--- title: SAS Excellence in Innovation Award Finalist description: Data Controller for SAS® was one of four global finalists in the 2021 Excellence in Innovation partner award! date: '2021-05-22 09:00:00' author: 'Allan Bowe' authorLink: https://www.linkedin.com/in/allanbowe/ previewImg: './innovation.png' tags: - Innovation - Partners --- Data Controller for SAS® was a finalist in the 2021 "Excellence in Innovation" award! Each year, SAS recognises a partner that has demonstrated outstanding innovation by adding their own intellectual property to SAS software in order to uniquely solve a complex customer business problem. [Analytium](https://sasapps.io) is one of the "chosen four", from among over 1800 partners globally! ## Award Process There was a strict 15 minute virtual presentation, that began with a 3-4 minute "customer elevator pitch" to explain the customer value of the solution. The remaining time delved into the technical side of things, plus Q&A. There were around 12 SAS employees on the call, with a mix of backgrounds, and assessment was made across three dimensions: - Does the solution represent unique innovation? - Is the solution a valuable addition to SAS Software (ie, "fills a gap")? - Does the solution solve a customer need? For our part, we began the presentation with an animated video, that explored some of the pain points solved by Data Controller, such as: - Batch stability - End User Computing - Audit investigations On the innovation side, we talked about some of the following unique capabilities we have built to deliver customer value: - Ability to deploy without a web server (streaming app capability) - The DevOps framework, which we have open-sourced ([SASjs](https://sasjs.io)) - Cross SAS-Platform technology (Viya, SAS 9, and soon - desktop SAS also) As well as an overview of the list of features we have built, to extend the value of SAS Software: - SAS 9[ Data Lineage diagrams](https://docs.datacontroller.io/videos/#data-lineage) that can be exported as PNG, SVG or CSV - [Zero Code data capture](/5-zero-code-ways-to-import-excel-into-sas/) with data model protection - [Row Level Security](/row-level-security/) for any SAS-connected table - Browser based SAS 9 Metadata explorer - [Dynamic Cell Dropdowns](https://docs.datacontroller.io/dynamic-cell-dropdown/) - Automated [EUC capture](/euc-management-system/) - [Excel Formula capture](https://docs.datacontroller.io/excel/) - [Bitemporal](/bitemporal-historisation-and-the-sas-dds/) Uploads ## Data Controller for SAS® and Microsoft We are now putting the badges to good use in our upcoming LinkedIn campaign!  [Analytium](https://sasapps.io) are both SAS and Microsoft partners, and Data Controller for SAS® is listed on the [Azure Marketplace](https://azuremarketplace.microsoft.com/en-us/marketplace/apps/analytiumltd1582389146376.datacontrollerforsas?tab=Overview). These are the ads we will be running: ![](./capture_euc_sasaward_ms.png) ![](./lineage_sasaward_ms.png) ![](./model_sasaward_ms.png) Data Controller Community Edition is free to use.  If you'd like to give it a whirl, just [pop us a message](/contact)!