDTDTE.';\n else if format='DATETIME19.' then type2='ANYDTDTM.';\n else if format=:'TIME' then type2='ANYDTTME.';\n else if name='' then do;/* additional vars in input data */\n name='_____DELETE__THIS__VARIABLE_____';\n droplist=catx(' ',trim(droplist),'_____DELETE__THIS__VARIABLE_____');\n type2='$1.';\n end;\n else type2='best32.';\n * else type2=cats(length,'.');\n\n input_statement=catx(' ',input_statement,name,':',type2);\n\n if lastobs then do;\n call symputx('INPUT', input_statement,'L');\n if trim(droplist) ne '' then\n call symputx('droplist',\"drop \"!!droplist!!';','l');\n end;\nrun;\n\n%let mpeloadstop=0;\n\ndata work.STAGING_DS;\n &droplist;\n infile \"&csv_dir/&fname\" dsd dlm=\"&dlm\" lrecl=32767\n firstobs=2 missover termstr=&termstr encoding='utf-8';\n attrib _____DELETE__THIS__RECORD_____ length=$3 &attrib ;\n if _n_=1 then call missing (of _all_);\n missing a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z _;\n input\n %if %scan(%quote(&received_vars),1)=_____DELETE__THIS__RECORD_____ %then %do;\n _____DELETE__THIS__RECORD_____: $3.\n %end;\n &input;\n\n %if %index(%quote(&attrib.),UNLIKELY_VAR ) %then %do;\n /*UNLIKELY_VAR=input(UNLIKELY_VAR2,ANYDTDTM21.);*/\n /* SPECIAL LOGIC FOR SPECIAL VARS */\n %end;\n\n if _error_ ne 0 then do;\n putlog _infile_;\n call symputx('mpeloadstop',_n_);\n stop;\n end;\n /* remove all blank rows */\n if compress(cats(of _all_),'.')=' ' then delete;\nrun;\n\n%if &mpeloadstop>0 %then %do;\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n %put redirecting log output to capture return message;\n %put currentloc=&logloc;\n filename tmp temp;\n proc printto log=tmp;run;\n data _null_;\n &droplist;\n infile \"&csv_dir/&fname\" dsd dlm=\"&dlm\" lrecl=32767 firstobs=2\n missover termstr=&termstr;\n attrib &attrib ;\n input\n %if %scan(%quote(&received_vars),1)=_____DELETE__THIS__RECORD_____\n %then %do;\n _____DELETE__THIS__RECORD_____: $3.\n %end;\n &input;\n if _error_ then stop;\n run;\n /* get log back */\n proc printto log=&logloc;run;\n data _null_; infile tmp; input; putlog _infile_;run;\n /* scan log for invalid data warnings */\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;\n length msg1 msg2 msg3 msg4 msg5 msg url $32767;\n if index(_infile_,'NOTE: Invalid data for') then do;\n msg1=_infile_;\n input;\n msg2=_infile_;\n input;\n msg3=_infile_;\n input;\n msg4=_infile_;\n input;\n msg5=_infile_;\n url=symget('url');\n msg=catx('\\n',msg1,msg2,msg3,msg4,msg5,'\\n',url);\n call symputx('msg',msg);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n\n %mpe_loadfail(\n status=FAILED\n ,now=&now\n ,mperef=&mperef\n ,reason_txt=%superq(msg)\n ,dc_dttmtfmt=&dc_dttmtfmt.\n )\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* check that the table is unique on PK */\nproc sort data=work.STAGING_DS dupout=work.MPE_DUPS (keep=&pk) nodupkey;\n by &pk;\nrun;\n%if %mf_getattrn(work.MPE_DUPS,NLOBS)>0 %then %do;\n %local duplist;\n data _null_;\n set work.mpe_dups;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&pk));\n %let iWord=%scan(&pk,&i);\n call symputx('duplist',symget('duplist')!!\n \" &iWord=\"!!cats(&iWord));\n %end;\n run;\n %let msg=This upload contains duplicates on the Primary Key columns %trim(\n )(&pk) \\n Please remove the duplicates and try again. %trim(\n )\\n &duplist \\n ;\n %mp_abort(msg=%superq(msg),mac=mpe_loader.sas);\n %return;\n%end;\n\n%if &syscc gt 4 %then %do;\n %let msg=SYSCC=&syscc prior to post edit hook (%superq(syserrortext));\n %mpe_loadfail(\n status=FAILED - &syscc\n ,now=&now\n ,mperef=&mperef\n ,reason_txt=%superq(msg)\n ,dc_dttmtfmt=&dc_dttmtfmt.\n )\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* If a Complex Excel Upload, needs to have the load ref added to the table */\n%mpe_xlmapvalidate(&mperef,work.staging_ds,&mpelib,&orig_libds)\n\n/* Run the Post Edit Hook prior to creation of staging folder */\n%mpe_runhook(POST_EDIT_HOOK)\n\n/* stop if err */\n%if &syscc gt 4 %then %do;\n %let msg=ERR in post edit hook (&post_edit_hook);\n %mpe_loadfail(\n status=FAILED - &syscc\n ,now=&now\n ,mperef=&mperef\n ,reason_txt=%quote(&msg)\n ,dc_dttmtfmt=&dc_dttmtfmt.\n )\n %return;\n%end;\n\n\n/**\n * send to approve process\n */\n\n/* create a dataset key (datetime plus 3 digit random number plus PID) */\n\n/* send dataset to approvals subfolder with same name as subfolder */\nlibname approval \"&mpelocapprovals/&mperef\";\ndata approval.&mperef;\n set work.staging_ds;\nrun;\nproc export data=approval.&mperef\n outfile=\"&mpelocapprovals/&mperef/&mperef..csv\"\n dbms=csv\n replace;\nrun;\n\n/* update the control dataset with relevant info */\ndata append_app;\n if 0 then set &mpelib..mpe_submit;/* get formats */\n call missing (of _all_);\n TABLE_ID=\"&mperef\";\n submit_status_cd='SUBMITTED';\n submitted_by_nm=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n base_lib=\"&libref\";\n base_ds=\"&ds\";\n submitted_on_dttm=&now;\n submitted_reason_txt=symget('submitted_reason_txt');\n input_vars=%mf_getattrn(approval.&mperef,NVARS);\n input_obs=%mf_getattrn(approval.&mperef,NLOBS);\n num_of_approvals_required=&NUM_OF_APPROVALS_REQUIRED;\n num_of_approvals_remaining=&NUM_OF_APPROVALS_REQUIRED;\n reviewed_by_nm='';\n reviewed_on_dttm=.;\nrun;\n\n%mp_lockanytable(LOCK,lib=&mpelib,ds=mpe_submit,\n ref=%str(&mperef update in &_program),\n ctl_ds=&mpelib..mpe_lockanytable\n)\nproc append base= &mpelib..mpe_submit data=append_app;\nrun;\n%mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK,\n lib=&mpelib,ds=mpe_submit,\n ctl_ds=&mpelib..mpe_lockanytable\n)\n\n/* send email to REVIEW members */\n%put sending mpe_alerts;\n%mpe_alerts(alert_event=SUBMITTED\n , alert_lib=&libref\n , alert_ds=&ds\n , dsid=&mperef\n)\n/* DISABLE EMAIL FOR NOW\n %let b2=REASON: %quote(&submitted_reason_txt);\n\n %local URLNOTES;\n %if %length(¬es)>0 %then %let URLNOTES=%quote(%sysfunc(urlencode(¬es)));\n\n %let b3=%str(Click to review / approve: )%trim(\n )%str(http://&_srvname:&_srvport&_url?_PROGRAM=/Web/approvals&)%trim(\n )TABLEID=&dsid%str(&)BASETABLE=&libref..&ds%str(&)NOTES=&URLNOTES;\n\n %let b4=%str(Reference ID: &mperef);\n*/\n\n%put mpe_loader finishing up with syscc=&syscc;\n%if &syscc le 4 %then %do;\n %local dur;\n data _null_;\n now=symget('now');\n dur=%sysfunc(datetime())-&now;\n call symputx('dur',dur,'l');\n putlog 'Updating mpe_loads with the following query:';\n putlog \"update &mpelib..mpe_loads set STATUS='SUCCESS'\";\n putlog \" , duration=\" dur;\n putlog \" , processed_dttm=\" now;\n putlog \" , approvals = '&libref..&ds'\";\n putlog \" where CSV_DIR='&mperef';\";\n run;\n proc sql;\n update &mpelib..mpe_loads set STATUS='SUCCESS'\n , duration=&dur\n , processed_dttm=&now\n , approvals = \"&libref..&ds\"\n where CSV_DIR=\"&mperef\";\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %mpe_loadfail(\n status=\"FAILED - &syscc\"\n ,now=&now\n ,approvals=&libref..&ds\n ,mperef=&mperef\n ,dc_dttmtfmt=&dc_dttmtfmt.\n )\n %return;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpe_loader;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_nobs(libds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %mf_getattrn(&libds,NLOBS)\n%mend mf_nobs;\n\n\n%macro mp_filtergenerate(inds,outref=filter);\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc - on macro entry)\n)\n\nfilename &outref temp;\n\n%if %mf_nobs(&inds)=0 %then %do;\n /* ensure we have a default filter */\n data _null_;\n file &outref;\n put '1=1';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n proc sort data=&inds;\n by SUBGROUP_ID;\n run;\n data _null_;\n file &outref lrecl=32800;\n set &inds end=last;\n by SUBGROUP_ID;\n if _n_=1 then put '((';\n else if first.SUBGROUP_ID then put +1 GROUP_LOGIC '(';\n else put +2 SUBGROUP_LOGIC;\n\n put +4 VARIABLE_NM OPERATOR_NM RAW_VALUE;\n\n if last.SUBGROUP_ID then put ')'@;\n if last then put ')';\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mp_filtergenerate;\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_filtermaster(mode,libds,\n dclib=,\n filter_rk=-1,\n outref=0,\n outds=work.query\n);\n\n%put &sysmacroname entry vars:;\n%put _local_;\n\n%let mode=%upcase(&mode);\n%let libds=%upcase(&libds);\n\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (\n &mode ne EDIT and &mode ne VIEW and &mode ne DLOAD and &mode ne ULOAD\n )\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid MODE: &mode)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&outref = 0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Please provide a fileref!)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc)\n)\n\nfilename &outref temp;\n\n/* ensure outputs exist */\ndata _null_;\n file &outref;\n put ' ';\nrun;\ndata &outds;\n set &dclib..mpe_filtersource;\n stop;\nrun;\n\n/**\n * Deal with FILTER_RK first\n */\n%if &filter_rk gt 0 %then %do;\n\n data _null_;\n file &outref;\n put '( '@@;\n set &dclib..mpe_filteranytable(where=(filter_rk=&filter_rk));\n call symputx('filter_hash',filter_hash,'l');\n run;\n\n proc sort data=&dclib..mpe_filtersource(where=(filter_hash=\"&filter_hash\"))\n out=&outds(drop=filter_hash filter_line processed_dttm);\n by filter_line;\n run;\n %mp_filtergenerate(&outds,outref=&outref)\n\n%end;\n\n/* Now filter for current records if the MODE is EDIT or DLOAD */\n%local varfrom varto;\n%let varfrom=0;\n\nproc sql;\nselect coalescec(var_txfrom,'0'), var_txto into: varfrom,:varto\n from &dclib..MPE_TABLES\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to\n and libref=\"%scan(&libds,1,.)\" and dsn=\"%scan(&libds,2,.)\";\n\n%put &=varfrom;\n%put &=varto;\n\n/**\n * Check if the date variables were mentioned in the query\n * This is a trigger for serving a historical view instead of current\n * we skip this part when checking an ULOAD as there are no date vars\n */\n%if &varfrom ne 0 and (&mode=EDIT or &mode=DLOAD) %then %do;\n %local validityvars;\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: validityvars\n from &outds\n where variable_nm in (\"&varfrom\",\"&varto\");\n %if &validityvars=0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n file &outref mod;\n length filter_text $32767;\n varfrom=symget('varfrom');\n varto=symget('varto');\n filter_text=catx(' ',\n '(\"%sysfunc(datetime(),',\"%mf_fmtdttm()\",')\"dt <',varto,')'\n );\n if &filter_rk > 0 then put 'AND ' filter_text;\n else put filter_text;\n run;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Now do Row Level Security based on the MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY table\n */\n\n/* first determine users group membership */\n%mpe_getgroups(user=%mf_getuser(),outds=work.groups)\n%local admin_check;\nproc sql;\nselect count(*) into: admin_check\n from work.groups\n where groupname=\"&mpeadmins\";\n\n%put &sysmacroname: &=admin_check &=mpeadmins;\n%if &admin_check=0 %then %do;\n %local scopeval;\n %if &mode=DLOAD %then %let scopeval=VIEW;\n %if &mode=ULOAD %then %let scopeval=EDIT;\n %else %let scopeval=&mode;\n /* extract relevant rows */\n %local rlsds;\n %let rlsds=%mf_getuniquename();\n proc sql;\n create table work.&rlsds as\n select rls_group,\n rls_group_logic as group_logic,\n rls_subgroup_logic as subgroup_logic,\n rls_subgroup_id as subgroup_id,\n rls_variable_nm as variable_nm,\n rls_operator_nm as operator_nm,\n rls_raw_value as raw_value\n from &mpelib..mpe_row_level_security\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to\n and rls_scope in (\"&scopeval\",'ALL')\n and upcase(rls_group) in (select upcase(groupname) from work.groups)\n and rls_libref=\"%scan(&libds,1,.)\"\n and rls_table=\"%scan(&libds,2,.)\"\n and rls_active=1\n order by rls_group,rls_subgroup_id;\n %if &sqlobs>0 %then %do;\n /* check if we currently have filter or not */\n data ;\n infile &outref end=eof;\n input;\n if _n_=1 and eof and cats(_infile_)='' then newfilter=1;\n output;\n stop;\n run;\n data _null_;\n set &syslast;\n file &outref mod;\n if newfilter=1 then put '(';\n else put 'AND (';\n run;\n\n /* loop through and apply filters for each group membership */\n %local fref ds;\n %let fref=%mf_getuniquefileref();\n %let ds=%mf_getuniquename();\n\n proc sql noprint;\n select distinct rls_group into : group1 -\n from work.&rlsds;\n\n %do i=1 %to &sqlobs;\n data work.&ds;\n set work.&rlsds;\n where rls_group=\"&&group&i\";\n drop rls_group;\n run;\n %mp_filtergenerate(&ds,outref=&fref)\n data _null_;\n infile &fref;\n file &outref mod;\n input;\n if &i>1 and _n_=1 then put ' OR ';\n put _infile_;\n run;\n %end;\n data _null_;\n file &outref mod;\n put ')';\n run;\n %end; /* &sqlobs>0 */\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: no matching groups;\n data _null_;\n set work.groups;\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %end;\n %mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc>0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Row Level Security Generation Error)\n )\n%end; /* &admin_check=0 */\n\n%put leaving &sysmacroname with the following query:;\n\n%local empty;\n%let empty=0;\ndata _null_;\n infile &outref end=eof;\n input;\n putlog _infile_;\n if _n_=1 and eof and cats(_infile_)='' then do;\n put '1=1';\n call symputx('empty',1,'l');\n end;\nrun;\n%if &empty=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n file &outref;\n put '1=1';\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpe_filtermaster;\n\n\n\n%macro removecolsfromwork(col);\n/* only an issue if debug mode enabled */\n%global _debug;\n%if &_debug ge 131 %then %do;\n %let col=%upcase(&col);\n\n %local memlist;\n proc sql noprint;\n select distinct memname into: memlist\n separated by ' '\n from dictionary.columns\n where libname='WORK' and upcase(name)=\"&col\";\n\n %if %mf_isblank(&memlist) %then %return;\n\n %mp_dropmembers(list=&memlist)\n\n%end;\n%mend removecolsfromwork;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_binarycopy(\n inloc= /* full path and filename of the object to be copied */\n ,outloc= /* full path and filename of object to be created */\n ,inref=____in /* override default to use own filerefs */\n ,outref=____out /* override default to use own filerefs */\n ,mode=CREATE\n ,iftrue=%str(1=1)\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local mod;\n\n %if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n %if &mode=APPEND %then %let mod=mod;\n\n /* these IN and OUT filerefs can point to anything */\n %if &inref = ____in %then %do;\n filename &inref &inloc lrecl=1048576 ;\n %end;\n %if &outref=____out %then %do;\n filename &outref &outloc lrecl=1048576 &mod;\n %end;\n\n /* copy the file byte-for-byte */\n data _null_;\n infile &inref lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &outref &mod recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n\n %if &inref = ____in %then %do;\n filename &inref clear;\n %end;\n %if &outref=____out %then %do;\n filename &outref clear;\n %end;\n%mend mp_binarycopy;\n\n\n\n%macro mcf_init(func\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if not (%symexist(SASJS_PREFIX)) %then %do;\n %global SASJS_PREFIX;\n %let SASJS_PREFIX=SASJS;\n%end;\n\n%let func=%upcase(&func);\n\n/* the / character is just a seperator */\n%global &sasjs_prefix._FUNCTIONS;\n%if %index(&&&sasjs_prefix._FUNCTIONS,&func/)>0 %then %do;\n 1\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %let &sasjs_prefix._FUNCTIONS=&&&sasjs_prefix._FUNCTIONS &func/;\n 0\n%end;\n\n%mend mcf_init;\n\n\n\n%macro mcf_getfmttype(wrap=NO\n ,insert_cmplib=DEPRECATED\n ,lib=WORK\n ,cat=SASJS\n ,pkg=UTILS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local i var cmpval found;\n\n%if %mcf_init(mcf_getfmttype)=1 %then %return;\n\n%if &wrap=YES %then %do;\n proc fcmp outlib=&lib..&cat..&pkg;\n%end;\n\nfunction mcf_getfmttype(fmtnm $) $8;\n if substr(fmtnm,1,1)='$' then return('CHAR');\n else do;\n /* extract NAME */\n length fmt $32;\n fmt=scan(fmtnm,1,'.');\n do while (\n substr(fmt,length(fmt),1) in ('1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0')\n );\n if length(fmt)=1 then fmt='W';\n else fmt=substr(fmt,1,length(fmt)-1);\n end;\n\n /* apply lookups */\n if cats(fmt) in ('DATETIME','B8601DN','B8601DN','B8601DT','B8601DT'\n ,'B8601DZ','B8601DZ','DATEAMPM','DTDATE','DTMONYY','DTWKDATX','DTYEAR'\n ,'DTYYQC','E8601DN','E8601DN','E8601DT','E8601DT','E8601DZ','E8601DZ')\n then return('DATETIME');\n else if fmt in ('DATE','YYMMDD','B8601DA','B8601DA','DAY','DDMMYY'\n ,'DDMMYYB','DDMMYYC','DDMMYYD','DDMMYYN','DDMMYYP','DDMMYYS','DDMMYYx'\n ,'DOWNAME','E8601DA','E8601DA','JULDAY','JULIAN','MMDDYY','MMDDYYB'\n ,'MMDDYYC','MMDDYYD','MMDDYYN','MMDDYYP','MMDDYYS','MMDDYYx','MMYY'\n ,'MMYYC','MMYYD','MMYYN','MMYYP','MMYYS','MMYYx','MONNAME','MONTH'\n ,'MONYY','PDJULG','PDJULI','QTR','QTRR','WEEKDATE','WEEKDATX','WEEKDAY'\n ,'WEEKU','WEEKV','WEEKW','WORDDATE','WORDDATX','YEAR','YYMM','YYMMC'\n ,'YYMMD','YYMMDDB','YYMMDDC','YYMMDDD','YYMMDDN','YYMMDDP','YYMMDDS'\n ,'YYMMDDx','YYMMN','YYMMP','YYMMS','YYMMx','YYMON','YYQ','YYQC','YYQD'\n ,'YYQN','YYQP','YYQR','YYQRC','YYQRD','YYQRN','YYQRP','YYQRS','YYQRx'\n ,'YYQS','YYQx','YYQZ') then return('DATE');\n else if fmt in ('TIME','B8601LZ','B8601LZ','B8601TM','B8601TM','B8601TZ'\n ,'B8601TZ','E8601LZ','E8601LZ','E8601TM','E8601TM','E8601TZ','E8601TZ'\n ,'HHMM','HOUR','MMSS','TIMEAMPM','TOD') then return('TIME');\n else return('NUM');\n end;\nendsub;\n\n%if &wrap=YES %then %do;\n quit;\n%end;\n\n/* insert the CMPLIB if not already there */\n%let cmpval=%sysfunc(getoption(cmplib));\n%let found=0;\n%do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&cmpval,%str( %(%))));\n %let var=%scan(&cmpval,&i,%str( %(%)));\n %if &var=&lib..&cat %then %let found=1;\n%end;\n%if &found=0 %then %do;\n options insert=(CMPLIB=(&lib..&cat));\n%end;\n\n%mend mcf_getfmttype;\n\n\n%macro mf_getVarFormat(libds /* two level ds name */\n , var /* variable name from which to return the format */\n , force=0\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid vnum vformat rc vlen vtype;\n /* Open dataset */\n %let dsid = %sysfunc(open(&libds));\n %if &dsid > 0 %then %do;\n /* Get variable number */\n %let vnum = %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid, &var));\n /* Get variable format */\n %if(&vnum > 0) %then %let vformat=%sysfunc(varfmt(&dsid, &vnum));\n %else %do;\n %put NOTE: Variable &var does not exist in &libds;\n %let rc = %sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: dataset &libds not opened! (rc=&dsid);\n %put &sysmacroname: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* supply a default if no format available */\n %if %length(&vformat)<2 & &force=1 %then %do;\n %let vlen = %sysfunc(varlen(&dsid, &vnum));\n %let vtype = %sysfunc(vartype(&dsid, &vnum.));\n %if &vtype=C %then %let vformat=$&vlen..;\n %else %let vformat=best.;\n %end;\n\n\n /* Close dataset */\n %let rc = %sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n /* Return variable format */\n &vformat\n%mend mf_getVarFormat;\n\n\n%macro mf_getvartype(libds /* two level name */\n , var /* variable name from which to return the type */\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid vnum vtype rc;\n /* Open dataset */\n %let dsid = %sysfunc(open(&libds));\n %if &dsid. > 0 %then %do;\n /* Get variable number */\n %let vnum = %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid, &var));\n /* Get variable type (C/N) */\n %if(&vnum. > 0) %then %let vtype = %sysfunc(vartype(&dsid, &vnum.));\n %else %do;\n %put NOTE: Variable &var does not exist in &libds;\n %let vtype = %str( );\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: dataset &libds not opened! (rc=&dsid);\n %put &sysmacroname: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* Close dataset */\n %let rc = %sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n /* Return variable type */\n &vtype\n%mend mf_getvartype;\n\n\n%macro mp_ds2csv(ds\n ,dlm=COMMA\n ,outref=0\n ,outfile=\n ,outencoding=0\n ,headerformat=LABEL\n ,termstr=CRLF\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%local outloc delim i varlist var vcnt vat dsv vcom vmiss fmttype vfmt;\n\n%if not %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) %then %do;\n %put %str(WARN)ING: &ds does not exist;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n%if %index(&ds,.)=0 %then %let ds=WORK.&ds;\n\n%if &outencoding=0 %then %let outencoding=;\n%else %let outencoding=encoding=&outencoding;\n\n%if &outref=0 %then %let outloc=&outfile;\n%else %let outloc=&outref;\n\n%if &headerformat=SASJS %then %do;\n %let delim=\",\";\n %let termstr=CRLF;\n %mcf_getfmttype(wrap=YES)\n%end;\n%else %if &dlm=COMMA %then %let delim=\",\";\n%else %let delim=\";\";\n\n/* credit to mjsq - https://stackoverflow.com/a/55642267 */\n\n/* first get headers */\ndata _null_;\n file &outloc &outencoding lrecl=32767 termstr=&termstr;\n length header $ 2000 varnm vfmt $32 dlm $1 fmttype $8;\n call missing(of _all_);\n dsid=open(\"&ds.\",\"i\");\n num=attrn(dsid,\"nvars\");\n dlm=&delim;\n do i=1 to num;\n varnm=upcase(varname(dsid,i));\n if i=num then dlm='';\n %if &headerformat=NAME %then %do;\n header=cats(varnm,dlm);\n %end;\n %else %if &headerformat=LABEL %then %do;\n header = cats(coalescec(varlabel(dsid,i),varnm),dlm);\n %end;\n %else %if &headerformat=SASJS %then %do;\n vlen=varlen(dsid,i);\n if vartype(dsid,i)='C' then header=cats(varnm,':$char',vlen,'.');\n else do;\n vfmt=coalescec(varfmt(dsid,i),'0');\n fmttype=mcf_getfmttype(vfmt);\n if fmttype='DATE' then header=cats(varnm,':date9.');\n else if fmttype='DATETIME' then header=cats(varnm,':E8601DT26.6');\n else if fmttype='TIME' then header=cats(varnm,':TIME12.');\n /**\n * there is not much point importing a short length numeric like this,\n * eg with best4., as the resulting variable will still be stored as\n * length 8. We need a length or format statement to ensure variable\n * is creatd with the smaller length...\n **/\n else if vlen<8 then header=cats(varnm,':best',vlen,'.');\n else header=cats(varnm,':best.');\n end;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Invalid headerformat value (&headerformat);\n %return;\n %end;\n put header @;\n end;\n rc=close(dsid);\nrun;\n\n%let varlist=%mf_getvarlist(&ds);\n%let vcnt=%sysfunc(countw(&varlist));\n\n/**\n * The $quote modifier (without a width) will take the length from the variable\n * and increase by two. However this will lead to truncation where the value\n * contains double quotes (which are doubled up). To get around this, scan the\n * data to see the max number of double quotes, so that the appropriate width\n * can be applied in the subsequent step.\n */\ndata _null_;\n set &ds end=last;\n%do i=1 %to &vcnt;\n %let var=%scan(&varlist,&i);\n %local vlen&i;\n %if %mf_getvartype(&ds,&var)=C %then %do;\n %let dsv1=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=csvcol1_);\n %let dsv2=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=csvcol2_);\n retain &dsv1 0;\n &dsv2=length(&var)+countc(&var,'\"');\n if &dsv2>&dsv1 then &dsv1=&dsv2;\n if last then call symputx(\n \"vlen&i\"\n /* should be no shorter than varlen, and no longer than 32767 */\n ,cats('$quote',min(&dsv1+2,32767),'.')\n ,'l'\n );\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%let vat=@;\n%let vcom=&delim;\n%let vmiss=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=csvcol3_);\n/* next, export data */\ndata _null_;\n set &ds.;\n file &outloc mod dlm=&delim dsd &outencoding lrecl=32767 termstr=&termstr;\n if _n_=1 then &vmiss=' ';\n %do i=1 %to &vcnt;\n %let var=%scan(&varlist,&i);\n %if &i=&vcnt %then %do;\n %let vat=;\n %let vcom=;\n %end;\n %if %mf_getvartype(&ds,&var)=N %then %do;\n %if &headerformat = SASJS %then %do;\n %let vcom=&delim;\n %let fmttype=%sysfunc(mcf_getfmttype(%mf_getvarformat(&ds,&var)0));\n %if &fmttype=DATE %then %let vfmt=DATE9.;\n %else %if &fmttype=DATETIME %then %let vfmt=E8601DT26.6;\n %else %if &fmttype=TIME %then %let vfmt=TIME12.;\n %else %do;\n %let vfmt=;\n %let vcom=;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %let vcom=;\n\n /* must use period - in order to work in both 9.4 and Viya 3.5 */\n if missing(&var) and &var ne %sysfunc(getoption(MISSING)) then do;\n &vmiss=cats('.',&var);\n put &vmiss &vat;\n end;\n else put &var &vfmt &vcom &vat;\n\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %if &i ne &vcnt %then %let vcom=&delim;\n put &var &&vlen&i &vcom &vat;\n %end;\n %end;\nrun;\n\n%mend mp_ds2csv;\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Sends a changeset to staging area\n @details This is the service that is called when submitting a new edit.\n\n

Service Inputs

\n This is the staged data table, plus an _____DELETE__THIS__RECORD_____ column\n\n
\n\n |ACTION:$char4.|MESSAGE:$char1.|LIBDS:$char19.|\n |---|---|---|\n |LOAD|User-Provided message|LIBREF.DATASET_NAME|\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n @li mf_nobs.sas\n @li dc_assignlib.sas\n @li mf_verifymacvars.sas\n @li mf_mkdir.sas\n @li mf_getuniquefileref.sas\n @li mpe_loader.sas\n @li mpe_filtermaster.sas\n @li mp_abort.sas\n @li mp_binarycopy.sas\n @li mp_cntlout.sas\n @li mp_ds2csv.sas\n @li mf_getplatform.sas\n @li removecolsfromwork.sas\n @li mpeinit.sas\n\n\n @version 9.2\n @author 4GL Apps Ltd\n @copyright 4GL Apps Ltd. This code may only be used within Data Controller\n and may not be re-distributed or re-sold without the express permission of\n 4GL Apps Ltd.\n\n**/\n\n%mpeinit()\n\n%global approver; %let approver=;\n%global libref; %let libref=;\n%global dsn; %let dsn=;\n%global user; %let user=;\n%let user=%mf_getuser();\n\n/* load parameters */\ndata _null_;\n set work.sascontroltable;\n call symputx('action',action);\n call symputx('message',message);\n libds=upcase(libds);\n call symputx('orig_libds',libds);\n is_fmt=0;\n if substr(cats(reverse(libds)),1,3)=:'CF-' then do;\n libds=scan(libds,1,'-');\n putlog \"Format Catalog Captured\";\n libds='work.fmtextract';\n call symputx('libds',libds);\n is_fmt=1;\n end;\n else call symputx('libds',libds);\n call symputx('is_fmt',is_fmt);\n putlog (_all_)(=);\nrun;\n\n%mp_cntlout(\n iftrue=(&is_fmt=1)\n ,libcat=&orig_libds\n ,fmtlist=0\n ,cntlout=work.fmtextract\n)\n\n/* stream back meta info, further jquery calls will return col metadata and\n actual data */\n%let libref=%upcase(%scan(&libds,1,.));\n%let dsn=%upcase(%scan(&libds,2,.));\n%dc_assignlib(WRITE,&libref)\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc - unable to assign library &libref)\n)\n\n%mp_abort(\n iftrue=(%mf_verifymacvars(mpelocapprovals libds)=0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Missing: mpelocapprovals libds)\n)\n\n%put Verify that the upload does not violate Row Level Security checks:;\n%mpe_filtermaster(ULOAD,&libds,\n dclib=&mpelib,\n outref=filtref,\n outds=work.query\n)\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc during filtering process)\n)\n\n/* prepare inverse query */\n%let tempref=%mf_getuniquefileref();\ndata _null_;\n infile filtref end=eof;\n file &tempref;\n if _n_=1 then put 'where not(';\n input;\n put _infile_;\n if eof then put ')';\nrun;\n/* apply the query */\ndata work.badrecords;\n set work.jsdata;\n %inc &tempref/source2;;\n putlog (_all_)(=);\nrun;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (%mf_nobs(work.badrecords)>0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(\n Security Problem - %mf_nobs(work.badrecords) unauthorised records submitted\n )\n)\n\nPROC FORMAT;\n picture yymmddhhmmss other='%0Y%0m%0d_%0H%0M%0S' (datatype=datetime);\nRUN;\n\n/**\n * Create package folder and redirect the log\n */\n\n/* create a dataset key (datetime plus 6 digit random number plus PID) */\n%let mperef=DC%left(%sysfunc(datetime(),B8601DT19.3))_%substr(\n %sysfunc(ranuni(0)),3,6)_%substr(%str(&sysjobid ),1,4);\n\n/* get web url */\n%global url;\n%let url=localhost/SASStoredProcess;\n%let platform=%mf_getplatform();\n%put &=platform;\ndata _null_;\n length url $128;\n\n%macro stagedata();\n %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n if symexist('_baseurl') then do;\n url=symget('_baseurl');\n if subpad(url,length(url)-9,9)='SASStudio'\n then url=substr(url,1,length(url)-11);\n else url=\"&systcpiphostname/SASJobExecution\";\n end;\n else url=\"&systcpiphostname/SASJobExecution\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASMETA %then %do;\n rc=METADATA_GETURI(\"Stored Process Web App\",url);\n %end;\n%mend stagedata;\n%stagedata()\n\n call symputx('url',url);\n putlog url=;\nrun;\n\n/* Create package folder */\n%let dir=&mpelocapprovals/&mperef;\n%mf_mkdir(&dir)\n\n/* redirect the log */\n%put; %put; %put log is being redirected;\n%put to retrieve, visit this url:; %put;%put;\n%let url=&url?_program=%substr(&_program\n ,1,%length(&_program)-9)getlog%str(&)table=&mperef;\n%put &url;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to log redirection)\n)\n\nproc printto log=\"&dir/weblog.txt\";run;\noptions notes mprint;\nlibname approve \"&dir\";\n\n/* take copy of webin file */\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('_WEBIN_FILEREF1') then ref=symget('_WEBIN_FILEREF1');\n else if symexist('sasjs_tables') then ref='0ref'; /* no fileref created */\n else ref='indata1';\n call symputx('ref',ref);\n putlog ref=;\nrun;\n\n%mp_binarycopy(inref=&ref,outloc=\"&dir/_WEBIN_FILEREF1.txt\",iftrue=&ref ne 0ref)\n\n\n/* take copy of macvars */\ndata _null_;\n file \"&dir/macvars.sas\";\n set sashelp.vmacro;\n where scope='GLOBAL';\n put '%let ' name '=' value ';';\nrun;\n\ndata approve.jsdset;\n length _____DELETE__THIS__RECORD_____ $3;\n set jsdata;\nrun;\n\n/**\n * mf_getvarXXX functions will fail if the target is locked - so take a copy\n * and reference that (this will also explicitly throw the lock situation)\n */\n%let dscopy=work.dscopy;\ndata &dscopy;\n set &libds;\n stop;\nrun;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Issue getting lock on &libds)\n)\n\n%mp_ds2csv(approve.jsdset\n ,dlm=COMMA\n ,outfile=\"&dir/&orig_libds..csv\"\n ,outencoding=\"UTF-8\"\n ,headerformat=NAME\n ,termstr=CRLF\n)\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc when writing the CSV)\n)\n\n%mpe_loader(mperef=&mperef\n ,submitted_reason_txt=%superq(message)\n ,approver=%quote(%trim(&approver))\n ,url=%superq(url)\n ,dc_dttmtfmt=&dc_dttmtfmt\n)\n%mp_abort(mode=INCLUDE)\n\n%mp_abort(\n iftrue=(%sysfunc(fileexist(%sysfunc(pathname(work))/mf_abort.error))=1)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(mf_abort.error=1)\n)\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc)\n)\n\n/* send relevant SUCCESS values */\ndata sasparams;\nSTATUS='SUCCESS';\nDSID=\"&mperef\";\nurl=\"&url\";\nrun;\n\n%removecolsfromwork(___TMP___MD5)\n\n%webout(OPEN)\n%webout(OBJ,sasparams)\n%webout(CLOSE)\n\n%mpeterm()\n\n* Service end;" } ] }, { "name": "hooks", "type": "folder", "members": [ { "name": "mpe_column_level_security_postedit", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Post Edit Hook script for the MPE_COLUMN_LEVEL_SECURITY table\n @details Post edit hooks provide additional backend validation for user\n provided data. The incoming dataset is named `work.staging_ds` and is\n provided in mpe_loader.sas.\n\n Available macro variables:\n @li DC_LIBREF - The DC control library\n @li LIBREF - The library of the dataset being edited (is assigned)\n @li DS - The dataset being edited\n\n This validation checks the incoming column_level_security settings to ensure\n each individual filter is valid\n\n\n**/\n\n/* check scope values and ensure uppercasing */\n%let errflag=0;\n%let errmsg=;\ndata work.staging_ds;\n set work.staging_ds;\n cls_scope=upcase(cls_scope);\n CLS_LIBREF=upcase(CLS_LIBREF);\n cls_table=upcase(CLS_TABLE);\n CLS_VARIABLE_NM=upcase(CLS_VARIABLE_NM);\n\n if cls_scope not in ('ALL','VIEW','EDIT') then do;\n call symputx('errflag',1);\n call symputx('errmsg',\"Invalid scope: \"!!cls_scope);\n stop;\n end;\n\n if cls_hide<1 then cls_hide=0;\n else cls_hide=1;\n if CLS_ACTIVE<1 then CLS_ACTIVE=0;\n else CLS_ACTIVE=1;\n\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&errflag=1)\n ,mac=mpe_column_level_security_postedit\n ,msg=%superq(errmsg)\n)\n\n* Service end;" }, { "name": "mpe_row_level_security_postedit", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n\n\n%macro dc_assignlib(type,libref,passthru=);\n %if %length(&passthru)>0 %then %do;\n proc sql;\n connect using &libref as &passthru;\n %end;\n%mend dc_assignlib;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquefileref(prefix=_,maxtries=1000,lrecl=32767);\n %local rc fname;\n %if &prefix=0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %local x len;\n %let len=%eval(8-%length(&prefix));\n %let x=0;\n %do x=0 %to &maxtries;\n %let fname=&prefix%substr(%sysfunc(ranuni(0)),3,&len);\n %if %sysfunc(fileref(&fname)) > 0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %put unable to find available fileref after &maxtries attempts;\n %end;\n%mend mf_getuniquefileref;\n\n\n%macro mf_getvarlist(libds\n ,dlm=%str( )\n ,quote=no\n ,typefilter=A\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n /* declare local vars */\n %local outvar dsid nvars x rc dlm q var vtype;\n\n /* credit Rowland Hale - byte34 is double quote, 39 is single quote */\n %if %upcase("e)=DOUBLE %then %let q=%qsysfunc(byte(34));\n %else %if %upcase("e)=SINGLE %then %let q=%qsysfunc(byte(39));\n /* open dataset in macro */\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds));\n\n %if &dsid %then %do;\n %let nvars=%sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,NVARS));\n %if &nvars>0 %then %do;\n /* add variables with supplied delimeter */\n %do x=1 %to &nvars;\n /* get variable type */\n %let vtype=%sysfunc(vartype(&dsid,&x));\n %if &vtype=&typefilter or &typefilter=A %then %do;\n %let var=&q.%sysfunc(varname(&dsid,&x))&q.;\n %if &var=&q&q %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Empty column found in &libds!;\n %let var=&q. &q.;\n %end;\n %if %quote(&outvar)=%quote() %then %let outvar=&var;\n %else %let outvar=&outvar.&dlm.&var.;\n %end;\n %end;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Unable to open &libds (rc=&dsid);\n %put &sysmacroname: SYSMSG= %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n %do;%unquote(&outvar)%end;\n%mend mf_getvarlist;\n\n\n%macro mf_getvartype(libds /* two level name */\n , var /* variable name from which to return the type */\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid vnum vtype rc;\n /* Open dataset */\n %let dsid = %sysfunc(open(&libds));\n %if &dsid. > 0 %then %do;\n /* Get variable number */\n %let vnum = %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid, &var));\n /* Get variable type (C/N) */\n %if(&vnum. > 0) %then %let vtype = %sysfunc(vartype(&dsid, &vnum.));\n %else %do;\n %put NOTE: Variable &var does not exist in &libds;\n %let vtype = %str( );\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: dataset &libds not opened! (rc=&dsid);\n %put &sysmacroname: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* Close dataset */\n %let rc = %sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n /* Return variable type */\n &vtype\n%mend mf_getvartype;\n\n\n%macro mf_getattrn(\n libds\n ,attr\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid rc;\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds,is));\n %if &dsid = 0 %then %do;\n %put %str(WARN)ING: Cannot open %trim(&libds), system message below;\n %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n -1\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,&attr))\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n%mend mf_getattrn;\n\n\n%macro mf_nobs(libds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %mf_getattrn(&libds,NLOBS)\n%mend mf_nobs;\n\n\n%macro mp_filtergenerate(inds,outref=filter);\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc - on macro entry)\n)\n\nfilename &outref temp;\n\n%if %mf_nobs(&inds)=0 %then %do;\n /* ensure we have a default filter */\n data _null_;\n file &outref;\n put '1=1';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n proc sort data=&inds;\n by SUBGROUP_ID;\n run;\n data _null_;\n file &outref lrecl=32800;\n set &inds end=last;\n by SUBGROUP_ID;\n if _n_=1 then put '((';\n else if first.SUBGROUP_ID then put +1 GROUP_LOGIC '(';\n else put +2 SUBGROUP_LOGIC;\n\n put +4 VARIABLE_NM OPERATOR_NM RAW_VALUE;\n\n if last.SUBGROUP_ID then put ')'@;\n if last then put ')';\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mp_filtergenerate;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_filtervalidate(inref,targetds,abort=YES,outds=work.mp_filtervalidate);\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0 or &syserr ne 0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc / syserr=&syserr - on macro entry)\n)\n\n%local fref1;\n%let fref1=%mf_getuniquefileref();\n\ndata _null_;\n file &fref1;\n infile &inref end=eof;\n if _n_=1 then do;\n put \"proc sql;\";\n put \"validate select * from &targetds\";\n put \"where \" ;\n end;\n input;\n put _infile_;\n putlog _infile_;\n if eof then put \";quit;\";\nrun;\n\n%inc &fref1;\n\ndata &outds;\n if &sqlrc or &syscc or &syserr then do;\n REASON_CD='VALIDATION_ERR'!!'OR: '!!\n coalescec(symget('SYSERRORTEXT'),symget('SYSWARNINGTEXT'));\n output;\n end;\n else stop;\nrun;\n\nfilename &fref1 clear;\n\n%if %mf_nobs(&outds)>0 %then %do;\n %if &abort=YES %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &outds;\n call symputx('REASON_CD',reason_cd,'l');\n stop;\n run;\n %mp_abort(\n mac=&sysmacroname,\n msg=%str(Filter validation issues.)\n )\n %end;\n %let syscc=1008;\n%end;\n\n%mend mp_filtervalidate;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_filtercheck(inds,targetds=,outds=work.badrecords,abort=YES);\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc - on macro entry)\n)\n\n/* Validate input column */\n%local vtype;\n%let vtype=%mf_getvartype(&inds,RAW_VALUE);\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&abort=YES and &vtype ne C),\n mac=&sysmacroname,\n msg=%str(%str(ERR)OR: RAW_VALUE must be character)\n)\n%if &vtype ne C %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: RAW_VALUE must be character;\n %let syscc=42;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n\n/**\n * Sanitise the values based on valid value lists, then strip out\n * quotes, commas, periods and spaces.\n */\n%local reason_cd nobs;\n%let nobs=0;\ndata &outds;\n /*length GROUP_LOGIC SUBGROUP_LOGIC $3 SUBGROUP_ID 8 VARIABLE_NM $32\n OPERATOR_NM $10 RAW_VALUE $4000;*/\n set &inds end=last;\n length reason_cd $4032 vtype vtype2 $1 vnum dsid 8 tmp $4000;\n drop tmp;\n\n /* quick check to ensure column exists */\n if upcase(VARIABLE_NM) not in\n (%upcase(%mf_getvarlist(&targetds,dlm=%str(,),quote=SINGLE)))\n then do;\n REASON_CD=\"Variable \"!!cats(variable_nm)!!\" not in &targetds\";\n putlog REASON_CD= VARIABLE_NM=;\n call symputx('reason_cd',reason_cd,'l');\n call symputx('nobs',_n_,'l');\n output;\n return;\n end;\n\n /* need to open the dataset to get the column type */\n retain dsid;\n if _n_=1 then dsid=open(\"&targetds\",\"i\");\n if dsid>0 then do;\n vnum=varnum(dsid,VARIABLE_NM);\n if vnum<1 then do;\n /* should not happen as was also tested for above */\n REASON_CD=cats(\"Variable (\",VARIABLE_NM,\") not found in &targetds\");\n putlog REASON_CD= dsid=;\n call symputx('reason_cd',reason_cd,'l');\n call symputx('nobs',_n_,'l');\n output;\n goto endstep;\n end;\n /* now we can get the type */\n else vtype=vartype(dsid,vnum);\n end;\n else do;\n REASON_CD=cats(\"Could not open &targetds\");\n putlog REASON_CD= dsid=;\n call symputx('reason_cd',reason_cd,'l');\n call symputx('nobs',_n_,'l');\n output;\n stop;\n end;\n\n /* closed list checks */\n if GROUP_LOGIC not in ('AND','OR') then do;\n REASON_CD='GROUP_LOGIC should be AND/OR, not:'!!cats(GROUP_LOGIC);\n putlog REASON_CD= GROUP_LOGIC=;\n call symputx('reason_cd',reason_cd,'l');\n call symputx('nobs',_n_,'l');\n output;\n end;\n if SUBGROUP_LOGIC not in ('AND','OR') then do;\n REASON_CD='SUBGROUP_LOGIC should be AND/OR, not:'!!cats(SUBGROUP_LOGIC);\n putlog REASON_CD= SUBGROUP_LOGIC=;\n call symputx('reason_cd',reason_cd,'l');\n call symputx('nobs',_n_,'l');\n output;\n end;\n if mod(SUBGROUP_ID,1) ne 0 then do;\n REASON_CD='SUBGROUP_ID should be integer, not '!!cats(subgroup_id);\n putlog REASON_CD= SUBGROUP_ID=;\n call symputx('reason_cd',reason_cd,'l');\n call symputx('nobs',_n_,'l');\n output;\n end;\n if OPERATOR_NM not in\n ('=','>','<','<=','>=','NE','GE','LE','BETWEEN','IN','NOT IN','CONTAINS')\n then do;\n REASON_CD='Invalid OPERATOR_NM: '!!cats(OPERATOR_NM);\n putlog REASON_CD= OPERATOR_NM=;\n call symputx('reason_cd',reason_cd,'l');\n call symputx('nobs',_n_,'l');\n output;\n end;\n\n /* special missing logic */\n if vtype='N' & OPERATOR_NM in ('=','>','<','<=','>=','NE','GE','LE') then do;\n if cats(upcase(raw_value)) in (\n '.','.A','.B','.C','.D','.E','.F','.G','.H','.I','.J','.K','.L','.M','.N'\n '.N','.O','.P','.Q','.R','.S','.T','.U','.V','.W','.X','.Y','.Z','._'\n )\n then do;\n /* valid numeric - exit data step loop */\n return;\n end;\n else if subpad(upcase(raw_value),1,1) in (\n 'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N'\n 'N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z','_'\n )\n then do;\n /* check if the raw_value contains a valid variable NAME */\n vnum=varnum(dsid,subpad(raw_value,1,32));\n if vnum>0 then do;\n /* now we can get the type */\n vtype2=vartype(dsid,vnum);\n /* check type matches */\n if vtype2=vtype then do;\n /* valid target var - exit loop */\n return;\n end;\n else do;\n REASON_CD=cats(\"Compared Type (\",vtype2,\") is not (\",vtype,\")\");\n putlog REASON_CD= dsid=;\n call symputx('reason_cd',reason_cd,'l');\n call symputx('nobs',_n_,'l');\n output;\n goto endstep;\n end;\n end;\n end;\n end;\n\n /* special logic */\n if OPERATOR_NM in ('IN','NOT IN','BETWEEN') then do;\n if OPERATOR_NM='BETWEEN' then raw_value1=tranwrd(raw_value,' AND ',',');\n else do;\n if substr(raw_value,1,1) ne '('\n or substr(cats(reverse(raw_value)),1,1) ne ')'\n then do;\n REASON_CD='Missing start/end bracket in RAW_VALUE';\n putlog REASON_CD= OPERATOR_NM= raw_value= raw_value1= ;\n call symputx('reason_cd',reason_cd,'l');\n call symputx('nobs',_n_,'l');\n output;\n end;\n else raw_value1=substr(raw_value,2,max(length(raw_value)-2,0));\n end;\n /* we now have a comma seperated list of values */\n if vtype='N' then do i=1 to countc(raw_value1, ',')+1;\n tmp=scan(raw_value1,i,',');\n if cats(tmp) ne '.' and input(tmp, ?? 8.) eq . then do;\n if OPERATOR_NM ='BETWEEN' and subpad(upcase(tmp),1,1) in (\n 'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N'\n 'N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z','_'\n )\n then do;\n /* check if the raw_value contains a valid variable NAME */\n /* is not valid syntax for IN or NOT IN */\n vnum=varnum(dsid,subpad(tmp,1,32));\n if vnum>0 then do;\n /* now we can get the type */\n vtype2=vartype(dsid,vnum);\n /* check type matches */\n if vtype2=vtype then do;\n /* valid target var - exit loop */\n return;\n end;\n else do;\n REASON_CD=cats(\"Compared Type (\",vtype2,\") is not (\",vtype,\")\");\n putlog REASON_CD= dsid=;\n call symputx('reason_cd',reason_cd,'l');\n call symputx('nobs',_n_,'l');\n output;\n goto endstep;\n end;\n end;\n end;\n REASON_CD='Non Numeric value provided';\n putlog REASON_CD= OPERATOR_NM= raw_value= raw_value1= ;\n call symputx('reason_cd',reason_cd,'l');\n call symputx('nobs',_n_,'l');\n output;\n end;\n return;\n end;\n end;\n else raw_value1=raw_value;\n\n /* remove nested literals eg '' */\n raw_value1=tranwrd(raw_value1,\"''\",'');\n\n /* now match string literals (always single quotes) */\n raw_value2=raw_value1;\n regex = prxparse(\"s/(\\').*?(\\')//\");\n call prxchange(regex,-1,raw_value2);\n\n /* remove commas and periods*/\n raw_value3=compress(raw_value2,',.');\n\n /* output records that contain values other than digits and spaces */\n if notdigit(compress(raw_value3,' '))>0 then do;\n if vtype='C' and subpad(upcase(raw_value),1,1) in (\n 'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N'\n 'N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z','_'\n )\n then do;\n /* check if the raw_value contains a valid variable NAME */\n vnum=varnum(dsid,subpad(raw_value,1,32));\n if vnum>0 then do;\n /* now we can get the type */\n vtype2=vartype(dsid,vnum);\n /* check type matches */\n if vtype2=vtype then do;\n /* valid target var - exit loop */\n return;\n end;\n else do;\n REASON_CD=cats(\"Compared Char Type (\",vtype2,\") is not (\",vtype,\")\");\n putlog REASON_CD= dsid=;\n call symputx('reason_cd',reason_cd,'l');\n call symputx('nobs',_n_,'l');\n output;\n goto endstep;\n end;\n end;\n end;\n\n putlog raw_value3= $hex32.;\n REASON_CD=cats('Invalid RAW_VALUE:',raw_value);\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n call symputx('reason_cd',reason_cd,'l');\n call symputx('nobs',_n_,'l');\n output;\n end;\n\n endstep:\n if last then rc=close(dsid);\nrun;\n\n\ndata _null_;\n set &outds end=last;\n putlog (_all_)(=);\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&abort=YES and &nobs>0),\n mac=&sysmacroname,\n msg=%str(Data issue: %superq(reason_cd))\n)\n\n%if &nobs>0 %then %do;\n %let syscc=1008;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * syntax checking passed but it does not mean the filter is valid\n * for that we can run a proc sql validate query\n */\n%local fref1;\n%let fref1=%mf_getuniquefileref();\n%mp_filtergenerate(&inds,outref=&fref1)\n\n/* this macro will also set syscc to 1008 if any issues found */\n%mp_filtervalidate(&fref1,&targetds,outds=&outds,abort=&abort)\n\n%mend mp_filtercheck;\n\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Post Edit Hook script for the MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY table\n @details Post edit hooks provide additional backend validation for user\n provided data. The incoming dataset is named `work.staging_ds` and is\n provided in mpe_loader.sas.\n\n Available macro variables:\n @li DC_LIBREF - The DC control library\n @li LIBREF - The library of the dataset being edited (is assigned)\n @li DS - The dataset being edited\n\n This validation checks the incoming row_level_security settings to ensure\n each individual filter is\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li dc_assignlib.sas\n @li mp_filtercheck.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li mpe_loader.sas\n\n**/\n\n\n/* ignore scope and group for validation */\nproc sql;\ncreate table work.batches as\n select distinct upcase(rls_libref) as rls_libref,\n upcase(rls_table) as rls_table,\n rls_group_logic as group_logic,\n rls_subgroup_logic as subgroup_logic,\n rls_subgroup_id as subgroup_id,\n rls_variable_nm as variable_nm,\n rls_operator_nm as operator_nm,\n rls_raw_value as raw_value\n from work.staging_ds\n where rls_active=1\n order by rls_libref, rls_table;\n\n%let cnt=0;\ndata _null_;\n set work.batches;\n by rls_libref rls_table;\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n if last.rls_table then do;\n x+1;\n call symputx(cats('libds',x),cats(rls_libref,'.',rls_table));\n call symputx('cnt',x);\n end;\nrun;\n\n%macro quickloop();\n%do i=1 %to &cnt;\n data work.inds&i;\n set work.batches;\n if cats(rls_libref,'.',rls_table)=\"&&libds&i\";\n keep group_logic subgroup_logic subgroup_id variable_nm operator_nm\n raw_value;\n run;\n %dc_assignlib(READ,%scan(&&libds&i,1,.))\n %mp_filtercheck(work.inds&i\n ,targetds=&&libds&i\n ,outds=work.badrecords\n ,abort=YES\n )\n%end;\n%mend quickloop;\n\n%quickloop()\n* Service end;" }, { "name": "mpe_security_postedit", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Post Edit Hook script for the MPE_SECURITY table\n @details Post edit hooks provide additional backend validation against\n user-sourced data. The incoming dataset is always `work.staging_ds` and this\n file is included from the mpe_loader.sas macro.\n\n Available (at runtime) macro variables:\n @li DC_LIBREF - The DC control library for your site\n @li LIBREF - The library of the dataset being edited (is assigned)\n @li DS - The dataset being edited\n\n\n**/\n\n/* ensure upcase and check access level values*/\n%let errval=0;\n%let errmsg=;\ndata work.staging_ds;\n set work.staging_ds;\n LIBREF=upcase(LIBREF);\n DSN=upcase(DSN);\n ACCESS_LEVEL=upcase(ACCESS_LEVEL);\n if ACCESS_LEVEL not in ('EDIT','APPROVE','VIEW','SIGNOFF','AUDIT') then do;\n putlog \"ERR\" +(-1) \"OR: invalid ACCESS_LEVEL - \" access_level;\n call symputx('errval',1);\n call symputx('errmsg',\"Invalid ACCESS_LEVEL: \"!!access_level);\n end;\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&errval=1)\n ,mac=mpe_security_postedit.sas\n ,msg=%str(&errmsg)\n)\n* Service end;" }, { "name": "mpe_tables_postedit", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Post Edit Hook script for the MPE_TABLES table\n @details Post edit hooks provide additional backend validation for user\n provided data. The incoming dataset is named `work.staging_ds` and is\n provided in mpe_loader.sas.\n\n Available macro variables:\n @li DC_LIBREF - The DC control library\n @li LIBREF - The library of the dataset being edited (is assigned)\n @li DS - The dataset being edited\n\n This validation checks MPE_TABLES to ensure modified / added records are\n valid. If a non-default AUDIT_LIBDS is being used, there is also a check\n to ensure that this table already exists.\n\n\n**/\n\n%let errmsg=;\n%let errflag=0;\n\n/* ensure uppercasing */\ndata work.staging_ds;\n set work.staging_ds;\n /* PK fields should not be upcased if we are trying to delete records */\n if upcase(_____DELETE__THIS__RECORD_____) ne \"YES\" then do;\n LIBREF=upcase(LIBREF);\n DSN=upcase(DSN);\n end;\n loadtype=upcase(loadtype);\n buskey=upcase(buskey);\n var_txfrom=upcase(var_txfrom);\n var_txto=upcase(var_txto);\n var_busfrom=upcase(var_busfrom);\n var_busto=upcase(var_busto);\n var_processed=upcase(var_processed);\n close_vars=upcase(close_vars);\n audit_libds=upcase(audit_libds);\n rk_underlying=upcase(rk_underlying);\n\n /* check for valid loadtype */\n if LOADTYPE not in ('UPDATE','TXTEMPORAL','FORMAT_CAT','BITEMPORAL','REPLACE')\n then do;\n call symputx('errmsg',\"Invalid LOADTYPE: \"!!LOADTYPE);\n call symputx('errflag',1);\n end;\n\n /* force correct BUSKEY and DSN when loading format catalogs */\n if LOADTYPE='FORMAT_CAT' then do;\n BUSKEY='TYPE FMTNAME FMTROW';\n DSN=scan(dsn,1,'-')!!'-FC';\n end;\n\n /* convert tabs into spaces */\n buskey=translate(buskey,\" \",\"09\"x);\n rk_underlying=translate(rk_underlying,\" \",\"09\"x);\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&errflag=1)\n ,mac=mpe_tables_postedit\n ,msg=%superq(errmsg)\n)\n\n/* get distinct list of audit libs */\nproc sql;\ncreate table work.liblist as\n select distinct audit_libds\n from work.staging_ds\n where audit_libds not in ('','0', \"&dc_libref..MPE_AUDIT\")\n and upcase(_____DELETE__THIS__RECORD_____) ne \"YES\";\n\n/* assign the libs */\ndata _null_;\n set work.liblist;\n call symputx(cats('lib',_n_),audit_libds);\n libref=scan(audit_libds,1,'.');\n call execute('%dc_assignlib(WRITE,'!!libref!!')');\nrun;\n\n/* check the audit tables exist */\ndata _null_;\n set work.liblist;\n\n if exist(audit_libds,\"DATA\")=0 then do;\n call symputx('errmsg',\n \"Audit Table \"!!audit_libds!!\" does not exist, or could not be assigned.\"\n );\n call symputx('errflag',1);\n end;\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&errflag=1)\n ,mac=mpe_tables_postedit\n ,msg=%superq(errmsg)\n)\n\n\n* Service end;" }, { "name": "mpe_validations_postedit", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getattrn(\n libds\n ,attr\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid rc;\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds,is));\n %if &dsid = 0 %then %do;\n %put %str(WARN)ING: Cannot open %trim(&libds), system message below;\n %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n -1\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,&attr))\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n%mend mf_getattrn;\n\n\n%macro mf_nobs(libds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %mf_getattrn(&libds,NLOBS)\n%mend mf_nobs;\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Post Edit Hook script for the MPE_VALIDATIONS table\n @details Post edit hooks provide additional backend validation for user\n provided data. The incoming dataset is named `work.staging_ds` and is\n provided in mpe_loader.sas.\n\n Available macro variables:\n @li DC_LIBREF - The DC control library\n @li LIBREF - The library of the dataset being edited (is assigned)\n @li DS - The dataset being edited\n\n This validation checks the incoming mpe_validations settings to ensure\n there are no columns that have both HARDSELECT_HOOK and SOFTSELECT_HOOK.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mf_nobs.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li mpe_loader.sas\n\n**/\n\n\n/** check to avoid a colum having both HARDSELECT_HOOK and SOFTSELECT_HOOK */\n/* need to merge with base table in the case of a single row being added */\n%global src_list1 src_list2;\n%let src_list1='';\nproc sql noprint;\ncreate table work.check1 as\n select quote(catx('.',base_lib,base_ds,base_col)) as source\n ,rule_type\n from work.staging_ds\n where rule_type in ('SOFTSELECT_HOOK','HARDSELECT_HOOK')\n and upcase(_____DELETE__THIS__RECORD_____) ne \"YES\";\n\nselect distinct cats(source) into: src_list1 separated by ','\n from work.check1;\n\ncreate table work.check2 as\n select quote(catx('.',base_lib,base_ds,base_col)) as source\n ,rule_type\n from &DC_LIBREF..MPE_VALIDATIONS\n where rule_type in ('SOFTSELECT_HOOK','HARDSELECT_HOOK')\n and &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to\n and catx('.',base_lib,base_ds,base_col) in (&src_list1);\n\ncreate table work.check3 as\n select * from work.check1\nunion\n select * from work.check2;\n\ncreate table work.validation_checker as\n select source\n ,count(*) as cnt\n from work.check3\n group by 1\n having cnt>1;\n\nselect distinct source into: src_list2 from work.validation_checker;\n\ndata _null_;\n set work.validation_checker;\n putlog (_all_)(=);\nrun;\n\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (%mf_nobs(work.validation_checker)>0)\n ,mac=mpe_validations_postedit\n ,msg=%str(The following vars have duplicate HOOKS: &src_list2)\n)\n\n\n* Service end;" }, { "name": "mpe_xlmap_info_postedit", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n\n\n%macro dc_assignlib(type,libref,passthru=);\n %if %length(&passthru)>0 %then %do;\n proc sql;\n connect using &libref as &passthru;\n %end;\n%mend dc_assignlib;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_existds(libds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&libds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&libds,VIEW)) ne 1 %then 0;\n %else 1;\n\n%mend mf_existds;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getvarlist(libds\n ,dlm=%str( )\n ,quote=no\n ,typefilter=A\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n /* declare local vars */\n %local outvar dsid nvars x rc dlm q var vtype;\n\n /* credit Rowland Hale - byte34 is double quote, 39 is single quote */\n %if %upcase("e)=DOUBLE %then %let q=%qsysfunc(byte(34));\n %else %if %upcase("e)=SINGLE %then %let q=%qsysfunc(byte(39));\n /* open dataset in macro */\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds));\n\n %if &dsid %then %do;\n %let nvars=%sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,NVARS));\n %if &nvars>0 %then %do;\n /* add variables with supplied delimeter */\n %do x=1 %to &nvars;\n /* get variable type */\n %let vtype=%sysfunc(vartype(&dsid,&x));\n %if &vtype=&typefilter or &typefilter=A %then %do;\n %let var=&q.%sysfunc(varname(&dsid,&x))&q.;\n %if &var=&q&q %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Empty column found in &libds!;\n %let var=&q. &q.;\n %end;\n %if %quote(&outvar)=%quote() %then %let outvar=&var;\n %else %let outvar=&outvar.&dlm.&var.;\n %end;\n %end;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Unable to open &libds (rc=&dsid);\n %put &sysmacroname: SYSMSG= %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n %do;%unquote(&outvar)%end;\n%mend mf_getvarlist;\n\n\n%macro mf_wordsInStr1ButNotStr2(\n Str1= /* string containing words to extract */\n ,Str2= /* used to compare with the extract string */\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%local count_base count_extr i i2 extr_word base_word match outvar;\n%if %length(&str1)=0 or %length(&str2)=0 %then %do;\n %put base string (str1)= &str1;\n %put compare string (str2) = &str2;\n %return;\n%end;\n%let count_base=%sysfunc(countw(&Str2));\n%let count_extr=%sysfunc(countw(&Str1));\n\n%do i=1 %to &count_extr;\n %let extr_word=%scan(&Str1,&i,%str( ));\n %let match=0;\n %do i2=1 %to &count_base;\n %let base_word=%scan(&Str2,&i2,%str( ));\n %if &extr_word=&base_word %then %let match=1;\n %end;\n %if &match=0 %then %let outvar=&outvar &extr_word;\n%end;\n\n &outvar\n\n%mend mf_wordsInStr1ButNotStr2;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquename(prefix=MC);\n&prefix.%substr(%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32-%length(&prefix))\n%mend mf_getuniquename;\n\n\n%macro mp_validatecol(incol,rule,outcol);\n\n/* tempcol is given a unique name with every invocation */\n%local tempcol;\n%let tempcol=%mf_getuniquename();\n\n%if &rule=ISINT %then %do;\n &outcol=0;\n if not missing(&incol) then do;\n &tempcol=input(&incol,?? best32.);\n if not missing(&tempcol) then if mod(&tempcol,1)=0 then &outcol=1;\n end;\n drop &tempcol;\n%end;\n%else %if &rule=ISNUM %then %do;\n /*\n credit SOREN LASSEN\n https://sasmacro.blogspot.com/2009/06/welcome-isnum-macro.html\n */\n &tempcol=input(&incol,?? best32.);\n if missing(&tempcol) then &outcol=0;\n else &outcol=1;\n drop &tempcol;\n%end;\n%else %if &rule=LIBDS %then %do;\n /* match libref.dataset */\n if _n_=1 then do;\n retain &tempcol;\n &tempcol=prxparse('/^[_a-z]\\w{0,7}\\.[_a-z]\\w{0,31}$/i');\n if missing(&tempcol) then do;\n putlog 'ERR' +(-1) \"OR: Invalid expression for LIBDS\";\n stop;\n end;\n drop &tempcol;\n end;\n if prxmatch(&tempcol, trim(&incol)) then &outcol=1;\n else &outcol=0;\n%end;\n%else %if &rule=FORMAT %then %do;\n /* match valid format - regex could probably be improved */\n if _n_=1 then do;\n retain &tempcol;\n &tempcol=prxparse('/^[_a-z\\$]\\w{0,31}\\.[0-9]*$/i');\n if missing(&tempcol) then do;\n putlog 'ERR' +(-1) \"OR: Invalid expression for FORMAT\";\n stop;\n end;\n drop &tempcol;\n end;\n if prxmatch(&tempcol, trim(&incol)) then &outcol=1;\n else &outcol=0;\n%end;\n\n%mend mp_validatecol;\n\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Post Edit Hook script for the MPE_XLMAP_INFO table\n @details Post edit hooks provide additional backend validation for user\n provided data. The incoming dataset is named `work.staging_ds` and is\n provided in mpe_loader.sas.\n\n Available macro variables:\n @li DC_LIBREF - The DC control library\n @li LIBREF - The library of the dataset being edited (is assigned)\n @li DS - The dataset being edited\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mf_existds.sas\n @li mf_getvarlist.sas\n @li mf_wordsinstr1butnotstr2.sas\n @li dc_assignlib.sas\n @li mp_validatecol.sas\n\n**/\n\ndata work.staging_ds;\n set work.staging_ds;\n\n /* apply the first excel map to all cells */\n length tgtds $41;\n retain tgtds;\n drop tgtds is_libds;\n if _n_=1 then do;\n if missing(XLMAP_TARGETLIBDS) then tgtds=\"&dc_libref..MPE_XLMAP_DATA\";\n else tgtds=upcase(XLMAP_TARGETLIBDS);\n %mp_validatecol(XLMAP_TARGETLIBDS,LIBDS,is_libds)\n call symputx('tgtds',tgtds);\n call symputx('is_libds',is_libds);\n end;\n XLMAP_TARGETLIBDS=tgtds;\n\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&is_libds ne 1)\n ,mac=mpe_xlmap_info_postedit\n ,msg=Invalid target dataset (&tgtds)\n)\n\n/**\n * make sure that the supplied target dataset exists and\n * has the necessary columns\n */\n%dc_assignlib(READ,%scan(&tgtds,1,.))\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(%mf_existds(libds=&tgtds) ne 1)\n ,mac=mpe_xlmap_info_postedit\n ,msg=Target dataset (&tgtds) could not be opened\n)\n\n%let tgtvars=%upcase(%mf_getvarlist(&tgtds));\n%let srcvars=%upcase(%mf_getvarlist(&dc_libref..MPE_XLMAP_DATA));\n%let badvars1=%mf_wordsInStr1ButNotStr2(Str1=&srcvars,Str2=&tgtvars);\n%let badvars2=%mf_wordsInStr1ButNotStr2(Str1=&tgtvars,Str2=&srcvars);\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(%length(&badvars1.X)>1)\n ,mac=mpe_xlmap_info_postedit\n ,msg=%str(Target dataset (&tgtds) has missing vars: &badvars1)\n)\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(%length(&badvars2.X)>1)\n ,mac=mpe_xlmap_info_postedit\n ,msg=%str(Target dataset (&tgtds) has unrecognised vars: &badvars2)\n)\n* Service end;" }, { "name": "mpe_xlmap_rules_postedit", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Post Edit Hook script for the MPE_XLMAP_RULES table\n @details Post edit hooks provide additional backend validation for user\n provided data. The incoming dataset is named `work.staging_ds` and is\n provided in mpe_loader.sas.\n\n Available macro variables:\n @li DC_LIBREF - The DC control library\n @li LIBREF - The library of the dataset being edited (is assigned)\n @li DS - The dataset being edited\n\n\n**/\n\ndata work.staging_ds;\n set work.staging_ds;\n\n /* ensure uppercasing */\n XLMAP_ID=upcase(XLMAP_ID);\n\nrun;\n\n\n* Service end;" }, { "name": "sample_xlmap_data_postapprove", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Sample XLMAP Data hook program (sample_xlmap_data_postapprove)\n @details This hook script should NOT be modified in place, as the changes\n would be lost in your next Data Controller deployment.\n Instead, create a copy of this hook script and place it OUTSIDE the\n Data Controller metadata folder.\n\n Available macro variables:\n @li LOAD_REF - The Load Reference (unique upload id)\n @li ORIG_LIBDS - The target library.dataset that was just loaded\n\n**/\n\n\ndata _null_;\n set work.staging_ds;\n putlog 'load ref is in the staged data: ' load_ref;\n stop;\nrun;\n\n%put the unique identifier (LOAD_REF) is also a macro variable: &LOAD_REF;\n* Service end;" }, { "name": "sample_xlmap_data_postedit", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Sample XLMAP Data hook program\n @details This hook script should NOT be modified in place, as the changes\n would be lost in your next Data Controller deployment.\n Instead, create a copy of this hook script and place it OUTSIDE the\n Data Controller metadata folder.\n\n Available macro variables:\n @li DC_LIBREF - The DC control library\n @li LIBREF - The library of the dataset being edited (is assigned)\n @li DS - The target dataset being loaded\n\n**/\n\n%let abort=0;\n%let errmsg=;\n\ndata work.staging_ds;\n set work.staging_ds;\n length errmsg $1000;\n drop err:;\n /* KM1 validations */\n if XLMAP_ID='BASEL-KM1' then do;\n if XLMAP_RANGE_ID='KM1:a' & input(value_txt,8.)<100 then do;\n errmsg='Should be greater than 100';\n err=1;\n end;\n end;\n /* CR2 Validations */\n if XLMAP_ID='BASEL-CR2' then do;\n if XLMAP_RANGE_ID='CR2-sec1' & row_no=3 & input(value_txt,8.)>0 then do;\n errmsg='Should be negative';\n err=1;\n end;\n end;\n\n /* publish error message */\n if err=1 then do;\n errmsg=catx(' ',xlmap_range_id,':',value_txt,'->',errmsg);\n call symputx('errmsg',errmsg);\n call symputx('abort',1);\n end;\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&abort ne 0)\n ,mac=xlmap_data_postedit\n ,msg=%superq(errmsg)\n)\n\n* Service end;" } ] }, { "name": "public", "type": "folder", "members": [ { "name": "getchangeinfo", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquefileref(prefix=_,maxtries=1000,lrecl=32767);\n %local rc fname;\n %if &prefix=0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %local x len;\n %let len=%eval(8-%length(&prefix));\n %let x=0;\n %do x=0 %to &maxtries;\n %let fname=&prefix%substr(%sysfunc(ranuni(0)),3,&len);\n %if %sysfunc(fileref(&fname)) > 0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %put unable to find available fileref after &maxtries attempts;\n %end;\n%mend mf_getuniquefileref;\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquelibref(prefix=mclib,maxtries=1000);\n %local x;\n\n %if ( %length(&prefix) gt 7 ) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: The prefix parameter cannot exceed 7 characters.;\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %if (%sysfunc(NVALID(&prefix,v7))=0) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: Invalid prefix (&prefix);\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* Set maxtries equal to '10 to the power of [# unused characters] - 1' */\n %let maxtries=%eval(10**(8-%length(&prefix))-1);\n\n %do x = 0 %to &maxtries;\n %if %sysfunc(libref(&prefix&x)) ne 0 %then %do;\n &prefix&x\n %return;\n %end;\n %let x = %eval(&x + 1);\n %end;\n\n %put %str(ERR)OR: No usable libref in range &prefix.0-&maxtries;\n %put %str(ERR)OR- Try reducing the prefix or deleting some libraries!;\n 0\n%mend mf_getuniquelibref;\n\n\n%macro mv_getusergroups(user\n ,outds=work.mv_getusergroups\n ,access_token_var=ACCESS_TOKEN\n ,grant_type=sas_services\n );\n%local oauth_bearer;\n%if &grant_type=detect %then %do;\n %if %symexist(&access_token_var) %then %let grant_type=authorization_code;\n %else %let grant_type=sas_services;\n%end;\n%if &grant_type=sas_services %then %do;\n %let oauth_bearer=oauth_bearer=sas_services;\n %let &access_token_var=;\n%end;\n%put &sysmacroname: grant_type=&grant_type;\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&grant_type ne authorization_code and &grant_type ne password\n and &grant_type ne sas_services\n )\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid value for grant_type: &grant_type)\n)\noptions noquotelenmax;\n\n%local base_uri; /* location of rest apis */\n%let base_uri=%mf_getplatform(VIYARESTAPI);\n\n/* fetching folder details for provided path */\n%local fname1;\n%let fname1=%mf_getuniquefileref();\n%let libref1=%mf_getuniquelibref();\n\nproc http method='GET' out=&fname1 &oauth_bearer\n url=\"&base_uri/identities/users/&user/memberships?limit=10000\";\n headers\n%if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\"\n%end;\n \"Accept\"=\"application/json\";\nrun;\n/*data _null_;infile &fname1;input;putlog _infile_;run;*/\n%if &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE=404 %then %do;\n %put NOTE: User &user not found!!;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %mp_abort(iftrue=(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE ne 200)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_PHRASE)\n )\n%end;\nlibname &libref1 JSON fileref=&fname1;\n\ndata &outds;\n set &libref1..items;\nrun;\n\n/* clear refs */\nfilename &fname1 clear;\nlibname &libref1 clear;\n\n%mend mv_getusergroups;\n\n\n%macro dc_getusergroups(user=,outds=mm_getgroups);\n %mv_getusergroups(&user,outds=&outds)\n data &outds;\n length groupname groupdesc $256;\n set &outds(rename=(id=groupname name=groupdesc));\n run;\n%mend dc_getusergroups;\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_getgroups(user=,outds=);\n\n %if not %symexist(dc_repo_users) %then %let dc_repo_users=foundation;\n\n %dc_getusergroups(user=&user,outds=&outds)\n\n data;\n length groupname groupdesc $256;\n set &dc_libref..mpe_groups;\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to;\n where also upcase(user_name)=\"%upcase(&user)\";\n groupname=group_name;\n groupdesc=group_desc;\n keep groupname groupdesc;\n run;\n\n data &outds;\n set &syslast &outds(keep=groupname groupdesc);\n run;\n\n%mend mpe_getgroups;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquename(prefix=MC);\n&prefix.%substr(%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32-%length(&prefix))\n%mend mf_getuniquename;\n\n\n%macro mf_abort(mac=mf_abort.sas, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n)/des='ungraceful abort' /*STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n %put NOTE: /// mf_abort macro executing //;\n %if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n %put NOTE - &msg;\n\n %abort;\n\n%mend mf_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_verifymacvars(\n verifyVars /* list of macro variable NAMES */\n ,makeUpcase=NO /* set to YES to make all the variable VALUES uppercase */\n ,mAbort=SOFT\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %local verifyIterator verifyVar abortmsg;\n %do verifyIterator=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&verifyVars,%str( )));\n %let verifyVar=%qscan(&verifyVars,&verifyIterator,%str( ));\n %if not %symexist(&verifyvar) %then %do;\n %let abortmsg= Variable &verifyVar is MISSING;\n %goto exit_err;\n %end;\n %if %length(%trim(&&&verifyVar))=0 %then %do;\n %let abortmsg= Variable &verifyVar is EMPTY;\n %goto exit_err;\n %end;\n %if &makeupcase=YES %then %do;\n %let &verifyVar=%upcase(&&&verifyvar);\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %goto exit_success;\n %exit_err:\n %put &abortmsg;\n %mf_abort(iftrue=(&mabort ne SOFT),\n mac=mf_verifymacvars,\n msg=%str(&abortmsg)\n )\n 0\n %return;\n %exit_success:\n 1\n\n%mend mf_verifymacvars;\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_accesscheck(\n base_table\n ,outds=med_accesscheck /* WORK table to contain access details */\n ,user= /* metadata user to check for */\n ,access_level=APPROVE\n ,cntl_lib_var=MPELIB\n );\n\n %if &user= %then %let user=%mf_getuser();\n\n %mp_abort(\n iftrue=(%index(&outds,.)>0 and %upcase(%scan(&outds,1,.)) ne WORK)\n ,mac=mpe_accesscheck\n ,msg=%str(outds should be a WORK table)\n )\n\n %mp_abort(\n iftrue=(%mf_verifymacvars(base_table user access_level)=0)\n ,mac=mpe_accesscheck\n ,msg=%str(Missing base_table/user access_level variables)\n )\n\n /* make unique temp table vars */\n %local tempds1 tempds2;\n %let tempds1=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=usergroups);\n %let tempds2=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=tablegroups);\n\n /* get list of user groups */\n %mpe_getgroups(user=&user,outds=&tempds1)\n\n /* get list of groups with access for that table */\n proc sql;\n create table &tempds2 as\n select distinct sas_group\n from &&&cntl_lib_var...mpe_security\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to\n and access_level=\"&access_level\"\n and (\n (libref=\"%scan(&base_table,1,.)\" and upcase(dsn)=\"%scan(&base_table,2,.)\")\n or (libref=\"%scan(&base_table,1,.)\" and dsn=\"*ALL*\")\n or (libref=\"*ALL*\")\n );\n %if &_debug ge 131 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds1;\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds2;\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &outds as\n select * from &tempds1\n where groupname=\"&mpeadmins\"\n or groupname in (select * from &tempds2);\n\n %put &sysmacroname: base_table=&base_table;\n %put &sysmacroname: access_level=&access_level;\n%mend mpe_accesscheck;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getattrn(\n libds\n ,attr\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid rc;\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds,is));\n %if &dsid = 0 %then %do;\n %put %str(WARN)ING: Cannot open %trim(&libds), system message below;\n %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n -1\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,&attr))\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n%mend mf_getattrn;\n\n\n%macro mf_nobs(libds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %mf_getattrn(&libds,NLOBS)\n%mend mf_nobs;\n\n\n%macro mpe_checkrestore(load_ref,\n outresult=ALLOW_RESTORE,\n outreason=REASON\n);\n\n %global &outresult &outreason;\n %let &outresult=NO;\n %let &outreason=NOTFOUND;\n\n /* check if there is actually a version to restore */\n %local chk;\n %let chk=0;\n proc sql noprint;\n select count(*) into: chk from &dc_libref..mpe_audit\n where load_ref=\"&load_ref\";\n %if &chk=0 %then %do;\n %let allow_restore=NO;\n %let reason=No entry for &load_ref in MPE_AUDIT;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* grab user groups */\n %local user;\n %let user=%mf_getuser();\n %mpe_getgroups(user=&user,outds=work.groups)\n\n /* check if user is admin */\n %local is_admin;\n %let is_admin=0;\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: is_admin from work.groups\n where groupname=\"&dc_admin_group\";\n\n %if &is_admin>0 %then %do;\n %let allow_restore=YES;\n %let reason=IS ADMIN;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* check if user has basic access */\n %local libds;\n proc sql noprint;\n select cats(base_lib,'.',base_ds) into: libds\n from &mpelib..mpe_submit\n where TABLE_ID=\"&load_ref\";\n %mpe_accesscheck(&libds,outds=work.access_check\n ,user=&user\n ,access_level=EDIT\n )\n %if %mf_nobs(access_check)=0 %then %do;\n %let allow_restore=NO;\n %let reason=No access in MPE_TABLES;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* check if user has column level security rules */\n proc sql;\n create table work.cls_rules as\n select *\n from &mpelib..mpe_column_level_security\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to\n and CLS_SCOPE in (\"EDIT\",'ALL')\n and CLS_ACTIVE=1\n and upcase(CLS_GROUP) in (select upcase(groupname) from work.groups)\n and CLS_LIBREF=\"%upcase(&base_lib)\"\n and CLS_TABLE=\"%upcase(&base_ds)\";\n %if %mf_nobs(work.cls_rules)>0 %then %do;\n %let allow_restore=NO;\n %let reason=User has restrictions in MPE_COLUMN_LEVEL_SECURITY;\n data _null_;\n set work.cls_rules;\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n if _n_>5 then stop;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* check if user has row level security rules */\n proc sql;\n create table work.rls_rules as\n select *\n from &mpelib..mpe_row_level_security\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to\n and rls_scope in (\"EDIT\",'ALL')\n and upcase(rls_group) in (select upcase(groupname) from work.groups)\n and rls_libref=\"&base_lib\"\n and rls_table=\"&base_ds\"\n and rls_active=1;\n %if %mf_nobs(work.rls_rules)>0 %then %do;\n %let allow_restore=NO;\n %let reason=User has restrictions in MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY;\n data _null_;\n set work.rls_rules;\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n if _n_>5 then stop;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %let allow_restore=YES;\n %let reason=CHECKS PASSED;\n %end;\n%mend mpe_checkrestore;\n\n\n/** @cond */\n\n%macro mf_getengine(libref\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid engnum rc engine;\n\n /* in case the parameter is a libref.tablename, pull off just the libref */\n %let libref = %upcase(%scan(&libref, 1, %str(.)));\n\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(\n open(sashelp.vlibnam(where=(libname=\"%upcase(&libref)\")),i)\n );\n %if (&dsid ^= 0) %then %do;\n %let engnum=%sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,ENGINE));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fetch(&dsid));\n %let engine=%sysfunc(getvarc(&dsid,&engnum));\n %put &libref. ENGINE is &engine.;\n %let rc= %sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n\n %upcase(&engine)\n\n%mend mf_getengine;\n\n/** @endcond */\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file getchangeinfo.sas\n @brief Returns the details for an approval diff\n @details\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mf_getengine.sas\n @li mp_abort.sas\n @li mpe_checkrestore.sas\n\n

Service Inputs

\n @li table table ID or LOAD_REF used to uniquely identify a staged change\n\n

Service Outputs

\n Mainly sourced from MPE_SUBMIT plus some extra cols:\n\n @li LIB_ENGINE Library engine\n @li allow_restore YES if a user can restore, else NO\n @li REASON reason why a restore is / is no possible\n\n

Data Inputs

\n @li MPE_AUDIT\n @li MPE_COLUMN_LEVEL_SECURITY\n @li MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY\n @li MPE_SUBMIT\n\n @version 9.2\n @author 4GL Apps Ltd\n @copyright 4GL Apps Ltd. This code may only be used within Data Controller\n and may not be re-distributed or re-sold without the express permission of\n 4GL Apps Ltd.\n\n**/\n\n%mpeinit()\n\n%let table=;\ndata _null_;\n set SASControlTable;\n call symputx('table',table);\nrun;\n\ndata APPROVE1;\n set &mpelib..mpe_submit\n (rename=(SUBMITTED_ON_DTTM=submitted_on REVIEWED_ON_DTTM=REVIEWED_ON));\n where TABLE_ID=\"&TABLE\";\n TABLE_NM=cats(base_lib,'.',base_ds);\n BASE_TABLE=table_nm;\n call symputx('base_lib',base_lib);\n REVIEWED_ON_DTTM=put(reviewed_on,datetime19.);\n SUBMITTED_ON_DTTM=put(submitted_on,datetime19.);\nrun;\n\n/**\n * Check if user has basic access permission to RESTORE the table\n */\n%put checking access;\n%global allow_restore reason;\n%mpe_checkrestore(&table,outresult=ALLOW_RESTORE,outreason=REASON)\n\ndata work.jsParams;\n set approve1;\n LIB_ENGINE=\"%mf_getEngine(&base_lib)\";\n allow_restore=\"&allow_restore\";\n REASON=\"&reason\";\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc)\n)\n\n%webout(OPEN)\n%webout(OBJ,jsParams)\n%webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n%mpeterm()\n\n* Service end;" }, { "name": "getcols", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n\n\n%macro dc_assignlib(type,libref,passthru=);\n %if %length(&passthru)>0 %then %do;\n proc sql;\n connect using &libref as &passthru;\n %end;\n%mend dc_assignlib;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getattrn(\n libds\n ,attr\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid rc;\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds,is));\n %if &dsid = 0 %then %do;\n %put %str(WARN)ING: Cannot open %trim(&libds), system message below;\n %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n -1\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,&attr))\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n%mend mf_getattrn;\n\n\n%macro mf_getvalue(libds,variable,filter=1\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %if %mf_getattrn(&libds,NLOBS)>0 %then %do;\n %local dsid rc &variable;\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds(where=(&filter))));\n %syscall set(dsid);\n %let rc = %sysfunc(fetch(&dsid));\n %let rc = %sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n\n %trim(&&&variable)\n\n %end;\n%mend mf_getvalue;\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file getcols.sas\n @brief Retrieves column info to enable population of dropdowns\n @details\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li dc_assignlib.sas\n @li mf_getvalue.sas\n @li mp_abort.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author 4GL Apps Ltd\n @copyright 4GL Apps Ltd. This code may only be used within Data Controller\n and may not be re-distributed or re-sold without the express permission of\n 4GL Apps Ltd.\n\n**/\n%mpeinit()\n\n\n%let ds=%mf_getvalue(work.iwant,libds);\n%dc_assignlib(READ,%scan(&ds,1,.))\n\nproc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=droplist1 (keep=name type length label varnum format:);\nrun;\ndata cols(keep=name type length varnum format label);\n set droplist1(rename=(format=format2 type=type2));\n name=upcase(name);\n if type2=2 then do;\n length format $49.;\n if format2='' then format=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then format=cats(format2,'.');\n else format=cats(format2,formatl,'.');\n type='C';\n ddtype='CHARACTER';\n end;\n else do;\n if format2='' then format=cats(length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then format=cats(format2,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then format=cats(format2,formatl,'.');\n else format=cats(format2,formatl,'.',formatd);\n type='N';\n if format=:'DATETIME' then ddtype='DATETIME';\n else if format=:'DATE' then ddtype='DATE';\n else if format=:'TIME' then ddtype='TIME';\n else ddtype='NUMERIC';\n end;\n if label='' then label=name;\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc)\n)\n\n%webout(OPEN)\n%webout(OBJ,cols)\n%webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n%mpeterm()\n\n* Service end;" }, { "name": "getcolvals", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n\n\n%macro dc_assignlib(type,libref,passthru=);\n %if %length(&passthru)>0 %then %do;\n proc sql;\n connect using &libref as &passthru;\n %end;\n%mend dc_assignlib;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_existds(libds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&libds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&libds,VIEW)) ne 1 %then 0;\n %else 1;\n\n%mend mf_existds;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getattrn(\n libds\n ,attr\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid rc;\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds,is));\n %if &dsid = 0 %then %do;\n %put %str(WARN)ING: Cannot open %trim(&libds), system message below;\n %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n -1\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,&attr))\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n%mend mf_getattrn;\n\n\n%macro mf_getvalue(libds,variable,filter=1\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %if %mf_getattrn(&libds,NLOBS)>0 %then %do;\n %local dsid rc &variable;\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds(where=(&filter))));\n %syscall set(dsid);\n %let rc = %sysfunc(fetch(&dsid));\n %let rc = %sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n\n %trim(&&&variable)\n\n %end;\n%mend mf_getvalue;\n\n\n%macro mf_abort(mac=mf_abort.sas, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n)/des='ungraceful abort' /*STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n %put NOTE: /// mf_abort macro executing //;\n %if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n %put NOTE - &msg;\n\n %abort;\n\n%mend mf_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_verifymacvars(\n verifyVars /* list of macro variable NAMES */\n ,makeUpcase=NO /* set to YES to make all the variable VALUES uppercase */\n ,mAbort=SOFT\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %local verifyIterator verifyVar abortmsg;\n %do verifyIterator=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&verifyVars,%str( )));\n %let verifyVar=%qscan(&verifyVars,&verifyIterator,%str( ));\n %if not %symexist(&verifyvar) %then %do;\n %let abortmsg= Variable &verifyVar is MISSING;\n %goto exit_err;\n %end;\n %if %length(%trim(&&&verifyVar))=0 %then %do;\n %let abortmsg= Variable &verifyVar is EMPTY;\n %goto exit_err;\n %end;\n %if &makeupcase=YES %then %do;\n %let &verifyVar=%upcase(&&&verifyvar);\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %goto exit_success;\n %exit_err:\n %put &abortmsg;\n %mf_abort(iftrue=(&mabort ne SOFT),\n mac=mf_verifymacvars,\n msg=%str(&abortmsg)\n )\n 0\n %return;\n %exit_success:\n 1\n\n%mend mf_verifymacvars;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getVarFormat(libds /* two level ds name */\n , var /* variable name from which to return the format */\n , force=0\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid vnum vformat rc vlen vtype;\n /* Open dataset */\n %let dsid = %sysfunc(open(&libds));\n %if &dsid > 0 %then %do;\n /* Get variable number */\n %let vnum = %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid, &var));\n /* Get variable format */\n %if(&vnum > 0) %then %let vformat=%sysfunc(varfmt(&dsid, &vnum));\n %else %do;\n %put NOTE: Variable &var does not exist in &libds;\n %let rc = %sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: dataset &libds not opened! (rc=&dsid);\n %put &sysmacroname: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* supply a default if no format available */\n %if %length(&vformat)<2 & &force=1 %then %do;\n %let vlen = %sysfunc(varlen(&dsid, &vnum));\n %let vtype = %sysfunc(vartype(&dsid, &vnum.));\n %if &vtype=C %then %let vformat=$&vlen..;\n %else %let vformat=best.;\n %end;\n\n\n /* Close dataset */\n %let rc = %sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n /* Return variable format */\n &vformat\n%mend mf_getVarFormat;\n\n\n\n%macro mddl_sas_cntlout(libds=WORK.CNTLOUT);\n\n proc sql;\n create table &libds(\n TYPE char(1) label=\n'Format Type: either N (num fmt), C (char fmt), I (num infmt) or J (char infmt)'\n ,FMTNAME char(32) label='Format name'\n ,FMTROW num label=\n'CALCULATED Position of record by FMTNAME (reqd for multilabel formats)'\n ,START char(32767) label='Starting value for format'\n /*\n Keep lengths of START and END the same to avoid this err:\n \"Start is greater than end: -<.\"\n Similar usage note: https://support.sas.com/kb/69/330.html\n */\n ,END char(32767) label='Ending value for format'\n ,LABEL char(32767) label='Format value label'\n ,MIN num length=3 label='Minimum length'\n ,MAX num length=3 label='Maximum length'\n ,DEFAULT num length=3 label='Default length'\n ,LENGTH num length=3 label='Format length'\n ,FUZZ num label='Fuzz value'\n ,PREFIX char(2) label='Prefix characters'\n ,MULT num label='Multiplier'\n ,FILL char(1) label='Fill character'\n ,NOEDIT num length=3 label='Is picture string noedit?'\n ,SEXCL char(1) label='Start exclusion'\n ,EEXCL char(1) label='End exclusion'\n ,HLO char(13) label=\n'More info: https://core.sasjs.io/mddl__sas__cntlout_8sas_source.html'\n ,DECSEP char(1) label='Decimal separator'\n ,DIG3SEP char(1) label='Three-digit separator'\n ,DATATYPE char(8) label='Date/time/datetime?'\n ,LANGUAGE char(8) label='Language for date strings'\n );\n\n %local lib;\n %let libds=%upcase(&libds);\n %if %index(&libds,.)=0 %then %let lib=WORK;\n %else %let lib=%scan(&libds,1,.);\n\n proc datasets lib=&lib noprint;\n modify %scan(&libds,-1,.);\n index create\n pk_cntlout=(type fmtname fmtrow)\n /nomiss unique;\n quit;\n\n%mend mddl_sas_cntlout;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquename(prefix=MC);\n&prefix.%substr(%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32-%length(&prefix))\n%mend mf_getuniquename;\n\n\n%macro mp_aligndecimal(var,width=8);\n\n %local tmpvar;\n %let tmpvar=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=aligndp);\n length &tmpvar $&width;\n if index(&var,'.') then do;\n &tmpvar=cats(scan(&var,1,'.'));\n &tmpvar=right(&tmpvar);\n &var=&tmpvar!!'.'!!cats(scan(&var,2,'.'));\n end;\n else do;\n &tmpvar=cats(&var);\n &tmpvar=right(&tmpvar);\n &var=&tmpvar;\n end;\n drop &tmpvar;\n\n%mend mp_aligndecimal;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_cntlout(\n iftrue=(1=1)\n ,libcat=\n ,cntlout=work.fmtextract\n ,fmtlist=0\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local ddlds cntlds i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%let ddlds=%mf_getuniquename();\n%let cntlds=%mf_getuniquename();\n\n%mddl_sas_cntlout(libds=&ddlds)\n\n%if %index(&libcat,-)>0 and %scan(&libcat,2,-)=FC %then %do;\n %let libcat=%scan(&libcat,1,-);\n%end;\n\nproc format lib=&libcat cntlout=&cntlds;\n%if \"&fmtlist\" ne \"0\" and \"&fmtlist\" ne \"\" %then %do;\n select\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&fmtlist,%str( )));\n %scan(&fmtlist,&i,%str( ))\n %end;\n ;\n%end;\nrun;\n\ndata &cntlout/nonote2err;\n if 0 then set &ddlds;\n set &cntlds;\n by type fmtname notsorted;\n\n /* align the numeric values to avoid overlapping ranges */\n if type in (\"I\",\"N\") then do;\n %mp_aligndecimal(start,width=16)\n %mp_aligndecimal(end,width=16)\n end;\n\n /* create row marker. Data cannot be sorted without it! */\n if first.fmtname then fmtrow=1;\n else fmtrow+1;\n\nrun;\nproc sort;\n by type fmtname fmtrow;\nrun;\n\nproc sql;\ndrop table &ddlds,&cntlds;\n\n%mend mp_cntlout;\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquefileref(prefix=_,maxtries=1000,lrecl=32767);\n %local rc fname;\n %if &prefix=0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %local x len;\n %let len=%eval(8-%length(&prefix));\n %let x=0;\n %do x=0 %to &maxtries;\n %let fname=&prefix%substr(%sysfunc(ranuni(0)),3,&len);\n %if %sysfunc(fileref(&fname)) > 0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %put unable to find available fileref after &maxtries attempts;\n %end;\n%mend mf_getuniquefileref;\n\n\n%macro mf_getvarlist(libds\n ,dlm=%str( )\n ,quote=no\n ,typefilter=A\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n /* declare local vars */\n %local outvar dsid nvars x rc dlm q var vtype;\n\n /* credit Rowland Hale - byte34 is double quote, 39 is single quote */\n %if %upcase("e)=DOUBLE %then %let q=%qsysfunc(byte(34));\n %else %if %upcase("e)=SINGLE %then %let q=%qsysfunc(byte(39));\n /* open dataset in macro */\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds));\n\n %if &dsid %then %do;\n %let nvars=%sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,NVARS));\n %if &nvars>0 %then %do;\n /* add variables with supplied delimeter */\n %do x=1 %to &nvars;\n /* get variable type */\n %let vtype=%sysfunc(vartype(&dsid,&x));\n %if &vtype=&typefilter or &typefilter=A %then %do;\n %let var=&q.%sysfunc(varname(&dsid,&x))&q.;\n %if &var=&q&q %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Empty column found in &libds!;\n %let var=&q. &q.;\n %end;\n %if %quote(&outvar)=%quote() %then %let outvar=&var;\n %else %let outvar=&outvar.&dlm.&var.;\n %end;\n %end;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Unable to open &libds (rc=&dsid);\n %put &sysmacroname: SYSMSG= %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n %do;%unquote(&outvar)%end;\n%mend mf_getvarlist;\n\n\n%macro mf_getvartype(libds /* two level name */\n , var /* variable name from which to return the type */\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid vnum vtype rc;\n /* Open dataset */\n %let dsid = %sysfunc(open(&libds));\n %if &dsid. > 0 %then %do;\n /* Get variable number */\n %let vnum = %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid, &var));\n /* Get variable type (C/N) */\n %if(&vnum. > 0) %then %let vtype = %sysfunc(vartype(&dsid, &vnum.));\n %else %do;\n %put NOTE: Variable &var does not exist in &libds;\n %let vtype = %str( );\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: dataset &libds not opened! (rc=&dsid);\n %put &sysmacroname: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* Close dataset */\n %let rc = %sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n /* Return variable type */\n &vtype\n%mend mf_getvartype;\n\n\n%macro mf_nobs(libds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %mf_getattrn(&libds,NLOBS)\n%mend mf_nobs;\n\n\n%macro mp_filtergenerate(inds,outref=filter);\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc - on macro entry)\n)\n\nfilename &outref temp;\n\n%if %mf_nobs(&inds)=0 %then %do;\n /* ensure we have a default filter */\n data _null_;\n file &outref;\n put '1=1';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n proc sort data=&inds;\n by SUBGROUP_ID;\n run;\n data _null_;\n file &outref lrecl=32800;\n set &inds end=last;\n by SUBGROUP_ID;\n if _n_=1 then put '((';\n else if first.SUBGROUP_ID then put +1 GROUP_LOGIC '(';\n else put +2 SUBGROUP_LOGIC;\n\n put +4 VARIABLE_NM OPERATOR_NM RAW_VALUE;\n\n if last.SUBGROUP_ID then put ')'@;\n if last then put ')';\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mp_filtergenerate;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_filtervalidate(inref,targetds,abort=YES,outds=work.mp_filtervalidate);\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0 or &syserr ne 0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc / syserr=&syserr - on macro entry)\n)\n\n%local fref1;\n%let fref1=%mf_getuniquefileref();\n\ndata _null_;\n file &fref1;\n infile &inref end=eof;\n if _n_=1 then do;\n put \"proc sql;\";\n put \"validate select * from &targetds\";\n put \"where \" ;\n end;\n input;\n put _infile_;\n putlog _infile_;\n if eof then put \";quit;\";\nrun;\n\n%inc &fref1;\n\ndata &outds;\n if &sqlrc or &syscc or &syserr then do;\n REASON_CD='VALIDATION_ERR'!!'OR: '!!\n coalescec(symget('SYSERRORTEXT'),symget('SYSWARNINGTEXT'));\n output;\n end;\n else stop;\nrun;\n\nfilename &fref1 clear;\n\n%if %mf_nobs(&outds)>0 %then %do;\n %if &abort=YES %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &outds;\n call symputx('REASON_CD',reason_cd,'l');\n stop;\n run;\n %mp_abort(\n mac=&sysmacroname,\n msg=%str(Filter validation issues.)\n )\n %end;\n %let syscc=1008;\n%end;\n\n%mend mp_filtervalidate;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_filtercheck(inds,targetds=,outds=work.badrecords,abort=YES);\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc - on macro entry)\n)\n\n/* Validate input column */\n%local vtype;\n%let vtype=%mf_getvartype(&inds,RAW_VALUE);\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&abort=YES and &vtype ne C),\n mac=&sysmacroname,\n msg=%str(%str(ERR)OR: RAW_VALUE must be character)\n)\n%if &vtype ne C %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: RAW_VALUE must be character;\n %let syscc=42;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n\n/**\n * Sanitise the values based on valid value lists, then strip out\n * quotes, commas, periods and spaces.\n */\n%local reason_cd nobs;\n%let nobs=0;\ndata &outds;\n /*length GROUP_LOGIC SUBGROUP_LOGIC $3 SUBGROUP_ID 8 VARIABLE_NM $32\n OPERATOR_NM $10 RAW_VALUE $4000;*/\n set &inds end=last;\n length reason_cd $4032 vtype vtype2 $1 vnum dsid 8 tmp $4000;\n drop tmp;\n\n /* quick check to ensure column exists */\n if upcase(VARIABLE_NM) not in\n (%upcase(%mf_getvarlist(&targetds,dlm=%str(,),quote=SINGLE)))\n then do;\n REASON_CD=\"Variable \"!!cats(variable_nm)!!\" not in &targetds\";\n putlog REASON_CD= VARIABLE_NM=;\n call symputx('reason_cd',reason_cd,'l');\n call symputx('nobs',_n_,'l');\n output;\n return;\n end;\n\n /* need to open the dataset to get the column type */\n retain dsid;\n if _n_=1 then dsid=open(\"&targetds\",\"i\");\n if dsid>0 then do;\n vnum=varnum(dsid,VARIABLE_NM);\n if vnum<1 then do;\n /* should not happen as was also tested for above */\n REASON_CD=cats(\"Variable (\",VARIABLE_NM,\") not found in &targetds\");\n putlog REASON_CD= dsid=;\n call symputx('reason_cd',reason_cd,'l');\n call symputx('nobs',_n_,'l');\n output;\n goto endstep;\n end;\n /* now we can get the type */\n else vtype=vartype(dsid,vnum);\n end;\n else do;\n REASON_CD=cats(\"Could not open &targetds\");\n putlog REASON_CD= dsid=;\n call symputx('reason_cd',reason_cd,'l');\n call symputx('nobs',_n_,'l');\n output;\n stop;\n end;\n\n /* closed list checks */\n if GROUP_LOGIC not in ('AND','OR') then do;\n REASON_CD='GROUP_LOGIC should be AND/OR, not:'!!cats(GROUP_LOGIC);\n putlog REASON_CD= GROUP_LOGIC=;\n call symputx('reason_cd',reason_cd,'l');\n call symputx('nobs',_n_,'l');\n output;\n end;\n if SUBGROUP_LOGIC not in ('AND','OR') then do;\n REASON_CD='SUBGROUP_LOGIC should be AND/OR, not:'!!cats(SUBGROUP_LOGIC);\n putlog REASON_CD= SUBGROUP_LOGIC=;\n call symputx('reason_cd',reason_cd,'l');\n call symputx('nobs',_n_,'l');\n output;\n end;\n if mod(SUBGROUP_ID,1) ne 0 then do;\n REASON_CD='SUBGROUP_ID should be integer, not '!!cats(subgroup_id);\n putlog REASON_CD= SUBGROUP_ID=;\n call symputx('reason_cd',reason_cd,'l');\n call symputx('nobs',_n_,'l');\n output;\n end;\n if OPERATOR_NM not in\n ('=','>','<','<=','>=','NE','GE','LE','BETWEEN','IN','NOT IN','CONTAINS')\n then do;\n REASON_CD='Invalid OPERATOR_NM: '!!cats(OPERATOR_NM);\n putlog REASON_CD= OPERATOR_NM=;\n call symputx('reason_cd',reason_cd,'l');\n call symputx('nobs',_n_,'l');\n output;\n end;\n\n /* special missing logic */\n if vtype='N' & OPERATOR_NM in ('=','>','<','<=','>=','NE','GE','LE') then do;\n if cats(upcase(raw_value)) in (\n '.','.A','.B','.C','.D','.E','.F','.G','.H','.I','.J','.K','.L','.M','.N'\n '.N','.O','.P','.Q','.R','.S','.T','.U','.V','.W','.X','.Y','.Z','._'\n )\n then do;\n /* valid numeric - exit data step loop */\n return;\n end;\n else if subpad(upcase(raw_value),1,1) in (\n 'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N'\n 'N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z','_'\n )\n then do;\n /* check if the raw_value contains a valid variable NAME */\n vnum=varnum(dsid,subpad(raw_value,1,32));\n if vnum>0 then do;\n /* now we can get the type */\n vtype2=vartype(dsid,vnum);\n /* check type matches */\n if vtype2=vtype then do;\n /* valid target var - exit loop */\n return;\n end;\n else do;\n REASON_CD=cats(\"Compared Type (\",vtype2,\") is not (\",vtype,\")\");\n putlog REASON_CD= dsid=;\n call symputx('reason_cd',reason_cd,'l');\n call symputx('nobs',_n_,'l');\n output;\n goto endstep;\n end;\n end;\n end;\n end;\n\n /* special logic */\n if OPERATOR_NM in ('IN','NOT IN','BETWEEN') then do;\n if OPERATOR_NM='BETWEEN' then raw_value1=tranwrd(raw_value,' AND ',',');\n else do;\n if substr(raw_value,1,1) ne '('\n or substr(cats(reverse(raw_value)),1,1) ne ')'\n then do;\n REASON_CD='Missing start/end bracket in RAW_VALUE';\n putlog REASON_CD= OPERATOR_NM= raw_value= raw_value1= ;\n call symputx('reason_cd',reason_cd,'l');\n call symputx('nobs',_n_,'l');\n output;\n end;\n else raw_value1=substr(raw_value,2,max(length(raw_value)-2,0));\n end;\n /* we now have a comma seperated list of values */\n if vtype='N' then do i=1 to countc(raw_value1, ',')+1;\n tmp=scan(raw_value1,i,',');\n if cats(tmp) ne '.' and input(tmp, ?? 8.) eq . then do;\n if OPERATOR_NM ='BETWEEN' and subpad(upcase(tmp),1,1) in (\n 'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N'\n 'N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z','_'\n )\n then do;\n /* check if the raw_value contains a valid variable NAME */\n /* is not valid syntax for IN or NOT IN */\n vnum=varnum(dsid,subpad(tmp,1,32));\n if vnum>0 then do;\n /* now we can get the type */\n vtype2=vartype(dsid,vnum);\n /* check type matches */\n if vtype2=vtype then do;\n /* valid target var - exit loop */\n return;\n end;\n else do;\n REASON_CD=cats(\"Compared Type (\",vtype2,\") is not (\",vtype,\")\");\n putlog REASON_CD= dsid=;\n call symputx('reason_cd',reason_cd,'l');\n call symputx('nobs',_n_,'l');\n output;\n goto endstep;\n end;\n end;\n end;\n REASON_CD='Non Numeric value provided';\n putlog REASON_CD= OPERATOR_NM= raw_value= raw_value1= ;\n call symputx('reason_cd',reason_cd,'l');\n call symputx('nobs',_n_,'l');\n output;\n end;\n return;\n end;\n end;\n else raw_value1=raw_value;\n\n /* remove nested literals eg '' */\n raw_value1=tranwrd(raw_value1,\"''\",'');\n\n /* now match string literals (always single quotes) */\n raw_value2=raw_value1;\n regex = prxparse(\"s/(\\').*?(\\')//\");\n call prxchange(regex,-1,raw_value2);\n\n /* remove commas and periods*/\n raw_value3=compress(raw_value2,',.');\n\n /* output records that contain values other than digits and spaces */\n if notdigit(compress(raw_value3,' '))>0 then do;\n if vtype='C' and subpad(upcase(raw_value),1,1) in (\n 'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N'\n 'N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z','_'\n )\n then do;\n /* check if the raw_value contains a valid variable NAME */\n vnum=varnum(dsid,subpad(raw_value,1,32));\n if vnum>0 then do;\n /* now we can get the type */\n vtype2=vartype(dsid,vnum);\n /* check type matches */\n if vtype2=vtype then do;\n /* valid target var - exit loop */\n return;\n end;\n else do;\n REASON_CD=cats(\"Compared Char Type (\",vtype2,\") is not (\",vtype,\")\");\n putlog REASON_CD= dsid=;\n call symputx('reason_cd',reason_cd,'l');\n call symputx('nobs',_n_,'l');\n output;\n goto endstep;\n end;\n end;\n end;\n\n putlog raw_value3= $hex32.;\n REASON_CD=cats('Invalid RAW_VALUE:',raw_value);\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n call symputx('reason_cd',reason_cd,'l');\n call symputx('nobs',_n_,'l');\n output;\n end;\n\n endstep:\n if last then rc=close(dsid);\nrun;\n\n\ndata _null_;\n set &outds end=last;\n putlog (_all_)(=);\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&abort=YES and &nobs>0),\n mac=&sysmacroname,\n msg=%str(Data issue: %superq(reason_cd))\n)\n\n%if &nobs>0 %then %do;\n %let syscc=1008;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * syntax checking passed but it does not mean the filter is valid\n * for that we can run a proc sql validate query\n */\n%local fref1;\n%let fref1=%mf_getuniquefileref();\n%mp_filtergenerate(&inds,outref=&fref1)\n\n/* this macro will also set syscc to 1008 if any issues found */\n%mp_filtervalidate(&fref1,&targetds,outds=&outds,abort=&abort)\n\n%mend mp_filtercheck;\n\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Retrieves column info to enable population of dropdowns\n @details An optional filterquery may be provided, if so then it is validated\n and then used to filter the subsequent results.\n\n

Service Inputs

\n\n The STARTROW and ROWS variables are used to fetch additional values beyond\n the initial default (4000).\n\n |libds:$19.|col:$9.|STARTROW:8.|ROWS:8.|\n |---|---|---|---|\n |DC258467.MPE_X_TEST|SOME_TIME|4001|1000\n\n
\n |GROUP_LOGIC:$3|SUBGROUP_LOGIC:$3|SUBGROUP_ID:8.|VARIABLE_NM:$32|OPERATOR_NM:$10|RAW_VALUE:$32767|\n |---|---|---|---|---|---|\n |AND|AND|1|SOME_BESTNUM|>|1|\n |AND|AND|1|SOME_TIME|=|77333|\n\n

Service Outputs

\n The type of this column actually depends on the underlying column type, so it can change\n |FORMATTED|UNFORMATTED|\n |---|---|\n |$44.00|44|\n\n
\n |COLUMN:$32.|SASFORMAT:$32.|STARTROW:8.|ROWS:8.|\n |---|---|---|---|\n |COL_NAME|DOLLAR8.2|4001|1000\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mf_existds.sas\n @li mf_getvalue.sas\n @li mf_verifymacvars.sas\n @li dc_assignlib.sas\n @li mf_getvarformat.sas\n @li mp_abort.sas\n @li mp_cntlout.sas\n @li mp_filtercheck.sas\n @li mp_filtergenerate.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author 4GL Apps Ltd.\n @copyright 4GL Apps Ltd. This code may only be used within Data Controller\n and may not be re-distributed or re-sold without the express permission of\n 4GL Apps Ltd.\n\n**/\n%mpeinit()\n\n/* input table may or may not exist */\ndata work.initvars;\n length GROUP_LOGIC $3 SUBGROUP_LOGIC $3 SUBGROUP_ID 8 VARIABLE_NM $32\n OPERATOR_NM $10 RAW_VALUE $32767;\n call missing(of _all_);\n stop;\ndata work.filterquery;\n set %sysfunc(ifc(\n %mf_existds(work.filterquery)=1\n ,work.filterquery\n ,work.initvars\n ));\nrun;\n\n/* print data for debugging */\ndata _null_;\n set work.iwant;\n put (_all_)(=);\nrun;\ndata _null_;\n set work.filterquery;\n put (_all_)(=);\nrun;\n\n%let libds=%mf_getvalue(work.iwant,libds);\n%let col2=%mf_getvalue(work.iwant,col);\n%let is_fmt=0;\n%let startrow=1;\n%let rows=4000;\n\n%put &=libds;\n%put &=col2;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (%mf_verifymacvars(libds col2)=0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Missing inputs from iwant. Libds=&libds col=&col2 )\n)\n\n%dc_assignlib(WRITE,%scan(&libds,1,.))\n\ndata _null_;\n call missing(startrow,rows);\n set work.iwant;\n /* check if the request is for a format catalog */\n call symputx('orig_libds',libds);\n is_fmt=0;\n if substr(cats(reverse(libds)),1,3)=:'CF-' then do;\n libds=scan(libds,1,'-');\n putlog \"Format Catalog Captured\";\n call symputx('libds','work.fmtextract');\n is_fmt=1;\n end;\n call symputx('is_fmt',is_fmt);\n call symputx('startrow',coalesce(startrow,&startrow));\n call symputx('rows',coalesce(rows,&rows));\n putlog (_all_)(=);\nrun;\n\n%mp_cntlout(\n iftrue=(&is_fmt=1)\n ,libcat=&orig_libds\n ,fmtlist=0\n ,cntlout=work.fmtextract\n)\n\n\n/**\n * Validate the filter query\n */\n%mp_filtercheck(work.filterquery,targetds=&libds,abort=YES)\n\n/**\n * Prepare the query\n */\n%mp_filtergenerate(work.filterquery,outref=myfilter)\n\n/* cannot %inc in a sql where clause, only data step, so - use a view */\ndata work.vw_vals/view=work.vw_vals;\n set &libds;\n where %inc myfilter;;\nrun;\n\nproc sql;\ncreate view work.vw_vals_sorted as\n select distinct\n put(&col2,%mf_getVarFormat(&libds,&col2,force=1)) as formatted,\n &col2 as unformatted\n from work.vw_vals;\n\n/* restrict num of output values */\ndata work.vals;\n set work.vw_vals_sorted;\n if _n_ ge &startrow;\n x+1;\n if x>&rows then stop;\n drop x;\nrun;\n\ndata vals;\n /* ensure empty value if table is empty, for dropdowns */\n if nobs=0 then output;\n set vals nobs=nobs;\n format unformatted ;\n output;\nrun;\n\nproc sql noprint;\nselect count(*) into: nobs from work.vw_vals_sorted;\ndata meta;\n column=\"&col2\";\n sasformat=\"%mf_getVarFormat(&libds,&col2)\";\n startrow=&startrow;\n rows=&rows;\n nobs=&nobs;\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc)\n)\n\n%webout(OPEN)\n%webout(OBJ,vals,missing=STRING,showmeta=YES)\n%webout(OBJ,meta)\n%webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n%mpeterm()\n\n* Service end;" }, { "name": "getddl", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n\n\n%macro dc_assignlib(type,libref,passthru=);\n %if %length(&passthru)>0 %then %do;\n proc sql;\n connect using &libref as &passthru;\n %end;\n%mend dc_assignlib;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mddl_sas_cntlout(libds=WORK.CNTLOUT);\n\n proc sql;\n create table &libds(\n TYPE char(1) label=\n'Format Type: either N (num fmt), C (char fmt), I (num infmt) or J (char infmt)'\n ,FMTNAME char(32) label='Format name'\n ,FMTROW num label=\n'CALCULATED Position of record by FMTNAME (reqd for multilabel formats)'\n ,START char(32767) label='Starting value for format'\n /*\n Keep lengths of START and END the same to avoid this err:\n \"Start is greater than end: -<.\"\n Similar usage note: https://support.sas.com/kb/69/330.html\n */\n ,END char(32767) label='Ending value for format'\n ,LABEL char(32767) label='Format value label'\n ,MIN num length=3 label='Minimum length'\n ,MAX num length=3 label='Maximum length'\n ,DEFAULT num length=3 label='Default length'\n ,LENGTH num length=3 label='Format length'\n ,FUZZ num label='Fuzz value'\n ,PREFIX char(2) label='Prefix characters'\n ,MULT num label='Multiplier'\n ,FILL char(1) label='Fill character'\n ,NOEDIT num length=3 label='Is picture string noedit?'\n ,SEXCL char(1) label='Start exclusion'\n ,EEXCL char(1) label='End exclusion'\n ,HLO char(13) label=\n'More info: https://core.sasjs.io/mddl__sas__cntlout_8sas_source.html'\n ,DECSEP char(1) label='Decimal separator'\n ,DIG3SEP char(1) label='Three-digit separator'\n ,DATATYPE char(8) label='Date/time/datetime?'\n ,LANGUAGE char(8) label='Language for date strings'\n );\n\n %local lib;\n %let libds=%upcase(&libds);\n %if %index(&libds,.)=0 %then %let lib=WORK;\n %else %let lib=%scan(&libds,1,.);\n\n proc datasets lib=&lib noprint;\n modify %scan(&libds,-1,.);\n index create\n pk_cntlout=(type fmtname fmtrow)\n /nomiss unique;\n quit;\n\n%mend mddl_sas_cntlout;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_existds(libds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&libds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&libds,VIEW)) ne 1 %then 0;\n %else 1;\n\n%mend mf_existds;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_existfileref(fref\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %local rc;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fileref(&fref));\n %if &rc=0 %then %do;\n 1\n %end;\n %else %if &rc<0 %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Fileref &fref exists but the underlying file does not;\n 1\n %end;\n %else %do;\n 0\n %end;\n\n%mend mf_existfileref;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getvarcount(libds,typefilter=A\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid nvars rc outcnt x;\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds));\n %let nvars=.;\n %let outcnt=0;\n %let typefilter=%upcase(&typefilter);\n %if &dsid %then %do;\n %let nvars=%sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,NVARS));\n %if &typefilter=A %then %let outcnt=&nvars;\n %else %if &nvars>0 %then %do x=1 %to &nvars;\n /* increment based on variable type */\n %if %sysfunc(vartype(&dsid,&x))=&typefilter %then %do;\n %let outcnt=%eval(&outcnt+1);\n %end;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put unable to open &libds (rc=&dsid);\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n &outcnt\n%mend mf_getvarcount;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquename(prefix=MC);\n&prefix.%substr(%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32-%length(&prefix))\n%mend mf_getuniquename;\n\n\n%macro mf_isblank(param\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %sysevalf(%superq(param)=,boolean)\n\n%mend mf_isblank;\n\n\n%macro mp_dropmembers(\n list /* space separated list of datasets / views */\n ,libref=WORK /* can only drop from a single library at a time */\n ,iftrue=%str(1=1)\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n %if %mf_isblank(&list) %then %do;\n %put NOTE: nothing to drop!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n proc datasets lib=&libref nolist;\n delete &list;\n delete &list /mtype=view;\n run;\n%mend mp_dropmembers;\n\n\n%macro mp_getconstraints(lib=WORK\n ,ds=\n ,outds=mp_getconstraints\n ,mdebug=0\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%let lib=%upcase(&lib);\n%let ds=%upcase(&ds);\n\n/**\n * Cater for environments where sashelp.vcncolu is not available\n */\n%if %sysfunc(exist(sashelp.vcncolu,view))=0 %then %do;\n proc sql;\n create table &outds(\n libref char(8)\n ,TABLE_NAME char(32)\n ,constraint_type char(8) label='Constraint Type'\n ,constraint_name char(32) label='Constraint Name'\n ,column_name char(32) label='Column'\n ,constraint_order num\n );\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Neither dictionary tables nor sashelp provides a constraint order column,\n * however they DO arrive in the correct order. So, create the col.\n **/\n%local vw;\n%let vw=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mp_getconstraints_vw_);\ndata &vw /view=&vw;\n set sashelp.vcncolu;\n where table_catalog=\"&lib\";\n\n /* use retain approach to reset the constraint order with each constraint */\n length tmp $1000;\n retain tmp;\n drop tmp;\n if tmp ne catx('|',table_catalog,table_name,constraint_name) then do;\n constraint_order=1;\n end;\n else constraint_order+1;\n tmp=catx('|',table_catalog, table_name,constraint_name);\nrun;\n\n/* must use SQL as proc datasets does not support length changes */\nproc sql noprint;\ncreate table &outds as\n select upcase(a.TABLE_CATALOG) as libref\n ,upcase(a.TABLE_NAME) as TABLE_NAME\n ,a.constraint_type\n ,a.constraint_name\n ,b.column_name\n ,b.constraint_order\n from dictionary.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS a\n left join &vw b\n on upcase(a.TABLE_CATALOG)=upcase(b.TABLE_CATALOG)\n and upcase(a.TABLE_NAME)=upcase(b.TABLE_NAME)\n and a.constraint_name=b.constraint_name\n/**\n * We cannot apply this clause to the underlying dictionary table. See:\n * https://communities.sas.com/t5/SAS-Programming/Unexpected-Where-Clause-behaviour-in-dictionary-TABLE/m-p/771554#M244867\n * cannot use`where calculated libref=\"&lib\"` either as it will STILL execute\n * all the underlying constraint queries, causing exception errors in some\n * cases: https://github.com/sasjs/core/issues/283\n */\n where a.TABLE_CATALOG=\"&lib\"\n %if \"&ds\" ne \"\" %then %do;\n and upcase(a.TABLE_NAME)=\"&ds\"\n and upcase(b.TABLE_NAME)=\"&ds\"\n %end;\n order by libref, table_name, constraint_name, constraint_order\n ;\n\n/* tidy up */\n%mp_dropmembers(\n &vw,\n iftrue=(&mdebug=0)\n)\n\n%mend mp_getconstraints;\n\n\n%macro mp_getddl(libref,ds,fref=getddl,flavour=SAS,showlog=NO,schema=\n ,applydttm=NO\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n/* check fileref is assigned */\n%if %mf_existfileref(&fref)=0 %then %do;\n filename &fref temp ;\n%end;\n\n%if %length(&libref)=0 %then %let libref=WORK;\n%let flavour=%upcase(&flavour);\n\nproc sql noprint;\ncreate table _data_ as\n select * from dictionary.tables\n where upcase(libname)=\"%upcase(&libref)\"\n and memtype='DATA' /* views not currently supported */\n %if %length(&ds)>0 %then %do;\n and upcase(memname)=\"%upcase(&ds)\"\n %end;\n ;\n%local tabinfo; %let tabinfo=&syslast;\n\ncreate table _data_ as\n select * from dictionary.columns\n where upcase(libname)=\"%upcase(&libref)\"\n %if %length(&ds)>0 %then %do;\n and upcase(memname)=\"%upcase(&ds)\"\n %end;\n ;\n%local colinfo; %let colinfo=&syslast;\n\n%local dsnlist;\n select distinct upcase(memname) into: dsnlist\n separated by ' '\n from &syslast\n;\n\ncreate table _data_ as\n select * from dictionary.indexes\n where upcase(libname)=\"%upcase(&libref)\"\n %if %length(&ds)>0 %then %do;\n and upcase(memname)=\"%upcase(&ds)\"\n %end;\n order by idxusage, indxname, indxpos\n ;\n%local idxinfo; %let idxinfo=&syslast;\n\n/* Extract all Primary Key and Unique data constraints */\n%mp_getconstraints(lib=%upcase(&libref),ds=%upcase(&ds),outds=_data_)\n%local colconst; %let colconst=&syslast;\n\n%macro addConst();\n %global constraints_used;\n data _null_;\n length ctype $11 constraint_name_orig $256 constraints_used $5000;\n set &colconst(\n where=(table_name=\"&curds\" and constraint_type in ('PRIMARY','UNIQUE'))\n ) end=last;\n file &fref mod;\n by constraint_type constraint_name;\n retain constraints_used;\n constraint_name_orig=constraint_name;\n if upcase(strip(constraint_type)) = 'PRIMARY' then ctype='PRIMARY KEY';\n else ctype=strip(constraint_type);\n %if &flavour=TSQL %then %do;\n column_name=catt('[',column_name,']');\n constraint_name=catt('[',constraint_name,']');\n %end;\n %else %if &flavour=PGSQL %then %do;\n column_name=catt('\"',column_name,'\"');\n constraint_name=catt('\"',constraint_name,'\"');\n %end;\n if first.constraint_name then do;\n constraints_used = catx(' ', constraints_used, constraint_name_orig);\n put \" ,CONSTRAINT \" constraint_name ctype \"(\" ;\n put ' ' column_name;\n end;\n else put ' ,' column_name;\n if last.constraint_name then do;\n put \" )\";\n call symput('constraints_used',strip(constraints_used));\n end;\n run;\n %put &=constraints_used;\n%mend addConst;\n\ndata _null_;\n file &fref mod;\n put \"/* DDL generated by &sysuserid on %sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.) */\";\nrun;\n\n%local x curds;\n%if &flavour=SAS %then %do;\n %do x=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&dsnlist));\n %let curds=%scan(&dsnlist,&x);\n data _null_;\n file &fref mod;\n put \"/* SAS Flavour DDL for %upcase(&libref).&curds */\";\n put \"proc sql;\";\n run;\n data _null_;\n file &fref mod;\n length lab $1024 typ $20;\n set &colinfo (where=(upcase(memname)=\"&curds\")) end=last;\n\n if _n_=1 then do;\n if memtype='DATA' then do;\n put \"create table &libref..&curds(\";\n end;\n else do;\n /* just a placeholder - we filter out views at the top */\n put \"create view &libref..&curds(\";\n end;\n put \" \"@@;\n end;\n else put \" ,\"@@;\n if length(format)>1 then fmt=\" format=\"!!cats(format);\n if length(label)>1 then\n lab=\" label=\"!!cats(\"'\",tranwrd(label,\"'\",\"''\"),\"'\");\n if notnull='yes' then notnul=' not null';\n if type='char' then typ=cats('char(',length,')');\n else if length ne 8 then typ='num length='!!cats(length);\n else typ='num';\n put name typ fmt notnul lab;\n run;\n\n /* Extra step for data constraints */\n %addConst()\n\n data _null_;\n file &fref mod;\n put ');';\n run;\n\n /* Create Unique Indexes, but only if they were not already defined within\n the Constraints section. */\n data _null_;\n *length ds $128;\n set &idxinfo(\n where=(\n memname=\"&curds\"\n and unique='yes'\n and indxname not in (\n %sysfunc(tranwrd(\"&constraints_used\",%str( ),%str(\",\")))\n )\n )\n );\n file &fref mod;\n by idxusage indxname;\n/* ds=cats(libname,'.',memname); */\n if first.indxname then do;\n put 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ' indxname \"ON &libref..&curds (\" ;\n put ' ' name ;\n end;\n else put ' ,' name ;\n *else put ' ,' name ;\n if last.indxname then do;\n put ');';\n end;\n run;\n\n/*\n ods output IntegrityConstraints=ic;\n proc contents data=testali out2=info;\n run;\n */\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &flavour=TSQL %then %do;\n /* if schema does not exist, set to be same as libref */\n %local schemaactual;\n proc sql noprint;\n select sysvalue into: schemaactual\n from dictionary.libnames\n where upcase(libname)=\"&libref\" and engine='SQLSVR';\n %let schema=%sysfunc(coalescec(&schemaactual,&schema,&libref));\n\n %do x=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&dsnlist));\n %let curds=%scan(&dsnlist,&x);\n data _null_;\n file &fref mod;\n put \"/* TSQL Flavour DDL for &schema..&curds */\";\n data _null_;\n file &fref mod;\n set &colinfo (where=(upcase(memname)=\"&curds\")) end=last;\n if _n_=1 then do;\n if memtype='DATA' then do;\n put \"create table [&schema].[&curds](\";\n end;\n else do;\n /* just a placeholder - we filter out views at the top */\n put \"create view [&schema].[&curds](\";\n end;\n put \" \"@@;\n end;\n else put \" ,\"@@;\n format=upcase(format);\n if 1=0 then; /* dummy if */\n %if &applydttm=YES %then %do;\n else if format=:'DATETIME' then fmt='[datetime2](7) ';\n %end;\n else if type='num' then fmt='[decimal](18,2)';\n else if length le 8000 then fmt='[varchar]('!!cats(length)!!')';\n else fmt=cats('[varchar](max)');\n if notnull='yes' then notnul=' NOT NULL';\n put \"[\" name +(-1) \"]\" fmt notnul;\n run;\n\n /* Extra step for data constraints */\n %addConst()\n\n /* Create Unique Indexes, but only if they were not already defined within\n the Constraints section. */\n data _null_;\n *length ds $128;\n set &idxinfo(\n where=(\n memname=\"&curds\"\n and unique='yes'\n and indxname not in (\n %sysfunc(tranwrd(\"&constraints_used\",%str( ),%str(\",\")))\n )\n )\n );\n file &fref mod;\n by idxusage indxname;\n *ds=cats(libname,'.',memname);\n if first.indxname then do;\n /* add nonclustered in case of multiple unique indexes */\n put ' ,index [' indxname +(-1) '] UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED (';\n put ' [' name +(-1) ']';\n end;\n else put ' ,[' name +(-1) ']';\n if last.indxname then do;\n put ' )';\n end;\n run;\n\n data _null_;\n file &fref mod;\n put ')';\n put 'GO';\n run;\n\n /* add extended properties for labels */\n data _null_;\n file &fref mod;\n length nm $64 lab $1024;\n set &colinfo (where=(upcase(memname)=\"&curds\" and label ne '')) end=last;\n nm=cats(\"N'\",tranwrd(name,\"'\",\"''\"),\"'\");\n lab=cats(\"N'\",tranwrd(label,\"'\",\"''\"),\"'\");\n put ' ';\n put \"EXEC sys.sp_addextendedproperty \";\n put \" @name=N'MS_Description',@value=\" lab ;\n put \" ,@level0type=N'SCHEMA',@level0name=N'&schema' \";\n put \" ,@level1type=N'TABLE',@level1name=N'&curds'\";\n put \" ,@level2type=N'COLUMN',@level2name=\" nm ;\n if last then put 'GO';\n run;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &flavour=PGSQL %then %do;\n /* if schema does not exist, set to be same as libref */\n %local schemaactual;\n proc sql noprint;\n select sysvalue into: schemaactual\n from dictionary.libnames\n where upcase(libname)=\"&libref\" and engine='POSTGRES';\n %let schema=%sysfunc(coalescec(&schemaactual,&schema,&libref));\n data _null_;\n file &fref mod;\n put \"CREATE SCHEMA &schema;\";\n %do x=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&dsnlist));\n %let curds=%scan(&dsnlist,&x);\n %local curdsvarcount;\n %let curdsvarcount=%mf_getvarcount(&libref..&curds);\n %if &curdsvarcount>1600 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n file &fref mod;\n put \"/* &libref..&curds contains &curdsvarcount vars */\";\n put \"/* Postgres cannot create tables with over 1600 vars */\";\n put \"/* No DDL will be generated for this table\";\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n data _null_;\n file &fref mod;\n put \"/* Postgres Flavour DDL for &schema..&curds */\";\n data _null_;\n file &fref mod;\n set &colinfo (where=(upcase(memname)=\"&curds\")) end=last;\n length fmt $32;\n if _n_=1 then do;\n if memtype='DATA' then do;\n put \"CREATE TABLE &schema..&curds (\";\n end;\n else do;\n /* just a placeholder - we filter out views at the top */\n put \"CREATE VIEW &schema..&curds (\";\n end;\n put \" \"@@;\n end;\n else put \" ,\"@@;\n format=upcase(format);\n if 1=0 then; /* dummy if */\n %if &applydttm=YES %then %do;\n else if format=:'DATETIME' then fmt=' TIMESTAMP ';\n %end;\n else if type='num' then fmt=' DOUBLE PRECISION';\n else fmt='VARCHAR('!!cats(length)!!')';\n if notnull='yes' then notnul=' NOT NULL';\n /* quote column names in case they represent reserved words */\n name2=quote(trim(name));\n put name2 fmt notnul;\n run;\n\n /* Extra step for data constraints */\n %addConst()\n\n data _null_;\n file &fref mod;\n put ');';\n run;\n\n /* Create Unique Indexes, but only if they were not already defined within\n the Constraints section. */\n data _null_;\n *length ds $128;\n set &idxinfo(\n where=(\n memname=\"&curds\"\n and unique='yes'\n and indxname not in (\n %sysfunc(tranwrd(\"&constraints_used\",%str( ),%str(\",\")))\n )\n )\n );\n file &fref mod;\n by idxusage indxname;\n if first.indxname then do;\n put 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX \"' indxname +(-1) '\" ' \"ON &schema..&curds(\";\n put ' \"' name +(-1) '\"' ;\n end;\n else put ' ,\"' name +(-1) '\"';\n if last.indxname then do;\n put ');';\n end;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n%end;\n%if %upcase(&showlog)=YES %then %do;\n options ps=max;\n data _null_;\n infile &fref;\n input;\n putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mp_getddl;\n\n\n%macro mfs_httpheader(header_name\n ,header_value\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%global sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc)) ne 0 %then %do;\n %put &=fref &=sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n%end;\n\n%let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n\n%if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n%end;\n\n%let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(&header_name): %str(&header_value)));\n%let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n\n%let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n%let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n\n%mend mfs_httpheader;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_binarycopy(\n inloc= /* full path and filename of the object to be copied */\n ,outloc= /* full path and filename of object to be created */\n ,inref=____in /* override default to use own filerefs */\n ,outref=____out /* override default to use own filerefs */\n ,mode=CREATE\n ,iftrue=%str(1=1)\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local mod;\n\n %if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n %if &mode=APPEND %then %let mod=mod;\n\n /* these IN and OUT filerefs can point to anything */\n %if &inref = ____in %then %do;\n filename &inref &inloc lrecl=1048576 ;\n %end;\n %if &outref=____out %then %do;\n filename &outref &outloc lrecl=1048576 &mod;\n %end;\n\n /* copy the file byte-for-byte */\n data _null_;\n infile &inref lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &outref &mod recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n\n %if &inref = ____in %then %do;\n filename &inref clear;\n %end;\n %if &outref=____out %then %do;\n filename &outref clear;\n %end;\n%mend mp_binarycopy;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_streamfile(\n contenttype=TEXT\n ,inloc=\n ,inref=0\n ,iftrue=%str(1=1)\n ,outname=\n ,outref=_webout\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%let contentype=%upcase(&contenttype);\n%let outref=%upcase(&outref);\n%local platform; %let platform=%mf_getplatform();\n\n/**\n * check engine type to avoid the below err message:\n * > Function is only valid for filerefs using the CACHE access method.\n */\n%local streamweb;\n%let streamweb=0;\ndata _null_;\n set sashelp.vextfl(where=(upcase(fileref)=\"&outref\"));\n if xengine='STREAM' then call symputx('streamweb',1,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if &contentype=CSV %then %do;\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type','application/csv');\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-disposition',\"attachment; filename=&outname\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" name='_webout.txt'\n contenttype='application/csv'\n contentdisp=\"attachment; filename=&outname\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type,application/csv)\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-disposition,%str(attachment; filename=&outname))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &contentype=EXCEL %then %do;\n /* suitable for XLS format */\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type','application/vnd.ms-excel');\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-disposition',\"attachment; filename=&outname\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" name='_webout.xls'\n contenttype='application/vnd.ms-excel'\n contentdisp=\"attachment; filename=&outname\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type,application/vnd.ms-excel)\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-disposition,%str(attachment; filename=&outname))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &contentype=GIF or &contentype=JPEG or &contentype=PNG %then %do;\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type',\"image/%lowcase(&contenttype)\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n contenttype=\"image/%lowcase(&contenttype)\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type,image/%lowcase(&contenttype))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &contentype=HTML or &contenttype=MARKDOWN %then %do;\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type',\"text/%lowcase(&contenttype)\");\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-disposition',\"attachment; filename=&outname\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" name=\"_webout.json\"\n contenttype=\"text/%lowcase(&contenttype)\"\n contentdisp=\"attachment; filename=&outname\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type,text/%lowcase(&contenttype))\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-disposition,%str(attachment; filename=&outname))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &contentype=TEXT %then %do;\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type','application/text');\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-disposition',\"attachment; filename=&outname\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" name='_webout.txt'\n contenttype='application/text'\n contentdisp=\"attachment; filename=&outname\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type,application/text)\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-disposition,%str(attachment; filename=&outname))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &contentype=WOFF or &contentype=WOFF2 or &contentype=TTF %then %do;\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type',\"font/%lowcase(&contenttype)\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n contenttype=\"font/%lowcase(&contenttype)\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type,font/%lowcase(&contenttype))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &contentype=XLSX %then %do;\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type',\n 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet');\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-disposition',\"attachment; filename=&outname\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" name='_webout.xls'\n contenttype=\n 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet'\n contentdisp=\"attachment; filename=&outname\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type\n ,application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet\n )\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-disposition,%str(attachment; filename=&outname))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &contentype=ZIP %then %do;\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type','application/zip');\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-disposition',\"attachment; filename=&outname\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" name='_webout.zip'\n contenttype='application/zip'\n contentdisp=\"attachment; filename=&outname\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type,application/zip)\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-disposition,%str(attachment; filename=&outname))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: Content Type &contenttype NOT SUPPORTED by &sysmacroname!;\n%end;\n\n%if &inref ne 0 %then %do;\n %mp_binarycopy(inref=&inref,outref=&outref)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %mp_binarycopy(inloc=\"&inloc\",outref=&outref)\n%end;\n\n%mend mp_streamfile;\n\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Download DDL for a table or entire library in a particular flavour.\n @details\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mddl_sas_cntlout.sas\n @li dc_assignlib.sas\n @li mf_existds.sas\n @li mp_abort.sas\n @li mp_getddl.sas\n @li mp_streamfile.sas\n\n\n @version 9.2\n @author 4GL Apps Ltd\n @copyright 4GL Apps Ltd. This code may only be used within Data Controller\n and may not be re-distributed or re-sold without the express permission of\n 4GL Apps Ltd.\n**/\n%global libref ds flavour;\n\n%let flavour=%sysfunc(coalescec(&flavour,SAS));\n\n%mpeinit()\n\n%dc_assignlib(READ,&libref)\n\ndata _null_;\n /* check if the request is for a format catalog */\n ds=symget('ds');\n if subpad(cats(reverse(ds)),1,3)=:'CF-' then do;\n ds=scan(ds,1,'-');\n libds=cats(symget('libref'),'.',ds);\n putlog \"Format Catalog Captured\";\n call execute('%mddl_sas_cntlout(libds=work.fmtextract)');\n call symputx('libref','work');\n call symputx('ds','fmtextract');\n end;\n putlog (_all_)(=);\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(\"exist&ds\" ne \"exist\" and %mf_existds(libds=&libref..&ds)<1)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Dataset &libref..&ds was not found)\n)\n\n%let tmploc=%sysfunc(pathname(work))/temp.txt;\nfilename tmp \"&tmploc\";\n%mp_getddl(&libref,&ds,flavour=&flavour, fref=tmp, applydttm=YES)\n\n%mp_streamfile(contenttype=TEXT\n ,inloc=%str(&tmploc)\n ,outname=&libref._&ds..ddl\n)\n\n* Service end;" }, { "name": "getgroups", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquefileref(prefix=_,maxtries=1000,lrecl=32767);\n %local rc fname;\n %if &prefix=0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %local x len;\n %let len=%eval(8-%length(&prefix));\n %let x=0;\n %do x=0 %to &maxtries;\n %let fname=&prefix%substr(%sysfunc(ranuni(0)),3,&len);\n %if %sysfunc(fileref(&fname)) > 0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %put unable to find available fileref after &maxtries attempts;\n %end;\n%mend mf_getuniquefileref;\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquelibref(prefix=mclib,maxtries=1000);\n %local x;\n\n %if ( %length(&prefix) gt 7 ) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: The prefix parameter cannot exceed 7 characters.;\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %if (%sysfunc(NVALID(&prefix,v7))=0) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: Invalid prefix (&prefix);\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* Set maxtries equal to '10 to the power of [# unused characters] - 1' */\n %let maxtries=%eval(10**(8-%length(&prefix))-1);\n\n %do x = 0 %to &maxtries;\n %if %sysfunc(libref(&prefix&x)) ne 0 %then %do;\n &prefix&x\n %return;\n %end;\n %let x = %eval(&x + 1);\n %end;\n\n %put %str(ERR)OR: No usable libref in range &prefix.0-&maxtries;\n %put %str(ERR)OR- Try reducing the prefix or deleting some libraries!;\n 0\n%mend mf_getuniquelibref;\n\n\n%macro mv_getgroups(access_token_var=ACCESS_TOKEN\n ,grant_type=sas_services\n ,outds=work.viyagroups\n );\n%local oauth_bearer base_uri fname1 libref1;\n%if &grant_type=detect %then %do;\n %if %symexist(&access_token_var) %then %let grant_type=authorization_code;\n %else %let grant_type=sas_services;\n%end;\n%if &grant_type=sas_services %then %do;\n %let oauth_bearer=oauth_bearer=sas_services;\n %let &access_token_var=;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&grant_type ne authorization_code and &grant_type ne password\n and &grant_type ne sas_services\n )\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid value for grant_type: &grant_type)\n)\n\noptions noquotelenmax;\n/* location of rest apis */\n%let base_uri=%mf_getplatform(VIYARESTAPI);\n\n/* fetching folder details for provided path */\n%let fname1=%mf_getuniquefileref();\n%let libref1=%mf_getuniquelibref();\n\nproc http method='GET' out=&fname1 &oauth_bearer\n url=\"&base_uri/identities/groups?limit=10000\";\n headers\n %if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\"\n %end;\n \"Accept\"=\"application/json\";\nrun;\n/*data _null_;infile &fname1;input;putlog _infile_;run;*/\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE ne 200)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_PHRASE)\n)\nlibname &libref1 JSON fileref=&fname1;\n\ndata &outds;\n set &libref1..items;\nrun;\n\n\n/* clear refs */\nfilename &fname1 clear;\nlibname &libref1 clear;\n\n%mend mv_getgroups;\n\n\n\n%macro dc_getgroups(outds=mm_getgroups);\n %mv_getgroups(outds=&outds)\n proc sort\n data=&outds(rename=(id=groupuri name=groupname description=groupdesc))\n out=&outds (keep=groupuri groupname groupdesc);\n by groupname;\n run;\n%mend dc_getgroups;\n\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\r\n @file getgroups.sas\r\n @brief List all SAS Groups\r\n @details Gets a list of all SAS Groups. Runs without mpeinit() so that it\r\n can be available to the sasjs/server configurator\r\n\r\n

SAS Macros

\r\n @li dc_getgroups.sas\r\n\r\n

Data Outputs

\r\n |NAME:$32.|DESCRIPTION:$64.|GROUPID:best.|\r\n |---|---|---|\r\n |`SomeGroup `|`A group `|`1`|\r\n |`Another Group`|`this is a different group`|`2`|\r\n |`admin`|`Administrators `|`3`|\r\n\r\n @version 9.3\r\n @author 4GL Apps Ltd\r\n @copyright 4GL Apps Ltd. This code may only be used within Data Controller\r\n and may not be re-distributed or re-sold without the express permission of\r\n 4GL Apps Ltd.\r\n**/\r\n\r\n%dc_getgroups(outds=groups)\r\n\r\n%webout(OPEN)\r\n%webout(OBJ,groups)\r\n%webout(CLOSE)\r\n\r\n\n* Service end;" }, { "name": "getrawdata", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquefileref(prefix=_,maxtries=1000,lrecl=32767);\n %local rc fname;\n %if &prefix=0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %local x len;\n %let len=%eval(8-%length(&prefix));\n %let x=0;\n %do x=0 %to &maxtries;\n %let fname=&prefix%substr(%sysfunc(ranuni(0)),3,&len);\n %if %sysfunc(fileref(&fname)) > 0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %put unable to find available fileref after &maxtries attempts;\n %end;\n%mend mf_getuniquefileref;\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquelibref(prefix=mclib,maxtries=1000);\n %local x;\n\n %if ( %length(&prefix) gt 7 ) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: The prefix parameter cannot exceed 7 characters.;\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %if (%sysfunc(NVALID(&prefix,v7))=0) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: Invalid prefix (&prefix);\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* Set maxtries equal to '10 to the power of [# unused characters] - 1' */\n %let maxtries=%eval(10**(8-%length(&prefix))-1);\n\n %do x = 0 %to &maxtries;\n %if %sysfunc(libref(&prefix&x)) ne 0 %then %do;\n &prefix&x\n %return;\n %end;\n %let x = %eval(&x + 1);\n %end;\n\n %put %str(ERR)OR: No usable libref in range &prefix.0-&maxtries;\n %put %str(ERR)OR- Try reducing the prefix or deleting some libraries!;\n 0\n%mend mf_getuniquelibref;\n\n\n%macro mv_getusergroups(user\n ,outds=work.mv_getusergroups\n ,access_token_var=ACCESS_TOKEN\n ,grant_type=sas_services\n );\n%local oauth_bearer;\n%if &grant_type=detect %then %do;\n %if %symexist(&access_token_var) %then %let grant_type=authorization_code;\n %else %let grant_type=sas_services;\n%end;\n%if &grant_type=sas_services %then %do;\n %let oauth_bearer=oauth_bearer=sas_services;\n %let &access_token_var=;\n%end;\n%put &sysmacroname: grant_type=&grant_type;\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&grant_type ne authorization_code and &grant_type ne password\n and &grant_type ne sas_services\n )\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid value for grant_type: &grant_type)\n)\noptions noquotelenmax;\n\n%local base_uri; /* location of rest apis */\n%let base_uri=%mf_getplatform(VIYARESTAPI);\n\n/* fetching folder details for provided path */\n%local fname1;\n%let fname1=%mf_getuniquefileref();\n%let libref1=%mf_getuniquelibref();\n\nproc http method='GET' out=&fname1 &oauth_bearer\n url=\"&base_uri/identities/users/&user/memberships?limit=10000\";\n headers\n%if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\"\n%end;\n \"Accept\"=\"application/json\";\nrun;\n/*data _null_;infile &fname1;input;putlog _infile_;run;*/\n%if &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE=404 %then %do;\n %put NOTE: User &user not found!!;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %mp_abort(iftrue=(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE ne 200)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_PHRASE)\n )\n%end;\nlibname &libref1 JSON fileref=&fname1;\n\ndata &outds;\n set &libref1..items;\nrun;\n\n/* clear refs */\nfilename &fname1 clear;\nlibname &libref1 clear;\n\n%mend mv_getusergroups;\n\n\n%macro dc_getusergroups(user=,outds=mm_getgroups);\n %mv_getusergroups(&user,outds=&outds)\n data &outds;\n length groupname groupdesc $256;\n set &outds(rename=(id=groupname name=groupdesc));\n run;\n%mend dc_getusergroups;\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_getgroups(user=,outds=);\n\n %if not %symexist(dc_repo_users) %then %let dc_repo_users=foundation;\n\n %dc_getusergroups(user=&user,outds=&outds)\n\n data;\n length groupname groupdesc $256;\n set &dc_libref..mpe_groups;\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to;\n where also upcase(user_name)=\"%upcase(&user)\";\n groupname=group_name;\n groupdesc=group_desc;\n keep groupname groupdesc;\n run;\n\n data &outds;\n set &syslast &outds(keep=groupname groupdesc);\n run;\n\n%mend mpe_getgroups;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquename(prefix=MC);\n&prefix.%substr(%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32-%length(&prefix))\n%mend mf_getuniquename;\n\n\n%macro mf_getattrn(\n libds\n ,attr\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid rc;\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds,is));\n %if &dsid = 0 %then %do;\n %put %str(WARN)ING: Cannot open %trim(&libds), system message below;\n %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n -1\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,&attr))\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n%mend mf_getattrn;\n\n\n%macro mf_nobs(libds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %mf_getattrn(&libds,NLOBS)\n%mend mf_nobs;\n\n\n%macro mp_filtergenerate(inds,outref=filter);\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc - on macro entry)\n)\n\nfilename &outref temp;\n\n%if %mf_nobs(&inds)=0 %then %do;\n /* ensure we have a default filter */\n data _null_;\n file &outref;\n put '1=1';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n proc sort data=&inds;\n by SUBGROUP_ID;\n run;\n data _null_;\n file &outref lrecl=32800;\n set &inds end=last;\n by SUBGROUP_ID;\n if _n_=1 then put '((';\n else if first.SUBGROUP_ID then put +1 GROUP_LOGIC '(';\n else put +2 SUBGROUP_LOGIC;\n\n put +4 VARIABLE_NM OPERATOR_NM RAW_VALUE;\n\n if last.SUBGROUP_ID then put ')'@;\n if last then put ')';\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mp_filtergenerate;\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_filtermaster(mode,libds,\n dclib=,\n filter_rk=-1,\n outref=0,\n outds=work.query\n);\n\n%put &sysmacroname entry vars:;\n%put _local_;\n\n%let mode=%upcase(&mode);\n%let libds=%upcase(&libds);\n\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (\n &mode ne EDIT and &mode ne VIEW and &mode ne DLOAD and &mode ne ULOAD\n )\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid MODE: &mode)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&outref = 0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Please provide a fileref!)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc)\n)\n\nfilename &outref temp;\n\n/* ensure outputs exist */\ndata _null_;\n file &outref;\n put ' ';\nrun;\ndata &outds;\n set &dclib..mpe_filtersource;\n stop;\nrun;\n\n/**\n * Deal with FILTER_RK first\n */\n%if &filter_rk gt 0 %then %do;\n\n data _null_;\n file &outref;\n put '( '@@;\n set &dclib..mpe_filteranytable(where=(filter_rk=&filter_rk));\n call symputx('filter_hash',filter_hash,'l');\n run;\n\n proc sort data=&dclib..mpe_filtersource(where=(filter_hash=\"&filter_hash\"))\n out=&outds(drop=filter_hash filter_line processed_dttm);\n by filter_line;\n run;\n %mp_filtergenerate(&outds,outref=&outref)\n\n%end;\n\n/* Now filter for current records if the MODE is EDIT or DLOAD */\n%local varfrom varto;\n%let varfrom=0;\n\nproc sql;\nselect coalescec(var_txfrom,'0'), var_txto into: varfrom,:varto\n from &dclib..MPE_TABLES\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to\n and libref=\"%scan(&libds,1,.)\" and dsn=\"%scan(&libds,2,.)\";\n\n%put &=varfrom;\n%put &=varto;\n\n/**\n * Check if the date variables were mentioned in the query\n * This is a trigger for serving a historical view instead of current\n * we skip this part when checking an ULOAD as there are no date vars\n */\n%if &varfrom ne 0 and (&mode=EDIT or &mode=DLOAD) %then %do;\n %local validityvars;\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: validityvars\n from &outds\n where variable_nm in (\"&varfrom\",\"&varto\");\n %if &validityvars=0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n file &outref mod;\n length filter_text $32767;\n varfrom=symget('varfrom');\n varto=symget('varto');\n filter_text=catx(' ',\n '(\"%sysfunc(datetime(),',\"%mf_fmtdttm()\",')\"dt <',varto,')'\n );\n if &filter_rk > 0 then put 'AND ' filter_text;\n else put filter_text;\n run;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Now do Row Level Security based on the MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY table\n */\n\n/* first determine users group membership */\n%mpe_getgroups(user=%mf_getuser(),outds=work.groups)\n%local admin_check;\nproc sql;\nselect count(*) into: admin_check\n from work.groups\n where groupname=\"&mpeadmins\";\n\n%put &sysmacroname: &=admin_check &=mpeadmins;\n%if &admin_check=0 %then %do;\n %local scopeval;\n %if &mode=DLOAD %then %let scopeval=VIEW;\n %if &mode=ULOAD %then %let scopeval=EDIT;\n %else %let scopeval=&mode;\n /* extract relevant rows */\n %local rlsds;\n %let rlsds=%mf_getuniquename();\n proc sql;\n create table work.&rlsds as\n select rls_group,\n rls_group_logic as group_logic,\n rls_subgroup_logic as subgroup_logic,\n rls_subgroup_id as subgroup_id,\n rls_variable_nm as variable_nm,\n rls_operator_nm as operator_nm,\n rls_raw_value as raw_value\n from &mpelib..mpe_row_level_security\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to\n and rls_scope in (\"&scopeval\",'ALL')\n and upcase(rls_group) in (select upcase(groupname) from work.groups)\n and rls_libref=\"%scan(&libds,1,.)\"\n and rls_table=\"%scan(&libds,2,.)\"\n and rls_active=1\n order by rls_group,rls_subgroup_id;\n %if &sqlobs>0 %then %do;\n /* check if we currently have filter or not */\n data ;\n infile &outref end=eof;\n input;\n if _n_=1 and eof and cats(_infile_)='' then newfilter=1;\n output;\n stop;\n run;\n data _null_;\n set &syslast;\n file &outref mod;\n if newfilter=1 then put '(';\n else put 'AND (';\n run;\n\n /* loop through and apply filters for each group membership */\n %local fref ds;\n %let fref=%mf_getuniquefileref();\n %let ds=%mf_getuniquename();\n\n proc sql noprint;\n select distinct rls_group into : group1 -\n from work.&rlsds;\n\n %do i=1 %to &sqlobs;\n data work.&ds;\n set work.&rlsds;\n where rls_group=\"&&group&i\";\n drop rls_group;\n run;\n %mp_filtergenerate(&ds,outref=&fref)\n data _null_;\n infile &fref;\n file &outref mod;\n input;\n if &i>1 and _n_=1 then put ' OR ';\n put _infile_;\n run;\n %end;\n data _null_;\n file &outref mod;\n put ')';\n run;\n %end; /* &sqlobs>0 */\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: no matching groups;\n data _null_;\n set work.groups;\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %end;\n %mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc>0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Row Level Security Generation Error)\n )\n%end; /* &admin_check=0 */\n\n%put leaving &sysmacroname with the following query:;\n\n%local empty;\n%let empty=0;\ndata _null_;\n infile &outref end=eof;\n input;\n putlog _infile_;\n if _n_=1 and eof and cats(_infile_)='' then do;\n put '1=1';\n call symputx('empty',1,'l');\n end;\nrun;\n%if &empty=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n file &outref;\n put '1=1';\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpe_filtermaster;\n\n\n\n%macro dc_assignlib(type,libref,passthru=);\n %if %length(&passthru)>0 %then %do;\n proc sql;\n connect using &libref as &passthru;\n %end;\n%mend dc_assignlib;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_abort(mac=mf_abort.sas, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n)/des='ungraceful abort' /*STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n %put NOTE: /// mf_abort macro executing //;\n %if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n %put NOTE - &msg;\n\n %abort;\n\n%mend mf_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_verifymacvars(\n verifyVars /* list of macro variable NAMES */\n ,makeUpcase=NO /* set to YES to make all the variable VALUES uppercase */\n ,mAbort=SOFT\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %local verifyIterator verifyVar abortmsg;\n %do verifyIterator=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&verifyVars,%str( )));\n %let verifyVar=%qscan(&verifyVars,&verifyIterator,%str( ));\n %if not %symexist(&verifyvar) %then %do;\n %let abortmsg= Variable &verifyVar is MISSING;\n %goto exit_err;\n %end;\n %if %length(%trim(&&&verifyVar))=0 %then %do;\n %let abortmsg= Variable &verifyVar is EMPTY;\n %goto exit_err;\n %end;\n %if &makeupcase=YES %then %do;\n %let &verifyVar=%upcase(&&&verifyvar);\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %goto exit_success;\n %exit_err:\n %put &abortmsg;\n %mf_abort(iftrue=(&mabort ne SOFT),\n mac=mf_verifymacvars,\n msg=%str(&abortmsg)\n )\n 0\n %return;\n %exit_success:\n 1\n\n%mend mf_verifymacvars;\n\n\n/** @cond */\n%macro mf_existfeature(feature\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %let feature=%upcase(&feature);\n %local platform;\n %let platform=%mf_getplatform();\n\n %if &feature= %then %do;\n %put No feature was requested for detection;\n %end;\n %else %if &feature=COLCONSTRAINTS %then %do;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\" or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\" %then 0;\n %else 1;\n %end;\n %else %if &feature=PROCLUA %then %do;\n /* https://blogs.sas.com/content/sasdummy/2015/08/03/using-lua-within-your-sas-programs */\n %if &platform=SASVIYA %then 1;\n %else %if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\" %then 0;\n %else %if \"&SYSVLONG\" < \"9.04.01M3\" %then 0;\n %else 1;\n %end;\n %else %if &feature=DBMS_MEMTYPE %then %do;\n /* does dbms_memtype exist in dictionary.tables? */\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\" or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\" %then 0;\n %else 1;\n %end;\n %else %if &feature=EXPORTXLS %then %do;\n /* is it possible to PROC EXPORT an excel file? */\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\" or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\" %then 1;\n %else %if %sysfunc(sysprod(SAS/ACCESS Interface to PC Files)) = 1 %then 1;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n -1\n %put &sysmacroname: &feature not found;\n %end;\n%mend mf_existfeature;\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mp_ds2cards(base_ds, tgt_ds=\n ,cards_file=\"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/cardgen.sas\"\n ,maxobs=max\n ,random_sample=NO\n ,showlog=YES\n ,outencoding=\n ,append=NO\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local i setds nvars;\n\n%if not %sysfunc(exist(&base_ds)) %then %do;\n %put %str(WARN)ING: &base_ds does not exist;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n%if %index(&base_ds,.)=0 %then %let base_ds=WORK.&base_ds;\n%if (&tgt_ds = ) %then %let tgt_ds=&base_ds;\n%if %index(&tgt_ds,.)=0 %then %let tgt_ds=WORK.%scan(&base_ds,2,.);\n%if (\"&outencoding\" ne \"\") %then %let outencoding=encoding=\"&outencoding\";\n%if (\"&append\" = \"\" or \"&append\" = \"NO\") %then %let append=;\n%else %let append=mod;\n\n/* get varcount */\n%let nvars=0;\nproc sql noprint;\nselect count(*) into: nvars from dictionary.columns\n where upcase(libname)=\"%scan(%upcase(&base_ds),1)\"\n and upcase(memname)=\"%scan(%upcase(&base_ds),2)\";\n%if &nvars=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(WARN)ING: Dataset &base_ds has no variables, will not be converted.;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* get indexes */\nproc sort\n data=sashelp.vindex(\n where=(upcase(libname)=\"%scan(%upcase(&base_ds),1)\"\n and upcase(memname)=\"%scan(%upcase(&base_ds),2)\")\n )\n out=_data_;\n by indxname indxpos;\nrun;\n\n%local indexes;\ndata _null_;\n set &syslast end=last;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('indexes','(index=(','l');\n by indxname indxpos;\n length vars $32767 nom uni $8;\n retain vars;\n if first.indxname then do;\n idxcnt+1;\n nom='';\n uni='';\n vars=name;\n end;\n else vars=catx(' ',vars,name);\n if last.indxname then do;\n if nomiss='yes' then nom='/nomiss';\n if unique='yes' then uni='/unique';\n call symputx('indexes'\n ,catx(' ',symget('indexes'),indxname,'=(',vars,')',nom,uni)\n ,'l');\n end;\n if last then call symputx('indexes',cats(symget('indexes'),'))'),'l');\nrun;\n\n\ndata;run;\n%let setds=&syslast;\nproc sql\n%if %datatyp(&maxobs)=NUMERIC %then %do;\n outobs=&maxobs;\n%end;\n ;\n create table &setds as select * from &base_ds\n%if &random_sample=YES %then %do;\n order by ranuni(42)\n%end;\n ;\nreset outobs=max;\ncreate table datalines1 as\n select name,type,length,varnum,format,label from dictionary.columns\n where upcase(libname)=\"%upcase(%scan(&base_ds,1))\"\n and upcase(memname)=\"%upcase(%scan(&base_ds,2))\";\n\n/**\n Due to long decimals cannot use best. format\n So - use bestd. format and then use character functions to strip trailing\n zeros, if NOT an integer or missing!! Cannot use int() as it upsets\n note2err when there are missings.\n resolved code = ifc( mod(coalesce(VARIABLE,0),1)=0\n ,put(VARIABLE,best32.)\n ,substrn(put(VARIABLE,bestd32.),1\n ,findc(put(VARIABLE,bestd32.),'0','TBK')));\n**/\n\ndata datalines_2;\n format dataline $32000.;\n set datalines1 (where=(upcase(name) not in\n ('PROCESSED_DTTM','VALID_FROM_DTTM','VALID_TO_DTTM')));\n if type='num' then dataline=\n cats('ifc(mod(coalesce(',name,',0),1)=0\n ,put(',name,',best32.-l)\n ,substrn(put(',name,',bestd32.-l),1\n ,findc(put(',name,',bestd32.-l),\"0\",\"TBK\")))');\n /**\n * binary data must be converted, to store in text format. It is identified\n * by the presence of the $HEX keyword in the format.\n */\n else if upcase(format)=:'$HEX' then\n dataline=cats('put(trim(',name,'),',format,')');\n /**\n * There is no easy way to store line breaks in a cards file.\n * To discuss this, use: https://github.com/sasjs/core/issues/80\n * Removing all nonprintables with kw (keep writeable)\n */\n else dataline=cats('compress(',name,', ,\"kw\")');\nrun;\n\nproc sql noprint;\nselect dataline into: datalines separated by ',' from datalines_2;\n\n%local\n process_dttm_flg\n valid_from_dttm_flg\n valid_to_dttm_flg\n;\n%let process_dttm_flg = N;\n%let valid_from_dttm_flg = N;\n%let valid_to_dttm_flg = N;\ndata _null_;\n set datalines1 ;\n/* build attrib statement */\n if type='char' then type2='$';\n if strip(format) ne '' then format2=cats('format=',format);\n if strip(label) ne '' then label2=cats('label=',quote(trim(label)));\n str1=catx(' ',(put(name,$33.)||'length=')\n ,put(cats(type2,length),$7.)||format2,label2);\n\n\n/* Build input statement */\n if upcase(format)=:'$HEX' then type3=':'!!format;\n else if type='char' then type3=':$char.';\n str2=put(name,$33.)||type3;\n\n\n if(upcase(name) = \"PROCESSED_DTTM\") then\n call symputx(\"process_dttm_flg\", \"Y\", \"L\");\n if(upcase(name) = \"VALID_FROM_DTTM\") then\n call symputx(\"valid_from_dttm_flg\", \"Y\", \"L\");\n if(upcase(name) = \"VALID_TO_DTTM\") then\n call symputx(\"valid_to_dttm_flg\", \"Y\", \"L\");\n\n\n call symputx(cats(\"attrib_stmt_\", put(_N_, 8.)), str1, \"L\");\n call symputx(cats(\"input_stmt_\", put(_N_, 8.))\n , ifc(upcase(name) not in\n ('PROCESSED_DTTM','VALID_FROM_DTTM','VALID_TO_DTTM'), str2, \"\"), \"L\");\nrun;\n\ndata _null_;\n file &cards_file. &outencoding lrecl=32767 termstr=nl &append;\n length __attrib $32767;\n if _n_=1 then do;\n put '/**';\n put ' @file';\n put \" @brief Datalines for %upcase(%scan(&base_ds,2)) dataset\";\n put \" @details Generated by %nrstr(%%)mp_ds2cards()\";\n put \" Source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\";\n put ' @cond ';\n put '**/';\n put \"data &tgt_ds &indexes;\";\n put \"attrib \";\n %do i = 1 %to &nvars;\n __attrib=symget(\"attrib_stmt_&i\");\n put __attrib;\n %end;\n put \";\";\n\n %if &process_dttm_flg. eq Y %then %do;\n put 'retain PROCESSED_DTTM %sysfunc(datetime());';\n %end;\n %if &valid_from_dttm_flg. eq Y %then %do;\n put 'retain VALID_FROM_DTTM &low_date;';\n %end;\n %if &valid_to_dttm_flg. eq Y %then %do;\n put 'retain VALID_TO_DTTM &high_date;';\n %end;\n if __nobs=0 then do;\n put 'call missing(of _all_);/* avoid uninitialised notes */';\n put 'stop;';\n put 'run;';\n end;\n else do;\n put \"infile cards dsd;\";\n put \"input \";\n %do i = 1 %to &nvars.;\n %if(%length(&&input_stmt_&i..)) %then\n put \" &&input_stmt_&i..\";\n ;\n %end;\n put \";\";\n put 'missing a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z _;';\n put \"datalines4;\";\n end;\n end;\n set &setds end=__lastobs nobs=__nobs;\n/* remove all formats for write purposes - some have long underlying decimals */\n format _numeric_ best30.29;\n length __dataline $32767;\n __dataline=catq('cqtmb',&datalines);\n put __dataline;\n if __lastobs then do;\n put ';;;;';\n put 'run;';\n put '/** @endcond **/';\n stop;\n end;\nrun;\nproc sql;\n drop table &setds;\nquit;\n\n%if &showlog=YES %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &cards_file lrecl=32767;\n input;\n put _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%put NOTE: CARDS FILE SAVED IN:;\n%put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;\n%put NOTE- %sysfunc(dequote(&cards_file.));\n%put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;\n%mend mp_ds2cards;\n/** @endcond **/\n\n\n\n%macro mp_binarycopy(\n inloc= /* full path and filename of the object to be copied */\n ,outloc= /* full path and filename of object to be created */\n ,inref=____in /* override default to use own filerefs */\n ,outref=____out /* override default to use own filerefs */\n ,mode=CREATE\n ,iftrue=%str(1=1)\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local mod;\n\n %if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n %if &mode=APPEND %then %let mod=mod;\n\n /* these IN and OUT filerefs can point to anything */\n %if &inref = ____in %then %do;\n filename &inref &inloc lrecl=1048576 ;\n %end;\n %if &outref=____out %then %do;\n filename &outref &outloc lrecl=1048576 &mod;\n %end;\n\n /* copy the file byte-for-byte */\n data _null_;\n infile &inref lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &outref &mod recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n\n %if &inref = ____in %then %do;\n filename &inref clear;\n %end;\n %if &outref=____out %then %do;\n filename &outref clear;\n %end;\n%mend mp_binarycopy;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mddl_sas_cntlout(libds=WORK.CNTLOUT);\n\n proc sql;\n create table &libds(\n TYPE char(1) label=\n'Format Type: either N (num fmt), C (char fmt), I (num infmt) or J (char infmt)'\n ,FMTNAME char(32) label='Format name'\n ,FMTROW num label=\n'CALCULATED Position of record by FMTNAME (reqd for multilabel formats)'\n ,START char(32767) label='Starting value for format'\n /*\n Keep lengths of START and END the same to avoid this err:\n \"Start is greater than end: -<.\"\n Similar usage note: https://support.sas.com/kb/69/330.html\n */\n ,END char(32767) label='Ending value for format'\n ,LABEL char(32767) label='Format value label'\n ,MIN num length=3 label='Minimum length'\n ,MAX num length=3 label='Maximum length'\n ,DEFAULT num length=3 label='Default length'\n ,LENGTH num length=3 label='Format length'\n ,FUZZ num label='Fuzz value'\n ,PREFIX char(2) label='Prefix characters'\n ,MULT num label='Multiplier'\n ,FILL char(1) label='Fill character'\n ,NOEDIT num length=3 label='Is picture string noedit?'\n ,SEXCL char(1) label='Start exclusion'\n ,EEXCL char(1) label='End exclusion'\n ,HLO char(13) label=\n'More info: https://core.sasjs.io/mddl__sas__cntlout_8sas_source.html'\n ,DECSEP char(1) label='Decimal separator'\n ,DIG3SEP char(1) label='Three-digit separator'\n ,DATATYPE char(8) label='Date/time/datetime?'\n ,LANGUAGE char(8) label='Language for date strings'\n );\n\n %local lib;\n %let libds=%upcase(&libds);\n %if %index(&libds,.)=0 %then %let lib=WORK;\n %else %let lib=%scan(&libds,1,.);\n\n proc datasets lib=&lib noprint;\n modify %scan(&libds,-1,.);\n index create\n pk_cntlout=(type fmtname fmtrow)\n /nomiss unique;\n quit;\n\n%mend mddl_sas_cntlout;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_aligndecimal(var,width=8);\n\n %local tmpvar;\n %let tmpvar=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=aligndp);\n length &tmpvar $&width;\n if index(&var,'.') then do;\n &tmpvar=cats(scan(&var,1,'.'));\n &tmpvar=right(&tmpvar);\n &var=&tmpvar!!'.'!!cats(scan(&var,2,'.'));\n end;\n else do;\n &tmpvar=cats(&var);\n &tmpvar=right(&tmpvar);\n &var=&tmpvar;\n end;\n drop &tmpvar;\n\n%mend mp_aligndecimal;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_cntlout(\n iftrue=(1=1)\n ,libcat=\n ,cntlout=work.fmtextract\n ,fmtlist=0\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local ddlds cntlds i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%let ddlds=%mf_getuniquename();\n%let cntlds=%mf_getuniquename();\n\n%mddl_sas_cntlout(libds=&ddlds)\n\n%if %index(&libcat,-)>0 and %scan(&libcat,2,-)=FC %then %do;\n %let libcat=%scan(&libcat,1,-);\n%end;\n\nproc format lib=&libcat cntlout=&cntlds;\n%if \"&fmtlist\" ne \"0\" and \"&fmtlist\" ne \"\" %then %do;\n select\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&fmtlist,%str( )));\n %scan(&fmtlist,&i,%str( ))\n %end;\n ;\n%end;\nrun;\n\ndata &cntlout/nonote2err;\n if 0 then set &ddlds;\n set &cntlds;\n by type fmtname notsorted;\n\n /* align the numeric values to avoid overlapping ranges */\n if type in (\"I\",\"N\") then do;\n %mp_aligndecimal(start,width=16)\n %mp_aligndecimal(end,width=16)\n end;\n\n /* create row marker. Data cannot be sorted without it! */\n if first.fmtname then fmtrow=1;\n else fmtrow+1;\n\nrun;\nproc sort;\n by type fmtname fmtrow;\nrun;\n\nproc sql;\ndrop table &ddlds,&cntlds;\n\n%mend mp_cntlout;\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n%macro mfs_httpheader(header_name\n ,header_value\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%global sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc)) ne 0 %then %do;\n %put &=fref &=sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n%end;\n\n%let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n\n%if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n%end;\n\n%let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(&header_name): %str(&header_value)));\n%let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n\n%let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n%let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n\n%mend mfs_httpheader;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_streamfile(\n contenttype=TEXT\n ,inloc=\n ,inref=0\n ,iftrue=%str(1=1)\n ,outname=\n ,outref=_webout\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%let contentype=%upcase(&contenttype);\n%let outref=%upcase(&outref);\n%local platform; %let platform=%mf_getplatform();\n\n/**\n * check engine type to avoid the below err message:\n * > Function is only valid for filerefs using the CACHE access method.\n */\n%local streamweb;\n%let streamweb=0;\ndata _null_;\n set sashelp.vextfl(where=(upcase(fileref)=\"&outref\"));\n if xengine='STREAM' then call symputx('streamweb',1,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if &contentype=CSV %then %do;\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type','application/csv');\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-disposition',\"attachment; filename=&outname\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" name='_webout.txt'\n contenttype='application/csv'\n contentdisp=\"attachment; filename=&outname\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type,application/csv)\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-disposition,%str(attachment; filename=&outname))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &contentype=EXCEL %then %do;\n /* suitable for XLS format */\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type','application/vnd.ms-excel');\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-disposition',\"attachment; filename=&outname\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" name='_webout.xls'\n contenttype='application/vnd.ms-excel'\n contentdisp=\"attachment; filename=&outname\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type,application/vnd.ms-excel)\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-disposition,%str(attachment; filename=&outname))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &contentype=GIF or &contentype=JPEG or &contentype=PNG %then %do;\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type',\"image/%lowcase(&contenttype)\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n contenttype=\"image/%lowcase(&contenttype)\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type,image/%lowcase(&contenttype))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &contentype=HTML or &contenttype=MARKDOWN %then %do;\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type',\"text/%lowcase(&contenttype)\");\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-disposition',\"attachment; filename=&outname\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" name=\"_webout.json\"\n contenttype=\"text/%lowcase(&contenttype)\"\n contentdisp=\"attachment; filename=&outname\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type,text/%lowcase(&contenttype))\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-disposition,%str(attachment; filename=&outname))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &contentype=TEXT %then %do;\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type','application/text');\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-disposition',\"attachment; filename=&outname\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" name='_webout.txt'\n contenttype='application/text'\n contentdisp=\"attachment; filename=&outname\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type,application/text)\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-disposition,%str(attachment; filename=&outname))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &contentype=WOFF or &contentype=WOFF2 or &contentype=TTF %then %do;\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type',\"font/%lowcase(&contenttype)\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n contenttype=\"font/%lowcase(&contenttype)\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type,font/%lowcase(&contenttype))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &contentype=XLSX %then %do;\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type',\n 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet');\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-disposition',\"attachment; filename=&outname\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" name='_webout.xls'\n contenttype=\n 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet'\n contentdisp=\"attachment; filename=&outname\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type\n ,application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet\n )\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-disposition,%str(attachment; filename=&outname))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &contentype=ZIP %then %do;\n %if (&platform=SASMETA and &streamweb=1) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-Type','application/zip');\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-disposition',\"attachment; filename=&outname\");\n run;\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASVIYA %then %do;\n filename &outref filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" name='_webout.zip'\n contenttype='application/zip'\n contentdisp=\"attachment; filename=&outname\";\n %end;\n %else %if &platform=SASJS %then %do;\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-Type,application/zip)\n %mfs_httpheader(Content-disposition,%str(attachment; filename=&outname))\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: Content Type &contenttype NOT SUPPORTED by &sysmacroname!;\n%end;\n\n%if &inref ne 0 %then %do;\n %mp_binarycopy(inref=&inref,outref=&outref)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %mp_binarycopy(inloc=\"&inloc\",outref=&outref)\n%end;\n\n%mend mp_streamfile;\n\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Downloads data in a variety of formats\n @details To enable direct download, this service runs in a dedicated stream\n as a GET request using URL parameters as inputs.\n\n The inputs are:\n\n @li table - the libds of the table to be downloaded\n @li type - either SAS, CSV, EXCEL, MARKDOWN, WEBCSV or WEBTAB\n @li filter - the filter RK if used\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mf_verifymacvars.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n @li mf_existfeature.sas\n @li dc_assignlib.sas\n @li mp_ds2cards.sas\n @li mp_abort.sas\n @li mp_binarycopy.sas\n @li mp_cntlout.sas\n @li mp_streamfile.sas\n @li mpe_filtermaster.sas\n\n\n @version 9.2\n @author 4GL Apps Ltd\n @copyright 4GL Apps Ltd. This code may only be used within Data Controller\n and may not be re-distributed or re-sold without the express permission of\n 4GL Apps Ltd.\n\n**/\n%global table type filter ds format is_fmt txfrom txto;\n%mpeinit()\n\n%let user=%mf_getuser();\n%let is_fmt=0;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (%mf_verifymacvars(type table)=0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Invalid inputs: type table)\n)\n\n%let libds=%upcase(&table); /* actual source */\n%let table=%upcase(&table); /* used as label for fmt catalogs */\n%let lib=%scan(&table,1,.);\n%let ds=%scan(&table,2,.);\n%dc_assignlib(READ,&lib)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &mpelib..MPE_TABLES;\n where upcase(libref)=\"&lib\" and upcase(dsn)=\"&ds\";\n\n /* if a TXTEMPORAL table then filter as such */\n call symputx('txfrom',var_txfrom);\n call symputx('txto',var_txto);\n\n ds=symget('ds');\n is_fmt=0;\n if subpad(cats(reverse(ds)),1,3)=:'CF-' then do;\n ds=scan(ds,1,'-');\n table=cats(\"&lib..\",ds);\n putlog \"Format Catalog Captured\";\n is_fmt=1;\n call symputx('libds','work.fmtextract');\n call symputx('table',table);\n end;\n call symputx('is_fmt',is_fmt);\n putlog (_all_)(=);\nrun;\n\n%mp_cntlout(\n iftrue=(&is_fmt=1)\n ,libcat=&table\n ,fmtlist=0\n ,cntlout=work.fmtextract\n)\n\n%put preparing query;\n%mpe_filtermaster(DLOAD,&libds,\n dclib=&mpelib,\n filter_rk=&filter,\n outref=filtref,\n outds=work.query\n)\n%put printing generated filterquery:;\ndata _null_;\n infile filtref;\n input;\n putlog _infile_;\nrun;\n\noptions obs=200000;/* stop limit */\ndata staged(drop=&txfrom &txto);\n set &libds;\n where %inc filtref;;\nrun;\noptions obs=max;\n\noptions validvarname=upcase;\n\n%macro mpestp_getrawdata();\n %local outfile;\n %if &type=SAS %then %do;\n %let outfile=%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..sas;\n %mp_ds2cards(base_ds=staged\n , tgt_ds=&table\n , cards_file= \"&outfile\"\n , maxobs=100000)\n %let ext=sas;\n %let mimetype=text;\n %end;\n %else %if &type=CSV or (&type=EXCEL and %mf_existfeature(EXPORTXLS) ne 1)\n /* cannot proc export excel if PC Files is not licensed */\n %then %do;\n %let outfile=%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv;\n PROC EXPORT DATA= staged\n OUTFILE= \"&outfile\"\n DBMS=csv REPLACE;\n RUN;\n %let ext=csv;\n %let mimetype=csv;\n %end;\n %else %if &type=EXCEL %then %do;\n %let ext=xlsx;\n %let outfile=%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..&ext;\n PROC EXPORT DATA= staged\n OUTFILE= \"&outfile\"\n DBMS=xlsx ;\n RUN;\n %let mimetype=XLSX;\n %end;\n %else %if &type=MARKDOWN %then %do;\n %let ext=md;\n %let outfile=%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..&ext;\n filename mdref \"&outfile\" lrecl=32767;\n\n %mp_ds2md(staged,outref=mdref,showlog=NO)\n\n %let mimetype=MARKDOWN;\n %end;\n %else %if &type=WEBCSV %then %do;\n PROC EXPORT DATA= staged\n OUTFILE= _webout\n DBMS=csv REPLACE;\n RUN;\n /* don't set headers */\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %if &type=WEBTAB %then %do;\n PROC EXPORT DATA= staged\n OUTFILE= _webout\n DBMS=tab REPLACE;\n RUN;\n /* don't set headers */\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %mp_abort(msg=type &type not supported,mac=mpestp_getrawdata.sas);\n %end;\n\n %mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc)\n )\n\n %mp_streamfile(contenttype=&mimetype\n ,inloc=%str(&outfile)\n ,outname=&table..&ext\n )\n\n%mend mpestp_getrawdata;\n%mpestp_getrawdata()\n\n%mpeterm()\n\n* Service end;" }, { "name": "getversion", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_getvars(injs,outds);\n /* load parameters */\n data _null_;\n __dummychar='';__dummynum=0;\n set &outds;\n array __charvals _character_;\n do over __charvals;\n call symputx(vname(__charvals),__charvals,'g');\n end;\n array __numvals _numeric_;\n do over __numvals;\n call symputx(vname(__numvals),__numvals,'g');\n end;\n run;\n%mend mpe_getvars;\n\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file getversion.sas\n @brief get a specific (previous) version of a particular table\n @details Used to fetch a version of a table as at a previous point in time\n Delivered as part of this issue: https://git.datacontroller.io/dc/dc/issues/84\n\n

Service Inputs

\n\n |LIBREF:$char8.|DS:$char32.|TS: 8.|\n |---|---|---|\n |SOMELIB|SOMEDS|1341344.804|\n\n

Service Outputs

\n\n The data for a particular version\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n @li mpeinit.sas\n @li mpe_getvars.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author 4GL Apps Ltd\n\n**/\n\n%mpeinit()\n\n%global LIBREF DS;\n\n/* load parameters */\n%mpe_getvars(getversion_input, getversion_input)\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0 )\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Issue on startup)\n)\n\n/* todo */\n\n%webout(OPEN)\n%webout(OBJ,getversion_output)\n%webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n%mpeterm()\n\n* Service end;" }, { "name": "refreshlibinfo", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n\n\n%macro dc_assignlib(type,libref,passthru=);\n %if %length(&passthru)>0 %then %do;\n proc sql;\n connect using &libref as &passthru;\n %end;\n%mend dc_assignlib;\n\n\n/** @cond */\n\n%macro mf_existvar(libds /* 2 part dataset name */\n , var /* variable name */\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %local dsid rc;\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds,is));\n\n %if &dsid=0 %then %do;\n %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n 0\n %end;\n %else %if %length(&var)=0 %then %do;\n 0\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,&var))\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n\n%mend mf_existvar;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n%macro mf_getattrn(\n libds\n ,attr\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid rc;\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds,is));\n %if &dsid = 0 %then %do;\n %put %str(WARN)ING: Cannot open %trim(&libds), system message below;\n %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n -1\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,&attr))\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n%mend mf_getattrn;\n\n\n%macro mf_getvartype(libds /* two level name */\n , var /* variable name from which to return the type */\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid vnum vtype rc;\n /* Open dataset */\n %let dsid = %sysfunc(open(&libds));\n %if &dsid. > 0 %then %do;\n /* Get variable number */\n %let vnum = %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid, &var));\n /* Get variable type (C/N) */\n %if(&vnum. > 0) %then %let vtype = %sysfunc(vartype(&dsid, &vnum.));\n %else %do;\n %put NOTE: Variable &var does not exist in &libds;\n %let vtype = %str( );\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: dataset &libds not opened! (rc=&dsid);\n %put &sysmacroname: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* Close dataset */\n %let rc = %sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n /* Return variable type */\n &vtype\n%mend mf_getvartype;\n\n\n%macro mf_getattrc(\n libds\n ,attr\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid rc;\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds,is));\n %if &dsid = 0 %then %do;\n %put %str(WARN)ING: Cannot open %trim(&libds), system message below;\n %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n -1\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %sysfunc(attrc(&dsid,&attr))\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n%mend mf_getattrc;\n\n\n%macro mp_lockfilecheck(\n libds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\ndata _null_;\n if _n_=1 then putlog \"&sysmacroname entry vars:\";\n set sashelp.vmacro;\n where scope=\"&sysmacroname\";\n put name '=' value;\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc>0)\n ,mac=checklock.sas\n ,msg=Aborting with syscc=&syscc on entry.\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (\"&libds\"=\"0\")\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(libds not provided)\n)\n\n%local msg lib ds;\n%let lib=%upcase(%scan(&libds,1,.));\n%let ds=%upcase(%scan(&libds,2,.));\n\n/* in DC, format catalogs are passed with a -FC suffix. No saslock here! */\n%if %scan(&libds,2,-)=FC %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Format Catalog detected, no lockfile applied to &libds;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* do not proceed if no observations can be processed */\n%let msg=options obs = 0. syserrortext=%superq(syserrortext);\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (%sysfunc(getoption(OBS))=0)\n ,mac=checklock.sas\n ,msg=%superq(msg)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n putlog \"Checking engine & member type\";\nrun;\n%local engine memtype;\n%let memtype=%mf_getattrc(&libds,MTYPE);\n%let engine=%mf_getattrc(&libds,ENGINE);\n\n%if &engine ne V9 and &engine ne BASE %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog \"Lib &lib is not assigned using BASE engine - uses &engine instead\";\n putlog \"SAS lock check will not be performed\";\n run;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if &memtype ne DATA %then %do;\n %put NOTE: Cannot lock a VIEW!! Memtype=&memtype;\n %return;\n%end;\n\ndata _null_;\n putlog \"Engine = &engine, memtype=&memtype\";\n putlog \"Attempting lock statement\";\nrun;\n\nlock &libds;\n\n%local abortme;\n%let abortme=0;\n%if &syscc>0 or &SYSLCKRC ne 0 %then %do;\n %let msg=Unable to apply lock on &libds (SYSLCKRC=&SYSLCKRC syscc=&syscc);\n %put %str(ERR)OR: &sysmacroname: &msg;\n %let abortme=1;\n%end;\n\nlock &libds clear;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&abortme=1)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%superq(msg)\n)\n\n%mend mp_lockfilecheck;\n\n\n%macro mp_lockanytable(\n action\n ,lib= WORK\n ,ds=0\n ,ref=\n ,ctl_ds=0\n ,loops=25\n ,loop_secs=1\n );\ndata _null_;\n if _n_=1 then putlog \"&sysmacroname entry vars:\";\n set sashelp.vmacro;\n where scope=\"&sysmacroname\";\n put name '=' value;\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (\"&ds\"=\"0\" and &action ne MAKETABLE)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(dataset was not provided)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&ctl_ds=0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Control dataset was not provided)\n)\n\n/* set up lib & mac vars */\n%let lib=%upcase(&lib);\n%let ds=%upcase(&ds);\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n%local user x trans msg abortme;\n%let user=%mf_getuser();\n%let abortme=0;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&action ne LOCK & &action ne UNLOCK & &action ne MAKETABLE)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid action (&action) provided)\n)\n\n/* if an err condition exists, exit before we even begin */\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc>0 and &action=LOCK)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(aborting due to syscc=&syscc on LOCK entry)\n)\n\n/* do not bother locking work tables (else may affect all WORK libraries) */\n%if (%upcase(&lib)=WORK or %str(&lib)=%str()) & &action ne MAKETABLE %then %do;\n %put NOTE: WORK libraries will not be registered in the locking system.;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* do not proceed if no observations can be processed */\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (%sysfunc(getoption(OBS))=0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(cannot continue when options obs = 0)\n)\n\n%if &ACTION=LOCK %then %do;\n\n /* abort if a SAS lock is already in place, or cannot be applied */\n %mp_lockfilecheck(&lib..&ds)\n\n /* next, check there is a record for this table */\n %local record_exists_check;\n proc sql noprint;\n select count(*) into: record_exists_check from &ctl_ds\n where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" and LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n quit;\n %if &syscc>0 %then %put syscc=&syscc sqlrc=&sqlrc;\n %if &record_exists_check=0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog \"&sysmacroname: adding record to lock table..\";\n run;\n\n data ;\n if 0 then set &ctl_ds;\n LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\";\n LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n LOCK_STATUS_CD='LOCKED';\n LOCK_START_DTTM=\"%sysfunc(datetime(),%mf_fmtdttm())\"dt;\n LOCK_USER_NM=\"&user\";\n LOCK_PID=\"&sysjobid\";\n LOCK_REF=\"&ref\";\n output;stop;\n run;\n %let trans=&syslast;\n proc append base=&ctl_ds data=&trans;\n run;\n %end;\n /* if record does exist, perform lock attempts */\n %else %do x=1 %to &loops;\n data _null_;\n putlog \"&sysmacroname: attempting lock (iteration &x) \"@;\n putlog \"at %sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.) ..\";\n run;\n\n proc sql;\n update &ctl_ds\n set LOCK_STATUS_CD='LOCKED'\n , LOCK_START_DTTM=\"%sysfunc(datetime(),%mf_fmtdttm())\"dt\n , LOCK_USER_NM=\"&user\"\n , LOCK_PID=\"&sysjobid\"\n , LOCK_REF=\"&ref\"\n where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" and LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n quit;\n /**\n * NOTE - occasionally SQL server will return an err code (deadlocked\n * transaction). If so, ignore it, keep calm, and carry on..\n */\n %if &syscc>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n putlog \"NOTE- &sysmacroname: Update failed. \"@;\n putlog \"Resetting err conditions and re-attempting.\";\n putlog \"NOTE- syscc=&syscc syserr=&syserr sqlrc=&sqlrc\";\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n run;\n %let syscc=0;\n %let sqlrc=0;\n %end;\n\n /* now check if the record was successfully updated */\n %local success_check;\n proc sql noprint;\n select count(*) into: success_check from &ctl_ds\n where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" and LOCK_DS=\"&ds\"\n and LOCK_PID=\"&sysjobid\" and LOCK_STATUS_CD='LOCKED';\n quit;\n %if &success_check=0 %then %do;\n %if &x < &loops %then %do;\n /* pause before next check */\n data _null_;\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n putlog \"NOTE- &sysmacroname: table locked, waiting \"@;\n putlog \"%sysfunc(sleep(&loop_secs)) seconds.. \";\n putlog \"NOTE- (iteration &x of &loops)\";\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %let msg=Unable to lock &lib..&ds via &ctl_ds after &loops attempts.\\n\n Please ask your administrator to investigate!;\n %let abortme=1;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n putlog \"NOTE- &sysmacroname: Table &lib..&ds locked at \"@;\n putlog \" %sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.) (iteration &x)\"@;\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n run;\n %if &syscc>0 %then %do;\n %put setting syscc(&syscc) back to 0;\n %let syscc=0;\n %end;\n %let x=&loops; /* no more iterations needed */\n %end;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &ACTION=UNLOCK %then %do;\n %local status cnt;\n %let cnt=0;\n proc sql noprint;\n select count(*) into: cnt from &ctl_ds where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" & LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n %if &cnt=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(WAR)NING: &lib..&ds was not previously locked in &ctl_ds!;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n select LOCK_STATUS_CD into: status from &ctl_ds\n where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" and LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n quit;\n %if &syscc>0 %then %put syscc=&syscc sqlrc=&sqlrc;\n %if &status=LOCKED %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog \"&sysmacroname: unlocking &lib..&ds:\";\n run;\n proc sql;\n update &ctl_ds\n set LOCK_STATUS_CD='UNLOCKED'\n , LOCK_END_DTTM=\"%sysfunc(datetime(),%mf_fmtdttm())\"dt\n , LOCK_USER_NM=\"&user\"\n , LOCK_PID=\"&sysjobid\"\n , LOCK_REF=\"&ref\"\n where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" and LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n quit;\n %end;\n %else %if &status=UNLOCKED %then %do;\n %put %str(WAR)NING: &lib..&ds is already unlocked!;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put NOTE: Unrecognised STATUS_CD (&status) in &ctl_ds;\n %let abortme=1;\n %end;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %let msg=lock_anytable given unsupported action (&action);\n %let abortme=1;\n%end;\n\n/* catch errs - mp_abort must be called outside of a logic block */\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&abortme=1),\n msg=%superq(msg),\n mac=&sysmacroname\n)\n\n%exit_macro:\ndata _null_;\n put \"&sysmacroname: Exit vars: action=&action lib=&lib ds=&ds\";\n put \" syscc=&syscc sqlrc=&sqlrc syserr=&syserr\";\nrun;\n%mend mp_lockanytable;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro bitemporal_closeouts(\n tech_from=tx_from_dttm\n ,tech_to = tx_to_dttm /* Technical TO datetime variable.\n Req'd on BASE table only. */\n ,base_lib=WORK /* Libref of the BASE table. */\n ,base_dsn=BASETABLE /* Name of BASE table. */\n ,append_lib=WORK /* Libref of the STAGING table. */\n ,append_dsn=APPENDTABLE /* Name of STAGING table. */\n ,PK= name sex /* Business key, space separated. */\n /* Should INCLUDE BUS_FROM field if relevant. */\n ,NOW=DEFINE\n ,FILTER= /* supply a filter to limit the update */\n ,outdest= /* supply an unquoted filepath/filename.ext to get\n a text file containing the update statements */\n ,loadtype=\n ,loadtarget=YES /* if <> YES will return without changing anything */\n);\n%put ENTERING &sysmacroname;\n%local x var start;\n%let start=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%dc_assignlib(WRITE,&base_lib)\n%dc_assignlib(WRITE,&append_lib)\n\n%if &now=DEFINE %then %let now=&dc_dttmtfmt.;\n%put &=now;\n/**\n * perform basic checks\n */\n/* do tables exist? */\n%if not %sysfunc(exist(&base_lib..&base_dsn)) %then %do;\n %mp_abort(msg=&base_lib..&base_dsn does not exist)\n%end;\n%else %if %sysfunc(exist(&append_lib..&append_dsn))=0\n and %sysfunc(exist(&append_lib..&append_dsn,VIEW))=0 %then %do;\n %mp_abort(msg=&append_lib..&append_dsn does not exist)\n%end;\n/* do TX columns exist? */\n%if &loadtype ne UPDATE %then %do;\n %if not %mf_existvar(&base_lib..&base_dsn,&tech_from) %then %do;\n %mp_abort(msg=&tech_from does not exist on &base_lib..&base_dsn)\n %end;\n %else %if not %mf_existvar(&base_lib..&base_dsn,&tech_to) %then %do;\n %mp_abort(msg=&tech_to does not exist on &base_lib..&base_dsn)\n %end;\n%end;\n/* do PK columns exist? */\n%do x=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&PK));\n %let var=%scan(&pk,&x,%str( ));\n %if not %mf_existvar(&base_lib..&base_dsn,&var) %then %do;\n %mp_abort(msg=&var does not exist on &base_lib..&base_dsn)\n %end;\n %else %if not %mf_existvar(&append_lib..&append_dsn,&var) %then %do;\n %mp_abort(msg=&var does not exist on &append_lib..&append_dsn)\n %end;\n%end;\n/* check uniqueness */\nproc sort data=&append_lib..&append_dsn\n out=___closeout1 noduprecs dupout=___closeout1a;\n by &pk;\nrun;\n%if %mf_getattrn(___closeout1a,NLOBS)>0 %then\n %put NOTE: dups on (&PK) in (&append_lib..&append_dsn);\n/* is &NOW value within a tolerance? Should not allow renegade closeouts.. */\n%local gap;\n%let gap=0;\ndata _null_;\n now=&now;\n gap=intck('HOURS',now,datetime());\n call symputx('gap',gap,'l');\nrun;\n%mf_abort(\n iftrue=(&gap > 24),\n msg=NOW variable (&now) is not within a 24hr tolerance\n)\n\n/* have any warnings / errs occurred thus far? If so, abort */\n%mf_abort(\n iftrue=(&syscc>0),\n msg=Aborted due to SYSCC=&SYSCC status\n)\n\n/**\n * Create closeout statements. These are sent as individual SQL statements\n * to ensure pass-through utilisation. The update_cnt variable monitors\n * how many records were actually updated on the target table.\n */\n%local update_cnt;\n%let update_cnt=0;\nfilename tmp temp;\ndata _null_;\n set ___closeout1;\n file tmp;\n if _n_=1 then put 'proc sql noprint;' ;\n length string $32767.;\n %if &loadtype=UPDATE %then %do;\n put \"delete from &base_lib..&base_dsn where 1\";\n %end;\n %else %do;\n now=symget('now');\n put \"update &base_lib..&base_dsn set &tech_to= \" now @;\n %if %mf_existvar(&base_lib..&base_dsn,PROCESSED_DTTM) %then %do;\n put \" ,PROCESSED_DTTM=\" now @;\n %end;\n put \" where \" now \" lt &tech_to \";\n %end;\n %do x=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&PK));\n %let var=%scan(&pk,&x,%str( ));\n %if %mf_getvartype(&base_lib..&base_dsn,&var)=C %then %do;\n /* use single quotes to avoid ampersand resolution in data */\n string=\" & &var='\"!!trim(prxchange(\"s/'/''/\",-1,&var))!!\"'\";\n %end;\n %else %do;\n string=cats(\" & &var=\",&var);\n %end;\n put string;\n %end;\n put \"&filter ;\";\n put '%let update_cnt=%eval(&update_cnt+&sqlobs);%put update_cnt=&update_cnt;';\nrun;\n\ndata _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;\n putlog _infile_;\nrun;\n\n%if &loadtarget ne YES %then %return;\n\n/* ensure we have a lock */\n%mp_lockanytable(LOCK,\n lib=&base_lib,ds=&base_dsn\n ,ref=bitemporal_closeouts\n ,ctl_ds=&mpelib..mpe_lockanytable\n)\n\noptions source2;\n%inc tmp;\n\nfilename tmp clear;\n\n/**\n * Update audit tracker\n */\n\n%local newobs; %let newobs=%mf_getattrn(work.___closeout1,NLOBS);\n%local user; %let user=%mf_getuser();\nproc sql;\ninsert into &mpelib..mpe_dataloads\n set libref=%upcase(\"&base_lib\")\n ,DSN=%upcase(\"&base_dsn\")\n ,ETLSOURCE=\"&append_lib..&append_dsn contained &newobs records\"\n ,LOADTYPE=\"CLOSEOUT\"\n ,DELETED_RECORDS=&update_cnt\n ,NEW_RECORDS=0\n ,DURATION=%sysfunc(datetime())-&start\n ,USER_NM=\"&user\"\n ,PROCESSED_DTTM=&now;\nquit;\n\n\n%mend bitemporal_closeouts;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_existds(libds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&libds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&libds,VIEW)) ne 1 %then 0;\n %else 1;\n\n%mend mf_existds;\n\n\n/** @cond */\n\n%macro mf_getengine(libref\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid engnum rc engine;\n\n /* in case the parameter is a libref.tablename, pull off just the libref */\n %let libref = %upcase(%scan(&libref, 1, %str(.)));\n\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(\n open(sashelp.vlibnam(where=(libname=\"%upcase(&libref)\")),i)\n );\n %if (&dsid ^= 0) %then %do;\n %let engnum=%sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,ENGINE));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fetch(&dsid));\n %let engine=%sysfunc(getvarc(&dsid,&engnum));\n %put &libref. ENGINE is &engine.;\n %let rc= %sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n\n %upcase(&engine)\n\n%mend mf_getengine;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n%macro mf_getschema(libref\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid vnum rc schema;\n /* in case the parameter is a libref.tablename, pull off just the libref */\n %let libref = %upcase(%scan(&libref, 1, %str(.)));\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(sashelp.vlibnam(where=(\n libname=\"%upcase(&libref)\" and sysname='Schema/Owner'\n )),i));\n %if (&dsid ^= 0) %then %do;\n %let vnum=%sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,SYSVALUE));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fetch(&dsid));\n %let schema=%sysfunc(getvarc(&dsid,&vnum));\n %put &libref. schema is &schema.;\n %let rc= %sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n\n &schema\n\n%mend mf_getschema;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquefileref(prefix=_,maxtries=1000,lrecl=32767);\n %local rc fname;\n %if &prefix=0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %local x len;\n %let len=%eval(8-%length(&prefix));\n %let x=0;\n %do x=0 %to &maxtries;\n %let fname=&prefix%substr(%sysfunc(ranuni(0)),3,&len);\n %if %sysfunc(fileref(&fname)) > 0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %put unable to find available fileref after &maxtries attempts;\n %end;\n%mend mf_getuniquefileref;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquename(prefix=MC);\n&prefix.%substr(%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32-%length(&prefix))\n%mend mf_getuniquename;\n\n\n%macro mf_getvarlist(libds\n ,dlm=%str( )\n ,quote=no\n ,typefilter=A\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n /* declare local vars */\n %local outvar dsid nvars x rc dlm q var vtype;\n\n /* credit Rowland Hale - byte34 is double quote, 39 is single quote */\n %if %upcase("e)=DOUBLE %then %let q=%qsysfunc(byte(34));\n %else %if %upcase("e)=SINGLE %then %let q=%qsysfunc(byte(39));\n /* open dataset in macro */\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds));\n\n %if &dsid %then %do;\n %let nvars=%sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,NVARS));\n %if &nvars>0 %then %do;\n /* add variables with supplied delimeter */\n %do x=1 %to &nvars;\n /* get variable type */\n %let vtype=%sysfunc(vartype(&dsid,&x));\n %if &vtype=&typefilter or &typefilter=A %then %do;\n %let var=&q.%sysfunc(varname(&dsid,&x))&q.;\n %if &var=&q&q %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Empty column found in &libds!;\n %let var=&q. &q.;\n %end;\n %if %quote(&outvar)=%quote() %then %let outvar=&var;\n %else %let outvar=&outvar.&dlm.&var.;\n %end;\n %end;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Unable to open &libds (rc=&dsid);\n %put &sysmacroname: SYSMSG= %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n %do;%unquote(&outvar)%end;\n%mend mf_getvarlist;\n\n\n%macro mf_abort(mac=mf_abort.sas, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n)/des='ungraceful abort' /*STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n %put NOTE: /// mf_abort macro executing //;\n %if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n %put NOTE - &msg;\n\n %abort;\n\n%mend mf_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_verifymacvars(\n verifyVars /* list of macro variable NAMES */\n ,makeUpcase=NO /* set to YES to make all the variable VALUES uppercase */\n ,mAbort=SOFT\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %local verifyIterator verifyVar abortmsg;\n %do verifyIterator=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&verifyVars,%str( )));\n %let verifyVar=%qscan(&verifyVars,&verifyIterator,%str( ));\n %if not %symexist(&verifyvar) %then %do;\n %let abortmsg= Variable &verifyVar is MISSING;\n %goto exit_err;\n %end;\n %if %length(%trim(&&&verifyVar))=0 %then %do;\n %let abortmsg= Variable &verifyVar is EMPTY;\n %goto exit_err;\n %end;\n %if &makeupcase=YES %then %do;\n %let &verifyVar=%upcase(&&&verifyvar);\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %goto exit_success;\n %exit_err:\n %put &abortmsg;\n %mf_abort(iftrue=(&mabort ne SOFT),\n mac=mf_verifymacvars,\n msg=%str(&abortmsg)\n )\n 0\n %return;\n %exit_success:\n 1\n\n%mend mf_verifymacvars;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_wordsInStr1ButNotStr2(\n Str1= /* string containing words to extract */\n ,Str2= /* used to compare with the extract string */\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%local count_base count_extr i i2 extr_word base_word match outvar;\n%if %length(&str1)=0 or %length(&str2)=0 %then %do;\n %put base string (str1)= &str1;\n %put compare string (str2) = &str2;\n %return;\n%end;\n%let count_base=%sysfunc(countw(&Str2));\n%let count_extr=%sysfunc(countw(&Str1));\n\n%do i=1 %to &count_extr;\n %let extr_word=%scan(&Str1,&i,%str( ));\n %let match=0;\n %do i2=1 %to &count_base;\n %let base_word=%scan(&Str2,&i2,%str( ));\n %if &extr_word=&base_word %then %let match=1;\n %end;\n %if &match=0 %then %let outvar=&outvar &extr_word;\n%end;\n\n &outvar\n\n%mend mf_wordsInStr1ButNotStr2;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_isblank(param\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %sysevalf(%superq(param)=,boolean)\n\n%mend mf_isblank;\n\n\n%macro mp_dropmembers(\n list /* space separated list of datasets / views */\n ,libref=WORK /* can only drop from a single library at a time */\n ,iftrue=%str(1=1)\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n %if %mf_isblank(&list) %then %do;\n %put NOTE: nothing to drop!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n proc datasets lib=&libref nolist;\n delete &list;\n delete &list /mtype=view;\n run;\n%mend mp_dropmembers;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getquotedstr(IN_STR\n ,DLM=%str(,)\n ,QUOTE=S\n ,indlm=%str( )\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n /* credit Rowland Hale - byte34 is double quote, 39 is single quote */\n %if "e=S %then %let quote=%qsysfunc(byte(39));\n %else %if "e=D %then %let quote=%qsysfunc(byte(34));\n %else %if "e=N %then %let quote=;\n %local i item buffer;\n %let i=1;\n %do %while (%qscan(&IN_STR,&i,%str(&indlm)) ne %str() ) ;\n %let item=%qscan(&IN_STR,&i,%str(&indlm));\n %if %bquote("E) ne %then %let item="E%qtrim(&item)"E;\n %else %let item=%qtrim(&item);\n\n %if (&i = 1) %then %let buffer =%qtrim(&item);\n %else %let buffer =&buffer&DLM%qtrim(&item);\n\n %let i = %eval(&i+1);\n %end;\n\n %let buffer=%sysfunc(coalescec(%qtrim(&buffer),"E"E));\n\n &buffer\n\n%mend mf_getquotedstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_nobs(libds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %mf_getattrn(&libds,NLOBS)\n%mend mf_nobs;\n\n\n%macro mp_retainedkey(\n base_lib=WORK\n ,base_dsn=BASETABLE\n ,append_lib=WORK\n ,append_dsn=APPENDTABLE\n ,retained_key=DEFAULT_RK\n ,business_key= PK1 PK2\n ,check_uniqueness=NO\n ,maxkeytable=0\n ,locktable=0\n ,outds=WORK.APPEND\n ,filter_str=\n);\n%put &sysmacroname entry vars:;\n%put _local_;\n\n%local base_libds app_libds key_field check maxkey idx_pk newkey_cnt iserr\n msg x tempds1 tempds2 comma_pk appnobs checknobs dropvar tempvar idx_val;\n%let base_libds=%upcase(&base_lib..&base_dsn);\n%let app_libds=%upcase(&append_lib..&append_dsn);\n%let tempds1=%mf_getuniquename();\n%let tempds2=%mf_getuniquename();\n%let comma_pk=%mf_getquotedstr(in_str=%str(&business_key),dlm=%str(,),quote=);\n%let outds=%sysfunc(ifc(%index(&outds,.)=0,work.&outds,&outds));\n/* validation checks */\n%let iserr=0;\n%if &syscc>0 %then %do;\n %let iserr=1;\n %let msg=%str(SYSCC=&syscc on macro entry);\n%end;\n%else %if %sysfunc(exist(&base_libds))=0 %then %do;\n %let iserr=1;\n %let msg=%str(Base LIBDS (&base_libds) expected but NOT FOUND);\n%end;\n%else %if %sysfunc(exist(&app_libds))=0 %then %do;\n %let iserr=1;\n %let msg=%str(Append LIBDS (&app_libds) expected but NOT FOUND);\n%end;\n%else %if &maxkeytable ne 0 and %sysfunc(exist(&maxkeytable))=0 %then %do;\n %let iserr=1;\n %let msg=%str(Maxkeytable (&maxkeytable) expected but NOT FOUND);\n%end;\n%else %if &maxkeytable ne 0 and %sysfunc(exist(&locktable))=0 %then %do;\n %let iserr=1;\n %let msg=%str(Locktable (&locktable) expected but NOT FOUND);\n%end;\n%else %if %length(&business_key)=0 %then %do;\n %let iserr=1;\n %let msg=%str(Business key (&business_key) expected but NOT FOUND);\n%end;\n\n%do x=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&business_key));\n /* check business key values exist */\n %let key_field=%scan(&business_key,&x,%str( ));\n %if not %mf_existvar(&app_libds,&key_field) %then %do;\n %let iserr=1;\n %let msg=Business key (&key_field) not found on &app_libds!;\n %goto err;\n %end;\n %else %if not %mf_existvar(&base_libds,&key_field) %then %do;\n %let iserr=1;\n %let msg=Business key (&key_field) not found on &base_libds!;\n %goto err;\n %end;\n%end;\n%err:\n%if &iserr=1 %then %do;\n /* err case so first perform an unlock of the base table before exiting */\n %mp_lockanytable(\n UNLOCK,lib=&base_lib,ds=&base_dsn,ref=%superq(msg),ctl_ds=&locktable\n )\n%end;\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&iserr=1),mac=mp_retainedkey,msg=%superq(msg))\n\nproc sql noprint;\nselect sum(max(&retained_key),0) into: maxkey from &base_libds;\n\n/**\n * get base table RK and bus field values for lookup\n */\nproc sql noprint;\ncreate table &tempds1 as\n select distinct &comma_pk,&retained_key\n from &base_libds &filter_str\n order by &comma_pk,&retained_key;\n\n%if &check_uniqueness=YES %then %do;\n select count(*) into:checknobs\n from (select distinct &comma_pk from &app_libds);\n select count(*) into: appnobs from &app_libds; /* might be view */\n %if &checknobs ne &appnobs %then %do;\n %let msg=Source table &app_libds is not unique on (&business_key);\n %let iserr=1;\n %end;\n%end;\n%if &iserr=1 %then %do;\n /* err case so first perform an unlock of the base table before exiting */\n %mp_lockanytable(\n UNLOCK,lib=&base_lib,ds=&base_dsn,ref=%superq(msg),ctl_ds=&locktable\n )\n%end;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&iserr=1),mac=mp_retainedkey,msg=%superq(msg))\n\n%if %mf_existvar(&app_libds,&retained_key)\n%then %let dropvar=(drop=&retained_key);\n\n/* prepare interim table with retained key populated for matching keys */\nproc sql noprint;\ncreate table &tempds2 as\n select b.&retained_key, a.*\n from &app_libds &dropvar a\n left join &tempds1 b\n on 1\n %do idx_pk=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&business_key));\n %let idx_val=%scan(&business_key,&idx_pk);\n and a.&idx_val=b.&idx_val\n %end;\n order by &retained_key;\n\n/* identify the number of entries without retained keys (new records) */\nselect count(*) into: newkey_cnt\n from &tempds2\n where missing(&retained_key);\nquit;\n\n/**\n * Update maxkey table if link provided\n */\n%if &maxkeytable ne 0 %then %do;\n proc sql noprint;\n select count(*) into: check from &maxkeytable\n where upcase(keytable)=\"&base_libds\";\n\n %mp_lockanytable(LOCK\n ,lib=%scan(&maxkeytable,1,.)\n ,ds=%scan(&maxkeytable,2,.)\n ,ref=Updating maxkeyvalues with mp_retainedkey\n ,ctl_ds=&locktable\n )\n proc sql;\n %if &check=0 %then %do;\n insert into &maxkeytable\n set keytable=\"&base_libds\"\n ,keycolumn=\"&retained_key\"\n ,max_key=%eval(&maxkey+&newkey_cnt)\n ,processed_dttm=\"%sysfunc(datetime(),%mf_fmtdttm())\"dt;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n update &maxkeytable\n set max_key=%eval(&maxkey+&newkey_cnt)\n ,processed_dttm=\"%sysfunc(datetime(),%mf_fmtdttm())\"dt\n where keytable=\"&base_libds\";\n %end;\n %mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK\n ,lib=%scan(&maxkeytable,1,.)\n ,ds=%scan(&maxkeytable,2,.)\n ,ref=Updating maxkeyvalues with maxkey=%eval(&maxkey+&newkey_cnt)\n ,ctl_ds=&locktable\n )\n%end;\n\n/* fill in the missing retained key values */\n%let tempvar=%mf_getuniquename();\ndata &outds(drop=&tempvar);\n retain &tempvar %eval(&maxkey+1);\n set &tempds2;\n if &retained_key =. then &retained_key=&tempvar;\n &tempvar=&tempvar+1;\nrun;\n\n%mend mp_retainedkey;\n\n\n\n/** @cond */\n\n%macro mp_storediffs(libds\n ,origds\n ,key\n ,delds=0\n ,appds=0\n ,modds=0\n ,outds=work.mp_storediffs\n ,loadref=0\n ,processed_dttm=0\n ,mdebug=0\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local dbg;\n%if &mdebug=1 %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname entry vars:;\n %put _local_;\n%end;\n%else %let dbg=*;\n\n/* set up unique and temporary vars */\n%local ds1 ds2 ds3 ds4 hashkey inds_auto inds_keep dslist vlist;\n%let ds1=%upcase(work.%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mpsd_ds1));\n%let ds2=%upcase(work.%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mpsd_ds2));\n%let ds3=%upcase(work.%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mpsd_ds3));\n%let ds4=%upcase(work.%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mpsd_ds4));\n%let hashkey=%upcase(%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mpsd_hashkey));\n%let inds_auto=%upcase(%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mpsd_inds_auto));\n%let inds_keep=%upcase(%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mpsd_inds_keep));\n\n%let dslist=&origds;\n%if &delds ne 0 %then %do;\n %let delds=%upcase(&delds);\n %if %scan(&delds,-1,.)=&delds %then %let delds=WORK.&delds;\n %let dslist=&dslist &delds;\n%end;\n%if &appds ne 0 %then %do;\n %let appds=%upcase(&appds);\n %if %scan(&appds,-1,.)=&appds %then %let appds=WORK.&appds;\n %let dslist=&dslist &appds;\n%end;\n%if &modds ne 0 %then %do;\n %let modds=%upcase(&modds);\n %if %scan(&modds,-1,.)=&modds %then %let modds=WORK.&modds;\n %let dslist=&dslist &modds;\n%end;\n\n%let origds=%upcase(&origds);\n%if %scan(&origds,-1,.)=&origds %then %let origds=WORK.&origds;\n\n%let key=%upcase(&key);\n\n/* hash the key and append all the tables (marking the source) */\ndata &ds1;\n set &dslist indsname=&inds_auto;\n &hashkey=put(md5(catx('|',%mf_getquotedstr(&key,quote=N))),$hex32.);\n &inds_keep=upcase(&inds_auto);\nproc sort;\n by &inds_keep &hashkey;\nrun;\n\n/* transpose numeric & char vars */\nproc transpose data=&ds1\n out=&ds2(rename=(&hashkey=key_hash _name_=tgtvar_nm col1=newval_num));\n by &inds_keep &hashkey;\n var _numeric_;\nrun;\nproc transpose data=&ds1\n out=&ds3(\n rename=(&hashkey=key_hash _name_=tgtvar_nm col1=newval_char)\n where=(tgtvar_nm not in (\"&hashkey\",\"&inds_keep\"))\n );\n by &inds_keep &hashkey;\n var _character_;\nrun;\n\n%if %index(&libds,-)>0 and %scan(&libds,2,-)=FC %then %do;\n /* this is a format catalog - cannot query cols directly */\n %let vlist=\"TYPE\",\"FMTNAME\",\"FMTROW\",\"START\",\"END\",\"LABEL\",\"MIN\",\"MAX\"\n ,\"DEFAULT\",\"LENGTH\",\"FUZZ\",\"PREFIX\",\"MULT\",\"FILL\",\"NOEDIT\",\"SEXCL\"\n ,\"EEXCL\",\"HLO\",\"DECSEP\",\"DIG3SEP\",\"DATATYPE\",\"LANGUAGE\";\n%end;\n%else %let vlist=%mf_getvarlist(&libds,dlm=%str(,),quote=DOUBLE);\n\ndata &ds4;\n length &inds_keep $41 tgtvar_nm $32 _label_ $256;\n if _n_=1 then call missing(_label_);\n drop _label_;\n set &ds2 &ds3 indsname=&inds_auto;\n\n tgtvar_nm=upcase(tgtvar_nm);\n if tgtvar_nm in (%upcase(&vlist));\n\n if upcase(&inds_auto)=\"&ds2\" then tgtvar_type='N';\n else if upcase(&inds_auto)=\"&ds3\" then tgtvar_type='C';\n else do;\n putlog 'ERR' +(-1) \"OR: unidentified vartype input!\" &inds_auto;\n call symputx('syscc',98);\n end;\n\n if &inds_keep=\"&appds\" then move_type='A';\n else if &inds_keep=\"&delds\" then move_type='D';\n else if &inds_keep=\"&modds\" then move_type='M';\n else if &inds_keep=\"&origds\" then move_type='O';\n else do;\n putlog 'ERR' +(-1) \"OR: unidentified movetype input!\" &inds_keep;\n call symputx('syscc',99);\n end;\n tgtvar_nm=upcase(tgtvar_nm);\n if tgtvar_nm in (%mf_getquotedstr(&key)) then is_pk=1;\n else is_pk=0;\n drop &inds_keep;\nrun;\n\n%if \"&loadref\"=\"0\" %then %let loadref=%sysfunc(uuidgen());\n%if &processed_dttm=0 %then %let processed_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime(),8.6);\n%let libds=%upcase(&libds);\n\n/* join orig vals for modified & deleted */\nproc sql;\ncreate table &outds as\n select \"&loadref\" as load_ref length=36\n ,&processed_dttm as processed_dttm format=E8601DT26.6\n ,\"%scan(&libds,1,.)\" as libref length=8\n ,\"%scan(&libds,2,.)\" as dsn length=32\n ,b.key_hash length=32\n ,b.move_type length=1\n ,b.tgtvar_nm length=32\n ,b.is_pk\n ,case when b.move_type ne 'M' then -1\n when a.newval_num=b.newval_num and a.newval_char=b.newval_char then 0\n else 1\n end as is_diff\n ,b.tgtvar_type length=1\n ,case when b.move_type='D' then b.newval_num\n else a.newval_num\n end as oldval_num format=best32.\n ,case when b.move_type='D' then .\n else b.newval_num\n end as newval_num format=best32.\n ,case when b.move_type='D' then b.newval_char\n else a.newval_char\n end as oldval_char length=32765\n ,case when b.move_type='D' then ''\n else b.newval_char\n end as newval_char length=32765\n from &ds4(where=(move_type='O')) as a\n right join &ds4(where=(move_type ne 'O')) as b\n on a.tgtvar_nm=b.tgtvar_nm\n and a.key_hash=b.key_hash\n order by move_type, key_hash,is_pk desc, tgtvar_nm;\n\n%if &mdebug=0 %then %do;\n proc sql;\n drop table &ds1, &ds2, &ds3, &ds4;\n%end;\n\n%mend mp_storediffs;\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n%macro bitemporal_dataloader(\n bus_from= /* Business FROM datetime variable. Req'd on\n STAGING & BASE tables.*/\n ,bus_to = /* Business TO datetime variable. Req'd on\n STAGING & BASE tables. */\n ,bus_from_override= /* Provide a hard coded BUS_FROM datetime value.*/\n ,bus_to_override= /* provide a hard coded BUS_TO datetime value */\n ,tech_from= /* Technical FROM datetime variable. Req'd on\n BASE table only. */\n ,tech_to = /* Technical TO datetime variable. Req'd on BASE\n table only. */\n ,processed= 0\n ,base_lib=WORK /* Libref of the BASE table. */\n ,base_dsn=BASETABLE /* Name of BASE table. */\n ,append_lib=WORK /* Libref of the STAGING table. */\n ,append_dsn=APPENDTABLE\n ,high_date='01JAN5999:00:00:00'dt /* High date to close out records */\n ,PK= name sex\n ,RK_UNDERLYING=\n ,KEEPVARS= /* Provides option for removing unwanted vars from append table */\n ,RK_UPDATE_MAXKEYTABLE=NO /* If switching (or mix matching) with regular\n SCD2 loader then set this switch to YES to\n ensure the MAXKEYTABLE is updated with the\n current maximum RK value for the target table\n */\n ,CHECK_UNIQUENESS=YES /* Perform a check of the APPEND table to ensure it is\n unique on its business key */\n ,ETLSOURCE=demo /* supply a value ($50.) to show as ETLSOURCE in\n &dclib..DATALOADS */\n ,LOADTYPE=BITEMPORAL\n ,RK_MAXKEYTABLE= mpe_maxkeyvalues\n ,LOG=1 /* Switch to 0 to prevent records being added to\n &mpelib..mpe_DATALOADS (ie when testing)*/\n ,DELETE_COL= _____DELETE__THIS__RECORD_____\n /* If this variable is found in the append dataset\n then records are closed out (or deleted) in the\n append table where that variable= \"Yes\" */\n ,LOADTARGET=YES /* set to anything but uppercase YES to switch off\n target table load and generate temp tables only */\n ,CLOSE_VARS=\n/*a problem with regular SCD2 or TXTEMPORAL loads is that there is\n no facility to close out removed records (all records are\n assumed new or changed). But how does one determine which\n records are removed? Short of loading the entire table\n each time? This parameter allows a set of variables\n (this should be a subset of the PK) to be declared, and\n the macro will determine which records in the base table\n need to be closed out ahead of the load.\n\n For instance, given the following:\n\n Base Table Staging Table\n DATE ENTITY AMOUNT DATE ENTITY AMOUNT\n JAN ACME4 66 JAN ACME4 66\n FEB ACME4 99 FEB ACME4 99\n FEB ACME1 22\n\n By supplying DATE in CLOSE_VARS and DATE ENTITY as the PK,\n the \"FEB PAG 22\" record would get closed out.\n */\n ,config_table=&dclib..MPE_CONFIG\n ,dclib=&dc_libref\n ,outds_del=work.outds_del\n ,outds_add=work.outds_add\n ,outds_mod=work.outds_mod\n ,outds_audit=0\n );\n\n/* when changing this macro, update the version num here */\n%local ver;\n%let ver=32;\n%put &sysmacroname entry vars:;\n%put _local_;\n\n%dc_assignlib(WRITE,&base_lib) /* may not already be assigned */\n\n/* return straight away if nothing to load */\n%let nobs= %mf_getattrn(&append_lib..&append_dsn,NLOBS);\n%if &nobs=-1 %then %do;\n proc sql noprint; select count(*) into: nobs from &append_lib..&append_dsn;\n%end;\n%if &nobs=0 %then %do;\n %put NOTE:; %put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;\n %put NOTE- Base dataset &append_lib..&append_dsn is empty. Nothing to upload!;\n %put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* hard exit if err condition exists */\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc > 0)\n ,mac=bitemporal_dataloader\n ,msg=%str(Bitemporal transform / job aborted due to SYSCC=&SYSCC status;)\n)\n\n%local engine_type;\n%let engine_type=%mf_getengine(&base_lib);\n%if (&engine_type=REDSHIFT or &engine_type=POSTGRES) and %length(&CLOSE_VARS)>0\n%then %do;\n %put NOTE:; %put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;\n %put NOTE- CLOSE_VARS functionality not yet supported in &engine_type;\n %put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * The metadata functions (eg mf_existvar) will fail if the base table has a\n * SAS lock. So, make a snapshot of the base table for further use.\n * Also, make output tables (regardless).\n */\n%local basecopy;\n%let basecopy=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=basecopy);\n\ndata &basecopy &outds_mod &outds_add &outds_del;\n set &base_lib..&base_dsn;\n stop;\nrun;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc > 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after base table copy - aborting due to table lock)\n)\n\n\n%local cols idx_pk md5_col ;\n%let md5_col=___TMP___md5;\n%let check_uniqueness=%upcase(&check_uniqueness);\n%let RK_UPDATE_MAXKEYTABLE=%upcase(&RK_UPDATE_MAXKEYTABLE);\n%let high_date=%unquote(&high_date);\n%let loadtype=%upcase(&loadtype);\n\n/* ensure irrelevant variables are cleared */\n%if &loadtype=BUSTEMPORAL %then %do;\n %let tech_from=;\n %let tech_to=;\n%end;\n%else %if &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL or &loadtype=UPDATE %then %do;\n %let bus_from=;\n %let bus_to=;\n%end;\n\n/* ensure relevant variables are supplied */\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&loadtype=BITEMPORAL & %mf_verifymacvars(bus_from bus_to)=0)\n ,mac=bitemporal_dataloader\n ,msg=%str(Missing BUS_FROM / BUS_TO)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&loadtype=TXTEMPORAL & %mf_verifymacvars(tech_from tech_to)=0)\n ,mac=bitemporal_dataloader\n ,msg=%str(Missing TECH_FROM / TECH_TO)\n)\n\n/**\n * drop any tables (may be defined as views or vice versa preventing overwrite)\n */\n%mp_dropmembers(append bitemp0_append bitemp_cols)\n\n/* SQL Server requires its own time values */\n/* 9.2 will only give picture format down to seconds. 9.3 allows\n milliseconds by using lower S and defining the decimal in the format name..*/\nPROC FORMAT;\n picture MyMSdt other='%0Y-%0m-%0dT%0H:%0M:%0S' (datatype=datetime);\nRUN;\n%local dbnow;\n%let dbnow=\"%sysfunc(datetime(),%mf_fmtdttm())\"dt;\n\ndata _null_;\n /* convert space separated macvar to comma separated for SQL processing */\n call symputx('PK_COMMA',tranwrd(compbl(\"&pk\"),' ',','),'L');\n call symputx('PK_CNT',countw(\"&pk\",' '),'L');\n now=&dbnow;\n call symputx('NOW',now,'L');\n call symputx('SQLNOW',cats(\"'\",put(now,MyMSdt.),\"'\"),'L');\n length etlsource $100;\n etlsource=subpad(symget('etlsource'),1,100);\n call symputx('etlsource',etlsource,'l');\nrun;\n\n/**\n * Even if no PROCESSED var provided, assume that any variable named\n * PROCESSED_DTTM should be updated\n */\n%if &processed=0 %then %do;\n %if %mf_existvar(&basecopy,PROCESSED_DTTM)\n %then %let processed=PROCESSED_DTTM;\n %else %let processed=;\n%end;\n\n\n/* extract colnames for md5 creation / change tracking */\nproc contents noprint data=&base_lib..&base_dsn\n out=work.bitemp_cols (keep=name type length varnum format:);\nrun;\nproc sql noprint;\nselect name into: cols separated by ','\n from work.bitemp_cols\n where upcase(name) not in\n (%upcase(\"&bus_from\",\"&bus_to\"\n ,\"&tech_from\",\"&tech_to\"\n ,\"&processed\",\"&delete_col\")) ;\nselect case when type in (2,6) then cats('put(md5(trim(',name,')),$hex32.)')\n /* multiply by 1 to strip precision errors (eg 0 != 0) */\n /* but ONLY if not missing, else will lose any special missing values */\n else cats('put(md5(trim(put(ifn(missing('\n ,name,'),',name,',',name,'*1),binary64.))),$hex32.)') end\n into: stripcols separated by '||'\n from work.bitemp_cols\n where upcase(name) not in\n (%upcase(\"&bus_from\",\"&bus_to\"\n ,\"&tech_from\",\"&tech_to\"\n ,\"&processed\",\"&delete_col\")) ;\n\n/* set default formats*/\n%let bus_from_fmt = datetime19.;\n%let bus_to_fmt = datetime19.;\n%let processed_fmt = datetime19.;\n\n%let tech_from_fmt = format=datetime19.;\n%let tech_to_fmt = format=datetime19.;\n\n\n%put &=stripcols;\n%put &=pk;\n\ndata _null_;\n set work.bitemp_cols;\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n if format='' then fmt=cats(length,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n if upcase(name)=\"%upcase(&bus_from)\" then\n call symputx('bus_from_fmt',fmt,'L');\n else if upcase(name)=\"%upcase(&bus_to)\" then\n call symputx('bus_to_fmt',fmt,'L');\n else if upcase(name)=\"%upcase(&tech_from)\" then\n call symputx('tech_from_fmt',\"format=\"!!fmt,'L');\n else if upcase(name)=\"%upcase(&tech_to)\" then\n call symputx('tech_to_fmt',\"format=\"!!fmt,'L');\n else if upcase(name)=\"%upcase(&processed)\" then\n call symputx('processed_fmt',fmt,'L');\nrun;\n\n%if %index(%quote(&cols),___TMP___) %then %do;\n %let msg=%str(Table contains a variable name containing \"___TMP___\".%trim(\n ) This may conflict with temp variable generation!!);\n %mp_abort(msg=&msg,mac=bitemporal_dataloader);\n %let syscc=5;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* if transaction dates appear on the APPEND table, need to remove them */\n%local drop_tx_dates /* used in append table */\n drop_tx_dates_noobs /* used to take the base table structure */;\n%if %mf_existvar(&append_lib..&append_dsn, &tech_from)\n %then %let drop_tx_dates=&tech_from;\n%if %mf_existvar(&append_lib..&append_dsn, &tech_to)\n %then %let drop_tx_dates=&drop_tx_dates &tech_to;\n%if %length(%trim(&drop_tx_dates))>0\n %then %let drop_tx_dates=(drop=&drop_tx_dates);\n\n%if %mf_existvar(&basecopy, &tech_from)\n %then %let drop_tx_dates_noobs=&tech_from;\n%if %mf_existvar(&basecopy, &tech_to)\n %then %let drop_tx_dates_noobs=&drop_tx_dates_noobs &tech_to;\n%if %length(%trim(&drop_tx_dates_noobs))>0\n %then %let drop_tx_dates_noobs=(drop=&drop_tx_dates_noobs obs=0);\n%else %let drop_tx_dates_noobs=(obs=0);\n\n\n/**\n * Lock the table. This is necessary as we are doing a two part update (first\n * closing records then appending new records). It is theoretically possible\n * that an upload may occur whilst preparing the staging tables. And the\n * staging tables are about to be prepared..\n */\n%if &LOADTARGET = YES %then %do;\n %put locking &base_lib..&base_dsn;\n %mp_lockanytable(LOCK,\n lib=&base_lib,ds=&base_dsn,ref=&ETLSOURCE,ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n %if \"&outds_audit\" ne \"0\" %then %do;\n %put locking &outds_audit;\n %mp_lockanytable(LOCK\n ,lib=%scan(&outds_audit,1,.)\n ,ds=%scan(&outds_audit,2,.)\n ,ref=&ETLSOURCE\n ,ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n /* not an actual load, so avoid updating the max key table in next step. */\n %let rk_update_maxkeytable=NO;\n%end;\n\n%if %length(&RK_UNDERLYING)>0 %then %do;\n %mp_retainedkey(\n base_lib=&base_lib\n ,base_dsn=&base_dsn\n ,append_lib=&append_lib\n ,append_dsn=&append_dsn\n ,retained_key=&pk\n ,business_key=&rk_underlying\n ,check_uniqueness=&CHECK_UNIQUENESS\n ,outds=work.append\n %if &rk_update_maxkeytable=NO %then %do;\n ,maxkeytable=0\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ,maxkeytable=&dclib..&RK_MAXKEYTABLE\n %end;\n ,locktable=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n %if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL %then %do;\n ,filter_str=%str( (where=( &now < &tech_to)) )\n %end;\n )\n%end;\n%else %do;\n proc sql;\n create view work.append as select * from &append_lib..&append_dsn;\n%end;\n/**\n* generate md5 for append table\n*/\n/* it is possible the source dataset has additional (unwanted) columns.\n Drop if specified; */\n%if %length(&keepvars)>0 %then %do;\n /* remove tech dates from keepvars as they are generated later */\n %let keepvars=%sysfunc(tranwrd(%str( &keepvars ),%str( &tech_from ),%str( )));\n %let keepvars=%sysfunc(tranwrd(%str( &keepvars ),%str( &tech_to ),%str( )));\n %let keepvars=(keep=&keepvars &bus_from &bus_to &processed &md5_col);\n%end;\n\n/* CAS varchar types cause append issues here, so perform autoconvert\n by creating empty local table first */\ndata;\n set &base_lib..&base_dsn &drop_tx_dates_noobs;\nrun;\n%local emptybasetable; %let emptybasetable=&syslast;\n\ndata work.bitemp0_append &keepvars &outds_del(drop=&md5_col )\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n /nonote2err\n %end;\n ;\n /* apply formats for bitemporal vars but not tx dates which are added later */\n %if %length(&keepvars)>0 and &loadtype=BITEMPORAL %then %do;\n format &bus_from &bus_from_fmt;\n format &bus_to &bus_to_fmt;\n %end;\n set &emptybasetable /* base table reqd in case append has fewer cols */\n work.append &drop_tx_dates;\n %if %length(%str(&bus_from_override))>0 %then %do;\n &bus_from= %unquote(&bus_from_override) ;\n %end;\n %if %length(%str(&bus_to_override))>0 %then %do;\n &bus_to= %unquote(&bus_to_override) ;\n %end;\n length &md5_col $32;\n &md5_col=put(md5(&stripcols),hex32.);\n %if %length(&processed)>0 %then %do;\n format &processed &processed_fmt;\n &processed=&now;\n %end;\n\n/**\n * If a delete column exists then create the delete dataset\n */\n%if %mf_existvar(&append_lib..&append_dsn, &delete_col) %then %do;\n drop &delete_col;\n if upcase(&delete_col) = \"YES\" then output &outds_del ;\n else output work.bitemp0_append ;\n run;\n\n %if %mf_getattrn(&outds_del,NLOBS)>0 %then %do;\n %bitemporal_closeouts(\n tech_from=&tech_from\n ,tech_to = &tech_to\n ,base_lib=&base_lib\n ,base_dsn=&base_dsn\n ,append_lib=work\n ,append_dsn=%scan(&outds_del,-1,.)\n ,PK=&bus_from &pk\n ,NOW=&dbnow\n ,loadtarget=&loadtarget\n ,loadtype=&loadtype\n )\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n output work.bitemp0_append;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc gt 0 at line 494)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc)\n)\n\n%if %length(&close_vars)>0 %then %do;\n /**\n * need to close out records that are not provided\n */\n proc sql;\n create table bitemp1_closevars1 as\n select distinct a.%mf_getquotedstr(in_str=&pk,dlm=%str(,a.),quote=)\n from &base_lib..&base_dsn a\n inner join work.bitemp0_append b\n on 1=1\n /* join on closevars key */\n %do idx_pk=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&close_vars));\n %let idx_val=%scan(&close_vars,&idx_pk);\n and a.&idx_val=b.&idx_val\n %end;\n /* filter base on tech dates if necessary */\n %if &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL %then %do;\n where a.&tech_from <=&now and &now < a.&tech_to\n %end;\n ;\n create table bitemp1_closevars2 as\n select distinct a.*\n from bitemp1_closevars1 a\n left join work.bitemp0_append b\n on 1=1\n /* join on primary key */\n %do idx_pk=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&pk));\n %let idx_val=%scan(&pk,&idx_pk);\n and a.&idx_val=b.&idx_val\n %end;\n /* identify removed records by null value in a field in PK but not close_vars\n */\n where b.%scan(\n %mf_wordsInStr1ButNotStr2(Str1=&pk,Str2=&close_vars),1,%str( )\n ) IS NULL\n ;\n\n %if %mf_getattrn(bitemp1_closevars2,NLOBS)>0 %then %do;\n %bitemporal_closeouts(\n tech_from=&tech_from\n ,tech_to = &tech_to\n ,base_lib=&base_lib\n ,base_dsn=&base_dsn\n ,append_lib=work\n ,append_dsn=bitemp1_closevars2\n ,PK=&bus_from &pk\n ,NOW=&dbnow\n ,loadtarget=&loadtarget\n ,loadtype=&loadtype\n )\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* return if nothing to load (was just deletes) */\n%if %mf_getattrn(work.bitemp0_append,NLOBS)=0 %then %do;\n %put NOTE:; %put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;\n %put NOTE- No updates - just deletes!;\n %put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;%put NOTE-;\n%end;\n\n\n/**\n * If applying manual overrides to business dates, then the input table MUST\n * be unique on the PK. Check, and if not - abort.\n */\n%local msg;\n%if %length(&bus_from_override.&bus_to_override)>0 or &CHECK_UNIQUENESS=YES\n%then %do;\n proc sort data=work.bitemp0_append out=work.bitemp0_check nodupkey;\n by &pk;\n run;\n %if %mf_getattrn(work.bitemp0_check,NLOBS)\n ne %mf_getattrn(work.bitemp0_append,NLOBS)\n %then %do;\n %let msg=INPUT table &append_lib..&append_dsn is not unique on PK (&pk);\n %mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK,lib=&base_lib,ds=&base_dsn,ref=&ETLSOURCE (&msg),\n ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n %mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK\n ,lib=%scan(&outds_audit,1,.)\n ,ds=%scan(&outds_audit,2,.)\n ,ref=&ETLSOURCE\n ,ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n %mp_abort(msg=&msg,mac=bitemporal_dataloader.sas);\n %end;\n%end;\n\n\n/**\n* extract from BASE table. Only want matching records, as could be very BIG.\n* New records are subsequently identified via left join and test for nulls.\n*/\n%local temp_table temp_table2 base_table baselib_schema;\n%put DCNOTE: Extracting matching observations from &base_lib..&base_dsn;\n\n%if &engine_type=OLEDB %then %do;\n %let temp_table=##%mf_getuniquefileref(prefix=BTMP);\n %if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL %then\n %let base_table=(select * from [dbo].&base_dsn\n where convert(datetime,&SQLNOW) < &tech_to );\n %else %let base_table=[dbo].&base_dsn;\n proc sql;\n create table &base_lib..\"&temp_table\"n as\n select * from work.bitemp0_append;\n /* open up a connection for pass through SQL */\n %dc_assignlib(WRITE,&base_lib,passthru=myAlias)\n create table work.bitemp0_base as select * from connection to myAlias(\n%end;\n%else %if &engine_type=REDSHIFT or &engine_type=POSTGRES %then %do;\n /* grab schema */\n %let baselib_schema=%mf_getschema(&base_lib);\n %if &baselib_schema.X ne X %then %let baselib_schema=&baselib_schema..;\n\n /* grab redshift config */\n %local redcnt; %let redcnt=0;\n %if &engine_type=REDSHIFT %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &config_table(where=(var_scope='DCBL_REDSH' and var_active=1));\n x+1;\n call symputx(cats('rednm',x),var_value,'l');\n call symputx(cats('redval',x),var_value,'l');\n call symputx('redcnt',x,'l');\n run;\n %end;\n /* cannot persist temp tables so must create a temporary permanent table */\n %let temp_table=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=XDCTEMP);\n %if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL %then\n %let base_table=(select * from &baselib_schema.&base_dsn\n where timestamp &sqlnow < &tech_to );\n %else %let base_table=&baselib_schema.&base_dsn;\n /* make empty table first - must clone & drop extra cols as autoload is bad */\n %dc_assignlib(WRITE,&base_lib,passthru=myAlias)\n\n exec (create table &temp_table (like &baselib_schema.&base_dsn)) by myAlias;\n %if &engine_type=REDSHIFT %then %do;\n exec (alter table &temp_table alter sortkey none) by myAlias;\n %end;\n %local dropcols;\n %let dropcols=%mf_wordsinstr1butnotstr2(\n str1=%upcase(%mf_getvarlist(&basecopy))\n ,str2=%upcase(&pk)\n );\n %if %length(&dropcols>0) %then %do idx_pk=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&dropcols));\n %put &=dropcols;\n %let idx_val=%scan(&dropcols,&idx_pk);\n exec(alter table &temp_table drop column &idx_val;) by myAlias;\n %end;\n exec (alter table &temp_table add column &md5_col varchar(32);) by myAlias;\n /* create view to strip formats and avoid warns in log */\n data work.vw_bitemp0/view=work.vw_bitemp0;\n set work.bitemp0_append(keep=&pk &md5_col);\n format _all_;\n run;\n proc append base=&base_lib..&temp_table\n %if &engine_type=REDSHIFT %then %do;\n (\n %do idx_pk=1 %to &redcnt;\n &&rednm&idx_pk = &&redval&idxpk\n %end;\n )\n %end;\n data=work.vw_bitemp0 force nowarn;\n run;\n /* open up a connection for pass through SQL */\n %dc_assignlib(WRITE,&base_lib,passthru=myAlias)\n create table work.bitemp0_base as select * from connection to myAlias(\n%end;\n%else %if &engine_type=CAS %then %do;\n %if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL %then\n %let base_table=&base_lib..&base_dsn\n (where=(&tech_from <=&now and &now < &tech_to));\n %else %let base_table=&base_lib..&base_dsn;\n %let temp_table=CASUSER.%mf_getuniquename(prefix=DC);\n data &temp_table;\n set work.bitemp0_append;\n run;\n %let bitemp0base=CASUSER.%mf_getuniquename(prefix=DC);\n proc fedsql sessref=dcsession;\n create table &bitemp0base{options replace=true} as\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %let temp_table=work.bitemp0_append;\n %if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL %then\n %let base_table=&base_lib..&base_dsn\n (where=(&tech_from <=&now and &now < &tech_to));\n %else %let base_table=&base_lib..&base_dsn;\n proc sql;\n create table work.bitemp0_base as\n%end;\n\n select a.&md5_col /* this identifies NEW records */\n , b.*\n /* assume first PK field cannot be null (if defined in a PK constraint then\n it definitely cannot be null) */\n , case when b.%scan(&pk,1) IS NULL then 1 else 0 end as ___TMP___NEW_FLG\n from &baselib_schema.&temp_table a\n left join &base_table b\n on 1=1\n%do idx_pk=1 %to &pk_cnt;\n %let idx_val=%scan(&pk,&idx_pk);\n and a.&idx_val=b.&idx_val\n%end;\n\n\n%if &engine_type=OLEDB or &engine_type=REDSHIFT or &engine_type=POSTGRES\n%then %do;\n ); proc sql; drop table &base_lib..\"&temp_table\"n;\n%end;\n%else %if &engine_type=CAS %then %do;\n ;\n quit;\n data work.bitemp0_base;\n set &bitemp0base;\n run;\n proc sql;\n drop table &temp_table;\n drop table &bitemp0base;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n ;\n%end;\n\n/**\n* matching & changed records are those without NULL key values\n* &idx_val resolves to rightmost PK value (loop above)\n*/\n%put syscc (line525)=&syscc, sqlrc=&sqlrc;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc gt 0 or &sqlrc>0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc sqlrc=&sqlrc)\n)\n\n%put hashcols2=&stripcols;\nproc sql;\ncreate table work.bitemp1_current(drop=___TMP___NEW_FLG) as\n select *\n , put(md5(&stripcols),$hex32.) as &md5_col\n from work.bitemp0_base (drop=&md5_col)\n where ___TMP___NEW_FLG=0;\n\n/**\n* NEW records were identified in ___TMP___NEW_FLG in bitemp0_base\n*/\nproc sql;\ncreate table &outds_add\n (drop=&md5_col\n %if %mf_existvar(work.bitemp0_base, &delete_col) %then %do;\n &delete_col\n %end;\n )\n as select a.*\n %if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL %then %do;\n ,&now as &tech_from &tech_from_fmt\n ,&high_date as &tech_to &tech_to_fmt\n %end;\n from work.bitemp0_append a /* STAGING records (mix of existing & new) */\n , work.bitemp0_base b /* BASE records (contains null values for new) */\n where a.&md5_col=b.&md5_col /* took staging md5 across in left join */\n and b.___TMP___NEW_FLG=1; /* NEW records also identified in bitemp0_base */\n\n\n/**\n* identify INSERTS. These are records with the same business key but\n* the bus_from and bus_to value are higher / lower (respectively)\n* such that the existing record needs to be SPLIT to surround the new\n* record.\n* eg: OLD RECORD from=1 to=10\n* NEW RECORD from=5 to=7\n*\n* APPENDED RECORDS:\n* - from=1 to=5\n* - from=5 to=7\n* - from=7 to=10\n*/\n\n/* inserts cannot happen with TXTEMPORAL */\n%if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=BUSTEMPORAL %then %do;\n /* IDENTIFY */\n create table work.bitemp3_inserts as\n select b.*\n ,a.&bus_from as ___TMP___from\n ,a.&bus_to as ___TMP___to\n from work.bitemp0_append a\n ,work.bitemp1_current b\n where a.&bus_from > b.&bus_from\n and a.&bus_to < b.&bus_to\n %do idx_pk=1 %to &pk_cnt;\n %let idx_val=%scan(&pk,&idx_pk);\n and a.&idx_val=b.&idx_val\n %end;\n order by\n /* compress blanks and then insert commas (as the datetime fields may\n not be in use) */\n %sysfunc(tranwrd(%sysfunc(compbl(\n &pk &bus_from &bus_to &processed\n )),%str( ), %str(,)))\n ;\n\n /* SPLIT */\n data work.bitemp3a_inserts (drop=___TMP___from ___TMP___retain ___TMP___to) ;\n set work.bitemp3_inserts;\n by &pk &bus_from &bus_to &processed;\n if first.&idx_val then do;\n ___TMP___retain=&bus_to;\n &bus_to=___TMP___from;\n output;\n &bus_to=___TMP___retain;\n end;\n if last.&idx_val then do;\n &bus_from=___TMP___to;\n output;\n end;\n run;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n /* TX temporal load */\n data work.bitemp3a_inserts;\n set work.bitemp1_current;\n stop;\n run;\n%end;\n/* APPEND */\nproc sql;\ncreate view work.bitemp3a_view as\n select * from work.bitemp1_current\n where &md5_col not in (select &md5_col from work.bitemp3a_inserts);\n\ndata bitemp3b_newbase;\n set work.bitemp3a_inserts work.bitemp3a_view;\nrun;\n\n/** do not use! this converts short numerics into 8 bytes\nproc sql;\ncreate table work.bitemp3b_newbase as\n select * from work.bitemp3a_inserts\nunion corr\n select * from work.bitemp1_current\n where &md5_col not in (select &md5_col from work.bitemp3a_inserts);\n*/\n\n/**\n* identify CHANGED records from staging.\n* Same business key with different temporal dates or md5 value\n* This table must be overlayed onto / into existing business history\n*/\nproc sql;\ncreate table work.bitemp4_updated as select distinct a.*\n from work.bitemp0_append a\n ,work.bitemp3b_newbase b\n where 1=1\n %do idx_pk=1 %to &pk_cnt;\n %let idx_val=%scan(&pk,&idx_pk);\n and a.&idx_val=b.&idx_val\n %end;\n and ( a.&md5_col ne b.&md5_col\n %if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=BUSTEMPORAL %then %do;\n OR (a.&bus_from ne b.&bus_from or a.&bus_to ne b.&bus_to)\n %end;\n )\n;\n\n/**\n * This section would have been one simple step with union all\n * but that converts short numerics into 8 bytes!\n * so, convoluted alternative to retain the same functionality.\n */\n\n/* base records */\ncreate view work.bitemp4_prep1 as\n select 'BASE' as ___TMP___\n ,b.*\n from work.bitemp4_updated a\n ,work.bitemp3b_newbase b\n where 1\n %do idx_pk=1 %to &pk_cnt;\n %let idx_val=%scan(&pk,&idx_pk);\n and a.&idx_val=b.&idx_val\n %end;\n ;\n/* updated records */\ncreate view work.bitemp4_prep2 as\n select 'STAG' as ___TMP___ ,*\n from work.bitemp4_updated;\n/* ensure we only keep columns that appear in both */\n%local bp1 bp2 bp3 bp4;\n%let bp1=%mf_getvarlist(bitemp4_prep1);\n%let bp2=%mf_getvarlist(bitemp4_prep2);\n%let bp3=%mf_wordsInStr1ButNotStr2(Str1=&bp1,Str2=&bp2);\n%let bp4=%mf_wordsInStr1ButNotStr2(Str1=&bp2,Str2=&bp1);\ndata work.bitemp4_prep3/view=bitemp4_prep3;\n set bitemp4_prep1 bitemp4_prep2;\n%if %length(XX&bp3&bp4)>2 %then %do;\n drop &bp3 &bp4 ;\n%end;\nrun;\n/* remove duplicates */\nproc sql;\ncreate table work.bitemp4a_allrecs as\n select distinct *\n from work.bitemp4_prep3\n order by\n /* compress blanks and then insert commas (as the datetime fields\n may not be in use) */\n %sysfunc(tranwrd(%sysfunc(compbl(\n &pk &bus_from &bus_to &processed\n )),%str( ), %str(,)))\n ;\n\n%if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=BUSTEMPORAL %then %do;\n /* this section aligns the business dates\n (eg for inserts or overlaps in the range) */\n data work.bitemp4b_firstpass (drop=___TMP___cond ___TMP___from ___TMP___to );\n set work.bitemp4a_allrecs;\n by &pk &bus_from &bus_to &processed;\n retain ___TMP___cond 'Name of Condition';\n retain ___TMP___from ___TMP___to 0;\n ___TMP___md5lag=lag(&md5_col);\n /* reset retained variables */\n if first.&idx_val then do;\n call missing (___TMP___cond, ___TMP___from, ___TMP___to,___TMP___md5lag);\n end;\n else do;\n /* if record is identical, carry forward bus_from (and bus_to if higher)*/\n if &md5_col=___TMP___md5lag then do;\n &bus_from=___TMP___from;\n if &bus_to<___TMP___to then &bus_to=___TMP___to;\n end;\n end;\n\n if ___TMP___='STAG' then do;\n /* need to carry forward the closing record */\n ___TMP___cond='Condition 1';\n end;\n else if ___TMP___cond='Condition 1' then do;\n /* else ensure bus_from starts from prior record bus_to */\n if &md5_col ne ___TMP___md5lag and &bus_from <= ___TMP___to\n then &bus_from= ___TMP___to;\n /* new record may replace old record entirely */\n if &bus_to <= &bus_from then delete;\n else call missing (___TMP___cond, ___TMP___from, ___TMP___to);\n end;\n ___TMP___from=&bus_from;\n ___TMP___to=&bus_to;\n run;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n /* keep staged records only */\n data work.bitemp4b_firstpass;\n set work.bitemp4a_allrecs;\n if ___TMP___='STAG';\n run;\n%end;\n\n/* next phase is to pass through in reverse - so set up the sort statement */\n%local byvar;\n%do idx_pk=1 %to &pk_cnt;\n %let byvar=&byvar descending %scan(&pk,&idx_pk);\n%end;\n%if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=BUSTEMPORAL\n%then %let byvar=&byvar descending &bus_from descending &bus_to;\n/* if matching bus dates supplied, need to ensure we also have a sort\n between BASE and STAGING tables */\n%let byvar=&byvar descending ___TMP___;\n\nproc sort data=work.bitemp4b_firstpass out=work.bitemp4c_sort ;\n by &byvar;\nrun;\n\n/**\n* Now (in reverse) pass back business start dates\n*/\ndata work.bitemp4d_secondpass;\n%if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL %then %do;\n &tech_from=&now;\n &tech_to=&high_date;\n%end;\n set work.bitemp4c_sort ;\n by &byvar;\n retain ___TMP___cond 'Name of Condition';\n retain ___TMP___from ___TMP___to 0;\n%if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=BUSTEMPORAL %then %do;\n/* put / _all_ /;*/\n ___TMP___md5lag=lag(&md5_col);\n if first.&idx_val then do;\n /* reset retained variables */\n call missing (___TMP___cond,___TMP___from,___TMP___to,___TMP___md5lag);\n end;\n else do;\n /* if record is identical, carry back bus_to */\n if &md5_col=___TMP___md5lag then &bus_to=___TMP___to;\n end;\n\n if ___TMP___='STAG' then do;\n /* need to carry forward the closing record */\n ___TMP___cond='Condition 2';\n end;\n else if ___TMP___cond='Condition 2' then do;\n /* else ensure bus_to stops at subsequent record bus_from */\n if &md5_col ne ___TMP___md5lag and &bus_to >= ___TMP___from\n then &bus_to= ___TMP___from;\n /* new record may replace old record entirely */\n if &bus_from >= &bus_to then delete;\n if &bus_from=___TMP___from and &bus_to=___TMP___to then delete;\n else call missing (___TMP___cond, ___TMP___from, ___TMP___to);\n end;\n ___TMP___from=&bus_from;\n ___TMP___to=&bus_to;\n\n%end;\nrun;\n%put syscc (line600)=&syscc;\n/**\n There may still be some records (eg old business history) which have not\n changed.\n Need to identify these and remove from the append so they are not updated\n unnecessarily. This is done by generating a new md5 (which INCLUDES the\n business key) and any matching / identical records are split out (from those\n that need to be updated).\n*/\n\n%if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL %then %do;\n %let cat_string=catx('|' ,&bus_from,&bus_to);\n\n data work.bitemp5a_lkp (keep=&md5_col)\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" & \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n /nonote2err\n %end;\n ;\n set work.bitemp0_base;\n /* for BITEMPORAL we need to compare business dates also */\n &md5_col=put(md5(&cat_string!!'|'!!&stripcols),$hex32.);\n run;\n\n data bitemp5b_updates;\n set bitemp4d_secondpass;\n if _n_=1 then do;\n dcl hash md5_lkp(dataset:'bitemp5a_lkp');\n md5_lkp.definekey(\"&md5_col\");\n md5_lkp.definedone();\n end;\n /* drop old md5 col as will rebuild with new business dates */\n &md5_col=put(md5(&cat_string!!'|'!!&stripcols),$hex32.) ;\n if md5_lkp.check()=0 then delete;\n run;\n\n proc sql;\n /* get min bus from as will update (close out) all records from this point\n (for that PK)*/\n create table work.bitemp5d_subquery as\n select &pk_comma, min(&bus_from)as &bus_from, max(&bus_to) as &bus_to\n from work.bitemp5b_updates\n group by &pk_comma;\n /* index has a huge efficiency impact on upcoming nested subquery */\n create index index1 on work.bitemp5d_subquery(&pk_comma,&bus_from, &bus_to);\n\n %let lastds=work.bitemp5b_updates;\n%end;\n%else %if &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL or &loadtype=UPDATE %then %do;\n proc sql;\n create table work.bitemp5d_subquery as\n select distinct &pk_comma\n from bitemp4d_secondpass;\n %let lastds=work.bitemp4d_secondpass;\n%end;\n%else %let lastds=work.bitemp4d_secondpass;\n\n/* create single append table (an overlapped pre-sert may be classed as\n both an update AND a new record). Also create temp views that may be\n used for pre-load analysis. */\ndata &outds_mod;\n set &lastds(drop=___TMP___: &md5_col);\nrun;\n\ndata bitemp6_allrecs / view=bitemp6_allrecs;\n set &outds_mod /* UPDATED records */\n &outds_add /* NEW records */;\nrun;\n\nproc sort data=work.bitemp6_allrecs\n out=work.bitemp6_unique\n noduprec\n dupout=work.xx_BADBADBAD;\nby _all_;\nrun;\n\n/* we have all our temp tables now so exit if this is all that is needed */\n%if &LOADTARGET ne YES %then %return;\n\n/* also exit if an err condition exists */\n\n%if &syscc>0 %then %do;\n %put syscc=&syscc;\n %mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK,lib=&base_lib,ds=&base_dsn,ref=&ETLSOURCE,\n ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n %if \"&outds_audit\" ne \"0\" %then %do;\n %mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK\n ,lib=%scan(&outds_audit,1,.)\n ,ds=%scan(&outds_audit,2,.)\n ,ref=&ETLSOURCE\n ,ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n %end;\n%end;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc>0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname in &_program\n ,msg=%str(Bitemporal transform / job aborted due to SYSCC=&SYSCC status)\n)\n\n/* final check - abort if a lock has appeared on the target or audit table */\n%mp_lockfilecheck(libds=&base_lib..&base_dsn)\n%if %mf_existds(&outds_audit) %then %do;\n %mp_lockfilecheck(libds=&outds_audit)\n%end;\n\n/**\n* STAGING TABLES PREPARED, ERR CONDITION TESTED FOR.. NOW TO LOAD!!\n*/\n\n/**\n* First, CLOSE OUT changed records (if not a REPLACE)\n* Note that SAS does not support ANSI standard for UPDATE with a join condition.\n* However - this can be worked around using a nested subquery..\n*/\ndata _null_;\n putlog \"&sysmacroname: CLOSEOUTS commencing\";\nrun;\n\n%if %mf_getattrn(&lastds,NLOBS)=0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog \"&sysmacroname: No closeouts needed\";\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &engine_type=CAS %then %do;\n %mp_abort(iftrue= (&loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname in &_program\n ,msg=%str(&loadtype not yet supported in CAS engine)\n )\n /* create temp table for deletions */\n %local delds;%let delds=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=DC);\n data casuser.&delds;\n set work.bitemp5d_subquery;\n run;\n /* delete the records */\n proc cas ;\n table.deleteRows / table={\n caslib=\"&base_lib\",\n name=\"&base_dsn\",\n where=\"1=1\",\n whereTable={caslib='CASUSER',name=\"&delds\"}\n };\n quit;\n /* drop temp table */\n proc sql;\n drop table CASUSER.&delds;\n%end;\n%else %if (&loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL or &loadtype=UPDATE)\n%then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog \"&sysmacroname: &loadtype operation using &engine_type engine\";\n run;\n %local flexinow;\n proc sql;\n /* if OLEDB then create a temp table for efficiency */\n %local innertable;\n %if &engine_type=OLEDB %then %do;\n %let innertable=[&temp_table];\n %let top_table=[dbo].&base_dsn;\n %let flexinow=&SQLNOW;\n create table &base_lib..\"&temp_table\"n as\n select * from work.bitemp5d_subquery;\n /* open up a connection for pass through SQL */\n %dc_assignlib(WRITE,&base_lib,passthru=myAlias)\n execute(\n %end;\n %else %if &engine_type=REDSHIFT or &engine_type=POSTGRES %then %do;\n %let innertable=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=XDCTEMP);\n %let top_table=&baselib_schema.&base_dsn;\n %let flexinow=timestamp &SQLNOW;\n /* make empty table first - must clone & drop extra cols\n as autoload is bad */\n %dc_assignlib(WRITE,&base_lib,passthru=myAlias)\n exec (create table &innertable (like &baselib_schema.&base_dsn)) by myAlias;\n %if &engine_type=REDSHIFT %then %do;\n exec (alter table &innertable alter sortkey none) by myAlias;\n %end;\n %let dropcols=%mf_wordsinstr1butnotstr2(\n str1=%upcase(%mf_getvarlist(&basecopy))\n ,str2=%upcase(%mf_getvarlist(work.bitemp5d_subquery))\n );\n %if %length(&dropcols>0) %then %do idx_pk=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&dropcols));\n %put &=dropcols;\n %let idx_val=%scan(&dropcols,&idx_pk);\n exec(alter table &innertable drop column &idx_val;) by myAlias;;\n %end;\n /* create view to strip formats and avoid warns in log */\n data work.vw_bitemp5d/view=work.vw_bitemp5d;\n set work.bitemp5d_subquery;\n format _all_;\n run;\n proc append base=&base_lib..&innertable (\n %do idx_pk=1 %to &redcnt;\n &&rednm&idx_pk = &&redval&idxpk\n %end;\n )\n data=work.vw_bitemp5d force nowarn;\n run;\n /* open up a connection for pass through SQL */\n %dc_assignlib(WRITE,&base_lib,passthru=myAlias)\n execute(\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %let innertable=bitemp5d_subquery;\n %let top_table=&base_lib..&base_dsn;\n %let flexinow=&now;\n %end;\n\n\n %if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL or &loadtype=TXTEMPORAL %then %do;\n update &top_table set &tech_to=&flexinow\n %if %length(&processed)>0 %then %do;\n ,&processed=&flexinow\n %end;\n where &tech_from <= &flexinow and &flexinow < &tech_to and\n %end;\n %else %if &loadtype=UPDATE %then %do;\n /* changed records are deleted then re-appended when doing UPDATEs */\n delete from &top_table where\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: BUSTEMPORAL NOT YET SUPPORTED;\n %let syscc=5;\n %mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK,lib=&base_lib,ds=&base_dsn,ref=&ETLSOURCE,\n ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n %mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK\n ,lib=%scan(&outds_audit,1,.)\n ,ds=%scan(&outds_audit,2,.)\n ,ref=&ETLSOURCE\n ,ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n %goto end_of_macro;\n %end;\n\n /* perform join inside query as per\n http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24629793/update-with-a-proc-sql */\n\n exists( select 1 from &baselib_schema.&innertable where\n\n /* loop PK join */\n %do idx_pk=1 %to &pk_cnt;\n %let idx_val=%scan(&pk,&idx_pk);\n &base_dsn..&idx_val=&innertable..&idx_val and\n %end;\n %if &loadtype=BITEMPORAL %then %do;\n &base_dsn..&bus_from >= &innertable..&bus_from\n and &base_dsn..&bus_to <= &innertable..&bus_to and\n %end;\n\n /* close the statement */\n\n 1=1);\n\n %if &engine_type=OLEDB or &engine_type=REDSHIFT or &engine_type=POSTGRES\n %then %do;\n ) by myAlias;\n execute (drop table &baselib_schema.&innertable) by myAlias;\n %end;\n%end;\nquit;\ndata _null_;\n putlog \"&sysmacroname: Closeout complete\";\nrun;\n/**\n * Append the new / updated records\n */\n%if &engine_type=CAS %then %do;\n\n /* get varchar variables ready for casting */\n %local vcfmt vcrename vcassign vcdrop;\n data _null_;\n set work.bitemp_cols(where=(type=6)) end=last;\n length vcrename vcassign vcdrop vcfmt $32767 rancol $32;\n retain vcrename vcassign vcdrop vcfmt;\n if _n_=1 then vcrename='(rename=(';\n rancol=resolve('%mf_getuniquename()');\n vcfmt=trim(vcfmt)!!'length '!!cats(name)!!' varchar(*);';\n vcrename=trim(vcrename)!!' '!!cats(name,'=',rancol);\n vcassign=cats(vcassign,name,'=',rancol,';');\n vcdrop=cats(vcdrop,'drop '!!rancol,';');\n if last then do;\n vcrename=cats(vcrename,'))');\n call symputx('vcfmt',vcfmt);\n call symputx('vcrename',vcrename);\n call symputx('vcassign',vcassign);\n call symputx('vcdrop',vcdrop);\n end;\n run;\n\n /* prepare a temp cas table with varchars casted */\n %let tmp=%mf_getuniquename();\n data casuser.&tmp ;\n &vcfmt\n set work.bitemp6_unique &vcrename;\n &vcassign\n &vcdrop\n run;\n\n /* load the table with varchars applied*/\n data &base_lib..&base_dsn (append=yes )/sessref=dcsession ;\n set casuser.&tmp;\n run;\n\n /* drop temp table */\n proc sql;\n drop table CASUSER.&tmp;\n\n /* this code will not work as regular tables do not have varchars */\n /*\n proc casutil;\n load data=work.bitemp6_unique\n outcaslib=\"&base_lib\" casout=\"&base_dsn\" append ;\n quit;\n */\n%end;\n%else %if &engine_type=REDSHIFT or &engine_type=POSTGRES %then %do;\n proc append base=&base_lib..&base_dsn\n %if &engine_type=REDSHIFT %then %do;\n (\n %do idx_pk=1 %to &redcnt;\n &&rednm&idx_pk = &&redval&idxpk\n %end;\n )\n %end;\n data=bitemp6_unique force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n proc append base=&base_lib..&base_dsn data=bitemp6_unique force nowarn; run;\n%end;\n\n%mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK,lib=&base_lib,ds=&base_dsn,ref=&ETLSOURCE,\n ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n)\n\n/* final check on syscc */\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc >4)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(!!Upload NOT successful!! Failed on actual update / append stage..)\n)\n\n%if &outds_audit ne 0 and &LOADTARGET=YES %then %do;\n data work.vw_outds_orig /view=work.vw_outds_orig;\n set work.bitemp0_base (drop=&md5_col);\n where ___TMP___NEW_FLG=0;\n drop ___TMP___NEW_FLG;\n run;\n /* update the AUDIT table */\n %if %mf_existds(&outds_audit) %then %do;\n options mprint;\n %mp_storediffs(&base_lib..&base_dsn\n ,work.vw_outds_orig\n ,&pk &bus_from\n ,delds=&outds_del\n ,modds=&outds_mod\n ,appds=&outds_add\n ,outds=work.mp_storediffs\n ,processed_dttm=&now\n ,loadref=%superq(etlsource)\n )\n /* exclude unchanged values in modified rows */\n data work.mp_storediffs;\n set work.mp_storediffs;\n if MOVE_TYPE=\"M\" and IS_PK=0 and IS_DIFF=0 then delete;\n * putlog load_ref= libref= dsn= key_hash= tgtvar_nm=;\n run;\n proc append base=&outds_audit data=work.mp_storediffs;\n run;\n %mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK\n ,lib=%scan(&outds_audit,1,.)\n ,ds=%scan(&outds_audit,2,.)\n ,ref=&ETLSOURCE\n ,ctl_ds=&dclib..mpe_lockanytable\n )\n %end;\n%end;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc >4)\n ,mac=bitemporal_dataloader\n ,msg=%str(Problem in audit stage (&outds_audit))\n)\n\n%let user=%mf_getUser();\n/**\n Notify as appropriate EMAILS DISABLED\n\n%sumo_alerts(ALERT_EVENT=UPDATE\n , ALERT_TARGET=&base_lib..&base_dsn\n , from_user= &user);\n*/\n/* monitor BiTemporal usage */\n%if &log=1 %then %do;\n %put syscc=&syscc;\n /* do not perform duration calc in pass through */\n %local dur;\n data _null_;\n now=symget('now');\n dur=%sysfunc(datetime())-&now;\n call symputx('dur',dur,'l');\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &dclib..mpe_dataloads\n set libref=%upcase(\"&base_lib\")\n ,DSN=%upcase(\"&base_dsn\")\n ,ETLSOURCE=\"&ETLSOURCE\"\n ,LOADTYPE=\"&loadtype\"\n ,CHANGED_RECORDS=%mf_getattrn(&lastds,NLOBS)\n ,NEW_RECORDS=%mf_getattrn(&outds_add,NLOBS)\n ,DELETED_RECORDS=%mf_getattrn(&outds_del,NLOBS)\n ,DURATION=&dur\n ,MAC_VER=\"v&ver\"\n ,user_nm=\"&user\"\n ,PROCESSED_DTTM=&now;\n quit;\n %put syscc=&syscc;\n%end;\n%end_of_macro:\n%mend bitemporal_dataloader;\n\n\n\n%macro dc_getlibs(outds=mm_getlibs);\nproc sql;\ncreate table &outds as\n select distinct libname as LibraryRef\n ,libname as LibraryName length=256\n ,engine\n ,'' as libraryid length=17\n from dictionary.libnames\n where libname not in ('WORK','SASUSER');\ninsert into &syslast values (\"&DC_LIBREF\", \"&DC_LIBNAME\",'','V9');\n\n%mend dc_getlibs;\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_refreshlibs(lib=0);\n\n%dc_getlibs(outds=work.mm_getLibs)\nproc sort data=mm_getlibs;\n by libraryref libraryname;\nrun;\n\ndata libs0;\n set mm_getlibs;\n by libraryref;\n%if &lib ne 0 %then %do;\n where upcase(libraryref)=\"%upcase(&lib)\";\n%end;\n if \"%mf_getplatform()\"=\"SASMETA\" then do;\n /* note - invalid libraries can result in exception errors. If this happens,\n configure the dc_viewlib_check variable to NO in Data Controller Settings */\n rc=libname(libraryref,,'meta',cats('library=\"',libraryname,'\";'));\n drop rc;\n if rc ne 0 then do;\n putlog \"NOTE: Library \" libraryname \" does not exist!!\";\n putlog (_all_) (=);\n delete;\n end;\n end;\n if not first.libraryref then delete;\nrun;\n\nproc sql;\ncreate table libs1 as\n select distinct libname\n ,engine\n ,path\n ,level\n ,sysname\n ,sysvalue\n from dictionary.libnames\n order by libname, level,engine,path;\n\ndata libs2;\n set libs1;\n length tran $1024;\n if missing(sysname) then sysname='Missing';\n select(sysname);\n when('Access Permission') tran='Permissions';\n when('Owner Name') tran='Owner';\n when('Schema/Owner') tran='schema';\n otherwise tran=sysname;\n end;\nrun;\n\nproc transpose data=libs2 out=libs3;\nby libname level engine path;\nvar sysvalue;\nid tran;\nrun;\n\ndata libs4(rename=(libname=libref));\n length paths $8192 perms owners schemas $500 permissions owner schema $1024;\n if _n_=1 then call missing (of _all_);\n set libs3;\n by libname;\n if engine='V9' then engine='BASE';\n if first.libname then do;\n retain paths perms owners schemas;\n paths='('!!quote(trim(path));\n perms=permissions;\n owners=owner;\n schemas=schema;\n end;\n else do;\n paths=trim(paths)!!' '!!quote(trim(path));\n perms=trim(perms)!!','!!trim(permissions);\n owners=trim(owners)!!','!!trim(owner);\n schemas=trim(schemas)!!' '!!trim(schema);\n end;\n if last.libname then do;\n paths=trim(paths)!!')';\n schemas=cats(schemas);\n output;\n end;\n keep libname engine paths perms owners schemas;\nrun;\n\nproc sql;\ncreate table libs5 as\n select a.libref\n ,coalescec(b.engine,a.engine) as engine length=32\n ,b.libraryname as libname\n ,a.paths\n ,a.perms\n ,a.owners\n ,a.schemas\n ,b.libraryid as libid\n from libs4 a\n left join libs0 b\n on upcase(a.libref)=upcase(b.libraryref)\n where libref not in ('SASWORK','WORK','SASUSER','CASUSER','TEMP','STPSAMP'\n ,'MAPSGFK');\n\n%bitemporal_dataloader(base_lib=&dc_libref\n ,base_dsn=MPE_DATACATALOG_LIBS\n ,append_dsn=libs5\n ,PK=LIBREF\n ,etlsource=&_program\n ,loadtype=TXTEMPORAL\n ,tech_from=TX_FROM\n ,tech_to=TX_TO\n ,dclib=&dc_libref\n)\n\n%mend mpe_refreshlibs;\n\n\n/** @cond */\n%macro mf_existfeature(feature\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %let feature=%upcase(&feature);\n %local platform;\n %let platform=%mf_getplatform();\n\n %if &feature= %then %do;\n %put No feature was requested for detection;\n %end;\n %else %if &feature=COLCONSTRAINTS %then %do;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\" or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\" %then 0;\n %else 1;\n %end;\n %else %if &feature=PROCLUA %then %do;\n /* https://blogs.sas.com/content/sasdummy/2015/08/03/using-lua-within-your-sas-programs */\n %if &platform=SASVIYA %then 1;\n %else %if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\" %then 0;\n %else %if \"&SYSVLONG\" < \"9.04.01M3\" %then 0;\n %else 1;\n %end;\n %else %if &feature=DBMS_MEMTYPE %then %do;\n /* does dbms_memtype exist in dictionary.tables? */\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\" or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\" %then 0;\n %else 1;\n %end;\n %else %if &feature=EXPORTXLS %then %do;\n /* is it possible to PROC EXPORT an excel file? */\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\" or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\" %then 1;\n %else %if %sysfunc(sysprod(SAS/ACCESS Interface to PC Files)) = 1 %then 1;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n -1\n %put &sysmacroname: &feature not found;\n %end;\n%mend mf_existfeature;\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mp_getconstraints(lib=WORK\n ,ds=\n ,outds=mp_getconstraints\n ,mdebug=0\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%let lib=%upcase(&lib);\n%let ds=%upcase(&ds);\n\n/**\n * Cater for environments where sashelp.vcncolu is not available\n */\n%if %sysfunc(exist(sashelp.vcncolu,view))=0 %then %do;\n proc sql;\n create table &outds(\n libref char(8)\n ,TABLE_NAME char(32)\n ,constraint_type char(8) label='Constraint Type'\n ,constraint_name char(32) label='Constraint Name'\n ,column_name char(32) label='Column'\n ,constraint_order num\n );\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Neither dictionary tables nor sashelp provides a constraint order column,\n * however they DO arrive in the correct order. So, create the col.\n **/\n%local vw;\n%let vw=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mp_getconstraints_vw_);\ndata &vw /view=&vw;\n set sashelp.vcncolu;\n where table_catalog=\"&lib\";\n\n /* use retain approach to reset the constraint order with each constraint */\n length tmp $1000;\n retain tmp;\n drop tmp;\n if tmp ne catx('|',table_catalog,table_name,constraint_name) then do;\n constraint_order=1;\n end;\n else constraint_order+1;\n tmp=catx('|',table_catalog, table_name,constraint_name);\nrun;\n\n/* must use SQL as proc datasets does not support length changes */\nproc sql noprint;\ncreate table &outds as\n select upcase(a.TABLE_CATALOG) as libref\n ,upcase(a.TABLE_NAME) as TABLE_NAME\n ,a.constraint_type\n ,a.constraint_name\n ,b.column_name\n ,b.constraint_order\n from dictionary.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS a\n left join &vw b\n on upcase(a.TABLE_CATALOG)=upcase(b.TABLE_CATALOG)\n and upcase(a.TABLE_NAME)=upcase(b.TABLE_NAME)\n and a.constraint_name=b.constraint_name\n/**\n * We cannot apply this clause to the underlying dictionary table. See:\n * https://communities.sas.com/t5/SAS-Programming/Unexpected-Where-Clause-behaviour-in-dictionary-TABLE/m-p/771554#M244867\n * cannot use`where calculated libref=\"&lib\"` either as it will STILL execute\n * all the underlying constraint queries, causing exception errors in some\n * cases: https://github.com/sasjs/core/issues/283\n */\n where a.TABLE_CATALOG=\"&lib\"\n %if \"&ds\" ne \"\" %then %do;\n and upcase(a.TABLE_NAME)=\"&ds\"\n and upcase(b.TABLE_NAME)=\"&ds\"\n %end;\n order by libref, table_name, constraint_name, constraint_order\n ;\n\n/* tidy up */\n%mp_dropmembers(\n &vw,\n iftrue=(&mdebug=0)\n)\n\n%mend mp_getconstraints;\n\n\n%macro mpe_refreshtables(lib,ds=#all);\n%let lib=%upcase(&lib);\n%let ds=%upcase(&ds);\n%local engine; %let engine=%mf_getengine(&lib);\n%local schema; %let schema=%mf_getschema(&lib);\n%put running &sysmacroname &lib(&engine &schema) for &ds;\nproc sql;\ncreate table cols as\n select libname as libref\n ,upcase(memname) as dsn\n ,memtype\n ,upcase(name) as name\n ,type\n ,length\n ,varnum\n ,label\n ,format\n ,idxusage\n ,notnull\n from dictionary.columns\n where upcase(libname)=\"&lib\"\n%if &ds ne #ALL %then %do;\n and upcase(memname)=\"&ds\"\n%end;\n ;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc afer &lib cols extraction)\n)\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc afer &lib indexes extraction)\n)\n\n%if &engine=SQLSVR %then %do;\n proc sql;\n connect using &lib;\n create table work.indexes as\n select * from connection to &lib(\n select\n s.name as SchemaName,\n t.name as memname,\n tc.name as name,\n ic.key_ordinal as KeyOrderNr\n from\n sys.schemas s\n inner join sys.tables t on s.schema_id=t.schema_id\n inner join sys.indexes i on t.object_id=i.object_id\n inner join sys.index_columns ic on i.object_id=ic.object_id\n and i.index_id=ic.index_id\n inner join sys.columns tc on ic.object_id=tc.object_id\n and ic.column_id=tc.column_id\n where i.is_primary_key=1\n and s.name=%str(%')&schema%str(%')\n order by t.name, ic.key_ordinal ;\n );disconnect from &lib;\n create table finalcols as\n select a.*\n ,case when b.name is not null then 1 else 0 end as pk_ind\n from work.cols a\n left join work.indexes b\n on a.dsn=b.memname\n and upcase(a.name)=upcase(b.name)\n order by libref,dsn;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %local dsn;\n %if &ds = #ALL %then %let dsn=;\n\n %mp_getconstraints(lib=&lib.,ds=&dsn,outds=work.constraints)\n\n\n /* extract cols that are clearly primary keys */\n proc sql;\n create table work.pk4sure as\n select libref\n ,table_name\n ,constraint_name\n ,constraint_order\n ,column_name as name\n from work.constraints\n where constraint_type='PRIMARY'\n order by 1,2,3,4;\n\n /* extract unique constraints where every col is also NOT NULL */\n proc sql;\n create table work.sum as\n select a.libref\n ,a.table_name\n ,a.constraint_name\n ,count(a.column_name) as unq_cnt\n ,count(b.column_name) as nul_cnt\n from work.constraints(where=(constraint_type ='UNIQUE')) a\n left join work.constraints(where=(constraint_type ='NOT NULL')) b\n on a.libref=b.libref\n and a.table_name=b.table_name\n and a.column_name=b.column_name\n group by 1,2,3\n having unq_cnt=nul_cnt;\n\n\n /* extract cols from the relevant unique constraints */\n create table work.pkdefault as\n select a.libref\n ,a.table_name\n ,a.constraint_name\n ,b.constraint_order\n ,b.column_name as name\n from work.sum a\n left join work.constraints(where=(constraint_type ='UNIQUE')) b\n on a.libref=b.libref\n and a.table_name=b.table_name\n and a.constraint_name=b.constraint_name\n order by 1,2,3,4;\n\n /* extract cols from the relevant unique INDEXES */\n create table work.pkfromindex as\n select libname as libref\n ,memname as table_name\n ,indxname as constraint_name\n ,indxpos as constraint_order\n ,name\n from dictionary.indexes\n where nomiss='yes' and unique='yes' and upcase(libname)=\"&lib\"\n %if &ds ne #ALL %then %do;\n and upcase(memname)=\"&ds\"\n %end;\n order by 1,2,3,4;\n\n /* create one table */\n data work.finalpks;\n set pkdefault pk4sure pkfromindex;\n pk_ind=1;\n /* if there are multiple unique constraints, take the first */\n by libref table_name constraint_name;\n retain keepme;\n if first.table_name then keepme=1;\n if first.constraint_name and not first.table_name then keepme=0;\n if keepme=1;\n run;\n\n /* join back to starting table */\n proc sql;\n create table finalcols as\n select a.*\n ,b.constraint_order\n ,case when b.pk_ind=1 then 1 else 0 end as pk_ind\n from work.cols a\n left join work.finalpks b\n on a.libref=b.libref\n and a.dsn=b.table_name\n and upcase(a.name)=upcase(b.name)\n order by libref,dsn,constraint_order;\n\n%end;\n\n/* load columns */\n%bitemporal_dataloader(base_lib=&mpelib\n ,base_dsn=mpe_datacatalog_vars\n ,append_dsn=finalcols\n ,PK=LIBREF DSN NAME\n ,etlsource=&sysmacroname\n ,loadtype=TXTEMPORAL\n ,tech_from=TX_FROM\n ,tech_to=TX_TO\n%if &ds ne #ALL %then %do;\n ,close_vars=LIBREF DSN\n%end;\n ,dclib=&mpelib\n)\n\n/* prepare tables */\nproc sql;\ncreate table work.tabs as select\n libname as libref\n ,upcase(memname) as dsn\n ,memtype\n%if %mf_existfeature(DBMS_MEMTYPE)=1 %then %do;\n ,dbms_memtype\n%end;\n%else %do;\n ,'n/a' as dbms_memtype format=$32.\n%end;\n ,typemem\n ,memlabel\n ,nvar\n ,compress\nfrom dictionary.tables\n where upcase(libname)=\"&lib\"\n%if &ds ne #ALL %then %do;\n and upcase(memname)=\"&ds\"\n%end;\n ;\ndata tabs2;\n set finalcols;\n length pk_fields $512;\n retain pk_fields;\n by libref dsn;\n if first.dsn then pk_fields='';\n if pk_ind=1 then pk_fields=catx(' ',pk_fields,name);\n if last.dsn then output;\nrun;\n\nproc sql;\ncreate table work.finaltabs as\n select a.libref\n ,a.dsn\n ,a.memtype\n ,a.dbms_memtype\n ,a.typemem\n ,a.memlabel\n ,a.nvar\n ,a.compress\n ,b.pk_fields\n from work.tabs a\n left join work.tabs2 b\n on a.libref=b.libref\n and a.dsn=b.dsn;\n\n%bitemporal_dataloader(base_lib=&mpelib\n ,base_dsn=mpe_datacatalog_tabs\n ,append_dsn=finaltabs\n ,PK=LIBREF DSN\n ,etlsource=&sysmacroname\n ,loadtype=TXTEMPORAL\n ,tech_from=TX_FROM\n ,tech_to=TX_TO\n ,dclib=&mpelib\n%if &ds ne #ALL %then %do;\n ,close_vars=LIBREF\n%end;\n)\n\n/* prepare table frequently changing attributes */\nproc sql;\n%if &engine=SQLSVR %then %do;\n connect using &lib;\n create table work.attrs as select * from connection to &lib(\n SELECT SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) as 'schema', name, create_date, modify_date\n FROM sys.tables ;\n );\n create table work.nobs as select * from connection to &lib(\n SELECT SCHEMA_NAME(A.schema_id) AS 'schema'\n ,A.Name, AVG(B.rows) AS 'RowCount'\n FROM sys.objects A\n INNER JOIN sys.partitions B ON A.object_id = B.object_id\n WHERE A.type = 'U'\n GROUP BY A.schema_id, A.Name\n );\n disconnect from &lib;\n create table statustabs as select\n a.libref\n ,a.dsn\n ,b.create_date as crdate\n ,b.modify_date as modate\n ,. as filesize\n ,c.RowCount as nobs\n from work.tabs a\n left join work.attrs(where=(schema=\"&schema\")) b\n on upcase(a.dsn)=upcase(b.name)\n left join work.nobs(where=(schema=\"&schema\")) c\n on upcase(a.dsn)=upcase(c.name);\n%end;\n%else %do;\n create table statustabs as select\n libname as libref\n ,upcase(memname) as dsn\n ,crdate\n ,modate\n ,filesize\n ,nobs\n from dictionary.tables\n where upcase(libname)=\"&lib\"\n %if &ds ne #ALL %then %do;\n and upcase(memname)=\"&ds\"\n %end;\n ;\n%end;\n\n%bitemporal_dataloader(base_lib=&mpelib\n ,base_dsn=mpe_datastatus_tabs\n ,append_dsn=statustabs\n ,PK=LIBREF DSN\n ,etlsource=&sysmacroname\n ,loadtype=TXTEMPORAL\n ,tech_from=TX_FROM\n ,tech_to=TX_TO\n ,dclib=&mpelib\n%if &ds ne #ALL %then %do;\n ,close_vars=LIBREF\n%end;\n)\n\n%if &ds = #ALL %then %do;\n proc sql;\n create table statuslibs as select\n libref\n ,sum(filesize) as libsize\n ,count(*) as table_cnt\n from statustabs\n group by 1;\n\n %bitemporal_dataloader(base_lib=&mpelib\n ,base_dsn=mpe_datastatus_libs\n ,append_dsn=statuslibs\n ,PK=LIBREF\n ,etlsource=&sysmacroname\n ,loadtype=TXTEMPORAL\n ,tech_from=TX_FROM\n ,tech_to=TX_TO\n ,dclib=&mpelib\n )\n%end;\n\n%mend mpe_refreshtables;\n\n\n\n%macro dc_refreshcatalog();\n\n%mpe_refreshlibs()\n\nfilename executor catalog 'work.code.code.source';\ndata libraries;\n set &mpelib..mpe_datacatalog_libs;\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. le TX_TO;\n file executor;\n str=cats('%mpe_refreshtables(',libref,')');\n put str;\n putlog str;\nrun;\n%inc executor;\n\n%mend dc_refreshcatalog;\n\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\r\n @file refreshlibinfo.sas\r\n @brief Refresh the Data Catalog for a particular library\r\n @details When showing library info in the VIEW menu, the data is taken from\r\n the Data Catalog tables. These may be empty or outdated, and so this service\r\n allows end users to run a refresh of the data.\r\n\r\n

Service Inputs

\r\n Should contain the libref to be refreshed.\r\n |libref:$8.|\r\n |---|\r\n |SOMELIB|\r\n\r\n

Service Outputs

\r\n\r\n |engine $|libname $|paths $|perms $|owners $|schemas $ |libid $|libsize $|table_cnt |\r\n |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\r\n |V9|SOMELIB|\"some/path\"|rwxrwxr-x|sassrv|` `|` `|636MB|33|\r\n\r\n

SAS Macros

\r\n @li dc_assignlib.sas\r\n @li dc_refreshcatalog.sas\r\n @li mp_abort.sas\r\n\r\n @version 9.3\r\n @author 4GL Apps Ltd\r\n @copyright 4GL Apps Ltd. This code may only be used within Data Controller\r\n and may not be re-distributed or re-sold without the express permission of\r\n 4GL Apps Ltd.\r\n**/\r\n\r\n\r\n%mpeinit()\r\n\r\n%webout(FETCH)\r\n\r\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\r\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc Problem on startup)\r\n)\r\n\r\n%let libref=;\r\ndata _null_;\r\n set work.lib2refresh;\r\n call symputx('libref',libref);\r\nrun;\r\n\r\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\r\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc Problem with inputs - was lib2refresh object sent?)\r\n)\r\n\r\n%dc_assignlib(WRITE,&libref)\r\n\r\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\r\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after lib assignment)\r\n)\r\n\r\n%dc_refreshcatalog(&libref)\r\n\r\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\r\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc Problem when running the catalog refresh)\r\n)\r\n\r\n/* get libinfo */\r\nproc sql;\r\ncreate table work.libinfo as\r\n select a.engine,\r\n a.libname,\r\n a.paths,\r\n a.perms,\r\n a.owners,\r\n a.schemas,\r\n a.libid,\r\n b.libsize,\r\n b.table_cnt\r\n from &mpelib..mpe_datacatalog_libs(where=(&dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to)) a\r\n inner join &mpelib..mpe_datastatus_libs(where=(&dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to)) b\r\n on a.libref=b.libref\r\n where a.libref=\"&libref\";\r\n\r\n%webout(OPEN)\r\n%webout(OBJ,libinfo)\r\n%webout(CLOSE)\r\n\n* Service end;" }, { "name": "registeruser", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file registeruser.sas\n @brief Registers a new user in Data Controller\n @details New users are logged after accepting EULA terms.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n @li mp_abort.sas\n @li mpeinit.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author 4GL Apps Ltd\n @copyright 4GL Apps Ltd. This code may only be used within Data Controller\n and may not be re-distributed or re-sold without the express permission of\n 4GL Apps Ltd.\n**/\n\n%mpeinit()\n\n%let userid=%mf_getuser();\n\n/* confirm the user is not registered */\n%let isRegistered=0;\nproc sql noprint;\nselect count(*) into: isregistered\n from &mpelib..mpe_users\n where user_id=\"&userid\";\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem accessing &mpelib..mpe_users table)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&isregistered > 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(User &userid is already registered on &mpelib..mpe_users!)\n)\n\ndata work.append;\n if 0 then set &mpelib..mpe_users;\n user_id=symget('userid');\n registered_dt=today();\n last_seen_dt=today();\nrun;\n\nproc append base=&mpelib..mpe_users data=work.append;\n\n%let isRegistered=0;\nproc sql noprint;\nselect count(*) into: isregistered\n from &mpelib..mpe_users\n where user_id=\"&userid\";\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0 or &isregistered ne 1)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem appending to &mpelib..mpe_users table)\n)\n\ndata work.return;\n msg='SUCCESS';\nrun;\n\n%webout(OPEN)\n%webout(OBJ,return)\n%webout(CLOSE)\n\n* Service end;" }, { "name": "startupservice", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquefileref(prefix=_,maxtries=1000,lrecl=32767);\n %local rc fname;\n %if &prefix=0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %local x len;\n %let len=%eval(8-%length(&prefix));\n %let x=0;\n %do x=0 %to &maxtries;\n %let fname=&prefix%substr(%sysfunc(ranuni(0)),3,&len);\n %if %sysfunc(fileref(&fname)) > 0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %put unable to find available fileref after &maxtries attempts;\n %end;\n%mend mf_getuniquefileref;\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquelibref(prefix=mclib,maxtries=1000);\n %local x;\n\n %if ( %length(&prefix) gt 7 ) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: The prefix parameter cannot exceed 7 characters.;\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %if (%sysfunc(NVALID(&prefix,v7))=0) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: Invalid prefix (&prefix);\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* Set maxtries equal to '10 to the power of [# unused characters] - 1' */\n %let maxtries=%eval(10**(8-%length(&prefix))-1);\n\n %do x = 0 %to &maxtries;\n %if %sysfunc(libref(&prefix&x)) ne 0 %then %do;\n &prefix&x\n %return;\n %end;\n %let x = %eval(&x + 1);\n %end;\n\n %put %str(ERR)OR: No usable libref in range &prefix.0-&maxtries;\n %put %str(ERR)OR- Try reducing the prefix or deleting some libraries!;\n 0\n%mend mf_getuniquelibref;\n\n\n%macro mv_getusergroups(user\n ,outds=work.mv_getusergroups\n ,access_token_var=ACCESS_TOKEN\n ,grant_type=sas_services\n );\n%local oauth_bearer;\n%if &grant_type=detect %then %do;\n %if %symexist(&access_token_var) %then %let grant_type=authorization_code;\n %else %let grant_type=sas_services;\n%end;\n%if &grant_type=sas_services %then %do;\n %let oauth_bearer=oauth_bearer=sas_services;\n %let &access_token_var=;\n%end;\n%put &sysmacroname: grant_type=&grant_type;\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&grant_type ne authorization_code and &grant_type ne password\n and &grant_type ne sas_services\n )\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid value for grant_type: &grant_type)\n)\noptions noquotelenmax;\n\n%local base_uri; /* location of rest apis */\n%let base_uri=%mf_getplatform(VIYARESTAPI);\n\n/* fetching folder details for provided path */\n%local fname1;\n%let fname1=%mf_getuniquefileref();\n%let libref1=%mf_getuniquelibref();\n\nproc http method='GET' out=&fname1 &oauth_bearer\n url=\"&base_uri/identities/users/&user/memberships?limit=10000\";\n headers\n%if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\"\n%end;\n \"Accept\"=\"application/json\";\nrun;\n/*data _null_;infile &fname1;input;putlog _infile_;run;*/\n%if &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE=404 %then %do;\n %put NOTE: User &user not found!!;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %mp_abort(iftrue=(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE ne 200)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_PHRASE)\n )\n%end;\nlibname &libref1 JSON fileref=&fname1;\n\ndata &outds;\n set &libref1..items;\nrun;\n\n/* clear refs */\nfilename &fname1 clear;\nlibname &libref1 clear;\n\n%mend mv_getusergroups;\n\n\n%macro dc_getusergroups(user=,outds=mm_getgroups);\n %mv_getusergroups(&user,outds=&outds)\n data &outds;\n length groupname groupdesc $256;\n set &outds(rename=(id=groupname name=groupdesc));\n run;\n%mend dc_getusergroups;\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_getgroups(user=,outds=);\n\n %if not %symexist(dc_repo_users) %then %let dc_repo_users=foundation;\n\n %dc_getusergroups(user=&user,outds=&outds)\n\n data;\n length groupname groupdesc $256;\n set &dc_libref..mpe_groups;\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to;\n where also upcase(user_name)=\"%upcase(&user)\";\n groupname=group_name;\n groupdesc=group_desc;\n keep groupname groupdesc;\n run;\n\n data &outds;\n set &syslast &outds(keep=groupname groupdesc);\n run;\n\n%mend mpe_getgroups;\n\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file startupservice.sas\n @brief List the libraries and tables the mp-editor user can access\n @details If user is in a control group (&mpeadmins, configured in mpeinit.sas)\n then they have access to all libraries / tables. Otherwise a join is made\n to the &mpelib..mpe_security table.\n\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n @li mpe_getgroups.sas\n @li mp_abort.sas\n @li mpeinit.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author 4GL Apps Ltd\n @copyright 4GL Apps Ltd. This code may only be used within Data Controller\n and may not be re-distributed or re-sold without the express permission of\n 4GL Apps Ltd.\n**/\n\n%mpeinit()\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Issue on startup in startupService)\n)\n\n%let userid=%mf_getuser();\n%put userid is &userid;\n%mpe_getgroups(user=&userid,outds=groups)\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Issue with Groups syscc=&syscc for user &userid)\n)\n\n/* check if user is an admin */\n%let admin_check=0;\nproc sql noprint;\nselect count(*) into: admin_check\n from groups\n where groupname=\"&mpeadmins\";\n\n/* check if user is registered or not */\n%let isRegistered=0;\nselect count(*) into: isregistered\n from &mpelib..mpe_users\n where user_id=\"&userid\";\n\n/* get number of registered users */\n%let registerCount=0;\nselect count(*) into: registercount\n from &mpelib..mpe_users\n where last_seen_dt>%sysfunc(today())-365;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem accessing &mpelib..mpe_users table)\n)\n\n%global dc_restrict_editrecord;\ndata work.globvars;\n dclib=\"&mpelib\";\n sas9lineage_enabled=1;\n isadmin=&admin_check;\n isregistered=&isregistered;\n registercount=®isterCount;\n dc_admin_group=\"&mpeadmins\";\n /* fetched from mpe_config in dc_getsettings */\n licence_key=\"&dc_licence_key\";\n activation_key=\"&dc_activation_key\";\n dc_restrict_editrecord=\"&dc_restrict_editrecord\";\nrun;\n\n\n%macro mstp_mpeditorstartup();\n data _null_;\n putlog \"entering &sysmacroname\";\n run;\n proc sql noprint;\n /* update last seen, if seen */\n %if &isregistered>0 %then %do;\n update &mpelib..mpe_users\n set last_seen_dt=%sysfunc(today())\n where user_id=\"&userid\";\n %end;\n %mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem updating &mpelib..mpe_users table)\n )\n\n %local all_cnt;\n select count(*) into: all_cnt\n from &mpelib..mpe_security\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to\n and ACCESS_LEVEL in ('EDIT')\n and libref='*ALL*'\n and SAS_GROUP in (select groupname from groups);\n %if &admin_check >0 or &all_cnt>0 %then %do;\n create table sasDatasets as\n select distinct libref, dsn\n from &mpelib..mpe_tables\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to\n order by 1;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n create table sasDatasets as\n select distinct a.libref,a.dsn\n from &mpelib..mpe_tables a\n left join &mpelib..mpe_security b\n on a.libref=b.libref\n and a.dsn=b.dsn\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt a.tx_to\n and &dc_dttmtfmt. lt b.tx_to\n and b.ACCESS_LEVEL in ('EDIT')\n and b.SAS_GROUP in (select groupname from groups)\n order by 1;\n %end;\n%mend mstp_mpeditorstartup;\n%mstp_mpeditorstartup()\n\ncreate table saslibs as\n select distinct libref\n from &syslast;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(issue with security validation)\n)\n\nproc sql;\ncreate table work.xlmaps as\n select distinct a.XLMAP_ID\n ,b.XLMAP_DESCRIPTION\n ,coalescec(b.XLMAP_TARGETLIBDS,\"&mpelib..MPE_XLMAP_DATA\")\n as XLMAP_TARGETLIBDS\n from &mpelib..MPE_XLMAP_RULES a\n left join &mpelib..MPE_XLMAP_INFO(where=(&dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to)) b\n on a.XLMAP_ID=b.XLMAP_ID\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt a.tx_to;\n\n/* we don't want the XLMAP target datasets to be directly editable */\ndelete from sasdatasets\n where cats(libref,'.',dsn) in (select XLMAP_TARGETLIBDS from xlmaps);\n\n%webout(OPEN)\n%webout(OBJ,sasDatasets)\n%webout(OBJ,saslibs)\n%webout(OBJ,globvars)\n%webout(ARR,xlmaps)\n%webout(CLOSE)\n\n%mpeterm()\n\n* Service end;" }, { "name": "tokenauth", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquefileref(prefix=_,maxtries=1000,lrecl=32767);\n %local rc fname;\n %if &prefix=0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %local x len;\n %let len=%eval(8-%length(&prefix));\n %let x=0;\n %do x=0 %to &maxtries;\n %let fname=&prefix%substr(%sysfunc(ranuni(0)),3,&len);\n %if %sysfunc(fileref(&fname)) > 0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %put unable to find available fileref after &maxtries attempts;\n %end;\n%mend mf_getuniquefileref;\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquelibref(prefix=mclib,maxtries=1000);\n %local x;\n\n %if ( %length(&prefix) gt 7 ) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: The prefix parameter cannot exceed 7 characters.;\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %if (%sysfunc(NVALID(&prefix,v7))=0) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: Invalid prefix (&prefix);\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* Set maxtries equal to '10 to the power of [# unused characters] - 1' */\n %let maxtries=%eval(10**(8-%length(&prefix))-1);\n\n %do x = 0 %to &maxtries;\n %if %sysfunc(libref(&prefix&x)) ne 0 %then %do;\n &prefix&x\n %return;\n %end;\n %let x = %eval(&x + 1);\n %end;\n\n %put %str(ERR)OR: No usable libref in range &prefix.0-&maxtries;\n %put %str(ERR)OR- Try reducing the prefix or deleting some libraries!;\n 0\n%mend mf_getuniquelibref;\n\n\n%macro mf_existds(libds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&libds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&libds,VIEW)) ne 1 %then 0;\n %else 1;\n\n%mend mf_existds;\n\n\n\n%macro mv_tokenauth(inds=mv_registerclient\n ,outds=mv_tokenauth\n ,client_id=someclient\n ,client_secret=somesecret\n ,grant_type=authorization_code\n ,code=\n ,user=\n ,pass=\n ,access_token_var=ACCESS_TOKEN\n ,refresh_token_var=REFRESH_TOKEN\n ,base_uri=#NOTSET#\n );\n%global &access_token_var &refresh_token_var;\n\n%local fref1 fref2 libref;\n\n/* test the validity of inputs */\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&grant_type ne authorization_code and &grant_type ne password)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid value for grant_type: &grant_type)\n)\n\n%if %mf_existds(&inds) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &inds;\n call symputx('client_id',client_id,'l');\n call symputx('client_secret',client_secret,'l');\n if not missing(auth_code) then call symputx('code',auth_code,'l');\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&grant_type=authorization_code and %str(&code)=%str())\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Authorization code required)\n)\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(\n &grant_type=password and (%str(&user)=%str() or %str(&pass)=%str()))\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(username / password required)\n)\n\n/* prepare appropriate grant type */\n%let fref1=%mf_getuniquefileref();\n\ndata _null_;\n file &fref1;\n if \"&grant_type\"='authorization_code' then string=cats(\n 'grant_type=authorization_code&code=',symget('code'));\n else string=cats('grant_type=password&username=',symget('user')\n ,'&password=',symget(pass));\n call symputx('grantstring',cats(\"'\",string,\"'\"));\nrun;\n/*data _null_;infile &fref1;input;put _infile_;run;*/\n\n/**\n * Request access token\n */\n%if &base_uri=#NOTSET# %then %let base_uri=%mf_getplatform(VIYARESTAPI);\n\n%let fref2=%mf_getuniquefileref();\nproc http method='POST' in=&grantstring out=&fref2\n url=\"&base_uri/SASLogon/oauth/token\"\n WEBUSERNAME=\"&client_id\"\n WEBPASSWORD=\"&client_secret\"\n AUTH_BASIC;\n headers \"Accept\"=\"application/json\"\n \"Content-Type\"=\"application/x-www-form-urlencoded\";\nrun;\n/*data _null_;infile &fref2;input;put _infile_;run;*/\n\n/**\n * Extract access / refresh tokens\n */\n\n%let libref=%mf_getuniquelibref();\nlibname &libref JSON fileref=&fref2;\n\n/* extract the tokens */\ndata &outds;\n set &libref..root;\n call symputx(\"&access_token_var\",access_token);\n call symputx(\"&refresh_token_var\",refresh_token);\nrun;\n\n\nlibname &libref clear;\nfilename &fref1 clear;\nfilename &fref2 clear;\n\n%mend mv_tokenauth;\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file tokenauth.sas\n @brief Get initial tokens using an auth code - DEPRECATED\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mv_tokenauth.sas\n\n @author 4GL Apps Ltd\n @copyright 4GL Apps Ltd. This code may only be used within Data Controller\n and may not be re-distributed or re-sold without the express permission of\n 4GL Apps Ltd.\n**/\n\n%webout(FETCH)\n\ndata _null_;\n set work.fromjs;\n call symputx('viyasettings',viyasettings);\n call symputx('client_id',client_id);\n call symputx('auth_code',auth_code);\nrun;\n\ndata authme;\n /* get client info from special location */\n infile \"&viyasettings\" dsd;\n input client_secret:$100.;\n client_id=\"&client_id\";\n auth_code=\"&auth_code\";\nrun;\n/* get tokens */\n%mv_tokenauth(inds=authme, outds=fromSAS(keep=access_token refresh_token))\n\n/* send back to frontend */\n%webout(OPEN)\n%webout(OBJ,fromSAS)\n%webout(CLOSE)\n\n* Service end;" }, { "name": "tokenrefresh", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquefileref(prefix=_,maxtries=1000,lrecl=32767);\n %local rc fname;\n %if &prefix=0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %local x len;\n %let len=%eval(8-%length(&prefix));\n %let x=0;\n %do x=0 %to &maxtries;\n %let fname=&prefix%substr(%sysfunc(ranuni(0)),3,&len);\n %if %sysfunc(fileref(&fname)) > 0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %put unable to find available fileref after &maxtries attempts;\n %end;\n%mend mf_getuniquefileref;\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquelibref(prefix=mclib,maxtries=1000);\n %local x;\n\n %if ( %length(&prefix) gt 7 ) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: The prefix parameter cannot exceed 7 characters.;\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %if (%sysfunc(NVALID(&prefix,v7))=0) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: Invalid prefix (&prefix);\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* Set maxtries equal to '10 to the power of [# unused characters] - 1' */\n %let maxtries=%eval(10**(8-%length(&prefix))-1);\n\n %do x = 0 %to &maxtries;\n %if %sysfunc(libref(&prefix&x)) ne 0 %then %do;\n &prefix&x\n %return;\n %end;\n %let x = %eval(&x + 1);\n %end;\n\n %put %str(ERR)OR: No usable libref in range &prefix.0-&maxtries;\n %put %str(ERR)OR- Try reducing the prefix or deleting some libraries!;\n 0\n%mend mf_getuniquelibref;\n\n\n%macro mf_existds(libds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&libds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&libds,VIEW)) ne 1 %then 0;\n %else 1;\n\n%mend mf_existds;\n\n\n\n%macro mv_tokenrefresh(inds=mv_registerclient\n ,outds=mv_tokenrefresh\n ,client_id=someclient\n ,client_secret=somesecret\n ,grant_type=authorization_code\n ,user=\n ,pass=\n ,access_token_var=ACCESS_TOKEN\n ,refresh_token_var=REFRESH_TOKEN\n );\n%global &access_token_var &refresh_token_var;\noptions noquotelenmax;\n\n%local fref1 libref;\n\n/* test the validity of inputs */\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&grant_type ne authorization_code and &grant_type ne password)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid value for grant_type: &grant_type)\n)\n\n%mp_abort(\n iftrue=(&grant_type=password and (%str(&user)=%str() or %str(&pass)=%str()))\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(username / password required)\n)\n\n%if %mf_existds(&inds) %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &inds;\n call symputx('client_id',client_id,'l');\n call symputx('client_secret',client_secret,'l');\n call symputx(\"&refresh_token_var\",&refresh_token_var,'l');\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(%str(&client_id)=%str() or %str(&client_secret)=%str())\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(client / secret must both be provided)\n)\n\n/**\n * Request access token\n */\n%local base_uri; /* location of rest apis */\n%let base_uri=%mf_getplatform(VIYARESTAPI);\n\n%let fref1=%mf_getuniquefileref();\nproc http method='POST'\n in=\"grant_type=refresh_token%nrstr(&)refresh_token=&&&refresh_token_var\"\n out=&fref1\n url=\"&base_uri/SASLogon/oauth/token\"\n WEBUSERNAME=\"&client_id\"\n WEBPASSWORD=\"&client_secret\"\n AUTH_BASIC;\n headers \"Accept\"=\"application/json\"\n \"Content-Type\"=\"application/x-www-form-urlencoded\";\nrun;\n/*data _null_;infile &fref1;input;put _infile_;run;*/\n\n/**\n * Extract access / refresh tokens\n */\n\n%let libref=%mf_getuniquelibref();\nlibname &libref JSON fileref=&fref1;\n\n/* extract the token */\ndata &outds;\n set &libref..root;\n call symputx(\"&access_token_var\",access_token);\n call symputx(\"&refresh_token_var\",refresh_token);\nrun;\n\n\nlibname &libref clear;\nfilename &fref1 clear;\n\n%mend mv_tokenrefresh;\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file tokenauth.sas\n @brief Get initial tokens using an auth code - DEPRECATED\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mpeinit.sas\n @li mv_tokenrefresh.sas\n\n @author 4GL Apps Ltd\n @copyright 4GL Apps Ltd. This code may only be used within Data Controller\n and may not be re-distributed or re-sold without the express permission of\n 4GL Apps Ltd.\n**/\n\n%webout(FETCH)\n\ndata _null_;\n set work.fromjs;\n call symputx('viyasettings',viyasettings);\n call symputx('client_id',client_id);\n call symputx('refresh_token',refresh_token);\nrun;\n\ndata authme;\n /* get client info from special location */\n infile \"&viyasettings\" dsd;\n input client_secret:$100.;\n client_id=\"&client_id\";\n refresh_token=\"&refresh_token\";\nrun;\n/* get tokens */\n%mv_tokenrefresh(inds=authme, outds=fromSAS(keep=refresh_token access_token))\n\n/* send back to frontend */\n%webout(OPEN)\n%webout(OBJ,fromSAS)\n%webout(CLOSE)\n\n* Service end;" }, { "name": "validatefilter", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_isblank(param\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %sysevalf(%superq(param)=,boolean)\n\n%mend mf_isblank;\n\n\n%macro mp_dropmembers(\n list /* space separated list of datasets / views */\n ,libref=WORK /* can only drop from a single library at a time */\n ,iftrue=%str(1=1)\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n %if %mf_isblank(&list) %then %do;\n %put NOTE: nothing to drop!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n proc datasets lib=&libref nolist;\n delete &list;\n delete &list /mtype=view;\n run;\n%mend mp_dropmembers;\n\n\n%macro removecolsfromwork(col);\n/* only an issue if debug mode enabled */\n%global _debug;\n%if &_debug ge 131 %then %do;\n %let col=%upcase(&col);\n\n %local memlist;\n proc sql noprint;\n select distinct memname into: memlist\n separated by ' '\n from dictionary.columns\n where libname='WORK' and upcase(name)=\"&col\";\n\n %if %mf_isblank(&memlist) %then %return;\n\n %mp_dropmembers(list=&memlist)\n\n%end;\n%mend removecolsfromwork;\n\n\n\n\n%macro dc_assignlib(type,libref,passthru=);\n %if %length(&passthru)>0 %then %do;\n proc sql;\n connect using &libref as &passthru;\n %end;\n%mend dc_assignlib;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getattrn(\n libds\n ,attr\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid rc;\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds,is));\n %if &dsid = 0 %then %do;\n %put %str(WARN)ING: Cannot open %trim(&libds), system message below;\n %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n -1\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,&attr))\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n%mend mf_getattrn;\n\n\n%macro mf_getvalue(libds,variable,filter=1\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %if %mf_getattrn(&libds,NLOBS)>0 %then %do;\n %local dsid rc &variable;\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds(where=(&filter))));\n %syscall set(dsid);\n %let rc = %sysfunc(fetch(&dsid));\n %let rc = %sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n\n %trim(&&&variable)\n\n %end;\n%mend mf_getvalue;\n\n\n\n%macro mddl_sas_cntlout(libds=WORK.CNTLOUT);\n\n proc sql;\n create table &libds(\n TYPE char(1) label=\n'Format Type: either N (num fmt), C (char fmt), I (num infmt) or J (char infmt)'\n ,FMTNAME char(32) label='Format name'\n ,FMTROW num label=\n'CALCULATED Position of record by FMTNAME (reqd for multilabel formats)'\n ,START char(32767) label='Starting value for format'\n /*\n Keep lengths of START and END the same to avoid this err:\n \"Start is greater than end: -<.\"\n Similar usage note: https://support.sas.com/kb/69/330.html\n */\n ,END char(32767) label='Ending value for format'\n ,LABEL char(32767) label='Format value label'\n ,MIN num length=3 label='Minimum length'\n ,MAX num length=3 label='Maximum length'\n ,DEFAULT num length=3 label='Default length'\n ,LENGTH num length=3 label='Format length'\n ,FUZZ num label='Fuzz value'\n ,PREFIX char(2) label='Prefix characters'\n ,MULT num label='Multiplier'\n ,FILL char(1) label='Fill character'\n ,NOEDIT num length=3 label='Is picture string noedit?'\n ,SEXCL char(1) label='Start exclusion'\n ,EEXCL char(1) label='End exclusion'\n ,HLO char(13) label=\n'More info: https://core.sasjs.io/mddl__sas__cntlout_8sas_source.html'\n ,DECSEP char(1) label='Decimal separator'\n ,DIG3SEP char(1) label='Three-digit separator'\n ,DATATYPE char(8) label='Date/time/datetime?'\n ,LANGUAGE char(8) label='Language for date strings'\n );\n\n %local lib;\n %let libds=%upcase(&libds);\n %if %index(&libds,.)=0 %then %let lib=WORK;\n %else %let lib=%scan(&libds,1,.);\n\n proc datasets lib=&lib noprint;\n modify %scan(&libds,-1,.);\n index create\n pk_cntlout=(type fmtname fmtrow)\n /nomiss unique;\n quit;\n\n%mend mddl_sas_cntlout;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquename(prefix=MC);\n&prefix.%substr(%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32-%length(&prefix))\n%mend mf_getuniquename;\n\n\n%macro mf_islibds(libds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%local regex;\n%let regex=%sysfunc(prxparse(%str(/^[_a-z]\\w{0,7}\\.[_a-z]\\w{0,31}$/i)));\n\n%sysfunc(prxmatch(®ex,&libds))\n\n%mend mf_islibds;\n\n\n%macro mf_nobs(libds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %mf_getattrn(&libds,NLOBS)\n%mend mf_nobs;\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquefileref(prefix=_,maxtries=1000,lrecl=32767);\n %local rc fname;\n %if &prefix=0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %local x len;\n %let len=%eval(8-%length(&prefix));\n %let x=0;\n %do x=0 %to &maxtries;\n %let fname=&prefix%substr(%sysfunc(ranuni(0)),3,&len);\n %if %sysfunc(fileref(&fname)) > 0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %put unable to find available fileref after &maxtries attempts;\n %end;\n%mend mf_getuniquefileref;\n\n\n%macro mf_getvarlist(libds\n ,dlm=%str( )\n ,quote=no\n ,typefilter=A\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n /* declare local vars */\n %local outvar dsid nvars x rc dlm q var vtype;\n\n /* credit Rowland Hale - byte34 is double quote, 39 is single quote */\n %if %upcase("e)=DOUBLE %then %let q=%qsysfunc(byte(34));\n %else %if %upcase("e)=SINGLE %then %let q=%qsysfunc(byte(39));\n /* open dataset in macro */\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds));\n\n %if &dsid %then %do;\n %let nvars=%sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,NVARS));\n %if &nvars>0 %then %do;\n /* add variables with supplied delimeter */\n %do x=1 %to &nvars;\n /* get variable type */\n %let vtype=%sysfunc(vartype(&dsid,&x));\n %if &vtype=&typefilter or &typefilter=A %then %do;\n %let var=&q.%sysfunc(varname(&dsid,&x))&q.;\n %if &var=&q&q %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Empty column found in &libds!;\n %let var=&q. &q.;\n %end;\n %if %quote(&outvar)=%quote() %then %let outvar=&var;\n %else %let outvar=&outvar.&dlm.&var.;\n %end;\n %end;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Unable to open &libds (rc=&dsid);\n %put &sysmacroname: SYSMSG= %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n %do;%unquote(&outvar)%end;\n%mend mf_getvarlist;\n\n\n%macro mf_getvartype(libds /* two level name */\n , var /* variable name from which to return the type */\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid vnum vtype rc;\n /* Open dataset */\n %let dsid = %sysfunc(open(&libds));\n %if &dsid. > 0 %then %do;\n /* Get variable number */\n %let vnum = %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid, &var));\n /* Get variable type (C/N) */\n %if(&vnum. > 0) %then %let vtype = %sysfunc(vartype(&dsid, &vnum.));\n %else %do;\n %put NOTE: Variable &var does not exist in &libds;\n %let vtype = %str( );\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: dataset &libds not opened! (rc=&dsid);\n %put &sysmacroname: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* Close dataset */\n %let rc = %sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n /* Return variable type */\n &vtype\n%mend mf_getvartype;\n\n\n%macro mp_filtergenerate(inds,outref=filter);\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc - on macro entry)\n)\n\nfilename &outref temp;\n\n%if %mf_nobs(&inds)=0 %then %do;\n /* ensure we have a default filter */\n data _null_;\n file &outref;\n put '1=1';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n proc sort data=&inds;\n by SUBGROUP_ID;\n run;\n data _null_;\n file &outref lrecl=32800;\n set &inds end=last;\n by SUBGROUP_ID;\n if _n_=1 then put '((';\n else if first.SUBGROUP_ID then put +1 GROUP_LOGIC '(';\n else put +2 SUBGROUP_LOGIC;\n\n put +4 VARIABLE_NM OPERATOR_NM RAW_VALUE;\n\n if last.SUBGROUP_ID then put ')'@;\n if last then put ')';\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mp_filtergenerate;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_filtervalidate(inref,targetds,abort=YES,outds=work.mp_filtervalidate);\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0 or &syserr ne 0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc / syserr=&syserr - on macro entry)\n)\n\n%local fref1;\n%let fref1=%mf_getuniquefileref();\n\ndata _null_;\n file &fref1;\n infile &inref end=eof;\n if _n_=1 then do;\n put \"proc sql;\";\n put \"validate select * from &targetds\";\n put \"where \" ;\n end;\n input;\n put _infile_;\n putlog _infile_;\n if eof then put \";quit;\";\nrun;\n\n%inc &fref1;\n\ndata &outds;\n if &sqlrc or &syscc or &syserr then do;\n REASON_CD='VALIDATION_ERR'!!'OR: '!!\n coalescec(symget('SYSERRORTEXT'),symget('SYSWARNINGTEXT'));\n output;\n end;\n else stop;\nrun;\n\nfilename &fref1 clear;\n\n%if %mf_nobs(&outds)>0 %then %do;\n %if &abort=YES %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &outds;\n call symputx('REASON_CD',reason_cd,'l');\n stop;\n run;\n %mp_abort(\n mac=&sysmacroname,\n msg=%str(Filter validation issues.)\n )\n %end;\n %let syscc=1008;\n%end;\n\n%mend mp_filtervalidate;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_filtercheck(inds,targetds=,outds=work.badrecords,abort=YES);\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc - on macro entry)\n)\n\n/* Validate input column */\n%local vtype;\n%let vtype=%mf_getvartype(&inds,RAW_VALUE);\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&abort=YES and &vtype ne C),\n mac=&sysmacroname,\n msg=%str(%str(ERR)OR: RAW_VALUE must be character)\n)\n%if &vtype ne C %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: RAW_VALUE must be character;\n %let syscc=42;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n\n/**\n * Sanitise the values based on valid value lists, then strip out\n * quotes, commas, periods and spaces.\n */\n%local reason_cd nobs;\n%let nobs=0;\ndata &outds;\n /*length GROUP_LOGIC SUBGROUP_LOGIC $3 SUBGROUP_ID 8 VARIABLE_NM $32\n OPERATOR_NM $10 RAW_VALUE $4000;*/\n set &inds end=last;\n length reason_cd $4032 vtype vtype2 $1 vnum dsid 8 tmp $4000;\n drop tmp;\n\n /* quick check to ensure column exists */\n if upcase(VARIABLE_NM) not in\n (%upcase(%mf_getvarlist(&targetds,dlm=%str(,),quote=SINGLE)))\n then do;\n REASON_CD=\"Variable \"!!cats(variable_nm)!!\" not in &targetds\";\n putlog REASON_CD= VARIABLE_NM=;\n call symputx('reason_cd',reason_cd,'l');\n call symputx('nobs',_n_,'l');\n output;\n return;\n end;\n\n /* need to open the dataset to get the column type */\n retain dsid;\n if _n_=1 then dsid=open(\"&targetds\",\"i\");\n if dsid>0 then do;\n vnum=varnum(dsid,VARIABLE_NM);\n if vnum<1 then do;\n /* should not happen as was also tested for above */\n REASON_CD=cats(\"Variable (\",VARIABLE_NM,\") not found in &targetds\");\n putlog REASON_CD= dsid=;\n call symputx('reason_cd',reason_cd,'l');\n call symputx('nobs',_n_,'l');\n output;\n goto endstep;\n end;\n /* now we can get the type */\n else vtype=vartype(dsid,vnum);\n end;\n else do;\n REASON_CD=cats(\"Could not open &targetds\");\n putlog REASON_CD= dsid=;\n call symputx('reason_cd',reason_cd,'l');\n call symputx('nobs',_n_,'l');\n output;\n stop;\n end;\n\n /* closed list checks */\n if GROUP_LOGIC not in ('AND','OR') then do;\n REASON_CD='GROUP_LOGIC should be AND/OR, not:'!!cats(GROUP_LOGIC);\n putlog REASON_CD= GROUP_LOGIC=;\n call symputx('reason_cd',reason_cd,'l');\n call symputx('nobs',_n_,'l');\n output;\n end;\n if SUBGROUP_LOGIC not in ('AND','OR') then do;\n REASON_CD='SUBGROUP_LOGIC should be AND/OR, not:'!!cats(SUBGROUP_LOGIC);\n putlog REASON_CD= SUBGROUP_LOGIC=;\n call symputx('reason_cd',reason_cd,'l');\n call symputx('nobs',_n_,'l');\n output;\n end;\n if mod(SUBGROUP_ID,1) ne 0 then do;\n REASON_CD='SUBGROUP_ID should be integer, not '!!cats(subgroup_id);\n putlog REASON_CD= SUBGROUP_ID=;\n call symputx('reason_cd',reason_cd,'l');\n call symputx('nobs',_n_,'l');\n output;\n end;\n if OPERATOR_NM not in\n ('=','>','<','<=','>=','NE','GE','LE','BETWEEN','IN','NOT IN','CONTAINS')\n then do;\n REASON_CD='Invalid OPERATOR_NM: '!!cats(OPERATOR_NM);\n putlog REASON_CD= OPERATOR_NM=;\n call symputx('reason_cd',reason_cd,'l');\n call symputx('nobs',_n_,'l');\n output;\n end;\n\n /* special missing logic */\n if vtype='N' & OPERATOR_NM in ('=','>','<','<=','>=','NE','GE','LE') then do;\n if cats(upcase(raw_value)) in (\n '.','.A','.B','.C','.D','.E','.F','.G','.H','.I','.J','.K','.L','.M','.N'\n '.N','.O','.P','.Q','.R','.S','.T','.U','.V','.W','.X','.Y','.Z','._'\n )\n then do;\n /* valid numeric - exit data step loop */\n return;\n end;\n else if subpad(upcase(raw_value),1,1) in (\n 'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N'\n 'N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z','_'\n )\n then do;\n /* check if the raw_value contains a valid variable NAME */\n vnum=varnum(dsid,subpad(raw_value,1,32));\n if vnum>0 then do;\n /* now we can get the type */\n vtype2=vartype(dsid,vnum);\n /* check type matches */\n if vtype2=vtype then do;\n /* valid target var - exit loop */\n return;\n end;\n else do;\n REASON_CD=cats(\"Compared Type (\",vtype2,\") is not (\",vtype,\")\");\n putlog REASON_CD= dsid=;\n call symputx('reason_cd',reason_cd,'l');\n call symputx('nobs',_n_,'l');\n output;\n goto endstep;\n end;\n end;\n end;\n end;\n\n /* special logic */\n if OPERATOR_NM in ('IN','NOT IN','BETWEEN') then do;\n if OPERATOR_NM='BETWEEN' then raw_value1=tranwrd(raw_value,' AND ',',');\n else do;\n if substr(raw_value,1,1) ne '('\n or substr(cats(reverse(raw_value)),1,1) ne ')'\n then do;\n REASON_CD='Missing start/end bracket in RAW_VALUE';\n putlog REASON_CD= OPERATOR_NM= raw_value= raw_value1= ;\n call symputx('reason_cd',reason_cd,'l');\n call symputx('nobs',_n_,'l');\n output;\n end;\n else raw_value1=substr(raw_value,2,max(length(raw_value)-2,0));\n end;\n /* we now have a comma seperated list of values */\n if vtype='N' then do i=1 to countc(raw_value1, ',')+1;\n tmp=scan(raw_value1,i,',');\n if cats(tmp) ne '.' and input(tmp, ?? 8.) eq . then do;\n if OPERATOR_NM ='BETWEEN' and subpad(upcase(tmp),1,1) in (\n 'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N'\n 'N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z','_'\n )\n then do;\n /* check if the raw_value contains a valid variable NAME */\n /* is not valid syntax for IN or NOT IN */\n vnum=varnum(dsid,subpad(tmp,1,32));\n if vnum>0 then do;\n /* now we can get the type */\n vtype2=vartype(dsid,vnum);\n /* check type matches */\n if vtype2=vtype then do;\n /* valid target var - exit loop */\n return;\n end;\n else do;\n REASON_CD=cats(\"Compared Type (\",vtype2,\") is not (\",vtype,\")\");\n putlog REASON_CD= dsid=;\n call symputx('reason_cd',reason_cd,'l');\n call symputx('nobs',_n_,'l');\n output;\n goto endstep;\n end;\n end;\n end;\n REASON_CD='Non Numeric value provided';\n putlog REASON_CD= OPERATOR_NM= raw_value= raw_value1= ;\n call symputx('reason_cd',reason_cd,'l');\n call symputx('nobs',_n_,'l');\n output;\n end;\n return;\n end;\n end;\n else raw_value1=raw_value;\n\n /* remove nested literals eg '' */\n raw_value1=tranwrd(raw_value1,\"''\",'');\n\n /* now match string literals (always single quotes) */\n raw_value2=raw_value1;\n regex = prxparse(\"s/(\\').*?(\\')//\");\n call prxchange(regex,-1,raw_value2);\n\n /* remove commas and periods*/\n raw_value3=compress(raw_value2,',.');\n\n /* output records that contain values other than digits and spaces */\n if notdigit(compress(raw_value3,' '))>0 then do;\n if vtype='C' and subpad(upcase(raw_value),1,1) in (\n 'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N'\n 'N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z','_'\n )\n then do;\n /* check if the raw_value contains a valid variable NAME */\n vnum=varnum(dsid,subpad(raw_value,1,32));\n if vnum>0 then do;\n /* now we can get the type */\n vtype2=vartype(dsid,vnum);\n /* check type matches */\n if vtype2=vtype then do;\n /* valid target var - exit loop */\n return;\n end;\n else do;\n REASON_CD=cats(\"Compared Char Type (\",vtype2,\") is not (\",vtype,\")\");\n putlog REASON_CD= dsid=;\n call symputx('reason_cd',reason_cd,'l');\n call symputx('nobs',_n_,'l');\n output;\n goto endstep;\n end;\n end;\n end;\n\n putlog raw_value3= $hex32.;\n REASON_CD=cats('Invalid RAW_VALUE:',raw_value);\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n call symputx('reason_cd',reason_cd,'l');\n call symputx('nobs',_n_,'l');\n output;\n end;\n\n endstep:\n if last then rc=close(dsid);\nrun;\n\n\ndata _null_;\n set &outds end=last;\n putlog (_all_)(=);\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&abort=YES and &nobs>0),\n mac=&sysmacroname,\n msg=%str(Data issue: %superq(reason_cd))\n)\n\n%if &nobs>0 %then %do;\n %let syscc=1008;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * syntax checking passed but it does not mean the filter is valid\n * for that we can run a proc sql validate query\n */\n%local fref1;\n%let fref1=%mf_getuniquefileref();\n%mp_filtergenerate(&inds,outref=&fref1)\n\n/* this macro will also set syscc to 1008 if any issues found */\n%mp_filtervalidate(&fref1,&targetds,outds=&outds,abort=&abort)\n\n%mend mp_filtercheck;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_md5(cvars=,nvars=);\n%local i var sep;\nput(md5(\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&cvars));\n %let var=%scan(&cvars,&i,%str( ));\n &sep put(md5(trim(&var)),$hex32.)\n %let sep=!!;\n %end;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&nvars));\n %let var=%scan(&nvars,&i,%str( ));\n /* multiply by 1 to strip precision errors (eg 0 != 0) */\n /* but ONLY if not missing, else will lose any special missing values */\n &sep put(md5(trim(put(ifn(missing(&var),&var,&var*1),binary64.))),$hex32.)\n %let sep=!!;\n %end;\n),$hex32.)\n%mend mp_md5;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_hashdataset(\n libds,\n outds=work._data_,\n salt=,\n iftrue=%str(1=1)\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%local keyvar /* roll up the md5 */\n prevkeyvar /* retain prev record md5 */\n lastvar /* last var in input ds */\n cvars nvars;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n/* avoid naming conflict for hash key vars */\n%let keyvar=%mf_getuniquename();\n%let prevkeyvar=%mf_getuniquename();\n%let lastvar=%mf_getuniquename();\n\n%if %mf_getattrn(&libds,NLOBS)=0 %then %do;\n data &outds;\n length hashkey $32;\n hashkey=put(md5(\"&salt\"),$hex32.);\n output;\n stop;\n run;\n %put &sysmacroname: Dataset &libds is empty, or is not a dataset;\n %put &sysmacroname: hashkey of &outds is based on salt (&salt) only;\n%end;\n%else %if %mf_getattrn(&libds,NLOBS)<0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: Dataset &libds is not a dataset;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n data &outds(rename=(&keyvar=hashkey) keep=&keyvar)\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n /nonote2err\n %end;\n ;\n length &prevkeyvar &keyvar $32;\n retain &prevkeyvar;\n if _n_=1 then &prevkeyvar=put(md5(\"&salt\"),$hex32.);\n set &libds end=&lastvar;\n /* hash should include previous row */\n &keyvar=%mp_md5(\n cvars=%mf_getvarlist(&libds,typefilter=C) &prevkeyvar,\n nvars=%mf_getvarlist(&libds,typefilter=N)\n );\n &prevkeyvar=&keyvar;\n if &lastvar then output;\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_hashdataset;\n\n\n/** @cond */\n\n%macro mf_existvar(libds /* 2 part dataset name */\n , var /* variable name */\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %local dsid rc;\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds,is));\n\n %if &dsid=0 %then %do;\n %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n 0\n %end;\n %else %if %length(&var)=0 %then %do;\n 0\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,&var))\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n\n%mend mf_existvar;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getquotedstr(IN_STR\n ,DLM=%str(,)\n ,QUOTE=S\n ,indlm=%str( )\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n /* credit Rowland Hale - byte34 is double quote, 39 is single quote */\n %if "e=S %then %let quote=%qsysfunc(byte(39));\n %else %if "e=D %then %let quote=%qsysfunc(byte(34));\n %else %if "e=N %then %let quote=;\n %local i item buffer;\n %let i=1;\n %do %while (%qscan(&IN_STR,&i,%str(&indlm)) ne %str() ) ;\n %let item=%qscan(&IN_STR,&i,%str(&indlm));\n %if %bquote("E) ne %then %let item="E%qtrim(&item)"E;\n %else %let item=%qtrim(&item);\n\n %if (&i = 1) %then %let buffer =%qtrim(&item);\n %else %let buffer =&buffer&DLM%qtrim(&item);\n\n %let i = %eval(&i+1);\n %end;\n\n %let buffer=%sysfunc(coalescec(%qtrim(&buffer),"E"E));\n\n &buffer\n\n%mend mf_getquotedstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getattrc(\n libds\n ,attr\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid rc;\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds,is));\n %if &dsid = 0 %then %do;\n %put %str(WARN)ING: Cannot open %trim(&libds), system message below;\n %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n -1\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %sysfunc(attrc(&dsid,&attr))\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n%mend mf_getattrc;\n\n\n%macro mp_lockfilecheck(\n libds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\ndata _null_;\n if _n_=1 then putlog \"&sysmacroname entry vars:\";\n set sashelp.vmacro;\n where scope=\"&sysmacroname\";\n put name '=' value;\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc>0)\n ,mac=checklock.sas\n ,msg=Aborting with syscc=&syscc on entry.\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (\"&libds\"=\"0\")\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(libds not provided)\n)\n\n%local msg lib ds;\n%let lib=%upcase(%scan(&libds,1,.));\n%let ds=%upcase(%scan(&libds,2,.));\n\n/* in DC, format catalogs are passed with a -FC suffix. No saslock here! */\n%if %scan(&libds,2,-)=FC %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Format Catalog detected, no lockfile applied to &libds;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* do not proceed if no observations can be processed */\n%let msg=options obs = 0. syserrortext=%superq(syserrortext);\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (%sysfunc(getoption(OBS))=0)\n ,mac=checklock.sas\n ,msg=%superq(msg)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n putlog \"Checking engine & member type\";\nrun;\n%local engine memtype;\n%let memtype=%mf_getattrc(&libds,MTYPE);\n%let engine=%mf_getattrc(&libds,ENGINE);\n\n%if &engine ne V9 and &engine ne BASE %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog \"Lib &lib is not assigned using BASE engine - uses &engine instead\";\n putlog \"SAS lock check will not be performed\";\n run;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if &memtype ne DATA %then %do;\n %put NOTE: Cannot lock a VIEW!! Memtype=&memtype;\n %return;\n%end;\n\ndata _null_;\n putlog \"Engine = &engine, memtype=&memtype\";\n putlog \"Attempting lock statement\";\nrun;\n\nlock &libds;\n\n%local abortme;\n%let abortme=0;\n%if &syscc>0 or &SYSLCKRC ne 0 %then %do;\n %let msg=Unable to apply lock on &libds (SYSLCKRC=&SYSLCKRC syscc=&syscc);\n %put %str(ERR)OR: &sysmacroname: &msg;\n %let abortme=1;\n%end;\n\nlock &libds clear;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&abortme=1)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%superq(msg)\n)\n\n%mend mp_lockfilecheck;\n\n\n%macro mp_lockanytable(\n action\n ,lib= WORK\n ,ds=0\n ,ref=\n ,ctl_ds=0\n ,loops=25\n ,loop_secs=1\n );\ndata _null_;\n if _n_=1 then putlog \"&sysmacroname entry vars:\";\n set sashelp.vmacro;\n where scope=\"&sysmacroname\";\n put name '=' value;\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (\"&ds\"=\"0\" and &action ne MAKETABLE)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(dataset was not provided)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&ctl_ds=0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Control dataset was not provided)\n)\n\n/* set up lib & mac vars */\n%let lib=%upcase(&lib);\n%let ds=%upcase(&ds);\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n%local user x trans msg abortme;\n%let user=%mf_getuser();\n%let abortme=0;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&action ne LOCK & &action ne UNLOCK & &action ne MAKETABLE)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid action (&action) provided)\n)\n\n/* if an err condition exists, exit before we even begin */\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc>0 and &action=LOCK)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(aborting due to syscc=&syscc on LOCK entry)\n)\n\n/* do not bother locking work tables (else may affect all WORK libraries) */\n%if (%upcase(&lib)=WORK or %str(&lib)=%str()) & &action ne MAKETABLE %then %do;\n %put NOTE: WORK libraries will not be registered in the locking system.;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* do not proceed if no observations can be processed */\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (%sysfunc(getoption(OBS))=0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(cannot continue when options obs = 0)\n)\n\n%if &ACTION=LOCK %then %do;\n\n /* abort if a SAS lock is already in place, or cannot be applied */\n %mp_lockfilecheck(&lib..&ds)\n\n /* next, check there is a record for this table */\n %local record_exists_check;\n proc sql noprint;\n select count(*) into: record_exists_check from &ctl_ds\n where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" and LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n quit;\n %if &syscc>0 %then %put syscc=&syscc sqlrc=&sqlrc;\n %if &record_exists_check=0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog \"&sysmacroname: adding record to lock table..\";\n run;\n\n data ;\n if 0 then set &ctl_ds;\n LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\";\n LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n LOCK_STATUS_CD='LOCKED';\n LOCK_START_DTTM=\"%sysfunc(datetime(),%mf_fmtdttm())\"dt;\n LOCK_USER_NM=\"&user\";\n LOCK_PID=\"&sysjobid\";\n LOCK_REF=\"&ref\";\n output;stop;\n run;\n %let trans=&syslast;\n proc append base=&ctl_ds data=&trans;\n run;\n %end;\n /* if record does exist, perform lock attempts */\n %else %do x=1 %to &loops;\n data _null_;\n putlog \"&sysmacroname: attempting lock (iteration &x) \"@;\n putlog \"at %sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.) ..\";\n run;\n\n proc sql;\n update &ctl_ds\n set LOCK_STATUS_CD='LOCKED'\n , LOCK_START_DTTM=\"%sysfunc(datetime(),%mf_fmtdttm())\"dt\n , LOCK_USER_NM=\"&user\"\n , LOCK_PID=\"&sysjobid\"\n , LOCK_REF=\"&ref\"\n where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" and LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n quit;\n /**\n * NOTE - occasionally SQL server will return an err code (deadlocked\n * transaction). If so, ignore it, keep calm, and carry on..\n */\n %if &syscc>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n putlog \"NOTE- &sysmacroname: Update failed. \"@;\n putlog \"Resetting err conditions and re-attempting.\";\n putlog \"NOTE- syscc=&syscc syserr=&syserr sqlrc=&sqlrc\";\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n run;\n %let syscc=0;\n %let sqlrc=0;\n %end;\n\n /* now check if the record was successfully updated */\n %local success_check;\n proc sql noprint;\n select count(*) into: success_check from &ctl_ds\n where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" and LOCK_DS=\"&ds\"\n and LOCK_PID=\"&sysjobid\" and LOCK_STATUS_CD='LOCKED';\n quit;\n %if &success_check=0 %then %do;\n %if &x < &loops %then %do;\n /* pause before next check */\n data _null_;\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n putlog \"NOTE- &sysmacroname: table locked, waiting \"@;\n putlog \"%sysfunc(sleep(&loop_secs)) seconds.. \";\n putlog \"NOTE- (iteration &x of &loops)\";\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %let msg=Unable to lock &lib..&ds via &ctl_ds after &loops attempts.\\n\n Please ask your administrator to investigate!;\n %let abortme=1;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n putlog \"NOTE- &sysmacroname: Table &lib..&ds locked at \"@;\n putlog \" %sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.) (iteration &x)\"@;\n putlog 'NOTE-' / 'NOTE-';\n run;\n %if &syscc>0 %then %do;\n %put setting syscc(&syscc) back to 0;\n %let syscc=0;\n %end;\n %let x=&loops; /* no more iterations needed */\n %end;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &ACTION=UNLOCK %then %do;\n %local status cnt;\n %let cnt=0;\n proc sql noprint;\n select count(*) into: cnt from &ctl_ds where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" & LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n %if &cnt=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(WAR)NING: &lib..&ds was not previously locked in &ctl_ds!;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n select LOCK_STATUS_CD into: status from &ctl_ds\n where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" and LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n quit;\n %if &syscc>0 %then %put syscc=&syscc sqlrc=&sqlrc;\n %if &status=LOCKED %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog \"&sysmacroname: unlocking &lib..&ds:\";\n run;\n proc sql;\n update &ctl_ds\n set LOCK_STATUS_CD='UNLOCKED'\n , LOCK_END_DTTM=\"%sysfunc(datetime(),%mf_fmtdttm())\"dt\n , LOCK_USER_NM=\"&user\"\n , LOCK_PID=\"&sysjobid\"\n , LOCK_REF=\"&ref\"\n where LOCK_LIB =\"&lib\" and LOCK_DS=\"&ds\";\n quit;\n %end;\n %else %if &status=UNLOCKED %then %do;\n %put %str(WAR)NING: &lib..&ds is already unlocked!;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put NOTE: Unrecognised STATUS_CD (&status) in &ctl_ds;\n %let abortme=1;\n %end;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %let msg=lock_anytable given unsupported action (&action);\n %let abortme=1;\n%end;\n\n/* catch errs - mp_abort must be called outside of a logic block */\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&abortme=1),\n msg=%superq(msg),\n mac=&sysmacroname\n)\n\n%exit_macro:\ndata _null_;\n put \"&sysmacroname: Exit vars: action=&action lib=&lib ds=&ds\";\n put \" syscc=&syscc sqlrc=&sqlrc syserr=&syserr\";\nrun;\n%mend mp_lockanytable;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_retainedkey(\n base_lib=WORK\n ,base_dsn=BASETABLE\n ,append_lib=WORK\n ,append_dsn=APPENDTABLE\n ,retained_key=DEFAULT_RK\n ,business_key= PK1 PK2\n ,check_uniqueness=NO\n ,maxkeytable=0\n ,locktable=0\n ,outds=WORK.APPEND\n ,filter_str=\n);\n%put &sysmacroname entry vars:;\n%put _local_;\n\n%local base_libds app_libds key_field check maxkey idx_pk newkey_cnt iserr\n msg x tempds1 tempds2 comma_pk appnobs checknobs dropvar tempvar idx_val;\n%let base_libds=%upcase(&base_lib..&base_dsn);\n%let app_libds=%upcase(&append_lib..&append_dsn);\n%let tempds1=%mf_getuniquename();\n%let tempds2=%mf_getuniquename();\n%let comma_pk=%mf_getquotedstr(in_str=%str(&business_key),dlm=%str(,),quote=);\n%let outds=%sysfunc(ifc(%index(&outds,.)=0,work.&outds,&outds));\n/* validation checks */\n%let iserr=0;\n%if &syscc>0 %then %do;\n %let iserr=1;\n %let msg=%str(SYSCC=&syscc on macro entry);\n%end;\n%else %if %sysfunc(exist(&base_libds))=0 %then %do;\n %let iserr=1;\n %let msg=%str(Base LIBDS (&base_libds) expected but NOT FOUND);\n%end;\n%else %if %sysfunc(exist(&app_libds))=0 %then %do;\n %let iserr=1;\n %let msg=%str(Append LIBDS (&app_libds) expected but NOT FOUND);\n%end;\n%else %if &maxkeytable ne 0 and %sysfunc(exist(&maxkeytable))=0 %then %do;\n %let iserr=1;\n %let msg=%str(Maxkeytable (&maxkeytable) expected but NOT FOUND);\n%end;\n%else %if &maxkeytable ne 0 and %sysfunc(exist(&locktable))=0 %then %do;\n %let iserr=1;\n %let msg=%str(Locktable (&locktable) expected but NOT FOUND);\n%end;\n%else %if %length(&business_key)=0 %then %do;\n %let iserr=1;\n %let msg=%str(Business key (&business_key) expected but NOT FOUND);\n%end;\n\n%do x=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&business_key));\n /* check business key values exist */\n %let key_field=%scan(&business_key,&x,%str( ));\n %if not %mf_existvar(&app_libds,&key_field) %then %do;\n %let iserr=1;\n %let msg=Business key (&key_field) not found on &app_libds!;\n %goto err;\n %end;\n %else %if not %mf_existvar(&base_libds,&key_field) %then %do;\n %let iserr=1;\n %let msg=Business key (&key_field) not found on &base_libds!;\n %goto err;\n %end;\n%end;\n%err:\n%if &iserr=1 %then %do;\n /* err case so first perform an unlock of the base table before exiting */\n %mp_lockanytable(\n UNLOCK,lib=&base_lib,ds=&base_dsn,ref=%superq(msg),ctl_ds=&locktable\n )\n%end;\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&iserr=1),mac=mp_retainedkey,msg=%superq(msg))\n\nproc sql noprint;\nselect sum(max(&retained_key),0) into: maxkey from &base_libds;\n\n/**\n * get base table RK and bus field values for lookup\n */\nproc sql noprint;\ncreate table &tempds1 as\n select distinct &comma_pk,&retained_key\n from &base_libds &filter_str\n order by &comma_pk,&retained_key;\n\n%if &check_uniqueness=YES %then %do;\n select count(*) into:checknobs\n from (select distinct &comma_pk from &app_libds);\n select count(*) into: appnobs from &app_libds; /* might be view */\n %if &checknobs ne &appnobs %then %do;\n %let msg=Source table &app_libds is not unique on (&business_key);\n %let iserr=1;\n %end;\n%end;\n%if &iserr=1 %then %do;\n /* err case so first perform an unlock of the base table before exiting */\n %mp_lockanytable(\n UNLOCK,lib=&base_lib,ds=&base_dsn,ref=%superq(msg),ctl_ds=&locktable\n )\n%end;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&iserr=1),mac=mp_retainedkey,msg=%superq(msg))\n\n%if %mf_existvar(&app_libds,&retained_key)\n%then %let dropvar=(drop=&retained_key);\n\n/* prepare interim table with retained key populated for matching keys */\nproc sql noprint;\ncreate table &tempds2 as\n select b.&retained_key, a.*\n from &app_libds &dropvar a\n left join &tempds1 b\n on 1\n %do idx_pk=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&business_key));\n %let idx_val=%scan(&business_key,&idx_pk);\n and a.&idx_val=b.&idx_val\n %end;\n order by &retained_key;\n\n/* identify the number of entries without retained keys (new records) */\nselect count(*) into: newkey_cnt\n from &tempds2\n where missing(&retained_key);\nquit;\n\n/**\n * Update maxkey table if link provided\n */\n%if &maxkeytable ne 0 %then %do;\n proc sql noprint;\n select count(*) into: check from &maxkeytable\n where upcase(keytable)=\"&base_libds\";\n\n %mp_lockanytable(LOCK\n ,lib=%scan(&maxkeytable,1,.)\n ,ds=%scan(&maxkeytable,2,.)\n ,ref=Updating maxkeyvalues with mp_retainedkey\n ,ctl_ds=&locktable\n )\n proc sql;\n %if &check=0 %then %do;\n insert into &maxkeytable\n set keytable=\"&base_libds\"\n ,keycolumn=\"&retained_key\"\n ,max_key=%eval(&maxkey+&newkey_cnt)\n ,processed_dttm=\"%sysfunc(datetime(),%mf_fmtdttm())\"dt;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n update &maxkeytable\n set max_key=%eval(&maxkey+&newkey_cnt)\n ,processed_dttm=\"%sysfunc(datetime(),%mf_fmtdttm())\"dt\n where keytable=\"&base_libds\";\n %end;\n %mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK\n ,lib=%scan(&maxkeytable,1,.)\n ,ds=%scan(&maxkeytable,2,.)\n ,ref=Updating maxkeyvalues with maxkey=%eval(&maxkey+&newkey_cnt)\n ,ctl_ds=&locktable\n )\n%end;\n\n/* fill in the missing retained key values */\n%let tempvar=%mf_getuniquename();\ndata &outds(drop=&tempvar);\n retain &tempvar %eval(&maxkey+1);\n set &tempds2;\n if &retained_key =. then &retained_key=&tempvar;\n &tempvar=&tempvar+1;\nrun;\n\n%mend mp_retainedkey;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_filterstore(libds=,\n queryds=work.filterquery,\n filter_summary=PERM.FILTER_SUMMARY,\n filter_detail=PERM.FILTER_DETAIL,\n lock_table=PERM.LOCK_TABLE,\n maxkeytable=PERM.MAXKEYTABLE,\n outresult=work.result,\n outquery=work.query,\n mdebug=1\n);\n%put &sysmacroname entry vars:;\n%put _local_;\n\n%local ds0 ds1 ds2 ds3 ds4 filter_hash orig_libds;\n%let libds=%upcase(&libds);\n%let orig_libds=&libds;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=mp_filterstore\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc on macro entry)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (%mf_islibds(&filter_summary)=0)\n ,mac=mp_filterstore\n ,msg=%str(Invalid filter_summary value: &filter_summary)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (%mf_islibds(&filter_detail)=0)\n ,mac=mp_filterstore\n ,msg=%str(Invalid filter_detail value: &filter_detail)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (%mf_islibds(&lock_table)=0)\n ,mac=mp_filterstore\n ,msg=%str(Invalid lock_table value: &lock_table)\n)\n\n/**\n * validate query\n * use format catalog export, if a format\n */\n%if \"%substr(&libds,%length(&libds)-2,3)\"=\"-FC\" %then %do;\n %let libds=%scan(&libds,1,-); /* chop off -FC extension */\n %let ds0=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=fmtds_);\n %let libds=&ds0;\n /*\n There is no need to export the entire format catalog here - the validations\n are done against the data model, not the data values. So we can simply\n hardcode the structure based on the cntlout dataset.\n */\n %mddl_sas_cntlout(libds=&ds0)\n\n%end;\n%mp_filtercheck(&queryds,targetds=&libds,abort=YES)\n\n/* hash the result */\n%let ds1=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=hashds);\n%mp_hashdataset(&queryds,outds=&ds1,salt=&orig_libds)\n%let filter_hash=%upcase(%mf_getvalue(&ds1,hashkey));\n%if &mdebug=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog \"filter_hash=&filter_hash\";\n set &ds1;\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n%end;\n\n/* check if data already exists for this hash */\ndata &outresult;\n set &filter_summary;\n where filter_hash=\"&filter_hash\";\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=mp_filterstore\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after hash check)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (\"&filter_hash \"=\" \")\n ,mac=mp_filterstore\n ,msg=%str(problem with filter_hash generation)\n)\n\n%if %mf_nobs(&outresult)=0 %then %do;\n\n /* first update summary table */\n %let ds3=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=filtersum);\n data work.&ds3;\n if 0 then set &filter_summary;\n filter_table=\"&orig_libds\";\n filter_hash=\"&filter_hash\";\n PROCESSED_DTTM=%sysfunc(datetime());\n output;\n stop;\n run;\n\n %mp_lockanytable(LOCK,\n lib=%scan(&filter_summary,1,.)\n ,ds=%scan(&filter_summary,2,.)\n ,ref=MP_FILTERSTORE summary update - &filter_hash\n ,ctl_ds=&lock_table\n )\n\n %let ds4=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=filtersumappend);\n %mp_retainedkey(\n base_lib=%scan(&filter_summary,1,.)\n ,base_dsn=%scan(&filter_summary,2,.)\n ,append_lib=work\n ,append_dsn=&ds3\n ,retained_key=filter_rk\n ,business_key=filter_hash\n ,maxkeytable=&maxkeytable\n ,locktable=&lock_table\n ,outds=work.&ds4\n )\n proc append base=&filter_summary data=&ds4;\n run;\n\n %mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK,\n lib=%scan(&filter_summary,1,.)\n ,ds=%scan(&filter_summary,2,.)\n ,ref=MP_FILTERSTORE summary update - &filter_hash\n ,ctl_ds=&lock_table\n )\n\n %if &syscc ne 0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &ds4;\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %goto err;\n %end;\n\n data &outresult;\n set &filter_summary;\n where filter_hash=\"&filter_hash\";\n run;\n\n /* Next, update detail table */\n %let ds2=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=filterdetail);\n data &ds2;\n if 0 then set &filter_detail;\n set &queryds;\n format filter_hash $hex32. filter_line 8.;\n filter_hash=\"&filter_hash\";\n filter_line=_n_;\n PROCESSED_DTTM=%sysfunc(datetime());\n run;\n %mp_lockanytable(LOCK,\n lib=%scan(&filter_detail,1,.)\n ,ds=%scan(&filter_detail,2,.)\n ,ref=MP_FILTERSTORE update - &filter_hash\n ,ctl_ds=&lock_table\n )\n proc append base=&filter_detail data=&ds2;\n run;\n\n %mp_lockanytable(UNLOCK,\n lib=%scan(&filter_detail,1,.)\n ,ds=%scan(&filter_detail,2,.)\n ,ref=MP_FILTERSTORE detail update &filter_hash\n ,ctl_ds=&lock_table\n )\n\n %if &syscc ne 0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &ds2;\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %goto err;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\nproc sort data=&filter_detail(where=(filter_hash=\"&filter_hash\")) out=&outquery;\n by filter_line;\nrun;\n\n%err:\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=mp_filterstore\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc on macro exit)\n)\n\n%mend mp_filterstore;\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Validates a filter clause before it gets hashified, returns the RK\n @details Used to generate a FILTER_RK from an input query dataset.\n Raw values are stored in dc.mpe_filtersource and the meta values are stored\n in dc.mpe_filteranytable\n\n

Service Inputs

\n |FILTER_TABLE:$41.|\n |---|\n |DC258467.MPE_X_TEST|\n\n
\n |GROUP_LOGIC:$3|SUBGROUP_LOGIC:$3|SUBGROUP_ID:8.|VARIABLE_NM:$32|OPERATOR_NM:$10|RAW_VALUE:$32767|\n |---|---|---|---|---|---|\n |AND|AND|1|SOME_BESTNUM|>|1|\n |AND|AND|1|SOME_TIME|=|77333|\n\n

Service Outputs


SAS Macros

\n @li dc_assignlib.sas\n @li mf_getvalue.sas\n @li mp_filterstore.sas\n @li removecolsfromwork.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author 4GL Apps Ltd\n @copyright 4GL Apps Ltd. This code may only be used within Data Controller\n and may not be re-distributed or re-sold without the express permission of\n 4GL Apps Ltd.\n\n**/\n\n%mpeinit()\n\n%let ds=%upcase(%mf_getvalue(work.iwant,filter_table));\n%dc_assignlib(WRITE,%scan(&ds,1,.))\n\n%mp_filterstore(\n libds=&ds,\n queryds=work.filterquery,\n filter_summary=&dc_libref..mpe_filteranytable,\n filter_detail=&dc_libref..mpe_filtersource,\n lock_table=&dc_libref..mpe_lockanytable,\n maxkeytable=&dc_libref..mpe_maxkeyvalues,\n outresult=work.result,\n outquery=work.query, /* not used */\n mdebug=1\n)\n\n%removecolsfromwork(___TMP___MD5)\n\nproc sql;\nalter table work.result drop PROCESSED_DTTM;\n\n%webout(OPEN)\n%webout(OBJ,result)\n%webout(CLOSE)\n\n%mpeterm()\n\n* Service end;" }, { "name": "viewdata", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_columnlevelsecurity(tgtlib,tgtds,inds\n ,mode=VIEW\n ,groupds=work.groups\n ,clsds=work.clsview\n ,outds=CLSVIEW\n ,outmeta=work.cls_rules\n);\n\n%local col_list is_admin;\n/* filter for the appropriate rules */\nproc sql;\ncreate table &outmeta as\n select CLS_VARIABLE_NM,\n min(case when CLS_HIDE=1 then 1 else 0 end) as CLS_HIDE\n from &clsds\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to\n and CLS_SCOPE in (\"&mode\",'ALL')\n and CLS_ACTIVE=1\n %if &mode=VIEW %then %do;\n and CLS_HIDE ne 1\n %end;\n and upcase(CLS_GROUP) in (select upcase(groupname) from &groupds)\n and CLS_LIBREF=\"%upcase(&tgtlib)\"\n and CLS_TABLE=\"%upcase(&tgtds)\"\n group by CLS_VARIABLE_NM;\n\n%let is_admin=0;\nproc sql;\nselect count(*) into: is_admin from &groupds where groupname=\"&MPEADMINS\";\n%put &sysmacroname: &=is_admin;\n%if %mf_nobs(work.cls_rules) = 0 or &is_admin>0 %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: no CLS rules to apply;\n %put &=is_admin;\n /* copy using append for speed */\n data &outds;\n set &inds;\n stop;\n run;\n proc append base=&outds data=&inds;\n run;\n /* ensure CLS_RULES is empty in case of admin */\n data &outmeta;\n set &outmeta;\n stop;\n run;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if &mode=VIEW %then %do;\n /* just send back the relevant columns */\n %let col_list=0;\n proc sql noprint;\n select CLS_VARIABLE_NM into: col_list separated by ' ' from &outmeta\n where CLS_HIDE=0;\n\n %if &col_list=0 %then %do;\n /*\n We have columns that are set to CLS_HIDE=1 but we do not have any to\n explicitly show. Therefore we assume all columns are to be shown except\n those that are explicitly hidden.\n */\n proc sql noprint;\n select CLS_VARIABLE_NM into: col_list separated by ' ' from &outmeta\n where CLS_HIDE=1;\n\n data &outds;\n set &inds;\n drop &col_list;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n data &outds;\n set &inds;\n keep &col_list;\n run;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &mode=EDIT %then %do;\n /*\n In this case we pass all columns and the frontend will filter out the\n ones that are not allowed to be edited.\n */\n data &outds;\n set &inds;\n stop;\n run;\n proc append base=&outds data=&inds;\n run;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: invalid mode - &mode!;\n %abort;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpe_columnlevelsecurity;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_dsmeta(libds,outds=work.dsmeta);\n\n%local ds1 ds2;\ndata;run; %let ds1=&syslast;\ndata;run; %let ds2=&syslast;\n\n/* setup the ODS capture */\nods output attributes=&ds1 enginehost=&ds2;\n\n/* export the metadata */\nproc contents data=&libds;\nrun;\n\n/* load it into a single table */\ndata &outds (keep=ods_table name value);\n length ods_table $10 name label2 label1 label $100\n value cvalue cvalue1 cvalue2 $1000\n nvalue nvalue1 nvalue2 8;\n if _n_=1 then call missing (of _all_);\n * putlog (_all_)(=);\n set &ds1 (in=atrs) &ds2 (in=eng);\n if atrs then do;\n ods_table='ATTRIBUTES';\n name=coalescec(label1,label);\n value=coalescec(cvalue1,cvalue,put(coalesce(nvalue1,nvalue),best.));\n output;\n if label2 ne '' then do;\n name=label2;\n value=coalescec(cvalue2,put(nvalue2,best.));\n output;\n end;\n end;\n else if eng then do;\n ods_table='ENGINEHOST';\n name=coalescec(label1,label);\n value=coalescec(cvalue1,cvalue,put(coalesce(nvalue1,nvalue),best.));\n output;\n end;\nrun;\n\nproc sql;\ndrop table &ds1, &ds2;\n\n%mend mp_dsmeta;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_dsmeta(libds, outds=dsmeta);\n %local ddsd ddld notes lenstmt;\n %let lenstmt=length ods_table $18 name $100 value $1000;\n %let libds=%upcase(&libds);\n %mp_dsmeta(&libds, outds=&outds)\n\n data _null_;\n set &mpelib..mpe_datadictionary;\n where &dc_dttmtfmt < tx_to & dd_source=%upcase(\"&libds\") & dd_type='TABLE';\n call symputx('ddsd',dd_shortdesc,'l');\n call symputx('ddld',dd_longdesc,'l');\n run;\n\n data &outds;\n &lenstmt;\n if last then do;\n ODS_TABLE='MPE_DATADICTIONARY';\n NAME='DD_SHORTDESC';\n VALUE=\"&ddsd\";\n output;\n NAME='DD_LONGDESC';\n VALUE=\"&ddld\";\n output;\n end;\n set &outds end=last;\n output;\n run;\n\n data _data_;\n set &mpelib..mpe_tables;\n where libref=\"%scan(&libds,1,.)\"\n & dsn=\"%scan(&libds,2,.)\"\n & &dc_dttmtfmt 0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %put unable to find available fileref after &maxtries attempts;\n %end;\n%mend mf_getuniquefileref;\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquelibref(prefix=mclib,maxtries=1000);\n %local x;\n\n %if ( %length(&prefix) gt 7 ) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: The prefix parameter cannot exceed 7 characters.;\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %if (%sysfunc(NVALID(&prefix,v7))=0) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: Invalid prefix (&prefix);\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* Set maxtries equal to '10 to the power of [# unused characters] - 1' */\n %let maxtries=%eval(10**(8-%length(&prefix))-1);\n\n %do x = 0 %to &maxtries;\n %if %sysfunc(libref(&prefix&x)) ne 0 %then %do;\n &prefix&x\n %return;\n %end;\n %let x = %eval(&x + 1);\n %end;\n\n %put %str(ERR)OR: No usable libref in range &prefix.0-&maxtries;\n %put %str(ERR)OR- Try reducing the prefix or deleting some libraries!;\n 0\n%mend mf_getuniquelibref;\n\n\n%macro mv_getusergroups(user\n ,outds=work.mv_getusergroups\n ,access_token_var=ACCESS_TOKEN\n ,grant_type=sas_services\n );\n%local oauth_bearer;\n%if &grant_type=detect %then %do;\n %if %symexist(&access_token_var) %then %let grant_type=authorization_code;\n %else %let grant_type=sas_services;\n%end;\n%if &grant_type=sas_services %then %do;\n %let oauth_bearer=oauth_bearer=sas_services;\n %let &access_token_var=;\n%end;\n%put &sysmacroname: grant_type=&grant_type;\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&grant_type ne authorization_code and &grant_type ne password\n and &grant_type ne sas_services\n )\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid value for grant_type: &grant_type)\n)\noptions noquotelenmax;\n\n%local base_uri; /* location of rest apis */\n%let base_uri=%mf_getplatform(VIYARESTAPI);\n\n/* fetching folder details for provided path */\n%local fname1;\n%let fname1=%mf_getuniquefileref();\n%let libref1=%mf_getuniquelibref();\n\nproc http method='GET' out=&fname1 &oauth_bearer\n url=\"&base_uri/identities/users/&user/memberships?limit=10000\";\n headers\n%if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\"\n%end;\n \"Accept\"=\"application/json\";\nrun;\n/*data _null_;infile &fname1;input;putlog _infile_;run;*/\n%if &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE=404 %then %do;\n %put NOTE: User &user not found!!;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %mp_abort(iftrue=(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE ne 200)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_PHRASE)\n )\n%end;\nlibname &libref1 JSON fileref=&fname1;\n\ndata &outds;\n set &libref1..items;\nrun;\n\n/* clear refs */\nfilename &fname1 clear;\nlibname &libref1 clear;\n\n%mend mv_getusergroups;\n\n\n%macro dc_getusergroups(user=,outds=mm_getgroups);\n %mv_getusergroups(&user,outds=&outds)\n data &outds;\n length groupname groupdesc $256;\n set &outds(rename=(id=groupname name=groupdesc));\n run;\n%mend dc_getusergroups;\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_getgroups(user=,outds=);\n\n %if not %symexist(dc_repo_users) %then %let dc_repo_users=foundation;\n\n %dc_getusergroups(user=&user,outds=&outds)\n\n data;\n length groupname groupdesc $256;\n set &dc_libref..mpe_groups;\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to;\n where also upcase(user_name)=\"%upcase(&user)\";\n groupname=group_name;\n groupdesc=group_desc;\n keep groupname groupdesc;\n run;\n\n data &outds;\n set &syslast &outds(keep=groupname groupdesc);\n run;\n\n%mend mpe_getgroups;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquename(prefix=MC);\n&prefix.%substr(%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32-%length(&prefix))\n%mend mf_getuniquename;\n\n\n%macro mf_getattrn(\n libds\n ,attr\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid rc;\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds,is));\n %if &dsid = 0 %then %do;\n %put %str(WARN)ING: Cannot open %trim(&libds), system message below;\n %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n -1\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,&attr))\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n%mend mf_getattrn;\n\n\n%macro mf_nobs(libds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %mf_getattrn(&libds,NLOBS)\n%mend mf_nobs;\n\n\n%macro mp_filtergenerate(inds,outref=filter);\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc - on macro entry)\n)\n\nfilename &outref temp;\n\n%if %mf_nobs(&inds)=0 %then %do;\n /* ensure we have a default filter */\n data _null_;\n file &outref;\n put '1=1';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n proc sort data=&inds;\n by SUBGROUP_ID;\n run;\n data _null_;\n file &outref lrecl=32800;\n set &inds end=last;\n by SUBGROUP_ID;\n if _n_=1 then put '((';\n else if first.SUBGROUP_ID then put +1 GROUP_LOGIC '(';\n else put +2 SUBGROUP_LOGIC;\n\n put +4 VARIABLE_NM OPERATOR_NM RAW_VALUE;\n\n if last.SUBGROUP_ID then put ')'@;\n if last then put ')';\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mp_filtergenerate;\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_filtermaster(mode,libds,\n dclib=,\n filter_rk=-1,\n outref=0,\n outds=work.query\n);\n\n%put &sysmacroname entry vars:;\n%put _local_;\n\n%let mode=%upcase(&mode);\n%let libds=%upcase(&libds);\n\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (\n &mode ne EDIT and &mode ne VIEW and &mode ne DLOAD and &mode ne ULOAD\n )\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid MODE: &mode)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&outref = 0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Please provide a fileref!)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc)\n)\n\nfilename &outref temp;\n\n/* ensure outputs exist */\ndata _null_;\n file &outref;\n put ' ';\nrun;\ndata &outds;\n set &dclib..mpe_filtersource;\n stop;\nrun;\n\n/**\n * Deal with FILTER_RK first\n */\n%if &filter_rk gt 0 %then %do;\n\n data _null_;\n file &outref;\n put '( '@@;\n set &dclib..mpe_filteranytable(where=(filter_rk=&filter_rk));\n call symputx('filter_hash',filter_hash,'l');\n run;\n\n proc sort data=&dclib..mpe_filtersource(where=(filter_hash=\"&filter_hash\"))\n out=&outds(drop=filter_hash filter_line processed_dttm);\n by filter_line;\n run;\n %mp_filtergenerate(&outds,outref=&outref)\n\n%end;\n\n/* Now filter for current records if the MODE is EDIT or DLOAD */\n%local varfrom varto;\n%let varfrom=0;\n\nproc sql;\nselect coalescec(var_txfrom,'0'), var_txto into: varfrom,:varto\n from &dclib..MPE_TABLES\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to\n and libref=\"%scan(&libds,1,.)\" and dsn=\"%scan(&libds,2,.)\";\n\n%put &=varfrom;\n%put &=varto;\n\n/**\n * Check if the date variables were mentioned in the query\n * This is a trigger for serving a historical view instead of current\n * we skip this part when checking an ULOAD as there are no date vars\n */\n%if &varfrom ne 0 and (&mode=EDIT or &mode=DLOAD) %then %do;\n %local validityvars;\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: validityvars\n from &outds\n where variable_nm in (\"&varfrom\",\"&varto\");\n %if &validityvars=0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n file &outref mod;\n length filter_text $32767;\n varfrom=symget('varfrom');\n varto=symget('varto');\n filter_text=catx(' ',\n '(\"%sysfunc(datetime(),',\"%mf_fmtdttm()\",')\"dt <',varto,')'\n );\n if &filter_rk > 0 then put 'AND ' filter_text;\n else put filter_text;\n run;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Now do Row Level Security based on the MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY table\n */\n\n/* first determine users group membership */\n%mpe_getgroups(user=%mf_getuser(),outds=work.groups)\n%local admin_check;\nproc sql;\nselect count(*) into: admin_check\n from work.groups\n where groupname=\"&mpeadmins\";\n\n%put &sysmacroname: &=admin_check &=mpeadmins;\n%if &admin_check=0 %then %do;\n %local scopeval;\n %if &mode=DLOAD %then %let scopeval=VIEW;\n %if &mode=ULOAD %then %let scopeval=EDIT;\n %else %let scopeval=&mode;\n /* extract relevant rows */\n %local rlsds;\n %let rlsds=%mf_getuniquename();\n proc sql;\n create table work.&rlsds as\n select rls_group,\n rls_group_logic as group_logic,\n rls_subgroup_logic as subgroup_logic,\n rls_subgroup_id as subgroup_id,\n rls_variable_nm as variable_nm,\n rls_operator_nm as operator_nm,\n rls_raw_value as raw_value\n from &mpelib..mpe_row_level_security\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to\n and rls_scope in (\"&scopeval\",'ALL')\n and upcase(rls_group) in (select upcase(groupname) from work.groups)\n and rls_libref=\"%scan(&libds,1,.)\"\n and rls_table=\"%scan(&libds,2,.)\"\n and rls_active=1\n order by rls_group,rls_subgroup_id;\n %if &sqlobs>0 %then %do;\n /* check if we currently have filter or not */\n data ;\n infile &outref end=eof;\n input;\n if _n_=1 and eof and cats(_infile_)='' then newfilter=1;\n output;\n stop;\n run;\n data _null_;\n set &syslast;\n file &outref mod;\n if newfilter=1 then put '(';\n else put 'AND (';\n run;\n\n /* loop through and apply filters for each group membership */\n %local fref ds;\n %let fref=%mf_getuniquefileref();\n %let ds=%mf_getuniquename();\n\n proc sql noprint;\n select distinct rls_group into : group1 -\n from work.&rlsds;\n\n %do i=1 %to &sqlobs;\n data work.&ds;\n set work.&rlsds;\n where rls_group=\"&&group&i\";\n drop rls_group;\n run;\n %mp_filtergenerate(&ds,outref=&fref)\n data _null_;\n infile &fref;\n file &outref mod;\n input;\n if &i>1 and _n_=1 then put ' OR ';\n put _infile_;\n run;\n %end;\n data _null_;\n file &outref mod;\n put ')';\n run;\n %end; /* &sqlobs>0 */\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: no matching groups;\n data _null_;\n set work.groups;\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %end;\n %mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc>0)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Row Level Security Generation Error)\n )\n%end; /* &admin_check=0 */\n\n%put leaving &sysmacroname with the following query:;\n\n%local empty;\n%let empty=0;\ndata _null_;\n infile &outref end=eof;\n input;\n putlog _infile_;\n if _n_=1 and eof and cats(_infile_)='' then do;\n put '1=1';\n call symputx('empty',1,'l');\n end;\nrun;\n%if &empty=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n file &outref;\n put '1=1';\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpe_filtermaster;\n\n\n\n%macro dc_assignlib(type,libref,passthru=);\n %if %length(&passthru)>0 %then %do;\n proc sql;\n connect using &libref as &passthru;\n %end;\n%mend dc_assignlib;\n\n\n\n%macro dc_createdataset(libds=mm_getlibs);\ndata viewdata;\n var1='Table';\n var2=\"&libds\";\n var3=\"does not exist!\";\nrun;\n\n%mend dc_createdataset;\n\n\n\n%macro dc_gettableid(libref=\n ,ds=\n ,outds=);\n\ndata &outds;\n tableuri='';\n tablename=\"&ds\";\nrun;\n\n%mend dc_gettableid;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_existds(libds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&libds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&libds,VIEW)) ne 1 %then 0;\n %else 1;\n\n%mend mf_existds;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getvarcount(libds,typefilter=A\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid nvars rc outcnt x;\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds));\n %let nvars=.;\n %let outcnt=0;\n %let typefilter=%upcase(&typefilter);\n %if &dsid %then %do;\n %let nvars=%sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,NVARS));\n %if &typefilter=A %then %let outcnt=&nvars;\n %else %if &nvars>0 %then %do x=1 %to &nvars;\n /* increment based on variable type */\n %if %sysfunc(vartype(&dsid,&x))=&typefilter %then %do;\n %let outcnt=%eval(&outcnt+1);\n %end;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put unable to open &libds (rc=&dsid);\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n &outcnt\n%mend mf_getvarcount;\n\n\n%macro mf_abort(mac=mf_abort.sas, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n)/des='ungraceful abort' /*STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n %put NOTE: /// mf_abort macro executing //;\n %if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n %put NOTE - &msg;\n\n %abort;\n\n%mend mf_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_verifymacvars(\n verifyVars /* list of macro variable NAMES */\n ,makeUpcase=NO /* set to YES to make all the variable VALUES uppercase */\n ,mAbort=SOFT\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %local verifyIterator verifyVar abortmsg;\n %do verifyIterator=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&verifyVars,%str( )));\n %let verifyVar=%qscan(&verifyVars,&verifyIterator,%str( ));\n %if not %symexist(&verifyvar) %then %do;\n %let abortmsg= Variable &verifyVar is MISSING;\n %goto exit_err;\n %end;\n %if %length(%trim(&&&verifyVar))=0 %then %do;\n %let abortmsg= Variable &verifyVar is EMPTY;\n %goto exit_err;\n %end;\n %if &makeupcase=YES %then %do;\n %let &verifyVar=%upcase(&&&verifyvar);\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %goto exit_success;\n %exit_err:\n %put &abortmsg;\n %mf_abort(iftrue=(&mabort ne SOFT),\n mac=mf_verifymacvars,\n msg=%str(&abortmsg)\n )\n 0\n %return;\n %exit_success:\n 1\n\n%mend mf_verifymacvars;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mddl_sas_cntlout(libds=WORK.CNTLOUT);\n\n proc sql;\n create table &libds(\n TYPE char(1) label=\n'Format Type: either N (num fmt), C (char fmt), I (num infmt) or J (char infmt)'\n ,FMTNAME char(32) label='Format name'\n ,FMTROW num label=\n'CALCULATED Position of record by FMTNAME (reqd for multilabel formats)'\n ,START char(32767) label='Starting value for format'\n /*\n Keep lengths of START and END the same to avoid this err:\n \"Start is greater than end: -<.\"\n Similar usage note: https://support.sas.com/kb/69/330.html\n */\n ,END char(32767) label='Ending value for format'\n ,LABEL char(32767) label='Format value label'\n ,MIN num length=3 label='Minimum length'\n ,MAX num length=3 label='Maximum length'\n ,DEFAULT num length=3 label='Default length'\n ,LENGTH num length=3 label='Format length'\n ,FUZZ num label='Fuzz value'\n ,PREFIX char(2) label='Prefix characters'\n ,MULT num label='Multiplier'\n ,FILL char(1) label='Fill character'\n ,NOEDIT num length=3 label='Is picture string noedit?'\n ,SEXCL char(1) label='Start exclusion'\n ,EEXCL char(1) label='End exclusion'\n ,HLO char(13) label=\n'More info: https://core.sasjs.io/mddl__sas__cntlout_8sas_source.html'\n ,DECSEP char(1) label='Decimal separator'\n ,DIG3SEP char(1) label='Three-digit separator'\n ,DATATYPE char(8) label='Date/time/datetime?'\n ,LANGUAGE char(8) label='Language for date strings'\n );\n\n %local lib;\n %let libds=%upcase(&libds);\n %if %index(&libds,.)=0 %then %let lib=WORK;\n %else %let lib=%scan(&libds,1,.);\n\n proc datasets lib=&lib noprint;\n modify %scan(&libds,-1,.);\n index create\n pk_cntlout=(type fmtname fmtrow)\n /nomiss unique;\n quit;\n\n%mend mddl_sas_cntlout;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_aligndecimal(var,width=8);\n\n %local tmpvar;\n %let tmpvar=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=aligndp);\n length &tmpvar $&width;\n if index(&var,'.') then do;\n &tmpvar=cats(scan(&var,1,'.'));\n &tmpvar=right(&tmpvar);\n &var=&tmpvar!!'.'!!cats(scan(&var,2,'.'));\n end;\n else do;\n &tmpvar=cats(&var);\n &tmpvar=right(&tmpvar);\n &var=&tmpvar;\n end;\n drop &tmpvar;\n\n%mend mp_aligndecimal;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_cntlout(\n iftrue=(1=1)\n ,libcat=\n ,cntlout=work.fmtextract\n ,fmtlist=0\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local ddlds cntlds i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%let ddlds=%mf_getuniquename();\n%let cntlds=%mf_getuniquename();\n\n%mddl_sas_cntlout(libds=&ddlds)\n\n%if %index(&libcat,-)>0 and %scan(&libcat,2,-)=FC %then %do;\n %let libcat=%scan(&libcat,1,-);\n%end;\n\nproc format lib=&libcat cntlout=&cntlds;\n%if \"&fmtlist\" ne \"0\" and \"&fmtlist\" ne \"\" %then %do;\n select\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&fmtlist,%str( )));\n %scan(&fmtlist,&i,%str( ))\n %end;\n ;\n%end;\nrun;\n\ndata &cntlout/nonote2err;\n if 0 then set &ddlds;\n set &cntlds;\n by type fmtname notsorted;\n\n /* align the numeric values to avoid overlapping ranges */\n if type in (\"I\",\"N\") then do;\n %mp_aligndecimal(start,width=16)\n %mp_aligndecimal(end,width=16)\n end;\n\n /* create row marker. Data cannot be sorted without it! */\n if first.fmtname then fmtrow=1;\n else fmtrow+1;\n\nrun;\nproc sort;\n by type fmtname fmtrow;\nrun;\n\nproc sql;\ndrop table &ddlds,&cntlds;\n\n%mend mp_cntlout;\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n%macro mp_getcols(ds, outds=work.cols);\n%local dropds;\nproc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_ (keep=name type length label varnum format:);\nrun;\n%let dropds=&syslast;\ndata &outds(keep=name type length varnum format label ddtype fmtname);\n set &dropds(rename=(format=fmtname type=type2));\n name=upcase(name);\n if type2=2 then do;\n length format $49.;\n if fmtname='' then format=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then format=cats(fmtname,'.');\n else format=cats(fmtname,formatl,'.');\n type='C';\n ddtype='CHARACTER';\n end;\n else do;\n if fmtname='' then format=cats(length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then format=cats(fmtname,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then format=cats(fmtname,formatl,'.');\n else format=cats(fmtname,formatl,'.',formatd);\n type='N';\n if format=:'DATETIME' or format=:'E8601DT' then ddtype='DATETIME';\n else if format=:'DATE' or format=:'DDMMYY' or format=:'MMDDYY'\n or format=:'YYMMDD' or format=:'E8601DA' or format=:'B8601DA'\n or format=:'MONYY'\n then ddtype='DATE';\n else if format=:'TIME' then ddtype='TIME';\n else ddtype='NUMERIC';\n end;\n if label='' then label=name;\nrun;\nproc sql;\ndrop table &dropds;\n%mend mp_getcols;\n\n/** @cond */\n%macro mf_existfeature(feature\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %let feature=%upcase(&feature);\n %local platform;\n %let platform=%mf_getplatform();\n\n %if &feature= %then %do;\n %put No feature was requested for detection;\n %end;\n %else %if &feature=COLCONSTRAINTS %then %do;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\" or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\" %then 0;\n %else 1;\n %end;\n %else %if &feature=PROCLUA %then %do;\n /* https://blogs.sas.com/content/sasdummy/2015/08/03/using-lua-within-your-sas-programs */\n %if &platform=SASVIYA %then 1;\n %else %if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\" %then 0;\n %else %if \"&SYSVLONG\" < \"9.04.01M3\" %then 0;\n %else 1;\n %end;\n %else %if &feature=DBMS_MEMTYPE %then %do;\n /* does dbms_memtype exist in dictionary.tables? */\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\" or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\" %then 0;\n %else 1;\n %end;\n %else %if &feature=EXPORTXLS %then %do;\n /* is it possible to PROC EXPORT an excel file? */\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\" or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\" %then 1;\n %else %if %sysfunc(sysprod(SAS/ACCESS Interface to PC Files)) = 1 %then 1;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n -1\n %put &sysmacroname: &feature not found;\n %end;\n%mend mf_existfeature;\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n/** @cond */\n\n%macro mf_getengine(libref\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid engnum rc engine;\n\n /* in case the parameter is a libref.tablename, pull off just the libref */\n %let libref = %upcase(%scan(&libref, 1, %str(.)));\n\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(\n open(sashelp.vlibnam(where=(libname=\"%upcase(&libref)\")),i)\n );\n %if (&dsid ^= 0) %then %do;\n %let engnum=%sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,ENGINE));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fetch(&dsid));\n %let engine=%sysfunc(getvarc(&dsid,&engnum));\n %put &libref. ENGINE is &engine.;\n %let rc= %sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n\n %upcase(&engine)\n\n%mend mf_getengine;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n%macro mf_getschema(libref\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid vnum rc schema;\n /* in case the parameter is a libref.tablename, pull off just the libref */\n %let libref = %upcase(%scan(&libref, 1, %str(.)));\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(sashelp.vlibnam(where=(\n libname=\"%upcase(&libref)\" and sysname='Schema/Owner'\n )),i));\n %if (&dsid ^= 0) %then %do;\n %let vnum=%sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,SYSVALUE));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fetch(&dsid));\n %let schema=%sysfunc(getvarc(&dsid,&vnum));\n %put &libref. schema is &schema.;\n %let rc= %sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n\n &schema\n\n%mend mf_getschema;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_isblank(param\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %sysevalf(%superq(param)=,boolean)\n\n%mend mf_isblank;\n\n\n%macro mp_dropmembers(\n list /* space separated list of datasets / views */\n ,libref=WORK /* can only drop from a single library at a time */\n ,iftrue=%str(1=1)\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n %if %mf_isblank(&list) %then %do;\n %put NOTE: nothing to drop!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n proc datasets lib=&libref nolist;\n delete &list;\n delete &list /mtype=view;\n run;\n%mend mp_dropmembers;\n\n\n%macro mp_getconstraints(lib=WORK\n ,ds=\n ,outds=mp_getconstraints\n ,mdebug=0\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%let lib=%upcase(&lib);\n%let ds=%upcase(&ds);\n\n/**\n * Cater for environments where sashelp.vcncolu is not available\n */\n%if %sysfunc(exist(sashelp.vcncolu,view))=0 %then %do;\n proc sql;\n create table &outds(\n libref char(8)\n ,TABLE_NAME char(32)\n ,constraint_type char(8) label='Constraint Type'\n ,constraint_name char(32) label='Constraint Name'\n ,column_name char(32) label='Column'\n ,constraint_order num\n );\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Neither dictionary tables nor sashelp provides a constraint order column,\n * however they DO arrive in the correct order. So, create the col.\n **/\n%local vw;\n%let vw=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=mp_getconstraints_vw_);\ndata &vw /view=&vw;\n set sashelp.vcncolu;\n where table_catalog=\"&lib\";\n\n /* use retain approach to reset the constraint order with each constraint */\n length tmp $1000;\n retain tmp;\n drop tmp;\n if tmp ne catx('|',table_catalog,table_name,constraint_name) then do;\n constraint_order=1;\n end;\n else constraint_order+1;\n tmp=catx('|',table_catalog, table_name,constraint_name);\nrun;\n\n/* must use SQL as proc datasets does not support length changes */\nproc sql noprint;\ncreate table &outds as\n select upcase(a.TABLE_CATALOG) as libref\n ,upcase(a.TABLE_NAME) as TABLE_NAME\n ,a.constraint_type\n ,a.constraint_name\n ,b.column_name\n ,b.constraint_order\n from dictionary.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS a\n left join &vw b\n on upcase(a.TABLE_CATALOG)=upcase(b.TABLE_CATALOG)\n and upcase(a.TABLE_NAME)=upcase(b.TABLE_NAME)\n and a.constraint_name=b.constraint_name\n/**\n * We cannot apply this clause to the underlying dictionary table. See:\n * https://communities.sas.com/t5/SAS-Programming/Unexpected-Where-Clause-behaviour-in-dictionary-TABLE/m-p/771554#M244867\n * cannot use`where calculated libref=\"&lib\"` either as it will STILL execute\n * all the underlying constraint queries, causing exception errors in some\n * cases: https://github.com/sasjs/core/issues/283\n */\n where a.TABLE_CATALOG=\"&lib\"\n %if \"&ds\" ne \"\" %then %do;\n and upcase(a.TABLE_NAME)=\"&ds\"\n and upcase(b.TABLE_NAME)=\"&ds\"\n %end;\n order by libref, table_name, constraint_name, constraint_order\n ;\n\n/* tidy up */\n%mp_dropmembers(\n &vw,\n iftrue=(&mdebug=0)\n)\n\n%mend mp_getconstraints;\n\n\n%macro mp_getpk(\n lib,\n ds=0,\n outds=work.mp_getpk,\n mdebug=0\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n\n%local engine schema ds1 ds2 ds3 dsn tabs1 tabs2 sum pk4sure pkdefault finalpks\n pkfromindex;\n\n%let lib=%upcase(&lib);\n%let ds=%upcase(&ds);\n%let engine=%mf_getengine(&lib);\n%let schema=%mf_getschema(&lib);\n\n%let ds1=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=getpk_ds1);\n%let ds2=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=getpk_ds2);\n%let ds3=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=getpk_ds3);\n%let tabs1=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=getpk_tabs1);\n%let tabs2=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=getpk_tabs2);\n%let sum=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=getpk_sum);\n%let pk4sure=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=getpk_pk4sure);\n%let pkdefault=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=getpk_pkdefault);\n%let pkfromindex=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=getpk_pkfromindex);\n%let finalpks=%mf_getuniquename(prefix=getpk_finalpks);\n\n%local dbg;\n%if &mdebug=1 %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname entry vars:;\n %put _local_;\n%end;\n%else %let dbg=*;\n\nproc sql;\ncreate table &ds1 as\n select libname as libref\n ,upcase(memname) as dsn\n ,memtype\n ,upcase(name) as name\n ,type\n ,length\n ,varnum\n ,label\n ,format\n ,idxusage\n ,notnull\n from dictionary.columns\n where upcase(libname)=\"&lib\"\n%if &ds ne 0 %then %do;\n and upcase(memname)=\"&ds\"\n%end;\n ;\n\n\n%if &engine=SQLSVR %then %do;\n proc sql;\n connect using &lib;\n create table work.&ds2 as\n select * from connection to &lib(\n select\n s.name as SchemaName,\n t.name as memname,\n tc.name as name,\n ic.key_ordinal as KeyOrderNr\n from\n sys.schemas s\n inner join sys.tables t on s.schema_id=t.schema_id\n inner join sys.indexes i on t.object_id=i.object_id\n inner join sys.index_columns ic on i.object_id=ic.object_id\n and i.index_id=ic.index_id\n inner join sys.columns tc on ic.object_id=tc.object_id\n and ic.column_id=tc.column_id\n where i.is_primary_key=1\n and s.name=%str(%')&schema%str(%')\n order by t.name, ic.key_ordinal ;\n );disconnect from &lib;\n create table &ds3 as\n select a.*\n ,case when b.name is not null then 1 else 0 end as pk_ind\n from work.&ds1 a\n left join work.&ds2 b\n on a.dsn=b.memname\n and upcase(a.name)=upcase(b.name)\n order by libref,dsn;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n\n %if &ds = 0 %then %let dsn=;\n\n /* get all constraints, in constraint order*/\n %mp_getconstraints(lib=&lib,ds=&dsn,outds=work.&ds2)\n\n /* extract cols that are clearly primary keys */\n proc sql;\n create table &pk4sure as\n select libref\n ,table_name\n ,constraint_name\n ,constraint_order\n ,column_name as name\n from work.&ds2\n where constraint_type='PRIMARY'\n order by 1,2,3,4;\n\n /* extract unique constraints where every col is also NOT NULL */\n proc sql;\n create table &sum as\n select a.libref\n ,a.table_name\n ,a.constraint_name\n ,count(a.column_name) as unq_cnt\n ,count(b.column_name) as nul_cnt\n from work.&ds2(where=(constraint_type ='UNIQUE')) a\n left join work.&ds2(where=(constraint_type ='NOT NULL')) b\n on a.libref=b.libref\n and a.table_name=b.table_name\n and a.column_name=b.column_name\n group by 1,2,3\n having unq_cnt=nul_cnt;\n\n /* extract cols from the relevant unique constraints */\n create table &pkdefault as\n select a.libref\n ,a.table_name\n ,a.constraint_name\n ,b.constraint_order\n ,b.column_name as name\n from &sum a\n left join &ds2(where=(constraint_type ='UNIQUE')) b\n on a.libref=b.libref\n and a.table_name=b.table_name\n and a.constraint_name=b.constraint_name\n order by 1,2,3,4;\n\n /* extract cols from the relevant unique INDEXES */\n create table &pkfromindex as\n select libname as libref\n ,memname as table_name\n ,indxname as constraint_name\n ,indxpos as constraint_order\n ,name\n from dictionary.indexes\n where nomiss='yes' and unique='yes' and upcase(libname)=\"&lib\"\n %if &ds ne 0 %then %do;\n and upcase(memname)=\"&ds\"\n %end;\n order by 1,2,3,4;\n\n /* create one table */\n data &finalpks;\n set &pkdefault &pk4sure &pkfromindex;\n pk_ind=1;\n /* if there are multiple unique constraints, take the first */\n by libref table_name constraint_name;\n retain keepme;\n if first.table_name then keepme=1;\n if first.constraint_name and not first.table_name then keepme=0;\n if keepme=1;\n run;\n\n /* join back to starting table */\n proc sql;\n create table &ds3 as\n select a.*\n ,b.constraint_order\n ,case when b.pk_ind=1 then 1 else 0 end as pk_ind\n from work.&ds1 a\n left join work.&finalpks b\n on a.libref=b.libref\n and a.dsn=b.table_name\n and upcase(a.name)=upcase(b.name)\n order by libref,dsn,constraint_order;\n%end;\n\n\n/* prepare tables */\nproc sql;\ncreate table work.&tabs1 as select\n libname as libref\n ,upcase(memname) as dsn\n ,memtype\n%if %mf_existfeature(DBMS_MEMTYPE)=1 %then %do;\n ,dbms_memtype\n%end;\n%else %do;\n ,'n/a' as dbms_memtype format=$32.\n%end;\n ,typemem\n ,memlabel\n ,nvar\n ,compress\nfrom dictionary.tables\n where upcase(libname)=\"&lib\"\n%if &ds ne 0 %then %do;\n and upcase(memname)=\"&ds\"\n%end;\n ;\ndata &tabs2;\n set &ds3;\n length pk_fields $512;\n retain pk_fields;\n by libref dsn constraint_order;\n if first.dsn then pk_fields='';\n if pk_ind=1 then pk_fields=catx(' ',pk_fields,name);\n if last.dsn then output;\nrun;\n\nproc sql;\ncreate table &outds as\n select a.libref\n ,a.dsn\n ,a.memtype\n ,a.dbms_memtype\n ,a.typemem\n ,a.memlabel\n ,a.nvar\n ,a.compress\n ,b.pk_fields\n from work.&tabs1 a\n left join work.&tabs2 b\n on a.libref=b.libref\n and a.dsn=b.dsn;\n\n/* tidy up */\n%mp_dropmembers(\n &ds1 &ds2 &ds3 &dsn &tabs1 &tabs2 &sum &pk4sure &pkdefault &finalpks,\n iftrue=(&mdebug=0)\n)\n\n%mend mp_getpk;\n\n\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getvarlist(libds\n ,dlm=%str( )\n ,quote=no\n ,typefilter=A\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n /* declare local vars */\n %local outvar dsid nvars x rc dlm q var vtype;\n\n /* credit Rowland Hale - byte34 is double quote, 39 is single quote */\n %if %upcase("e)=DOUBLE %then %let q=%qsysfunc(byte(34));\n %else %if %upcase("e)=SINGLE %then %let q=%qsysfunc(byte(39));\n /* open dataset in macro */\n %let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&libds));\n\n %if &dsid %then %do;\n %let nvars=%sysfunc(attrn(&dsid,NVARS));\n %if &nvars>0 %then %do;\n /* add variables with supplied delimeter */\n %do x=1 %to &nvars;\n /* get variable type */\n %let vtype=%sysfunc(vartype(&dsid,&x));\n %if &vtype=&typefilter or &typefilter=A %then %do;\n %let var=&q.%sysfunc(varname(&dsid,&x))&q.;\n %if &var=&q&q %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Empty column found in &libds!;\n %let var=&q. &q.;\n %end;\n %if %quote(&outvar)=%quote() %then %let outvar=&var;\n %else %let outvar=&outvar.&dlm.&var.;\n %end;\n %end;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Unable to open &libds (rc=&dsid);\n %put &sysmacroname: SYSMSG= %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n %end;\n %do;%unquote(&outvar)%end;\n%mend mf_getvarlist;\n\n\n%macro mf_getvartype(libds /* two level name */\n , var /* variable name from which to return the type */\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local dsid vnum vtype rc;\n /* Open dataset */\n %let dsid = %sysfunc(open(&libds));\n %if &dsid. > 0 %then %do;\n /* Get variable number */\n %let vnum = %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid, &var));\n /* Get variable type (C/N) */\n %if(&vnum. > 0) %then %let vtype = %sysfunc(vartype(&dsid, &vnum.));\n %else %do;\n %put NOTE: Variable &var does not exist in &libds;\n %let vtype = %str( );\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: dataset &libds not opened! (rc=&dsid);\n %put &sysmacroname: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* Close dataset */\n %let rc = %sysfunc(close(&dsid));\n /* Return variable type */\n &vtype\n%mend mf_getvartype;\n\n\n%macro mf_mkdir(dir\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %local lastchar child parent;\n\n %let lastchar = %substr(&dir, %length(&dir));\n %if (%bquote(&lastchar) eq %str(:)) %then %do;\n /* Cannot create drive mappings */\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if (%bquote(&lastchar)=%str(/)) or (%bquote(&lastchar)=%str(\\)) %then %do;\n /* last char is a slash */\n %if (%length(&dir) eq 1) %then %do;\n /* one single slash - root location is assumed to exist */\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /* strip last slash */\n %let dir = %substr(&dir, 1, %length(&dir)-1);\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if (%sysfunc(fileexist(%bquote(&dir))) = 0) %then %do;\n /* directory does not exist so prepare to create */\n /* first get the childmost directory */\n %let child = %scan(&dir, -1, %str(/\\:));\n\n /*\n If child name = path name then there are no parents to create. Else\n they must be recursively scanned.\n */\n\n %if (%length(&dir) gt %length(&child)) %then %do;\n %let parent = %substr(&dir, 1, %length(&dir)-%length(&child));\n %mf_mkdir(&parent)\n %end;\n\n /*\n Now create the directory. Complain loudly of any errs.\n */\n\n %let dname = %sysfunc(dcreate(&child, &parent));\n %if (%bquote(&dname) eq ) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: could not create &parent + &child;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put Directory created: &dir;\n %end;\n %end;\n /* exit quietly if directory did exist.*/\n%mend mf_mkdir;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_searchdata(lib=\n ,ds=\n ,string= /* the query will use a contains (?) operator */\n ,numval= /* numeric must match exactly */\n ,outloc=0\n ,outlib=MPSEARCH\n ,outobs=-1\n ,filter_text=%str(1=1)\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%local table_list table table_num table colnum col start_tm check_tm vars type\n coltype;\n%put process began at %sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n%if &syscc ge 4 %then %do;\n %put %str(WAR)NING: SYSCC=&syscc on macro entry;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n%if &string = %then %let type=N;\n%else %let type=C;\n\n%if \"&outloc\"=\"0\" %then %do;\n %let outloc=%sysfunc(pathname(work))/%mf_getuniquename();\n%end;\n\n%mf_mkdir(&outloc)\nlibname &outlib \"&outloc\";\n\n/* get the list of tables in the library */\nproc sql noprint;\nselect distinct memname into: table_list separated by ' '\n from dictionary.tables\n where upcase(libname)=\"%upcase(&lib)\"\n%if &ds ne %then %do;\n and upcase(memname)=%upcase(\"&ds\")\n%end;\n ;\n/* check that we have something to check */\n%if %length(&table_list)=0 %then %put library &lib contains no tables!;\n/* loop through each table */\n%else %do table_num=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&table_list,%str( )));\n %let table=%scan(&table_list,&table_num,%str( ));\n %let vars=%mf_getvarlist(&lib..&table);\n %if %length(&vars)=0 %then %do;\n %put NO COLUMNS IN &lib..&table! This will be skipped.;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %let check_tm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n /* prep input */\n data &outlib..&table;\n set &lib..&table;\n where %unquote(&filter_text) and ( 0\n /* loop through columns */\n %do colnum=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&vars,%str( )));\n %let col=%scan(&vars,&colnum,%str( ));\n %let coltype=%mf_getvartype(&lib..&table,&col);\n %if &type=C and &coltype=C %then %do;\n /* if a char column, see if it contains the string */\n or (\"&col\"n ? \"&string\")\n %end;\n %else %if &type=N and &coltype=N %then %do;\n /* if numeric match exactly */\n or (\"&col\"n = &numval)\n %end;\n %end;\n );\n %if &outobs>-1 %then %do;\n if _n_ > &outobs then stop;\n %end;\n run;\n %put Search query for &table took\n %sysevalf(%sysfunc(datetime())-&check_tm) seconds;\n %if &syscc ne 0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)ROR: SYSCC=&syscc when processing &lib..&table;\n %return;\n %end;\n %if %mf_nobs(&outlib..&table)=0 %then %do;\n proc sql;\n drop table &outlib..&table;\n %end;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%put process finished at %sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n%mend mp_searchdata;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_validatecol(incol,rule,outcol);\n\n/* tempcol is given a unique name with every invocation */\n%local tempcol;\n%let tempcol=%mf_getuniquename();\n\n%if &rule=ISINT %then %do;\n &outcol=0;\n if not missing(&incol) then do;\n &tempcol=input(&incol,?? best32.);\n if not missing(&tempcol) then if mod(&tempcol,1)=0 then &outcol=1;\n end;\n drop &tempcol;\n%end;\n%else %if &rule=ISNUM %then %do;\n /*\n credit SOREN LASSEN\n https://sasmacro.blogspot.com/2009/06/welcome-isnum-macro.html\n */\n &tempcol=input(&incol,?? best32.);\n if missing(&tempcol) then &outcol=0;\n else &outcol=1;\n drop &tempcol;\n%end;\n%else %if &rule=LIBDS %then %do;\n /* match libref.dataset */\n if _n_=1 then do;\n retain &tempcol;\n &tempcol=prxparse('/^[_a-z]\\w{0,7}\\.[_a-z]\\w{0,31}$/i');\n if missing(&tempcol) then do;\n putlog 'ERR' +(-1) \"OR: Invalid expression for LIBDS\";\n stop;\n end;\n drop &tempcol;\n end;\n if prxmatch(&tempcol, trim(&incol)) then &outcol=1;\n else &outcol=0;\n%end;\n%else %if &rule=FORMAT %then %do;\n /* match valid format - regex could probably be improved */\n if _n_=1 then do;\n retain &tempcol;\n &tempcol=prxparse('/^[_a-z\\$]\\w{0,31}\\.[0-9]*$/i');\n if missing(&tempcol) then do;\n putlog 'ERR' +(-1) \"OR: Invalid expression for FORMAT\";\n stop;\n end;\n drop &tempcol;\n end;\n if prxmatch(&tempcol, trim(&incol)) then &outcol=1;\n else &outcol=0;\n%end;\n\n%mend mp_validatecol;\n\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file viewdata.sas\n @brief Provide the raw view of the data\n @details Pass a LIBDS and FILTER_RK to return a dataset for viewing.\n VIEW datasets include all columns / rows (unlike EDIT, which are filtered\n for current records and don't include the SCD2 etc cols).\n\n

Service Inputs

\n |LIBDS:$41.|FILTER_RK:$5.|SEARCHTYPE:$4|SEARCHVAL:$1000\n |---|---|---|---\n |DC258467.MPE_X_TEST|-1|CHAR|Some String|\n\n

Service Outputs

\n @li DDTYPE\n @li FORMAT\n @li LABEL\n @li LENGTH\n @li NAME\n @li TYPE\n @li VARNUM\n\n
\n @li FILTER_TEXT\n @li NOBS\n @li PK_FIELDS - string seperated list of primary key fields, if they exist\n @li TABLENAME\n @li TABLEURI\n @li VARS\n\n
\n history of DC versions for this particular table\n\n
\n The raw data from the target table.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li dc_assignlib.sas\n @li dc_createdataset.sas\n @li dc_gettableid.sas\n @li mf_existds.sas\n @li mf_getvarcount.sas\n @li mf_nobs.sas\n @li mf_verifymacvars.sas\n @li mp_abort.sas\n @li mp_cntlout.sas\n @li mp_getcols.sas\n @li mp_getpk.sas\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mp_searchdata.sas\n @li mp_validatecol.sas\n @li mpe_columnlevelsecurity.sas\n @li mpe_dsmeta.sas\n @li mpe_getversions.sas\n @li mpe_filtermaster.sas\n\n\n @version 9.2\n @author 4GL Apps Ltd\n @copyright 4GL Apps Ltd. This code may only be used within Data Controller\n and may not be re-distributed or re-sold without the express permission of\n 4GL Apps Ltd.\n**/\n\n%mpeinit()\n\n/* configure macvars */\n%global LIBDS FILTER_RK SEARCHVAL SEARCHTYPE FMT_IND;\n\n%let maxrows=250;\n\n/* avoid code injection */\n%let FMT_IND=0;\n%let SEARCHTYPE=;\n%let SEARCHVAL=;\n%let FILTER_RK=;\n%let LIBDS=;\n\n/**\n * Validate inputs\n */\ndata work.intest;\n length libds $41 filter_rk 8. searchval $100 searchtype $4;\n set work.SASCONTROLTABLE;\n call symputx('orig_libds',libds);\n /* validate filter_rk */\n if filter_rk le 0 then filter_rk=-1;\n\n /* check if the request is for a format catalog */\n if substr(cats(reverse(libds)),1,3)=:'CF-' then do;\n libds=scan(libds,1,'-');\n putlog \"Format Catalog Captured\";\n call symputx('fmt_ind',1);\n end;\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n\n /* validate libds */\n %mp_validatecol(LIBDS,LIBDS,is_libds)\n\n if searchtype in ('CHAR','NUM') then do;\n searchval=tranwrd(searchval,'%','');\n searchval=tranwrd(searchval,'&','');\n searchval=tranwrd(searchval,';','');\n searchval=tranwrd(searchval,'\"','');\n call symputx('searchtype',searchtype);\n call symputx('searchval',searchval);\n end;\n else if searchtype not in ('','NONE') then do;\n putlog 'ERR' 'OR: Invalid searchtype:' searchtype;\n stop;\n end;\n\n if is_libds=0 then do;\n putlog 'ERR' 'OR: Invalid libds:' libds;\n stop;\n end;\n else do;\n call symputx('filter_rk',filter_rk);\n call symputx('libds',libds);\n end;\n output;\n stop;\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (%mf_verifymacvars(libds filter_rk fmt_ind)=0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem with macro inputs)\n)\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (%mf_nobs(work.intest)=0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Some err with service inputs)\n)\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc)\n)\n\n\n/**\n * assign the Library\n */\n%dc_assignlib(READ,%scan(&LIBDS,1,.))\n\n/* abort if looking for a format and the catalog doesn't exist */\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&fmt_ind=1 and %sysfunc(exist(&libds,CATALOG))=0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Catalog &libds does not exist!)\n)\n\n/**\n check if dataset can actually be opened - as library may exist but it may not\n be possible to assign, and even if it can, the physical table may not exist\n**/\ndata _null_;\n if &fmt_ind=0 then do;\n dsid=open(\"&libds\");\n rc=close(dsid);\n end;\n else dsid=42;\n call symputx('existds',dsid,'l');\n putlog 'dataset exists check:' dsid;\nrun;\n\n/**\n * get the data\n */\n%global dsobs;\n%let dsobs=0;\n%macro x();\n%if &existds>0 %then %do;\n\n %if &fmt_ind=1 %then %do;\n /* export format and point the libds to the output table from here on */\n %mp_cntlout(\n libcat=&libds\n ,fmtlist=0\n ,cntlout=work.fmtextract\n )\n %let libds=WORK.FMTEXTRACT;\n proc datasets lib=work noprint;\n modify FMTEXTRACT;\n index create\n pk_cntlout=(type fmtname fmtrow)\n /nomiss unique;\n quit;\n %end;\n\n proc sql noprint;\n select count(*) into: dsobs from &libds;\n\n %put preparing query;\n %mpe_filtermaster(VIEW,&libds,\n dclib=&mpelib,\n filter_rk=&filter_rk,\n outref=filtref,\n outds=work.query\n )\n %put printing generated filterquery:;\n data _null_;\n infile filtref;\n input;\n putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n %if &searchtype=NONE or \"%trim(&searchtype) \" = \" \" %then %do;\n /* get row count */\n filename rows temp;\n data _null_;\n file rows;\n infile filtref end=eof;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then do;\n put 'proc sql;';\n put \"select count(*) into: dsobs from &libds where\";\n end;\n put _infile_;\n if eof then put ';';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile rows;\n input;\n putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n %inc rows;\n\n /* send actual data, filtered and row-capped */\n data work.viewdata;\n set &libds;\n where %inc filtref;;\n if _n_>&maxrows then stop;\n run;\n %if %mf_nobs(work.viewdata)=0 %then %do;\n data work.viewdata;\n /* send empty row if empty table to help with hot rendering */\n output;\n set work.viewdata;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n data work.vwsearch/view=work.vwsearch;\n set &libds;\n where %inc filtref;;\n run;\n %if %upcase(&searchtype)=CHAR %then %do;\n %mp_searchdata(lib=work\n ,ds=vwsearch\n ,string=%superq(searchval)\n ,outobs=&maxrows\n )\n %end;\n %else %if %upcase(&searchtype)=NUM %then %do;\n %mp_searchdata(lib=work\n ,ds=vwsearch\n ,numval=%superq(searchval)\n ,outobs=&maxrows\n )\n %end;\n %if %mf_existds(libds=MPSEARCH.vwsearch) %then %do;\n %let dsobs=%mf_nobs(MPSEARCH.vwsearch);\n data viewdata;\n set MPSEARCH.vwsearch;\n if _n_<&maxrows;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %let dsobs=0;\n data viewdata;\n set &libds;\n stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n /* physical table is not accessible so create from metatadata definition */\n %dc_createdataset(libds=&libds,outds=viewdata)\n data viewData;\n output;\n set viewdata;\n run;\n\n /* make filtref / work.query / work.groups to avoid downstream issues */\n filename filtref temp;\n data work.query;\n file filtref;\n x=0;\n put x;\n run;\n data work.groups;\n length groupuri groupname $32 groupdesc $128 ;\n call missing (of _all_);\n output;\n stop;\n run;\n%end;\n%mend x; %x()\n\n/* apply column level security */\n%mpe_columnlevelsecurity(%scan(&libds,1,.),%scan(&libds,2,.),work.viewdata\n ,mode=VIEW\n ,clsds=&mpelib..mpe_column_level_security\n ,groupds=work.groups /* was created in mpe_filtermaster */\n ,outds=work.viewdata2\n ,outmeta=work.cls_rules\n)\n\n\n/* get table uri (if sas 9) to enable linking direct to lineage */\n%dc_gettableid(libref=%scan(&libds,1,.)\n ,ds=%scan(&libds,2,.)\n ,outds=work.parambase\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n infile filtref end=eof;\n input;\n length filter_text $32767;\n retain filter_text;\n filter_text=catx(' ',filter_text,_infile_);\n if eof then do;\n if cats(filter_text)='1=1' then filter_text='';\n call symputx('filter_text',filter_text);\n end;\nrun;\n\n%mp_getpk(%scan(&libds,1,.), ds=%scan(&libds,2,.), outds=work.pk_fields)\n\n%let pk_fields=;\ndata _null_;\n set work.pk_fields;\n call symputx('pk_fields',pk_fields);\nrun;\n\ndata work.sasparams;\n set work.parambase;\n format FILTER_TEXT $32767.;\n FILTER_TEXT=symget('FILTER_TEXT');\n length PK_FIELDS $512;\n PK_FIELDS=symget('PK_FIELDS');\n nobs=&dsobs;\n vars=%mf_getvarcount(viewdata);\n maxrows=&maxrows;\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc)\n)\n\n%mp_getcols(&libds, outds=cols)\n\n%mpe_dsmeta(&libds, outds=dsmeta)\n\n%mpe_getversions(&mpelib,\n %scan(&orig_libds,1,.),\n %scan(&orig_libds,2,.),\n outds=versions\n)\n\n%webout(OPEN)\n%webout(OBJ,cls_rules)\n%webout(OBJ,cols)\n%webout(OBJ,dsmeta)\n%webout(OBJ,query)\n%webout(OBJ,sasparams)\n%webout(OBJ,versions)\n%webout(OBJ,viewData2,fmt=Y,missing=STRING,showmeta=YES,dslabel=viewdata)\n%webout(CLOSE)\n\n%mpeterm()\n\n* Service end;" }, { "name": "viewlibarray", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquefileref(prefix=_,maxtries=1000,lrecl=32767);\n %local rc fname;\n %if &prefix=0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %local x len;\n %let len=%eval(8-%length(&prefix));\n %let x=0;\n %do x=0 %to &maxtries;\n %let fname=&prefix%substr(%sysfunc(ranuni(0)),3,&len);\n %if %sysfunc(fileref(&fname)) > 0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %put unable to find available fileref after &maxtries attempts;\n %end;\n%mend mf_getuniquefileref;\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquelibref(prefix=mclib,maxtries=1000);\n %local x;\n\n %if ( %length(&prefix) gt 7 ) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: The prefix parameter cannot exceed 7 characters.;\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %if (%sysfunc(NVALID(&prefix,v7))=0) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: Invalid prefix (&prefix);\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* Set maxtries equal to '10 to the power of [# unused characters] - 1' */\n %let maxtries=%eval(10**(8-%length(&prefix))-1);\n\n %do x = 0 %to &maxtries;\n %if %sysfunc(libref(&prefix&x)) ne 0 %then %do;\n &prefix&x\n %return;\n %end;\n %let x = %eval(&x + 1);\n %end;\n\n %put %str(ERR)OR: No usable libref in range &prefix.0-&maxtries;\n %put %str(ERR)OR- Try reducing the prefix or deleting some libraries!;\n 0\n%mend mf_getuniquelibref;\n\n\n%macro mv_getusergroups(user\n ,outds=work.mv_getusergroups\n ,access_token_var=ACCESS_TOKEN\n ,grant_type=sas_services\n );\n%local oauth_bearer;\n%if &grant_type=detect %then %do;\n %if %symexist(&access_token_var) %then %let grant_type=authorization_code;\n %else %let grant_type=sas_services;\n%end;\n%if &grant_type=sas_services %then %do;\n %let oauth_bearer=oauth_bearer=sas_services;\n %let &access_token_var=;\n%end;\n%put &sysmacroname: grant_type=&grant_type;\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&grant_type ne authorization_code and &grant_type ne password\n and &grant_type ne sas_services\n )\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid value for grant_type: &grant_type)\n)\noptions noquotelenmax;\n\n%local base_uri; /* location of rest apis */\n%let base_uri=%mf_getplatform(VIYARESTAPI);\n\n/* fetching folder details for provided path */\n%local fname1;\n%let fname1=%mf_getuniquefileref();\n%let libref1=%mf_getuniquelibref();\n\nproc http method='GET' out=&fname1 &oauth_bearer\n url=\"&base_uri/identities/users/&user/memberships?limit=10000\";\n headers\n%if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\"\n%end;\n \"Accept\"=\"application/json\";\nrun;\n/*data _null_;infile &fname1;input;putlog _infile_;run;*/\n%if &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE=404 %then %do;\n %put NOTE: User &user not found!!;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %mp_abort(iftrue=(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE ne 200)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_PHRASE)\n )\n%end;\nlibname &libref1 JSON fileref=&fname1;\n\ndata &outds;\n set &libref1..items;\nrun;\n\n/* clear refs */\nfilename &fname1 clear;\nlibname &libref1 clear;\n\n%mend mv_getusergroups;\n\n\n%macro dc_getusergroups(user=,outds=mm_getgroups);\n %mv_getusergroups(&user,outds=&outds)\n data &outds;\n length groupname groupdesc $256;\n set &outds(rename=(id=groupname name=groupdesc));\n run;\n%mend dc_getusergroups;\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_getgroups(user=,outds=);\n\n %if not %symexist(dc_repo_users) %then %let dc_repo_users=foundation;\n\n %dc_getusergroups(user=&user,outds=&outds)\n\n data;\n length groupname groupdesc $256;\n set &dc_libref..mpe_groups;\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to;\n where also upcase(user_name)=\"%upcase(&user)\";\n groupname=group_name;\n groupdesc=group_desc;\n keep groupname groupdesc;\n run;\n\n data &outds;\n set &syslast &outds(keep=groupname groupdesc);\n run;\n\n%mend mpe_getgroups;\n\n\n\n%macro dc_getlibs(outds=mm_getlibs);\nproc sql;\ncreate table &outds as\n select distinct libname as LibraryRef\n ,libname as LibraryName length=256\n ,engine\n ,'' as libraryid length=17\n from dictionary.libnames\n where libname not in ('WORK','SASUSER');\ninsert into &syslast values (\"&DC_LIBREF\", \"&DC_LIBNAME\",'','V9');\n\n%mend dc_getlibs;\n\n\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n\n\n%macro mm_webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fref=_webout,fmt=N,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileref1 _webin_name1 _program _debug\n sasjs_tables;\n%local i tempds jsonengine;\n\n/* see https://github.com/sasjs/core/issues/41 */\n%if \"%upcase(&SYSENCODING)\" ne \"UTF-8\" %then %let jsonengine=PROCJSON;\n%else %let jsonengine=DATASTEP;\n\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n /* now read in the data */\n %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n %if &_webin_file_count=1 %then %do;\n %let _webin_fileref1=&_webin_fileref;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n data _null_;\n infile &&_webin_fileref&i termstr=crlf;\n input;\n call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n putlog \"&&_webin_name&i input statement: \" _infile_;\n stop;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile &&_webin_fileref&i firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf encoding='utf-8';\n input &input_statement;\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n %end;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* fix encoding */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n\n /**\n * check xengine type to avoid the below err message:\n * > Function is only valid for filerefs using the CACHE access method.\n */\n data _null_;\n set sashelp.vextfl(where=(fileref=\"_WEBOUT\"));\n if xengine='STREAM' then do;\n rc=stpsrv_header('Content-type',\"text/html; encoding=utf-8\");\n end;\n run;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref encoding='utf-8';\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n %end;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=&jsonengine,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI we use a temporary file */\n filename _sjsref temp lrecl=131068;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* if debug mode, send back first XX records of each work table also */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file _sjsref mod encoding='utf-8';\n put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file _sjsref mod encoding='utf-8';\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=_sjsref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file _sjsref mod encoding='utf-8';\n put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file _sjsref mod encoding='utf-8';\n put \"}\";\n run;\n %end;\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file _sjsref mod encoding='utf-8';\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSENCODING\"\" : \"\"&sysencoding\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\" @;\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n put '>>weboutEND<<';\n %end;\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjsref lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &fref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjsref clear;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mm_webout;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_existds(libds\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&libds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&libds,VIEW)) ne 1 %then 0;\n %else 1;\n\n%mend mf_existds;\n\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file viewlibarray.sas\n @brief List the libraries for view access\n @details\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li dc_getlibs.sas\n @li mp_abort.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n @li mpe_getgroups.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n @li mf_existds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author 4GL Apps Ltd\n @copyright 4GL Apps Ltd. This code may only be used within Data Controller\n and may not be re-distributed or re-sold without the express permission of\n 4GL Apps Ltd.\n**/\n\n%mpeinit()\n\n%let keepvars=libraryref libraryname;\ndata _null_;\n length keepvars $32;\n set %sysfunc(ifc(%mf_existds(iwant),iwant,_null_));\n call symputx('keepvars',keepvars);\nrun;\n\n/**\n * get full list of libraries\n */\n%dc_getlibs(outds=work.mm_getLibs)\n\n/* get security groups */\n%mpe_getgroups(user=%mf_getuser(),outds=groups)\n\n/* get security settings */\ndata sec;\n set &mpelib..mpe_security;\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to and ACCESS_LEVEL='VIEW';\nrun;\n\n/* check for any matching groups */\nproc sql noprint;\ncreate table matches as\n select * from sec\n where upcase(sas_group) in (select upcase(groupname) from groups);\nselect count(*) into: securitygroupscount from matches;\nselect count(*) into: ALL_CNT from matches where libref='*ALL*';\n%put securitygroupscount=&securitygroupscount;\n%put ALL_CNT=&ALL_CNT;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc)\n)\n\n%macro mpestp_viewlibs();\n%if not %symexist(DC_RESTRICT_VIEWER) %then %let DC_RESTRICT_VIEWER=NO;\n\n/* scenario 1 - user is in admin group, hence can view all libraries */\nproc sql noprint;\nselect count(*) into: scenario1 from groups where groupname=\"&mpeadmins\";\n%if &scenario1>0 %then %do;\n %put user in admin group (scenario1=&scenario1);\n %return;\n%end;\n/* scenario 2 - viewer unrestricted and no groups listed */\n%if &DC_RESTRICT_VIEWER=NO and &securitygroupscount=0 %then %do;\n %put DC_RESTRICT_VIEWER=&DC_RESTRICT_VIEWER;\n %put securitygroupscount=&securitygroupscount;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* scenario 3 - an *ALL* libref is listed */\n%if &all_cnt>0 %then %do;\n %put all_cnt=&all_cnt;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* scenario 4 - specific librefs listed */\n%if &securitygroupscount>0 %then %do;\n %put scenario 4;\n %put securitygroupscount=&securitygroupscount;\n proc sql;\n delete from mm_getLibs\n where upcase(libraryref) not in (select upcase(libref) from matches);\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* viewer restricted and no groups listed */\n%if &DC_RESTRICT_VIEWER=YES and &securitygroupscount=0 %then %do;\n %put DC_RESTRICT_VIEWER=&DC_RESTRICT_VIEWER;\n %put securitygroupscount=&securitygroupscount;\n data mm_getlibs;\n set mm_getlibs;\n stop;\n run;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (1=1)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(unhandled security logic error!)\n)\n\n%mend mpestp_viewlibs;\n%mpestp_viewlibs()\n\n%global dc_viewlib_check;\n\n/**\n* deal with invalid and duplicate library definitions\n*/\nproc sort data=mm_getlibs;\n by libraryref libraryname;\nrun;\n\ndata mm_getlibs;\n set mm_getlibs;\n by libraryref;\n if symget('dc_viewlib_check')='YES' then do;\n /* note - invalid libraries can result in exception errors. If this happens,\n configure the dc_viewlib_check variable to NO in Data Controller Settings\n */\n rc=libname(libraryref,,'meta',cats('library=\"',libraryname,'\";'));\n drop rc;\n if rc ne 0 then do;\n putlog \"NOTE: Library \" libraryname \" does not exist!!\";\n putlog (_all_) (=);\n delete;\n end;\n end;\n if not first.libraryref then delete;\nrun;\n\nproc sort data=mm_getlibs (keep=&keepvars);\n by libraryname;\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc)\n)\n\n%mm_webout(OPEN)\n%mm_webout(ARR, mm_getLibs)\n%mm_webout(CLOSE)\n\n* Service end;" }, { "name": "viewlibs", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquefileref(prefix=_,maxtries=1000,lrecl=32767);\n %local rc fname;\n %if &prefix=0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %local x len;\n %let len=%eval(8-%length(&prefix));\n %let x=0;\n %do x=0 %to &maxtries;\n %let fname=&prefix%substr(%sysfunc(ranuni(0)),3,&len);\n %if %sysfunc(fileref(&fname)) > 0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %put unable to find available fileref after &maxtries attempts;\n %end;\n%mend mf_getuniquefileref;\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquelibref(prefix=mclib,maxtries=1000);\n %local x;\n\n %if ( %length(&prefix) gt 7 ) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: The prefix parameter cannot exceed 7 characters.;\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %if (%sysfunc(NVALID(&prefix,v7))=0) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: Invalid prefix (&prefix);\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* Set maxtries equal to '10 to the power of [# unused characters] - 1' */\n %let maxtries=%eval(10**(8-%length(&prefix))-1);\n\n %do x = 0 %to &maxtries;\n %if %sysfunc(libref(&prefix&x)) ne 0 %then %do;\n &prefix&x\n %return;\n %end;\n %let x = %eval(&x + 1);\n %end;\n\n %put %str(ERR)OR: No usable libref in range &prefix.0-&maxtries;\n %put %str(ERR)OR- Try reducing the prefix or deleting some libraries!;\n 0\n%mend mf_getuniquelibref;\n\n\n%macro mv_getusergroups(user\n ,outds=work.mv_getusergroups\n ,access_token_var=ACCESS_TOKEN\n ,grant_type=sas_services\n );\n%local oauth_bearer;\n%if &grant_type=detect %then %do;\n %if %symexist(&access_token_var) %then %let grant_type=authorization_code;\n %else %let grant_type=sas_services;\n%end;\n%if &grant_type=sas_services %then %do;\n %let oauth_bearer=oauth_bearer=sas_services;\n %let &access_token_var=;\n%end;\n%put &sysmacroname: grant_type=&grant_type;\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&grant_type ne authorization_code and &grant_type ne password\n and &grant_type ne sas_services\n )\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid value for grant_type: &grant_type)\n)\noptions noquotelenmax;\n\n%local base_uri; /* location of rest apis */\n%let base_uri=%mf_getplatform(VIYARESTAPI);\n\n/* fetching folder details for provided path */\n%local fname1;\n%let fname1=%mf_getuniquefileref();\n%let libref1=%mf_getuniquelibref();\n\nproc http method='GET' out=&fname1 &oauth_bearer\n url=\"&base_uri/identities/users/&user/memberships?limit=10000\";\n headers\n%if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\"\n%end;\n \"Accept\"=\"application/json\";\nrun;\n/*data _null_;infile &fname1;input;putlog _infile_;run;*/\n%if &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE=404 %then %do;\n %put NOTE: User &user not found!!;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %mp_abort(iftrue=(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE ne 200)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_PHRASE)\n )\n%end;\nlibname &libref1 JSON fileref=&fname1;\n\ndata &outds;\n set &libref1..items;\nrun;\n\n/* clear refs */\nfilename &fname1 clear;\nlibname &libref1 clear;\n\n%mend mv_getusergroups;\n\n\n%macro dc_getusergroups(user=,outds=mm_getgroups);\n %mv_getusergroups(&user,outds=&outds)\n data &outds;\n length groupname groupdesc $256;\n set &outds(rename=(id=groupname name=groupdesc));\n run;\n%mend dc_getusergroups;\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_getgroups(user=,outds=);\n\n %if not %symexist(dc_repo_users) %then %let dc_repo_users=foundation;\n\n %dc_getusergroups(user=&user,outds=&outds)\n\n data;\n length groupname groupdesc $256;\n set &dc_libref..mpe_groups;\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to;\n where also upcase(user_name)=\"%upcase(&user)\";\n groupname=group_name;\n groupdesc=group_desc;\n keep groupname groupdesc;\n run;\n\n data &outds;\n set &syslast &outds(keep=groupname groupdesc);\n run;\n\n%mend mpe_getgroups;\n\n\n\n%macro dc_getlibs(outds=mm_getlibs);\nproc sql;\ncreate table &outds as\n select distinct libname as LibraryRef\n ,libname as LibraryName length=256\n ,engine\n ,'' as libraryid length=17\n from dictionary.libnames\n where libname not in ('WORK','SASUSER');\ninsert into &syslast values (\"&DC_LIBREF\", \"&DC_LIBNAME\",'','V9');\n\n%mend dc_getlibs;\n\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file viewlibs.sas\n @brief List the libraries for view access\n @details\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li dc_getlibs.sas\n @li mp_abort.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n @li mpe_getgroups.sas\n @li mpeinit.sas\n\n @version 9.3\n @author 4GL Apps Ltd\n @copyright 4GL Apps Ltd. This code may only be used within Data Controller\n and may not be re-distributed or re-sold without the express permission of\n 4GL Apps Ltd.\n**/\n\n%mpeinit()\n\n/**\n * get full list of libraries\n */\n%dc_getlibs(outds=work.mm_getLibs)\n\n/* get security groups */\n%mpe_getgroups(user=%mf_getuser(),outds=groups)\n\n/* get security settings */\ndata sec;\n set &mpelib..mpe_security;\n where &dc_dttmtfmt.lt tx_to and ACCESS_LEVEL='VIEW';\nrun;\n\n/* check for any matching groups */\nproc sql noprint;\ncreate table matches as\n select * from sec\n where upcase(sas_group) in (select upcase(groupname) from groups);\nselect count(*) into: securitygroupscount from matches;\nselect count(*) into: ALL_CNT from matches where libref='*ALL*';\n%put securitygroupscount=&securitygroupscount;\n%put ALL_CNT=&ALL_CNT;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc)\n)\n\n%macro mpestp_viewlibs();\n%if not %symexist(DC_RESTRICT_VIEWER) %then %let DC_RESTRICT_VIEWER=NO;\n\n/* scenario 1 - user is in admin group, hence can view all libraries */\nproc sql noprint;\nselect count(*) into: scenario1 from groups where groupname=\"&mpeadmins\";\n%if &scenario1>0 %then %do;\n %put user in admin group (scenario1=&scenario1);\n %return;\n%end;\n/* scenario 2 - viewer unrestricted and no groups listed */\n%if &DC_RESTRICT_VIEWER=NO and &securitygroupscount=0 %then %do;\n %put DC_RESTRICT_VIEWER=&DC_RESTRICT_VIEWER;\n %put securitygroupscount=&securitygroupscount;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* scenario 3 - an *ALL* libref is listed */\n%if &all_cnt>0 %then %do;\n %put all_cnt=&all_cnt;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* scenario 4 - specific librefs listed */\n%if &securitygroupscount>0 %then %do;\n %put scenario 4;\n %put securitygroupscount=&securitygroupscount;\n proc sql;\n delete from mm_getLibs\n where upcase(libraryref) not in (select upcase(libref) from matches);\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* viewer restricted and no groups listed */\n%if &DC_RESTRICT_VIEWER=YES and &securitygroupscount=0 %then %do;\n %put DC_RESTRICT_VIEWER=&DC_RESTRICT_VIEWER;\n %put securitygroupscount=&securitygroupscount;\n data mm_getlibs;\n set mm_getlibs;\n stop;\n run;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (1=1)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(unhandled security logic err!)\n)\n\n%mend mpestp_viewlibs;\n%mpestp_viewlibs()\n\n%global dc_viewlib_check;\n\n/**\n* deal with invalid and duplicate library definitions\n*/\nproc sort data=mm_getlibs;\n by libraryref libraryname;\nrun;\n\ndata mm_getlibs;\n set mm_getlibs;\n by libraryref;\n if symget('dc_viewlib_check')='YES' then do;\n /* note - invalid libraries can result in exception errors. If this happens,\n configure the dc_viewlib_check variable to NO in Data Controller Settings\n */\n rc=libname(libraryref,,'meta',cats('library=\"',libraryname,'\";'));\n drop rc;\n if rc ne 0 then do;\n putlog \"NOTE: Library \" libraryname \" does not exist!!\";\n putlog (_all_) (=);\n delete;\n end;\n end;\n if not first.libraryref then delete;\nrun;\n\nproc sort data=mm_getlibs out=saslibs;\n by libraryname;\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc)\n)\n\n%webout(OPEN)\n%webout(OBJ,saslibs)\n%webout(CLOSE)\n\n%mpeterm()\n\n* Service end;" }, { "name": "viewtables", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquefileref(prefix=_,maxtries=1000,lrecl=32767);\n %local rc fname;\n %if &prefix=0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %local x len;\n %let len=%eval(8-%length(&prefix));\n %let x=0;\n %do x=0 %to &maxtries;\n %let fname=&prefix%substr(%sysfunc(ranuni(0)),3,&len);\n %if %sysfunc(fileref(&fname)) > 0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %put unable to find available fileref after &maxtries attempts;\n %end;\n%mend mf_getuniquefileref;\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquelibref(prefix=mclib,maxtries=1000);\n %local x;\n\n %if ( %length(&prefix) gt 7 ) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: The prefix parameter cannot exceed 7 characters.;\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %if (%sysfunc(NVALID(&prefix,v7))=0) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: Invalid prefix (&prefix);\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* Set maxtries equal to '10 to the power of [# unused characters] - 1' */\n %let maxtries=%eval(10**(8-%length(&prefix))-1);\n\n %do x = 0 %to &maxtries;\n %if %sysfunc(libref(&prefix&x)) ne 0 %then %do;\n &prefix&x\n %return;\n %end;\n %let x = %eval(&x + 1);\n %end;\n\n %put %str(ERR)OR: No usable libref in range &prefix.0-&maxtries;\n %put %str(ERR)OR- Try reducing the prefix or deleting some libraries!;\n 0\n%mend mf_getuniquelibref;\n\n\n%macro mv_getusergroups(user\n ,outds=work.mv_getusergroups\n ,access_token_var=ACCESS_TOKEN\n ,grant_type=sas_services\n );\n%local oauth_bearer;\n%if &grant_type=detect %then %do;\n %if %symexist(&access_token_var) %then %let grant_type=authorization_code;\n %else %let grant_type=sas_services;\n%end;\n%if &grant_type=sas_services %then %do;\n %let oauth_bearer=oauth_bearer=sas_services;\n %let &access_token_var=;\n%end;\n%put &sysmacroname: grant_type=&grant_type;\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&grant_type ne authorization_code and &grant_type ne password\n and &grant_type ne sas_services\n )\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid value for grant_type: &grant_type)\n)\noptions noquotelenmax;\n\n%local base_uri; /* location of rest apis */\n%let base_uri=%mf_getplatform(VIYARESTAPI);\n\n/* fetching folder details for provided path */\n%local fname1;\n%let fname1=%mf_getuniquefileref();\n%let libref1=%mf_getuniquelibref();\n\nproc http method='GET' out=&fname1 &oauth_bearer\n url=\"&base_uri/identities/users/&user/memberships?limit=10000\";\n headers\n%if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\"\n%end;\n \"Accept\"=\"application/json\";\nrun;\n/*data _null_;infile &fname1;input;putlog _infile_;run;*/\n%if &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE=404 %then %do;\n %put NOTE: User &user not found!!;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %mp_abort(iftrue=(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE ne 200)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_PHRASE)\n )\n%end;\nlibname &libref1 JSON fileref=&fname1;\n\ndata &outds;\n set &libref1..items;\nrun;\n\n/* clear refs */\nfilename &fname1 clear;\nlibname &libref1 clear;\n\n%mend mv_getusergroups;\n\n\n%macro dc_getusergroups(user=,outds=mm_getgroups);\n %mv_getusergroups(&user,outds=&outds)\n data &outds;\n length groupname groupdesc $256;\n set &outds(rename=(id=groupname name=groupdesc));\n run;\n%mend dc_getusergroups;\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_getgroups(user=,outds=);\n\n %if not %symexist(dc_repo_users) %then %let dc_repo_users=foundation;\n\n %dc_getusergroups(user=&user,outds=&outds)\n\n data;\n length groupname groupdesc $256;\n set &dc_libref..mpe_groups;\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to;\n where also upcase(user_name)=\"%upcase(&user)\";\n groupname=group_name;\n groupdesc=group_desc;\n keep groupname groupdesc;\n run;\n\n data &outds;\n set &syslast &outds(keep=groupname groupdesc);\n run;\n\n%mend mpe_getgroups;\n\n\n\n%macro mpe_getvars(injs,outds);\n /* load parameters */\n data _null_;\n __dummychar='';__dummynum=0;\n set &outds;\n array __charvals _character_;\n do over __charvals;\n call symputx(vname(__charvals),__charvals,'g');\n end;\n array __numvals _numeric_;\n do over __numvals;\n call symputx(vname(__numvals),__numvals,'g');\n end;\n run;\n%mend mpe_getvars;\n\n\n\n%macro dc_assignlib(type,libref,passthru=);\n %if %length(&passthru)>0 %then %do;\n proc sql;\n connect using &libref as &passthru;\n %end;\n%mend dc_assignlib;\n\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file viewtables.sas\n @brief List the tables and format catalogs the user can view\n @details Provide a library and get list of tables and catalogs. Also return\n the libinfo details.\n\n

Service Inputs

\n Just one input - MPLIB (the libref to get tables and info for)\n |MPLIB:$char8.|\n |---|\n |SOMELIB|\n\n

Service Outputs

\n\n |MEMNAME:$char32.|\n |---|\n |DS1|\n |DS2|\n |DS3|\n\n etc\n\n
\n If attributes are empty, they don't need to be shown on screen.\n\n |engine $|libname $|paths $|perms $|owners $|schemas $ |libid $|libsize $|table_cnt |\n |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n |V9|SOMELIB|\"some/path\"|rwxrwxr-x|sassrv|` `|` `|636MB|33|\n\n\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li dc_assignlib.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n @li mpe_getgroups.sas\n @li mpe_getvars.sas\n @li mpeinit.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author 4GL Apps Ltd\n @copyright 4GL Apps Ltd. This code may only be used within Data Controller\n and may not be re-distributed or re-sold without the express permission of\n 4GL Apps Ltd.\n**/\n\n%mpeinit()\n\n%global MPLIB;\n\n/* load parameters */\n%mpe_getvars(SASControlTable, SASControlTable)\n\n/**\n * assign the Library\n */\n%put &=MPLIB;\n%dc_assignlib(READ,&MPLIB)\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0 )\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Unable to assign &mplib library)\n)\n\n/**\n * get the tables\n */\ndata members; /* empty table */\n name='';\n memtype='';\nrun;\nods output Members=Members;\nproc datasets library=&mplib ;\nquit;\n\n/* cannot avoid the proc datasets warn!ng for an empty lib */\n/* nolist means no output and nowarn has no effect */\n%put &=syscc;\ndata _null_;\n if \"&syscc\" ne \"0\" then do;\n putlog \"Library &mplib is empty, setting syscc to zero\";\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n end;\nrun;\n%put &=syscc;\n\nproc sql;\ncreate table work.mptables as\n select distinct case when memtype='CATALOG' then cats(name,'-FC')\n else name end as memname\n from members;\n\n/* get security groups */\n%mpe_getgroups(user=%mf_getuser(),outds=groups)\n\n/* get security settings */\ndata sec;\n set &mpelib..mpe_security;\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to and ACCESS_LEVEL='VIEW';\n where also libref in ('*ALL*',\"%upcase(&mplib)\");\nrun;\n\n/* check for any matching groups */\nproc sql noprint;\ncreate table matches as\n select * from sec\n where upcase(sas_group) in (select upcase(groupname) from groups);\nselect count(*) into: securitygroupscount from matches;\nselect count(*) into: ALL_CNT from matches\n where libref='*ALL*'\n or (libref=\"&mplib\" and dsn='*ALL*');\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc)\n)\n\n%macro mpestp_viewtables();\n%if not %symexist(DC_RESTRICT_VIEWER) %then %let DC_RESTRICT_VIEWER=NO;\n\n/* scenario 1 - user is in admin group, hence can view all libraries */\nproc sql noprint;\nselect count(*) into: scenario1 from groups where groupname=\"&mpeadmins\";\n%if &scenario1>0 %then %return;\n\n/* scenario 2 - viewer unrestricted and no groups listed */\n%if &DC_RESTRICT_VIEWER=NO and &securitygroupscount=0 %then %return;\n\n/* scenario 3 - an *ALL* libref or DSN is listed */\n%if &all_cnt>0 %then %return;\n\n/* scenario 4 - specific tables listed */\n%if &securitygroupscount>0 %then %do;\n proc sql;\n delete from mptables\n where upcase(memname) not in (select upcase(dsn) from sec);\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/* viewer restricted and no groups listed */\n%if &DC_RESTRICT_VIEWER=YES and &securitygroupscount=0 %then %do;\n data mptables;\n set mptables;\n stop;\n run;\n %return;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (1=1)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(unhandled security logic error!)\n)\n\n%mend mpestp_viewtables;\n%mpestp_viewtables()\n\n\n/* get libinfo */\nproc sql;\ncreate table work.libinfo as\n select a.engine,\n a.libname,\n a.paths,\n a.perms,\n a.owners,\n a.schemas,\n a.libid,\n coalesce(b.libsize,0) as libsize,\n coalesce(b.table_cnt,0) as table_cnt\n from &mpelib..mpe_datacatalog_libs(where=(&dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to)) a\n left join &mpelib..mpe_datastatus_libs(where=(&dc_dttmtfmt. lt tx_to)) b\n on a.libref=b.libref\n where a.libref=\"&MPLIB\";\n\n\n%webout(OPEN)\n%webout(OBJ,mptables)\n%webout(OBJ,libinfo)\n%webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n%mpeterm()\n\n* Service end;" } ] }, { "name": "validations", "type": "folder", "members": [ { "name": "columns_in_libds", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n\n\n%macro dc_assignlib(type,libref,passthru=);\n %if %length(&passthru)>0 %then %do;\n proc sql;\n connect using &libref as &passthru;\n %end;\n%mend dc_assignlib;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquename(prefix=MC);\n&prefix.%substr(%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32-%length(&prefix))\n%mend mf_getuniquename;\n\n\n%macro mp_validatecol(incol,rule,outcol);\n\n/* tempcol is given a unique name with every invocation */\n%local tempcol;\n%let tempcol=%mf_getuniquename();\n\n%if &rule=ISINT %then %do;\n &outcol=0;\n if not missing(&incol) then do;\n &tempcol=input(&incol,?? best32.);\n if not missing(&tempcol) then if mod(&tempcol,1)=0 then &outcol=1;\n end;\n drop &tempcol;\n%end;\n%else %if &rule=ISNUM %then %do;\n /*\n credit SOREN LASSEN\n https://sasmacro.blogspot.com/2009/06/welcome-isnum-macro.html\n */\n &tempcol=input(&incol,?? best32.);\n if missing(&tempcol) then &outcol=0;\n else &outcol=1;\n drop &tempcol;\n%end;\n%else %if &rule=LIBDS %then %do;\n /* match libref.dataset */\n if _n_=1 then do;\n retain &tempcol;\n &tempcol=prxparse('/^[_a-z]\\w{0,7}\\.[_a-z]\\w{0,31}$/i');\n if missing(&tempcol) then do;\n putlog 'ERR' +(-1) \"OR: Invalid expression for LIBDS\";\n stop;\n end;\n drop &tempcol;\n end;\n if prxmatch(&tempcol, trim(&incol)) then &outcol=1;\n else &outcol=0;\n%end;\n%else %if &rule=FORMAT %then %do;\n /* match valid format - regex could probably be improved */\n if _n_=1 then do;\n retain &tempcol;\n &tempcol=prxparse('/^[_a-z\\$]\\w{0,31}\\.[0-9]*$/i');\n if missing(&tempcol) then do;\n putlog 'ERR' +(-1) \"OR: Invalid expression for FORMAT\";\n stop;\n end;\n drop &tempcol;\n end;\n if prxmatch(&tempcol, trim(&incol)) then &outcol=1;\n else &outcol=0;\n%end;\n\n%mend mp_validatecol;\n\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Generic validator for table columns\n @details The input table is simply one row from the target table in table\n called \"work.source_row\".\n\n Available macro variables:\n @li MPELIB - The DC control library\n @li LIBDS - The library.dataset being filtered\n @li VARIABLE_NM - The column being filtered\n\n

Service Inputs

\n Has source table structure.\n\n

Service Outputs

\n\n The values provided below are generic samples - we encourage you to replace\n these with realistic values in your own deployments.\n\n
\n The RAW_VALUE column may be charactor or numeric. If DISPLAY_INDEX is not\n provided, it is added automatically.\n\n |DISPLAY_INDEX:best.|DISPLAY_VALUE:$|RAW_VALUE|\n |---|---|---|\n |1|$77.43|77.43|\n |2|$88.43|88.43|\n\n
\n This table is optional. If provided, it will map the DISPLAY_INDEX from the\n DYNAMIC_VALUES table to additional column/value pairs, that will be used to\n populate dropdowns for _other_ cells in the _same_ row.\n\n Should be used sparingly! The use of large tables here can slow down the\n browser.\n\n |DISPLAY_INDEX:best.|EXTRA_COL_NAME:$32.|DISPLAY_VALUE:$|DISPLAY_TYPE:$1.|RAW_VALUE_NUM|RAW_VALUE_CHAR:$5000|\n |---|---|---|\n |1|DISCOUNT_RT|\"50%\"|N|0.5||\n |1|DISCOUNT_RT|\"40%\"|N|0.4||\n |1|DISCOUNT_RT|\"30%\"|N|0.3||\n |1|CURRENCY_SYMBOL|\"GBP\"|C||\"GBP\"|\n |1|CURRENCY_SYMBOL|\"RSD\"|C||\"RSD\"|\n |2|DISCOUNT_RT|\"50%\"|N|0.5||\n |2|DISCOUNT_RT|\"40%\"|N|0.4||\n |2|CURRENCY_SYMBOL|\"EUR\"|C||\"EUR\"|\n |2|CURRENCY_SYMBOL|\"HKD\"|C||\"HKD\"|\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li dc_assignlib.sas\n @li mf_getuniquename.sas\n @li mp_abort.sas\n @li mp_validatecol.sas\n\n\n**/\n\n/* send back the raw and formatted values */\n%let tgtlibds=0;\n%let varlibds=%mf_getuniquename();\n%let vartgtlibds=%mf_getuniquename();\n%let var_is_libds=%mf_getuniquename();\n\ndata _null_;\n length xl_libref base_lib select_lib rls_libref cls_libref libref $8\n xl_table base_ds select_ds rls_table cls_table dsn $32;\n if _n_=1 then call missing(of _all_);\n set work.source_row;\n &varlibds=symget('libds');\n if &varlibds=\"&mpelib..MPE_EXCEL_CONFIG\"\n then &vartgtlibds=cats(xl_libref,'.',xl_table);\n else if &varlibds=\"&mpelib..MPE_VALIDATIONS\"\n then &vartgtlibds=cats(BASE_LIB,'.',BASE_DS);\n else if &varlibds=\"&mpelib..MPE_SELECTBOX\"\n then &vartgtlibds=cats(select_lib,'.',select_ds);\n else if &varlibds=\"&mpelib..MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n then &vartgtlibds=cats(RLS_LIBREF,'.',RLS_TABLE);\n else if &varlibds=\"&mpelib..MPE_COLUMN_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n then &vartgtlibds=cats(CLS_LIBREF,'.',CLS_TABLE);\n else if &varlibds=\"&mpelib..MPE_TABLES\"\n then &vartgtlibds=cats(LIBREF,'.',DSN);\n\n /* validate libds */\n %mp_validatecol(&vartgtlibds,LIBDS,&var_is_libds)\n\n if &var_is_libds=1 then call symputx('tgtlibds',&vartgtlibds);\n putlog (_all_)(=);\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (\"&tgtlibds\" =\"0\" )\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Unable to extract libds vars from &libds inputs for &variable_nm)\n)\n\n%dc_assignlib(READ,%scan(&tgtlibds,1,.))\n\nproc contents noprint data=&tgtlibds\n out=work.DYNAMIC_VALUES (keep=name rename=(name=display_value) );\nrun;\n\ndata work.DYNAMIC_VALUES;\n set work.DYNAMIC_VALUES;\n raw_value=upcase(display_value);\n format raw_value;\nrun;\n\n\n\n* Service end;" }, { "name": "libraries_all", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n\n\n%macro dc_getlibs(outds=mm_getlibs);\nproc sql;\ncreate table &outds as\n select distinct libname as LibraryRef\n ,libname as LibraryName length=256\n ,engine\n ,'' as libraryid length=17\n from dictionary.libnames\n where libname not in ('WORK','SASUSER');\ninsert into &syslast values (\"&DC_LIBREF\", \"&DC_LIBNAME\",'','V9');\n\n%mend dc_getlibs;\n\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Generic validator for libraries\n @details The input table is simply one row from the target table in table\n called \"work.source_row\".\n\n Available macro variables:\n @li MPELIB - The DC control library\n @li LIBDS - The library.dataset being filtered\n @li VARIABLE_NM - The column being filtered\n\n\n

Service Outputs

\n The values provided below are generic samples - we encourage you to replace\n these with realistic values in your own deployments.\n\n
\n The RAW_VALUE column may be charactor or numeric. If DISPLAY_INDEX is not\n provided, it is added automatically.\n\n |DISPLAY_INDEX:best.|DISPLAY_VALUE:$|RAW_VALUE|\n |---|---|---|\n |1|$77.43|77.43|\n |2|$88.43|88.43|\n\n
\n This table is optional. If provided, it will map the DISPLAY_INDEX from the\n DYNAMIC_VALUES table to additional column/value pairs, that will be used to\n populate dropdowns for _other_ cells in the _same_ row.\n\n Should be used sparingly! The use of large tables here can slow down the\n browser.\n\n |DISPLAY_INDEX:best.|EXTRA_COL_NAME:$32.|DISPLAY_VALUE:$|DISPLAY_TYPE:$1.|RAW_VALUE_NUM|RAW_VALUE_CHAR:$5000|\n |---|---|---|\n |1|DISCOUNT_RT|\"50%\"|N|0.5||\n |1|DISCOUNT_RT|\"40%\"|N|0.4||\n |1|DISCOUNT_RT|\"30%\"|N|0.3||\n |1|CURRENCY_SYMBOL|\"GBP\"|C||\"GBP\"|\n |1|CURRENCY_SYMBOL|\"RSD\"|C||\"RSD\"|\n |2|DISCOUNT_RT|\"50%\"|N|0.5||\n |2|DISCOUNT_RT|\"40%\"|N|0.4||\n |2|CURRENCY_SYMBOL|\"EUR\"|C||\"EUR\"|\n |2|CURRENCY_SYMBOL|\"HKD\"|C||\"HKD\"|\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li dc_getlibs.sas\n\n\n**/\n\n/**\n * get full list of libraries\n */\n%dc_getlibs(outds=work.mm_getLibs)\n\nproc sql;\ncreate table work.DYNAMIC_VALUES as\n select distinct libraryname as display_value,\n upcase(libraryref) as raw_value\n from work.mm_getLibs\n order by 1;\n\n\n\n* Service end;" }, { "name": "libraries_editable", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Generic validator for editable libraries\n @details The input table is simply one row from the target table in table\n called \"work.source_row\".\n\n Available macro variables:\n @li MPELIB - The DC control library\n @li LIBDS - The library.dataset being filtered\n @li VARIABLE_NM - The column being filtered\n\n\n

Service Outputs

\n The values provided below are generic samples - we encourage you to replace\n these with realistic values in your own deployments.\n\n
\n The RAW_VALUE column may be charactor or numeric. If DISPLAY_INDEX is not\n provided, it is added automatically.\n\n |DISPLAY_INDEX:best.|DISPLAY_VALUE:$|RAW_VALUE|\n |---|---|---|\n |1|$77.43|77.43|\n |2|$88.43|88.43|\n\n
\n This table is optional. If provided, it will map the DISPLAY_INDEX from the\n DYNAMIC_VALUES table to additional column/value pairs, that will be used to\n populate dropdowns for _other_ cells in the _same_ row.\n\n Should be used sparingly! The use of large tables here can slow down the\n browser.\n\n |DISPLAY_INDEX:best.|EXTRA_COL_NAME:$32.|DISPLAY_VALUE:$|DISPLAY_TYPE:$1.|RAW_VALUE_NUM|RAW_VALUE_CHAR:$5000|\n |---|---|---|\n |1|DISCOUNT_RT|\"50%\"|N|0.5||\n |1|DISCOUNT_RT|\"40%\"|N|0.4||\n |1|DISCOUNT_RT|\"30%\"|N|0.3||\n |1|CURRENCY_SYMBOL|\"GBP\"|C||\"GBP\"|\n |1|CURRENCY_SYMBOL|\"RSD\"|C||\"RSD\"|\n |2|DISCOUNT_RT|\"50%\"|N|0.5||\n |2|DISCOUNT_RT|\"40%\"|N|0.4||\n |2|CURRENCY_SYMBOL|\"EUR\"|C||\"EUR\"|\n |2|CURRENCY_SYMBOL|\"HKD\"|C||\"HKD\"|\n\n\n**/\n\n/* send back the raw and formatted values */\nproc sql;\ncreate table work.DYNAMIC_VALUES as\n select distinct libref as display_value,\n upcase(libref) as raw_value\n from &mpelib..mpe_tables\n where &dc_dttmtfmt. < tx_to\n order by 1;\n\n\n* Service end;" }, { "name": "mpe_alerts.alert_lib", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n\n\n%macro dc_getlibs(outds=mm_getlibs);\nproc sql;\ncreate table &outds as\n select distinct libname as LibraryRef\n ,libname as LibraryName length=256\n ,engine\n ,'' as libraryid length=17\n from dictionary.libnames\n where libname not in ('WORK','SASUSER');\ninsert into &syslast values (\"&DC_LIBREF\", \"&DC_LIBNAME\",'','V9');\n\n%mend dc_getlibs;\n\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file\n @brief fetch extended values for alert_lib\n @details Fetches libraries from mpe_tables, creates extended values for\n alert_ds, and marks \"*ALL*\" as the forced (default) value.\n\n Available macro variables:\n @li DC_LIBREF - The DC control library\n @li LIBDS - The library.dataset being filtered\n @li VARIABLE_NM - The column being filtered\n\n\n

Service Outputs

\n Output should be a single table called \"work.dynamic_values\" in the format\n below. display_value should always be character, raw_value is unformatted\n character/numeric.\n\n
\n The RAW_VALUE column may be charactor or numeric. If DISPLAY_INDEX is not\n provided, it is added automatically.\n\n |DISPLAY_INDEX:best.|DISPLAY_VALUE:$|RAW_VALUE|\n |---|---|---|\n |1|$77.43|77.43|\n |2|$88.43|88.43|\n\n
\n This table is optional. If provided, it will map the DISPLAY_INDEX from the\n DYNAMIC_VALUES table to additional column/value pairs, that will be used to\n populate dropdowns for _other_ cells in the _same_ row.\n\n Should be used sparingly! The use of large tables here can slow down the\n browser.\n\n The FORCED_VALUE column can be used to force an extended value to be selected\n by default when a particular value is chosen.\n\n |DISPLAY_INDEX:best.|EXTRA_COL_NAME:$32.|DISPLAY_VALUE:$|DISPLAY_TYPE:$1.|RAW_VALUE_NUM|RAW_VALUE_CHAR:$5000|FORCED_VALUE|\n |---|---|---|---|\n |1|DISCOUNT_RT|\"50%\"|N|0.5||.|\n |1|DISCOUNT_RT|\"40%\"|N|0.4||0|\n |1|DISCOUNT_RT|\"30%\"|N|0.3||1|\n |1|CURRENCY_SYMBOL|\"GBP\"|C||\"GBP\"|.|\n |1|CURRENCY_SYMBOL|\"RSD\"|C||\"RSD\"|.|\n |2|DISCOUNT_RT|\"50%\"|N|0.5||.|\n |2|DISCOUNT_RT|\"40%\"|N|0.4||1|\n |2|CURRENCY_SYMBOL|\"EUR\"|C||\"EUR\"|.|\n |2|CURRENCY_SYMBOL|\"HKD\"|C||\"HKD\"|1|\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li dc_getlibs.sas\n\n\n**/\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (\"%upcase(&libds)\" ne \"&DC_LIBREF..MPE_ALERTS\" )\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(\n Invalid validation, expected MPE_ALERTS.ALERT_LIB, got %superq(libds)\n )\n)\n\nproc sql;\ncreate table work.source as\n select libref,dsn\n from &DC_LIBREF..MPE_TABLES\n where tx_to > &dc_dttmtfmt.\n order by 1,2;\n\ndata work.DYNAMIC_VALUES (keep=display_index raw_value display_value);\n set work.source end=last;\n by libref;\n if last.libref then do;\n display_index+1;\n raw_value=libref;\n display_value=libref;\n output;\n end;\n if last then do;\n display_index+1;\n raw_value='*ALL*';\n display_value='*ALL*';\n output;\n end;\nrun;\n\n\ndata work.dynamic_extended_values(keep=display_index extra_col_name display_type\n display_value RAW_VALUE_CHAR raw_value_num forced_value);\n set work.source end=last;\n by libref dsn;\n retain extra_col_name 'ALERT_DS';\n retain display_type 'C';\n retain raw_value_num .;\n raw_value_char=dsn;\n display_value=dsn;\n forced_value=0;\n\n if first.libref then display_index+1;\n if last.libref then do;\n display_value='*ALL*';\n raw_value_char='*ALL*';\n forced_value=1;\n output;\n end;\n else output;\n\nrun;\n\n* Service end;" }, { "name": "mpe_tables.dsn", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n\n\n%macro dc_getlibs(outds=mm_getlibs);\nproc sql;\ncreate table &outds as\n select distinct libname as LibraryRef\n ,libname as LibraryName length=256\n ,engine\n ,'' as libraryid length=17\n from dictionary.libnames\n where libname not in ('WORK','SASUSER');\ninsert into &syslast values (\"&DC_LIBREF\", \"&DC_LIBNAME\",'','V9');\n\n%mend dc_getlibs;\n\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file\n @brief fetch extended values for DSN\n @details Fetches datasets in a library, and ALSO fetches a list of numeric\n vars for each dataset for use in adjacent columns (such as VAR_PROCESSED,\n TX_TO etc).\n\n Available macro variables:\n @li MPELIB - The DC control library\n @li LIBDS - The library.dataset being filtered\n @li VARIABLE_NM - The column being filtered\n\n\n

Service Outputs

\n Output should be a single table called \"work.dynamic_values\" in the format\n below. display_value should always be character, raw_value is unformatted\n character/numeric.\n\n
\n The RAW_VALUE column may be charactor or numeric. If DISPLAY_INDEX is not\n provided, it is added automatically.\n\n |DISPLAY_INDEX:best.|DISPLAY_VALUE:$|RAW_VALUE|\n |---|---|---|\n |1|$77.43|77.43|\n |2|$88.43|88.43|\n\n
\n This table is optional. If provided, it will map the DISPLAY_INDEX from the\n DYNAMIC_VALUES table to additional column/value pairs, that will be used to\n populate dropdowns for _other_ cells in the _same_ row.\n\n Should be used sparingly! The use of large tables here can slow down the\n browser.\n\n The FORCED_VALUE column can be used to force an extended value to be selected\n by default when a particular value is chosen.\n\n |DISPLAY_INDEX:best.|EXTRA_COL_NAME:$32.|DISPLAY_VALUE:$|DISPLAY_TYPE:$1.|RAW_VALUE_NUM|RAW_VALUE_CHAR:$5000|FORCED_VALUE|\n |---|---|---|---|\n |1|DISCOUNT_RT|\"50%\"|N|0.5||.|\n |1|DISCOUNT_RT|\"40%\"|N|0.4||0|\n |1|DISCOUNT_RT|\"30%\"|N|0.3||1|\n |1|CURRENCY_SYMBOL|\"GBP\"|C||\"GBP\"|.|\n |1|CURRENCY_SYMBOL|\"RSD\"|C||\"RSD\"|.|\n |2|DISCOUNT_RT|\"50%\"|N|0.5||.|\n |2|DISCOUNT_RT|\"40%\"|N|0.4||1|\n |2|CURRENCY_SYMBOL|\"EUR\"|C||\"EUR\"|.|\n |2|CURRENCY_SYMBOL|\"HKD\"|C||\"HKD\"|1|\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li dc_getlibs.sas\n\n\n**/\n\n\n/* send back the raw and formatted values */\n%let tgtlib=0;\n%let varlibds=%mf_getuniquename();\n%let vartgtlib=%mf_getuniquename();\n%let var_is_lib=%mf_getuniquename();\ndata _null_;\n length &varlibds $41 &vartgtlib $8;\n set work.source_row;\n &varlibds=upcase(symget('libds'));\n if &varlibds=\"&mpelib..MPE_TABLES\" then &vartgtlib=LIBREF;\n else putlog \"something unexpected happened\";\n\n /* validate name */\n if nvalid(&vartgtlib,'v7') then call symputx('tgtlib',&vartgtlib);\n call symputx('vartgtlib',&vartgtlib);\n\n putlog (_all_)(=);\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (\"&tgtlib\" =\"0\" )\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Invalid library - %superq(vartgtlib))\n ,errds=work.dc_error_response\n)\n\n%dc_assignlib(READ,&tgtlib)\n\n\nproc sql;\ncreate table work.source as\n select upcase(memname) as memname\n ,upcase(name) as name\n ,type\n from dictionary.columns\n where libname=\"&TGTLIB\"\n and memtype='DATA';\n\ncreate table work.members as\n select distinct memname as display_value\n from work.source;\n\ndata work.DYNAMIC_VALUES;\n set work.members;\n raw_value=display_value;\n display_index=_n_;\nrun;\n\nproc sql;\ncreate table work.dynamic_extended_values as\n select a.display_index\n ,b.name as display_value\n ,\"C\" as display_type\n ,b.name as RAW_VALUE_CHAR\n ,. as RAW_VALUE_NUM\n from work.dynamic_values a\n left join work.source b\n on a.display_value=b.memname\n where b.type='num';\n\ndata work.dynamic_extended_values;\n set work.DYNAMIC_EXTENDED_VALUES;\n extra_col_name='VAR_PROCESSED';output;\n extra_col_name='VAR_TXFROM';output;\n extra_col_name='VAR_TXTO';output;\n extra_col_name='VAR_BUSFROM';output;\n extra_col_name='VAR_BUSTO';output;\nrun;\n/* set some force flags */\ndata work.dynamic_extended_values;\n set work.DYNAMIC_EXTENDED_VALUES;\n forced_value=0;\n if extra_col_name='VAR_TXFROM' & raw_value_char='TX_FROM' then forced_value=1;\n if extra_col_name='VAR_TXTO' & raw_value_char='TX_TO' then forced_value=1;\nrun;\n\nproc sort;\n by extra_col_name display_index;\nrun;\n* Service end;" }, { "name": "mpe_x_test.some_num", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n\n\n%macro dc_getlibs(outds=mm_getlibs);\nproc sql;\ncreate table &outds as\n select distinct libname as LibraryRef\n ,libname as LibraryName length=256\n ,engine\n ,'' as libraryid length=17\n from dictionary.libnames\n where libname not in ('WORK','SASUSER');\ninsert into &syslast values (\"&DC_LIBREF\", \"&DC_LIBNAME\",'','V9');\n\n%mend dc_getlibs;\n\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Generic validator for libraries\n @details The input table is simply one row from the target table in table\n called \"work.source_row\".\n\n Available macro variables:\n @li DC_LIBREF - The DC control library\n @li LIBDS - The library.dataset being filtered\n @li VARIABLE_NM - The column being filtered\n\n\n

Service Outputs

\n Output should be a single table called \"work.dynamic_values\" in the format\n below. display_value should always be character, raw_value is unformatted\n character/numeric.\n\n |DISPLAY_VALUE:$|RAW_VALUE:??|\n |---|---|\n |$44.00|44|\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li dc_getlibs.sas\n\n\n**/\n\nproc sql;\ncreate table work.DYNAMIC_VALUES as\n select distinct cats(some_num) as display_value,\n some_num as raw_value\n from &libds\n order by 1;\n\n\n\n* Service end;" }, { "name": "sas_groups", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquefileref(prefix=_,maxtries=1000,lrecl=32767);\n %local rc fname;\n %if &prefix=0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %local x len;\n %let len=%eval(8-%length(&prefix));\n %let x=0;\n %do x=0 %to &maxtries;\n %let fname=&prefix%substr(%sysfunc(ranuni(0)),3,&len);\n %if %sysfunc(fileref(&fname)) > 0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %put unable to find available fileref after &maxtries attempts;\n %end;\n%mend mf_getuniquefileref;\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquelibref(prefix=mclib,maxtries=1000);\n %local x;\n\n %if ( %length(&prefix) gt 7 ) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: The prefix parameter cannot exceed 7 characters.;\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %if (%sysfunc(NVALID(&prefix,v7))=0) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: Invalid prefix (&prefix);\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* Set maxtries equal to '10 to the power of [# unused characters] - 1' */\n %let maxtries=%eval(10**(8-%length(&prefix))-1);\n\n %do x = 0 %to &maxtries;\n %if %sysfunc(libref(&prefix&x)) ne 0 %then %do;\n &prefix&x\n %return;\n %end;\n %let x = %eval(&x + 1);\n %end;\n\n %put %str(ERR)OR: No usable libref in range &prefix.0-&maxtries;\n %put %str(ERR)OR- Try reducing the prefix or deleting some libraries!;\n 0\n%mend mf_getuniquelibref;\n\n\n%macro mv_getgroups(access_token_var=ACCESS_TOKEN\n ,grant_type=sas_services\n ,outds=work.viyagroups\n );\n%local oauth_bearer base_uri fname1 libref1;\n%if &grant_type=detect %then %do;\n %if %symexist(&access_token_var) %then %let grant_type=authorization_code;\n %else %let grant_type=sas_services;\n%end;\n%if &grant_type=sas_services %then %do;\n %let oauth_bearer=oauth_bearer=sas_services;\n %let &access_token_var=;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&grant_type ne authorization_code and &grant_type ne password\n and &grant_type ne sas_services\n )\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid value for grant_type: &grant_type)\n)\n\noptions noquotelenmax;\n/* location of rest apis */\n%let base_uri=%mf_getplatform(VIYARESTAPI);\n\n/* fetching folder details for provided path */\n%let fname1=%mf_getuniquefileref();\n%let libref1=%mf_getuniquelibref();\n\nproc http method='GET' out=&fname1 &oauth_bearer\n url=\"&base_uri/identities/groups?limit=10000\";\n headers\n %if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\"\n %end;\n \"Accept\"=\"application/json\";\nrun;\n/*data _null_;infile &fname1;input;putlog _infile_;run;*/\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE ne 200)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_PHRASE)\n)\nlibname &libref1 JSON fileref=&fname1;\n\ndata &outds;\n set &libref1..items;\nrun;\n\n\n/* clear refs */\nfilename &fname1 clear;\nlibname &libref1 clear;\n\n%mend mv_getgroups;\n\n\n\n%macro dc_getgroups(outds=mm_getgroups);\n %mv_getgroups(outds=&outds)\n proc sort\n data=&outds(rename=(id=groupuri name=groupname description=groupdesc))\n out=&outds (keep=groupuri groupname groupdesc);\n by groupname;\n run;\n%mend dc_getgroups;\n\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file\n @brief validating the mpe_security.sas_group column\n @details The input table is simply one row from the target table in table\n called \"work.source_row\".\n\n Available macro variables:\n @li LIBDS - The library.dataset being filtered\n @li VARIABLE_NM - The column being filtered\n\n\n

Service Outputs

\n The values provided below are generic samples - we encourage you to replace\n these with realistic values in your own deployments.\n\n
\n The RAW_VALUE column may be charactor or numeric. If DISPLAY_INDEX is not\n provided, it is added automatically.\n\n |DISPLAY_INDEX:best.|DISPLAY_VALUE:$|RAW_VALUE|\n |---|---|---|\n |1|$77.43|77.43|\n |2|$88.43|88.43|\n\n
\n This table is optional. If provided, it will map the DISPLAY_INDEX from the\n DYNAMIC_VALUES table to additional column/value pairs, that will be used to\n populate dropdowns for _other_ cells in the _same_ row.\n\n Should be used sparingly! The use of large tables here can slow down the\n browser.\n\n |DISPLAY_INDEX:best.|EXTRA_COL_NAME:$32.|DISPLAY_VALUE:$|DISPLAY_TYPE:$1.|RAW_VALUE_NUM|RAW_VALUE_CHAR:$5000|\n |---|---|---|\n |1|DISCOUNT_RT|\"50%\"|N|0.5||\n |1|DISCOUNT_RT|\"40%\"|N|0.4||\n |1|DISCOUNT_RT|\"30%\"|N|0.3||\n |1|CURRENCY_SYMBOL|\"GBP\"|C||\"GBP\"|\n |1|CURRENCY_SYMBOL|\"RSD\"|C||\"RSD\"|\n |2|DISCOUNT_RT|\"50%\"|N|0.5||\n |2|DISCOUNT_RT|\"40%\"|N|0.4||\n |2|CURRENCY_SYMBOL|\"EUR\"|C||\"EUR\"|\n |2|CURRENCY_SYMBOL|\"HKD\"|C||\"HKD\"|\n\n\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li dc_getgroups.sas\n\n\n**/\n\n\n%dc_getgroups(outds=groups)\n\nproc sql;\ncreate table work.DYNAMIC_VALUES as\n select distinct groupname as display_value,\n groupname as raw_value\n from work.groups\n order by 1;\n\n* Service end;" }, { "name": "tables_all", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n\n\n%macro dc_assignlib(type,libref,passthru=);\n %if %length(&passthru)>0 %then %do;\n proc sql;\n connect using &libref as &passthru;\n %end;\n%mend dc_assignlib;\n\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Generic validator for tables in a library\n @details The input table is simply one row from the target table in table\n called \"work.source_row\".\n\n Available macro variables:\n @li MPELIB - The DC control library\n @li LIBDS - The library.dataset being filtered\n @li VARIABLE_NM - The column being filtered\n\n\n

Service Outputs

\n The values provided below are generic samples - we encourage you to replace\n these with realistic values in your own deployments.\n\n
\n The RAW_VALUE column may be charactor or numeric. If DISPLAY_INDEX is not\n provided, it is added automatically.\n\n |DISPLAY_INDEX:best.|DISPLAY_VALUE:$|RAW_VALUE|\n |---|---|---|\n |1|$77.43|77.43|\n |2|$88.43|88.43|\n\n
\n This table is optional. If provided, it will map the DISPLAY_INDEX from the\n DYNAMIC_VALUES table to additional column/value pairs, that will be used to\n populate dropdowns for _other_ cells in the _same_ row.\n\n Should be used sparingly! The use of large tables here can slow down the\n browser.\n\n |DISPLAY_INDEX:best.|EXTRA_COL_NAME:$32.|DISPLAY_VALUE:$|DISPLAY_TYPE:$1.|RAW_VALUE_NUM|RAW_VALUE_CHAR:$5000|\n |---|---|---|\n |1|DISCOUNT_RT|\"50%\"|N|0.5||\n |1|DISCOUNT_RT|\"40%\"|N|0.4||\n |1|DISCOUNT_RT|\"30%\"|N|0.3||\n |1|CURRENCY_SYMBOL|\"GBP\"|C||\"GBP\"|\n |1|CURRENCY_SYMBOL|\"RSD\"|C||\"RSD\"|\n |2|DISCOUNT_RT|\"50%\"|N|0.5||\n |2|DISCOUNT_RT|\"40%\"|N|0.4||\n |2|CURRENCY_SYMBOL|\"EUR\"|C||\"EUR\"|\n |2|CURRENCY_SYMBOL|\"HKD\"|C||\"HKD\"|\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li dc_assignlib.sas\n\n**/\n\n/* send back the raw and formatted values */\n%let tgtlib=0;\n%let varlibds=%mf_getuniquename();\n%let vartgtlib=%mf_getuniquename();\n%let var_is_lib=%mf_getuniquename();\ndata _null_;\n length &varlibds $41 &vartgtlib $8 libref $8 rls_libref $8;\n if _n_=1 then call missing(of _all_);\n set work.source_row;\n &varlibds=upcase(symget('libds'));\n if &varlibds=\"&mpelib..MPE_TABLES\" then &vartgtlib=LIBREF;\n else if &varlibds=\"&mpelib..MPE_ROW_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n then &vartgtlib=RLS_LIBREF;\n else if &varlibds=\"&mpelib..MPE_COLUMN_LEVEL_SECURITY\"\n then &vartgtlib=CLS_LIBREF;\n\n /* validate name */\n if nvalid(&vartgtlib,'v7') then call symputx('tgtlib',&vartgtlib);\n call symputx('vartgtlib',&vartgtlib);\n\n putlog (_all_)(=);\nrun;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (\"&tgtlib\" =\"0\" )\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Invalid library - %superq(vartgtlib))\n ,errds=work.dc_error_response\n)\n\n%dc_assignlib(READ,&tgtlib)\n\ndata members; /* empty table */\nname=' ';\nrun;\nods output Members=Members;\nproc datasets library=&tgtlib ;\nrun;\n\n/* send back the raw and formatted values */\nproc sql;\ncreate table work.DYNAMIC_VALUES as\n select distinct name as display_value,\n upcase(name) as raw_value\n from work.members\n where MemType='DATA'\n order by 1;\n\n\n* Service end;" }, { "name": "tables_editable", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Generic validator for editable libraries\n @details The input table is simply one row from the target table in table\n called \"work.source_row\".\n\n Available macro variables:\n @li MPELIB - The DC control library\n @li LIBDS - The library.dataset being filtered\n @li VARIABLE_NM - The column being filtered\n\n

Service Inputs

\n |libref:$8|\n |somelib|\n\n

Service Outputs

\n The values provided below are generic samples - we encourage you to replace\n these with realistic values in your own deployments.\n\n
\n The RAW_VALUE column may be charactor or numeric. If DISPLAY_INDEX is not\n provided, it is added automatically.\n\n |DISPLAY_INDEX:best.|DISPLAY_VALUE:$|RAW_VALUE|\n |---|---|---|\n |1|$77.43|77.43|\n |2|$88.43|88.43|\n\n
\n This table is optional. If provided, it will map the DISPLAY_INDEX from the\n DYNAMIC_VALUES table to additional column/value pairs, that will be used to\n populate dropdowns for _other_ cells in the _same_ row.\n\n Should be used sparingly! The use of large tables here can slow down the\n browser.\n\n |DISPLAY_INDEX:best.|EXTRA_COL_NAME:$32.|DISPLAY_VALUE:$|DISPLAY_TYPE:$1.|RAW_VALUE_NUM|RAW_VALUE_CHAR:$5000|\n |---|---|---|---|---|---|\n |1|DISCOUNT_RT|\"50%\"|N|0.5|` `|\n |1|DISCOUNT_RT|\"40%\"|N|0.4|` `|\n |1|DISCOUNT_RT|\"30%\"|N|0.3|` `|\n |1|CURRENCY_SYMBOL|\"GBP\"|C|` `|\"GBP\"|\n |1|CURRENCY_SYMBOL|\"RSD\"|C|` `|\"RSD\"|\n |2|DISCOUNT_RT|\"50%\"|N|0.5|` `|\n |2|DISCOUNT_RT|\"40%\"|N|0.4|` `|\n |2|CURRENCY_SYMBOL|\"EUR\"|C|` `|\"EUR\"|\n |2|CURRENCY_SYMBOL|\"HKD\"|C|` `|\"HKD\"|\n\n**/\n\n/* send back the raw and formatted values */\ndata _null_;\n var=symget('variable_nm');\n libds=symget('libds');\n if libds=\"&mpelib..MPE_EXCEL_CONFIG\" and var='XL_TABLE' then do;\n call symputx('srccol','XL_LIBREF');\n end;\n else call symputx('srccol','libref');\nrun;\n\nproc sql;\ncreate table work.DYNAMIC_VALUES as\n select distinct dsn as display_value,\n upcase(dsn) as raw_value\n from &mpelib..mpe_tables\n (where=(&dc_dttmtfmt. < tx_to))\n where libref in (select &srccol from work.source_row)\n order by 1;\n\n\n* Service end;" } ] }, { "name": "viya_users", "type": "folder", "members": [ { "name": "usergroupsbymember", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquefileref(prefix=_,maxtries=1000,lrecl=32767);\n %local rc fname;\n %if &prefix=0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %local x len;\n %let len=%eval(8-%length(&prefix));\n %let x=0;\n %do x=0 %to &maxtries;\n %let fname=&prefix%substr(%sysfunc(ranuni(0)),3,&len);\n %if %sysfunc(fileref(&fname)) > 0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %put unable to find available fileref after &maxtries attempts;\n %end;\n%mend mf_getuniquefileref;\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquelibref(prefix=mclib,maxtries=1000);\n %local x;\n\n %if ( %length(&prefix) gt 7 ) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: The prefix parameter cannot exceed 7 characters.;\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %if (%sysfunc(NVALID(&prefix,v7))=0) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: Invalid prefix (&prefix);\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* Set maxtries equal to '10 to the power of [# unused characters] - 1' */\n %let maxtries=%eval(10**(8-%length(&prefix))-1);\n\n %do x = 0 %to &maxtries;\n %if %sysfunc(libref(&prefix&x)) ne 0 %then %do;\n &prefix&x\n %return;\n %end;\n %let x = %eval(&x + 1);\n %end;\n\n %put %str(ERR)OR: No usable libref in range &prefix.0-&maxtries;\n %put %str(ERR)OR- Try reducing the prefix or deleting some libraries!;\n 0\n%mend mf_getuniquelibref;\n\n\n%macro mv_getusergroups(user\n ,outds=work.mv_getusergroups\n ,access_token_var=ACCESS_TOKEN\n ,grant_type=sas_services\n );\n%local oauth_bearer;\n%if &grant_type=detect %then %do;\n %if %symexist(&access_token_var) %then %let grant_type=authorization_code;\n %else %let grant_type=sas_services;\n%end;\n%if &grant_type=sas_services %then %do;\n %let oauth_bearer=oauth_bearer=sas_services;\n %let &access_token_var=;\n%end;\n%put &sysmacroname: grant_type=&grant_type;\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&grant_type ne authorization_code and &grant_type ne password\n and &grant_type ne sas_services\n )\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid value for grant_type: &grant_type)\n)\noptions noquotelenmax;\n\n%local base_uri; /* location of rest apis */\n%let base_uri=%mf_getplatform(VIYARESTAPI);\n\n/* fetching folder details for provided path */\n%local fname1;\n%let fname1=%mf_getuniquefileref();\n%let libref1=%mf_getuniquelibref();\n\nproc http method='GET' out=&fname1 &oauth_bearer\n url=\"&base_uri/identities/users/&user/memberships?limit=10000\";\n headers\n%if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\"\n%end;\n \"Accept\"=\"application/json\";\nrun;\n/*data _null_;infile &fname1;input;putlog _infile_;run;*/\n%if &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE=404 %then %do;\n %put NOTE: User &user not found!!;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %mp_abort(iftrue=(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE ne 200)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_PHRASE)\n )\n%end;\nlibname &libref1 JSON fileref=&fname1;\n\ndata &outds;\n set &libref1..items;\nrun;\n\n/* clear refs */\nfilename &fname1 clear;\nlibname &libref1 clear;\n\n%mend mv_getusergroups;\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file usergroupsbymember.sas\n @brief List the groups a member is in\n @details Runs without \\%mpeinit() - this enables the dropdown to be populated\n during configuration, when the settings service does not yet exist.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mv_getusergroups.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n @version 3.4\n @author 4GL Apps Ltd\n**/\n\n%mv_getusergroups(%mf_getuser(),outds=groups)\n\nproc sort data=groups(rename=(id=uri name=groupname providerid=groupdesc))\n out=groups;\n by groupname;\nrun;\n\n%webout(OPEN)\n%webout(OBJ,groups)\n%webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n* Service end;" }, { "name": "usermembers", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquefileref(prefix=_,maxtries=1000,lrecl=32767);\n %local rc fname;\n %if &prefix=0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %local x len;\n %let len=%eval(8-%length(&prefix));\n %let x=0;\n %do x=0 %to &maxtries;\n %let fname=&prefix%substr(%sysfunc(ranuni(0)),3,&len);\n %if %sysfunc(fileref(&fname)) > 0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %put unable to find available fileref after &maxtries attempts;\n %end;\n%mend mf_getuniquefileref;\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquelibref(prefix=mclib,maxtries=1000);\n %local x;\n\n %if ( %length(&prefix) gt 7 ) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: The prefix parameter cannot exceed 7 characters.;\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %if (%sysfunc(NVALID(&prefix,v7))=0) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: Invalid prefix (&prefix);\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* Set maxtries equal to '10 to the power of [# unused characters] - 1' */\n %let maxtries=%eval(10**(8-%length(&prefix))-1);\n\n %do x = 0 %to &maxtries;\n %if %sysfunc(libref(&prefix&x)) ne 0 %then %do;\n &prefix&x\n %return;\n %end;\n %let x = %eval(&x + 1);\n %end;\n\n %put %str(ERR)OR: No usable libref in range &prefix.0-&maxtries;\n %put %str(ERR)OR- Try reducing the prefix or deleting some libraries!;\n 0\n%mend mf_getuniquelibref;\n\n\n%macro mv_getusers(outds=work.mv_getusers\n ,access_token_var=ACCESS_TOKEN\n ,grant_type=sas_services\n );\n%local oauth_bearer;\n%if &grant_type=detect %then %do;\n %if %symexist(&access_token_var) %then %let grant_type=authorization_code;\n %else %let grant_type=sas_services;\n%end;\n%if &grant_type=sas_services %then %do;\n %let oauth_bearer=oauth_bearer=sas_services;\n %let &access_token_var=;\n%end;\n%put &sysmacroname: grant_type=&grant_type;\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&grant_type ne authorization_code and &grant_type ne password\n and &grant_type ne sas_services\n )\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid value for grant_type: &grant_type)\n)\n\noptions noquotelenmax;\n\n%local base_uri; /* location of rest apis */\n%let base_uri=%mf_getplatform(VIYARESTAPI);\n\n/* fetching folder details for provided path */\n%local fname1;\n%let fname1=%mf_getuniquefileref();\n%let libref1=%mf_getuniquelibref();\n\nproc http method='GET' out=&fname1 &oauth_bearer\n url=\"&base_uri/identities/users?limit=10000\";\n%if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n headers \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\"\n \"Accept\"=\"application/json\";\n%end;\n%else %do;\n headers \"Accept\"=\"application/json\";\n%end;\nrun;\n/*data _null_;infile &fname1;input;putlog _infile_;run;*/\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE ne 200)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_PHRASE)\n)\nlibname &libref1 JSON fileref=&fname1;\n\ndata &outds;\n set &libref1..items;\nrun;\n\n/* clear refs */\nfilename &fname1 clear;\nlibname &libref1 clear;\n\n%mend mv_getusers;\n\n\n%macro dc_getusers(outds=mm_getlibs);\n %mv_getusers(outds=&outds)\n proc sort data=&outds(rename=(id=uri)) out=&outds(keep=uri name);\n by name;\n run;\n%mend dc_getusers;\n\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file usermembers.sas\n @brief List all SAS users\n @details Gets a list of all SAS users\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li dc_getusers.sas\n @li mpeinit.sas\n\n @version 9.3\n @author 4GL Apps Ltd\n @copyright 4GL Apps Ltd. This code may only be used within Data Controller\n and may not be re-distributed or re-sold without the express permission of\n 4GL Apps Ltd.\n**/\n\n%mpeinit()\n%dc_getusers(outds=users)\n\n%webout(OPEN)\n%webout(OBJ,users)\n%webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n\n* Service end;" }, { "name": "usermembersbygroup", "type": "service", "code": "\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n/**\n @file mp_jsonout.sas\n @brief Writes JSON in SASjs format to a fileref\n @details This macro can be used to OPEN a JSON stream and send one or more\n tables as arrays of rows, where each row can be an object or a nested array.\n\n There are two engines available - DATASTEP or PROCJSON.\n\n PROC JSON is fast but will produce errs like the ones below if\n special chars are encountered.\n\n > (ERR)OR: Some code points did not transcode.\n\n > An object or array close is not valid at this point in the JSON text.\n\n > Date value out of range\n\n If this happens, try running with ENGINE=DATASTEP.\n\n The DATASTEP engine is used to handle special SAS missing numerics, and\n can also convert entire datasets to formatted values. Output JSON is always\n in UTF-8.\n\n Usage:\n\n filename tmp temp;\n data class; set sashelp.class;run;\n\n %mp_jsonout(OPEN,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,jref=tmp)\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,class,dslabel=class2,jref=tmp,showmeta=Y)\n %mp_jsonout(CLOSE,jref=tmp)\n\n data _null_;\n infile tmp;\n input;putlog _infile_;\n run;\n\n If you are building web apps with SAS then you are strongly encouraged to use\n the mX_createwebservice macros in combination with the\n [sasjs adapter](https://github.com/sasjs/adapter).\n For more information see https://sasjs.io\n\n @param [in] action Valid values:\n @li OPEN - opens the JSON\n @li OBJ - sends a table with each row as an object\n @li ARR - sends a table with each row in an array\n @li CLOSE - closes the JSON\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send. Must be a work table.\n @param [out] jref= (_webout) The fileref to which to send the JSON\n @param [out] dslabel= The name to give the table in the exported JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (Y) Whether to keep (Y) or strip (N) formats from the table\n @param [in] engine= (DATASTEP) Which engine to use to send the JSON. Options:\n @li PROCJSON (default)\n @li DATASTEP (more reliable when data has non standard characters)\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to JSON\n\n

Related Files

\n @li mp_ds2fmtds.sas\n\n @version 9.2\n @author Allan Bowe\n @source https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mp_jsonout(action,ds,jref=_webout,dslabel=,fmt=Y\n ,engine=DATASTEP\n ,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N\n ,maxobs=MAX\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local tempds colinfo fmtds i numcols numobs stmt_obs lastobs optval\n tmpds1 tmpds2 tmpds3 tmpds4;\n%let numcols=0;\n%if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let stmt_obs=%str(if _n_>&maxobs then stop;);\n\n%if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n data _null_;file &jref encoding='utf-8' lrecl=200;\n put '{\"PROCESSED_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if (&action=ARR or &action=OBJ) %then %do;\n /* force variable names to always be uppercase in the JSON */\n options validvarname=upcase;\n /* To avoid issues with _webout on EBI - such as encoding diffs and truncation\n (https://support.sas.com/kb/49/325.html) we use temporary files */\n filename _sjs1 temp lrecl=200 ;\n data _null_; file _sjs1 encoding='utf-8';\n put \", \"\"%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":\";\n run;\n /* now write to _webout 1 char at a time */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs1 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs1 clear;\n\n /* grab col defs */\n proc contents noprint data=&ds\n out=_data_(keep=name type length format formatl formatd varnum label);\n run;\n %let colinfo=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n proc sort data=&colinfo;\n by varnum;\n run;\n /* move meta to mac vars */\n data &colinfo;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('numcols',nobs,'l');\n set &colinfo end=last nobs=nobs;\n name=upcase(name);\n /* fix formats */\n if type=2 or type=6 then do;\n typelong='char';\n length fmt $49.;\n if format='' then fmt=cats('$',length,'.');\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n end;\n else do;\n typelong='num';\n if format='' then fmt='best.';\n else if formatl=0 then fmt=cats(format,'.');\n else if formatd=0 then fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.');\n else fmt=cats(format,formatl,'.',formatd);\n end;\n /* 32 char unique name */\n newname='sasjs'!!substr(cats(put(md5(name),$hex32.)),1,27);\n\n call symputx(cats('name',_n_),name,'l');\n call symputx(cats('newname',_n_),newname,'l');\n call symputx(cats('length',_n_),length,'l');\n call symputx(cats('fmt',_n_),fmt,'l');\n call symputx(cats('type',_n_),type,'l');\n call symputx(cats('typelong',_n_),typelong,'l');\n call symputx(cats('label',_n_),coalescec(label,name),'l');\n /* overwritten when fmt=Y and a custom format exists in catalog */\n if typelong='num' then call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),200,'l');\n else call symputx(cats('fmtlen',_n_),min(32767,ceil((length+10)*1.5)),'l');\n run;\n\n %let tempds=%substr(_%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql;\n select count(*) into: lastobs from &ds;\n %if &maxobs ne MAX %then %let lastobs=%sysfunc(min(&lastobs,&maxobs));\n\n %if &engine=PROCJSON %then %do;\n %if &missing=STRING %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: Special Missings not supported in proc json.;\n %put &sysmacroname: Switching to DATASTEP engine;\n %goto datastep;\n %end;\n data &tempds;\n set &ds;\n &stmt_obs;\n %if &fmt=N %then format _numeric_ best32.;;\n /* PRETTY is necessary to avoid line truncation in large files */\n filename _sjs2 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n proc json out=_sjs2 pretty\n %if &action=ARR %then nokeys ;\n ;export &tempds / nosastags fmtnumeric;\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs2 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs2 clear;\n %end;\n %else %if &engine=DATASTEP %then %do;\n %datastep:\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&ds)) ne 1 & %sysfunc(exist(&ds,VIEW)) ne 1\n %then %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: &ds NOT FOUND!!!;\n %return;\n %end;\n\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n /**\n * Extract format definitions\n * First, by getting library locations from dictionary.formats\n * Then, by exporting the width using proc format\n * Cannot use maxw from sashelp.vformat as not always populated\n * Cannot use fmtinfo() as not supported in all flavours\n */\n %let tmpds1=%substr(fmtsum%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds2=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds3=%substr(cntl%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n %let tmpds4=%substr(col%sysfunc(compress(%sysfunc(uuidgen()),-)),1,32);\n proc sql noprint;\n create table &tmpds1 as\n select cats(libname,'.',memname) as FMTCAT,\n FMTNAME\n from dictionary.formats\n where fmttype='F' and libname is not null\n and fmtname in (select format from &colinfo where format is not null)\n order by 1;\n create table &tmpds2(\n FMTNAME char(32),\n LENGTH num\n );\n %local catlist cat fmtlist i;\n select distinct fmtcat into: catlist separated by ' ' from &tmpds1;\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&catlist,%str( )));\n %let cat=%scan(&catlist,&i,%str( ));\n proc sql;\n select distinct fmtname into: fmtlist separated by ' '\n from &tmpds1 where fmtcat=\"&cat\";\n proc format lib=&cat cntlout=&tmpds3(keep=fmtname length);\n select &fmtlist;\n run;\n proc sql;\n insert into &tmpds2 select distinct fmtname,length from &tmpds3;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n create table &tmpds4 as\n select a.*, b.length as MAXW\n from &colinfo a\n left join &tmpds2 b\n on cats(a.format)=cats(upcase(b.fmtname))\n order by a.varnum;\n data _null_;\n set &tmpds4;\n if not missing(maxw);\n call symputx(\n cats('fmtlen',_n_),\n /* vars need extra padding due to JSON escaping of special chars */\n min(32767,ceil((max(length,maxw)+10)*1.5))\n ,'l'\n );\n run;\n\n /* configure varlenchk - as we are explicitly shortening the variables */\n %let optval=%sysfunc(getoption(varlenchk));\n options varlenchk=NOWARN;\n data _data_(compress=char);\n /* shorten the new vars */\n length\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i\n %end;\n ;\n /* rename on entry */\n set &ds(rename=(\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&name&i=&&newname&i\n %end;\n ));\n &stmt_obs;\n\n drop\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n &&newname&i\n %end;\n ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=num %then %do;\n &&name&i=cats(put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i));\n %end;\n %else %do;\n &&name&i=put(&&newname&i,&&fmt&i);\n %end;\n %end;\n if _error_ then do;\n call symputx('syscc',1012);\n stop;\n end;\n run;\n %let fmtds=&syslast;\n options varlenchk=&optval;\n %end;\n\n proc format; /* credit yabwon for special null removal */\n value bart (default=40)\n %if &missing=NULL %then %do;\n ._ - .z = null\n %end;\n %else %do;\n ._ = [quote()]\n . = null\n .a - .z = [quote()]\n %end;\n other = [best.];\n\n data &tempds;\n attrib _all_ label='';\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n length &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n format &&name&i $&&fmtlen&i...;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if &fmt=Y %then %do;\n set &fmtds;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n set &ds;\n %end;\n &stmt_obs;\n format _numeric_ bart.;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &&typelong&i=char or &fmt=Y %then %do;\n if findc(&&name&i,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n &&name&i='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,&&name&i)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else &&name&i=quote(cats(&&name&i));\n %end;\n %end;\n run;\n\n filename _sjs3 temp lrecl=131068 ;\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 encoding='utf-8';\n if _n_=1 then put \"[\";\n set &tempds;\n if _n_>1 then put \",\" @; put\n %if &action=ARR %then \"[\" ; %else \"{\" ;\n %do i=1 %to &numcols;\n %if &i>1 %then \",\" ;\n %if &action=OBJ %then \"\"\"&&name&i\"\":\" ;\n \"&&name&i\"n /* name literal for reserved variable names */\n %end;\n %if &action=ARR %then \"]\" ; %else \"}\" ; ;\n\n /* close out the table */\n data _null_;\n file _sjs3 mod encoding='utf-8';\n put ']';\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs3 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs3 clear;\n %end;\n\n proc sql;\n drop table &colinfo, &tempds;\n\n %if %substr(&showmeta,1,1)=Y %then %do;\n filename _sjs4 temp lrecl=131068 encoding='utf-8';\n data _null_;\n file _sjs4;\n length label $350;\n put \", \"\"$%lowcase(%sysfunc(coalescec(&dslabel,&ds)))\"\":{\"\"vars\"\":{\";\n do i=1 to &numcols;\n name=quote(trim(symget(cats('name',i))));\n format=quote(trim(symget(cats('fmt',i))));\n label=quote(prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,trim(symget(cats('label',i)))));\n length=quote(trim(symget(cats('length',i))));\n type=quote(trim(symget(cats('typelong',i))));\n if i>1 then put \",\" @@;\n put name ':{\"format\":' format ',\"label\":' label\n ',\"length\":' length ',\"type\":' type '}';\n end;\n put '}}';\n run;\n /* send back to webout */\n data _null_;\n infile _sjs4 lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n file &jref mod lrecl=1 recfm=n;\n input sourcechar $char1. @@;\n format sourcechar hex2.;\n put sourcechar char1. @@;\n run;\n filename _sjs4 clear;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n data _null_; file &jref encoding='utf-8' mod ;\n put \"}\";\n run;\n%end;\n%mend mp_jsonout;\n/**\n @file\n @brief Send data to/from the SAS Viya Job Execution Service\n @details This macro should be added to the start of each Job Execution\n Service, **immediately** followed by a call to:\n\n %mv_webout(FETCH)\n\n This will read all the input data and create same-named SAS datasets in the\n WORK library. You can then insert your code, and send data back using the\n following syntax:\n\n data some datasets; * make some data ;\n retain some columns;\n run;\n\n %mv_webout(OPEN)\n %mv_webout(ARR,some) * Array format, fast, suitable for large tables ;\n %mv_webout(OBJ,datasets) * Object format, easier to work with ;\n %mv_webout(CLOSE)\n\n\n @param [in] action Either OPEN, ARR, OBJ or CLOSE\n @param [in] ds The dataset to send back to the frontend\n @param [in] _webout= fileref for returning the json\n @param [out] fref=(_mvwtemp) Temp fileref to which to write the output\n @param [out] dslabel= value to use instead of table name for sending to JSON\n @param [in] fmt= (N) Setting Y converts all vars to their formatted values\n @param [in] stream=(Y) Change to N if not streaming to _webout\n @param [in] missing= (NULL) Special numeric missing values can be sent as NULL\n (eg `null`) or as STRING values (eg `\".a\"` or `\".b\"`)\n @param [in] showmeta= (N) Set to Y to output metadata alongside each table,\n such as the column formats and types. The metadata is contained inside an\n object with the same name as the table but prefixed with a dollar sign - ie,\n `,\"$tablename\":{\"formats\":{\"col1\":\"$CHAR1\"},\"types\":{\"COL1\":\"C\"}}`\n @param [in] maxobs= (MAX) Provide an integer to limit the number of input rows\n that should be converted to output JSON\n @param [in] workobs= (0) When set to a positive integer, will create a new\n output object (WORK) which contains this number of observations from all\n tables in the WORK library.\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_jsonout.sas\n @li mf_getuser.sas\n\n

Related Macros

\n @li ms_webout.sas\n @li mm_webout.sas\n\n @version Viya 3.3\n @author Allan Bowe, source: https://github.com/sasjs/core\n\n**/\n%macro mv_webout(action,ds,fref=_mvwtemp,dslabel=,fmt=N,stream=Y,missing=NULL\n ,showmeta=N,maxobs=MAX,workobs=0\n);\n%global _webin_file_count _webin_fileuri _debug _omittextlog _webin_name\n sasjs_tables SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n%if %index(\"&_debug\",log) %then %let _debug=131;\n\n%local i tempds table;\n%let action=%upcase(&action);\n\n%if &action=FETCH %then %do;\n %if %upcase(&_omittextlog)=FALSE or %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n options mprint notes mprintnest;\n %end;\n\n %if not %symexist(_webin_fileuri1) %then %do;\n %let _webin_file_count=%eval(&_webin_file_count+0);\n %let _webin_fileuri1=&_webin_fileuri;\n %let _webin_name1=&_webin_name;\n %end;\n\n /* if the sasjs_tables param is passed, we expect param based upload */\n %if %length(&sasjs_tables.X)>1 %then %do;\n\n /* convert data from macro variables to datasets */\n %do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&sasjs_tables));\n %let table=%scan(&sasjs_tables,&i,%str( ));\n %if %symexist(sasjs&i.data0)=0 %then %let sasjs&i.data0=1;\n data _null_;\n file \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" recfm=n;\n retain nrflg 0;\n length line $32767;\n do i=1 to &&sasjs&i.data0;\n if &&sasjs&i.data0=1 then line=symget(\"sasjs&i.data\");\n else line=symget(cats(\"sasjs&i.data\",i));\n if i=1 and substr(line,1,7)='%nrstr(' then do;\n nrflg=1;\n line=substr(line,8);\n end;\n if i=&&sasjs&i.data0 and nrflg=1 then do;\n line=substr(line,1,length(line)-1);\n end;\n put line +(-1) @;\n end;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" termstr=crlf ;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n list;\n data work.&table;\n infile \"%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&table..csv\" firstobs=2 dsd\n termstr=crlf;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %do i=1 %to &_webin_file_count;\n /* read in any files that are sent */\n /* this part needs refactoring for wide files */\n filename indata filesrvc \"&&_webin_fileuri&i\" lrecl=999999;\n data _null_;\n infile indata termstr=crlf lrecl=32767;\n input;\n if _n_=1 then call symputx('input_statement',_infile_);\n %if %str(&_debug) ge 131 %then %do;\n if _n_<20 then putlog _infile_;\n else stop;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n stop;\n %end;\n run;\n data &&_webin_name&i;\n infile indata firstobs=2 dsd termstr=crlf ;\n input &input_statement;\n run;\n %let sasjs_tables=&sasjs_tables &&_webin_name&i;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=OPEN %then %do;\n /* setup webout */\n OPTIONS NOBOMFILE;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n\n /* setup temp ref */\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT %then %do;\n filename &fref temp lrecl=999999 permission='A::u::rwx,A::g::rw-,A::o::---';\n %end;\n\n /* setup json */\n data _null_;file &fref;\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n run;\n%end;\n%else %if &action=ARR or &action=OBJ %then %do;\n %mp_jsonout(&action,&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt,jref=&fref\n ,engine=DATASTEP,missing=&missing,showmeta=&showmeta,maxobs=&maxobs\n )\n%end;\n%else %if &action=CLOSE %then %do;\n %if %str(&workobs) > 0 %then %do;\n /* send back first XX records of each work table for debugging */\n data;run;%let tempds=%scan(&syslast,2,.);\n ods output Members=&tempds;\n proc datasets library=WORK memtype=data;\n %local wtcnt;%let wtcnt=0;\n data _null_;\n set &tempds;\n if not (upcase(name) =:\"DATA\"); /* ignore temp datasets */\n i+1;\n call symputx(cats('wt',i),name,'l');\n call symputx('wtcnt',i,'l');\n data _null_; file &fref mod; put \",\"\"WORK\"\":{\";\n %do i=1 %to &wtcnt;\n %let wt=&&wt&i;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;\n dsid=open(\"WORK.&wt\",'is');\n nlobs=attrn(dsid,'NLOBS');\n nvars=attrn(dsid,'NVARS');\n rc=close(dsid);\n if &i>1 then put ','@;\n put \" \"\"&wt\"\" : {\";\n put '\"nlobs\":' nlobs;\n put ',\"nvars\":' nvars;\n %mp_jsonout(OBJ,&wt,jref=&fref,dslabel=first10rows,showmeta=Y\n ,maxobs=&workobs\n )\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";\n %end;\n data _null_; file &fref mod;put \"}\";run;\n %end;\n\n /* close off json */\n data _null_;file &fref mod;\n length SYSPROCESSNAME syserrortext syswarningtext autoexec $512;\n put \",\"\"_DEBUG\"\" : \"\"&_debug\"\" \";\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n autoexec=quote(urlencode(trim(getoption('autoexec'))));\n put ',\"AUTOEXEC\" : ' autoexec;\n put \",\"\"MF_GETUSER\"\" : \"\"%mf_getuser()\"\" \";\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(resolve(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI'))));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\" : ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI ;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSID\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSID\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" : \"\"&SYSPROCESSMODE\"\" \";\n SYSPROCESSNAME=quote(urlencode(cats(SYSPROCESSNAME)));\n put \",\"\"SYSPROCESSNAME\"\" : \" SYSPROCESSNAME;\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\" : ' syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n length memsize $32;\n memsize=\"%sysfunc(INPUTN(%sysfunc(getoption(memsize)), best.),sizekmg.)\";\n memsize=quote(cats(memsize));\n put ',\"MEMSIZE\" : ' memsize;\n put \"}\";\n\n %if %upcase(&fref) ne _WEBOUT and &stream=Y %then %do;\n data _null_; rc=fcopy(\"&fref\",\"_webout\");run;\n %end;\n\n%end;\n\n%mend mv_webout;\n/* if calling viya service with _job param, _program will conflict */\n/* so we provide instead as __program */\n%global __program _program;\n%let _program=%sysfunc(coalescec(&__program,&_program));\n%macro webout(action,ds,dslabel=,fmt=,missing=NULL,showmeta=NO,maxobs=MAX);\n %mv_webout(&action,ds=&ds,dslabel=&dslabel,fmt=&fmt\n ,missing=&missing\n ,showmeta=&showmeta\n ,maxobs=&maxobs\n ) %mend;\n/* provide additional debug info */\n%global _program;\n%put &=syscc;\n%put user=%mf_getuser();\n%put pgm=&_program;\n%put timestamp=%sysfunc(datetime(),datetime19.);\n\n* Service Variables start;\n\n\n* Service Variables end;\n* SAS Macros start;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mp_abort(mac=mp_abort.sas, type=, msg=, iftrue=%str(1=1)\n , errds=work.mp_abort_errds\n , mode=REGULAR\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%global sysprocessmode sysprocessname sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc sasjsprocessmode;\n%local fref fid i;\n\n%if not(%eval(%unquote(&iftrue))) %then %return;\n\n%put NOTE: /// mp_abort macro executing //;\n%if %length(&mac)>0 %then %put NOTE- called by &mac;\n%put NOTE - &msg;\n\n%if %symexist(_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE)\n/* abort cancel FILE does not restart outside the INCLUDE on Viya 3.5 */\nand %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) ne %str(Compute Server)\n%then %do;\n %if \"*&_SYSINCLUDEFILEDEVICE*\" ne \"**\" %then %do;\n data &errds;\n iftrue='1=1';\n length mac $100 msg $5000;\n mac=symget('mac');\n msg=symget('msg');\n run;\n data _null_;\n abort cancel FILE;\n run;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n\n/* Web App Context */\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM)\n or %superq(SYSPROCESSNAME) = %str(Compute Server)\n or &mode=INCLUDE\n%then %do;\n options obs=max replace mprint;\n %if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\"\n %then %do;\n options nosyntaxcheck;\n %end;\n\n %if &mode=INCLUDE %then %do;\n %if %sysfunc(exist(&errds))=1 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n set &errds;\n call symputx('iftrue',iftrue,'l');\n call symputx('mac',mac,'l');\n call symputx('msg',msg,'l');\n putlog (_all_)(=);\n run;\n %if (&iftrue)=0 %then %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No include errors found;\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n /* extract log errs / warns, if exist */\n %local logloc logline;\n %global logmsg; /* capture global messages */\n %if %symexist(SYSPRINTTOLOG) %then %let logloc=&SYSPRINTTOLOG;\n %else %let logloc=%qsysfunc(getoption(LOG));\n proc printto log=log;run;\n %let logline=0;\n %if %length(&logloc)>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n i=1;\n retain logonce 0;\n if (\n _infile_=:\"%str(WARN)ING\" or _infile_=:\"%str(ERR)OR\"\n ) and logonce=0 then\n do;\n call symputx('logline',_n_);\n logonce+1;\n end;\n run;\n /* capture log including lines BEFORE the err */\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n data _null_;\n infile &logloc lrecl=5000;\n input;\n i=1;\n stoploop=0;\n if _n_ ge &logline-15 and stoploop=0 then do until (i>22);\n call symputx('logmsg',catx('\\n',symget('logmsg'),_infile_));\n input;\n i+1;\n stoploop=1;\n end;\n if stoploop=1 then stop;\n run;\n %end;\n %end;\n\n %if %symexist(SYS_JES_JOB_URI) %then %do;\n /* setup webout for Viya */\n options nobomfile;\n %if \"X&SYS_JES_JOB_URI.X\"=\"XX\" %then %do;\n filename _webout temp lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n filename _webout filesrvc parenturi=\"&SYS_JES_JOB_URI\"\n name=\"_webout.json\" lrecl=999999 mod;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %sysfunc(filename(fref,&sasjs_stpsrv_header_loc))=0 %then %do;\n options nobomfile;\n /* set up http header for SASjs Server */\n %let fid=%sysfunc(fopen(&fref,A));\n %if &fid=0 %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n %return;\n %end;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fput(&fid,%str(Content-Type: application/json)));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fwrite(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(fclose(&fid));\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(&fref));\n %end;\n\n /* send response in SASjs JSON format */\n data _null_;\n file _webout mod lrecl=32000 encoding='utf-8';\n length msg syswarningtext syserrortext $32767 mode $10 ;\n sasdatetime=datetime();\n msg=symget('msg');\n %if &logline>0 %then %do;\n msg=cats(msg,'\\n\\nLog Extract:\\n',symget('logmsg'));\n %end;\n /* escape the escapes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\\','\\\\');\n /* escape the quotes */\n msg=tranwrd(msg,'\"','\\\"');\n /* ditch the CRLFs as chrome complains */\n msg=compress(msg,,'kw');\n /* quote without quoting the quotes (which are escaped instead) */\n msg=cats('\"',msg,'\"');\n if symexist('_debug') then debug=quote(trim(symget('_debug')));\n else debug='\"\"';\n if symget('sasjsprocessmode')='Stored Program' then mode='SASJS';\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutBEGIN<<';\n put '{\"SYSDATE\" : \"' \"&SYSDATE\" '\"';\n put ',\"SYSTIME\" : \"' \"&SYSTIME\" '\"';\n put ',\"sasjsAbort\" : [{';\n put ' \"MSG\":' msg ;\n put ' ,\"MAC\": \"' \"&mac\" '\"}]';\n put \",\"\"SYSUSERID\"\" : \"\"&sysuserid\"\" \";\n put ',\"_DEBUG\":' debug ;\n if symexist('_metauser') then do;\n _METAUSER=quote(trim(symget('_METAUSER')));\n put \",\"\"_METAUSER\"\": \" _METAUSER;\n _METAPERSON=quote(trim(symget('_METAPERSON')));\n put ',\"_METAPERSON\": ' _METAPERSON;\n end;\n if symexist('SYS_JES_JOB_URI') then do;\n SYS_JES_JOB_URI=quote(trim(symget('SYS_JES_JOB_URI')));\n put ',\"SYS_JES_JOB_URI\": ' SYS_JES_JOB_URI;\n end;\n _PROGRAM=quote(trim(resolve(symget('_PROGRAM'))));\n put ',\"_PROGRAM\" : ' _PROGRAM ;\n put \",\"\"SYSCC\"\" : \"\"&syscc\"\" \";\n syserrortext=cats(symget('syserrortext'));\n if findc(syserrortext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syserrortext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syserrortext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syserrortext=cats('\"',syserrortext,'\"');\n put ',\"SYSERRORTEXT\" : ' syserrortext;\n put \",\"\"SYSHOSTNAME\"\" : \"\"&syshostname\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSJOBID\"\" : \"\"&sysjobid\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSCPL\"\" : \"\"&sysscpl\"\" \";\n put \",\"\"SYSSITE\"\" : \"\"&syssite\"\" \";\n sysvlong=quote(trim(symget('sysvlong')));\n put ',\"SYSVLONG\" : ' sysvlong;\n syswarningtext=cats(symget('syswarningtext'));\n if findc(syswarningtext,'\"\\'!!'0A0D09000E0F010210111A'x) then do;\n syswarningtext='\"'!!trim(\n prxchange('s/\"/\\\\\"/',-1, /* double quote */\n prxchange('s/\\x0A/\\n/',-1, /* new line */\n prxchange('s/\\x0D/\\r/',-1, /* carriage return */\n prxchange('s/\\x09/\\\\t/',-1, /* tab */\n prxchange('s/\\x00/\\\\u0000/',-1, /* NUL */\n prxchange('s/\\x0E/\\\\u000E/',-1, /* SS */\n prxchange('s/\\x0F/\\\\u000F/',-1, /* SF */\n prxchange('s/\\x01/\\\\u0001/',-1, /* SOH */\n prxchange('s/\\x02/\\\\u0002/',-1, /* STX */\n prxchange('s/\\x10/\\\\u0010/',-1, /* DLE */\n prxchange('s/\\x11/\\\\u0011/',-1, /* DC1 */\n prxchange('s/\\x1A/\\\\u001A/',-1, /* SUB */\n prxchange('s/\\\\/\\\\\\\\/',-1,syswarningtext)\n )))))))))))))!!'\"';\n end;\n else syswarningtext=cats('\"',syswarningtext,'\"');\n put \",\"\"SYSWARNINGTEXT\"\" : \" syswarningtext;\n put ',\"END_DTTM\" : \"' \"%sysfunc(datetime(),E8601DT26.6)\" '\" ';\n put \"}\" ;\n if mode ne 'SASJS' then put '>>weboutEND<<';\n run;\n\n %put _all_;\n\n %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Stored Process Server \" %then %do;\n data _null_;\n putlog 'stpsrvset program err and syscc';\n rc=stpsrvset('program error', 0);\n call symputx(\"syscc\",0,\"g\");\n run;\n %if &sysscp=WIN\n and 1=0 /* deprecating this logic until we figure out a consistent abort */\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),1,8)\"=\"9.04.01M\"\n and \"%substr(%str(&sysvlong ),9,1)\">\"5\" %then %do;\n /* skip approach (below) does not work in windows m6+ envs */\n endsas;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n /**\n * endsas kills 9.4m3 deployments by orphaning multibridges.\n * Abort variants are ungraceful (non zero return code)\n * This approach lets SAS run silently until the end :-)\n * Caution - fails when called within a %include within a macro\n * Use mp_include() to handle this.\n */\n filename skip temp;\n data _null_;\n file skip;\n put '%macro skip();';\n comment '%mend skip; -> fix lint ';\n put '%macro skippy();';\n comment '%mend skippy; -> fix lint ';\n run;\n %inc skip;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode \" = \"SAS Compute Server \" %then %do;\n /* endsas kills the session making it harder to fetch results */\n data _null_;\n syswarningtext=symget('syswarningtext');\n syserrortext=symget('syserrortext');\n abort_msg=symget('msg');\n syscc=symget('syscc');\n sysuserid=symget('sysuserid');\n iftrue=symget('iftrue');\n put (_all_)(/=);\n call symputx('syscc',0);\n abort cancel nolist;\n run;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %abort cancel;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %put _all_;\n %abort cancel;\n%end;\n%mend mp_abort;\n\n/** @endcond */\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getapploc(pgm);\n%if \"&pgm\"=\"\" %then %do;\n %if %symexist(_program) %then %let pgm=&_program;\n %else %do;\n %put &sysmacroname: No value provided and no _program variable available;\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%local root;\n\n/**\n * First check we are not in the tests/macros folder (which has no subfolders)\n * or specifically in the testsetup or testteardown services\n */\n%if %index(&pgm,/tests/macros/)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testsetup)\nor %index(&pgm,/tests/testteardown)\n%then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%index(&pgm,/tests)-1);\n &root\n %return;\n%end;\n\n/**\n * Next, move up two levels to avoid matches on subfolder or service name\n */\n%let root=%substr(&pgm,1,%length(&pgm)-%length(%scan(&pgm,-1,/))-1);\n%let root=%substr(&root,1,%length(&root)-%length(%scan(&root,-1,/))-1);\n\n%if %index(&root,/tests/) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/tests/)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/services) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/services)-1);\n%end;\n%else %if %index(&root,/jobs) %then %do;\n %let root=%substr(&root,1,%index(&root,/jobs)-1);\n%end;\n%else %put &sysmacroname: Could not find an app location from &pgm;\n &root\n%mend mf_getapploc ;\n\n\n%macro dc_getsettings();\n%global DC_LIBNAME DC_LIBREF;\n\n%if %symexist(_PROGRAM) %then %let root=&_program;\n%else %do;\n %global _metauser;\n %let _metauser=&sysuserid;\n /* to mimic a \"real\" _program we need to give a dummy role and stp name */\n %let root=/dummyRole/dummyName;\n%end;\n\n\n/* the DC precode is stored in the Admin folder in the root of\n the project. Lets find that root. */\n%put &=root;\n%let root=%mf_getapploc();\n%put &=root;\n\n/* Now we know the root location we can retrieve the params */\n/* only do this if the lib is not assigned - this is an expensive Viya call */\n\n%if x&dc_libref.x=xx %then %do;\n %put fetching settings from API - this is an expensive call;\n %put it is recommended to put these values in the autoexec;\n filename __dc filesrvc folderpath=\"&root/services\";\n %inc __dc(settings)/source2;\n%end;\n\n\n%let DC_LIBNAME=&dc_libref;\n%let mpelib=&DC_LIBREF;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem running &sysmacroname (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mend dc_getsettings;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_fmtdttm(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if \"&sysver\"=\"9.2\" or \"&sysver\"=\"9.3\"\n or (\"&sysver\"=\"9.4\" and \"%substr(&SYSVLONG,9,1)\" le \"3\")\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"4\"\n or \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\"=\"5\"\n%then %do;DATETIME19.3%end;\n%else %do;E8601DT26.6%end;\n\n%mend mf_fmtdttm;\n\n\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuser(\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n %local user;\n\n %if %symexist(_sasjs_username) %then %let user=&_sasjs_username;\n %else %if %symexist(SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER) %then %do;\n %let user=&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaperson) %then %do;\n %if %length(&_metaperson)=0 %then %let user=&sysuserid;\n /* sometimes SAS will add @domain extension - remove for consistency */\n /* but be sure to quote in case of usernames with commas */\n %else %let user=%unquote(%scan(%quote(&_metaperson),1,@));\n %end;\n %else %let user=&sysuserid;\n\n %quote(&user)\n\n%mend mf_getuser;\n\n\n\n%macro mp_init(prefix=SASJS\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n\n%if %symexist(SASJS_PREFIX) %then %return; /* only run once */\n\n%global\n SASJS_PREFIX /* the ONLY hard-coded global macro variable in SASjs */\n &prefix._FUNCTIONS /* used in mcf_init() to track core function compilation */\n &prefix._INIT_NUM /* initialisation time as numeric */\n &prefix._INIT_DTTM /* initialisation time in E8601DT26.6 format */\n &prefix.WORK /* avoid typing %sysfunc(pathname(work)) every time */\n;\n\n%let sasjs_prefix=&prefix;\n\ndata _null_;\n dttm=datetime();\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_num\",dttm,'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix._init_dttm\",put(dttm,E8601DT26.6),'g');\n call symputx(\"&sasjs_prefix.work\",pathname('WORK'),'g');\nrun;\n\noptions\n compress=CHAR /* default is none so ensure we have something! */\n datastmtchk=ALLKEYWORDS /* protection from overwriting input datasets */\n errorcheck=STRICT /* catch errs in libname/filename statements */\n fmterr /* ensure err when a format cannot be found */\n mergenoby=%str(ERR)OR /* throw err when a merge has no BY variables */\n missing=. /* changing this can cause hard to detect errs */\n noquotelenmax /* avoid warnings for long strings */\n noreplace /* avoid overwriting permanent datasets */\n ps=max /* reduce log size slightly */\n ls=max /* reduce log even more and avoid word truncation */\n validmemname=COMPATIBLE /* avoid special characters etc in table names */\n validvarname=V7 /* avoid special characters etc in variable names */\n varinitchk=%str(ERR)OR /* avoid data mistakes from variable name typos */\n varlenchk=%str(ERR)OR /* fail hard if truncation (data loss) can result */\n%if \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"4\" and \"%substr(&sysver,1,1)\" ne \"5\" %then %do;\n noautocorrect /* disallow misspelled procedure names */\n dsoptions=note2err /* undocumented - convert bad NOTEs to ERRs */\n%end;\n;\n\n%mend mp_init;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeinit(fetch=YES);\n%global mpeinit\n mpeadmins /* group with unrestricted Meditor access */\n mpelocapprovals /* location for landing and staging files */\n mpelib /* location of configuration tables for DC */\n dc_repo_users /* location of user / group metadata */\n /* extracted in dc_getsettings */\n dc_activation_key\n dc_licence_key\n dc_locale\n dc_request_logs\n dc_restrict_viewer\n dc_dttmtfmt /* can be overridden in dc_getsettings */\n _debug /* automatic variable when provided in URL */\n sasjs_mdebug /* used to show extra info when _debug is enabled */\n ;\n\n%if &mpeinit=1 %then %return;\n%else %let mpeinit=1;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(Problem on service startup (&syswarningtext &syserrortext))\n)\n\n%mp_init()\n\n%if &fetch=YES %then %do;\n %webout(FETCH)\n%end;\n\n%global _CLIENTNAME;\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&_CLIENTNAME=SAS Enterprise Guide)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Data Controller is a web app and should not be executed from EG)\n)\n\noptions urlencoding=utf8 nobomfile lrecl=32767;\n\n%let perf=%sysfunc(datetime());\n%put perfdiff: 0;\n\n%let dc_locale=SYSTEM; /* default if not set */\n\n/**\n * E8601DT26.6 has widest database support - but not all SAS flavours can\n * handle it. Override in the settings STP if needed.\n */\ndata _null_;\n dc_dttmtfmt='\"%sysfunc(datetime(),'!!\"%mf_fmtdttm()\"!!')\"dt';\n call symputx('dc_dttmtfmt',dc_dttmtfmt);\n put dc_dttmtfmt=;\nrun;\n\n%put &=dc_dttmtfmt;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc prior to dc_getsettings)\n)\n\n%dc_getsettings()\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program\n ,msg=%str(syscc=&syscc after dc_getsettings)\n)\n\ndata _null_;\n set &DC_LIBREF..mpe_config(where=(\n var_scope=\"DC\"\n and &dc_dttmtfmt lt tx_to\n and var_active=1\n ));\n call symputx(var_name,var_value,'G');\n putlog var_name \"=\" var_value;\nrun;\n\n%let mpelib=&dc_libref;\n%let mpeadmins=&dc_admin_group;\n%let mpelocapprovals=&dc_staging_area;\n%let dc_repo_users=&dc_repo_users;\n\n%if &dc_locale ne SYSTEM %then %do;\n options locale=&dc_locale;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue= (&syscc ne 0)\n ,mac=&_program..sas\n ,msg=%str(Problem during compilation or with STP precode (&syswarningtext))\n)\n\n%if \"&_debug\"=\"2477\" or \"&_debug\"=\"fields,log,trace\" or \"&_debug\"=\"131\"\n%then %do;\n %let sasjs_mdebug=1;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeinit;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_mval(var);\n %if %symexist(&var) %then %do;\n %superq(&var)\n %end;\n%mend mf_mval;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_trimstr(basestr,trimstr);\n%local baselen trimlen trimval;\n\n/* return if basestr is shorter than trimstr (or 0) */\n%let baselen=%length(%superq(basestr));\n%let trimlen=%length(%superq(trimstr));\n%if &baselen < &trimlen or &baselen=0 %then %return;\n\n/* obtain the characters from the end of basestr */\n%let trimval=%qsubstr(%superq(basestr)\n ,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen+1\n ,&trimlen);\n\n/* compare and if matching, chop it off! */\n%if %superq(basestr)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %return;\n%end;\n%else %if %superq(trimval)=%superq(trimstr) %then %do;\n %qsubstr(%superq(basestr),1,%length(%superq(basestr))-&trimlen)\n%end;\n%else %do;\n &basestr\n%end;\n\n%mend mf_trimstr;\n\n\n%macro mf_getplatform(switch\n)/*/STORE SOURCE*/;\n%local a b c;\n%if &switch.NONE=NONE %then %do;\n %if %symexist(sasjsprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if &sasjsprocessmode=Stored Program %then %do;\n SASJS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %if %symexist(sysprocessmode) %then %do;\n %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Object Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"= \"SAS Compute Server\" %then %do;\n SASVIYA\n %end;\n %else %if \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Stored Process Server\"\n or \"&sysprocessmode\"=\"SAS Workspace Server\"\n %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %else %if %symexist(_metaport) or %symexist(_metauser) %then %do;\n SASMETA\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %do;\n BASESAS\n %return;\n %end;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=SASSTUDIO %then %do;\n /* return the version of SAS Studio else 0 */\n %if %mf_mval(_CLIENTAPP)=%str(SAS Studio) %then %do;\n %let a=%mf_mval(_CLIENTVERSION);\n %let b=%scan(&a,1,.);\n %if %eval(&b >2) %then %do;\n &b\n %end;\n %else 0;\n %end;\n %else 0;\n%end;\n%else %if &switch=VIYARESTAPI %then %do;\n %mf_trimstr(%sysfunc(getoption(servicesbaseurl)),/)\n%end;\n%mend mf_getplatform;\n\n\n\n\n%macro mpeterm();\n\n%local oldloc;\ndata _null_;\n if symexist('SYSPRINTTOLOG') then oldloc=symget('SYSPRINTTOLOG');\n else oldloc=getoption('LOG');\n if subpad(oldloc,1,1) not in ('\"',\"'\",' ') then oldloc=quote(cats(oldloc));\n call symputx('oldloc',oldloc,'l');\nrun;\n\n%if %length(&oldloc)>0 %then %do;\n proc printto log=log;\n run;\n data _null_;\n infile &oldloc;\n input; putlog _infile_;\n run;\n%end;\n%if %sysfunc(exist(&dc_libref..mpe_requests)) and %mf_getplatform() ne SASVIYA\nand &DC_REQUEST_LOGS ne NO\n%then %do;\n data ;\n if 0 then set &dc_libref..mpe_requests;\n request_dttm=%sysfunc(datetime());\n request_user=\"%mf_getuser()\";\n request_service=\"%scan(&_program,-2,/)/%scan(&_program,-1,/)\";\n request_params='';\n /* sleep random amount to avoid parallel update attempts */\n call sleep(ranuni(0)*0.1,1);\n output;stop;\n proc append base=&dc_libref..mpe_requests data=&syslast force nowarn;\n run;\n%end;\n\n%mend mpeterm;\n\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquefileref(prefix=_,maxtries=1000,lrecl=32767);\n %local rc fname;\n %if &prefix=0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %end;\n %else %do;\n %local x len;\n %let len=%eval(8-%length(&prefix));\n %let x=0;\n %do x=0 %to &maxtries;\n %let fname=&prefix%substr(%sysfunc(ranuni(0)),3,&len);\n %if %sysfunc(fileref(&fname)) > 0 %then %do;\n %let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fname,,temp,lrecl=&lrecl));\n %if &rc %then %put %sysfunc(sysmsg());\n &fname\n %return;\n %end;\n %end;\n %put unable to find available fileref after &maxtries attempts;\n %end;\n%mend mf_getuniquefileref;\n\n\n%macro mf_getuniquelibref(prefix=mclib,maxtries=1000);\n %local x;\n\n %if ( %length(&prefix) gt 7 ) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: The prefix parameter cannot exceed 7 characters.;\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n %else %if (%sysfunc(NVALID(&prefix,v7))=0) %then %do;\n %put %str(ERR)OR: Invalid prefix (&prefix);\n 0\n %return;\n %end;\n\n /* Set maxtries equal to '10 to the power of [# unused characters] - 1' */\n %let maxtries=%eval(10**(8-%length(&prefix))-1);\n\n %do x = 0 %to &maxtries;\n %if %sysfunc(libref(&prefix&x)) ne 0 %then %do;\n &prefix&x\n %return;\n %end;\n %let x = %eval(&x + 1);\n %end;\n\n %put %str(ERR)OR: No usable libref in range &prefix.0-&maxtries;\n %put %str(ERR)OR- Try reducing the prefix or deleting some libraries!;\n 0\n%mend mf_getuniquelibref;\n\n\n%macro mv_getgroupmembers(group\n ,access_token_var=ACCESS_TOKEN\n ,grant_type=sas_services\n ,outds=work.viyagroupmembers\n );\n%local oauth_bearer;\n%if &grant_type=detect %then %do;\n %if %symexist(&access_token_var) %then %let grant_type=authorization_code;\n %else %let grant_type=sas_services;\n%end;\n%if &grant_type=sas_services %then %do;\n %let oauth_bearer=oauth_bearer=sas_services;\n %let &access_token_var=;\n%end;\n\n%mp_abort(iftrue=(&grant_type ne authorization_code and &grant_type ne password\n and &grant_type ne sas_services\n )\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(Invalid value for grant_type: &grant_type)\n)\n\noptions noquotelenmax;\n\n%local base_uri; /* location of rest apis */\n%let base_uri=%mf_getplatform(VIYARESTAPI);\n\n/* fetching folder details for provided path */\n%local fname1;\n%let fname1=%mf_getuniquefileref();\nproc http method='GET' out=&fname1 &oauth_bearer\n url=\"&base_uri/identities/groups/&group/members?limit=10000\";\n headers\n %if &grant_type=authorization_code %then %do;\n \"Authorization\"=\"Bearer &&&access_token_var\"\n %end;\n \"Accept\"=\"application/json\";\nrun;\n/*data _null_;infile &fname1;input;putlog _infile_;run;*/\n%if &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE=404 %then %do;\n %put NOTE: Group &group not found!!;\n data &outds;\n length id name $43;\n call missing(of _all_);\n run;\n%end;\n%else %do;\n %mp_abort(iftrue=(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE ne 200)\n ,mac=&sysmacroname\n ,msg=%str(&SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_CODE &SYS_PROCHTTP_STATUS_PHRASE)\n )\n %let libref1=%mf_getuniquelibref();\n libname &libref1 JSON fileref=&fname1;\n data &outds;\n length id name $43;\n set &libref1..items;\n run;\n libname &libref1 clear;\n%end;\n\n/* clear refs */\nfilename &fname1 clear;\n\n%mend mv_getgroupmembers;\n\n\n%macro dc_getgroupmembers(group,outds=dc_getgroupmembers);\n %mv_getgroupmembers(%str(&group),outds=&outds)\n data &outds ;\n length membername $64;\n set &outds(rename=(name=MemberName));\n run;\n%mend dc_getgroupmembers;\n\n* SAS Macros end;\n* SAS Includes start;\n\n* SAS Includes end;\n* Binary Files start;\n\n* Binary Files end;\n\n \n* ServiceInit start;\n\n\noptions noquotelenmax ps=max;\n\ncas dcsession sessopts=(caslib=casuser);\ncaslib _all_ assign;\n\nlibname casuser cas caslib=casuser;\n\n\n/*caslib casmusic path='/opt/sas/viya/cascache/tracks' libref=casmusic ;*/\n\n%let syscc=0;\n\n%put _global_;\n* ServiceInit end;\n* Service start;\n/**\n @file usermembersbygroup.sas\n @brief List the members of a group\n\n

SAS Macros

\n @li mp_abort.sas\n @li mpeinit.sas\n @li dc_getgroupmembers.sas\n\n @version 9.3\n @author 4GL Apps Ltd\n @copyright 4GL Apps Ltd. This code may only be used within Data Controller\n and may not be re-distributed or re-sold without the express permission of\n 4GL Apps Ltd.\n**/\n%mpeinit()\n\ndata _null_;\n set iwant;\n call symputx('groupid',groupid);\nrun;\n\n%dc_getgroupmembers(%str(&groupid),outds=sasMembers)\n\nproc sort data=sasMembers;\n by membername;\nrun;\n\n%webout(OPEN)\n%webout(OBJ,sasMembers)\n%webout(CLOSE)\n\n* Service end;" } ] } ] } ] }